Infor 02. Supply Chain Execution

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Infor Supply Chain

Execution 10.3
Product Brief

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief

Table of contents
Reinvent supply chain execution ..................................................................................................... 4
The proven solution ......................................................................................................................... 5
Warehouse Management—Core functions ..................................................................................... 5
Appointment and dock door scheduling ....................................................................................... 5
Receiving ..................................................................................................................................... 6
ASN/EDI ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Storage (Putaway) ....................................................................................................................... 7
Crossdocking ............................................................................................................................... 8
Order processing, carrier rating and routing, and wave planning ................................................ 8
Order processing ..................................................................................................................... 8
Product selection ..................................................................................................................... 8
Wave management .................................................................................................................. 9
Picking ........................................................................................................................................ 10
RF directed picking ................................................................................................................ 10
RF assisted picking ................................................................................................................ 10
Cluster picking........................................................................................................................ 10
Layer picking .......................................................................................................................... 10
Batch picking .......................................................................................................................... 10
Order picking .......................................................................................................................... 10
Dynamic picking ..................................................................................................................... 11
Serialized and catch weight picking ....................................................................................... 11
Speed pick and consolidation picking .................................................................................... 11
Production line picking ........................................................................................................... 11
Voice picking – Powered by leading Vocollect voice technology .......................................... 11
Paper-based picking .............................................................................................................. 11
Packing ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Shipping ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Loading .................................................................................................................................. 12
Shipping paperwork ............................................................................................................... 13
Shipping ................................................................................................................................. 13
Inventory control......................................................................................................................... 13
Multi-owner support ............................................................................................................... 14
Cycle counting........................................................................................................................ 14
Inventory adjustments ............................................................................................................ 15
Inventory status changes ....................................................................................................... 15
Inventory relocation ................................................................................................................ 15
Inter-facility transfers .............................................................................................................. 15
Returns to vendor .................................................................................................................. 15
Transaction logging ................................................................................................................ 15

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 2

Warehouse Management—Advanced functions ........................................................................... 16
Paper and RF support ................................................................................................................ 16
System-directed forward pick replenishment ............................................................................. 16
Multiple code date tracking ........................................................................................................ 16
Serial number tracking (In, Out, End-to-End) ............................................................................ 16
Advanced kitting ......................................................................................................................... 17
Bill of materials (BOM), assembly work plans, and instructions ............................................ 17
Kit creation ............................................................................................................................. 17
Labor and task management ................................................................................................. 17
Cycle counting and loading standards ................................................................................... 18
Labor standards allowance enhancements ........................................................................... 18
Labor standards travel time enhancements ........................................................................... 18
Task-directed management ................................................................................................... 19
Transportation Management (TM) ......................................................................................... 19
Infor Third Party Logistics (3PL) Billing .................................................................................. 21
Infor 3PL Billing: ..................................................................................................................... 21
The Infor technology difference ..................................................................................................... 22
Infor Ming.le ............................................................................................................................... 22
Infor 10x Experience .................................................................................................................. 24
Infor BI Dashboards ................................................................................................................... 24
Infor Motion™ Warehouse Director ........................................................................................... 25
Infor Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 25
Infor Motion SCE Warehouse Operator ..................................................................................... 26
Usability...................................................................................................................................... 26
Infor ION ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Infor ION Workflow ..................................................................................................................... 26
Infor ION Event Management .................................................................................................... 27
Infor ION Pulse........................................................................................................................... 27
Infor ION Technology Connector ............................................................................................... 27
See results ..................................................................................................................................... 27
About Infor.................................................................................................................................. 27

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 3

Positive impact: reduced expenses, improved productivity, and increased revenue are the
most recognized business results experienced by Infor® Supply Chain Execution customers.
With over 600 customers and more than 1,500 implementations, Infor presents the worldwide
community with an unmatched portfolio of solutions deployed in a diverse collection of
customer accounts, while maintaining unparalleled financial strength. Infor’s ability to
implement and support Supply Chain Execution solutions with customers, and positively
impact their business in over 40 countries around the world, sets the benchmark for the

Reinvent supply chain execution

In today’s competitive economy, you must deliver the perfect order in full, the first time and
every time, to win and retain customers, and drive sales. While you face these external
customer pressures, distribution operations are also forced to look for ways to reduce costs
and ramp up productivity. To accomplish this, you need a single fulfillment solution that will
provide you with real time inventory visibility at your fingertips, allowing you to meet or
exceed your customers unique demands, adapt to regularly changing requirements, and
where necessary, provide detailed tracking for accurate customer invoicing. You also need
productivity tools to keep work flowing to the warehouse staff consistently and efficiently, and
accurately measure your workforce in real-time against dynamic time standards. The
success of a business is dramatically influenced by the ability to grow without increasing
labor and transportation costs, and control expenses by optimizing the use of all of their key
Infor® Supply Chain Execution (Infor SCE) is the first solution that lets you view and manage
your supply chain execution activities as a coherent whole to eliminate bottlenecks and
improve all-around efficiency. Infor SCE combines warehouse management, labor
management, transportation management, and third-party logistics (3PL) billing in a unified
solution, built on a single technology with a common user interface. Today, many systems
are disjointed and offer inconsistent information, which makes it impossible to make
important decisions quickly and easily. With Infor Supply Chain Execution, you can simplify
complexity, automate repetitive processing, and control your exceptions— doing more with
less. You’ll be able to run your supply chain like a single, well-tuned machine that can satisfy
your customers every time.
A best-in-class supply chain execution solution can help your company thrive in a
challenging economy by providing better visibility into people, inventory processes, and
freight optimization through technology advancements like service-oriented architecture
(Infor ION®), mobility, social collaboration, voice, and radio frequency.
Infor Supply Chain Execution is your foundation for flawless order fulfillment. The solution
optimizes your distribution environment by utilizing resources to improve efficiency, labor
performance, inventory, freight, and order accuracy. By optimizing your distribution
environment, you can realize measurable, ongoing savings that can account for 10% to 25%
or more of your product handling costs and 5% to 20% or more of your freight costs.
Combining warehouse management capabilities and fully integrated radio frequency (RF) or
voice technology provides an opportunity to streamline your supply chain, specifically your
distribution operations. By improving data capture accuracy and reducing product touches in
the supply chain, your employees become more productive, order accuracy increases,
damages are reduced, and quality control activities become less necessary. Your employees
become more efficient and your warehouse becomes more flexible and productive, all of
which contribute to your bottom line. In short, with Infor SCE you’ll be able to optimize your
supply chain and maximize your investment.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 4

The proven solution
Infor Supply Chain Execution allows more than 600 customers—including the leading third-
party logistics providers (3PLs), four of the largest car manufacturers, leading consumer
packaged goods, manufactures and retailers—to automate their distribution activities. Infor
SCE is designed for a variety of industries, including 3PL, cold storage, public warehousing,
retail, wholesale, pharmaceutical, grocery, industrial distribution, manufacturing, consumer
packaged goods (CPG), food and beverage, industrial machinery and equipment, high tech,
and aerospace and defense.
Designed to perform the complex, business-critical operations demanded of a modern
fulfillment operation, Infor Supply Chain Execution helps companies reduce costs by
increasing throughput and productivity, and by optimizing freight costs. With this solution, you
can effectively address inventory management, labor management, work and task
management, cross docking and flow thru, freight tendering, freight optimization, value-
added services, voice-directed distribution, billing for 3PLs, and distribution.

