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The Black Warrens of Chaos 01

Level 1
General Walls Reinforced Masonry (Athletics DC 15 to climb)
Floor Uneven Flagstone (Acrobatics DC 10 to charge or
Temperature Average

Illumination Bright (lamps or torches every 40 ft.)

Corridor Features a A narrow shaft descends from the corridor into a

plundered tomb below

c Burning torches in iron sconces line the corridor

e Withered corpses are nailed to the corridor walls
i Several square holes are cut into the walls here
m The walls here have been engraved with incoherent
n Part of the ceiling has collapsed into the corridor

r Fire Blaster (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery DC

15 to disable, Single-shot, Close blast 4, Attack +4
vs. Reflex, Damage 3d6+3 fire, 25 xp)
s Thunder Blaster (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Close blast 7, Attack
+4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 thunder and the
target is dazed until the end of its next turn, 25 xp)
u A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in an alcove
v The scent of urine fills the corridor
w Thunder Blaster (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Close blast 10, Attack
+4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 thunder and the
target is dazed until the end of its next turn, 25 xp)
x A 10-foot wide chasm cuts across the corridor
z A fountain of water sits in an alcove here

Wandering Monsters 1 5 x Xivort Net Caster (mm3 209, 100 xp), gathered
around an evil shrine
2 4 x Dire Rat (mm 219, 100 xp) and 4 x Giant Rat
(mm 219, 25 xp), hunting for food

3 5 x Fell Taint Lasher (mm2 104, 100 xp), consumed

by disease and madness
4 3 x Dire Rat (mm 219, 100 xp) and 4 x Giant Rat
(mm 219, 25 xp), searching for an object stolen from
their lair
5 4 x Kobold Slinger (mm 168, 100 xp) and 6 x Kobold
Minion (mm 167, 25 xp), bloodied and fleeing a more
powerful enemy

6 6 x Xivort Slasher (mm3 208, 100 xp), searching for

an object stolen from their lair
Room #1 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to
break, 40 hp)
→ Leads to room #6
East Entry Stuck Iron Door (Strength DC 28 to break, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by 7 x Kobold
South Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery
DC 15 to unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 2d10+3 lightning,
25 xp)
→ Leads to room #3
Trap Spinning Blades (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Init +2, Close burst 1, Attack +6
vs. AC, Damage 1d10+3, 100 xp)

Room #2 North Entry Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Unlocked Simple

Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a troll
archer, and opened by pulling an arrow in its quiver
→ Leads to room #5
West Entry Stuck Iron Door (Strength DC 28 to break, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #1
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)
(stuck, +2 to open DC)
→ Leads to room #7

South Entry Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength

DC 15 to break, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Poison Needle (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 2d10+3 poison, 25
→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 3 x Goblin
Room Features Stone columns (provides cover), Vortex of necrotic
energy (deals 1d10+3 necrotic damage)
Monster 7 x Kobold Slinger (mm 168, 100 xp)

Treasure: None
Room #3 North Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery
DC 15 to unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 2d10+3 lightning,
25 xp)
→ Leads to room #1

West Entry Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)

(stuck, +2 to open DC)
→ Leads to room #6

East Entry Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength

DC 12 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 2d10+3 lightning,
25 xp)
→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 3 x Goblin

South Entry Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)

(magically reinforced, +5 to open DC)
→ Leads to room #8


Room #4 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength
DC 15 to break, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Poison Needle (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 2d10+3 poison, 25
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by 7 x Kobold

West Entry Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength

DC 12 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 2d10+3 lightning,
25 xp)
→ Leads to room #3
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #8
Room Features Lightning mist (moving more than 2 squares per
round deals 1d6+3 lightning damage), A balcony
hangs from the north wall
Monster 3 x Goblin Blackblade (mm 136, 100 xp)

Treasure: 420 gp, 2072 sp, 1722 cp; 2 x Uncut Blue

Quartz (34 gp each), Uncut Lapis Lazuli (42 gp
each), 2 x Uncut Moss Agate (38 gp each); Common
Art Object; +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360 gp)
Leather Armor (phb 214), +1 Magic Weapon (phb
235, 360 gp) Spiked Gauntlet (av 9); hoard total
1550 gp 4 sp 2 cp
Room #5 North Entry Locked Stone Door (Thievery DC 20 to unlock,
Strength DC 25 to break, 40 hp)
West Entry Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Stuck Simple
Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a dread
vampire, and opened by filling his chalice with blood

