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Sexually Transmitted Infections
For the Ethiopian Health Center Team

Melake Demana, Negga Baraki, Yared Kifle, Fetih Mohammed, Mulusew Getie,
Eyob Akililu, Selamawit Debebe, Tamirat Gebru, Mengistu Welday,
Alemayehu Galmessa, Yonathan Tadesse,
Zinabue Anamo, Fikru Tesfaye

Haramaya University

In collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter Center,
the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education

Funded under USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 663-A-00-00-0358-00.

Produced in collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter
Center, the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education.

Important Guidelines for Printing and Photocopying

Limited permission is granted free of charge to print or photocopy all pages of this
publication for educational, not-for-profit use by health care workers, students or
faculty. All copies must retain all author credits and copyright notices included in the
original document. Under no circumstances is it permissible to sell or distribute on a
commercial basis, or to claim authorship of, copies of material reproduced from this

©2002 by Melake Demana, Negga Baraki, Yared Kifle, Fetih

Mohammed, Mulusew Getie, Eyob Akililu, Selamawit Debebe, Tamirat
Gebru, Mengistu Welday, Alemayehu Galmessa, Yonathan Tadesse,
Zinabue Anamo, Fikru Tesfaye

All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided above, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without written permission of the author or authors.

This material is intended for educational use only by practicing health care workers or
students and faculty in a health care field.

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................ ii

UNIT ONE Introduction

1.1. Purpose and use of the module .................................................................. 1
1.2. Directions for using the module ................................................................... 1

UNIT TWO Core Module

2.1. Pre tests ................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Significance and brief description of the problem ..................................... 11
2.3. Learning objectives .................................................................................. 12
2.4. Learning activities..................................................................................... 12
2.5. Definition of STIs ...................................................................................... 13
2.6. Epidemiology ............................................................................................ 14
2.7. Etiology and pathogenesis ....................................................................... 14
2.8. Clinical features ....................................................................................... 16
2.9. Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 20
2.10. Case management ................................................................................... 21
2.11. Prevention and control STI ....................................................................... 22

UNIT THREE Satellite Module

3.1. Satellite module for Health officers......................................................... 26
3.2. Satellite module for Public health nurses ............................................... 37
3.3. Satellite module for Medical laboratory technicians ............................... 47
3.4. Satellite module for Community health workers .................................... 60
3.5. Take home message for lay care givers ................................................ 69

UNIT FOUR Role and Task Analysis .......................................................................... 72

UNIT FIVE Glossary and Abbreviation...................................................................... 80

Unit SIX Bibliography ........................................................................................... 81


7.1. Answer keys .......................................................................................... 83
7.2. Flow charts ........................................................................................... 87
7.3. Gram staining technique ..................................................................... 102


The authors are grateful to The Carter Center for the financial, material, moral
and expert assistance without which it would have been impossible to develop
this module.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Dilla College of Teachers’ Education and
Health Sciences, Jimma University and Gondar College of Medical Sciences for
hosting the consecutive workshops which formed the basis for this module. The
authors would like to appreciate the relentless assistance of Alemaya University
in creating conducive working atmosphere for the successful accomplishment of
this module.

We also deeply thank Phyllis Long, Jacobs Troy A. (Dr.) Tadesse Anteneh (Dr.),
and Abebe Shume for reviewing the contents of the whole draft of the module
and providing us with valuable comments which brought it to this final shape.

We are also indebted to members of the AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STIs) Prevention and Control Team of Ministry of Health of
Ethiopia,for their contribution in the review the draft.

We would like to extend our gratitude to W/t Tinebeb Reta for typing the

Finally, it is our pleasure to acknowledge those who have been in touch with us
in the module preparation in one way or another.



1.1. Purpose of the Module

This module is intended to serve as a general learning resource about Sexually
Transmitted Infections (STIs) for the health center team: health officers, public health
nurses, environmental health technicians and sanitarians, and medical laboratory

The basic and general concepts about STIs, their etiologic agents, epidemiology,
clinical features, diagnostic methods, treatment, and prevention and control strategies
are discussed in a simple and comprehendible way. It can also be used by other health
professionals. It should be noted, however, that it is not a substitute for standard text
books. The module can also be used as a resource for professionals working in health
centers. It may also be used as learning material in training, workshops and seminars
for members of the health center team and community health workers and as a source
of information for care givers and patients.

1.2. Directions for Using the Module

Before starting to read this module, please follow the directions given below:
¾ Go through all the contents of the core module by starting with the pre test.
¾ Use a separate sheet of paper to write your answers and label it “pre-test
answers”. The pre-test has two portions: part I and part II.

Part I: Contains common questions to be answered by all categories of the health

center team:

Part II: The questions are prepared for the specific categories: health officer (HO),
public health nurse (PHN), and medical laboratory technician (MLT).

Select and do the questions of the portion indicating your professional category.
¾ When you are sure that you are through with the core module proceed to read
the satellite module corresponding to your profession or interest. However, the
satellite module for environmental health technicians is not included here. It is
believed that the contents in the core module are sufficient for environmental
health technicians.
¾ Go through the task analysis for the health center team members and compare it
with that of your own.

¾ You may refer to the list of abbreviations and glossary at the end of the module
for terms that are not clear.
¾ Questions specific to Environmental health Technician (EHT) are not prepared,
because, no specialized task is deemed for this category in the module.



2.1. Pre-test

Answer the following questions on a separate answer sheet.

2.1.1. Part I (Pre-test all categories of Health Center Team)

Write “True “ or “False “ for question 1 - 12, write the letter of your choice for questions
13 - 17; fill in the blanks for questions 18 - 20 and write short answers for questions
21 -27.
1. Contracting an STI increases the risk for acquiring HIV/ AIDS
2. Gonorrhea and chlamydia infections are usually a symptomatic in men.
3. The syndromes approach is the most perfect diagnostic method for the
management of STI even in the health institutions with sophisticated laboratory
facilities and with well trained health personnel.
4. STIs are not significant public health problems in Ethiopia now as a result of the
high level of awareness created for HIV/AIDS control.
5. Pubic lice is a sexually transmitted ecto-parasite.
6. Patients with asymptomatic STI can be a source of infection for their sexual
7. There are only two stages in the clinical presentation of syphilis.
8. The ulcer in syphilis is soft and tender.
9. Women are often asymptomatic for chancroid.
10. Ophthalmia neonntorum can cause permanent damage to eyes including
11. The syndromic approach is largely based on a patient’s history.
12. Post-coital genital washing is as effective as using condoms in preventing STIs.

13. Taking antibiotics prior to sexual intercourse can prevent STI.
14. Which of the following statement is false?
A. STIs rank 2nd to malaria in their socio economic impact in tropical
B. In developing countries STIs constitute 15% of the disease burden especially
in the urban population.
C. Globally women have less STI disease than men.
D. None of the above

15. Which of the following is not sexually transmitted?

A. Human papilloma virus
B. N.gonorrhea
C. Hepatitis B. virus
D. Trichomonas vaginalis
E. None of the above

16. The etiologic agents in urethral discharge syndrome include:

A. N.gonorrhea
B. T. palidum
C. C.trachomatis
D. A and B
E. A and C

17. Which of the following is not considered a safe sexual behavior?

A. Correct use of condom
B. Avoiding multiple sexual behavior
C. Casual sex
D. Careful selection of partners
E. None of the above

18. Which of the following is the best approach to health education in the prevention of
A. Transfer of information by professionals to the community
B. Health education in the form of dialogue
C. Participatory way of health education
D. Health education using mass media
E. B and C
19. List two common symptoms of urethritis: ___________ and ___________
20. ______________________ refers to an acute clinical syndrome that results from
ascending infection from the cervix and/or vagina.
21. _______________ and _________________ are usually causes of scrotal
22. What factors contribute to the increasing in STI? (List 5)
23. Define Sexually Transmitted Infections briefly.
24. Write the major advantages of syndromic management.
25. Mention at least four methods of STI prevention and control
26. Which population groups at risk of STI infection need specific services?
27. Who are the most influential people in the community to help in public awareness
programs for the prevention of STIs?
28. Why is it so important to control STIs.

2.1.2. Part II (Questions specific to the category of the Health center


N.B. No specific questions are set for Environmental health Technicians since
preparation of separate satellite module is not found to be essential. Pre-test for Health Officers

1. Scabies can be considered as a sexually transmitted disease.

A. True B. False

2. The drug of choice for vaginal discharge is Benzathine Penicillin.
A. True B. False
3. Thick white ‘cheesy’ odourless vaginal discharge is characteristic of candidiasis.
A. True B. False
4. A recent new partner is one of the risk factors for acquiring STI.
A. True B. False
5. Which of the following is intracellular Gram –ve organism?
A. T.Pallidum
B. N. gonorrhea
C. C.trachomatis
D. Phithrus pubis
E. B and C
6. Lymphograuloma venerum is caused by:
A. H.ducreyi
B. C. trachomatis
C. Human papilloma virus
D. Calymmatobacter granulomatis
E. None of the above
7. Which of the following diseases does not produce inguinal bubo?
A. Herpes genitalis
B. Lymphogranuloma venereum
C. Chancroid
D. Granuloma Inguinale
E. Syphilis
8. Painful genital ulcer is caused by
A. Hepatitis B virus
B. H-duereyi
C. T. pallidum
D. C. trachomatis
E. B and C

9. Vaginal discharge syndrome is caused by:
A. Gonorrhea
B. Trichomoniasis
C. Candidacies
D. Chlamydial infection
E. All of the above
10. A 20 year old female presented with fever and vaginal discharge. On examination
she has cervical motion tenderness and uterine tenderness. This patient should be
considered as a case of
A. Inguinal bubo syndrome
B. Vaginal discharge syndrome
C. Lower abdominal pain syndrome
D. Genital ulcer syndrome
E. B and C
11. Which of the following is least essential for syndromic management of patients with
A. Laboratory investigations
B. Proper history
C. Physical examination
D. Follow up of patients
E. None of the above
12. Which of the following drugs should not be used during pregnancy?
A. Benzathine Penicillin
B. Ampicillin
C. Tetracycline
D. Erythromycin
13. Gram stain of abnormal vaginal discharge might detect
A. Gonococcal infection
B. Candidial infection
C. Syphilis
D. Trichomoniasis

14. The primary ulcerative lesion in syphilitic infection is known as _____.
15. Genital ulcers preceded by vesicles are typical for _______.
16. List the common bacterial causes of STIs.
17. List the major advantages of the syndromic approach to STIs.
18. List the two most common causes of urethral discharge syndromes.
19. List some of the potential complications of properly untreated STIs.
20. Explain the link between STIs and HIV infection Pre-test for Public Health Nurses

1. List the nursing interventions in the management of STIs.

2. What are the commonest nursing diagnoses related to STIs? Mention three.
3. State the difference between health education and counseling
4 Describe the objectives of counseling in STI prevention and control.
5. What are the most common side effects, contraindications, and nursing
considerations in administering tetracyclines?
6. Mention at least two universal precautions in handling patients with STI lesions or
discharges? Pre-test for Medical Laboratory Technicians

Write the best single answer of your choice for questions 1 – 10.

1. The source of sample for diagnosis of STI include:

A. Urethral discharge
B. Serum
C. Vaginal discharge
D. Skin scraping
E. All

2. A false negative result in the examination of urethral discharge could be caused by:
A. Incorrect labeling
B. Inappropriate staining technique
C. Collection of specimen before urination
D. A and B
E. All
3. Before collection of a sample from patients with lesions for diagnosis of T.pallidium,
the area should be cleaned with
A. Savlone
B. 70% alchol
C. Physiological saline
D. Cleaning is not important
E. None
4. The antigen supplied with the RPR kit should be stored at what temperature?
A. Room temperature
B. 2° - 8° C
C. -20°C
D. 37°
E. None
5. N.gonnorea from urethral discharge is diagnosed by:
A. Gram's staining technique
B. We mount preparation
C. Culture
D. A and C
E. None

6. Laboratory diagnosis for syphilis includes the following except:

A. RPR test
B. KOH test
C. VDRL test
D. Identification of T.pallidium using dark field microscopy
E. None

7. Identification of gram negative intracellular diplococci in urethral or cervical
discharge is suggestive of:
A. T.Pallidium
B. C.albicans
C. Chlamydia species
D. N.gonnorea
E. T.vaginalis

8. The safety precaution that should be considered when collecting and handling
specimens include
A. Wear a rubber glove
B. Cover any skin break on the hands
C. Give extra care
D. All
E. None

9. Which of the following is a non-treponemal antigen test?

E. A and C

10. In the RPR test for syphilis, false positive reaction could be caused by
A. Leprosy
B. Tuberculosis
C. Malaria
D. Pregnancy
E. All

2.2. Significance and Brief Description of the Problems
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remain a public health problem of major
significance in most parts of the world (1). There continues to be an increasing trend
because of factors such as the following: (5).
¾ Many more people live in or travel to large cities and they are often separated
from their families.
¾ Many people become sexually active before marriage.
¾ The impact of drug resistance.
¾ Low level of awareness about STI.
¾ Lack of behavioral change among sexually active individuals etc.

STIs impose an enormous burden of morbidity and mortality in developing countries,

both directly through their impact on reproductive and child health, and indirectly
through their role in facilitating the sexual transmission of HIV infection. In developing
countries STIs are responsible for up to 15% of the disease burden in urban
populations. In tropical communities STIs rank second to malaria in their socio-
economic impact.

In the 1993 world development report, it is estimated that, in developing countries STI,
(excluding HIV), accounted for 8.9% of the disease burden in women aged 15-49 years
and 1.5% in men of the same age class. This ranked STIs, excluding HIV, as the
second major cause of lost disability-adjusted life years in women of reproductive age.