Warehouse Management—Core functions

Whether your facilities account for 20,000 or 1,000,000+ square feet of warehousing
space, Infor Supply Chain Execution’s configurable and flexible solution meets the
demands of the modern supply chain. Infor SCE includes the following core functions:

Appointment and dock door scheduling

You can schedule inbound and outbound appointments with the Appointment Scheduler. An
authorized user can create an appointment schedule, review existing appointments, assign
time slots and dock doors to each specific appointment, and assign the associated carrier and
trailer numbers. Just as in other areas of Infor SCE, you can review the Appointment
Scheduler in graphical format and then drill down into more granular details about existing
appointments or the availability of dock doors. Color-coding on each graph provides a clear
visual indication as to whether a door or time slot has reached the appointment capacity. The
data is accessible at your fingertips; more data is available with a simple click.
You can update the status of each trailer to account for each action that affects the trailer,
including trailer check-in, trailer unload start and stop, trailer load start and stop, and trailer
check-out.. Each subsequent status change is logged with dates and times to ensure that a
proper audit trail is recorded. Each entry in this log helps you measure your success when
unloading and loading trailers, and also helps you meet service level agreements with both
customers and carriers.

Appointment scheduling in Infor Supply Chain Execution

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 5

With Infor Supply Chain Execution, you can automate and accelerate your receiving
processes, clearly identify inventory, and improve tracking capabilities. Infor SCE allows you
to receive material with or without inbound orders, advanced shipment notices (ASNs), and
pre-assigned tag/container ID labels (for example, Serial Shipping Container Code/SSCC
labels), keeping your receiving processes flexible. The solution also supports workstation
and/or RF receiving methods, providing the functional and technical support to accurately
and efficiently operate across diverse distribution environments.

An ASN may be used to communicate information about the material being received prior to
its arrival. Advanced notice provides an opportunity for better visibility and tracking, planning
of resources, and can streamline the receiving process. While ASNs typically arrive via
electronic data interchange (EDI), they may also be manually entered by you or your
vendor, or imported using a standard Excel spreadsheet as another EDI alternative. The
receiving process begins with information about the expected material. Infor SCE provides
you with the flexibility to receive using varying levels of pre-receipt notice, from none at all
(basic receiving), to some (inbound order receiving), to detailed (ASN receiving), to very
detailed (pre-tagged barcode ID receiving), to fully automated with RFID receiving. Plus, you
can define ASNs specifically for the receipt of returned products.

Desktop ASN receiving in Infor Supply Chain Execution

Once you enter the appropriate information such as purchase order number, ASN number,
tag, or container ID for the type of receiving being performed, Infor SCE creates an inventory
record detailing when, where, and by whom the receipt is performed. Based on the
configuration of each product, operators can approve defaulted attributes or be required to
enter attributes for the product being received for instance, product ownership, user-defined
attributes, lot numbers, serial numbers, catch weight data (including options for summary,
detailed, gross/net/tare weight), expiration/best-before-end (BBE) dates, and status/hold
codes. Infor Supply Chain Execution provides extensive tracking of manufacture, expiration,
and receipt dates to support future material selection, product rotation, and order fulfillment

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 6

Barcoded pallet ID labels are most often affixed to product as you receive it. You can use
pre-printed generic labels or take advantage of the print -on-demand feature for rich user-
defined formatting. Receipts are put away directly following receipt, or are staged and then
put away by a different operator. Infor Supply Chain Execution supports consolidation of
product during receipt by pallet, multiple products per pallet, or rainbow pallets identifying the
sorting or routing of product by destination zone.
For environments where container exchange tracking is required, Infor SCE allows
customers to track various container types (e.g. CHEP or PECO pallets, totes, cages, Euro
Pallets, etc.) for ASNs and shipment orders. The result of the container tracking is a running
balance by trading partner.
For lot, food, and/or temperature-controlled warehouses, Infor Supply Chain Execution
provides multiple options to enforce validation and facilitate capture of key details during
receiving. During receiving, lot and lot masking configuration can ease capturing of the
multiple lot and date fields, and lot/date validations can enforce receipt of non-expiring (or
soon to expire) inventory. The solution has the flexibility to capture information about the
trailer and load.
Information available to be captured includes: temperature of trailer (nose, middle, and tail),
cleanliness, seal number and status, free form notes, average temperature, and LPN specific
temperature for received and shipped goods.
Using Infor SCE, you get the same results with either desktop or RF receiving. Whether you
are using RF equipment today or looking to switch to it in the future, the solution provides
you with the flexible receiving capabilities you need to smoothly transition your business from
one environment to the next.
By following the basic Infor SCE receiving principles, and configuring rules, validations, and
data capture requirements for your operation; you can improve the consistency and
efficiency of your operation. Accurate and efficient receiving is a vital initial step to managing
a successful warehouse.

Storage (Putaway)
Infor Supply Chain Execution empowers you to configure storage or putaway strategies.
Whether driven by product or location attribute, velocity, forward pick proximity, or a
combination of factors, Infor SCE automatically recommends storing material in the best
location according to your defined rules. And whether using paper putaway lists, RF
terminals, or voice, your putaway rules and storage capabilities maximize one of the most
valuable resources in your warehouse: space.
User-configurable rules define a putaway algorithm, which automatically recommends
storage locations that optimize storage capacity, facilitate item consolidation (based on
inventory attributes) and adhere to product handling requirements. Infor Supply Chain
Execution supports a wide variety of storage location types, each with configurable
characteristics. For example, you can identify locations designed for specific types of
product rotation (such as FIFO, LIFO, and bulk) or temperature- controlled zones such as
freezer, cooler, ambient, and dry. You can create zones with locations for containing bulk
materials, using single and double deep racks, flow racks, cantilever racks, shelving,
push-back racks, bulk tanks, carousels, and automatic storage and retrieval (ASRS) to
accommodate all your facility’s storage requirements.
In addition to space optimization, operational efficiencies are taken into account when
defining putaway rules. Putaway rules can be configured to account the following: filling
forward pick locations, cross dock opportunities, placement in closest proximity to forward
pick location for an item, putting away single LPN with multiple lots and/or multiple items,
from receiving location (e.g. place closest to receiving door), pick and drop location
handling, hold status, and more.
While putaway transactions are most often triggered post-receiving, often sites require a

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 7

secondary putaway (or auto- move) transaction or automatic status changes to be time-
triggered for situations such as curing or blast-freezing, for temperature controlled items.
Infor SCE supports putaway and item configurations to automate the routing and status
change needed for such situations.
When you use Infor Supply Chain Execution to automate your putaway process, you’ll
reduce unused storage space, use your workforce more efficiently, and maximize value in
your warehouse operation.