East Entry Secret (Perception DC 30 to find) Stuck Iron Door

(Strength DC 28 to break, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within the mouth of a
demonic face carved from stone
South Entry Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Unlocked Simple
Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a troll
archer, and opened by pulling an arrow in its quiver
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by 7 x Kobold
Room Features An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the east
side of the room, and someone has scrawled "The
Arrows of Fringrisetr killed fourteen orcs here" on the
west wall

Hidden Treasure Hidden (Perception DC 15 to find) Unlocked Simple

Wooden Chest (Strength DC 10 to break, 20 hp)

1152 sp, 192 cp; 2 x Small Azurite (39 gp each),

Uncut Freshwater Pearl (44 gp each); Common Art
Object; hoard total 239 gp 1 sp 2 cp

Room #6 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #55
East Entry #1 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to
break, 40 hp)
→ Leads to room #1
East Entry #2 Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)
(stuck, +2 to open DC)
→ Leads to room #3

South Entry Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Locked Simple

Wooden Door (Thievery DC 15 to unlock, Strength
DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within the mouth of a
gargantuan skull carved from stone

Trap Symbol of Insanity (Perception DC 15 to find,

Thievery DC 15 to disable, Init +2, Close burst 4,
Attack +4 vs. Will, Damage 1d6+3 psychic, 100 xp)
Room #7 West Entry Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)
(stuck, +2 to open DC)
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by 7 x Kobold

East Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,

30 hp)

East Entry #2 Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)

→ Leads to room #48, inhabited by 4 x Kobold
Slinger and 5 x Kobold Minion

Room Features An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the

north-west corner of the room, and a ruined chain
shirt lies in the north-east corner of the room

Room #8 North Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)

(magically reinforced, +5 to open DC)
→ Leads to room #3

North Entry #2 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,

30 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 3 x Goblin
South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to
break, 40 hp)
Room Features A carved stone statue stands in the north-west
corner of the room, and someone has scrawled an
incomplete drawing of a dragon on the west wall

Room #9 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to

break, 40 hp)
→ Leads to room #18, inhabited by 2 x Dire Rat and
7 x Giant Rat
East Entry #1 Secret (Perception DC 30 to find) Unlocked Simple
Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a
fearsome dragon, and opened by reaching into its
East Entry #2 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
→ Leads to room #41, inhabited by 7 x Rat Swarm

South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to

break, 40 hp)
Room Features Clouds of smoke (provides concealment), Columns
of fire (deals 1d10+3 fire damage)
Trap Spinning Blades (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Init +2, Close burst 1, Attack +6
vs. AC, Damage 1d10+3, 100 xp)
Room #10 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #16
East Entry #1 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #58
East Entry #2 Archway
South Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 30 hp)


Room #11 West Entry Secret (Perception DC 30 to find) Unlocked Good

Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to break, 30 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a
terrified maiden, and opened by breaking her neck
East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 20 to
unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
South Entry #1 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 30 to
unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp) (slides
down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #56

South Entry #2 Stuck Stone Door (Strength DC 22 to break, 40 hp)

Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and
several broken arrows are scattered throughout the

Room #12 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
→ Leads to room #17
Room Features Explosive fumes (explosion deals 3d8+3 fire
damage), Partition walls (Strength DC 15 to break)

Trap 3 x Teleporter Crystal (Perception DC 15 to find,

Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Will, the target is teleported 12
squares, 25 xp)
Room #13 North Entry Unlocked Stone Door (Strength DC 20 to break, 40

West Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #33, inhabited by 4 x Kobold
Slinger and 6 x Kobold Minion
West Entry #2 Archway
East Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 30 hp)

East Entry #2 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 10 to

unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
→ Leads to room #27

Room Features A stone stair ascends towards the north wall, and
the floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white
and black
Trap 7 x Guillotine Blade (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1
creature, Attack +4 vs. Reflex, Damage 2d10+3, 25

Room #14 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery DC 15 to

unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Monster 5 x Goblin Warrior (mm 137, 100 xp) and 5 x Goblin
Cutter (mm 136, 25 xp)

