Think Tank: Normal Distribution

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• Illustrates a normal random

variable and its characteristics.

Chapter 2
Normal • Identifies regions under the
Distribution normal curve corresponding to
different standard normal

Lesson 1: The Standard Normal Distribution

This chapter helps you to illustrate the normal random variable and its characteristics. It also
includes the lesson on how to identify regions under the normal curve corresponding to
different standard normal values. You can also learn how important a normal curve is in
statistics for making inferences to solve a certain problem.

In a previous lesson, you have learned how to construct the probability distribution of the
random variable. You also acquired knowledge and skills on how to solve the mean and
variance of a discrete probability distribution. This time, you will focus on the Normal
Probability Distribution, also called Normal Curve which is used to predict the probabilities of
a continuous random variable. Also, this lesson is the springboard of the succeeding lesson
and to solve real-life situations in determining the percentage, and proportions of every
random variable in a normal distribution.

Think Tank

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. illustrate a normal random variable and its characteristics;
2. state and apply the concepts of the empirical rule or 68%-95%-99.7% of the
3. identify the regions under the normal curve of different standard normal values;
4. use the z Table (Table of Areas under the Normal Curve) to find the regions that
correspond to z values; and
5. sketch the normal curve showing the required regions or areas.
Memory Bank

Let us check your memory bank on how much you know about this pretest. Please answer
all questions with your best and honesty to help you where you need to begin.

Directions: Read and analyze the following problems carefully. Choose the letter of the best
answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. According to the characteristics of a Normal Probability Distribution, the mean and

median are equal to what measures?
a. variance c. both a and b
b. mode d. only a
2. Assuming the average age of Filipino with COVID 19 vaccine in the Philippines is 53 years
and with a standard deviation of 8 years, what is the approximate age range in which 68%
of Filipino are vaccinated?
a. 29 – 76 years c. 45 – 61 years
b. 37 – 68 years d. 53 - 76 years
3. What is the area under the standard normal curve below z = -1.5?
a. 0.0668 c. 0.5
b. 0.4332 d. 0.9332
4. What is the area under the standard normal curve between z = -3 and z = 1?
a. 0.084 c.0.8413
b. 0.84 d. 0.8426
5. What is the z value of the following graph that corresponds to the given area?

a. below z = -2.18 c. to the left of z = 2.08

b. below z =-2.08 d. to the left of z = 2.18

Fresh Hook

A. Let’s have a review first. Read the following questions carefully and write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper Then, check your answer using a calculator or any calculating

1. What is the sum of the 0.0234 and 0.234?
2. What is the result of 0.033 subtracted from 0.6172?
3. What is the value when 0.0107 is added to 0.1650?
4. What is the equivalent of 68% into decimal form?
5. What is the equivalent of 0.997 into percent?

B. Determine whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Write the word TRUE if it is correct and FALSE
if it is incorrect, then modify the statement to make it true.

1. The sum of the probabilities in a probability distribution of the random variable is

2. The total dosage of covid vaccines is an example of continuous random
3. Area is a region or a space occupied by two-dimensional objects.
4. Median is equal to the summation of the scores divided by the number of cases.
5. -0.367 is greater than 0.286.

Discovery Lane

A. The distribution of the general average (X) of the sixteen (16) STEM students who are
qualified to take the examination for the DOST scholarship program was presented below.
X f
91 1
92 2
93 3
94 4
95 3
96 2
97 1

Perform the following tasks

1. Construct a histogram of the above distribution
2. Find the mean, median, and mode.
3. In your histogram, locate the mean, median, and mode.
4. Compare the grades of the students from the left and the right of 94.

On Point

How do you find the activity? What have you observed in the histogram you created from the
previous activity? How about the location of the mean, median, and mode in your graph?

Your answers to the previous questions will help you to understand the characteristics of a
normal probability distribution. The normal probability distribution is used to approximate
many distributions occurring in our real-life situations. It is also used to determine the
probabilities and percentile of the continuous random variables in the distribution. For
example, in your previous activity about the distribution of the general average of the sixteen
(16) STEM students who are qualified to take the examination for the DOST scholarship
program, you have noticed that the distribution of the general average of the STEM students
was normally distributed. General average is also described as a continuous random
variable. You have also noticed that the mean of the distribution can be found at the center
which is 94 and the distribution from the center to the right is a mirror of the distribution to
the left as shown in the figure below. See Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Distribution of the General Average of STEM Students

The graphical representation of the normal distribution is popularly known as a

normal curve. The normal curve is described clearly by the following characteristics
1. The normal curve is like a bell-shaped
2. The curve is symmetrical about its center. This means that the area from the center
to the left and the area from the center to right are equal.
3. The measurements of the central tendency such as mean, median, and mode are
equal and located at the center of a normal curve. The spread of the curve depends
on the value of the standard deviation of the distribution.
4. The tails of the curve are plotted indefinitely in both directions along the horizontal
axis. These tails are said to be asymptotic because they are approaching the
horizontal line but never touching it.
5. The total area under a normal curve is 1.