Crossdocking is the process by which items are either picked or moved directly from the
inbound dock to the outbound dock, eliminating the need for storage and replenishment
processes. Crossdocking increases your inventory velocity, which in turn reduces your
staffing and equipment needs, space requirements, and inventory carrying costs, and
ensures you keep material flowing seamlessly through your warehouse and out to
Standard crossdocking follows a three-step process: receiving, crossdock handling, and
shipping. You can use another form of crossdocking trans-shipment for inbound freight or
product meant to flow thru your facility without being recorded as inventory (often used in
deconsolidation and consolidation centers). Or you can use opportunistic cross docking to
monitor shortages or back orders and match inbound product with outstanding demand.
By reducing product touches and the time it takes to fill outbound orders, you reduce
damages, supply chain costs, and the overhead associated with your distribution

Order processing, carrier rating and routing, and wave planning

Your warehouse faces the formidable task of selecting the right product to meet order
demand every day. Infor Supply Chain Execution provides a robust set of tools to help you
flawlessly fulfill orders and exceed customer expectations.

Order processing
Infor Supply Chain Execution accepts orders through integration with the host system,
through desktop entry, via import using an Excel spreadsheet (EDI alternative) or through
the web-based SCM Portal order entry. Once outbound orders are in the system, Infor
Supply Chain Execution provides you with all the tools you need to facilitate the order
fulfillment process. The order fulfillment process includes tracking specific status changes of
the order beginning with order creation, through allocation and wave planning, picking
confirmation, staging, packing, loading and the final shipment confirmation.

Product selection
Infor Supply Chain Execution allows you to configure how inventory is selected to fill an
outbound order, transfer order, or replenishment request. You configure and define the
allocation strategies to select the most efficient method to search your facility for appropriate
product to fulfill the shipment request.
Each rule consists of a prioritized list of selection types and search options that influence
product selection when processing a particular rule. Search options such as full pallet, full
case, full layer, clean partials, and clean locations allow you to control whether Infor Supply
Chain Execution looks for product to fill orders most efficiently or trades some efficiency to
clean up partial pallets and free up locations. Plus, you can configure defaults at the SKU,
order, customer, and customer/SKU level to control a product’s required code date usage
(for example, manufacture, expiration, receipt, and best before), product age sequencing
(FIFO, FEFO or LIFO), and remaining life window (shelf life in days specific to a customer’s
demands) in order to fill a particular order line.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 8

Infor Supply Chain Execution’s configurable strategies ensure you select the right product for
the right order at the right time, in the most efficient manner while meeting your customer’s
specific requirements.

Wave management
Once you have selected a group of orders manually or via the wave planning query filter, you
can group orders into waves. A wave includes one or more orders that are planned and
released together. You can pre-configure wave query filters with user-defined order attributes
to group orders together—to facilitate regular wave release processing. When planning
waves, you can query and select which orders to include in a wave, by establishing wave
constraints such as setting minimum and maximum values for orders, lines, cube, and weight
capacities. Wave selections can be saved for frequent re-use as well as placed on a
schedule. Wave planning filters may be established using traditional query building methods
or using graphical wave building.

Graphical wave planning in Infor Supply Chain Execution

The data elements that make up the filter criteria used within wave planning include all of the
shipment order header, detail, and product information. Wave filters may use literal
references like “today” or “tomorrow b/n 1pm – 3pm”. When the wave filters are saved and
reused in the future, the literal references require no date changes in order to collect orders
for the present day or time period. Additionally, the saved wave parameters permit
scheduling waves to run in the background on a regular timed basis, without human
Once you build a wave, you can begin wave planning. During wave planning, Infor
Supply Chain Execution allocates material for the orders in a wave and generates
planned pick commands.
When evaluating the impact of a wave plan, you can drill down and review orders
before releasing pick commands. For example, you can:
• Determine if you have enough inventory to fill orders
• Display wave and/or order level labor estimates for processing time. Determine impact on
each, case and full pallet areas.
• Remove an order from a wave.
• Change and re-filter the wave.
After a wave is planned and approved, either manually or automatically, it is released for
picking. Pick commands generated during the planning process are activated and available
for operator assignment.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 9

The wave release process will trigger off multiple types of picks, associated labels and
picking lists. Picks that are configured for cartonization will follow configured cartonization
rules to drive a pick to pack process. Based on user-defined container characteristics—
including container priority, cube, dims, and weight—container selection rules evaluate the
picks for an order and select the most appropriately sized container(s) for each order. Pick-
to-tote, carton, and pallet environments may all realize gains in efficiency using container
selection rules. As you pick, scan, and confirm orders, the data is automatically captured and
available for packing slip, case / pallet manifest documents, and EDI notifications for

Released picks become available to operators once a wave has been released. Regardless
of the size of your facility, Infor Supply Chain Execution ensures efficient and accurate
picking of product for outbound orders. Orders are picked quickly and without errors,
following the most efficient work path. Accurate, timely picking helps you use space
efficiently and keep accurate inventory records, utilize your personnel and integrated
automation potential, and get orders to shipping docks faster. Because of the efficiency
Infor Supply Chain Execution provides, you can improve performance and cut costs in
moving material off the shelf and to your customer.
Infor Supply Chain Execution supports many pick methods, including:

RF directed picking
Users receive a pick task via a handheld or vehicle mount RF unit and complete the
transaction with RF.

RF assisted picking
Users pick via a pick list or labels and confirm picks on the RF. Label printing may be
initiated from a workstation or from the RF unit.

Cluster picking
A single operator picks multiple orders simultaneously, visiting each location one time during
one route through the pick path, and often picking to a tote, container or shipping box.

Layer picking
Users are directed to pallet locations vs. case pick locations when order line quantities
will clean a pre-defined layer quantity.

Batch picking
Operators aggregate item quantities, pick bulk quantities, and deliver picks to a batch
processing location where the bulk quantity is separated into individual order

Order picking
Operators select a specific order to pick, and the RF directs the user through the order line
items and quantities for pick confirmation.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 10

Dynamic picking
Often used for full case or full pallet picking in floor locations. Users receive an RF directed
pick to a specific location and the user confirms the exact LPN or Case Id that will be picked.
The RF will validate the pick matches the order line’s rotation requirements and complete the

Serialized and catch weight picking

Operations that require tracking of specific information such as serial numbers or catch
weights will drive picking operators to capture appropriate levels of serial and/or catch
weights. Validations are enforced based on item configurations to ensure accuracy in this
picking process.

Speed pick and consolidation picking

When multiple orders call for large quantities of the same items, wave planners can
establish a speed pick process which releases consolidated wave quantity picks into a
designated dynamic forward speed pick location. Individual order quantities are then picked
from this speed pick location. This process can be used for outbound fulfillment (often
called dynamic pick), as well as in production environments calling for pallets of raw
materials feeding multiple production lines.

Production line picking

Warehouses that are managing inbound raw materials for production typically require many
of the features of outbound fulfillment (e.g. production rotation, lot capture, and efficient RF
picking). In addition to those available features, the solution provides advanced capabilities
to support manufacturing environments that require a staged consolidation area for multiple
or single production lines, auto-replenishment feed process, automatic consumption of
materials at pick line, operator initiated task retrieval for picks to/from specific staged area or
production line, and more.

