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The world we dwell in is yet unknown, it is packed with surprises and

experiences that become part of our story as a person. Life is filled

with unprecedented an event which makes life more interesting and
beautiful. Events that occur in our life become parts of who we are; it
becomes a special story that is embedded in our hearts and our minds and
carried throughout our lifetime.
My family are people that know me the most for throughout my life
they’ve always been there to witness the experiences I go thru thus I
interviewed my family members, the two important people in my life
which is my brother and mother. In my interview they shared a narrative
of how they see me. According to my family members, they see me as
someone that developed strength and bravery for your brother and
mother. You grew to be your family's pride and defender, becoming wise
and strong. Constantly preserving and dedicated to obtain whatever you
desire. As a mother one significant experience that has influenced you
was when your father had left us as a child people expect you to have
happy memories but unfortunately at an early age your heart was broken
by your first love, your father, he parted without even saying goodbye
and left you wondering where he is. Coping with this as a child was
quite difficult for you, especially when you witnessed how hard life
was for me as a single mother, as my daughter you were my right hand,
we helped each other at all times, I taught you to become strong and
independent whereas your brother taught you to be cheerful and
persistent, that experience had enriched your life forever, it served
as a turning point in your life, allowing you to mature and discover
your life's purpose. The circumstance that you’ve experienced has
influenced you to think wisely, become independent and compassionate to
others. You discovered your purpose, which was to serve and protect
others, as you developed integral values that formed your identity.
Being of service to others and lending a helping hand to those in need
became your purpose; you continued to use your capabilities, skills,
and principles to offer assistance and serve others, just as you had
done for your family. Your purpose in life would be to become far more
than the eldest sister; it was to become a person with compassion and
perseverance, driven by the desire to help and serve others. As a
mother, I believe that my role in your life is to continue to guide and
watch over you as you continue to grow and venture in to the world, my
role is to teach you values and principles that will help you overcome
the torrent of difficulties in life and achieve victory in your life.
My brother had also said that his role in my life was to cheer for me
and continue to encourage mt to become a greater person in life.
People have told me how strong and courageous I am as I continue to wade
through life, in triumphs and in honor and glory, persisting and seeking
my passion and purpose in life, fiercely continuing to move forward and
overcome my fights courageously. The ideas as to how my family sees me
is accurate as to how I see myself now, a strong, cheerful and
courageous person. These people have inspired me in so many ways,
allowing me to become the woman I am now, a combination of
characteristics which has continued to influence my self-identity
allowing me to shape myself and develop an understanding of my roles,
responsibilities and characteristics which is a strong, courageous,
bold, intelligent, tenacious individual. As I progress through life's
seemingly terrifying experiences, my brother and mother will always
have a significant impact on how I see myself, because when I look at
these significant people, I remember my purpose and my responsibility
in life, since they're the reason how I established a meaning and
purpose in life in life, so whenever I am reminded of my mother and
brother, I am also made aware of my purpose, the characteristics that I
embody because of them, which I believe shaped how I see myself. You've
grown up to be a mature and strong person, with principles and
characteristics that have helped you become a better person throughout
your life; the experiences you've had have helped you shape yourself
into the ideal person you are now. A lady who is powerful, fearless,
brave, independent, and persistent.

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