The vast majority of the disease burden from STIs is a result of the complications and
sequel that may follow infection: for example primary infections with gonorrhea and
chlamydia in woman is usually a symptomatic. When left untreated, however, infections
may migrate upwards from the lower reproductive tract and lead to pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID).

STIs are a priority not only because of their wide prevalence but also because they are
easily treatable if affected individuals reach a health service provider. In developing
countries, the laboratory diagnosis of most conditions can be difficult. Even where test
results are available, the time it takes to receive results often delays treatment of STI
cases. (1).

A fundamental goal of STI control programs is early detection and treatment of the
infection, preferably at the point of the patients first contact with the health system. (1).

Therefore, an effective and efficient public health program needs a tool that is rapid,
inexpensive, simple, accurate and allows STI treatment to be implemented on a large
scale by health providers with diverse levels of expertise and training. In our case the
syndromic approach is the appropriate one.

2.3. Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the module the reader will be able to:
1. Define sexually transmitted infections (STI)
2. Recognize STI as one of the most important Public Health problems in Ethiopia.
3. Recognize possible complications of untreated STI.
4. Describe the clinical features of STI syndrome with the corresponding causative
5. Identify risk factors for the transmission (acquisition) of STIs.
6. Describe the advantages of syndromic approach in management of STIs.
7. Describe prevention and control strategies of STIs.
8. Appreciate the role played by each category of health professionals.
9. Recognize the role played by each category of health center team members
including community health workers.

2.4. Learning Activity

2.4.1. Case Study

Ato Maru, a 43-year-old man, presented to a health center with a problem which he
called "Ye wond beshita" (literally, meaning disease of man). His symptoms were pussy
urethral discharge with burning sensation on urination of 5 days duration. Prior to his
presentation, he visited local small private clinic where he was given unspecified tablets
and he took 5 of them at once orally. His condition didn't improve but rather got worse
over subsequent few days.

He admitted, after repeated questioning, that he had been having extramarital sexual
intercourse secretly with one of the young women in the village, who was a widow. The
patient said that he couldn't acquire the disease from this woman because, he thought,
she was healthy and he had never heard her complaining about any health problem.
Rather he believed that he got this problem after he urinated facing the moon the night
before his illness. He denied any knowledge about condoms.

He was a father of 6 daughters and 5 sons, highly respected and living in one of the
small village in his locality with his wife and 5 of his children. The rest of his children
were married and living in the same village.

2.4.2. Questions Related to the case study

Answer the following questions based on the case study in Section 2.4.1.
1. What do you think the patient's problem was?
2. How would you manage his problem?
3. Why do you think the treatment he got at the private clinic didn't help him?
4. What do you think about the incidence of similar health problem in our community?
5. Should your management include treating his sexual partner(s) and advice on safe
6. What do you think the possible consequence would be if this person is not treated at
all or properly?
7. What is his risk of acquiring HIV infection?
8. In what way can practicing safe sex prevent problems like this?
9. What do you think of the perception of the patient with regard to the cause of his

2.5. Definition of STIs

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are passed from one person to
another through sexual contact. A group of over 50 infectious diseases are included
under STIs. Although their etiologies involve a number of organisms, the infections
present themselves commonly in the following syndromes (genital ulcer, urethral
discharge, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, scrotal swelling, inguinal bubo and
neonatal conjunctivitis).

2.6. Epidemiology
Sexually transmitted infections remain a public health problem of major importance in
both developed and developing countries, but are specially so in developing countries
where access to diagnostic and treatment facilities is inadequate, very limited or non
existent at all. In many developing countries throughout the world STIs rank among the
top ten conditions for which adults seek health care. These diseases are important for
three reasons, because of their magnitude, their potential for causing serious
complications and their linkage with HIV/AIDS. According to a WHO report, in 1995 an
estimated 340 million new cases of the five most common curable STIs occurred
globally in both men and women of 15 - 49 age range. On average an estimated
930,000 people are infected every day with curable STI globally.

Prevalence figures for specific STIs are often lacking or unreliable. However, screening
of pregnant women in many parts of Africa have revealed prevalent rates of up to 10%
for syphilis, and 10 - 20% in some areas for gonorrhea.

These STIs include gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, syphilis and trichomoniasis. Out of
these 340 million STI cases, 151 million are found in South and South East Asia, 69
million in Sub-Saharan Africa and 38 million in Latin America and the Caribbean

2.7. Etiology and Pathogenesis

2.7.1. Etiology
The main STI pathogens include:
a. Bacterial
¾ Neisseria gonorrhea (causing gonorrhoea)
¾ Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydial infection)
¾ Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
¾ Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid)
¾ Clamatato bacterium granulomatis (granuloma inguinale, or donovanosis)
¾ Gardnella vaginalis

b. Viral
¾ Herpes simplex type I and II
¾ Human pagillomavirus (genital warts)
¾ Hepatitis B virus
¾ Cytomegalovirus

c. Others
¾ Trichomonal virginals (Trichomoniasis): another important sexually
transmitted agent which causes vaginitis and has also been shown to
facilitate HIV transmission.
¾ Candida albicans: can be sexually transmitted, is the cause of a common
fungal infection responsible for vulvovaginitis in women and inflammation
of the glans pines and fore skin in men.
¾ Genital scabies: an itchy condition caused by the mite sarcoptes scabies
which is frequently transmitted by close contact with an infected person.
¾ Pediculosis pubis: an itching caused by the public lice (phythirus pubis)
and transmitted through sexual contact.

The bacterial infections are curable as is trichomoniasis, scabies and pediculosis pubis.
Nevertheless, re-exposure after cure can make the illness re-occur. The viral infections
are not curable, but some can be controlled.

2.7.2. Pathogenesis

One can acquire STI after even one sexual contact with an infected person. After the
etiologic agent gets into the patient’s body, it multiphases at the site of entrance and, in
some cases spreads locally or systemically through blood vessels and lymphatic
channels. The growth and multiplication of the etiologic agent in the human body is
called infection. This incites an inflammatory reaction at the site of infection giving rise
to the characteristic features of the particular infection. Purulent urethral discharge and
dysuria in gonococci and Chlamydia infection of the urethra urethentis causes painful

blisters and ulcers in herpes, chancre in syphilis, inguinal lymph node abscess in LGV

Some infections can be asymptomatic, but patients with such type of infections can be a
source of infection. Similarly ectoparasites like P. pubis can be acquired by sexual
intercourse with an already infected person. They reside and multiply on the skin of the
patient causing irritation and itching, and they feed on the patient’s blood.

2.8. Clinical Features

The syndromic approach is highly based on the patient’s history.

The physical examination of a case suspected on STI is complimentary to the history of

the case. The following syndromes are common in patients with STI.
¾ Urethral discharge or burning on urination in men
¾ Vaginal discharge in women: vaginal discharge is abnormal when the woman
notices a change in color, amount and odor.
¾ Lower abdominal pain in women: severity and type of pain, onset, quality of pain,
radiation to other body areas and presence of vaginal discharge or other
systematic symptoms like fever, nausea and vomiting.
¾ Scrotal swelling
¾ Inguinal bubo: presence of pain, ulceration, discharge and swelling.
¾ Genital ulcer in men and women.
¾ Ophthalmia neonatorum: conjunctivitis with purulent discharge.

2.8.1. Urethral Discharge

Burning on urination and urethral discharge are common symptoms of urethritis.

Neisseria gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomitis are the commonest causes of urethral
discharge and dysuria. Rarely other causes like Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas
virginalis and Ureaplasma uraelyticum are indicated for urethritis.

Urethritis caused by N. gonorrhoeae has usually an acute onset with profuse and
purulent discharge while that of C. trachomitis will be of subacute onset with scanty

mulopurulent discharge. However, this is not always true and mixed infections by both
organisms can sometimes occur.

2.8.2. Vaginal Discharge

The following organisms are common causes of vaginal discharge

¾ Neisseria gonorrhoeae
¾ Chylamydia trachomatis
¾ Trichomonas vaginalis
¾ Gardnerella vaginalis and other anaerobic bacteria
¾ Candida albicans

Many women have a small amount of vaginal discharge (physiological leucorrhea),

which is clear and odorless. This is normal, it becomes abnormal, however, if there is a
change in the amount, colour and odor of the discharge.

2.8.3. Genital Ulcer

Primary syphilis, genital herpes, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum and granuloma

ingunale are common ulcerative lesions of the genitalia in men and women. Common
causes of genital ulcer are the following organisms.
¾ Treponema pallidum
¾ Herpes simplex virus
¾ Haemophilus ducreyi
¾ Chylamidia trachomatis serovars L1, L2, and L3.
¾ Calymmatobacterium granulomatis.
a) Syphilis: There are three stages in the clinical presentation of syphilis. Genital
ulcers occur in the primary stage. It starts as a small popular lesion that rapidly
ulcerates to produce a non-tender indurated lesion with a clean base and a raised
edge called hard chancre. It usually occurs about 3 weeks after exposure (range
10-90 days). The second stage begins one month later. It is characterized by a
polymorphic rash-usually with a maculo popular rash that includes the palms, and
soles as well as warty growths in moist areas of the body (around the anus and

Tertiary syphilis occurs after a variable latent period of months to years. It is
characterized by gummatous changes and arthritis. Neuro-syphilis can occur at any

b) Geniutal herpes: Latency and frequent recurrence characterize herpes genitalis

producing a life long infection after the primary infection. The lesions are painful
initially presenting as erythematous nacules, which then progress to vesicles, ulcers
and finally crusts. Prolonged and sever disease with extensive tissue involvement
and higher rate of dissemination occur in patients with HIV infection.

c) Chancroid: This is a common cause of genital ulcer in developing countries. The

spread of infection is dependent on the number of partners of an infected person
and prostitutes appear to be the main reservoir of infection. Males are affected more
frequently than females and women are often asymptomatic. The disease increases
the risk of HIV transmissions by 10-300 times per sexual exposure. The lesions are
painful progressing from a small papule to pustule and then ulcer with soft margins
described as soft chancre. Inguinal adenopathy that becomes necrotic and fluctuate
(bunoes) follow the ulcer.

d) Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV): The disease starts as a small painless

papule that develops to an ulcer. After a week or so, painful regional
lymphadenopathy may occur. The lesions are not apparent.

e) Granuloma Inguinale: It is a chronically progressive ulcerative disease without

systemic symptoms. The case usually presents with a non-suppurative genital
lesion, which develops from a small firm papule to a painless ulcer with a beefy-red
appearance and non-purulent base.

2.8.4. Lower Abdominal Pain Due to PID

Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) refers to an acute clinical syndrome that results from
ascending infection from the cervix and/or vagina. The upper structures of the female
genital organs are affected. The term PID includes endometritis, parametritis,
salphingitis, oop[horitis (Editor’s note: what is the spelling?), pelvic peritonitis,
tuboovarian abscess and inflammation around the liver, spleen or appendix.

The common pathogens associated with PID, which are transmitted through the sexual
route, include N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomitis, M. homonis, and Bacteroides.

2.8.5. Scortal Swelling

The causes of scrotal swelling from STI are usually N. gonorrhoea and C. trachomatis;
when infected, the testis becomes swollen, hot and very painful. However, other
infectious causes of scrotal swelling could be brucellosis, mumps, onchocerciasis or
infection with W. bancrofti, or tuberculosis that are not sexually transmitted.

It is important to exclude other causes of scrotal swelling like testicular torsion, trauma
and incarcerated inguinal hernia as they may require urgent referral for proper surgical
evaluation and treatment.

2.8.6. Inguinal Bubo

Inguinal bubo is a swelling of inguinal lymph nodes as a result of STIs but it should be
remembered that infections on the lower extremities or in the perineum could produce
such swelling. The common STI pathogens causing inguinal swelling include: T.
pallidum, C. trachomatis (serovars 1, 2 and 3), H. ducreyi and C. granulomatis.

Surgical incisions are contraindicated and the pus should be aspirated using a
hypodermic needle.

2.8.7. Ophtalmia Neonatorum

Ophthalmia neonatorum is the term used to describe a condition where a baby develops
purulent conjunctivitis in one or both eyes within four weeks of birth. If the baby is older,
the cause is unlikely to be an STI. It is a medical emergency unless treatment is initiated
within 24 hours. There could be permanent damage to the eyes including blindness.
The neonate develops infection of the eyes during birth as a result of genital infection of
the mother with N.gonorrhoea or C.trachomatis.

2.9. Diagnosis

The following methods are used to diagnose STI.

2.9.1. Syndromic approach

Features of syndromic approach (syndromic case management):

- Classifying the main causative agents by the clinical syndrome to which they
give rise.
- Using flow charts which help the service provider to identify causes of a given
- Treating the patient for all the important causes of the syndrome.
- Ensuring that partners/ patients are treated, counseled, educated on
treatment compliance and risk reduction, and condoms provided.
2.9.2. Clinical diagnosis
- Using clinical experience to identify sign and symptoms typical for specific

2.9.3. Etiological Diagnosis

- Using laboratory tests like microscopy, culture and serological tests to identify
the etiologic agent.
Etiological diagnosis is often regarded as the ideal approach in medicine. It
enables service provider to make precise diagnosis and treat their patients
with equal precision. Etiological diagnosis presents several significant
i. Identifying the twenty or more STI causative agents requires both
skilled persons and sometimes sophisticated laboratory equipment
which most health institutions in our setup lack.
ii. A large number of patients seek care for STI at the primary health care
level and at this level the required skill and etiological diagnosis are not
iii. Etiologic diagnosis is also expensive and time consuming.

