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Dr. George Felfoldi
© 2022, George F. Felfoldi
© 2022, George Felfoldi

Please feel free to distribute this e-Book,

As long as all the information is intact,
And is unchanged.



Title Page
Copyright Information
Table Of Content
Special Thanks
About The Author
Other Books By The Author
Introduction – Why This Book?
Collection Of Tips - Section One
Collection Of Tips – Section Two
Collection Of Tips – Section Three
Collection Of Tips – Section Four
Collection Of Tips – Section Five
Collection Of Tips – Section Six
Collection Of Tips – Section Seven
I would like to dedicate this e-Book
To all the working people who
do not have the time and money
to spend on long cleaning tasks.
And also to all my readers
And friends.


I would like to thank all the people,
Companies, Organizations,
Family and friends that made
This e-Book possible.

B. A. Hall, DBS
Free Photos From (Internet)
Roza Felfoldi
Erno Yeno Felfoldi
Erno Gaza Felfoldi
Toronto Public Library
Amanda Jami
Proctor And Gamble
Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D., R.N., CRNA
The Family Handyman
City of Toronto
Walmart Canada

Dr. George F. Felfoldi, D.D., Ph.D.

Dr. George Felfoldi is an Independent

Baptist Minister, An Author, Song writer
And Musician who is a native to
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
George holds several doctors degrees in
Various fields and has written several books,
On different subjects such as:
Occult, Health, Religion, Herbals,
Ships, and also Poetry and Lyrics.
George is also married and
Has four grown children
living in Toronto, Ontario.

The Healing Powers Of Seaweed And Algae


The Healing Powers Of Blueberries

The Book of Spells :White Magic Vs. Black Magic
The Felfoldi’s :Medical Herbal Encyclopedia
Cooking With Eggs Cookbook
The Healing Powers Of Avocadoes
Hypnosis For Self Betterment And Healing
The Down To Earth Cookbook


The Science of Mind Transformation

The Scottish-Hungarian Cookbook
Cooking With Friends Cookbook
A World Of Food Cookbook


Bed Bugs In The Woodwork


From My Table Cookbook


Kimberley's Famous Recipes


Do Not Stop Cooking

Angels Of The Light
The Angels Connection
Hamster's Simplified
My Scottish Fold Long-Haired Cat (Miss Kitty)

Great Foods Made Easy

The Healing Powers Of Black Pepper
The Healing Powers Of Coffee
The Healing Powers Of Turmeric
The Healing Powers Of Water
Arthritis Simplified
An Invisible Wall In Nature
Bedbugs Simplified


Farmer's Wife Olde And New Tyme Recipes


Cooking Through A Pandemic

Healing Properties Of Garlic

Healing Properties Of Corn
Healing Properties Of Bananas
The Fascinating Facts Of Gnomes
Cherries: A Superfood
Pears: A Supergfood
Plums: A Superfood
Healing Properties Of Paprika
Healing Properties Of Turnip
Healing Properties Of Ginger
Everyday Cooking
Pandemic 2 Cookbook
Healing Properties Of Pomegranate
Healing Properties Of Cranberry
The Future Of Solar Energy
According To The Bible
Speaking To God Through Prayers

From Hungarian And Scottish Kitchens

Yes You Can Cook
A Modern Look At Poetry
Cleaning And Kitchen Tips
- Why This Book?

Yes, I know what you are going to ask me. Why this Book?
Well, my wife and I are like everyone else, living on a limited
amount of fixed income, just like everyone else. We are
always trying to make our life easier without spending too
much money on house hold items. Trying to make our lives
more easy and stress free.

We have over the years collected, “Tips on different things”,

that we are now able to share with others who are also trying
to save money and save some time, in this fast and hectic
world that we live in; and to try to make their lives more free
from stress.

In this e-Book you will find many useful tips on different

things, like cleaning, and other tips for the kitchen. You will
also save some time and money in the long run, just like we
did over the past few years.

Who doesn't love cleaning tips? We all spend countless hours

keeping our house clean, hours that could be used for a
number of other, more fun activities. Sometimes these
cleaning jobs seems endless and as soon as we reach the end
of our cleaning duties, the first one we cleaned already are
ready to be cleaned up again. Especially if you have children
and animals in the house or in your apartment.

Many of these tips and tricks are using things that you most
likely have at home or in your apartment already.

I do recommend that you try some of this tips that I have

listed here in this book. Don't forget that, “MONEY SAVED IS
MONEY EARNED”, and that time can be better placed at
something else, that is more useful and deserving.


With a cheese grater, it is the best way to get all the cheesy
goodness you want on your preferred food. However, there is
no denying that cheese graters are almost impossible to clean
completely, and that it can feel as though you've been
scrubbing them for ages when you clean them. Now you can
put away the steep wool and your dish soap, as there is this
option. You can clean your cheese grater using a potato. Shred
the raw potato after you shred the cheese. It will cleat the
gummy cheese from the grater's hole, and you can then use
the shredded potato for all sorts of food.


A lint roller is a must have tool for the home and apartment,
and you can find in pretty much every home, apartment or at
the office. Unfortunately, these lampshades are a dust and
dirt magnet. They all tend to trap unwanted dust and dirt that
is floating in the air, which could even lead to a fire hazard,
depending on the size of the bulb and heat the bulb produces.
Not to mention, that the dust and dirt is always a huge
allergen trigger for some people. An effective way to clean
your lampshades is to use a lint roller. Run the roller around
the edges, top, bottom, inside, and outside. Chances are that
you will be quite surprised on how much dust and dirt the
roller pulls of the lampshade.



Your shower is an essential part of your day or night, and it is

definitely a place that is ripe for this cleaning tip. Cleaning
your showerhead might not seem as pressing to you as
cleaning your bathtub or walls of the shower, but it is still a
bacteria prone area. TO CLEAN THE SHOWERHEAD, fill a small
plastic bag halfway with white vinegar. DO NOT overfill the
plastic bag, as the vinegar could overflow when you submerge
the showerhead into it. Place the bag over the showerhead,
fully soaking it in the vinegar. Let it soak for a few hours, or
even overnight, and then remove the bag.

When it comes to wood, water stains are almost an

inevitability, especially if you have children. These stains often
show up onto wood as light coloured rings, which are caused
by the bottoms of hot plates or cold mugs that rest onto the
wood surface. The condensed moisture seeps into the wood,
causing a noticeable stain. If you want to fix this problem, plug
in your hairdryer. SPRAY THE WATER RINGS with a hairdryer,
drying the water from the wooden surface. Then, freshen up
the area with furniture or olive oil. The results will give you a
beautiful shiny wood without a hint of annoying water stain
or spots.



Cream of Tartar is a baking product, and is something that you

can eat; it is also something that you can clean with. A lot of
food products is also overlap into cleaning products, cream of
tartar is no exception. YOU CAN USE IT to clean stainless
steel. Cream of tartar works as a scrub, and it is a powerful
powdered form of tartaric acid. ALL YOU NEED TO DO is
dampen a cloth with water and sprinkle cream of tartar onto
it. You can use it to spot clean all kinds of stainless steel
surfaces, from small appliances, fridges, to pots and pans.
It will remove stains and fingerprints and will give it a
replenished luster or shine.


It is said that white sneakers will never go out of style, and it

is a shame that they get dirty so easily. Keeping white shoes
dirt free is a large task, but it doesn't have to be an expensive
one. The chances are, that you have the key tool right in your
home or apartment. ALL YOU NEED is an old toothbrush, (one
that you don't use any more), and a tube of toothpaste.
Squeeze the toothpaste onto the brush, and work the brush in
a circular motion onto the stain. Let the paste sit for about 10
to 15 minutes, and then clean it off with a clean sponge or
a damp towel. Repeat as necessary, until your shoes are bright
white again.



Some people said that though duct tape and vinegar might
seem like unusual cleaning products, do not let that
discourage you from giving this tip a try.