To easily understand the characteristic of the normal curve, the following figure (Fig 2) will
help you to visualize each of them.

Fig. 2: Graph of a Normal Curve


The function of normal probability distribution in our real-life world is easily appreciated by
the application of the empirical rule. Let us, study, and analyze the concepts of the empirical

Fig. 3. Representation of the Empirical Rule.

The above diagram (Fig.3) shows the representation of 68% - 95% - 99.7% rule. The 68% -
95% - 99.7% rule is better known as empirical rule. This rule states that the data in the
distribution lies within the 1, 2, and 3 of the standard deviation of the mean. Specifically, the
above diagram tells the estimation of the following percentage:
• 68% of data lies within the 1 standard deviation of the mean.
• 95% of data lies within the 2 standard deviations of the mean.
• 99.7% of data lies within the 3 standard deviations of the mean.

For instance, the distribution of the height (in cm) of the HUMSS students in Matapat National
High School is shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Distribution of the Height of the HUMSS students
in Matapat Nation High School.

Using the empirical rule, you can say that the distribution of the height (in cm) of the HUMSS
students in Matapat National High School are distributed normally because the shape of the
graph is bell-shaped and symmetric about its mean, which is 120 cm. This also indicates that
most of the students’ heights fall close to the mean and fewer of them are far below and/or
above the mean.

Illustrative Example 1:

A Statistics and Probability teacher gave 40 item questions on his First Grading Assessment
and he found that the students' scores had a mean of 28 and a standard deviation of 3.
Assume that the scores are normally distributed. What percent of the scores are between 25
to 31?

Draw a standard normal curve and plot the mean, at the center.
The mean of this problem is 28, it is subtracted by 3 to the left (e.g. 28-3 = 25; 25-3 = 22; 22
– 3 = 19) and add 3 to the right. (e.g. 28 + 3 = 31; 31 + 3 = 34; 34 + 3 = 37). See the figure
5 below.

Fig. 5 Distribution Students’ score in the 1st Grading Assessment

As stated in figure 5, 25 falls at 1 standard deviation from the mean to the left and the
score of 31 cm falls at 1 standard deviation from the mean to the right. Therefore, it covers
the whole 68%.

ANSWER: 68 % of the students have a score between 25 to 31 in the
First Grading Assessment in Statistics and Probability

Illustrative Example 2:

Many people infected by the Covid-19 virus had low-level oxygen which is a life-threatening
condition. Suppose the oxygen level of 150 patients is normally distributed with a mean of
69 and a standard deviation of 8. Answer the following questions:
a. What oxygen levels fall within 95% of the distribution?
b. How many patients have an oxygen level between 61 to 77?

Draw a standard normal curve and plot the mean, at the center.
The mean of this problem is 69, it is subtracted by 8 to the left (e.g. 69-8 = 61; 61-8 = 53; 53
– 8 = 45) and add 8 to the right. (e.g. 69 + 8 = 77; 77 + 8 = 85; 85 + 8 = 93). See the figure
9 below.

Fig. 6: Distribution of the Oxygen Level of the

COVID 19 Patients

a. From the figure, 95% of the distribution lies within 2 standard deviations to the left
and 2 standard deviations to the right of the mean. Therefore, the 95% of the distribution
covers the 53 to 85 level of oxygen.
b. 61 to 77 falls within 68% of the distribution. Since we have 150 Covid-19 patients
and 68% of that is 102. Therefore, 102 out of 150 Covid patients have an oxygen level of 61
to 77



In identifying the regions under the normal curve, we can use the Table of Areas under the
Normal Curve which is also known as z-Table (see attachment at the last page of this
lesson). This table gives an area to any value of z from -3.99 to 3.99.

How to use the Table of Areas under the Normal Curve?