In view of the above facts it is preferable to use syndromic approach based on clinical

2.10. Case Management

As it is stated in the above (in Section 2.9) the syndromic approach is a preferred way of
managing STI cases.

The syndromic case management provides health workers in low-resource settings with
a practical tool to improve diagnosis and treatment. It uses common symptoms of STI
as a starting point and, using a flow charge, an STI management decision is arrived at.
In addition to treatment, counseling about STI prevention, partner notification and
control provision are essential parts of syndromic case management.

The major advantages of syndromic management are:

1. It is simple, inexpensive, rapid and can be implemented on a large scale.
2. It requires minimum training and can be used by a broad range of health workers.
3. It allows for diagnosis and treatment in one visit.
4. It provides opportunities for introducing preventive and promotive measures such
as education, partner management and distribution of condoms.

Case management decision is made using the flow chart:

1. Urehral discharge: See 7.2 Flowchart 1
2. Vaginal discharge: See 7.2 Flowchart 2-1 and 2-2
3. Genital ulcers: See 7.2 Flowchart 3
4. Lower abdominal pain in the female: See 7.2 Flowchart 4
5. Scrotal swelling: See 7.2 Flowchart 5
6. Inguinal bubo: See 7.2 Flowchart 6
7. Ophthalmia neonatorum: See 7.2 Flowchart 7

2.11. Prevention and Control of STI

The popular saying "Prevention is better than cure" is very true in the case of STIs.

Prevention of STI must remain as a priority that goes beyond individual behavior
change. The programs must address the root causes of the problem.

These problems are:

¾ Social and
¾ Economic factors that make people vulnerable.

Reducing obstacles to basic education, information on sexual and reproductive health,

access to primary health care and economic opportunities are the central elements in
STI prevention programs.

The strategies to reduce STI /HIV are complimentary as they aim to avoid unsafe sex
and limit the number of sexual partners. The following are components of the public
health package of STI prevention and control.

1. Promotion of safer sexual behavior

Avoiding multiple sexual partners or casual sex and consistent and correct use of
condoms with all partners not known to be free of an STI. Health facilities which treat
and prevent STI should have resources available for promoting safe sexual behavior.
Clients should be educated on methods to lower their risk of acquiring STI/HIV,
including abstinence, being mutually faithful and correct use of condoms (see fig.2.1 for

Use of condoms should be promoted and they should be available in any health care
facility providing STI prevention services. Instructions about the proper use of condoms
should also be provided, where feasible (condoms should be provided free of charge).

Fig: In Cambodia trainers from a hospital demonstrate proper use of condoms to taxi
drivers at a market in SVAY RIENG province.

Source: Net work family health international volume 20, Number 4, 2001,

2. Education regarding prevention of STI/HIV

Education forms the backbone of control of STI. The involvement of the lay public is
imperative. The awareness about the STI and sex in particular is very vital. A variety of
methods can be used for the purpose, comprising public education, briefings at religious
places, news items and documentaries on television and radio. Sex education should
be a major topic in the school and college curriculums. The public and patients should
be encouraged to seek appropriate health services provided by health institutions.

Explaining to the clients the association between STI and HIV, that it is the same risky
behaviors that are responsible for acquisition of these two conditions is also an
important element in the prevention of STI/HIV. Clients should be educated on safe
sexual behavior: abstaining from sexual activity, maintaining a mutually faithful sexual
relationship, engaging only in safe sex acts such as non- penetrative or having sex only
with the use of condom.

Remember the ABCs of prevention of STI:

Abstain from sex. This is the only guaranteed protection.

Be mutually faithful. Always have sex with the same person. This person also must not
have sex with any one else and must not have an STI.

(Important: You usually can not tell if a person has an STI just by looking at him or her.
People with STI, including HIV, usually do not look sick.)

Consistently use condoms, use them every time and use them correctly

Health care approach to health education stresses dialogue, not just the transfer of
information and this participation or community involvement in decision making may
provide the best results in the prevention of STI.

3. Early detection and treatment of cases

Early detection and treatment of cases is very important. It prevents more serious
complications in patient’s, and it benefits the community by preventing further

4. Identification, notification and evaluation of sexual partners

This is an important public health activity by which the partners of those identified as
having STI are traced, informed of their probable exposure to infection and offered
medical and counseling services. The objective of this exercise is to break the cycle of
STI transmission. Asymptomatic patients can be sources of infection in the community.
Partner management is to treat all of a patient’s sexual partners, for the same STI, as
the patient and even if the partners have no signs of STI.

5. Counseling as a prevention and control activity

Whatever the overall STI/HIV prevention and control strategy, counseling should be a
major integral part. Specific counseling activities will depend on the individuals and
groups to be addressed together with the content to be emphasized and the manner in
which counseling is to be provided. In addition, the availability of technical resources,

financing, and an infrastructure within which counseling can be provided will all need to
be taken into account.

Counseling has to be part of all strategies for preventing STI/HIV infection. Most people
with STI/HIV infection do not know that they are infected. Until now, only a small
percentage of those with identified STI/HIV infection or disease have had access to
reliable counseling services and, therefore, to the support necessary for changes in
behavior. The continued development of counseling services is therefore important to
the prevention of STI/HIV.

6. Integration of STI prevention into primary health care, reproductive health care
facilities, private clinics and others.

7. Targeting vulnerable groups such as, commercial sex workers, adolescents,

long distance truck drivers, military personnel and prisoners.

8. Involving community leaders, religious leaders and community health workers in

public awareness creation, prevention and control of STI.



3.1. Satellite Module for Health Officers

3.1.1. Direction for Using This Module

¾ Before reading this satellite module be sure that you have completed the pre-test
and studied the core module.
¾ Continue reading this satellite module and upon completion do the pre-test as a

3.1.2. Learning Objectives

Upon completing this module the Health Officer will be able to:
¾ Describe the etiology of STI
¾ Explain the pathogenesis of STI
¾ Identify clinical features and classify then according to syndromes.
¾ Describe management of STIs according to the syndromic approach.
¾ Explain the link between STI and HIV/AIDS.

3.1.3. Learning Activity

Case study continued from learning activity 1 in Section 2.4.1

After taking history of the patient, the health officer continued with physical examination.
The health officer examined the patient and detected the following findings. The
external genitalia were mildly tender. On squeezing purulent discharge is expressed
from the urethra. There is no ulcer over the genital area and the scrotum is normal.
Inguinal examination revealed no swelling or tenderness.

1. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient?
2. What should be the management of this patient?
3. Does this patient need laboratory tests? Why?

The Health Officer treated the patient with spectromycin infection and tetracycline
tables. He also discussed the causes of his problem and convinced him to bring his
sexual partner the next day.

The next day the Health Officer examined the partner and found a painless ulcer on the
vulva. There was no vaginal discharge. The inguinal areax were normal and there was
no other abdominal finding.

Questions based on the above case study:

1. What is the possible diagnosis of his partner?
2. How should the health officer manage this partner?

3.1.4. Etiology and Pathogenesis Etiology

STI are a group of communicable diseases that are transmitted predominantly by sexual
contact and caused by a wide range of bacterial, viral, protozoa and fungal agents and
Bacterial causes Disease
¾ Neisseria gonorrhea Gonorrhea
¾ Chlamydia trachomatis Urethritis and
venereum (LGV)
¾ Treponema pallidum Syphilis
¾ Haemophilus ducreyi Chancroid
¾ Calymmatobacterium granulomatis Granuloma Inguinale
¾ G.vaginalis and other normal flora of vagina Bacterial vaginosis

Viral Causes Disease
¾ HIV 1 and HIV 2 HIV/AIDS
¾ Herpes simplex virus (type 1 and 2) Genital herpes
¾ Human papilloma virus Condylomata accuminata
¾ Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis

Protozoal causes Disease

¾ Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomoniasis

Fungal Causes Disease

¾ Candida albicans Vaginal candidiasis
Ectoparasites Disease
¾ Phithrus pubis (Pubic lice) Pubic lice infestation
¾ Sarcoptes scabiei Scabies Pathogenesis

Only the most important organisms will be dealt with in this chapter.

N. gonorrhea is anintracellular Gram -ve diplococci. Initially the organism attaches to the
columnar mucosal cells. Then, it penetrates and proliferates inside the cells. This results
in local inflammatory response or systemic manifestations (1, 5).

C.trachomatis is an obligate Gram –ve intracellular organism. Mucosal infection results

in local inflammatory reaction. The subsequent pathogenesis of C.trachomatis is not yet
clearly understood. Some serotypes of C.trachomatis which cause Lymphogranuloma
venereum, invade the local lymphatic system causing necrosis and abcess in the
lnguinal lymphnodes.

N.B. N.gonorrhoea and C.trachomatis can ascend to the upper genital tract and
establish infection in the endometrium (endometritis), fallopian tubes and ovaries
(salphingitis) and pelvic peritoneum. These result in pelvic inflammatory disease.

T. Palladium is a spirochete organism and it rapidly penetrates intact mucous
membranes or gains access to subcutaneous tissues via microscopic abrasions that
occur during sexual intercourse. It multiplies locally and the initial ulcerative lesion
(Chancre) develops which gives Primary Syphilis. At the same time some organisms
travel to and establish infection in regional lymphnodes. These local infections induce a
host immune response that produces antibodies which may be detected in serum.
Inspite of these host responses wide spread hematogeneous dissemination of the
organisms occurs. This gets the basis for the development of later stages of syphilis
(secondary and tertiary syphilis).

Hemophilus ducreyi is a gram negative coccobacilli. The pathogeneasis of H.ducreyi

infection is not yet clear. However, a toxin released by the bacteria after attachment to
the mucosa may be responsible for tissue injury and ulcer development.

3.1.5. Syndromic Management Approach to STI Draw backs of the traditional clinical approach and the

advantages of the syndromic approach

All of the above organisms have varying clinical features. Traditionally the clinical
approach was how a diagnosis was reached with or without laboratory support. This has
several drawbacks:
¾ It relies on the provider’s clinical judgment which can bring an incorrect
¾ A single STI is usually identified and treated where there may be multiple causes.
¾ It might require laboratory facilities which may be expensive. Treatment is usually
delayed because of the time it requires for laboratory investigations.

Therefore a syndromic approach to diagnose and treat STIs has been recommended by
the WHO since 1990.

This approach has several advantages.

¾ It provides adequate treatment, even for mixed infection.
¾ It is applicable at primary health care units with minimal laboratory facilities.
¾ Diagnosis and treatment can be provided during the first visit.

¾ It decreases the need for referring patients to higher health institutions.
¾ It is easy to teach and simple to apply. The aims of management in STIs are:

¾ Early treatment of cases.
¾ Prevention and treatment of complications.
¾ Treatment of sexual partners.
¾ Education and counseling.
¾ Follow up and referral.

There are five common syndromes encountered by health providers.

1. Urethral discharge syndrome (men only)
2. Vaginal discharge syndrome in woman.
3. Genital ulcer syndrome.
4. Lower abdominal pain syndrome in women.
5. Scrotal swelling
6. Inguinal bubo syndrome
7. Neonatal conjunctivitis

A. Urethral Discharge Syndrome in men

Clinical Features

It is a discharge from the penis with or without painful urination (dysuria). Usually the
patient complains of urethral discharge and/or dysuria and the Health Officer should ask
for any history of sexual contact. On examination urethral discharge may be observed. If
not, the penis should be milked to confirm the presence of discharge. Redness and
swelling of the urethral meatus (opening) is usually observed. The Health Officer should
also look for other signs of STI like genital ulcer and inguinal L/N enlargement etc.

The most common causes of urethral discharge in man are gonorrhea and chlamydial
infection. In chlamydial infection symptoms of urethral inflammation occur between 7 -
28 days after sexual intercourse. It gives scanty whitish mucoid discharge associated
with dysuria and urethral discomfort. The discharge is usually marked in the morning.

In Gonococcal infection symptoms start between 2 - 10 days after sexual contact.

The discharge is usually yellowish white with severe burning sensation on micturation.

Use the flow chart for urethral discharge syndrome (Annex II flow chart 1).

B. Vaginal discharge syndrome

Clinical features

Normally a clear and odourless vaginal discharge can occur at certain phases of the
menstrual cycle, during sexual activity, during pregnancy and lactation. But in vaginal
discharge syndrome the patient complains of discharge that may have a different
colour, odour, consistency or amount more than normal discharge. It can also be
associated with vaginal itching, painful urination and pain during sexual intercourse.
Possible risk factors should be identified. These can be a symptomatic partner, recent
new partner and multiple sexual partners.

On examination abnormal discharge is observed. The origin of discharge can help to

identify the disease. Discharge from the cervix indicates possible gonorrheal or
chlamydeal infection. Discharge from the vaginal wall indicates trichomoniasis,
candidiasis or anaerobic bacterial infection (Bacterial vaginosis). The origin can be
identified by speculum examination. Besides identifying site of the discharge, one has to
observe mucosal changes of the cervix such as redness, contact bleeding and spotting
to make a diagnosis of cervicitis and for abnormal discharge. The origin can be
identified by speculum examination.

If there is genital ulcers, consider genital ulcer syndrome. If there is associated lower
abdominal pain and cervical motion tenderness, consider vaginal discharge syndrome.

Vaginal discharge syndrome is commonly caused by gonorrhea, trichomoniasis,

chlamydial infection, candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. Trichomoniasis manifests with
profuse malodorous yellow vaginal discharge, vulvar and vaginal redness, itching and

some urinary symptoms like dysuria and frequent urination. Bacterial vaginosis results
in a malodorous (fishy odor) and whitish mucoid discharge of moderate amount.

