NNFL Vanity Abs

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The advice and information contained in this workout component may not be appropriate for all
individuals. Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties involved
in the creation or promotion of this workout and nutrition program are not responsible for any
injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and workouts contained in
any Vince Del Monte workout and nutrition system. The information in this workout and nutri-
tion program are the opinions of the author and are not a replacement for medical advice. You
should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. If you choose to follow
the workout and nutrition program without consulting your physician, you are doing so at your
own risk. We claim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. Exercises include tutori-
als and detailed descriptions to give you the information you need to be able to perform the
exercise with proper form. However, it is your responsibility to warm up properly, determine the
weight you will use, perform each movement correctly, get professional supervision if you’re
unsure of an exercise technique and ultimately to decide whether or not you are capable of per-
forming the exercise/workout without sustaining injury.

All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2017 – Vince Del Monte and VinceDelMonteFitness.com. All rights are reserved.
You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without
written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

2 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.


Thank you for investing into this abdominal specialization guide
to put on the finishing touches.
You have taken the call to action to improving your abdominal
development and this is your top resource for maximal abdomi-
nal gains in a short period of time.

VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved. 3


This specialization guide is YOUR go-to resource for getting

ripped abs.... FAST!
I have no doubt that you’re going to make tremendous progress
on your abs with this specialization “plug in” program. You may
be wondering how long you can use this program?
This program is appropriate for 18 weeks before embarking on
another abdominal specialization program. Your current training
program (No-Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0 or No-Nonsense Fat
Loss 2.0) already includes abdominal training so this is in addi-
tion to what’s already prescribed.
Keep in mind, you don’t need to do all 6 workouts. You can mix
and match based on what type of exercises and rep ranges help
improve your abdominals the most.
Now it’s time to get to the programs.

4 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.


Days Workout
Monday Workout 1

Tuesday Workout 2

Wednesday Workout 3

Thursday Workout 4

Friday Workout 5

Saturday Workout 6

Sunday Off

VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved. 5


Welcome to my “abs world”! The programming will change each
day and you will notice a significant increase in the size of your
abdominals after you begin incorporating these workouts. While
it’s very uncommon and more often the cause of drug abuse,
excessive ab/oblique training can create a blocky waist. If you
ever seem or feel like you’re getting a thick waist from the work-
outs below, you may need to reduce or stop all direct ab/oblique

6 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.


VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved. 7


As a professional fitness model, here’s a few key tips to get the

most out of the movements:

-> The tempo for abs is SLOW. Go slow and controlled

and feel them “on” through each inch of the movement.

--> Focus on contracting your abs HARD on each

rep. Don’t waste a simple rep. Own each inch of the

--> Exhale out when you perform the concentric por-

tion of the movement and shorten your abs as much as

--> Start with the MINIMUM EFFECTIVE DOSE. Use the

reps and sets as guidelines. You can start on the lower
end and build up over the weeks if you’re new to intense
ab training.

--> Get LEAN! You won’t be able to see the fruits of your
labor until you’re around 12% body fat as a male or 20%
body fat as a female. If you REALLY want to see your abs
POP, men should be under 10% body fat and females
under 16% body fat.

--> You can train abs anytime -- before a workout if it’s

your priority, after cardio or after your weights -- it really
does not matter. Just stick to your plan.

8 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1 Reverse Crunches on Ground 3 200 90 secs

A2 Swiss Ball Crunches 3 200 90 secs

VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved. 9


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1 TRX Mountain Climbers 3 90 secs
each side

A2 TRX Knees Side to Side 3 90 secs
each side

A3 TRX Fall Outs 3 20 90 secs

10 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Heavy Bench Press Crunches

A 3 4-­6 90 secs
(3 second hold each rep)

VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved. 11


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1 Hanging Garhammers 3 Max reps 90 secs

A2 Front Plank 3 Max reps 90 secs

B1 Incline Garhammer 3 Max reps 90 secs

B2 Medball V-Ups 3 10-15 90 secs

12 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Low Pulley Weighted Pull-­I ns
(like a reverse crunch with dip
A1 4 10-12 90 secs
belt across knees and attached
to pulley)
Eccentric-Accentuated Swiss
A2 Ball Crunch w/ Rope (5-­s ec 4 8-10 90 secs

VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved. 13


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Kneeling High Pulley Rope

A1 5 15 90 secs

Flat Bench Reverse Crunch with

A2 5 10 ea 90 secs

14 VinceDelMonteFitness.com - Copyright © 2017. All rights are reserved.

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