TO CLEAN THE TOILET, cover the siphons with duct tape. Then,
put white vinegar into the toilet bowl. Flush. Let the mix sit
overnight before you remove the tape from the siphons.
Allowing the vinegar to soak will let the substance get into the
toilet bowl, clean it thoroughly, and strip away grime. This tip
is cheaper than some of the expensive, $10.00 to $15.00 toilet
bowl cleaners that is on the market today, and you probably
already have duct tape and vinegar right in your home and

If you have children or pets living with you, then you know
that the number one most stressful thing is breaking a piece
of glass around them. There is always a risk that one of them
will try and step in the area before you had a chance to clean
up all the glass. The seemingly microscopic pieces of can cause
a huge injury. YOU CAN CLEAN UP these small pieces of glass
with a piece of bread. After you have removed all of the larger
chunks of shattered glass, take a piece of soft bread and press
it into the floor. The bread will pick up the glass that you,
(maybe even your vacuum), could not reach. This will do the



My wife and daughter both finds that lipstick stains are the
worst. There is nothing more ruinous than a bright red lipstick
stain on a white or light grey blouse. They also are difficult to
get off, as just throwing the shirt or blouse in the wash, won't
be able to get the stain off completely. TRY USING
HAIRSPRAY. The chemical compounds that are in hairspray
work to remove stains like lipstick. Spray hairspray onto the
stain, directly, and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes. Then,
dip a clean cloth in warm water. Using the cloth, wipe the
remaining hairspray off the lipstick stain. Let dry and repeat if
necessary to fully remove the spot.



What grapefruit does it cleans the soap scum and bathroom

rings from the tub and also from tiles. As you can see, citrus is
a powerful cleaning agent, and it is also not too expensive.
Bathtub rings, along with soap scum, are two major
cleanliness issues that we all find in bathrooms. They form
very easily, so even constant cleaners might find themselves
at a loss to prevent stains. TRY USING A GRAPEFRUIT. Cut the
grapefruit in half, sprinkle rock salt onto the exposed top of
the fruit, and then scrub the stain with the grapefruit. The
acidic citrus will get your tub sparkling clean, and it will also
make your bathroom smell great.


I find that this tip, removes dust from wood better than any
wood or furniture polish. Some people say that wood polish is
a big scam. I myself can't say for sure, but there appears,
according to the cleaning pros over at Home Hardware and
Home Depo, to be a better way to clean wood. You have to
polish up wood floors and wooden furniture from time to time
to give it some shine. Otherwise, everything would get dusty.
The next time that you clean them, skip the wood or furniture

JUST BUY A DRY MICROFIBER CLOTH and dust using that. Your
would furniture will actually accumulate less dust without
using any furniture polish. It is also not too expensive, as
microfiber cloths cost about $14.00 for a 24 pack. (You can
check online at Amazon.Com, (the AmezonBasic brand).
Amazon has lots of good buys where you can save some

What you will need here is a 12 oz. Can of Coca-Cola, a nylon

scrub brush (or a Tennis ball). What it does it cleans stains
from concrete floors. When you think of Coca-Cola, you
probably think of a cold glass of soda on a hot day. But, Coca-
Cola can actually be used as a cleaning product, which lot of
people doesn't know.

Someone put it on the Inter-Net and it went viral when people

realized how well it cleaned toilets. There are many different
things you can use coke to clean. You can also use the drink to
clean concrete. Pour a 12 oz. Can of coke onto a stained area.
Work the coca-cola into the stain using a nylon scrub brush or
a tennis ball.

DO NOT use a wire brush, as that could lead to scratches. You

will find that coke cleans the stain as well as any top selling
cleaning solution.


What this tip does, chalk absorbs the oil and grease from the
stain and it, (drying it out). Grease stains are among the most
stubborn stains to get out of clothes, and they usually arise as
a cooking mishap. Luckily, there is a cheap solution to keeping
your clothing stain free. USE CHALK to rid clothing of grease

Rub chalk into the grease stain. Let the chalk absorb the
grease from the fabric, and then brush it off. You might have
to rub it for a while. If the stain is stubborn, keep at it, and
then throw it into the wash as usual. Chalk will also get rid of
collar stains.


What you will need here, is a 12 oz. Can of Coca-Cola and a

nylon scrub brush. Like I mentioned earlier, toilets aren't the
only thing that you can use Coke to clean. You can also use
this drink to clean the concrete garage floors.

Pour a 12 oz. Can of Coca-Cola on the stained area. Work the

Coke into the stain using a nylon scrub brush. DO NOT use a
wire brush because it can lead to creating more scratches on
the concrete. You will find that the Coca-Cola cleans the stain
as well as a top selling cleaning solution.


There are some things in life that, had you known them
before, could have saved you a whole bunch of mission and
effort. Like wetting the tip of the thread before you poke it
through the eye of a needle is one of those. Rolling the
batteries on the remote to give you more lifespan, might be
another. Here below are a few more tips and tricks that you
might want to check out, to save you time and money.


1. If you place your meat in the freezer for a bit, it will be

easier to cut those wafer thin slices for carpassio.
2. Do not bother peeling garlic, just cut off the root end and
squish it with the flat side of the blade.
3. Bacon. Unless you're a veggie, it makes most things
4. You can peel ginger with a spoon without losing all that
extra ginger.
5. Use unscented floss to cut through soft things like
cheeses or cake.
6. Keep your butter in the freezer and then grate it for
baking and pastries. This way it mixes into the flour
easier and melts more quicker.
7. Egg shells are best for fishing out bits of egg shells. Why,
you ask? It is because they are sharp and cut through the
egg better and faster.
8. Freeze left-over French press or pour over coffee into ice
trays. They make for blitzing quick ice coffee without
diluting them.
9. Pop some frozen grapes into your wine to keep them
chilled and undiluted.
10. Eggs peel more easier if you add some bicarb to the
water and then pop it in cold water afterwards.
11. Freeze bananas without their skin, (because they are
a hack to peel when they are frozen), for epic smoothie
12. Citrus fruits, tomato, cheese and chocolate all taste
the best at room temperature.
13. Using Spray 'n' Cook in measuring cups before
measuring sticky ingredients like syrup and honey, makes
them slide out better.
14. Before chopping chillies, rub your hands with
vegetable oil to prevent them from absorbing the chilli
15. Take your pasta off the stove just a tinge before al
dente. When you pour it into the colander, quickly pop
the pot back below to catch the water. The steam will
keep the noodles hot and will stop them from sticking.
16. To remove any funny food odour from your hands,
washing them with salt or rubbing your hands against the
stainless steep tap works like a charm.
17. Do not let leftover wine go to waste. Freeze it in
wine cubes and use for adding to sauces like bolognese.
18. Pop a celery stick into the bread bag if it starts to go
off. Many people say that this will restore the freshness
for a bit.
19. Over salted your soup or stew? Plop in a potato,
(that is peeled), and the little guy will absorb all the salt.
It takes about 10 minutes.
20. Soak popcorn kernels in water for about 10 to 12
minutes, drain then pop, for super quick popping, and it
gives a more fluffy popcorn.
21. Peel the potatoes after you have cooked them and
soak them in cold water for a while. The skin comes right
22. Separate your bananas, (and store them away from
other fruits), to prevent them from going off quicker.
23. Chicken breasts taste best if you whack them with
anything sturdy, (like a rolling pin), beforehand. Meat
tenderizing is a thing. Or cut them across the grain, (short
sections, not long sections), as this also cuts the fibers
and looks best for serving.
24. Cut lettuce with a plastic or ceramic knife to keep it
from bruising. (No seriously, just use your picnic plastic
knife, or rip it apart instead of cutting it.)
25. Clean an egg boiler by boiling it for a short while
with a bit of white vinegar in it. It will lift and will
dissolve everything that is on it.
26. Soak a few tea bags in water for 1 hour or so. Use to
clean windows and mirrors.
27. For room airrefreshner, add 10 drops of wild orange
essential oil and 8 drops of peppermint. Mix with water
and add 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.

White vinegar for cleaning.


Think cleaning has to be a chemical laden, time consuming
chore fest? Not really. There are several cleaning tips for your
home and apartment that can really save you some time and
serious money, and while going easy on the environment. A
few household items can go a long way to help you keep your
space clean and easy to handle.

PENTRY must-haves like some baking soda and vinegar, as

well as some old socks and old toothbrushes, can go a long
way to keeping your home and apartment or office clean
while saving you some time and money.



