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SECTION - I (Total Marks : 20)
This Section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
x2  x 1
41. This range of is
x2  x  1
1  1   1
a)  , 3 b)  ,1 c) [1, 3] d)  ,   [3, )
3  3   3
2 1/4
 x ( x  2) 
42. The domain of the function f ( x )  9  27 3
 219  32( x1) 
 

5 
a) [-3,3] b) [3,  ) c)  ,   d) [0,1]
2 
43. Minimum value of function f ( x )  x 3  x3  1 x 3  2  x 3  3  : x  R , is
a) -25 b) -1 c) 1 d) none
44. If f(0) = 0 and that ‘ f ‘ is differentiable at x = 0, and ‘k’ is a positive integer. Then

a) K.f1 (0) b) c) d) does not exist


a) 0 b)  c) n d) 1/n
4  3xn
46. Let x1 = 1 and exists finitely , then the limits is equal to xn 1  3  2 x for n  1.If lim
x 

exists finitely , then the limit is equal to

a) 2 b) 1 c) 2 d) 2 1

47. A function f(x) is defined by ,

a) continuous at x = -1 b) Discontinuous at x = 1
c) Differentiable at x = 1 d) None of these
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48. If f(x) = sgn (x) and g(x) = x(1-x ) then (fog)(x) is discontinuous at
a) exactly one point b) exactly two points c) exactly three points d) no pint
49. If f(x) is a polynomial satisfying the relation f(x) + f(2x) = 5x2 - 18 then f1 (1) is equal to
a) 1 b) 3
c) cannot be found since degree of f(x) is not given d) 2
50. If both f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions at x = x0, then the function defined as
h(x) = maximum {f(x), g(x)} :
a) is always differentiable at x = x0 b) is never differentiable at x = x0
c) is differentiable at x = x0 provided f(x0)  g ( x0 )
d) cannot be differentiable at x = x0 if f(x0)  g ( x0 )

SECTION - II (Total Marls : 20)

This Section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE are correct..
51.If p(x) is a polynomial such that P( x 2  1)  { p ( x)}2  1 and P{0} = 0 then

a) P(x) = x b) p'(0) =1 c) p'(1) =1 d) p'(1) =0

52. Consider the function y = f(x) = 1  1  x 2 . Then the true statements among the following is/
a) f is continuous in its domain b) f is differentiable in (-1, 1)

1 1 3 sin
c) Rf '(0)  and Lf '(0)  d) If  <  then f '(sin  )  2
2 2 2 2 cos 
53. If f (x) = 2 + |sin-1 x | , it is :
a) continuous no where b) continuous everywhere in its domain
c) differentiable no where in its domain d) not differentiable at x = 0
54. f ( x )  cos  (| x | [ x ]) , then f is (where [.] denotes greatest integer function)
a) continuous at x = 1/2 b) continuous at x = 0
c) differentiable in (-1,0) d) differentiable in (0,1)

[ x]  1  5 1 
55. f ( x)  for f :  0,    ,3 , where [.] represents greatest integer fucntion and { . }
{x}  1  2 2 
represents fractional part of x, then which of the following is true.
a) f(x) is injective discontinuous function b) f(x) is surjective non differentiable function

c) min min 
x 1 x 1

f ( x), lim f ( x )  f (1) d) max(x values of point of disconutinuity) = f(1)

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SECTION-III (Total Marks : 20)

This Section contains 5 questions. This answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTE-
GER, ranging from 0 to 9 (Both inclusive).
x(1  a cos x)  b sin x
56. If the function f define by f ( x)  if x  0 and f(0) =1 is continuous at x =
then 2a - 8b
 x  y  f ( x)  f ( y )
57. If f   for all x, y  R, f 1 (0) exists and equal to -1 and F(0) = 1 then
 2  2
5- f (2) =
58. The number of points lying in {( x, y )/ | x | 10 | y | 3} on the curve y2 = x - sinx, which the
tangents to the curve are parallel to x- axis, is\are
59. The curve y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + 5, touches the x- axis at P(-2,0) and cuts the y- axis at a point Q,
whereits gradient is 3, then find the value of 4b -2a + c
60. If {x},[x] are fractional part function and greatest integer functions of x respectively then for
e{ x}  {x}  1
Lt 
any real number a, the value of x  is e - K  K = ----
[a] {x}2

41) a 42) c 43) b 44) b

45) c 46) a 47) b 48) c

49) d 50) c 51) a,b,c 52) a,c,d

53) b,d 54) a,c,d 55) a,b,d 56) 7

57) 6 58) 2 59) 1 60) 2

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