Gonorrhea may have mucopurulent yellowish vaginal discharge. Urinary symptoms

might be present. N. gonorrhea can infect the Bartholin's gland resulting in redness,
pain, erythemia and edema in the labia majora and exudation of pus from the glands
when pressed. Candidiasis characteristically gives thick, white 'cheesy' discharge
frequently associated with itching and vulvar irritation. Most women with chlamydial
infection are asymptomatic. Sometimes yellowish mucopurulent vaginal discharge,
dysuria, frequency of urination and disparunia (pain during sexual intrercourse) might be

Use the flow chart for vaginal discharge syndrome (Annex II flow chart 2-1).

C. Genital Ulcer Syndrome

Clinical Features

The patient complains of sores or ulcers on the genitalia which might be painful or
painless. On examination the health office may observe a genital ulcer or multiple
ulcers. These ulcers might be associated with vesicles or swollen inguinal lymph nodes.

This syndrome is mainly caused by primary syphilis, chancroid and genital herpes. The
incubation period for development of ulcer in the case of syphilis is 1 - 13 weeks
(usually 3 - 4 weeks). Chancroid and herpes are 4 - 7 days after a sexual contact.
Primary Syphilis usually gives a painless, firm ulcer whereas ulcers due to chancroid
are painful and soft that easily bleed. However, in women it might be painless. In
Herpes genitalis, vesicles proceed the development of ulcers. When the vesicles
rupture they leave ulcers that are multiple, small, round and painful. Frequent
recurrence is common in genital herpes especially in patients with HIV/ AIDS. Genital
ulcers can be secondarily infected and this might obscure the typical clinical

In syphilis and chancroid inguinal lymphnodes might be enlarged. In syphilis this is
usually painless and firm, but in chancroid it is painful and may discharge pus.

Genital ulcer may also be caused by granuloma inguinalae (donovanosis) and LGV
(lymphogranuloma venereum).


Use the flow chart for genital ulcer (Unit 7.2 flowchart 3).

D. Lower Abdominal Pain Syndrome in women (PID)

Clinical Features

This syndome is characterized by lower abdominal pain particularly during sexual

intercourse and by vaginal discharge. The patient may complain of fever, lower
abdominal pain and vaginal discharge usually soon after menstruation. On physical
exam the health officer may observe fever of ≥ 38°C and lower abdominal tenderness
sometimes with rebound tenderness. On pelvic examination the following findings can
be detected:
• Cervical discharge
• Cervical motion tenderness and
• Tender uterus on bimanual examination
• Tender adenexa (ovary, fallopian tube) on bimanual examination
• sometimes mass in the adenexa

The presence of genital ulcer and enlargement of inguinal lymphnodes should be


The common causes of this syndrome are gonorrhea, chlamydial infection and
anaerobic bacteria infections.

N.B. Surgical emergency causes of lower abdominal pain should be ruled out

E.g. Appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, ovarian torsion.


Use the flow chart for lower abdominal pain syndrome in women (Unit 7.2 flowchart 4).

E. Scrotal swelling syndrome:
Clinical features

The testis, when infected, becomes swollen, hot and excruciatingly painful. Patients
may become sub fertile if quick and effective therapy is not given. This syndrome is
commonly caused by N. gonorrhea or Chlamydia. It can also be caused by Escherichia
coli and mumps virus.


Use the flow chart for scrotal swelling syndrome in women (Unit 7.2 flowchart 5).

F. Inguinal bubo syndrome:

Clinical features

This syndrome is defined as enlargement of inguinal lymph nodes >2 cm as a result of

STIs, which may or may not be discharging. Patients complain of swelling in the groin
area which is usually painful. History of genital ulcer and discharge should be asked.

On physical examination the Health Officer may observe unilateral or bilateral

enlargement of inguinal lymph nodes which may be tender and fluctuating. Vaginal
examination should be done to detect genital ulcer and discharge. In men the presence
of genital ulcer and urethral discharge should be looked for.

The common causes of this syndrome are Lymphogranuloma venereum and chancroid
and Granuloma inguinale. In syphilis inguinal lymph node enlargements are painless
and do not produce pus. It should be remembered that infections on the lower
extremities or on the perineum could produce swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes.

Use the flow chart for inguinal bubo syndrome (Unit 7.2 flowchart 6).

G. Ophtalmia neonatorum

Clinical features

This is characterized by development of purulent conjunctivitis in one or both eyes in a

baby within 4 weeks of birth. It is a medical emergency which can result in permanent
damage to eyes including blindness unless treatment is initiated within 24 hours.

It is commonly caused by infection of Neisseria gonorrhoea or Chlamydia trachomatis

or a mixture of both.

Use the flow chart for Ophtalmia neonatorum (Unit 7.2 flowchart 7).

3.1.6. Complications of STIs

The complications of STIs are summarized as shown in table 3.1

Table 3.1: Complications of STIs

Disease Complication
Gonorrhoea - Disseminated gonococci infection epididymitis and orchitis
- Conjunctivitis in newborn
- PID and infertility
- Urethral stricture in men
Syphilis o o
- 2 / 3 syphilis

Chancroid - Amputation of penile shaft

- Urethral stricture
- Fistula formation etc.
LGV -Infertility, genital elephantiasis
- PID, fistula formation etc.
Granuloma Inguinalae - Urethral, vaginal and rectal stenosis/fistula
- Genital elephantiasis etc

3.1.7. The Link between STIs and HIV/AIDS

It is now clear that HIV/AIDS and other STIs have bi-directional relations. The
transmission of HIV is influenced by the presence of other STIs and the course of other
STIs is influenced by the presence of HIV in patients. Data from a number of studies
strongly suggest that the presence of both ulcerative and non-ulcerative STIs facilitate
the transmission of HIV. Some studies have shown that there are two to nine times
increased risk of acquiring HIV when patients have other STIs. This may explain why
HIV infection is prevalent in Africa where STIs' control and management programs are

On the other hand the clinical pictures of many STIs are modified by the presence of
HIV infection. STIs tend to progress quickly resulting in early development of
complications. They also tend to be more chronic. Patients with STIs co-infected with
HIV do not respond favorably to conventional treatment, e.g. patients with HIV and
Syphilis sometimes fail to respond to single dose treatment of with Benzathine penicillin.

Patients have greater incidence of drug allergy making it difficult for the health care
provider to give affordable drugs.

Therefore, programs to combat STIs should include HIV/AIDS as one of the most
important components. The health officer should understand the link between STIs and
HIV/AIDS and predict the outcomes of patients with these conditions so that early
management of cases and their complications can be applied.

Now you are through with the core and satellite modules, but there are still some
activities remaining as stated below.
1. Read the task analysis of the different categories of the Health Center Team on
Unit 4.
2. Do the pre-test as a post-test.
N.B: Use a separate answer sheet.
3. Compare your answers from the pre- and post-tests with the answer keys given on
Unit 7.3 and evaluate your progress.

3.2. Satellite Module for Public Health Nurses

3.2.1. Direction for Using this Module

¾ Before reading this satellite module, be sure that you have studied the core
module and completed the pre-test.

¾ Continue reading this satellite module.

3.2.2. Learning Objectives

After going through this module you will be able to:

¾ Carry out appropriate nursing management for syndromic management of STIs
¾ Describe the methods of STI prevention
¾ Maintain case reporting and case recording
¾ Conduct counseling for couples with STIs

3.2.3. Nursing considerations in the treatment of STIS

Table 3.2.1: Common side effects and nursing responsibilities related to common drugs used in
the treatment of STIs (2, 8)
No Drug Adult dose Common side effects and Nursing responsibility
Average contraindications
1 Ciprofloxacin 250 mg po BID Pregnancy, lactation, and Administer oral dose 2 hr
children less than 16 years old after or before taking
antacids, monitor, intake
and output.
2 Doxycycline 100 mg BID Renal failure, pregnancy, Give doxycycline with food
children up to 8 years Administer accurately;
give 1-2 hours after
antacid or milk.
3 Metronidazole 500 mg BID First trimester of pregnancy Caution in administering
for clients with central
nervous system disorder
4 Clotrimazole 100 mg vaginal Lower abdominal cramps, Watch for irritations or
tablet insert nausea, vomiting, mild vaginal sensitivity; educate patient
daily for 7 burning or irritation. to avoid drug from coming
consecutive in contact with eyes; tell
days patient to refrain from
5 Tetracycline 250-500mg Nausea, vomiting, sore mouth, Administer accurately,
QID white patches on oral mucosa, give 1-2 hours after
diarrhea, skin rashes antacid or milk; give 1-2
hrs after meal
6 Erythromycin 500mg po QID Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Give on an empty
base for 7 days skin rashes stomach, and with water;
minimize food intake just
before or after taking the
drug; report severe
nausea vomiting, diarrhea,
and skin rash
7 Benzathine 2.4 mu IM Hypersensitivity- anaphylaxis
penicillin G. weekly for 3 (hypotension, respiratory Give deeply into a large
weeks distress, itching, edema of muscle mass, observe for
joints, bronchospasm) may anaphylaxis serum
occur within 5 to 30 minutes of sickness.
penicillin administration.

3.2.4. Nursing Management of STIs (3)

Approach to the management of STIs

The management of STIs can vary depending on the availability of resources. In

countries where resources are not limited etiologic management is appropriate. In poor
countries, syndromic management of STIs is a practical alternative because it has got
several advantages. The service relies on identification of specific syndromes and
treatment can be given without delay. It is cheep because the service can be delegated
to relatively junior staff and little or no laboratory facilities are required. The effective
therapy also delays the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. This doesn’t mean
etiologic diagnosis is not important. The cause of specific syndromes may vary by
geographical areas e.g. Chancroids can be common in some areas, but rare in others
as a cause of genital ulcer. In-vitro sensitivity pattern is also important to validate
syndromic algorithms. Asymptomatic STIs common in women can only be diagnosed by
laboratory investigation. Syndromic management of STI is a comprehensive case
management that includes the following components
¾ Identification of the syndrome
¾ Educating the patient on how to avoid risks for future infections
¾ Antibiotic treatment of the syndrome
¾ Promotion and supply of condoms
¾ Partner tracing and management
¾ Counseling for HIV

3.2.5. Nursing Assessment of patients with STIs (4)

Examination of patients with STIs includes general assessment of the patient, such as
taking history, symptoms, location of lesions, discharge, history of STI and self
treatment. Confidentiality is important when sexual issues are involved. Privacy is
assured during information gathering sessions. To avoid confusion and negative
implications, the nurse uses terms that patients understand, ask open ended questions,
and uses sensitivity when asking questions about persons with whom the patient has
had sexual contact.

Things to ask:
The following are things to ask regarding the syndromes:
¾ Urethral discharge or burning on urination in men
ƒ onset,
ƒ unprotected casual sex,
ƒ the amount of discharge ,
ƒ multiple sex partner,
ƒ history of STI in his/ her partner.
¾ Vaginal discharge
ƒ Onset,
ƒ change in color, amount, and odor,
ƒ multiple sexual partner,
ƒ change in partner,
ƒ sex without condom.
¾ Genital ulcer in men and women
ƒ onset,
ƒ history of recurrence,
ƒ presence of pain,
ƒ location,
ƒ multiple or clustered ulcers.
¾ Lower abdominal pain in women
ƒ onset,
- Pain type,
- Quality of pain,
- Radiation of pain, and relief of pain,
- Symptoms associated with pain,
- Timing of pain
ƒ presence of vaginal discharge,
ƒ last menstrual period (LMP), and
ƒ systemic symptoms like fever, nausea, and vomiting.

¾ Scrotal swelling
ƒ onset,
ƒ presence of pain,
ƒ history of trauma, and
ƒ concomitant urethral discharge.
¾ Inguinal bubo
ƒ Presence of pain,
ƒ ulceration,
ƒ discharges, and
ƒ the location of swelling.,
¾ Ophtalmia neonatorum
ƒ Date of delivery,
ƒ History of purulent vaginal discharge of the mother,
ƒ History of purulent discharge from eye of the neonate.

N.B: In addition to specific questions related to syndromes, the nurse may ask about patient’s use
of traditional medicines, use of herbs or other treatments prior to seeking treatment in a
clinic; how the patient believes the treatment or approach will solve the problem.

3.2.6. Nursing Diagnosis of STIs

The most common nursing diagnosis based on the assessment of patients may include:

¾ Anxiety related to embarrassment and fear

¾ Non compliance to treatment related to the stigmatizing nature of the disease

and lack of understanding

¾ Knowledge deficit about the nature of the disease and the high risk for spread of
infection and for other STIs including HIV infection.

¾ Potential for re-infection

3.2.7. Nursing interventions of STIs

The following are important considerations in the nursing interventions for STIs. Reducing Anxiety

Comfort and privacy without interruption as well as verbal and nonverbal assurance of
confidentiality are essential in establishing and maintaining rapport. The patient is
encouraged to express frustrations and feelings. Talking helps to releave anxiety and
gain insight into problems. Patient Education

The objectives of STI related to health education are:

¾ to promote safe sex through behavioral modification (love carefully, love
¾ to reduce complications of STI by convincing clients of the importance of seeking
early treatment
¾ to educate the client about antenatal care and safe delivery to prevent neonatal

Health education messages must be specifically directed to target groups keeping in

mind their educational levels, customs and beliefs. Messages must be simple and clear
to understand. The patient is taught how the disease is transmitted, how to recognize
the major signs and symptoms, how long the infectious period lasts, how the disease is
treated and how to prevent its spread. The control of the spread of STIs requires
considerable patient involvement, education and compliance. To ensure compliance,
the treatment regimen for most STIs is made as simple as possible. The following are
important messages to stress during education:
¾ STIs are acquired by sexual and by close and direct contact with an infected
¾ Client with multiple sexual partners should have regular checkups.
¾ Using a condom with every sexual contact reduces risk.
¾ Birth control pills and IUDs provide no protection against STIs.
¾ A person can have multiple infections at the same time.

