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Signals and Systems
Chapter 5

Prof.Dr. Muhittin Gökmen

Dept Of Computer Eng
Dept. Eng.

Course Outline (Tentative)

 Fundamental Concepts of Signals and Systems
 Signals
 Systems
 Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems
 Convolution integral and sum
 Properties of LTI Systems …
 Fourier Series
 Response to complex exponentials
 Harmonically related complex exponentials …
 Fourier Integral
 Fourier Transform & Properties …
 Modulation (An application example)
 Discrete-Time Frequency Domain Methods
 DT Fourier Series
 DT Fourier Transform
 Sampling Theorem
 Laplace Transform
 Z Transform
2011 TEL252E Signals and Systems 2


Chapter V
Discrete-Time Frequency
q y Domain Methods

Fourier Series Representation

of DT Periodic Signals
Let x[n] = zn be the input to DT system with h[n] (z is a complex number)

y[n]]   h[k]z
 y[ [ ] nk  zn  h[k]
[ ] z k  znH(z) ( )   h[k]z
( ) , where H(z) [ ] k
k k k

 Response of LTI, DT system to z is of the same type
 zn : eigenfunction of LTI DT system
 H(z) : eigenvalue of LTI DT system

If the input can be represented as x[n]  a kz nk ,


then the output is y[n]   ak H(zk )z n


2011 TEL252E Signals and Systems 4


Fourier Series Representation

of DT Periodic Signals
φk [n]  e jkΩo n  e jk( 2π/N)n , k  0 ,  1,  2 ,
are periodic with N and have fundamental frequencies that are multiples
of 2 / N (harmonically related).

 There are only N distinct signals in φ k [n]

φ k [n]  φ k  r N [n]
as DT comp. exp. which differ in freq. by a multiple of 2 / N are identical.

2011 TEL252E Signals and Systems 5

Fourier Series Representation

of DT Periodic Signals

 2π 
jk   n
F z nk  φ k [n]  x[n]   a k φ k [n]   a k e
For  N

k k

As φ k [n] is distinct only over N successive values of k:

 2π 
jk   n
x[n]   a k φ k [n] 
k  N 
 a ke
k  N 
 N
:DT Fourier Series

• k could take values k=0, 1, ..., N-1 or k=3, 4, ..., N+2

2011 TEL252E Signals and Systems 6


Fourier Series Representation

of DT Periodic Signals
Assume x[n] is periodic with N, how to find ak?

Similar to CT case,, we use the relation:

 2π 
jk  n N, k  0,N,2N,
e  N 
n N 0, o/w

(Sum over one period of the values of a periodic complex exponential is

zero unless the comp. exp. is a constant)

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Fourier Series Representation

of DT Periodic Signals
 2π 
- jr  n
Multiply both sides of DTFS by e  N 
and sum over N terms:
 2π   2π   2π 
 jr   n j(k  r)   n j(k  r)   n
 x[n]e
[ ]
n  N 
 N
  a e
n  N  k  N 
 N
 
k  N 
ak e
n  N 
 N

N , k  r

0, k  r
 2π 
 jr  n
  x[n]e
n  N 
 N
 arN

 2π 
1  jr   n
 ar   x[n]e  N 
N n  N 

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Fourier Series Representation

of DT Periodic Signals

 2π 
jk   n
a e
 x[n]  k
 N
k  N 
DTFS Pairs
 2π 
1  jk   n
ak   x[n]e
N n  N 
 N

S t l

• No convergence issue!
• Note that ak = ak+N : DTFS coefficients are PERIODIC

2011 TEL252E Signals and Systems

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