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—, Ize; good morning my husband Anoze; morning my darling wife Ize; breakfast is almost ready, should i serve it now? Anoze; it's sunny already i need to be in the farm. Keep it till i return Ize; okmy husband. Go well Anoze; let me hurry up and call Adeiza so we can go together. I just hope he's ready is a us Anoze; knock! Knock!!. Adeiza, don't tell me you're still not ready. The sun is out already and you're still here Adeiza; Don't mind me my dear, i went to bed very late. Anoze; please let's get going. Adeiza; just a minute. Adeiza; you know how much ilove food, and you made me leave the house without eating Anoze; neither did i eat, although mine was ready but icouldn't eat cos i was late. Adeiza, when are you getting married. Adeiza; God's time is the best, you know? ULES rn yi - Ize; Let me round this up on time for my (E2dW) client. They surely need it for their upcoming December program Adeiza; what a hectic day we had today in the farm, Anoze; definitely. We should be able to harvest the cassavas by next week. Adeiza; Probably Anoze; before i forget, why not accompany me to my house so we could eat together Adeiza; Hmm!!1 don't think that will be possible, you know your wife hates seeing me Anoze; Leave that to me to handle. I surely know how to deal with her. You know we've been friends even before i married her. Adeiza; Ok then, if you insist. Anoze; Ayami (my heart), I'm home, please serve my food. I'm very tired and hungry Ize; What is this lazy man doing in my house again? Adeiza; surely, i saw this coming Ize; Ineed this useless man off my house now. Anoze; Why should you talk to my friend in that manner? Adeiza; Hmmmm. I never intended coming in the first place. a | fn Adeiza; I've had enough, i told you this earlier. : Isurely need to be on my way. Anoze; Please my dear friend, I'm really sorry, Just give me sometime to handle this. Ize; Allow him go away. And make sure you don't show your ugly, lazy face here again Anoze; What is it between you and my friend? Why do you love fighting and insulting him always? Ize; I don't just like him with you. As old as he is, why is he not married? Anoze; What business of yours is that? I've told you time without number, learn to respect my friend. Weare not having this discussion again.. Anoze; Please my dear friend, I'm really sorry I'm pleading on behalf of my wife an I. You know how women are. Adeiza; Well, isaw that coming and moreover, I'm equally use to that Anoze; Thank you very much. You're indeed my friend Adeiza; You're welcome.. Anoze; Meanwhile, you know we have a lot to work on in the farm tomorrow. Make sure you wake up early Adeiza; That won't be an issue. I'll visit Adaviruku later this evening in regards to what we discussed with him last week. Anoze; Ok then, I'll be very happy with that. Come as early as possible tomorrow please Adeiza; Ok then. Till tomorrow Adeiza: Good morning my wiisar friend. Anoze; You're very welcome. I was just talking to my wife about you. Let me get my hoe so we can get going. Adeiza; Hurry up please, time isn't on our side. Anoze; Ok then. Just a minute Ize; | Adeiza, In what language would you prefer me telling you to stay away from my home? Or, have you lost your sense of hearing? Anoze; God please see me through this. Adeiza; I'm not surprised anyways. I shouldn't be expecting anything less froma shameless and mannerless person. Ize; How dare you come to my house to insult me (Slapped Adeiza) Anoze; Ize, are you stupid? Anoze; How could you slap my friend, what is your problem for God sake, are you in sane? Ize; Since he don't want to stay away from my family, he should be ready to take anything Anoze; Please my dear friend, I'm really sorry forgive us please. It's all my fault, i shouldn't have ask you to come over. Adeiza; What's all this? Do i really deserve this embarrassment? Ize; Stay away from my husband, your mates are married. Lazy man Ize; Well you're not going anywhere with him. Anoze; I'm sure you're not serious. If not for your useless act we should have been in the farm by now Ize; If that is the case, you're going to choose bet- ween your friend and your darling wife Anoze; Has it really come to this? Ize; Sure it has, and I'm waiting!!! == 1 Sl EZ Anoze; Please my dear friend, I'm really sorry, Can you please go home now, I'll join you later, ineed to speak with my wife. Adeiza; You're sucha weakling, I'm not surprised anyways, stay with her all you can. I'm off to the farm Anoze; It isn't like that my friend. Please, try and understand Adeiza; Mtcheew (hiss) Ize; _‘I'mreally sorry. Just that i don't like such per- son around you. Else, why is he not married at his age? He's a useless man, can't you see? Anoze; How does that concerns you? Ize; It does concern me, you are my husband Or do you want to be a flirt like him?. Im sorry Let me rush to the market so I'll prepare you your favorite, My love Anoze; Hmmmm!!! Ize; Let me get going already my husband Anoze; Take care my dear. And please don't go and start fighting 00 = Pid Where is this man for God sake? And he knows this is the only chance i have in seeing him. I pray he gets here on time. I've really missed him although. To be continued ...

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