Treasure: 127 gp, 626 sp, 448 cp; 3 x Small Lapis

Lazuli (40 gp each), 2 x Uncut Freshwater Pearl (46
gp each), 2 x Uncut Malachite (33 gp each); 2 x
Common Art Object; +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360
gp) Plate Armor (phb 214), +1 Magic Weapon (phb
235, 360 gp) Hand Crossbow (phb 219); hoard total
1192 gp 8 cp
Trap 6 x Guillotine Blade (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1
creature, Attack +4 vs. Reflex, Damage 2d10+3, 25

Room #15 East Entry Secret (Perception DC 20 to find) Stuck Iron Door
(Strength DC 28 to break, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located above a small stone dais
and concealed behind an area of mould
→ Leads to room #57, inhabited by 7 x Dire Rat

South Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery

DC 30 to unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
Ⓣ Concealed Pit (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Reflex, Damage 2d10+3 falling, 25 xp)
→ Leads to room #30

Monster 4 x Goblin Blackblade (mm 136, 100 xp)

Treasure: 144 sp; 2 x Uncut Lapis Lazuli (44 gp

each); 3 x Common Art Object; Belt of Resilience (av
164, 360 gp), 8 x Clearsense Powder (av 26, 20 gp),
Restful Bedroll (av 176, 360 gp); hoard total 982 gp
4 sp
Room #16 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (Strength DC 20
to break, 40 hp)
Ⓣ Arrow Trap (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1 creature
within 10 squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage
2d10+3, 25 xp)
→ Leads to room #53, inhabited by 5 x Goblin
Warrior and 4 x Goblin Cutter
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #10
Room Features Clouds of smoke (provides concealment), Several
candles are scattered throughout the room

Room #17 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery DC 20 to

unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
→ Leads to room #12
Room Features Shadowfell gloom (non-magical light sources provide
only dim light), A putrid odor fills the room
Trap 7 x Spinning Floortile (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Reflex, the target is knocked prone, 25

Room #18 West Entry Secret (Perception DC 20 to find) Stuck Simple

Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor
and concealed behind a pile of broken stone
South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to
break, 40 hp)
→ Leads to room #9
Room Features Zone of reversed gravity, Clouds of poison gas
(provides concealment, deals 1d6+3 poison

Monster 2 x Dire Rat (mm 219, 100 xp) and 7 x Giant Rat
(mm 219, 25 xp)

Treasure: 216 gp, 1046 sp, 730 cp; 2 x Uncut

Freshwater Pearl (30 gp each), 3 x Uncut Obsidian
(36 gp each); 3 x Common Art Object; +1 Distance
Weapon (av 68, 360 gp) Sling (phb 219), +1 Magic
Orb (phb 238, 360 gp), 9 x Clearsense Powder (av
26, 20 gp), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (mme 96,
20 gp); hoard total 1415 gp 9 sp
Room #19 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
→ Leads to room #26
South Entry Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Unlocked Simple
Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a
demonic sorceress, and opened by moving her hand

Room Features Lightning generator (deals 1d10+3 lightning

damage), Intermittent obstructions (provides cover)
Trap 6 x Iceshard Blaster (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Close blast
1, Attack +4 vs. Reflex, Damage 3d6+3 cold, 25 xp)

Room #20 North Entry Locked Iron Door (Thievery DC 10 to unlock,

Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #39
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
Trap 8 x Spinning Floortile (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Reflex, the target is knocked prone, 25

Room #21 North Entry Locked Iron Door (Thievery DC 20 to unlock,

Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #34
South Entry Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #44, inhabited by 4 x Goblin
Blackblade and 2 x Goblin Cutter


Room #22 North Entry #1 Secret (Perception DC 30 to find) Locked Strong

Wooden Door (Thievery DC 15 to unlock, Strength
DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a mosaic of
geometric patterns
North Entry #2 Archway
→ Leads to room #50
West Entry Secret (Perception DC 30 to find) Stuck Stone Door
(Strength DC 22 to break, 40 hp)
Ⓢ A stone column and section of wall pivots open
when a command word is spoken
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)

Room Features Clouds of poison gas (provides concealment, deals

1d6+3 poison damage), A pile of iron spikes lies in
the west side of the room
Monster 6 x Stirge (mm 248, 100 xp)