Voice picking – Powered by leading Vocollect voice technology

Infor Supply Chain Execution integrates directly to Vocollect’s Voice Direct (Voice Artisan)
software, which supports multiple pick methods using voice technology. Users receive pick
commands through a voice headset and confirm pick commands verbally, providing a
hands-free picking method.

Paper-based picking
Users pick via a pick list or labels and confirm the pick on the workstation.
Infor Supply Chain Execution provides the capabilities configurable by work zone for users to
choose how pick commands are communicated. Infor Supply Chain Execution has been
integrated with a variety of material handling equipment (MHE), including automated storage
and retrieval systems, carousels, sorters, A- frames, voice equipment and pick to light.
Integration can take many forms, from a simple routing barcode printed on a container label,
to TCP/IP socket level messaging integration. Whatever the level of interaction between
operator and equipment, Infor Supply Chain Execution can integrate your warehouse
equipment and personnel picking tasks.
With RF you can use task management to automatically assign tasks (picks, putaways,
replenishments, and cycle counts) to operators by priority, location, and sequence order. You
can also interleave various types of picking with other tasks based on the operator’s work
profile as configured by an authorized user. Since workers in many warehouses spend 50-
60% of their time traveling, task interleaving—which can reduce travel time by 10-20% can
lead to a significant reduction in the number of warehouse employees needed. Using task
interleaving, Infor Supply Chain Execution leads the picking operator through the warehouse
on the most efficient path, within a given priority level. For instance, a forklift operator might
be sent to drop off a pallet in a storage location on the way to his next picking location.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 11

An RF device displays the pick, presenting the operator with the pick location,
recommended pallet ID, item, quantity, destination, and any user -defined pick information.
Once at the pick location, the operator verifies the pick information and confirms the removal
of product from the pick location via barcode scan. The location of picked inventory is
updated in real time, reflecting the product removal from the pick location. An RF operator
completes a pick command by delivering picked inventory to the destination displayed on
the RF terminal and then confirms delivery by scanning the barcode at the destination
Infor Supply Chain Execution also allows operators to place picked product into a user-
defined container for example, a pallet, tote, or carton rather than delivering it directly to a
destination location. With this feature, operators can build pallets or fill cartons with picks for
orders from various pick locations before delivering completed containers to destination
locations. Destination locations for picked product can include staging, packing, dock doors,
exit, and drop locations.
Using the Infor Supply Chain Execution picking functions, your warehouse can experience a
reduction in picking errors and an increase in inventory accuracy. Whatever your warehouse
size or configuration, Infor Supply Chain Execution ensures your product is moving efficiently
through the supply chain, providing real-time feedback on every step of facility operations.

Packing requirements vary widely and can encompass any type of packing container. Infor
Supply Chain Execution supports user-configurable container types with a variety of
attributes, including dimensional and weight constraints. You can specify container types
using defined cartonization rules and determine the sequence of evaluation. Material for an
order is progressively added to a container until another container of the same or larger size
is necessary.
In addition to offering pre-picking cartonization, Infor Supply Chain Execution also provides
post-picking functions for packing material into containers. The pack container merge/unpack
RF functions (for moving product between or out of containers) facilitate consolidation of
product and containers, allowing the final packed shippable container to be accurately
When Infor Supply Chain Execution is deployed with Infor Small Parcel Shipping (Infor SPS)
component, your warehouse will have the advantage of a tightly coupled warehouse
management and small parcel execution system to support your parcel rating and shipping
needs from North American shipping locations. Infor SPS provides operations with parcel
rate shopping, carrier compliant label generation, carrier rate calculations for domestic and
international shipments, carrier tracking number capture, LTL shipment rating, and carrier
electronic manifesting. Having one tightly integrated solution, supporting a multiple parcel
carrier environment for small parcel shipping provides a tremendous advantage to our

Infor Supply Chain Execution manages your warehousing processes from the moment an
order is created until the order is shipped. The solution not only makes shipping faster and
more accurate, it makes it flexible enough to adapt to change. The shipping process involves:

The load maintenance function associates a specific trailer with the dock door location
where it is positioned. Once you identify the location, you can load the trailer using the RF
load function. To load, scan each shippable unit (outermost container) for a
stop/shipment/order. To confirm loading of each piece, scan the trailer or dock door location
barcode. As loading proceeds, the number of pieces remaining counts down until all pieces
have been loaded. Once loading is complete, you can ship the trailer.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 12

Shipping paperwork
Users trigger the generation and printing of shipping paperwork from PC workstations. Infor
Supply Chain Execution provides multiple documents at various levels of detail, including:
• Pack list—Printed per shippable container (details the contents of that container)
• VICS Bill of lading—Printed per shipment (group of orders to the same consignee
• Master bill of lading—Printed per shipment pool (group of shipments to a pool point)

Your final step in shipping product is to perform a “ship complete” transaction using either a
workstation or RF terminal. This indicates the product has left the facility and should be
deducted from inventory and recorded as shipped. Infor Supply Chain Execution provides
you with multiple ways to perform this function, including mass ship orders, mass ship pick
details, single order ship, shipping a wave, and shipping a load (all units loaded onto a
trailer). For situations where an order line is shipped short, short ship reason codes can be
attached to an order to record the reason an order is shipped short. This often is vital in a
3PL environment to properly communicate and retain details about unique situations.

Inventory control
Knowing the type, location, and quantity of inventory in your warehouse network is crucial for
you to meet fulfillment demands and establish a plan for your operations. With Infor Supply
Chain Execution, you have access to real-time information at multiple levels of your
distribution network. This includes summarized enterprise-level inventory and ownership level
across all warehouses down to granular details like specific warehouse, owner, location, lot,
serial number, item, and license plate.
Using the facility viewer, your warehouse layout is rendered graphically based on location xyz
coordinates. This facility viewer gives users search and drill down access to real -time
inventory. Drill down into empty locations, damaged inventory or held locations. Search for
inventory by item or item/lot. The facility viewer, along with other on-line inquiries (workstation
and / or RF) and reporting options, give your operations quick and flexible inventory visibility.

Inventory visibility at your fingertips

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 13

Inventory control features include:

Multi-owner support
Infor Supply Chain Execution offers a flexible approach to managing enterprises with
multiple owner/partner requirements. Sample operational needs for multi-ownership
functions include:
• 3PL customer analysis and billing
• Vendor management inventory
• Consignment inventory
• Divisional warehousing and distribution
With Infor Supply Chain Execution multi-owner functions, you can track inventory from the
time it is received through to outbound order shipment. You can co-mingle products or
separate them by warehouse zone as each operation dictates. You can transfer ownership
from one owner to another, or reclassify inventory within one ownership account. This type of
tracking provides operations with full visibility of transactional history, space utilization, and
inventory balances for its clients.
The multi-owner configurations support owner-specific workflows and rules to enforce the
disciplines and processes required in multi-owner environments. With flexible and
configurable options, Infor Supply Chain Execution has turned the challenge of handling
multiple-owner operations into a distinct competitive advantage for our customers.