Example: Find the area to the left of 1.14

Solution: First, split the given z-value into the whole number with tenths and hundredths, we
can find the whole number and the tenth digit (1.1 on the left side of the table while the
hundredths (0.04) located at the uppermost of the table. Then the intersection of these
numbers will be the area of the normal curve to the left of the z-value.


Answer: The area to the left of z= 1.14 is 0.87286


1. Sketch a normal curve (µ=0 and σ =1) and locate the given z-value.
2. Shade the region of the curve according to the condition of z-value whether it is to
the left, to the right, or between.
3. Use the z- table to find the corresponding area of the given z-value.
4. Choose the appropriate operation based on steps 2
4.1. When the z-value is to the left or any related terms (e.g. below, less than) just
write the value we obtained from the z-table
4.2. When the z-value is to the right or any related terms (e.g. above, greater than),
subtract the obtained value from the z-table to 1
4.3. When the shaded region is in between the two z-value, subtract the largest
by the smallest value obtained in z-table
5. Label the shaded region and draw a conclusion

Example 1: What is the area that corresponds below z = 1.25

STEP 1: Sketch a
normal curve (µ=0
and σ =1) and locate
the given z-value.

STEP 2: Shade the

region of the curve
according to the
condition of z-value
whether it is to the
left, to the right, or

STEP 3. Use the z-

table to find the
corresponding area
of the given z-value.

STEP 4. Choose the Since the shaded region of the curve is to the left of the z=
appropriate 1.25 and the intersection between 1.2 and 0.05 is 0.89435.
operation based on Therefore, we just write the value we obtained which is
steps 2 0.89435
4.1. When the z-
value is to the left or
any related terms
(e.g. below, less
than) just write the
value we obtained
from the z-table

STEP 5 Label the
shaded region and
draw a conclusion

Therefore, the area that corresponds below z = 1.25 is

0.89435 or 0.8944.

Example 2: Find the area to the right of z = - 2.11

STEP 1: Sketch a
normal curve (µ=0
and σ =1) and locate
the given z-value.

STEP 2: Shade the

region of the curve
according to the
condition of z-value
whether it is to the
left, to the right, or

STEP 3. Use the z-

table to find the
corresponding area
of the given z-value.

STEP 4. Choose the Since the shaded region of the curve is to the right of the z=
appropriate -2.11 and the intersection between -2.1 and 0.01 is
operation based on 0.01743. Then, we will subtract it to 1 and its difference is
steps 2 0.98257
4.2. When the z-
value is to the right or
any related terms
(e.g. above, greater
than), subtract the
obtained value from
the z-table to 1.
STEP 5 Label the
shaded region and
draw a conclusion

Therefore, the area that corresponds below z = -2.11 is

0.98257 or 0.9826.

Example 3: Find the area to the between the z = - 1.48 and z = 0.84

STEP 1: Sketch a
normal curve (µ=0
and σ =1) and
locate the given z-

STEP 2: Shade
the region of the
curve according to
the condition of z-
value whether it is
to the left, to the
right, or between.

STEP 3. Use the
z- table to find the
area of the given

The value that corresponds to z= -1.48 is 0.06944 and

z= 0.84 is 0.79955.
STEP 4. Choose Since the shaded region is within the two z-value, subtract
the appropriate 0.79955 by 0.06944. The difference is 0.73011.
operation based
on steps 2
4.3. When the
shaded region is
in between the two
z-value, subtract
the largest by the
smallest value
obtained in z-table
STEP 5 Label the
shaded region and Therefore, the area that corresponds between z = -1.48
draw a conclusion and z= 0.84 is 0.73011 or 0.7301.

Plus Express

A. The following statements are the characteristics of the normal curve. Write a word or
phrase on the blank provided on each number to complete the thoughts.
1. The curve is bell-shaped and symmetric about its _________.
2. Both sides of the _______of a normal curve do not touch the
horizontal axis
3. The_____________ of the normal curve are extended indefinitely.
4. In the horizontal axis, use zero (0) at the _______where the mean is
located and use 1, 2, and 3 to the right and -1, -2, and -3 to the left.
5. The distances between numbers in the horizontal line or the x-axis
are always ___________________.

