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ACHA question 6

1) Battle Creek Sanitarium

It was the first denominational hospital. It was opened in 1866 as the

Western Health Reform Institute in Battle Creek , Michigan. It was
renamed to Battle Creek Sanitarium in 1876 by Dr John Harvey Kellogg.
The first school of nursing was opened by Kate Lindsay in 1883. It was
paid for by personal pledges of James White and Dr Kellog , each paid $
500. In 1902, a fire destroyed the main building but it was rebuilt in
1903. In 1907, a John Kellogg left the church and managed to walk
away with the whole Sanitarium

2. The Dime Tabernacle

It was a church owned by the sda church . It was the 4th to be built in
Battle Creek , Michigan. James White encouraged people to pay a dime
each month for a period of a year. A number of general conferences
were held in this church including the 1901 GC session. It could
accommodate about 4000 people . Both James and Ellen White funerals
were conducted in that church. It burned down in 1922 3 January.

3. The 1888 General Conference

It was held in 1888 Minneapolis, Minnesota. There were two groups (1)
Alonso T.Jones and Ellet J.Waggoner, new theologians vs Uriah Smith
and George l Butler old theologians .

AT Jones gave a correct interpretation of the ten horns in Daniel 7

He said that one of the 10 horns was the Alamani and not the Huns as
Uriah Smith had suggested.

EJ Waggoner said that the law in Galatians 3v25 was the moral law and
no the ceremonial law as previously believed by seventh- day Adventists

Issues discussed

1. Righteousness by faith which was introduced by AT Jones and EJ

Waggoner . Ellen White should no resentment on both sides but chose
to support AT Jones and EJ Waggoner knowing that the people needed
the righteousness of Christ more than the unChristian spirit displayed
by Uriah Smith and his supporters. The lives of those present were
electrified by the truths and they reflected the character of Christ

2.Some delegates thought that the law was nailed on the cross
3. Some people held Arian views of Christ and did not believe in the

4. 21 May 1863

Before this date , there was no church organization. Most people were
opposed to church organization. They thought that any manner of
organization would lead the church back to Babylon. George Storrs and
RF Cottrell were prominent in opposing church organization

Things that necessitated for church organization

1. Increased number of members

2. Unity
3. Agreement in doctrine

James White, John Nervins Andrews and Hirum Edson were prominent
in advocating for church organization.

20 delegates representing the then 7 conferences met and chose John

Buyington to be the first denominational General Conference President
of sda church.

James White was chosen first but he refused because he was the one
who encouraged people to work towards church organization. He was
later chosen after John Buyington and he served for 3 terms making a
total of 10 years.

President : John Buyington

Secretary: Uriah Smith
Treasurer: ES Walker
Membership: about 3555
Ministers: 22 ordained and 8 licensed
Churches : 125

5. Millerite movement

It was an interdenominational movement which was named after its

prominent speaker , William Miller. He was born on 15 Feb 1782 in
Pittsfield, Massachussetts, USA. He was the first born in a family of 16.
He was a Baptist and a farmer . He died on 20 Dec 1849 aged 67. His
participation in war in 1812 against Britain changed his life since he
narrowly escaped from the war.

He studies Daniel 8v14 which says that " unto 2300 days then shall the
sanctuary be cleansed" He concluded that Christ was going to come at
the end of 2300 years between 1843 and 1844. He aimed setting a
specific date it only a time frame. But his followers urged him to come
up with a specific date.

About 100 000 people including Ellen Gould Harmony( later Ellen
G.White) joined the movement.
JoshuaV.Himes was the chief promoter of the Millerite movement. He
public a paper called Signs of the Time and the Midnight Cry

Expected dates of Christ's coming according to the Millerites

21 March 1843
21 March 1844
18 April 1844
22 October 1844

When Christ did not appear on 22 October 1844, a lot of people were
greatly disappointed and any lost their faith. A small group of about 50
people under the name Sabbatarian ( later called Seveth- day
Adventists) , remained faithful and continued to search for the truth

William Miller himself never lost his faith. The last 5yesrs of his life , he
became blind.

Groups that were formed after the Great Disappointment

1. Sabbatarians ( later Seventh- day Adventists)

2. The Albany group led by Joshua V.Himes

3. They Spiritualizers ( they spiritualized everything )

4.Seventh-day Baptist ( Rachel Oakes was prominent )

5. Evangelical Adventists ( they continued setting new dates, believing in

consciousness in death and an eternal burning hell)

6.Advent Christians ( they believed in the unconsciousness state of the

dead but continued to observe sunday)

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