¾ A pregnant woman with STI infections may pass the infection to her unborn baby
or during the birth process.
¾ A person who has been raped (sex with unknown person without permission)
should have check up as soon as possible.
¾ Advice a patient on importance of complying with treatment.
¾ Educate a patient not to engage in sexual activity until competently cured.
¾ Educate the patient on safer sexual behavior.
¾ Explain why it is important that the patient’s sexual partners also be treated. Preventing re-infection

Encourage the patient to persuade his/her partner or partners to be examined and

tested promptly within 12 to 48 hours. Preventing re-infection includes having sexual
intercourse with only one person. The use of condoms protects the partner from contact
with semen, urethral discharge and penile lesions. Use of universal precautions in handling patients with lesions or


i. Hand washing

Hand washing is the single most important measure of preventing the spread of
infections. The nurse should wash hands for 10 seconds with soap, running water and
friction before touching patients and any time the hands have been soiled.

ii. Gloves

Put on clean gloves just before contact with mucus membrane and non-intact skin.
Gloves are always worn while the genitalia are examined. Any discharge, secretion or
pus is considered to be potentially infectious. The body fluid and tissues of patients with
systemic STIs, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B Virus - HBV, cytomegalo virus - CMV infection,
syphilis and disseminated gonorrhea are regarded as potentially infectious. When digital
vaginal and rectal examinations are performed in a woman with a suspected STI, gloves
should be changed after the vaginal examination, to prevent the transmission of
gonococci chlamydia or herpes simplex virus from the cervix or vagina to the rectum.

iii. Specimen collection and transportation

- All specimens should be appropriately labeled so source can be identified. Special

precautionary labels/ signs required .

- All laboratory specimens should be handled with the same care.

- Transport all specimens (fresh) as soon as possible to the laboratories

iv. Wear protective clothing to prevent the discharge (splash).

When coming in contact with mucus membranes during delivery or examination and on
handling newborn, wear protective garments.

3.2.8. Recording and reporting in STIs control programs

In any control program, data collection is an important step for the purpose of
evaluation. This represents interactive process at first utilizing baseline information. But
as the program is implemented more refined data should be available for program
evaluation. This data comes from the patients. STI patients on their presentation at the
health center are expected to be identified on the following: sex, age, syndrome (clinical
presentation), first visit or repeated consultations, or contact traced, laboratory results,
consumption of drugs, eventual failure or referral. Records should be maintained in the
health center and reports communicated as required.

3.2.9. Counseling for couples on STIs

What is counseling?

Counseling is an ongoing dialogue and relationship between client or patient and

counselor and it is different from health education. In counseling, the information
provided is tailored to the individual client's need and is focused on an immediate
presenting problem. The primary difference between counseling and other forms of
helping is the way in which the counselor and client communicate and relate. The main
aims of counseling are:
¾ Preventing transmission of infection and

¾ Providing psychosocial support to those already affected

In order to achieve these objectives counseling seeks to help infected people make
decisions about their lives, build their self confidence and improve family and
community relationships. It certainly need not be restricted to a clinic or a structured
situation. The most successful counseling takes place outside the formal relationship.

Some issues which arise during a STI consultation may provoke emotional reactions in
the patient. The nurse should be able to recognize these and ensure that time is set
aside in a counseling session to discuss them.

Such issues include:

¾ Telling the partner or spouse about the STI diagnosis.
¾ Assessing their own risk for HIV, and deciding to test for HIV.
¾ Learning about worrying complications of STI such as infertility, congenital
syphilis, etc.
¾ Concerns about transmission of STIs to the child during pregnancy and delivery
¾ Dealing with an incurable viral STI such as HIV which can be transmitted to the
partner or spouse
¾ Symptoms suggesting HIV related diseases

Before offering counseling to STI clients, the nurse needs to:

¾ Identify the needs of the client which may relate to stress or anxiety about a
particular aspects of the STI, or it may be a special need for confidential risk
assessment and planning for risk reduction
¾ Assess patient’s pre-existing beliefs about the disease, etiology and treatment.
¾ Have counseling skills, maintain privacy, and allocate enough time (usually 15-20
minutes per client), including the availability for follow up discussions, as

Now you are through with the core and satellite modules, but there are still some
activities remaining as stated below.
1. Read the task analysis of the different categories of the Health Center Team on
Unit 4.
2. Do the pre-test as a post-test.
N.B: Use a separate answer sheet.
3. Compare your answers from the pre- and post-tests with the answer keys given on
Unit 7.3 and evaluate your progress.

3.3. Satellite Module for Medical Laboratory Technicians

3.3.1. Directions for Using this Module

¾ Before reading this satellite module be sure that you have completed the pre-test
and studied the core module.
¾ Continue reading this satellite module

3.3.2. Learning Objectives


The aim of this satellite module is to enable the learner to acquire knowledge, attitude
and practices concerning laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections.


After completing of this satellite module, the learner will be able to

¾ Identify the type and method of specimen required for STI diagnosis
¾ Describe the safety precautions taken when in contact with specimen
¾ Perform the various laboratory tests that are essential for the diagnosis of STI.
¾ Explain the source of error associated with the different tests in laboratory
diagnosis of STI.
¾ Prepare reagents necessary for the diagnosis.
¾ Describe how to report laboratory findings in STI diagnosis.
¾ Explain the type and importance of quality control measures.

3.3.3. Safety Precautions

¾ All specimens should be assumed to be infections

¾ During collection of blood or fluid from ulcers always wear rubber gloves.
¾ Cuts, abrasions or skin breaks on the hands should be covered with adhesive
¾ Dispose or sterilize appropriately the contaminated materials.

3.3.4. Source and collection of samples
Source of Sample for STI diagnosis includes:
I. Discharge
II. Blood
III. Skin scrapings Discharges

A. Collection of Urethral discharge (for men)

Materials Required:
¾ Dry cotton
¾ Physiological saline
¾ Cotton wool swab (sterile)
¾ Microscopic slide and cover

1. Clean the area round the urethral opening using a swab moistened with sterile
physiological saline.
2. Gently massage the urethra from above down wards, and collect a sample of pus
on a sterile cotton wool swab.
Note: The patient should not have passed urine preferably for 2 hours before the
specimen is collected.
3. Make smear of the discharge on a slide. While making a smear, care should be
taken not to damage pus cells because presumptive diagnosis of gonorrhea is
made if Gram negative diplococci are found inside pus cells. Therefore, roll
gently the swab of the discharge on the slide. Fix the smear with methanol, not
with heat.
4. Label the specimen
5. Perform gram stain of specimen.

Source of error:
¾ Incorrect labeling.
¾ Collection of specimen just after urination.

¾ Inappropriate staining technique.
¾ Heat fixation
¾ Wrong smear preparation

B. Collection of cervical discharge (for women)

Although the specimen collection should be done by clinicians (HO, Nurses), laboratory
technicians are anticipated to know the procedure.

Material required:

¾ Speculum

¾ Dry cotton

¾ Physiological saline

¾ Microscopic slide and cover

¾ Cotton wool swab

1. Moisten a vaginal speculum with sterile warm water, and insert into the vagina.
2. Cleanse the cervix using a swab moistened with sterile physiological saline.
3. Pass a sterile cotton wool swab into the endo-cervical canal and gently rotate the
4. Make a smear on a slide for staining by the Gram technique.
5. Label the specimen.

Sources of error:
¾ Incorrect labeling.
¾ Unrepresentative sample.
¾ Inappropriate staining technique.
¾ Heat fixation.
¾ Wrong smear preparation.

C. Collection of vaginal specimen

Material required:
¾ Microscopic slide
¾ Cover slide
¾ Cotton wool swab
¾ Physiological saline

¾ Collect a sample of vaginal discharge on a sterile cotton wool swab.
¾ If the discharge is collected for Gram’s technique, make a smear on a slide.
¾ If it is for wet mount preparation, mount a small sample on a slide, add one drop
of physiological saline, and cover with a cover glass.

Sources of error:
¾ Unrepresentative sample
¾ Failure to examine the preparation immediately
¾ Incorrect smear
¾ In correct preparation technique Collection of blood specimen (Venous blood)

Material required
¾ Tourniquet
¾ 70% alcohol
¾ Sterile needle and syringe
¾ Test tube
¾ Dry cotton

¾ Clean the area with swab moistened with 70% alcohol.
¾ Collect 2 - 3 ml of venous blood with sterile syringe and needle.
¾ Transfer to a clean, dry test tube and allow to stand at room temperature for at
least 1 hour.
¾ Centrifuge the sample after breaking the clot.

¾ Separate the serum from the clotted blood into another clean dry test tube.

Note: If the serum is contaminated with red cells, re-centrifuge the serum. Any lipemic
or haemolysed specimen should be rejected.

3.3.5. Laboratory Diagnosis of STI Laboratory test for T-palladium (syphilis)

The diagnosis of syphilis depends on the identification of the organism by dark field
microscopy or detection of the serological response due to the infection. Based on the
type of antibody response which occurs in patients with treponemal infection, there are
two main types of serological tests to diagnose syphilis.
¾ Non treponemal (Cardiolipin) antigen tests Eg. RPR, VDRL (Non specific
¾ Treponemal antigen tests E.g. FTA, TPHA (specific tests)

At the health center level most of these laboratory tests for T-pallidum are not

RPR (Rapid plasma Reagin) card test (1)


¾ Cardiolipin - lecithin cholestrol antigen reacts with reagin antibody in the

presence of carbon particles. Due to this reaction, flocculation appears which can
be visualised macroscopically

Note: RPR test is supplied in kit form.

Contents of the Kit:

¾ RPR antigen
¾ Positive control
¾ Negative control
¾ Mixing sticks
¾ Disposable test card
¾ Dispensing dropper with measuring needle

Storage of reagents:

RPR antigen should be stored at 2° - 8°C

¾ Before use, shake the RPR antigen gently.
¾ Samples and reagents should be brought to room temperature before use.
¾ The test card should be preferably stored at room temperature once the kit is
¾ After use the dispensing dropper should be cleaned with distilled water, dried and
stored properly.

¾ Dispense 0.5 ml of the sample (plasma or serum) onto a circle of the test
card using a clean and dry pipette.

¾ Spread the sample over the entire area using stirrer.

¾ Add one drop of the RPR antigen onto the sample, while holding the dropper
in a vertical position. Do not restrict the mixture on the test circle.

¾ Rotate the card for 8 minutes either manually or on mechanical rotator at


¾ Read the results by visual inspection in good light. No magnification is

Reporting results:
Reactive - Clearly visible clumps of black particles.
Non-reactive - No visible aggregates
Sources of error in processing the test:
¾ Inappropriate technique may cause false positive or negative result.
¾ Inappropriate storage temperature (false positive or false negative result).
¾ False positive reaction can be caused by other conditions like leprosy,
tuberculosis, malaria, pregnancy, and other autoimmune condition.

52 Laboratory diagnosis for HIV
Diagnosis of HIV infection is generally made serologically. Some of them are ELISA,
HIV dot and Agglutination tests. These tests can be confirmed with a more specific
serological tests such as western blot. But most of these laboratory tests are not
applicable at the health center level.

HIV Tri-dot

It is a simple and rapid (5 minutes) HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody test with separate test
areas for HIV-1 and HIV-2.

Recombinant HIV-1 and HIV-2 protein antigens are immobilized on a porous immuno-
filtration membrane to detect separately antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in serum or
plasma. When a drop of sample is added it flows through the membrane and antibodies
bind to the HIV antigen forming an immune complex. The reaction is visualized by
passing gold conjugate (pink) reagent through the membrane which binds to the HIV
antibodies. A reactive test (positive test) is shown by a pink dot in the HIV-1 and / or
HIV-2 test areas. Each test device has a built in quality control dot which develops color
during the test, confirming that the procedure has been performed correctly and the
reagents are functioning satisfactorily.

Materials provided
- Test devices
- Buffer solution
- Gold conjugate
- Disposable pipette
(See figure 3.3.1 for details)
- Add 3 drops of buffer solution into device.
- Add 1 drop of patient sample (serum or plasma) using a dropper provided.
- Add 5 drops of buffer solution and allow it to soak in.
- Add 2 drops of gold conjugate solution, allow it to soak in and add 3 drops of
buffer solution.

Reporting results
¾ If there is no pink dot in the HIV-1 and HIV-2 test areas the test is interpreted as
negative (non-reactive).
¾ If there is a pink dot in the HIV-1 test area, the test is reactive for HIV-1. The test
can be reactive for HIV-2 if the pink dot is seen in the HIV-2 test area and it can
also reactive for both HIV-1 & HIV-2 if the pink dot is seen in the HIV-1 and HIV-2
test areas.
¾ If no pink dot is seen in the control area the whole test is invalid. This indicates
that there is a procedural error or deterioration of reagents. So the sample should
be tested again with a new device and reagents.

Figure 3.3.1: procedures (Steps) in HIV tri-dot test.

55 Laboratory diagnosis for N.gonnorea

Direct Microscopy

Microscopic examination for N.gonnorea can be made on a stained smear of urethral or

cervical discharge preparation.

Examination of stained smear

¾ Prepare a smear from cervical or urethral discharge.
¾ Allow to air dry
¾ Fix the air dried smear with methanol.
¾ Stain with Gram stain technique (see annex I).
¾ Examine under high power (100x) objective

Reporting result:

Report as ‘Gram negative intercellular diplococci is seen’ (per high power field), if they
are seen.