Cycle counting
Infor Supply Chain Execution controls the process of cycle counting, regularly improving our
customer’s inventory accuracy beyond 99%. Cycle counts can be generated in a variety of
ways, including:
• Automatic cycle count by area
• Automatic cycle count by item and location (for bulk environments) or by item and
location and LPN
• Discrepancy cycle counts—when a picking discrepancy is recorded for a location, Infor
Supply Chain Execution automatically generates a cycle count for the location.
• Manually scheduled cycle counts—Cycle counts may be generated by owner, item,
location, location level, zone, or area.
• Demand cycle counts—An RF operator can scan a location and initiate a cycle count; the
count is automatically assigned to the operator. Or you can choose blind cycle counts, in
which the operator is not shown the current system quantity. If a count reported by an
operator does not exactly match the warehouse management quantity, the operator can
choose to recount or complete the count. Recounting can continue until the operator
confirms completion of the count.
• If a quantity discrepancy is confirmed, Infor Supply Chain Execution checks the quantity
and value authorization levels for the operator/cycle class. When verified and approved,
cycle count adjustments update inventory balances in real time. If the user is not
authorized to complete automatic adjustments, the discrepancy is logged to allow a
supervisor to determine next steps, which may include additional counts and/or
completing an adjustment transaction. As in other areas of operation, Infor Supply Chain
Execution Management supports both RF and paper list methods of cycle counting.
• Supervisor cycle counts.
• Zero-cross checks—prompts automatic confirmation of remaining quantity in a location
during normal operations (for example, picks).

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 14

Inventory adjustments
Infor Supply Chain Execution allows operators, with the proper authorization, to adjust
the quantity of inventory. For each modification, the system logs a validated reason
code and uploads all inventory adjustments to the host system.

Inventory status changes

Infor Supply Chain Execution allows you to control the status of all inventories within the
warehouse. Inventory status may be changed for a lot, location, or pallet ID. Hold/status code
values are user-defined and numerous hold codes may be used in conjunction with one
another such as if a pallet is on QC hold and also requires to be held for curing. With this
example the QC hold can be released while the curing hold continues to exist independently.

Inventory relocation
Infor Supply Chain Execution allows both desktop and RF terminal operators to relocate
material. Operators may specify a location, or the system will select a location using
standard storage location selection rules. Moves can be imported into the system using an
Excel template to facilitate relocation of multiple products and within this process a release
time can be configured to forward schedule the release times of these tasks to RF and
voice units.

Inter-facility transfers
You can handle shipments between warehouses through inter- facility transfer order
processing. The process of releasing, picking, and shipping these orders is consistent with
regular customer order processing. Additionally, when the order inter-warehouse transfer
order is shipped, a corresponding ASN is created automatically in the destination warehouse,
allowing for ASN receipt reconciliation and in-transit tracking.

Returns to vendor
You can handle returns to vendors/suppliers through the use of return orders that are picked
and shipped similar to other outbound orders. You can also accumulate damaged or obsolete
inventory for a specific vendor in a logical (and/or physical) location until a time when the
vendor approves the return or when enough stock has been accumulated to complete a

Transaction logging
Infor Supply Chain Execution logs every transaction that affects location, quantity, or status of
inventory, ensuring a comprehensive transaction audit trail you can query online. In addition
to inventory-related data, operator performance and wave plan/release timestamps are
recorded for reporting purposes with data tracking of original and new values. All warehouse
transactions are logged including, but not limited to:
• Receipts
• Putaways
• Picks
• Replenishments
• Order packing and ship confirmation
• Inventory moves
• Cycle count and physical inventory adjustments
• Inventory adjustments

For each transaction, Infor Supply Chain Execution tracks a wealth of data elements,
including transaction type, pallet ID, item, lot, lot attributes, hold code, quantity, order number,
order type, order line item, operator, date, and time. You can use the transaction log for
analysis, problem resolution, productivity reporting and measurements, and product recalls.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 15

Warehouse Management—Advanced functions
For more complex warehouse operations, Infor Supply Chain Execution may be configured
to support all of the basics outlined above, and a host of other advanced functions,

Paper and RF support

Infor Supply Chain Execution supports RF and list-based functions (cycle counting, picking,
replenishment, and putaway) alone or simultaneously. You can configure by work zone,
whether that work zone relies on paper -driven activities or RF. Paper-based work
commands are printed on paper lists or on labels. RF work commands are posted to the RF
task management work queue. RF and paper-based operations may coexist in one facility.
Whether you are utilizing RF and automation equipment now, or plan on implementing these
components in the future, Infor Supply Chain Execution is poised to support your
warehousing environment and advance your logistics development.

System-directed forward pick replenishment

Infor Supply Chain Execution lets you keep key warehouse items in forward picking
locations for immediate access. The application automatically replenishes forward picking
locations, keeping these vital zones stocked to meet demand. For each forward pick
location, you can assign an item, minimum and maximum capacity, replenishment trigger,
units of measure, and more. These parameters control how much to stock of a chosen item,
what point to trigger the replenishment, and the UOM to be used for replenishment. Infor
SCE supports both dynamic replenishment (evaluated with each transaction at the location)
and batch replenishment (on-demand by authorized users). Whether replenishing a few
parts or entire cases of product, the solution uses your configured values to maintain
specified levels and ensure every location produces maximum benefit.

Multiple code date tracking

With perishable products such as foods, adhesives, paints, batteries, or pharmaceuticals,
the ability to capture and track code dates is a requirement for proper inventory
management and order fulfillment. The code date function in Infor Supply Chain Execution
provides you with the capability necessary to handle perishable inventory.
Infor Supply Chain Execution supports capture and maintenance of the expiration,
manufacture, best- by and deliver-by dates, allowing you to configure material aging
defaults for each product. You can capture these dates during receiving, predetermine
them based on ASN details or item defaults, and/or drive them off of other dates through
date code capture and conversion setup.
When fulfilling orders, you can use code date information to enforce product rotation for each
item selection. For each order line item, you can also specify code date criteria, including the
date (for example, manufacture or expiration), the minimum number of shelf-life days, and the
code date search method (FIFO or LIFO).
The code date function in Infor Supply Chain Execution helps you properly manage and
rotate your perishable inventory, and allows flexibility in the date and shelf-life requirements
for customer-specific and ship-to destination specific order allocation and fulfillment.

Serial number tracking (In, Out, End-to-End)

Many fulfillment operations require accurate tracking and monitoring of product serial
numbers. Infor Supply Chain Execution provides you with the serial number tracking
functions you need to handle critical data tracking requirements for these products and put
you in complete control of your inventory.
You can configure serial number tracking to support both inbound and outbound data capture
requirements. For inbound tracking, you enter/scan serial numbers as part of the receiving
process. For outbound tracking, you enter/scan serial numbers as part of the outbound

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 16

pick/pack/ship process and include this information as part of the shipment confirmation to
support your customer’s warranty tracking requirements. You can configure Infor Supply
Chain Execution to allow operators to enter the required number of serial numbers and
validate against a pre-configured serialized format before performing further processes.
Other customers require tracking on both the inbound, outbound, and to the specific
warehouse location within the facility. Infor Supply Chain Execution may be configured to
support this end-to-end serial number requirement.
Infor Supply Chain Execution allows serial number tracking either the moment product is
received or when the product is allocated to an outbound order. Regardless of your
requirements, Infor Supply Chain Execution allows you to track numerous serial numbers for
all your critical fulfillment components.