The following cleaning staples offer a very wide range of uses,

which is all the more reason that you should stock up on

Your home, apartment or office is probably home to these

four cleaning, “ROCK STARS”:

. Vinegar. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that is very cheap.

Stick with white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar which,
(smells slightly better, but dilute it in water first to equal

. Baking Soda. Why, yes, it does make all your baked goods
rise to the occasion, but it is also a great deodorizer and is
often useful as a gentle scrub agent.

. Hydrogen Peroxide. This product is a powerful oxidizer, and

it is great for getting stains out. The U.S. Centre for Disease
Control (CDC), Says that it kills viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi,
and mould spores.
. Lemon. Lemon peel may hold antimicrobial and anti-fungal
plus, the oil can moisturize wood.


Getting in tune with your own Martha Stewart means having

the right tools. You can start with these basics to get cleaning.

1. Paper towels or reusable rags

2. Spray bottle
3. Bowl
4. Scrub brush
5. Glass jar with a lid
6. Socks and/or t-shirts, (old ones)
7. Rubber gloves
8. Microfiber cloth
9. Toothbrush
10. Old newspapers
11. Old sponges




You can check out the list below.

Check out these inventive ways to use these common
household items that you probably have in your home

Using Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Making glass sparkle. Add one part water with two parts
white vinegar or apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and
get cracking on any glass surface in your home or
2. Disinfect countertops. You do not have to slather bleach
or something else harmful on your countertops to kill the
germs. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, so it is perfect for
areas that you use to prep food. Got a tough stain? Drop
some dish soap into the mixture for a boost. Note: just be
careful not to use it on porous surfaces like granite.
3. Cleaning the coffee pot. Run equal parts vinegar and
water mixture through your coffee machine or Kettle to
get rid of lime buildup.
4. Cleaning taps and faucets. If your taps and faucets or
shower heads, feature calcium deposits, combine two
teaspoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of salt and give
them a wipe down. If the stains on your fixtures don't get
the message, you can spray them with vinegar directly.
Then tie a plastic bag around the fixture or shower head
and let it sit for the night. Scrub and rinse off the fixture
the next morning.
5. Scrub showers, tubs, and toilets. Another gross spot in
your home or apartment that you thought was only for
harsh cleaners, not so! Spray some thing for a few
minutes. You may have to scrub, but it beats those toxic
fumes that you might get from other cleaning products.
(PRO TIP), You can also mix baking soda and vinegar into
a paste for some added oomph. FOR THE TOILET, dump in
two to three cups of undiluted vinegar. Let it soak for a
few hours, then scrub and flush.
6. De-stink stinky appliances. Does your microwave smell
funny? Put a 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water in a
bowl. Heated for a few minutes to loosen up any
disgusting stuff and deodorize. In addition to cleaning the
inside of your microwave, you can spray a mixture of
vinegar and water in equal parts on any appliance and
wipe with a soft rag to prevent any scratching.
7. Deodorize upholstery. Mix equal parts of vinegar, water,
and a few drops of your favourite essential oil, (be extra
mindful of which one if you have pets). Spray on the
upholstery to eliminate odours.
8. Give stained laundry some love. Vinegar is really tough
on stains and also on odours, so it is ideal as a laundry
detergent. Pour 1 cup of distilled white vinegar into the
wash and let it run.

9. De-foul your refrigerator. Sprinkling some baking soda

around your fridge will not scrub away grime, but leaving
a cup of it in the fridge can eliminate odours that is
caused by food and fruits. Fortunately, baking soda can
help freshen a smelly fridge by neutralizing these bad
10. Battle stains. Because baking soda is a soluble salt, it
can eliminate dirt and also stains. It may also soften the
water so you need less detergent. Try it: Add 1/2 cup of
baking soda to your laundry detergent and get washing.
11. Clean your kitchen or bath. Create a paste of baking
soda and water and put it on a sponge or cloth. In the
kitchen, it is great for attacking ovens, stained marble,
grease, tarnished silver. Your bathroom tiles, toilet, and
tub can benefit also, just wipe with a wet rag after
slathering it on.
12. Get rid of your carpet stains. Dust some baking soda
directly onto the stain, then spray on a 1:1 mixture of
vinegar and water. Wait for about one hour, or until the
surface dries. Use a brush to scrub the baking soda loose
and vacuum the area.
13. Blast bake-on gunk. If you scorched a pot, boil a
mixture of baking soda and water. Empty it out and scrub
with a scouring pad.
14. Kill weeds naturally. Baking soda has a high sodium
content which can destroy weeds. Sprinkle some over
weedy areas and watch those suckers wither away.
NOTE: Just don't do it in your flower beds, because it will
kill other plants.)
15. Prep fruits and vegetables for noshing. So long,
expensive spray for removing pesticides, baking soda can
do the trick. According to a study that was done on
apples, soaking your produce in baking soda wash is the
most effective way to remove pesticides without peeling
off the skin.



Lemons for cleaning.

16. Mop the microwave. Squeeze half a lemon into a
microwavable container with a 1/2 cup of water. Leave
the peel in the water and nuke the mixture for about 2 to
3 minutes so that the steam covers the microwave. Wipe
with a clean cloth or sponge.
17. Clean up cutting boards. Use 1/2 a lemon and work
it into your cutting board to deodorize and clean off food.
If the cutting board is stained, sprinkle baking soda on
the board. Then, wipe off with water and dry.
18. Polish off wood. Mix up 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1 cup
of white vinegar, and 1 cup of olive oil. Rub on the wood
surface with a soft cloth to give it some shine. NOTE: Just
don't use it on hardwood floors, (things can get slippery),
and don't save what you don't use up, because it won't
19. Keep the kettle clean. Boil a kettle of water with
some lemon peel. Let the steaming water sit for about 1
hour and then rinse.
20. Detox the garbage disposal. Run water down your
garage disposal and add a few pieces of lemon, (or some
lime),down the drain.
21. You can make an easy all purpose cleaner. Use a jar
with a lid and fill it with white vinegar and lemon peels.
Let it sit for a few weeks and mix the solution with equal
parts of water. All done, a science experiment that
turned to a cleaner.


Hydrogen Peroxide
22. Disinfect the dishwasher. A recent study found that
83% of dishwashers had fungi and 47% that was tested
contained black yeast. Put 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen
peroxide in the dishwasher with or without dishes to
clean things up.
23. Scrub your sink. Get your sink wet and scrub it with
baking soda. Before you rinse, dump 3% hydrogen
peroxide over the sink and let it sit before rinsing to get
rid of all the germs.
24. Disinfect your cutting board. A recent research
initiative by the USDA found that undiluted hydrogen
peroxide can destroy E. Coli and Salmonella bacteria on
counters, just let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. You
can also soak your wooden cutting boards for the same
amount of time in a 3% hydrogen peroxide.
25. Say so long to soap scum. Form a paste by adding 1
cup baking soda and 1/4 cup white vinegar along with 1
tablespoon or 2 of hydrogen peroxide. After the bubbles
form, scrub the surface of a fiber glass tub or shower and
26. Freshen up your cats litter box. I love my cat and I
think that he (Toby) is adorable, but sometimes his cat
box really stinks. After washing the box, spray it with
hydrogen peroxide and let it sit. Then rinse.
27. Blast makeup brush gook. Rinse dirty makeup
brushes in shampoo, then soak bristles in a bowl of water
with a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes.
Rinse and let air dry.


Some random cleaning tips.