Report as ‘No Gram negative intracellular diplococci is seen’ (per high power field) if
they are not seen.


Not applicable at the health center level Laboratory diagnosis of T. vaginalis

Wet mount

¾ Transfer the vaginal discharge collected on a slid. Add a drop of saline and cover
it with cover slip.
¾ Examine the preparation immediately after sample collection.
¾ Look for an oval, pyriform or spindle-shaped organism with a size larger than a
neutrophil leukocyte and smaller than an epithelical cell.
¾ In fresh specimen the organism (T.vaginalis) is motai.

Reporting result:
¾ Negative for T.vaginalis, if the organism is not seen.
¾ Positive for T.vaginalis, if the organism is seen. Laboratory diagnosis of C.albicans

Direct microscopy

Diagnosis of skin and mucous membrane infection is made by direct visualization of the
organism on scrapings following KOH preparation or by Gram’s stain.

Examination of stained smear

¾ Smear the exudates or discharge on a clean slide.
¾ Allow air dry.
¾ Gram stain (see Unit 7.3).
¾ Look for yeast cells.

Reporting result:

In positive result Gram positive small, oval budding cell is observed under high power
No Gram negative intracellular diplococci are seen per high power field, if they are not
Negative: if no small, oval budding cell or hyphae seen.
Positive: if hyphae or small, oval budding cell seen.

KOH examination

¾ Place skin scrapings on a slide.
¾ Add a drop of 10% potassium hydroxide.
¾ Apply cover slide.
¾ Examine the preparation under the microscope with the low power objective.

Reporting result:
Negative if no oval, budding yeast cells and psudohyphae are seen.
Positive if budding yeast cells or hyphae are seen Laboratory Diagnosis for C.trachomitis

Culture and serologic tests

Not available at the primary health center level. Even it was available, these tests will
not aid in the initial decision to treat the patient, as there is a delay of two or more days
in obtaining the results specially for the culture. Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

Serologic tests

A wide range of serological tests is now available for the detection of HBV associated
antigens, especially HBsAg, in serum collected during the acute stage of infection. But
these tests are not available at the primary health center level.

3.3.6. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is essential in using laboratory techniques if reliable information is to

be obtained that can be used to treat patients effectively and control infectious diseases
in the community.

The quality control techniques that are performed in the laboratory ensure that
resources are not wasted and results are obtained at the earliest possible stage.

The control measures should encompass the pre-test and post-test activities in addition
to the control techniques on the methods while performing the test.

Therefore, it is necessary to control:

¾ Specimen collection and transport.
¾ Procedural techniques.
¾ Stains and reagents.
¾ Equipment.

¾ Reporting and recording results.

Individuals who collect specimens should be provided with assistance and written
instructions regarding the correct type of specimen to collect, the best time to collect it,
and the aseptic method of collection to avoid contamination. Guidelines should also be
issued regarding the storage and transport of specimens, especially the use of
preservatives and transport media to ensure the viability of pathogens.

A ‘Techniques Manual’ and/or ‘Method Sheets’, which can be displayed in the

laboratory should be prepared by the head of department. Such a manual should be
simply written, easily available to staff, reviewed regularly and updated as required. The
aseptic techniques for the procedural activities should also be provided to avoid
occupational hazards.

In consultation with clinical staff and regional laboratory, reporting and recording results
should be standardized to ensure reproducibility and avoid differences in interpretation.

Now you are through with the core and satellite modules, but there are still some
activities remaining as stated below.
1. Read the task analysis of the different categories of the Health Center Team on
Unit 4.
2. Do the pre-test as a post-test.
N.B: Use a separate answer sheet.
3. Compare your answers of the pre- and post-tests with the answer keys given on
Unit 7.3 and evaluate your progress.

3.4. Satellite Module for Community Health Workers

3.4.1. Introduction Purpose and use of module

This satellite module is prepared for the community health worker. It is hoped to provide
them with basic information on STIs including the syndromic classification and
management approach. Moreover it will help them in their active participation in
prevention and control of STIs at the community level. Direction for using this module

¾ Start with attempting the pre-test questions. Use separate answer sheet
¾ Go through with text including the task analysis.

3.4.2. Pre-test
Use a separate answer sheet:

¾ True or False questions

Write True or False for the following questions

1. Sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted by urinating facing towards the
2. Sexually transmitted infections are major health problems in Ethiopia.
3. Transmission of STIs has no association with multiple sexual practices.

¾ Multiple choice questions

Choose the best answer for the following questions and write the letter of your choice

1. The main risk factors for STIs are:

A. Having single sexual partner.
B. Having multiple sexual partners.
C. Not using or incorrect use of condoms.
D. B and C are correct.

2. The most common STIs in Ethiopia are
A. Gonorrhea
B. Syphilis
C. Chancroid
D. All of the above

3. STIs are transmitted by

A. Urinating facing towards the moon
B. Sexual contact
C. Insects
D. Water

4. Preventive measures for STI include.

A. Consistent and correct use of condom
B. Avoid urinating while facing the moon
C. Avoid multi sexual practices
D. A and C are correct

5. The most common cause of urethral discharge syndrom is:

A. Syphilis
B. Gonorrhea
C. Lympho Granloma Venerum
D. Chancroid

3.4.3. Significance of the Problem

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major public health problem affecting many
people both in developing and developed world.

In developing countries, STIs are responsible for up to 15% of the disease burden in the
urban population. In tropical countries STIs rank second to malaria in their socio
economic impact. The presence of STIs increases the chance of acquiring and
transmitting HIV/AIDS.

In Ethiopia too, there is an increasing trend in the magnitude and intensity of STIs and
HIV/AIDS due to the following factors:
¾ Many more people living in or traveling to large cities resulting in separating
¾ Many more people are becoming sexually active before marriage.
¾ Low level of awareness about STI among the public.
¾ Lack of behavioral change among sexually active individuals.
¾ The existence of strong link between STIs and the sexual transmission of HIV

STIs affect the young and the productive portion of a community leading to economic
and social problems.

3.4.4. Learning Objectives

After reading this satellite module the community health worker will be able to:
¾ Define sexually transmitted infections
¾ Recognize STIs as important public health problems.
¾ List common sexually transmitted infections in the community.
¾ Explain causes of STIs.
¾ Recognize that sexually transmitted infections are caused by pathogenic
¾ Describe the syndromic classification and management approach of the common
sexually transmitted infections.
¾ Recognize the importance of immediate referral of cases to higher health care
¾ Explain preventive measures of STIs.

3.4.5. Definition and Description of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections are communicable diseases primarily transmitted

through sexual contact from a sick to a healthy person. There are more than 20 kinds of
organisms (infections) that can be transmitted though unprotected sexual intercourse.

The most common STIs in Ethiopia are:
¾ Gonorrhea
¾ Syphilis
¾ Chancroid
¾ Lympho granuloma venerum

They are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, which can only be seen under a
microscope. STIs are not caused by urinating facing the moon as many people believe
in our country.

3.4.6. Risk Factors for the Development of STIs

A healthy person gets into a higher risk of developing STIs, when he/she:
¾ Is engaged in sexual activity with more than one partner.
¾ Does not use a condom or uses condoms incorrectly during sexual activity.
¾ Practices sex with a partner who is symptomatic; that is a person showing the
clinical features (sings and symptoms) of STIs.

3.4.7. Syndromic Classification and Management Approach to STIs

Although there are more than 20 microorganisms which can be spread through sexual
contact, these different STI tend to cause similar signs and symptoms. For example,
discharge from the penis (urethra) or vagina, genital ulcer is common STI symptoms
and sings. We call such set of symptoms/signs a syndrome.

The syndromic approach to STIs consists to classification of the main STIs by the
observable syndromes they produce. The diseases are classified according to the signs
and symptoms (clinical features) they produce. The syndromes are: genital ulcer,
vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, lower abdominal pain and inguinal bubo. Genital Ulcer Syndrome (in Men and Women)

The patient complains of sores or ulcers on the genitalia. They may be painful or
painless. An ulcer is a break in the continuity of the skin or mucus membrane surface.

The incubation period for genital ulcer varies from 4 days to 13 weeks (usually 1 to 4
weeks). In many developing countries the etiologies of genital ulcer syndrome most
frequently found are syphilis and chancroid. Vaginal Discharge Syndrome

The patient complains of discharge from the vagina which is different from normal in
color, odour and consistency or amount. It can be associated with vaginal itching,
painful urination and pain during sexual intercourse.

Commonly, vaginal discharge syndrome is cause by gonorrhea and other STIs like
trichomoniasis and candidiasis. Its incubation period varies from 2 days to 4 weeks. Urethral Discharge Syndrome (In Men)

The patient complains of discharge from the penis with or without painful urination
(burning sensation). If no discharge is found, the urethra should be milked to bring the
discharge forward.

The most common cause of urethral discharge is chlamydia and gonorrhea. The
incubation period for urethral discharge from the penis appears 2 days – 4 weeks after
sexual intercourse. Lower Abdominal Pain Syndrome (In Women)

The patient may complain of fever, lower abdominal pain and tenderness as well as
vaginal discharge, pain with urination, or pain with sex. Common causes of this
syndrome are gonorrheal and chlamydial infections. Inguinal Bubo Syndrome (In Men or Women)

Inguinal bubo is a large swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes which may or may not be
discharging. The patient complains of swelling in one or both groin areas. It is usually
The common cause of this syndrome is T.pallidium, C.trachomatis and H.ducrey. The
incubation period varies from 10 - 30 days to several months after sexual intercourse.

3.4.8. Complications and problems of STIs
Some of the most common complications of STI include:
¾ If STIs are left untreated it may lead to infertility chronic pain or death in men and
¾ Some STIs can be transmitted from mother to infant during pregnancy and at
¾ Can lead to some deafness and blindness in new born children.
¾ The presence of STIs also increases the likelihood of HIV transmission.
¾ Can also cause cervical cancer and abortion.

3.4.9. Management of STIs

¾ Immediate referral of cases and advice to the patient to take his/her partner with
him/her for early diagnosis and treatment.
¾ Follow up of cases in terms of treatment compliance.
¾ Encouragement and advice to patients to visit health institutions in case of
treatment failure.

3.4.10. Prevention and Control STIs

¾ Sexual abstinence.
¾ Avoid multiple sexual partners.
¾ Consistent and correct use of condoms.
¾ Health education on the causes and modes of transmission of STIs.
¾ Early detection and immediate referral of cases with STIs.
¾ Participate in the follow up of cases:
• treatment compliance
• treatment failure
• partner tracing

3.4.11. Task analysis of Community Health Workers Knowledge objectives and Activities

Learning objectives Activities

To define STIs - State that STIs are caused by sexual contact
- Mention the common STIs
To describe the causes of - Explain that STIs are caused by micro-organisms
STIs and not by urinating facing the moon.
Recognize the risk factors - State that STIs may result from:
of STIs . multiple sex partners
. not using or incorrect use of condoms
To explain the syndromic - Describe the syndromic classification of STIs.
approach classification of - Mention the seven syndromic classifications of
To Recognize STIs as - State STIs as common public health problems in
major health problem Ethiopia
- Enumerate the common complications of STIs
- Describe the link between STIs and HIV/ AIDS
To describe the prevention - Explain the importance of:
and control of STIs . abstinence from sexual activity
. avoiding multiple sex partners
. using condom correctly
. partner management
- Mention the need for early detection and
immediate referral of STI cases
- Describe the importance of health education
in prevention and control of STIs.

66 Attitude, Objectives and Activities

Learning Objectives Activities

- To believe that STIs are - Accept that STIs are not caused by urinating
transmitted from a sick facing the moon.
person to a healthy - Believe that microorganisms are the cause of STIs.
- To accept STIs as - Believe that STIs are a common health problem.
important public health - Accept that STIs increase the risk of HIV/AIDS.
- Accept the potential complications of STIs.
- Emphasize partner tracing
- Appreciate the - Give emphasis on early detection and immediate
prevention of STIs referral of STI cases.
- Accept the importance of safe sexual behavior.
- Pay emphasis to partner tracing. Practice, Objectives and Activities

Learning Objectives Activities

- To manage cases of - Identify cases of STI according to syndromic approach
STIs - Refer cases and contacts or partners promptly
- To participate in the - Give health education to patient and the community on
prevention and causes, transmission, potential complications and
control of STIs prevention of STIs.
- Follow up for:
. drug compliance of clients and contacts
. treatment failure
- Participation in condom promotion and distribution in
the community
- Advice for HIV/AIDS counseling and testing
- Keep records of STI cases
- Write reports on STIs

• Now you are through with the nodule, but in order to evaluate yourself you need
to do the pre-test as a post-test.
• Use a separate answer sheet.
• At last compare your answers of the pre- and post-test with the answer keys
given on Section 3.5.12 and evaluate your progress.

3.4.12. Keys to pre and post test

True (T) and False (F)

1. F
2. T
3. F
Multiple choices
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. B

3.5. Take Home Message for Lay Care Givers

3.5.1. Significance of STIs as major health Problems

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major public health problem affecting many
people both in the developing and developed world.

In developing countries, STIs are responsible for up to 15% of the disease burden in the
urban population. In tropical countries STIs rank second to malaria in their
socioeconomic impact. The presence of STIs increases the chance of acquiring

In Ethiopia too, there is an increasing trend in the magnitude and intensity of STIs and
HIV/AIDS due to the flowing factors:
¾ Many more people living in or traveling to large cities with resultant family
¾ Many more people are becoming sexually active before marriage.
¾ Low level of awareness about STIs among the public.
¾ Lack of behavioral change among sexually active individuals.
¾ The existence of strong links between STIs and the sexual transmission of HIV

STIs affect the young and the productive portion of a community leading to further
economic and social problems.