Advanced kitting
Warehouses have evolved into fulfillment centers as demands for kitting and value-added
services (VAS) have increased. Infor Supply Chain Execution offers you a kitting solution,
allowing your warehouse to perform light manufacturing and assembly work. You can
institute postponement strategies, create kits for promotions, and manage processes based
on the bill of materials (BOM), assembly work plans, and assembly instructions provided to
warehouse staff.

Bill of materials (BOM), assembly work plans, and instructions

The advanced kitting function supports the BOM, assembly work plans and instructions
necessary for the kitting process. Infor Supply Chain Execution utilizes a BOM or a list of
required components (items) to create a finished product, along with the quantity of
components and any non-stock accessories. Infor SCE also supports a dynamic BOM,
downloaded with an order to denote unique component requirements for the order.

Kit creation
Each step of your work plan can have specific instructions for its kitting operation. Operators
input the number of kits that have been completed at each stage of the work plan, and
component stock is decremented based on bill of material quantities automatically.
Infor Supply Chain Execution not only allows operators to create finished kits from
components, it also keeps them supplied with necessary materials by automatically
checking component locations for replenishment opportunities. If necessary component
parts are not at a kitting area, operators can create pick commands to move the component
parts to the proper area. If the quantity in that location drops below the trigger quantity,
operators can create replenishment commands to restock the material.
Infor Supply Chain Execution records all instructions and guides your warehouse
operators through the entire kitting process, ensuring they create kits correctly and

Labor and task management

Within Infor Supply Chain Execution, you can direct, track, measure, and report on all labor-
related activities within your operation. Infor SCE includes the following features designed to
provide your operation with tools to drive and monitor labor efficiencies:
• Task dispatch strategies to proactively direct activity in the warehouse
• Task interleaving setup, including task type, priority, and proximity-based
• Task queue monitoring and management
• Time and attendance, including time in-for-day, out-for-day, indirect and direct activity
tracking via desktop or RF
• User and operational activity monitoring and performance reporting

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 17

When you deploy the advanced labor management functionality, you get additional
capabilities, including:
• Labor planning and forecasting
• The ability to capture configurable labor standards (engineered standards or reasonable
expectancies) and operational complexities, including equipment uniqueness, operational
steps, travel restrictions, warehouse and location orientations, conditional variations, and
personal fatigue and delay (PF&D) allowances
• Interactive viewing by RF users of both standard expectations (goal time) and actual
times for each task performed; as well as summary inquiry capability
• Individual and group-level performance tracking versus standards
• Interactive facility and travel viewer

Cycle counting and loading standards

Labor standards are now supported for the following warehouse activities when performed
using RF:
• Assisted cycle counting
• Directed cycle counting
• Supervisor cycle counting
• Production cycle counting
• Assisted loading
• Directed loading
Standards for these activities have been preloaded into the labor management module and
can be used as-is or modified to fit your operating procedures.

Labor standards allowance enhancements

In addition to the percent-based allowance, tiered allowances can now be added based on
the number of hours worked in the shift, the average weight handled per hour during their
shift, and the specific shift that is being worked. This gives four different types of
allowances that can be configured:
• Flat percent—The allowance is based on a percent of the standard time calculated.
• Time worked—Hour ranges can be specified and a different allowance percent specified
for each.
• Weight handled—Tiered ranges of average weight handled can be specified and a
different allowance percent specified for each.
• Shift—A different allowance percent can be given depending on which shift the user is
working on.

Labor standards travel time enhancements

This enhancement allows the travel time calculation to more closely reflect the actual user
travel time by calculating different average equipment speeds when the user is traveling
within an aisle that requires lower travel speed or when the user is traveling a short
distance down an aisle that limits full acceleration. Each equipment profile contains an
attribute that specifies what is considered a short versus long distance. In addition, each
aisle can be configured as supporting a fast or slow speed. The travel time calculation
analyzes each segment of travel and calculates the time based on the attributes for each
segment of the travel path.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 18

With the built-in labor management capability of Infor Supply Chain Execution, your
operational management can dynamically monitor staff performance against engineered
labor standards and management expectations. Achievable goals can be set and
consistently monitored to drive operational improvements rather than using subjective
measurements of performance. Measuring productivity is multi-faceted; Labor Management
System implementations have shown dramatic improvement when it comes to labor
utilization, efficiency of staff, and adherence to proper work methods being performed on
the warehouse floor. Infor SCE’s labor management provides the framework to help drive
your warehouse operations to new productivity levels.
Infor Supply Chain Execution provides your operation with vital tools that allow you to better
utilize labor, facilitate operational process and performance improvements, increase overall
efficiency, and lower overall costs.

Task-directed management
Infor Supply Chain Execution provides automatic direction to operators using the task
management function. Based on operators’ profiles and ability to be assigned and complete
work in certain locations, and the priority of the work to be completed, an available task
from the work queue is automatically assigned to an operator. Supervisors can adjust an
operator’s task management profile to optimize skill sets, and to assign each operator the
necessary permissions to perform tasks in specific work zones.
Each time an operator working under task management becomes available for work, Infor
Supply Chain Execution evaluates the work queue to choose the next “best most efficient”
task available based on the user’s profile. The operator’s task management profile is used
to determine the operator’s primary task type. From the population of tasks available to a
particular operatorthe solution then determines the highest-priority task the operator can
service with their equipment type. Interleaving can also be enabled to efficiently drive your
workforce like for example interleaving putaways with pallet picks.
With Task management you’ll optimize your workforce and receive maximum benefit from
Infor Supply Chain Execution.

Transportation Management (TM)

The fulfillment requirements of many customers go beyond picking and shipping within the
four walls of a distribution center. Infor Supply Chain Execution has a robust set of
transportation management features built in, including shipment carrier tendering, carrier
communications, carrier rating, and shipment optimization. The solution takes advantage of
Infor’s proven Transportation Planning optimization engine to drive aggregation and multi-
stop shipment optimization.
The TM tendering capabilities are fully configurable to meet your operations unique carrier,
tendering, selection and optimization priorities. Based on configurable carrier tendering
rules, shipments can have carriers assigned manually or tendering can be automated.
Automated carrier tendering supports electronic carrier notifications (EDI, email, and carrier
web user access), facilitates sequential carrier tendering based on pre-defined timeout
rules, and provides a secure carrier user interface providing carrier access and visibility to
TM Rating and Routing is also fully configurable with carrier selection rules, rate contracts,
routing guides, and can determine optimal carriers based on negotiated carrier rate
contracts and configured routing guides. Carriers can be ranked for manual selection and
sequential tendering.
The automated optimization process supports aggregation and multi-stop shipment load
planning utilizing Infor’s proven advanced transportation planning algorithms.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 19

Consolidating Transportation Management within one supply chain execution environment
provides tremendous advantages as all outbound order management activities are driven
by one single source With the flexibility to automate the tendering, rating and routing steps,
Infor Supply Chain Execution can help reduce labor costs due to the time savings involved
with transportation planning, and can significantly drive down freight costs up to 20%
annually, using advanced load optimization.