28. Pour some vodka on it. Vodka can tackle hefty
carpet stains, (especially pet accidents and red wine).
Spray or pour it on the area and dab it away. It will help
take away any odour, but it also might smell faintly of
booze for a while.
29. Contain dust from ceiling fans. Place an old pillow
case over individual ceiling fan blades. Wipe with both
hands and move on to the next blade. After you've done,
toss the pillow case in the wash. (or you can use an old
sock also for this task).
30. Ditch those dryer sheets. Dryer sheets are not great
for you anyway so if you need a swap, try putting several
drops of lavender or orange essential oil on a terry cloth,
(like a washcloth), and add that into clean laundry in
place of a dryer sheet. This will do the trick.
31. Sanitize you sponges. Clean all your sponges by
dampening it and nuking it on high in the microwave for
2 minutes. (Wipe the inside of the microwave out after
heating the sponge to get off any debris.)
32. Barbecue clean up. Clean your grill by scrubbing it
with an onion that is cut in half. Gets the job done
without any crazy wire bristles that is left behind on the
33. Support your local newspapers, and reuse them.
Newspapers work great for many things like wiping glass
instead of paper towels. You can also put them in shoes
to help soak up stinky foot odours.
34. Clean up after your cat or dog with rubber gloves. Is
your pets hair taking over? Put on rubber gloves and give
your couch a good rub down. It will take off all the extra
fur and then just rinse off all the fur from the gloves,
(outside ... you do not want all that fur clogging your
35. Electronic cleaner. Clean coffee filters can double as
screen dusters for computers and TV's, as they won't
leave behind fibers or scratches on the surface.
36. You can make an easy dish soap. Castile soap has
about a thousand uses and it is made from plant oils. It
works really great as a dish soap and a little goes a long
way. Just add 1 part castile soap to 10 parts of water.
37. Cleaning cast iron. Olive oil and salt can be used with
a stiff brush to clean away cooked on gunk in cast iron
pans. You can also use salt and a potato cut in half to
scrub away.
38. For sweeper refills. You can add 2 parts water to 1
part vinegar, and add 2 to 3 drops of dish soap to the
mixture. This will do a great job for cleaning floors.

Baking soda is really great for cleaning.


Here are some other useful tips that you can use around your
home, apartment, and office. Speed up your home cleaning by
putting some of these useful tips into practice.

Floor Mats are Area Rugs.

1. Do not forget the floor mats, door mats, and area rugs.
Doormats are your best friend when it comes to trapping
some dirt, so make sure that you have two, one outside
the house and one inside of the house. This cleaning tip is
especially helpful in the winter when you have salty and
snow boots going in and out of the house. Just be sure to
clean the mats regularly as dirty mats contribute to much
2. Combine tasks. You can kill two birds with one stone by
doing similar tasks at the same time. Clean your
baseboards when you are vacuuming or washing your
3. Skip the bucket. Sometimes moving around the mop and
bucket only makes more of a mess thanks to the dirty
water collected splashing around. Here is a bucket-less
mopping technique that works wonders: a spray bottle
that is filled with diluted cleaning solution and a
microfiber mop.
4. Stock up on cleaning products and solutions. No, a
bathroom tile cleaner should not be used to wipe down
your mirrors. The right products that actually clean go a
long way to getting the job done more effectively and
5. Buy a soap dispenser dish brush. You can use a soap
dispenser dish brush in your shower. “Mark it for the
bathroom only with a permanent marker, and fill it with
your favorite dish soap. Hang it in the shower, and you
can scrub the shower while you are in it. Dish soap does a
great job cleaning the bathroom.

Vacuuming the right way.

6. I recommend that first vacuuming a room horizontally

and then vertically to get all the trapped dirt. Most
cleaning experts agree that vacuuming slowly is also
important to ensure that the vacuum picks up all the dirt
particles. And also try to use a long extension on your
vacuum if you need too.
7. Define “Clean”. Everybody has a different idea of what,
“Clean”, actually means. Some think that a sparkling floor
is clean, while other people are just happy with just doing
a load of laundry. My wife and daughter suggests that
asking yourself questions like, how much stuff do I have
and what type of home do I have to determine what
clean and organized really means to you.
8. A pillowcase can be cleaner. Obviously, you do not want
to use the pillowcase you sleep on every night, but using
a pillowcase to clean your ceiling fans, is a trick that you
need to try, as soon as possible. The pillowcase holds the
dust so that it doesn't fall on your table or bed. This is a
very clean way to dust the fans.
9. Create a cleaning plan. We all have those random
cleaning bursts, my wife has it all the time, but having a
plan before hand will make your cleaning process run
more smoother. Cleaning is like a dance, you start high,
work down and around, and carefully observe anything
that needs some attention. As you move around, wipe
light switches, door frames, baseboards, walls, working in
a circle around the room and not back and forth from one
thing across the room to the other. Do not get distracted,
keep a smooth motion around your home and
10. Use your dishwasher. Dishwashers are for so much
more than just washing dishes. Some experts
recommend that using yours to dust off nick knacks like
mason jars and glass candle globes. Pretty much anything
like glass or ceramic should be fine doing in the
dishwasher, but you do want to stay away from putting
meltable plastics.

Tough stain cleaning.

11. Do it yourself cleaning solutions. Do you want to
know the secret to streak free mirrors and windows?
Well, it is an easy at home solution that you can make
yourself. All you need is:

. 1 1/2 cups cold water

. 1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar
. 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
. 1 1/2 tbsp rubbing alcohol

Washing the windows and mirrors is probably the least

favourite cleaning task.

12. Clean the toilet daily. If you swish your toilet every
day with your cleaning brush, you'll keep it relatively
clean without a ton of hard labor. Use the water that is
already in the toilet bowl to swish the entire toilet bowl.
Your bathroom probably gets the dirtiest, specially if you
have children in your home.
13. Skip the furniture polish. I have probaby already
mentioned this tip. Of course, you need to polish your
wooden furniture and hardwood floors every once in a
while, (once or twice a year, or when they begin to look
foggy), but all you really need to keep them shiny is a dry
microfiber cloth. Your furniture will actually get less
dusty without using any furniture polish.
14. Prioritze. Start with scrubbing areas such as kitchens
and bathrooms, then moving on to de-cluttering, dusting
bedding, and finally floors. Look at your home or
apartment more carefully to determine what needs the
most attention to bring it to your idea of clean.
15. Speed clean. Maybe you just found out that your in-
laws are coming over and you need to quickly tidy up the
place, knowing to speed clean will be your savior. Make
sure that you hit the places that are more visible, like
your kitchen counter tops and the bathroom. You can
skimp on things like the top of the fridge and behind your
coffee maker.
16. Purchase some paintbrush. My wife uses a stiff
paintbrush around her furniture to pull the dirt out
without having to move all the furniture around. You are
brushing it out away from the furniture to the vacuum
can pick it up.
17. A pie plate dustpan. Create a quick disposable pie
plate dustpan out of an aluminum pie plate. Use tin snips
or a heavy duty scissors to cut the pie plate in half.
Sweep up the mess and toss it in the trash.
18. Garden gloves to dust knickknacks. Slip on a pair of
cotton garden gloves and turn your fingers into cleaning
tools for knickknacks and other small accessories
throughout your home, apartment of office. And a spritz
of antibacterial cleaning solution and get rid of germs,
19. Scuff mark eraser. Clean off shoe scuff marks from
vinyl flooring with a clean dry tennis ball. A light rub and
heel marks are erased.
20. Use sawdust to soak up spills. Pick up used oil spills
on the driveway or in the garage by using some sawdust.
The material is readily available in most workshops, just
open up the dust collection bags on your oroital sander,
miter saw, etc. Pour sawdust over the spill, let it soak up
all the liquid for about 20 minutes, and then sweep it up.
21. Floor Swiffer for walls. A Swiffer Sweeper floor mop
is useful for more than just cleaning hard floors. Use it to
dust interior walls, ceilings, and all trims. Attach a dry
cloth to the rectangle end and press it along walls and
trim. You can pick up dust, cobwebs and dirt safely,
without having to use any step on a ladder.
22. Use tongs to clean blinds. Make quick work of
cleaning your window blinds by using kitchen tongs.
Secure rags to the ends of the tongs with some twist ties,
and then clamp the tongs on each blade to clean both
sides of the window blinds at once.
23. Remove hard water build up. You can remove any
hard water build up on your faucet with this simple,
natural solution. Place half of a fresh cut lemon on the
end of the faucet, wrap a small plastic bag around the
lemon and secure it to the faucet with a rubber band.
After a few hours, remove the lemon and wipe the faucet
24. Moving heavy furniture by yourself. You can move
heavy furniture by yourself without scratching wood
floors. First jack up the furniture piece,(like a
chesterfield), one side at a time, using a long 2x4 and a
sturdy resting block. Then slip a sock onto the legs of the
furniture. Remove the jack and slide the furniture across
the floor.
25. Remove cat and dog hair with duck tape. Yes you
heard it right, we have found another use for duck tape
cleaning. The thickness of the duck tape makes it perfect
for a makeshift pet hair remover and this method is
faster than vacuuming. It also works great for cleaning
seats that is in vehicles, and also for cleaning wool coats.
A sponge or cloth wrapped with duck tape works good
for getting into corners. Wrap duck tape around a paint
roller cover, sticky side out. Roll the paint cover over
furniture or carpet to pick up all the pet hair. You can add
more tape if it gets full of pet hair.