Treasure: 3 x Common Art Object; 6 x Arcane Ritual

Scroll (Glib Limerick (phb2 215, 50 gp)), 2 x Divine
Ritual Scroll (Gentle Repose (phb 305, 50 gp));
hoard total 400 gp
Room #23 North Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #28
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door
(Strength DC 12 to break, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Poison Gas Cloud (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst
4, Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 poison, 25
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #55
Monster 4 x Fell Taint Pulsar (mm2 104, 100 xp)

Treasure: 84 gp, 18 sp; 2 x Uncut Moss Agate (36 gp

each); +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360 gp) Plate
Armor (phb 214), +1 Magic Weapon (phb 235, 360
gp) Quarterstaff (phb 218); hoard total 877 gp 8 sp
Trap Deafening Blaster (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Init +2, Close blast 1,
Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 1d6+3 thunder and
the target is deafened (save ends), 100 xp)

Room #24 East Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)

East Entry #2 Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)

South Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
South Entry #2 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to
break, 40 hp)

Room Features Vortex of necrotic energy (deals 1d10+3 necrotic

damage), A tile mosaic of arcane patterns covers the

Room #25 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
Room Features Shadowfell gloom (non-magical light sources provide
only dim light), Sloped floor (add 1 square to any
movement towards the north side of the room)

Room #26 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)

South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,

30 hp)
→ Leads to room #19

Room #27 West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 10 to
unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
→ Leads to room #13

South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,

30 hp)
Trap 6 x Chain Flail (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst 1, Attack
+6 vs. AC, Damage 3d6+3 and the target is knocked
prone, 25 xp)

Room #28 West Entry Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Locked Good

Wooden Door (Thievery DC 20 to unlock, Strength
DC 18 to break, 30 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within the mouth of a
gargantuan skull carved from stone
East Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Thievery DC 15 to
unlock, Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Poison Gas Cloud (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst
4, Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 poison, 25

South Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #23, inhabited by 4 x Fell Taint

Room #29 South Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Thievery DC 20 to
unlock, Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Death (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst
3, Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 necrotic,
25 xp)
Trap Hail of Needles (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 10 to disable, Init +2, Close burst 2, Attack +6
vs. AC, Damage 1d6+3, 100 xp)
Room #30 North Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery
DC 30 to unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
Ⓣ Concealed Pit (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Reflex, Damage 2d10+3 falling, 25 xp)
→ Leads to room #15, inhabited by 4 x Goblin

East Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery

DC 20 to unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Will, the target is teleported 10
squares, 25 xp)
→ Leads to room #40, inhabited by 8 x Fell Taint
South Entry #1 Locked Good Wooden Door (Thievery DC 30 to
unlock, Strength DC 18 to break, 30 hp)
South Entry #2 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to
break, 40 hp)
Room Features Shattered statue (provides cover), Various torture
devices are scattered throughout the room

Room #31 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #36, inhabited by 4 x Fire Beetle
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #54
Monster 3 x Kobold Skirmisher (mm 167, 100 xp)

Treasure: 216 sp; +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360 gp)

Plate Armor (phb 214), Belt of Resilience (av 164,
360 gp), 4 x Martial Practice (Tracker's Eye (mp2
152, 50 gp)); hoard total 941 gp 6 sp

Room #32 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to

break, 40 hp)
West Entry Locked Stone Door (Thievery DC 20 to unlock,
Strength DC 25 to break, 40 hp)
Monster 5 x Xivort Slasher (mm3 208, 100 xp)

Treasure: None
Room #33 North Entry Secret (Perception DC 30 to find) Stuck Iron Door
(Strength DC 28 to break, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of Death,
and opened by placing a coin in his open hand
West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (Strength DC 25 to
break, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Death (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst
9, Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 necrotic,
25 xp)
→ Leads to room #48, inhabited by 4 x Kobold
Slinger and 5 x Kobold Minion
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #13

South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to

break, 20 hp)
Monster 4 x Kobold Slinger (mm 168, 100 xp) and 6 x Kobold
Minion (mm 167, 25 xp)

Treasure: 114 gp, 72 sp, 54 cp; Uncut Malachite (44

gp each); hoard total 165 gp 7 sp 4 cp

Room #34 South Entry #1 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 20 to

unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
South Entry #2 Locked Iron Door (Thievery DC 20 to unlock,
Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #21