3.5.2. Definition and description of sexually transmitted infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections are communicable diseases primarily transmitted

through sexual contact from a sick to a healthy person. There are more than 20 kinds of
organisms (infections) that can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

The Most common STIs in Ethiopia are:

¾ Gonrrhea
¾ Syphilis
¾ Chancroid

¾ Lymphogranuloma venereum

They are caused by pathogenic micro organisms, which can only be seen under a
microscope. STIs are not caused by urinating facing the moon as many people believe
in our country.

3.5.3. Risk factors for the development of STIs

A healthy person develops a higher risk of STIs, when she/he:

¾ Is engaged in sexual activity with more than one partner.
¾ Does not use a condom or uses condoms incorrectly during sexual activity.
¾ Practices sex with a partner who is symptomatic; that is a person showing the
clinical features (signs and symptoms) of STIs.

3.5.4. Syndromic classification and management approach of STIs

Although there are more than 20 microorganisms which can be spread through sexual
contact, these different STIs tend to cause similar signs and symptoms.

For example, discharge from the penis (urethra) or vagina and genital ulcers are
common STI symptoms and signs. We call such a set of symptoms/signs a syndrome.

We can classify the main STIs by the observable syndromes they produce. The
diseases are classified according to the signs and symptoms (clinical features) they
produce. The syndromes are: genital ulcer, vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, lower
abdominal pain and inguinal bubo.

3.5.5. Complications and problems of STIs

Some of most common complications of STIs include:

¾ If STIs are left untreated they may lead to infertility, chronic pain or death in men
and women.
¾ Some can be transmitted from mother to infant during pregnancy and at birth.
¾ Can lead to some deafness and blindness in new born children.
¾ The presence of STIs also increases the likelihood of HIV transmission.
¾ Can also cause cervical cancer and abortion.

3.5.6. Management of STIs

¾ Immediate referral of cases and advice to the patient to take his/her partner with
him/her for early diagnosis and treatment.
¾ Compliance of cases to treatment.
¾ Encouragement and advice to patients to visit health institutions in case of
treatment failure.

3.5.7. Prevention and control STIs

¾ Sexual abstinence
¾ Avoid multiple sexual partners.
¾ Consistent and correct use of condoms
¾ Awareness on the causes and modes of transmission of STIs
¾ Early treatment of cases with STIs
¾ Participate in the follow up of cases
• treatment compliance
• treatment failure
• partner tracing



Table 4.1: Knowledge, Objectives and Activities

Learning activities
No. Learning objectives HO PHN ENHS MLT
1 To define STIs - Define STIs - Define STIs - Define STIs Define STIs

2 To recognize the - Describe the magnitude of - Describe the magnitude of - Describe the magnitude of - Describe the magnitude of
STIs both globally and STIs both globally and STIs both globally and STIs both globally and
public health
nationally nationally nationally nationally
importance of STIs - State the advantages of - State the advantages of - State the advantages of - State the advantages of
early detection and early detection and early detection and early detection and
treatment of STIs. treatment of STIs. treatment of STIs. treatment of STIs.
- List potential - List potential complications - List potential - List potential complications
complications of STIs. of STIs. complications of STIs. of STIs.
- Describe the - Describe the - Describe the - Describe the
interrelationship of STI interrelationship of STI interrelationship of interrelationship of STI
and HIV infection and HIV infection STI and HIV infection and HIV infection

Learning activities
No. Learning Objectives HO PHN ENHS MLT
4. To describe clinical -Identify general -Identify general -Identify general -Identify general
features of STI clinical features of clinical features of clinical features of STIs clinical features of STIs
syndromes STIs based upon STIs based upon based upon syndromic based upon syndromic
syndromic approach syndromic approach approach approach

5 To identify risk factors - Enumerate the risk - Enumerate the risk - Enumerate the risk - Enumerate the risk
for the transmission of factors for STIs factors for STIs factors for STIs factors for STIs
STIs - Explain the - Explain the - Explain the - Explain the
relationship between relationship between relationship between relationship between

6. To identify the different -List the different -List the different -List the different -List the different
approaches to the approaches to the approaches to the approaches to the approaches to the
diagnosis of STIs. diagnosis of STIs. diagnosis of STIs diagnosis of STIs diagnosis of STIs

No. Learning objectives Learning activities
7. Describe advantages -List the advantages of -List the advantages of -List the advantages of -List the advantages of
syndromic STI case syndromic STI case syndromic STI case syndromic STI case
of syndromic approach
management management management management
in STI management
- List the importance of - List the importance of flow chart - List the importance of - List the importance of
flow chart in the in the management of STIs flow chart in the flow chart in the
management of STIs Management of STIs Management of STIs
- Identify the different - Identify the different flow charts
flow charts for different for different STIs syndromes
STIs syndromes
8 Describe the main - Describe the - Describe the importance of -Mention the different -Enumerate different
features of syndromic importance of history history taking, and physical methods of diagnosis laboratory procedures
case management taking, and physical examination. in STIs and interpretations of
examination. results.
- Mention different - Mention different laboratory
laboratory investigation investigation which enables
which enables to to diagnose STIs
diagnose STIs

Learning activities
No. Learning Objectives HO PHN ENHS MLT
9. To describe prevention and - Explain different - Explain different - Explain different - Explain different methods
control measures of STIs methods of methods of methods of of prevention and control
prevention and prevention and prevention and of STIs.
control of STIs. control of STIs. control of STIs.
10. To recognize the role played - Mention the role - Mention the role - Mention the role - Mention the role played
by each category of the played by each played played by each by each category of
health center team including category of health by each category of category of health health center team
community health workers center team health center team center team including CHW
(CHW) including CHW including CHW including CHW

Table 4.2: Attitude, Objectives and Activities

Leaving Activities
No. Learning Objectives HO PHN EHS MLT
1 To appreciate the - Believe that STIs are - Believe that STIs are - Believe that STIs are - Believe that STIs are
public health major health problems major health problems major health problems major health problems
importance of STIs in in Ethiopia in Ethiopia in Ethiopia in Ethiopia
2 To believe that STIs - Realize the need for - Realize the need for - Realize the need for - Realize the need for
can lead to serious early detection and early detection and early detection and early detection and
complications treatment of STIs to treatment of STIs to treatment of STIs to treatment of STIs to
prevent complication prevent complication prevent complication prevent complication
3 To believe that some - Appreciate the clinical - Appreciate the clinical - Appreciate the clinical - Appreciate the clinical
STIS can be features of different features of different features of different features of different
recognized by their STIs STIs STIs STIs
clinical features
4. To believe that STIs - Believe that STIs are - Believe that STIs are - Believe that STIs are - Believe that STIs are
are caused by specific caused by micro- caused by micro- caused by micro- caused by micro-
micro-organisms organisms organisms organisms organisms
5 To believe that there - Appreciate that there - Appreciate that there - Appreciate that there - Appreciate that there
are risk factors for the are preventable risk are preventable risk are preventable risk are preventable risk
transmission and factors which factors which factors which factors which
acquisition of STIs. predispose a person to predispose a person to predispose a person to predispose a person
STIs. STIs. STIs. to STIs.

Leaving Activities
No. Learning Objectives HO PHN EHS MLT
6 Appreciate advantages that - Appreciate using flow - Appreciate using flow - Appreciate using flow - Appreciate using flow
syndromic case charts in charts in charts in charts in
management offers management of STIs. management of STIs. management of STIs. management of STIs.
7. To believe that syndromic - Believe that - Believe that - Believe that - Believe that
approach is an appropriate syndromic approach syndromic approach syndromic approach syndromic approach
method of diagnosing STIs is an effective method is an effective method is an effective method is an effective method
in developing countries in diagnosing STIs in diagnosing STIs in diagnosing STIs in diagnosing STIs
8 To believe that there are - Believe that STIs can - Believe that STIs can - Believe that STIs can - Believe that STIs can
specific diagnostic methods be diagnosed with be diagnosed with be diagnosed with be diagnosed with
of STIs specific methods specific methods specific methods specific methods
9 To be convinced that STIs - Believe that STIs can - Believe that STIs can - Believe that STIs can - Believe that STIs can
are preventable be prevented be prevented be prevented be prevented
10. To appreciate the role/task - Get convinced that - Get convinced that - Get convinced that - Get convinced that
played by the health center each health center each health center each health center each health center
team members in team member has a team member has a team member has a team member has a
management, prevention role to play in STI role to play in STI role to play in STI role to play in STI
and control of STIs management management management management

Table 4.3: Practice, Objectives and Activities
Learning Activities
No. Leaving Objectives HO PHN EHS MLT
1 - To identify possible - Assess for complications - Assess for complications -
complications of STI resulting from STIs resulting from STIs -
- Manage complications of - Manage complications of
STIs STI - -
- Educate about - Educate about - Educate about - Educate about
complications of STIs complications of STIs complications of STIs complications of STIs
2 - To enlighten the - Carry out health - Carry out health - Carry out health - Carry out health
community on the education on the the education on the education on the education on the
public health public health importance importance of STIs importance of STIs importance of STIs
importance of STIs of STIs
3 - To assess the clinical - Carry out physical - Carry out physical
features of STIs examination of STI examination of STI - -
- Give health education patients
regarding prominent - Give health education - Give health education - Give health education
signs and symptoms of regarding prominent regarding prominent regarding prominent
STIs signs and symptoms of signs and symptoms of signs and symptoms of
4 - To identify risk factors - Take history to identify - Take history to identify - -
of STIs risk factors for STIs risk factors for STIs - Conduct community - Conduct community
- Conduct community - Conduct community surveys on pre- surveys on pre-
surveys on pre- surveys on pre-disposing disposing factors of disposing factors of
disposing factors of STIs factors of STIs STIs STIs
- Give health education on - Give health education on - Give health education - Give health education
risk factors of STIs risk factors of STI on risk factors of STIs on risk factors of STIs
5 - To apply syndromic - Use syndromic approach - Use syndromic approach
approach in STIs to manage STI cases to manage STI cases

Learning Activities
No. Leaving Objectives HO PHN EHS MLT
6. - To conduct different - Carry out history taking - Carry out history - Conduct specific
STIs diagnostic and physical examinations taking and physical - laboratory tests for STIs
methods to diagnos STIs examinations to - Record and report
- Write specific laboratory diagnose STIs results
test requests - Write specific - - Do quality control tests
- Interpret laboratory results laboratory test - Give health education on - Give health education
- Give health education on requests diagnostic methods of on diagnostic methods
diagnosis methods of STIs - Interpret laboratory STIs of STIs
7. - To carry out - Give health education on - Give health education - Give health education - Give health education
preventive and prevention and control on prevention and on prevention and on prevention and
control measures measures. control measures. control measures. control measures.
of STIs - Detect cases and contacts - Detect cases and - Educate the advantages - Educate the advantages
early and treat contacts early and of prompt visits to health of prompt visits to health
- Counsel and demonstrate treat institutions and the need institutions and the need
proper condom utilization - Counsel and for contact tracing. for contact tracing.
demonstrate proper - Educate and - Educate and
condom utilization demonstrate proper demonstrate proper
condom utilization condom utilization
8. - To practice team - Exercise team approach in - Exercise team - Exercise team approach - Exercise team approach
work in management, prevention approach in in management, in management,
management, and control of STIs management, prevention and control prevention and control
prevention and prevention and control of STIs of STIs
control of STIs of STIs



Counseling: Counseling is an ongoing dialogue and relationship between
client or patient and counselor
Invitro: In the test tube, chemical reaction, temperature, etc., occurring
there in.
Invi-vo: In the living being, in the living body referring to vital chemical
processes, etc as opposed to occurring in the test tube.
Syndrom: Aggregate of symptoms associated with any morbid process.

CMV: Cytomegalo virus
ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
FTA: Fluoresent Treponemal Antibody
HBV: Hepatitis B virus
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IUD: Intra Uterine Devise
LMP: Last Menstrual Period
PQRST: Pain type, Quality of pain, Radiation of pain, and relief of pain,
Symptoms associated with pain, Timing of pain.
RPR: Rapid Plasma Region
STI: Sexually Transmitted Infection
TPHA: Treponema Pallidum Heamagglutination
VDRL: Veneral Disease Research Laboratory
WHO: World Health Organization


1. Abrams Collins A. Clinical drug therapy – Rational for Nursing practice: 3rd
edition, J.B Lippincott company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ( PP: 405-452)

2. Adel A.F Mohammed, Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 2nd ed., 1993.

3. Africa Health, vol. 23 No. 5 July 2001, PP. 16 – 18.

4. BSS CD - Eritrean training manual on VCT

5. Benenson Abram S. Control of communicable disease manual, 16th edition,


6. Birhan, Research and Development consultancy and Population studies and

Training center with Packard Foundation. February 2001, Addis Ababa.

7. Cheesbrough, Medical laboratory manual for tropical countries, Vol II, 3rd ed,
1991, Cambridge.

8. Control of communicable disease manual, Abram S.Benenson, 16th edition,


9. Dr. A.A ARKUTU Healthy women, Healthy mothers: an information guide.


10. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Vol. 14, No. 1 April 2000.

11. Family Health International - CD Publications for XII international conference

on AIDS and STD in Africa, Burkina Faso, December 9 - 13, 2001.

12. Family Planning Manual for Health Workers, MOH, FGAE 1996.

13. FP Handbook for Health Professionals. IPPF, Medical Publication, 1997.

14. Family Planning /Reproductive Health Issues including HIV/AIDS and other
STDs in three project focus zones in Oromyia Region, Ethiopia.