Too many cleaning chores.


In this section you will find many new and different tips, that
will help you in the long run, and save you time and money in
cleaning your apartment, home and office.

Some cleaning tools that you might need.

1. Paint sticks to clean lint buildup. Once in a while it is
important to clean the area around your dryer's lint trap,
as the screen doesn't always catch all of the debris. A
paint stir stick with a clean cloth that is wrapped around
one end makes a great tool to do this task.
2. Coffee filters for dusting. The next time that you clean
your computer monitor or television screen, use a coffee
filter. The thin, cloth like paper catches a lot of dust and
can cover a large area. You can use a coffee filter for
dusting many other household accessories as well.
3. Clean the bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans. If the grill
on your bathroom and kitchen exhaust fan is clogged
with dust, try a trick that is faster and more effective
than vacuuming. Here is how to clean your bathroom fan:
Turn on the fan and blast out the dust with, “Canned
Air”, the fan will blow the dust outside. This works well
on the return air grills of your central heating and cooling
system also. Run the system so that the return airflow
will carry the dust to the filter. You can find “Canned Air”,
at any hardware store near you, usually in the electrical
supplies section. CAUTION, the can contains chemical
propellants, not just air. DO NOT LET CHILDREN PLAY
4. Dust with your dryer. Blankets, pillows, slipcovers, drapes
and other textiles not only trap household dust, but they
also create it as they shed and disintergrate. Curtains and
drapes, in particular, gets more dust because they absorb
moisture and dirt from the outside and act as a landing
pad for dust from ceiling fans and air vents. I find that the
best idea for how to clean dust, is to buy machine
washable items and launder them twice about twice a
year. For non-machine-washable textiles, throw them in
the dryer on the air fluff setting, (use NO HEAT), for 20
minutes with a damp towel. The damp towel will remove
the smaller particles for you. Keep towel(s) out of the
way with a space saving towel rack on a cabinet door.
5. Synthetic soap simplifies bathroom. In terms of
chemistry, some soaps are not really true soaps. Any
soap in a liquid or gel form and some bar soaps, such as
“ZEST and IVORY”, these two are synthetic soaps. These4
non-soap soaps are much less likely to form that dreaded
layer of tough scum on your skin and on your tub and will
allow you to clean house fast.
6. Buff off heavy slime. If you have any glass shower doors
in your bathroom and do not keep on top of the cleaning,
you can end up with heavy soap scum so tough that it is
nearly impossible to remove it. Here is a tip on how to
clean your bathroom much better. Pick up some polishing
compound at your hardware store or at a auto parts
store and use an auto buffer to polish off that offending
7. Duster for the vertically challenged. Unless you are an
NBA player, dusting ceiling fans and other high, and out
of reach objects is a real chore. Wrap a dryer sheet
around a clean painting roller and secure the ends with
some rubber bands. Attach an extension handle on the
roller and then dust away for a fast and easy way to clean
8. Clean grout with a “Bleach Pen”. Some cleaning experts
recommend that using a bleach pen to transform your
grout from grungy to great. This method is time
consuming, but the payoff is crisp, and clean grout lines.
Use the bleach pen to draw bleach across the grout lines.
The Bleach Pen allows you to target the grout without
getting bleach all over the tiles. Wait about 10 minutes
and then rinse. For a really mildewed grout, you may
need a second application, and it can help to gently scrub
the bleach into the grout with a old used toothbrush
before allowing it to work for 10 minutes. MAKE SURE to
run the fan in the bathroom and to avoid any contact
with the skin. This method is best for light grout or white
grout. If you have colored grout, test a small area first, it
might fade. Instead of trying to find a “Bleach Pen” at the
store, the cleaning solution to grout might already be in
your bathroom.
9. Use microfiber products for cleaning. Microfiber products
attract and hold dust with an electrostatic charge which
makes them one of the best tools to have around on how
to clean dust. These cloths are unlike dry cloths and rags
or feather dusters, which just spread the dust around.

Clean with these microfiber cloths.

Machine washable microfiber cloths can save you money over
disposable brands because you can use these cloths over and
over. JUST MAKE SURE to let them air dry, (so that they stay
soft), and DO NOT use bleach or fabric softener on them
which decharge the fibers and reduces the ability to attract
and hold dust. Microfiber dusting tools are great for cleaning
blinds, ceiling fans, faucets, floors and other general cleaning.

10. Pantyhose nylon scrubber. Put your car washing

sponge inside a pair of old pantyhose for a great non-
abrasive, paint friendly scrubber. The threads act like
thousands of little scrapers that scrub off insects and
gunk with every swipe.
11. Clean a sluggish toilet. If your toilet flushes slowly,
the rinse holes that are under the rim may be clogged
with mineral deposits. Use a hand mirror to see the holes
under the rim of the toilet. Bend a wire coat hanger flat
and probe the tip into the holes to poke out any lime
deposits. You can clean out those clogged holes without
ever getting your hands dirty.
12. For easier bottle cleaning. You can now clean all
those narrow necked jars, vases and bottles with small
gravel, (aquarium gravel I find works the best). Fill one
third of the jar with water. Add a handful of gravel, and
then stir and shake the jar. The gravel will scour the
inside of the jar. Dump the gravel into a strainer, give the
jar a quick rinse, (so that it doesn't stink), and save it for
next time.
13. Garbage bin cleanup.

Plastic garbage bins.