Room Features Font of blood (-2 to saving throws vs. ongoing

damage), An acrid odor fills the north-east corner of
the room

Room #35 North Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery
DC 30 to unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Arrow Trap (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1 creature
within 10 squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage
2d10+3, 25 xp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
Room Features Lightning mist (moving more than 2 squares per
round deals 1d6+3 lightning damage), A stone dais
sits in the west side of the room
Room #36 East Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)
East Entry #2 Archway
→ Leads to room #31, inhabited by 3 x Kobold
Monster 4 x Fire Beetle (mm 30, 100 xp)

Treasure: 78 gp, 84 sp, 18 cp; Small Azurite (31 gp

each); 3 x Common Art Object; +1 Magic Holy
Symbol (phb 236, 360 gp), 8 x Clearwater Solution
(av 27, 20 gp), Headband of Perception (av 142, 360
gp), 10 x Primal Ritual Scroll (Create Campsite
(phb2 214, 50 gp)); hoard total 1497 gp 5 sp 8 cp
Trap 6 x Rune of Death (Perception DC 15 to find,
Thievery DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst
8, Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 necrotic,
25 xp)

Room #37 North Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
North Entry #2 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 30 hp)
Room Features Spirals of green stones cover the floor, and
someone has scrawled "They ate Thuda" in
dwarvish runes on the south wall
Monster 2 x Goblin Warrior (mm 137, 100 xp) and 5 x Goblin
Cutter (mm 136, 25 xp)

Treasure: 18 gp, 42 sp; Uncut Banded Agate (40 gp

each), 3 x Uncut Banded Agate (42 gp each), Uncut
Blue Quartz (45 gp each), 2 x Uncut Moss Agate (38
gp each); 2 x Common Art Object; +1 Challenge-
Seeking Weapon (av2 17, 360 gp) Greataxe (phb
218), 7 x Arcane Ritual Scroll (Glib Limerick (phb2
215, 50 gp)), Primal Ritual Book (Create Campsite
(phb2 214, 50 gp), Dowsing Rod (pri 157, 50 gp),
Purify Water (ap 158, 50 gp), Traveler's Camouflage
(pri 159, 50 gp)) (total 200 gp); hoard total 1219 gp 2

Room #38 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)

Room Features Someone has scrawled "It's a trap" in draconic script

on the west wall, and a broken wooden chest lies in
the south side of the room
Trap Black Tentacles (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Init +2, Target 1 creature within 10
squares, Attack +4 vs. Reflex, the target is
restrained (Acrobatics or Athletics DC 10 to escape),
100 xp)
Room #39 East Entry Archway
South Entry Locked Iron Door (Thievery DC 10 to unlock,
Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #20

Room #40 West Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery
DC 20 to unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Will, the target is teleported 10
squares, 25 xp)
→ Leads to room #30

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
Room Features A cube of solid stone stands in the north-west corner
of the room, and the ceiling is covered with scorch

Monster 8 x Fell Taint Lasher (mm2 104, 100 xp)

Treasure: 119 gp, 640 sp, 1088 cp; Small Turquoise

(38 gp each), 3 x Uncut Azurite (30 gp each), Uncut
Banded Agate (41 gp each); Common Art Object; 9 x
Divine Ritual Scroll (Gentle Repose (phb 305, 50
gp)), Mountebank's Deck (mme 87, 360 gp), Restful
Bedroll (av 176, 360 gp); hoard total 1532 gp 8 sp 8

Trap Symbol of Insanity (Perception DC 10 to find,

Thievery DC 15 to disable, Init +2, Close burst 1,
Attack +4 vs. Will, Damage 1d6+3 psychic, 100 xp)

Room #41 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
→ Leads to room #9
Room Features Burning torches in iron sconces line the north and
south walls, and someone has scrawled "Turn rod to
reset trap" in orcish runes on the east wall
Monster 7 x Rat Swarm (mm 219, 125 xp)

Treasure: 77 gp, 1152 sp, 576 cp; 3 x Uncut Lapis

Lazuli (29 gp each); Common Art Object; +1 Magic
Armor (phb 230, 360 gp) Leather Armor (phb 214), 7
x Holy Water (mme 132, 20 gp), 4 x Potion of Cure
Light Wounds (mme 96, 20 gp); hoard total 864 gp 9
sp 6 cp
Room #42 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
Room Features A set of demonic war masks hangs on the south
wall, and the sound of footsteps can be faintly heard
near the east wall
Monster 8 x Stirge (mm 248, 100 xp)

