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10/27/21, 9:23 PM Types and Factors of Variation

We will learn about types and factors of variation,variation in humans and mutastion.

12.1 Types and Factors of Variation

Variation refers to the differences in characteristics found within the same population or species

Necessity of variation:

Enables natural environment to continue selecting beneficial characteristics and remove the non-suitable one
Enables survival of the species when the environment changes
Allows cross breeding among species to from new species

Continuous variation Discontinuous variation
 The differences in a character are not distinctive The differences in a character are distinctive

Characters are quantitative; can be measured Characters are qualitative; cannot be measured

Shows a normal distribution; exhibits intermediate

Exhibits distinctive characters with no intermediates

Influenced by environmental factors and controlled by two Not influenced by environmental factors and controlled by a single gene
or more genes for the same character that determines the differences between characters

The phenotype controlled by many pairs of alleles The phenotype controlled by a pair of allele

Example: height, body weight, skin colour Example: blood group, fingerprints

Similiraties between continuos variation and discontinuos variation :
Shows differences in characteristics among individuals of the same species

The differences between continuos variation and discontinuos variation:
Continuos variation Discontinuos variation
Presence of intermediate characteristics No intermediate characteristics
No obvious differences in characteristics Obvious and distinct differences in characteristics
Graph with normal distribution Graph with discrete bars
Characteristic is controlled by many genes Caharacteristic is controlled by one single gene
Influenced by environmental factors Not influenced by environmental factors
Can be measured (quantitive) Cannot be measured (qualitative)
Causes of variation:

Organisms of the same species differ in terms of morphology,physiology and genetics 

Continuos variation Discontinuos variation
Crossing over
Independent assortment of chromosomes
Random fertilisation 

Genetics factors:
1. Cross -linking during meiosis, independent selection during meiosis and random fertilization.
2. Gene mutations (permanent changes in the nucleotide sequence) caused by physical/chemical mutating agents.
3. Chromosome mutations: an increase or decrease in the number of chromosomes or changes to the structure of chromosomes.
4. Types of chromosomal mutations: truncation, translocation, duplication and inversion.
5. May cause genetic disorders; Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, trisomy X and Klinefelter syndrome.

Environmental factors: 1/3
10/27/21, 9:23 PM Types and Factors of Variation

1. Includes abiotic factors; temperature, light intensity, humidity, nutrition and soil fertility.
2. However, environmental factors cannot change the phenotype more than what has been predetermined by the genotype.
3. Examples:

The flowering plant (Hydrangea sp.); produces blue flowers when the soil is acidic but pink flowers in alkaline soil.
Well-nourished one identical twin becomes heavier and bigger, while poorly nourished twin becomes smaller and lighter.

Interactions between genetic and environmental factors:
1. Before industrialisation  and the environment is not polluted, the grey-coloured moth population is higher than the other one
because they can be camouflaged by the lichen-covered tree trunk.

2. Meanwhile, dark melanic moth dies easily, which eaten by predators because they cannot camouflage.

3. After industrialisation, the grey-coloured moth dies because they cannot camouflage as the pollution kills the lichen-covered
three trunks.

4. Meanwhile, dark melanic population increases as they can be camouflaged by the polluted environment.

5. In such a case, the phenotype of the organism affects its chances of survival.

12.2 Variation in Humans

Characteristics and traits in human:
Characteristics Dominant Recessive
Height Tall Short
Type of hair Curly hair Straight hair
Tendency of use hands Right-handed Left-handed
Presence of dimples Presence Absence
Ability to roll tongue Can roll tongue Cannot roll tongue
Types of earlobe Free earlobes Attached earlobes

12.3 Mutation

Types of mutagen:
Physical agents Chemical agents Biological agents
Carcinogen in cigarette smoke
Ultraviolet from the sun Food preservatives Virus
Ionising rays such as X-ray,alpha ray and beta ray Formaldehyde Bacteria

Types of mutation:

Gene mutation
Chromosome mutation

Gene mutation:

Gene mutations occur when there is a change in the nucleotide base sequence in a gene
Gene mutations are also known as point mutations. These changes alter the genetic code used for amino acid synthesis.
As a result, the structure of the produced protein changes and the new protein synthesized is unable to function.
Gene mutations occur through base replacement, base deletion and base insertion
Gene mutations cause genetic diseases such as thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, albinism and hemophilia

Examples of genetic disease:
Types of gene mutation Examples of disease
Base substituition Sickle cell anaemia
Base insertion Cystic fibrosis
Base deletion Thalasemia 2/3
10/27/21, 9:23 PM Types and Factors of Variation

Chromosome mutation:

Chromosome mutations involve changes in the structure of chromosomes or changes in the number of chromosomes.
Chromosomal mutations can cause characteristic changes in an organism.
Changes in chromosomal structure involve changes in the arrangement of genes on a chromosome.
Changes in the structure of chromosomes cause abnormalities in those chromosomes.
This condition of abnormality is called chromosomal aberration.
The types of changes in chromosomal structure are such as disappearance, multiplication, inversion and translocation


A part or a segment of chromosome is deleted or lost (loss of a few genes)


A part of a chromosome is copied which causes repetition og gene sequence


A segment of chromosome is reversed end to end at 180 degree then rejoin (change in DNA sequence of chromosome)


Part of the chromosome is cut,then join to another non-homologous chromosome

Chapter : Variation
Topic : Types and Factors of Variation
Form 5

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