You can try using a liquid toilet bowl cleaner to wash the
inside of a dirty garbage bin or trash can. It will cling to the
sides for better cleaning. A toilet brush will help you clean
down inside. Rinse well for a clean can.
14. Make your own green cleaning solution. I had a
friend one time her name was Annie-Rose Arsenault, who
was a professional house cleaner. Annie-Rose always use
to make her own cleaning solutions to tackle all the
house work. She found a recipe for an all purpose
cleaning solution which she always used. I believe that
she has over the years has modified the original recipe.
Here it is: In a 5 quart bucket, mix 1 cup of white distilled
vinegar, 4 tablespoons of borax, 1 gallon of luke warm
water and 1/2 cup of liquid soap. She also like to add
about 12 drops of tea tree, lavender or lemon oil to give
it a nice fragrance. Mix all the ingredients and then pour
some of the mixture into a plastic spray bottle. Save the
rest in a gallon jug. There is enough all purpose cleaning
mixture here to last for a few years. NOTE: Annie-Rose
has died a couple of years ago. Thanks Annie-Rose for
this great recipe, we all will cherish it.
This is a box of borax that was used
in the all purpose cleaning
15. Protect your shower doors from mineral buildup.
When the beads of water left on your glass shower doors
dry out, they leave minerals behind are at best unsightly,
and at worst can be tough as nails to remove if you let
them build up. You can avoid beading water altogether
by coating the glass doors with an auto glass treatment.
The two brands are: Aquapel and Rain X. Follow the
instructions on the package to apply the treatment to
your shower door glass.
16. Vacuum first, then scrub. Do you ever find yourself
chasing strands of wet hair and running into dust balls in
the corners with your sponge or cleaning rag? You can
learn how to clean your bathroom better and eliminate
this problem by vacuuming the bathroom before you get
out all your cleaning solutions. For a really thorough
cleaning, start at the top, vacuuming the dust from light
fixtures and the top of window casings. Then work your
way down. And finally, vacuum the floor methodically so
that you cover every inch. You don't want to leave any
stray hair or dust bunnies to muck up your clean water. A
soft bristle upholstery brush works best for this type of
17. Clean your bagless vacuum filter. Some bagless
vacuums are great for business, according to some
vacuum repairman. The problem is not with the design
but user negligence. Vacuum owners usually empty the
dirt container but they often fail to clean the filters.
Clogged filters in a vacuum cleaner leads to an over
worked motor. And sooner or later, the motor will burn
out. People avoid cleaning filters because it is a messy
job, which nobody wants to do. The typical method is to
tap the filter against the side of a garbage can until most
of the dirt falls off . But this raises a thick cloud of dust
and does not get the filter completely clean. For faster
cleaning use another shop vacuum. Some filters have a
special coating that can be damaged, so be gentle with
the shop vacuum nozzle. Clean prefilter screens and post
filters the same way.
18. Orange or lemon peels and ice cubes for a stinky
disposer. If your disposer developed an odour, it may be
that bits of rotting food is trapped. Here is how to clean it
out. With the water running about half throttle, drop in
orange or lemon peels. Run the disposer for 5 seconds.
Citric acid from the peels soften the crusty waste and
they attack the smell causing bacteria. Give the acid
about 15 minutes to work its magic. Run the water until
the bowl is half full. Than pull the plug and turn on the
disposer to flush it all out.
19. Garbage bag holder. Are you tired of garbage bags
slipping down into the trash bin? Cut out the middle of
the lid with a utility knife and just snap the outer rim
over the bag to keep it in place. This works good for
20. A long reach vacuum. You can connect a PVC pipe to
a vacuum hose and it will allow you to reach up to high
spots or into narrow crannies, so that you can suck up
those cobwebs around the skylights. You can also find
PVC and rubber reducer couplings that lets you connect
your vacuum hose to a different size of pipe at your local
hardware store.
21. Beat the dust out of those chesterfield and chair
cushions. We all know that upholstery absorbs a lot of
dust, and sends it airborne every time that you sit on it.
Routine vacuuming reduces the problem, but the vacuum
can not suck the deeper dust that is trapped in the
cushions. So take the cushions outside a couple of times
each year, preferably on a windy day, and spank the dust
out of them, with an old tennis racket. This will do the
job nicely.
22. Renew wood and wood furniture with some mineral
spirit. If the finish on your furniture or woodwork is dull
and murky, it may need a refinishing. But before you take
on this task, take a tip from furniture restorers and clean
it with mineral spirit. Mineral spirit is sometimes labeled
as, “Paint thinner”, it is a gentle solvent that dissolves all
the year round buildup of grime and residue, from
cleaners and polishes without harming the the wood
finish and texture. You can get it at your hardware store
or home centre. Just soak a soft cloth and keep rubbing
until the cloth no longer picks up the grime. NOTE: Work
in a well ventilates area and remember that the fumes
are flammable. Hang the cloth outside to dry befor you
throw it in the garbage.
23. Clean the microwave with baking soda. Yes it is easy
to clean baked on food and other spills from your
microwave. Here is a great tip. Partially fill a measuring
or coffee cup with water and add a slice of lemon. Boil
the water for one minute, and then leave the door closed
and let the steam loosen the mess. After 10 minutes,
open the door and wipe away the grime.
24. Beat and shake area mats and rugs. Vacuum large
area rugs and mats about once a week. But also take
them outside about 3 to 4 times a year for a more
thorough cleaning. For how to clean the dust, drape them
over a fence or a clothesline and beat them with a broom
or with an old tennis racket. A good beating will remove
much of the dust than vacuuming. Take the smaller size
rugs and mats outside also.
25. Single room air cleaners. Do air cleaners reduce
dusting? An effective air cleaner removes large and small
dust particles from the air in a single room. Within that
space, it can relieve allergy or asthma symptoms and can
even reduce smoke and other cooking odours. But do not
expect it to relieve you of your dusting duties. Air
cleaners are sized to filter a small area, so only a small
portion of the airborne dust in your home or apartment
will reach the unit. For air cleaners to have a real effect
on overall dust levels, you would need one unit in every
room of your home or apartment.
26. The right cleaner for rust. Many all purpose cleaners
will not remove rust stains from sink and bathtubs or
even from toilets, even if you use a lot of elbow grease.
The trick here is to use stain remover, such as “Super
Iron Out”. Look for a rust stain remover or a product that
contains diluted hydrocloric acid. Be careful not to use a
product that contains bleach, it will set the stain. FOR the
toilets, add SIO to the water in the bowl, then clean with
a still nylon bristled brush. FOR sinks and bathtubs, first
wet the surface with water. Apply SIO to a damp sponge,
(wear a rubber gloves and a mask), this stuff is really
powerful. Wipe the stain with the sponge until it is gone.
Rinse the surface with plain cold water to completely
remove the SIO. Make sure that you know the dangerous
side of some cleaning products before you use the.

Some great cleaning tools to use.


A Clean Bedding.

1. Rotate your bedding weekly. Your cozy bed is a major

dust distributor. Your bed collects skin flakes, sheds its
own fibers and sends out a puff of dust every time that
you roll over on the bed. To minimize the dust, wash all
your sheets and pillowcases weekly. Items that are not
machine washable do not need weekly trips to the dry
cleaners. Just take blankets and bedspreads outside and
shake them. You can spank some of the dust out of
pillows, but for a more thorough cleaning, was or dry
clean them. When you change the bedding, DO NOT whip
up a dust storm. Gently roll up the old sheets and spread
out the new ones, remember that even clean bedding
sheds fibers. Wash your bedding weekly can help you
identify any pests like bed bugs.

2. Air clean while you clean your house.

Your vacuums agitator brush and exhaust whip set up that
eventually settles on the surfaces that you just cleaned. Filter
out some of the dust before it settles by switching the
thermostat to fan on. This will turn on the blower inside the
furnace and filters the air even while the system is not heating
or cooling. Leave the blower on for 15 minutes after you have
done cleaning, for how to remove dust from air. DO NOT
FORGET to switch back to, “AUTO”.
3. Cleaning Countertop gap filter. If crumbs, papers or even
flatware falls into the gap that is between your
countertop and refrigerator, fill the void with nearly
invisible plastic tubing. Clear tubing is available at any
home centre, and comes in many sizes and several widths
starting from 1/8 inch and will help you clean house fast
since you won't search for crumbs.
4. Removing tough grime with less scrubbing. Whether it is
built up soap scum that is on the shower walls, ground in
dirt on top of floor tiles, or dry on toothpaste on the
vanity top, a Magic Eraser sponge will make short work of
it. Just dampen it and rub on the offending mess. In most
cases the mess will come right off. These sponges are
very useful for removing ground in dirt from porous floor
tiles and getting those pesky nonslip strips in the bottom
of your tub clean. Magic Eraser sponges are available at
your local grocery stores, hardware stores and at
wherever cleaning supplies are sold. Unlike regular
sponges, they wear out very fast, so stock up on these
5. Capture the dust don't just spread it around. Feather
dusters and dry rags are great for picking up some of the
dust but they disturb most of it that resettles
everywhere. Damp rags or disposable cloths that attract
and hold dust with an electrostatic charge, like “Swiffer”
works much better. Cloths that attract dust with oil or
waxes also work well but can leave some residue on
furniture. Use vacuum attachments only on surfaces that
are hard to dust with a cloth, such as rough surfaces and
intricate wood work, because they exhaust steam from a
vacuum up a dust storm.
6. Ban shoes inside the house, (but offer slippers). More
than half of your household dust enters your home
through windows, doors, vents, and on the sole of your
shoes. Think about where you have walked all day long
(washrooms, city streets, inside shopping malls,
construction sites, etc.), and all of that bacteria and
debris your shoes collected. DO you really want to bring
this inside your home or apartment. There was a recent
study done of homes where a doormat was added at the
entrance and shoes were banned indoors showed a 60%
reduction of lead dust and other contaminants in the
home, as well as significant reduction of allergens and
bacteria. Your first line of defense for how to remove
dust from air should be a course fiber heavy duty
floormat placed outside the exterior doors. Inside, have
everyone remove their shoes, at the door. Keep a bench
or a shoe rack and a basket of cheap slippers available so
that no one has to walk around the house in stocking
7. Bleach away those stains. You can remove stubborn
stains from marble, cultured marble or plastic laminate
with a bleach soaked paper towel. Cover the towel with a
cup to contain the bleach odour, and leave it in place
overnight. If the stain has faded but not disappeared, just
repeat the process. TEST this tip in a hidden area first; it
could discolour the surface. Dealing with a whole
countertop? You can renew it yourself. WARNING: if you
have a quartz countertop that is in your bathroom, it is
recommended that you DO NOT use bleach.
8. Polish with microfiber cloths. Microfiber cloths are
excellent at putting the finishing touches on mirrors,
countertops, and even on the tile and fixtures. After
cleaning surfaces with your cleaning solution and drying
them off with a terry cloth rag or a separate microfiber
cloth, polish them to a mirror finish with a dry microfiber

Microfiber cloth.