15. Global epidemiology of STD vol. 351 1998.

16. Harrison’s 14th edition, 1999

17. Jawetz, et al, Medical Microbiology, 20th ed, 1995 USA.

18. Mackie and McCartney, Practical Medical Microbiology, 13th ed 1989

19. Merck manual 16th edition.

20. Ministry of Health, FDRE National guideline for management of STIs, AA.

21. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 1998, Guidelines for Treatment of
sexually Transmitted Diseases January 23, 1998 /vol. 47/NoRR – 1.

22. National guide line for the management of sexually transmitted infections
using the syndromic approach. Ministry of health, disease prevention and
control department. HIV/AIDS and other STIs prevention and control team.
November 2001.

23. National guidelines for the management of sexually transmitted infections

using the syndromic approach, ministry of health, December 2001.

24. Park’s Text book of preventive and social medicine 15th edition, 1997.

25. Ramink Sood, Medical Laboratory Technology methods and interpretation,

5th, 1999.

26. Sexually transmitted diseases, Reproductive health series, Family Health I

International, January 1999.
27. Smeltzer Suzanne C. Brenda G. Bare Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical. Surgical Nursing 7th J.B. Lippincot Company Philadelphia pp 1918 -

28. The Lancet STD vol. 351. 1998.

29. The Lancet, sexually transmitted disease Vol. 351. 1998 (suppl 111): 2 – 4
and (suppl 111) 29 – 32.

30. WHO, AIDS series 8: Guidelines for counseling about HIV infection and
disease, 1990.

31. WHO. Management of sexually transmitted diseases at district and PHC

level. Geneva, A.I.T.B.S. publishers and distributors, Delhi, 1999: page 33-34
32. 2001 up to date


7.1. Answer key to Pre- and Post-test

Part I: Answer Keys for the pre- and pos- tests for all categories of the Health
Center Team
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. False
13. False
14. C
15. E
16. E
17. C
18. E
19. Urithral discharge and burning on urination
20. Pelivic inflammatory diseases (PID)
21. N. gonorrhea and C.trochomatis

22. - Many more people live in or travel to large cities separated from
their families.
- Many people become sexually active before marriage.
- The impact of drug resistance
- Low level of awareness about STI
- Lack of behavioral change among sexually active individuals
23. Sexual transmitted infections are infections that are passed from one
person to another through sexual contact.
24. - Is simple, inexpensive, rapid and can be implemented in large scale
- Requires minimum training and can be used a broad range of health
workers, and
- It allows for diagnosis and treatment in one visit
25. - Safer sexual behavior
- Education regarding the prevention of STI
- Early detection and treatment of cases
- Identification, notification and evaluation of sexual partners
- Counseling
26. - Commercial sex workers
- Long distance truck drivers
- Adolescents
- Military personnel
- Prisoners
27. - Community leaders
- Religious leaders
- Community health worker
28. Because of:
- its high magnitude
- its potential serious complication
- its linkage with HIV/AIDS

Part II: Answer Keys for the pre- and pos-tests specific to each of the
professional categories.

I. For Health Officer

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. E
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. Chancre
15. Genital herpes
16. N.gonorrhea, T.pallidum, C.trachomatis, H.ducreyi, C.granulamatis,
17. See Section 3.1.5
18. See Section
19. See the Table 3.1 in Section 3.1.6
20. See Section 3.1.7

II. For Public Health Nurses

1. Reducing anxiety, patient education, prevention of re-infection, using

universal precaution.

2. Anxiety related to embarrassment and fear, non-compliance to treatment due

to stigma, knowledge deficit, and potential for re-infection.

3. Counseling is need directed and focused on immediate problem of an
individual based approach while health education is not.

4. Prevention of transmission of infection, provide psychosocial support to those

already affected.

5. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, sore mouth, white patches on oral mucosa,
diarrhea, and skin rashes; contraindications: pregnant mother, child before 8
years and lactating mothers; accuracy in administration, administration 1-2
hours before antacids or milk, administration 1-2 hours after meal.

6. Hand washing, gloving.

III. For Medical Laboratory Technicians

1. E
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. E
10. E

7.2. Flow Charts

Flow Chart 1: Urethral Discharge Syndrome

Patient complains of urethral discharge

Example: milk urethra if necessary

• Educate
No Any Ulcer(s) • Counsel
Discharge present? No
• Promote and
Provide condoms
Yes Yes

• Treat for gonorrhea and Use appropriate

chlamydia flow-chart
• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide
• Partner management/
• Return for follow-up in 7 days

7 days

Examine for discharge:

Milk urethra

Discharge present? No Cure


Refer to a higher facility

Treatment for urethral discharge syndrome:

Treat your patient for gonococcal and chlamydial infections. The recommended
treatment regimens are as shown below:
Give Ciprofloxacin 500mg orally single dose
Spectinomycin 2gm I.M. single dose
Norfloxacin 800mg orally single dose
Ceftraxone 250mg I.M. single dose
Doxycyclline 100gm orally twice daily for 7 days
Tetracycline 500gm orally four times daily for 7 days.
Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 7 days.

The sexual contacts should receive the same treatment.

Flow Chart 2-1: Vaginal discharge syndrome (No speculum examination)

Patient complains of vaginal discharge

Low abdominal pain? Yes Use appropriate flow-chart


Enquire (risk assessment): • Treat for virginities only

• Symptomatic partner or • Educate
• Recent new partner or • Counsel
No •
• Multiple partners or Promote and provide condoms
• Spouse returning home after a • Treat partner for trichomoniasis
long stay away • Advise return after 14 days


• Treat for servilities and virginities Discharge persists?

• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms
• Partner management/treatment*
• Advise return for follow-up in 2 weeks
No Yes

Vaginal discharge persists? No Presume cured Treat for cervicitis


* Treat for gonococcal, chlamydal and trichomonial infections

Flow Chart 2-2: Vaginal discharge syndrome (with speculum examination)

Patient complains of vaginal discharge

Low abdominal pain? Yes Use appropriate flow-chart

• Treat for virginities only
• Educate
Endo-cervical discharge present • Counsel
on speculum examination? • Promote and provide condoms
• Treat partner for trichomoniasis
• Advise return after 14 days

• Treat for cervicitis

Discharge persists?
• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms
• Partner management/treatment*
• Advise return for follow-up in 2 weeks
No Yes

Vaginal discharge persists? No Presume cured Treat for cervicitis



* Treatment for gonococcal, chlamydial and trichomonal infections

Treatment for vaginal discharge syndrome:
If the risk assessment is negative, treat the patient with Metronidazole plus
Nystatin or Clotrimazol.
In the presence of risk factors treat with Ciprofloxacin 500mg orally single dose
Spectinomycin 2gm 1m single dose
Ceftriaxone 250mg im single dose
Norfloxcin 800mg orally single dose
Doxycyclline 100gm orally twice daily for 7 - 14 days
Tetracycllin 500mg orally four times daily for 7 days
Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 7 days
Metronidazole 2gm orally single dose
Metronidazole 500mg orally four times daily for 10 days
Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories 200mg at bed time for 3 days
Nystatine 100,000 units (one pessary) inserted intra-vaginally daily at
night for 14 days.


¾ Ciproflaxacin, Doxycyclline and TTC should not be used in pregnancy

Except in Candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, which are not usually sexually
transmitted, partners should be included in the management of all causes; mainly
gonococcal, chlamydial, and trichomonal infections should be treated.

Flow Chart 3: Genital Ulcers Syndrome

Patient complains of genital sore or ulcer


• Educate
Ulcer present? No • Council
• Promote and provide condoms

• Treat for herpes
• Educate
Ulcer with vesicles or recurrences Yes • Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms

• Treat for syphilis and chancroid

• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms
• Partner management/treatment
• Advise to return in 15 days if
symptoms persist


Ulcer cured Responding to treatment? No Refer to a higher facility


Continue treatment for chancroid. Advise return in 7 days


Cured No Ulcer persists? Yes Refer to a higher facility

Treatment for genital ulcers syndrome:

Treat for Syphilis:

Benzathine penicillin 2.4 million units i.m in single dose.

In the presence of penicillin allergy:

Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 15 days;
Doxycycllin 100mg orally two times daily for 15 days
Tetracycline 500mg orally four times daily for 15 days
Treat for chancroid,
Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 7 days;
Cotrimoxazole 2 tablets orally two times daily for 7 days;
Syectinomycin (Togomycin) 2gm i.m single dose can be given.

If there are vesicles associated with the ulcer treat for Herpes genitalis.
Acyclovir 200mg orally 5 times daily for 7 days: this can shorten the duration of
the primary illness (first episode for ulcer).

Flow Chart 4: Lower Abdominal Pain in the Female

Patient complains of lower abdominal pain

Take history and do abdominal and

vaginal examination

Missed/overdue period, vaginal bleeding or

Recent delivery/abortion or Refer immediately to higher-
Rebound tenderness or Yes level facility
Guarding or
Pelvic mass?


• Reassure
Pain on moving cervix and temperature
No • Follow up in 3 days, if pain
38°C or higher? persists


• Treat for PID

• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms
• Partner management/treatment*

Follow up in 3 days or sooner if pain

persists or gets worse

Improved? No Refer to higher-level facility


• Complete treatment
* Treatment for gonococcal and chlamydial infections
• Return if pain persists

Treatment for lower abdominal pain syndrome in the female:

Treatment should cover gonococcal, chlamydial and anaerobic bacterial

Ciprofloxacin 500mg orally single dose
Norfloxacin 800mg orally single dose
Spectinomycin 2gm i.m single dose
Ceftriaxone 250mg i.m single dose
Doxycycline 100mg orally twice daily for 14 days
Tetracycline 500mg orally four times daily for 14 days
Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 14 days
Metronidazole 400mg orally twice daily for 14 days

Recent male sexual contacts should be treated for Gonorrhea and chlamydial

Flow chart 5: Scrotal swelling

Patient complains of painful scrotal swelling

Injury to scrotum? Yes Refer to higher-level facility


• Reassure patient/educate
Swelling scrotum? No • Promote and provide condoms


Refer immediately to higher-

Testis rotated or retracted? Yes level facility


• Treat for gonorrhea and chlamydia

• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms
• Partner management/treatment
• Return in 14 days

14 days

Tenderness and swelling persisting?

No Yes

Cured Refer to higher-

level facility

Treatment for scrotal swelling syndrome

Treat the patient for gonococcal and Chlamydial infection:

Ciprofloxacin 500mg orally single dose


Norfloxacin 800mg orally single dose


Spectinomycin 2gm im single dose


Ceftriaxone 250mg im single dose


Doxycycline 100mg orally twice daily for 14 days


Tetracycline 500mg orally four times daily for 14 days


Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 14 days


Supportive therapy with bed rest, scrotal elevation with scrotal support and

Flow Chart 6: Inguinal Bubo

Patient complains of enlarged and/or

painful inguinal lymph nodes

Take history and examine

Ulcer(s) present in genital area? Yes Use genital ulcers flow-chart


• Treat for Lymphogranulama

• Educate
• Counsel
• Promote and provide condoms
• Partner management/treatment
• Return in 14 days

14 days

Responding to treatment? No Refer to higher-level facility


Presume cured

Treatment for inguinal bubo syndrome:

If inguinal bubo with genital ulcer, treat the patient with:

Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 million IU im single dose
Erythromycin base 500mg orally four times daily for 3 weeks
Cotrimoxazole 2 tablets orally twice daily for 15 days (480mg).

If inguinal bubo with no genital ulcer treat the patient with:

Tetracycline 500 mg orally four times daily for 14 days.
Erythromycin 500mg orally four times daily for 14 days.

If the bubo become fluctuant pus should be aspirated with a needle every third
day until it is dry. The aspiration should be done through a normal skin.

N.B: Direct incising and drainage should not be attempted over the lymph node.
Sexual contacts should get the same treatment.

Flow Chart 7: Ophtalmia Neonatorum

Newborn with discharging eyes

Take history and examine baby

Conjunctivitis present? • Reassure mother

• Review, if symptoms persist


• Treat baby for gonorrhea and

• Treat mother and father for
gonorrhea and chlamydia
• Educate parents
• Review in 2 days

Improved? No Refer to higher-level facility


• Reinforce education
• Complete treatment
• Presume cured

Treatment for Ophtalmia neonatorum

Ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg body weight i.m single dose (maximum 125mg).

Spectinomycin 25 mg/kg body weight i.m single dose (maximum 75 mg).
Erythromycin 50 mg/kg body weight per day orally in four divided doses
for 14 days.

7.3. Gram Staining Technique

1. Fix the dried smear using chemical or heat fixation technique.

2. Cover the fixed smear with crystal violet stain for 30 - 60 seconds.

3. Rapidly wash off the stain with clean water. If the tap water is not clean, use
filtered water or clean boiled rain water.

4. Tip off all the water, and cover the smear with Lugol’s iodine for 30 - 60

5. Wash the iodine with clean water.

6. Decolorize rapidly (few seconds) with acetone - alcohol. Wash immediately

with clean water.

7. Cover the smear with neutral red (safranin) stain for 2 minutes.

8. Wash the stain with clean water.

9. Wipe the back of the slide clean and place in a draining rack for the smear to
air dry.

10. Examine the smear microscopically, first with the 40 x objective to check the
staining and then with the oil immersion objective to look for bacterial and

Gram positive bacteria Dark purple
Yeast cells Dark purple
Gram negative bacteria Pale to dark red
Nuclei of pus cells Red
Epithelial cells Pale red


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