Treasure: None
Trap 5 x Arrow Trap (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1 creature
within 10 squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage
2d10+3, 25 xp)

Room #43 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to

break, 20 hp)
East Entry Locked Stone Door (Thievery DC 15 to unlock,
Strength DC 25 to break, 40 hp)
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #59, inhabited by 4 x Goblin
Warrior and 5 x Goblin Cutter
Room Features The room has a high domed ceiling, and several
pieces of rotten bread are scattered throughout the

Room #44 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)

→ Leads to room #21
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (Strength DC 20
to break, 40 hp)
Ⓣ Arrow Trap (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1 creature
within 10 squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage
2d10+3, 25 xp)
Room Features Ladder to suspended walkway, Vortex of necrotic
energy (deals 1d10+3 necrotic damage)
Monster 4 x Goblin Blackblade (mm 136, 100 xp) and 2 x
Goblin Cutter (mm 136, 25 xp)

Treasure: None
Room #45 West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 30 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
Room Features Wall of flame (provides concealment, deals 1d6+3
fire damage), Pool of acid (difficult terrain, deals
1d10+3 acid damage)
Monster 3 x Xivort Slasher (mm3 208, 100 xp)

Treasure: 128 sp, 320 cp; Small Banded Agate (41

gp each), 2 x Small Eye Agate (36 gp each); 2 x
Common Art Object; 5 x Clearsense Powder (av 26,
20 gp); hoard total 229 gp
Trap Bolter Turret (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery DC
10 to disable, Init +2, Target 1 creature within 10
squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage 1d10+3, 100 xp)

Room #46 South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to

break, 20 hp)
Room Features Scaffolding (Acrobatics or Athletics DC 10 to climb),
Grasping tendrils (Strength DC 5 to move more than
2 squares)

Room #47 East Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #51
East Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled a large X on the south wall,
and the floor is covered with humanoid bones
Trap 5 x Falling Net (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst 1, Attack
+4 vs. Reflex, the target is restrained (Acrobatics or
Athletics DC 10 to escape), 25 xp)
Room #48 West Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (Strength DC 15 to open, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #7
West Entry #2 Archway
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (Strength DC 25 to
break, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Death (Perception DC 10 to find,
Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Close burst
9, Attack +4 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d6+3 necrotic,
25 xp)
→ Leads to room #33, inhabited by 4 x Kobold
Slinger and 6 x Kobold Minion
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)

Room Features Blood-soaked altar (attacks score a critical hit on a

natural 19 or 20), Shattered statue (provides cover)
Monster 4 x Kobold Slinger (mm 168, 100 xp) and 5 x Kobold
Minion (mm 167, 25 xp)

Treasure: 960 sp, 320 cp; 3 x Small Hematite (43 gp

each), Small Lapis Lazuli (30 gp each); 4 x Common
Art Object; +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360 gp)
Leather Armor (phb 214), 7 x Alchemist's Frost (av
25, 20 gp), 2 x Headband of Perception (av 142, 360
gp), Mountebank's Deck (mme 87, 360 gp); hoard
total 1838 gp 2 sp

Room #49 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to

break, 40 hp)
South Entry Archway

Room Features A wooden platform hangs over a deep pit in the

south-east corner of the room, and a pile of empty
bottles lies in the north-west corner of the room
Monster 4 x Wererat (mm 180, 150 xp)

Treasure: None

Room #50 South Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #22, inhabited by 6 x Stirge
Room Features Clouds of poison gas (provides concealment, deals
1d6+3 poison damage), Grasping tendrils (Strength
DC 5 to move more than 2 squares)

Room #51 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to

break, 20 hp)
West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #47

East Entry Archway

Room Features The scent of smoke fills the room, and a rusted
chain shirt lies in the west side of the room
Room #52 North Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 30 hp)

South Entry Archway

Room Features A fountain of water sits against the west wall, and
several broken arrows are scattered throughout the
Monster 6 x Kobold Slinger (mm 168, 100 xp)