Microfiber cloths are perfect for this because they pick up

more dust, wipe off smudges and these cloths do not shed any
fibers. You can find these cloths at any grocery store, or
hardware stores, plus at cleaning supplies stores and they will
help you how to clean your bathroom better. They are one of
the best home and apartment cleaning products you can get.
9. Microfiber products clean faster, easy and much better.
Micrifibers are tiny strands, (usually less than 1/10 the
thickness of a human hair that are sliced into even
smaller strands and are woven into fabric. These tiny
strands reach into crevices and provide millions of tiny
pockets within the fabric to hold dirt particles. These
small strands also have sharp scouring edges, so
microfiber cloths often clean effectively without
chemicals or even water.) You can use cleaner and water
if you choose.
10. Make cleaning more easy. One piece toilets are easy
to clean, because they have fewer nooks and crannies,
but they also are more expensive and can be much
harder to install than the two piece unit. They are much
heavier than a separate bowl and tank. If you are feeling
flush and want truly easy cleaning, consider a wall
mounted toilet.
11. Cleaning bathroom faucets. A very good friend once
written to me and told me that every three to four
months, he uses LCR Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover
and an old tooth brush to clean all the faucets in the
bathroom and in his kitchen. He then apply an
automotive car wax such as Turtle Wax and buff after the
wax hazes. The fixtures looks like they are new.
12. Make the most of your vacuuming. The right
vacuuming technique, combined with the right filters,
bags and are essential.
. Vacuum high traffic areas twice a week and the rest of
the carpeting and large area rugs at least once a week.
. Make a number of slow passes over same area in all
directions, (fast passes stir up dust that it begin to suck
. Use certified “True High Efficiency Particulate Air,
(HEPA) filters to remove invisible particles and other
. If you have some allergies, upgrade to a sealed body
bagged vacuum cleaner with an airtight sealed filtration
system that works together with a True HEPA filter. This
means that all of the exhaust will exit through the HEPA
filter instead of leaking dust back into your apartment
through the machine's housing.
. Clean all your bagless vacuum filters regularly and
replace them every three months.
. Turn off the agitator brush on hard flooring so that you
are not blowing dust back into the air.
. It is very important that you always maintain your
vacuum cleaner: Empty the canister frequently, (always
outside if possible), and change the bags and belts when
they are needed. Keep the agitator brush free of hair and
other materials, and check the vacuum for any cracks and
for loose hinges and get it serviced every so often to keep
it running smoothly.
13. Cleaning an instant detachable toilet seat. It seems
like no matter how hard you try, you can never get the
hinges on the toilet seat clean. There is always a bit of
cleaning solution that seeps underneath and creeps out
later. Installing a detachable toilet seat solves the
problem. The toilet seat is easy to remove by just
twisting the two hinge caps about quarter of a turn. Then
you have easy access to clean under the hinges.
14. Remove stubborn rust stains with Acid Magic. If you
have a lot of iron in your water and struggle with some
rust stains in your toilet or bathtub, here is a perfect
solution to clean that problem. Acid Magic dissolves rust.
It is as powerful as muriatic acid but it is much safer and
more pleasant to use. You still have to take all the
precautions that you would with any strong cleaning
solution, like wearing rubber gloves and safety glasses
when you are using it. But it is better than regular acid
because there is no noxious fumes, and it won't burn
your skin. To clean rust from toilets and other porcelain
surfaces, add one part of Acid Magic to three parts of
water. Apply the mixture to the rust stains with a
sprayer, brush or foam pad and watch the stains dissolve.
Rinse with clean water. You can also use it full strength
for stubborn stains. AVOID getting the acid on metal
parts because they can discolour.
15. Remove hard and tough stains from vinyl floors. If
your vinyl floors have any marks or stains that still won't
come off, you can use stronger stuff. Isopropyl alcohol,
that is sold as a disinfectant at drugstores, which is a mild
solvent. It is the best cleaner for heel marks and also
works with other tough to get out stains. You can also
use lighter fluid or mineral spirits. Remember that all
these products are very flammable; turn off any nearby
pilot lights and hang the used rags outside to dry before
throwing them in the garbage.
16. Upgrading your homes furnace filters. You home's
forced air heating and cooling system help to control the
dust by filtering the air that is in the house. A standard
cheap fiberglass filter protects your furnace from house
hold dust. More expensive filters usually provide a good
balance between cost and filteration efficiency. These
filters trap 80% to 95% op particles 5 microns and larger.
But if you have family members with allergies, consider
spending more money on high efficiency filters, which
capture 99% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns,
(bacteria and viruses, fumes and pollen). These furnace
filters are one of the best for how to remove dust from
the air. Be aware that you will have to run your furnace
fan full time to get the maximum benefit from a high
efficiency filter, and you'll have to change the filter
frequently to prevent damage to your furnace from the
reduced airflow. If you go the high efficiency route, install
a filter monitor such as “FilterScan”, which automatically
alerts you when your furnace needs a filter change.
17. Easy grout haze cleanup. The thousands of
microscopic fabric on a microfiber cloth, makes it perfect
to cut through the dried grout haze left after a tiling
project. You will still have to rinse and repeat, but the
haze will clean up faster than it would with an ordinary
rag or cloth.
18. Speed clean your chandeliers. First spread a plastic
tarp on the floor under the chandelier to catch all the
drips. Turn off the light and spray the solution on the
chandelier until liquid beads start to run, (you will use a
lot of spray but it beats wiping). The spray rinses off the
dust. The solution that is left evaporates quickly and does
not leave any water spots. The spray works well on
hanging crystals, but don't expect to remove dust from
19. Cut grease with a hot rag. Grease and dirt build up
on kitchen cabinets over time. To clean your cabinets,
first heat a slightly damp sponge or cloth in the
microwave for 20 to 30 seconds until it is hot. Put on a
pair of rubber gloves, spray the cabinets with an all
purpose cleaner containing orange oil, then wipe off the
cleaner with the hot sponge. For more stubborn spots, let
the cleaner sit for 5 minutes first. Wipe in the direction of
the wood grain. Rinse and reheat the sponge as it
becomes saturated. Then wipe the cabinets with a cool
damp cloth. The orange oil will leave a shiny coating. This
works with any wood or metal surface.
20. Clean hard floors fast. If you are still using a regular
old mop for everyday cleanup of your hard surface floors,
there is a better way. Save the mop for really dirty or
muddy floors. Use a Swiffer cleaner with a spray bottle.
21. Blow out the garage. Forget the broom, clean out
the garage with a small hand held leaf blower. It is fast
and takes about 5 minutes. You do not have to move any
heavy stuff, and you can clean work surfaces and shelves
along with the floor. First put away papers or anything
else that you don't want to blow away. Open the
overhead door. Put on a dust mask, ear plugs and safety
glasses, then turn on the leaf blower and blow out the
dust and debris. Use the leaf blower to get under the
work bench and to clean off the top of the benches
themselves. If you do not have a hand held leaf blower,
you may be able to use a shop vacuum by connecting the
hose to the exhaust port.

An electric hand held blower.

