Typical Writing Questions For Review (Part B)

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- A closed-book exam

- 90 minutes
- Has two parts:
o Part A - Multiple Choice questions (40-50 questions) – 60%
o Part B – essay/answer questions (4 quesionts) – 40%
- Part A covers all lecture contents
- Part B covers the reviewing questions that were given to the students in advance.



1) Describe the factors that affect the performance of a computer system. Suppose
you are a manager of an accounting department of for example 12 employees, you
are asked to determine a budget for computers for your department next year,
how do you do to estimate?
2) Define the following five categories of software: retail, custom, web application,
open source, and shareware.
3) Define at least three of the different types of websites, giving examples wherever
possible and defining all relevant terms
4) What is TCP/IP and how does it work? Define packet switching in the Internet.
5) List at least five different practices to adopt in order to protect your computer from
viruses and other malware.
6) What are the symptoms of a user with technology addiction?
7) Describe the tools can be used to process a long document in MS Word.
8) Describe the tools can be used to process data list in MS Excel. How can you use MS
Excel to investigate a business model for decision making?
9) Discuss at least four advantages of the database approach.
10) Select one of the topics in the group assignments, and discuss the key points of the
topic and describe the way it may bring a change to business as well as your life.
11) What do you know about web 2.0 and web 3.0? Discuss the its use and its impact
to business.
12) List and briefly describe the drivers of supply chain performance, and explain how
IT or IS can enhance the performance?
13) What are the success factors for e-commerce?
14) What are the trends that drive the e-commerce?

Note: Students are encouraged to discuss with group members to prepare the answers for
these questions. However, students must use their own words to answer the questions in the
final exam It means the answers that are identical (the same in every details - word by word,
comma by comma, period by period,…) will not get full marks.

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