Treasure: Uncut Freshwater Pearl (33 gp each),

Uncut Moss Agate (31 gp each); Common Art
Object; +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360 gp) Hide
Armor (phb 214), 4 x Alchemical Formula
(Clearsense Powder (av 26, 80 gp)), Arcane Ritual
Book (Magic Mouth (phb 309, 50 gp), Tenser's
Floating Disk (phb 312, 50 gp)) (total 100 gp), 4 x
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (mme 96, 20 gp); hoard
total 924 gp

Room #53 East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (Strength DC 20
to break, 40 hp)
Ⓣ Arrow Trap (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Single-shot, Target 1 creature
within 10 squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage
2d10+3, 25 xp)
→ Leads to room #16
South Entry #1 Secret (Perception DC 15 to find) Stuck Simple
Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to break, 20 hp)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
South Entry #2 Archway
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Lorci stands here, slain by a
basilisk" on the west wall, and a crushed helm lies in
the north-east corner of the room
Monster 5 x Goblin Warrior (mm 137, 100 xp) and 4 x Goblin
Cutter (mm 136, 25 xp)

Treasure: 123 gp, 72 sp; 3 x Uncut Azurite (39 gp

each), Uncut Azurite (45 gp each); 2 x Common Art
Object; +1 Magic Weapon (phb 235, 360 gp) Sling
(phb 219), Belt of Resilience (av 164, 360 gp); hoard
total 1012 gp 2 sp
Room #54 North Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #31, inhabited by 3 x Kobold
North Entry #2 Locked Simple Wooden Door (Thievery DC 10 to
unlock, Strength DC 15 to break, 20 hp)
South Entry #1 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength DC 18 to
break, 40 hp)
South Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Room Features Magical fountain, The floor is covered in square tiles,
alternating white and black

Trap 4 x Spinning Floortile (Perception DC 10 to find,

Thievery DC 10 to disable, Single-shot, Melee 1,
Attack +4 vs. Reflex, the target is knocked prone, 25

Room #55 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #23, inhabited by 4 x Fell Taint
East Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 30 hp)
East Entry #2 Archway

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #6
Room Features A group of draconic faces have been carved into the
south wall, and someone has scrawled "Beneath the
tomb" in dwarvish runes on the west wall
Trap Bolter Turret (Perception DC 15 to find, Thievery DC
10 to disable, Init +2, Target 1 creature within 10
squares, Attack +6 vs. AC, Damage 1d10+3, 100 xp)

Room #56 North Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength DC 15 to break,
30 hp)
North Entry #2 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 30 to
unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp) (slides
down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #11
Room Features Clouds of smoke (provides concealment), A large
kiln and coal bin sit in the south side of the room
Room #57 West Entry Secret (Perception DC 20 to find) Stuck Iron Door
(Strength DC 28 to break, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located above a small stone dais
and concealed behind an area of mould
→ Leads to room #15, inhabited by 4 x Goblin
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to
break, 20 hp)

South Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Thievery DC 10 to

unlock, Strength DC 20 to break, 40 hp)
Room Features The floor is covered with teeth, and a bent dagger
lies in the south side of the room
Monster 7 x Dire Rat (mm 219, 100 xp)

Treasure: 18 gp, 30 sp, 48 cp; 2 x Uncut Turquoise

(42 gp each); +1 Magic Armor (phb 230, 360 gp)
Chainmail (phb 214), 4 x Alchemist's Acid (av 24, 20
gp), 7 x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (mme 96, 20
gp); hoard total 685 gp 4 sp 8 cp

Room #58 North Entry Archway

West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 10 to
break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #10
Trap Spinning Blades (Perception DC 10 to find, Thievery
DC 15 to disable, Init +2, Close burst 1, Attack +6
vs. AC, Damage 1d10+3, 100 xp)

Room #59 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (Strength DC 12 to

break, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #43
South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Thievery DC 15 to
unlock, Strength DC 18 to break, 30 hp)
Room Features The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white
and black, and various torture devices are scattered
throughout the room
Monster 4 x Goblin Warrior (mm 137, 100 xp) and 5 x Goblin
Cutter (mm 136, 25 xp)

Treasure: 247 gp, 396 sp; 2 x Small Malachite (34 gp

each); Common Art Object; +1 Amulet of Protection
(phb 249, 360 gp), 7 x Alchemist's Acid (av 24, 20
gp), Floating Shield (av 117, 360 gp), Headband of
Perception (av 142, 360 gp); hoard total 1574 gp 6

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