Shipment Route

Carrier shipment load visibility

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 20

Infor Third Party Logistics (3PL) Billing
Accurate billing for storage, handling, and miscellaneous charges is a critical component for
many customers. This includes 3PL companies, as well as customers looking to track
operating costs by division. Infor Supply Chain Execution includes a robust and exhaustive
solution to simplify management of your billing and invoicing requirements.
Infor 3PL Billing supports centralized billing across multiple facilities, presenting a
consolidated view to your company and customers. You can create charges based on
configurable rating rules, group charges together into invoices tailored to each individual
customer (or division), generate detail and consolidated invoices, post invoices to an
accounting package, and report on historical revenue and costing comparisons.

Infor 3PL Billing:

• Reduces missed charges by automating transactional billing for storage, handling, and
accessorial charges.
• Provides a configurable and flexible rating engine supporting a variety of attributes
including carrier, vendor, ship-to customer, transportation mode, item groups, UOM,
weights, and quantity.
• Captures miscellaneous charges at time of transaction or as a special charge.
• Automates recurring storage charges with flexible user defined billing periods and rules
(Anniversary, Split Month, First/Last of Month, etc.). Charges are calculated using
quantity, weight, and / or cube based rates and real-time inventory levels.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 21

• Summary and detail invoices can be printed, emailed, or faxed more quickly to help
reduce days of sales outstanding.
• Provides a standard for exporting invoice data to an xml file which can then be imported
into your accounting package.

The Infor technology difference

Infor Supply Chain Execution is built on industry-leading technology providing you with cutting
edge capabilities. . Infor invests heavily in research and development, keeping our customers
and solutions in the forefront as technology continues to evolve. Infor uses standard tools and
technology, such as J2EE™ and a service-oriented architecture (Infor ION). This approach
provides customers like you with greater access to skilled resources and enhances the
interoperability of your enterprise applications.
Infor SCE is a thin-client solution constructed in easy-to-use modules and components. A
dedicated database layer ensures native support for the most popular databases and allows
you to add new databases in the future without changing the application code. The solution is
not tied to a particular database or operating system. Since the solution is written in Java™
and J2EE on a single code base, you get the same robust feature set regardless of your
chosen platform and database.
Infor puts the power of personalization at your fingertips. —We provide you with the means to
easily set up and configure your system according to your own operational, customer, and
user needs. With Infor Supply Chain Execution, you have control over data handling,
operations, facilities, work areas, processes, user variations, and required training efforts.
Many of our customers internalize these skills to be truly self-sufficient.
Personalization provides vital enterprise-wide consistency of languages, home pages, menus,
screens, dashboards (KPIs), reports, RF tasks, and field-level access, while also providing
flexibility to allow for user, task, and/or group-level personalization.
Web desktop personalization provides control over such features as:
• Language (single- and double-byte language support)
• Home page web sites and reports
• Dashboard metrics based on user personas with personalized parameters
• Menu navigation
• Hiding and displaying screens and reports
• Desktop favorites (bookmarks)
• Printer access
• Field default values
Personalization not only provides desktop user flexibility, but also offers a robust RF
configurator so you can establish efficient RF tasks based on your operational uniqueness.
Using RF personalization profiles provides control over such features as:
• Field positioning
• Prompting levels
• Field names and descriptors
• Pull-down (toggle) fields
• Default values
• Field validation
• Menus and sub-menus

Infor Ming.le
Infor SCE is now fully adopted for Infor Ming.le™, a comprehensive platform for social
collaboration, business process improvement, and contextual analytics. Giving you the most
innovative social media concepts translated into a business environment, the solution marries
communications with business processes to help you work smarter and faster.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 22

Infor Ming.le™ provides a centralized platform for collaboration that gives every user a
powerful assortment of advanced capabilities in an easy-to-use package. You’ll be able to
‘follow’ people, tasks, events and processes increasing productivity by enabling users to
quickly react to changing customer and market requirements. Users can organize
conversations into enterprise-wide streams; share key screens, data, and attachments; have
relevant data automatically displayed based on the context of discussions; and help
employees from across the enterprise work more effectively together through capabilities
such as:
• Tasks and alerts—Infor's technology allows transactional information to be transmitted in
real time, so employees can keep up with the progress of important activities. Users can
filter, view, and monitor information to keep tabs on the items that matter most. Infor
Ming.le™ also includes a workflow interface that can push approvals and alerts to the
appropriate people when problems arise to help speed their resolution.

• Drillback—Analytics and reports in Infor Ming.le™ feature full drill-back capabilities, so

you can see the information supporting the data on your screen. For example, if total
costs suddenly spike on one production line, you can immediately drill down and see
which component of cost changed most to contribute to the increase. You'll be able to
zero in on issues that matter and keep your operations under control more easily.

• Social objects— Drawing on a concept from the social media world, Infor Ming.le™ lets
users "follow" particular social objects and people, delivering automatic notices based on
parameters that the user defines. For example, a warehouse manager can be
automatically notified of all activity relating to late product delivery, lot contamination,
inventory shortage etc.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 23

Infor 10x Experience
Infor SCE is in accordance with Infor 10x, the latest release of Infor's proven business
applications, delivering innovative new capabilities in the areas of social business, mobility,
analytics, and integration, as well as major enhancements across all of Infor's product lines.

Infor 10x delivers major advancements allowing companies to maximize investments in

existing technologies and leverage innovative new solutions without complex integrations
and endless implementations. You also get access to innovative, forward-thinking solutions
capable of transforming the way you work. You'll be able to:
• Solve old problems in new ways, with social collaboration technologies embedded in core
business systems.
• Take your technology for granted, with systems that are beautiful, familiar, and easy
to use.
• Make sure out of office doesn't mean out of touch, by putting information at employees'
• Have systems without borders, with technology that turns siloed systems into
synchronized ones.
• Get software that talks back, with exceptions and alerts delivered automatically, plus the
ability to drill down into issues and take steps necessary to resolve problems anytime,
from anywhere.
With Infor 10x you’ll be change the way you work.

Infor BI Dashboards
Infor Supply Chain Execution, utilizing the Infor ION infrastructure, offers a role-based,
information delivery and action platform—Infor BI Dashboards. Top performance demands
real-time information and detailed control. Aircraft, spacecraft, and submarines all feature
advanced control consoles designed to help operators run a powerful vehicle efficiently. They
get superior results by organizing the most important operating controls and status
information in a single, clear, instantly accessible arrangement. Now you can bring that kind
of power to your business with the integrated information and control built into Infor BI
Dashboards, our innovative role-based application interface. For specific personas, such as
receiving manager, warehouse manager, inventory manager; Infor BI Dashboards provide
KPIs and real-time graphical dashboards, such as order shipped status, inventory turns, cycle
count summary, on-time receipt summary, orders received status, and much more.