B. Find the area or region that corresponds to each of the following z values. Sketch and
label each curve.
1. to the left of z = -2.17
2. greater than z= 1.49
3. above z= 1.57
4. between z = -1.34 and z = 1.57
5. between z = 1.32 and z = 2.53

Data Box

• The normal random variable is a set of the numerical value of continuous random
variables which is normally distributed.
• Normal Distribution is a probability distribution of continuous random variables. It also
represents the probability, or the proportion, or the percentage associated with
specific sets of measurement values.
• A normal curve has the following characteristics:
a. It should be bell-shaped and symmetric about its center.
b. Both sides of the tails of a normal curve do not touch the horizontal axis.
c. In the horizontal axis, use 0 at the center where the mean is located and use 1, 2,
and 3 to the right and -1, -2, and -3 to the left. But still, remember there is an integral

part between each number. However, it is not limited to the -3 and 3, it is extended
d. The distances between numbers in the horizontal line or the x-axis are always
• Empirical rule. This rule states that the data in the distribution lies within the 1, 2, and
3 of the standard deviation of the mean.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of data lies within the 1 standard deviation from the mean.
Ninety-five percent (95%) of data lies within the 2-standard deviation from the mean.
Ninety-nine and seven-tenths percent (99.70%) of data lies within the 3-standard
deviation from the mean.
• Z-table or Table of Areas Under Normal Curve contains the corresponding area of
the z value.
• Steps on how to find the area that corresponds to z –value
1. Draw a normal curve and locate the given z-value on the normal curve.
2. Shade the region of the curve according to the condition of z-value whether it is
below, above, or between.
3. Use the table of the area under the normal curve to find the corresponding area.
4. Choose the appropriate operation based on step 2.
5. Label the shaded region and draw a conclusion.
• When the z-value is to the left or any related terms (e.g. below, less than) just write
the value we obtained from the z table.
• When the z-value is to the right or any related terms. (e.g. above, greater than),
subtract 1 by the obtained value from the z table.
• When the shaded region is in between the two z-value, subtract the biggest by the
smallest value obtained from the z table.

Skill Path Extender


1. Contact at least 20 of your classmates through SMS or messenger
2. Ask them for their general average on the First Semester.
3. Compute the mean and standard deviation of the collected data including your
4. Use the empirical rule, to answer the following questions
a. What is the interval or range of the general average falls within 68%?
b. What is the interval or range of the general average falls within 95%?
c. What is the interval or range of the general average falls within 99.7%?
d. What is the interval or range of the general average falls within 81.5%?
e. In which interval away from the mean does your general average

5. Identify the region of a normal curve on which your general average is
located. Then, draw a normal curve and shade the said region.

ACCURACY (Collection, organization presentation and computation
(Mean and SD) of the data are correct) – 5pts
APPEARANCE (Illustration is constructed neatly, labels are written
clearly and it follows the characteristics of a normal curve) 5pts
Results on item number 4, A to E – 10 pts

Check Po

Direction: Read and analyze the following problems carefully. Choose the letter of the best
answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statement describes the normal probability distribution?

a. The mean, median, and mode are equal
b. The shape of the normal curve is like an ellipse.
c. The total area of the normal curve is not equal to one.
d. The tails of the normal curve are symmetric to the horizontal lines.
2. Assuming the average age of Filipino who are already vaccinated against the COVID 19
vaccine is 53 years and with a standard deviation of 8 years, what is the approximate age
range in which 95% of Filipino vaccinated?
a. 29 – 76 years c. 45 – 61 years
b. 37 – 69 years d. 53 - 76 years
3. What is the area under the standard normal curve above the z = -1.5?
a. 0.0668 c. 0.5
b. 0.4332 d. 0.9332
4. What is the area under the standard normal curve between z = -2 and z = 1?
a. 0.0228 c. 0.8413
b. 0.8186 d. 0.8641
5. What is the z value of the following graph that corresponds to the given area?

a. below z = -1.13 c. to the left of z =1.03
b. below z = -1.03 d. to the left of z =1.13

Final Screen

A. Study and analyze each situation to solve the problems.

1. The distribution of the Academic Performance of the Senior High School students in
Statistics and Probability for the Third Quarter is shown below in a diagram. Suppose the
random variables are normally distributed, answer the following question.

a. What is the mean of the academic performance of the Senior High

School students in Statistics and Probability for Third Quarter?
b. What is the standard deviation of the distribution?
c. What percent of the students whose grades are between 79 and 95?
d. Did the median and mode of this distribution are also equal to 87?
2. The average monthly salary of 1000 public school teachers of the 2nd District of Quezon
was graphically presented below. Suppose the monthly salaries of the teachers are normally
distributed, what is the total area of the shaded region?


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