22. Remove bathroom soap scum. Soap in the bathroom

has a nasty way of forming a hard to remove film on tile,
in tub and in the showers. You won't get rid of it by
rubbing. Instead, wait for the surface to dry, then scrape
off the scum with a 4 inch putty knife. For grout lines and
textured surfaces, use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. To
prevent soap scum buildup, stop using real soap and start
using a synthetic. Chemically speaking, any soap in a
liquid or gel form, and some bar soaps like Zest and Ivory,
are actually synthetic soaps and are much less likely to
leave a tough film in your sink, shower and tub.
23. Scum proof your shower glass doors. Keeping your
shower glass doors clean and streak free is really a big
challenge, unless you know this pros' tip. Start by
cleaning any mould, mildew or streaks off the glass with
a glass cleaner. Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to get into
the cracks in textured glass doors. Scrape off tough
buildup with a razor blade. Dry the doors with a cloth. To
prevent soap scum buildup, stop using real soap and start
using synthetic products, like Zest or Ivory.
24. Spot clean food and drink spills. I find that the best
way to prevent stains is to treat spills right away. This is
why cleaning pros' love stain pen, like Tide to go and the
Clorox Bleach Pen Gel, which are designed to remove
small stains from upholstery, grout, caulk, porcelain and
clothing, (avoid the bleach pens for coloured fabric). Just
press the tip into the stain to release the solution, then
rub the tip across the stain to remove it. It is inexpensive
and portable, and they are great at removing food and
drink spills. Before applying a cleaning solution to an
entire surface or fixture, first test it, on a tiny area to
make sure it won't damage or discolour the finish.
25. Get tough on glass stains. If your usual glass cleaner
won't remove tough stains, apply a mild abrasive cleaner
such as Soft Scrub, Bar Keepers Friend, or Bon Ami and
scrub with a soft cloth. Here is a tip for washing windows.
These abrasives usually won't scratch glass, but test a
small area first just to make sure. If elbow grease alone
won't do the job or if you have a large area to cover, use
a drill and a small buffing wheel, (you can find one at
home centers.

In this section you will find many useful tips that you can
apply to various problems that you might have in cleaning
your house and apartment.

This cartoon tells of a person

who is a hard worker and
is a house cleaning pro.
1. Speed clean with a pressure washer. Once you get
your hands on a pressure washer, you will find endless
uses for it. Blast that dingy coat of dirt off your house
siding and trim, deep clean embedded grime from your
driveway or patio, wash down a deck or fence. While
you're at it, don't forget you car, grass mower, bikes and
patio furniture. You may discover so many jobs for a
pressure washer that you want to own one. Electric
washers usually cost less, but you may want to spend
more for a more powerful gas model. Renting one is a
good way to find out how much pressure and which
features you really need. You can rent a pressure washer
and do a week's worth of cleaning in a day. Before you
rent, gather some tarps to protect plants and make sure
that your garden hose will reach all the areas that you
plan to clean. Good preparations lets you get more
cleaning done during the rental period.
2. Stop countertop stains. If you have older plastic
laminated countertop, you have probably noticed that it
doesn't repel stains like it use to, that is because of years
of wear left the surface lightly scratched and porous. The
best way to prevent stains is to wipe up all the spills right
away. But a protective coating of countertop polish can
greatly help. Plus it will also restore the shine to a dull
countertop. All you have to do is just spray it on and wipe
off every few weeks. You can buy this product at any
hardware store.
3. How to remove stains from plastic laminated
countertops. If you got tough stains on your plastic
laminated countertops. Use the right cleaner and having
some patience will make even the most stubborn stains
go away.
4. Clean range hood grease filters. Running your vent hood
grease filter through the dishwasher can yield very
disappointing results. Likewise with grease cutting
household sink cleaners. You can get a better result with
a water based degreaser from the auto parts store. Fill
the sink with hot water and degreaser, drop in the filter
and let the degreaser do all the rest of the work. The
filter will come out sparkling clean in just a few minutes.
Then just rinse it off.
5. Scour off grime with an electric toothbrush. Now that
many discount stores and dollar stores carry cheap
electric toothbrushes, you can add a modern twist to
routine cleaning. Rapid vibration from the toothbrush
will quickly scrub out any stubborn dirt, while the long
handle can get to hard to reach places without all the
elbow grease and hard work.
6. Clean out disposer crud. Your disposer will smell better if
you clean the splash guard. Lift up the flaps and scrub
them, (especially the under side), with an old toothbrush
and a grease cutting cleaner.
7. How to clean oven door glass. It is a mystery on how
baking slop gets deposited between oven door glass
panels. But it is clear that you can't remove them without
disassembling the door. You can check out ONLINE, how
to remove the glass on some websites.
8. Marker cleanup. When the permanent markers has
ended up in the wrong hands, (Children's hands),
vegetable oil can clean it off lots of surfaces even skin.
Then just wipe off with a damp cloth.
9. Enzymes eliminates pet stains and odors. Many enzyme
products that are on the local market are easy to use on
pet stains, just spray or blot them on the stain according
to the directions. These products contain harmless
bacteria that eats away the organic matter that causes
the odour. When the organic matter is gone, the bacteria
runs out of food to eat and they die. The whole process
will take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some
manufacturers recommend that you cover the area with
plastic or wet cloth to keep the bacteria moist and
10. Clean a stinky refrigerator.

Old stinky refrigerator.

You do not have to live with an old stinky refrigerator. You
can wash the inside with some baking soda and luke warm
water. Or also you can use a mild liquid dish soap (like Ivory or
Zest), mixed with warm water in a bowl, to get rid of these
unwanted odours. When finished wipe out the fridge and
leave some baking soda in a small glass container, in the back
corner of the fridge to remove any excess smell. Baking soda is
great for absorbing any odours.
11. Quick cleanup cat litter. Cut your litter cleanup time
with this neat trick (tip). Line your litter pan with a plastic
kitchen garbage bag before adding the litter.
12. Fast way to remove any pet hair. If you have a
shedding pet, “StickySheets”, can make cleaning up after
your pet a lot easier. Just peel off the backing, press the
sheet against the furniture, then pull it up. The pet hair
will stick to the sheet, but the 24 x 36 inch sheets won't
stick to each other, making applications easier. For
smaller areas you can cut the sheets in half.
13. Mask pet claw scratches. Mask shallow claw marks
and scratches in wood doors with stain and vanish. Gel
works great for matching the existing finish of the wood.
14. Do not brush the dog, use a vacuum instead. Instead
of brushing your pet and then cleaning up the the extra
hair with a vacuum, use the vacuum itself with an
upholstery attachment to brush your dog. The vacuum
will suck up all the loose hair, so you don't spend too
much extra time cleaning.
15. Pet repellent for furniture. To train your dog to stay
off the furniture, place a plastic carpet protectors, that is
prickly side up, on their favourite place. You can buy
these at any office supplies store and at any carpet and
flooring department. These protectors can be cut down
to size to fit any area, all you need is a scissor or a tile
knife. The plastic teeth will train your dog to associate
the couch with, “uncomfortable”. Soon they will seek
cozier spots to relax on and leave the easy chair and
couch to you. Just remember to remove the protectors
before you sit down.
16. No mess cat litter box. It is not very fancy, but it is a
cheap way to keep the litter box where it belongs. Trace
an opening one one end of a plastic storage container,
then push a sharp razor knife into the plastic, and cut out
the door opening. Pour in the litter and your cat will
figure out the rest. They are smart.
17. Keep your closets clean for easy cleaning. All of our
closets are dust reservoirs, they are full of tiny fibers
from cloths, towels and beddings. Every time that you
open the closet door, you whip up an invisible dust
storm. You can not prevent your cloths from shedding
fiber, but you can make closets more easier to keep clean
and greatly cut down on the dust.
. Box or bag items that are on the closet shelves. Clear plastic
containers are best, because they are see through and that
they lock fibers in and keep the dust out. When you dust, they
are more easy to pull off the shelves and they wipe clean.

Cloth and closet organizer.

. Enclose the cloths you rarely wear. Those coats you wear
only in the winter shed fibers year round. Slip garment covers
or bags or large garbage bag over them. These bags around
the cloths help to contain the fibers and will keep the cloths
themselves from becoming coated with dust.

. Keep your closet doors clear. If the floor is too cluttered

chances are you will just bypass it while vacuuming. But a
wide open door adds only a few seconds to the vacuuming
chore. And a wire shelf lets you clear all those shoes off the
floor without loosing any storage space.

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