Transform the way you work with Infor Motion Dashboards

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 24

Infor Motion™ Warehouse Director
Warehouse Director, the state of the art Apple® iPad® app, helps you streamline
management of critical functions offering a real time view of warehousing activities from a
simple, easy to use mobile platform along with the flexibility to work from a remote location.
The interactive, visual and user-friendly user interface ensures a great consumer grade user

Infor Warehouse Director

Infor Reporting
Powered by Cognos, Infor Reporting offers a packaged solution option with Infor Supply
Chain Execution. This zero foot print client and reporting features can be run directly from the
reporting menu as well as accessed externally from the application. This solution provides
multiple levels of reporting, analysis, monitory and related functionality including:
• A pre-configured metadata layer and historical data structures to facilitate specific report
creation. Infor has provided an exposed data interaction layer that eliminates the need for
users to have detailed technical knowledge of the database, field names, file and
directory structures, and joining techniques.
• Standard reports across multiple functional areas including inbound, outbound, task
management, management/KPI, and inventory.
• End-user accessible ad hoc reporting using simple drag and drop reporting mechanics.
These reports can be standard paper based formatted reports, dashboard oriented, as
well as graphical charts.
• Advanced, complex report creation offering full function web-based report authoring.
This provides for multiple distribution options including (email, XML, PDF, web page,
and PDF).
• Advanced options also include report routing and scheduling.
• Home page dashboard personalization capabilities to focus users on key metrics and real
time operational progress.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 25

Infor Motion SCE Warehouse Operator
Warehouse Operator is a new android based mobile software application that can be used for
dynamic picking. This application provides the warehouse employees with the tools they need
to do their job more efficiently and includes the following features:
• Dynamic Picking – Searches for orders by container or order number, and pick lines in
any order. Supports serial number capture at picking time.
• Photo Confirmation – Displays a photo of the product you are picking to help prevent over
or under picking.
• Photo Capture – Capture picking photos of products at each unit of measure level using
the onboard camera.
• Scanner support – Bluetooth-enabled scanners can be paired with the tablet to scan
barcodes into any field.
• Warehouse Map – Pulls up a map that displays the route to your next location.
• Screen Personalization – Allows users to remove unused fields and customize the layout
of the screens.

Infor Supply Chain Execution consists of several usability features that allow users to enter
and retrieve data into the system more efficiently. These features provide more flexibility to
the user and ensure a consumer grade user experience. Some of these features are:
• New 10x UI with Infor UX 3.0 colors, behaviors, look and feel.
• Configurable show/hide columns in list views that enable users to personalize the list
views by adding/ removing columns from the list view.
• Configurable list view page control giving the user the ability to control the list view page
size globally for all list views or for a specific list view. These settings can be configured
for specific users or for all users.
• Drill-back feature to enhance social collaboration through Infor Ming.le
• Ability to globally change field labels for Infor SCE WebUI screens.
• More than 40 Infor ION Alerts.
• Improved Excel import and export process
• Configuration tutorial guide to aid in setting up a facility. Hyperlinks provided to the actual
screen from within the guide allowing the user to quickly configure the application.

Infor ION
If your business is like most, the organizational systems you use have evolved over time,
creating a complicated technology landscape. Disconnected systems and information silos
result in inefficiencies, costly maintenance requirements, and ultimately—missed
Easily integrate both Infor and third-party software applications with Infor's innovative
Intelligent Open Network (ION). This purpose-built middleware solution provides a simple but
powerful and scalable framework, allowing you to eliminate operational silos, dramatically
improve exception management, and achieve unparalleled end-to-end efficiency.
Infor ION® enables intelligent business operations by simplifying integration between
disparate systems, while combining contextual business intelligence, common reporting and
analysis, streamlined workflow and business monitoring in a single, consistent architecture.
The solution also unifies reporting services, mobile services, and cloud services into one
elegant network built on four principal elements:

Infor ION Workflow

Infor ION Workflow works in conjunction with Infor Event Management to help you quickly and
intuitively create simple to more sophisticated workflows involving multiple Infor or non-Infor
applications and use those workflows to automate document routing and approvals across
departments and office locations worldwide.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 26

With Infor ION, Infor Supply Chain Execution has a standard way to integrate with Infor ERP
solutions, as well as an open and flexible technology to support integrations to our customers’
homegrown and standard ERP solutions.
Analysts have always debated the advantages of the full suite vs. best of breed approach.
With Infor ION, Infor offers the best of both. Infor ION is the unifying fabric for Infor
applications, providing you a single provider supporting your ERP system, supply chain,
integration, and more. If you are looking for a solution that protects your heterogeneous
ecosystem by providing interoperability with all your enterprise solutions, including custom
solutions as well as those from Infor, partners, third parties, and trading partners, Infor Supply
Chain Execution with Infor ION provides that. Infor offers you best of breed functionality
combined with the strength and support of a single full suite solution.

Infor ION Event Management

Take a proactive approach to identifying and resolving problems with rule-based notifications
and alerts that are automatically delivered to the employees who need them.

Infor ION Pulse

This flexible, lightweight messaging system moves information through the ION network
between your connected applications and components of the ION system, allowing your
systems to work together more effectively.

Infor ION Technology Connector

With Infor ION Technology Connector, you can integrate Infor and non-Infor applications with
minimal effort and minimize the disruption and complexity of upgrades by decoupling your

See results
Infor Supply Chain Execution offers end-to-end management of your warehouse and logistics
operations that go beyond conventional expectations.
Whether you need core warehouse management system functions or more advanced supply
chain execution capabilities, Infor Supply Chain Execution has the ability to support and
improve your logistics operations.
This powerful solution optimizes your distribution environment by helping you effectively
perform the complex, business-critical operations demanded of a modern fulfillment
operation: inventory management, labor management, work and task management, freight
tendering, freight optimization, slotting and optimization, cross docking and flow-thru, value-
added services, voice- directed distribution, and billing for 3PLs and distributors. Using Infor
Supply Chain Execution, you can reduce costs by increasing throughput and productivity.
By optimizing your distribution environment with Infor Supply Chain Execution, you can
realize measurable, ongoing savings that can account for 10% to 25% or more of your annual
product handling costs and 10% to 20% or more of your annual freight costs. Infor ION
elevates the potential savings significantly, with purpose-built middleware that provides a
simple but powerful and scalable framework. This allows you to eliminate operational silos,
dramatically improve exception management, and achieve unparalleled end-to-end efficiency.

About Infor
Infor is fundamentally changing the way information is published and consumed in the
enterprise, helping 70,000 customers in more than 200 countries and territories improve
operations, drive growth, and quickly adapt to changes in business demands. Infor offers
deep industry-specific applications and suites, engineered for speed, and with an innovative
user experience design that is simple, transparent, and elegant. Infor provides flexible
deployment options that give customers a choice to run their businesses in the cloud, on-
premises, or both. To learn more about Infor, please visit

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 27

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a commitment to you in any way. The information, products and services described herein are subject to change at
any time without notice.

This document reflects the direction Infor may take with regard to the specific product(s) described in this document, all of which is subject to change by Infor in its sole discretion, with or
without notice to you. This document is not a commitment to you in any way and you should not rely on this document or any of its content in making any decision. Infor is not committing to
develop or deliver any specified enhancement, upgrade, product, or functionality, even if such is described in this document.

Infor Supply Chain Execution 10.3 Product Brief 28

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