The Professors Academy: Chapter# 01

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From the Desk of, [SIR ASFAND YAR ANSARI]


92  751  273
• Simplify the following by using rules of significant figures:
760  297
• 54 g of solid dinitrogen pentoxide, N 2 O5 is decomposed on heating as:
2 N 2 O5( g ) → 4 NO2( g ) + O2 ( g )
Calculate the volume of NO2 and O2 produce at S.T.P.
• Zn reacts with H2SO4 as: Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2 Calculate the mass of ZnSO4, the volume of
H2 and the number of molecules of H2 which will be produced by reacting 163.5g of Zn with H2SO4
at STP. (atomic mass of Zn=65.4)
• 100 grams of KNO3 are heated to redness. What volume of oxygen at 39 0C and 765 mm pressure
will evolve? 2KNO3 → 2KNO2 + O2
• An organic compound contains 40% C, 6.66% H and remaining O by mass. Its molecular mass is
double that of its empirical formula mass. Find its Molecular Formula.
• 1.0g of a sample of an organic compound was burnt in excess of oxygen to yield 3.03 g of CO2 and
1.55 g of H2O; if the molecular mass of the compound is 58, find its molecular formula.
• What volume of CO2 measured at 200oC and 720 torr pressure will be produced by the reaction
between 200 gm of Na2CO3 and HCl?
• At 30oC, 500 cm3 of H2 at 400 torr pressure and one dm3 of N2 at 600 torr pressure are
transferred into a 1500 cm3 flask. Calculate total pressure of the mixture of gases.
• The empirical formula of compound is CO2 H . 1.8g of this compound in gaseous state occupies
448cm3 at S.T.P. Find its molecular formula.
• 1.40 dm3 volume of a gas collected at a temperature of 27oC and pressure of 900 torr was found to
have a mass 2.273 g. Calculate the Molecular Mass of the gas.
• A 500 cm3 vessel contains 2 g of He and 8 g of CH4. What is the total pressure of the mixture of
these gases at 30C.
• A quantity of gas measures 500 ml at 350C and 600 mm pressure. What would be the volume of
the gas at 450C and 800 mm pressure?
• H2 gas effuses from a 10 dm3 vessel in 10 sec. Calculate the time for effusion of O2 gas from 20
dm3 vessel.
• At certain temperature and pressure NH3 diffuses 1.48 times more than HCl. If the density of NH3 is
0.66g/ litre, find the density of HCl.
• Helium takes 5 seconds to effuse from a hole of 10dm3 containers. How long would it take for
oxygen to effuse from the same container at the same temperature and pressure?
• A gaseous mixture of H2 and O2 at 60oC and total pressure of 2.5 atmospheres contains 75 moles
%H2. What are the partial pressures of both the gases in the mixture?
• The volume of oxygen gas collected over water at 240C and 762 mm pressure is 128 ml; calculate
the mass (in gm) of oxygen gas obtained. The pressure of water vapor at 240C is 22mm.
• A gaseous mixture contains 0.2 mole of O2 and 0.3 mole of CO2. If the partial pressure of oxygen is
60 torr, calculate the partial pressure of CO2.


From the Desk of, [SIR ASFAND YAR ANSARI]


• Chlorine gas present at 400 torr in a vessel of 100cm3 this vessel is connected by stop cock to
another vessel of 400cm3 containing Nitrogen gas at 600 torr. Calculate the partial pressure of both
the gases if stop cock is removed.
• If 1800 cals of heat is added to a system while the system does work equivalent to 2800 cals by
expanding against the surrounding, what is the value of E for the system?
• When 5400 joules of heat is added to a system of gas at constant pressure, its internal energy
increases by 1000 joules. Calculate the change in the volume of the system.
• Calculate the heat of formation of M2A at 250C:
2M + A2 → M 2 A H = ?
M + Y2 A → MAY + Y2 H = −43.2KJ / mole
Y2 + A2 → Y2 A H = −68.5KJ / mole
M 2 A + Y2 A → 2MAY H = −63.2KJ / mole
• Calculate the heat of formation from the following data:
2 Na( a ) + O2 ( g ) → Na2 O( s ) H = ?
Na( s ) + H 2 O(1) → NaOH ( aq) + H 2( g ) H = −43.2Kcal / mole
Na2 O( s ) + H 2 O(1) → 2 NaOH ( aq) H = −63.2Kcal / mole
H 2 ( g ) + O2 ( g ) → H 2 O(1) H = −68.0Kcal / mole
• Find the heat of formation of acetic acid at 250C.
2C + 2H2 + O2 → CH3COOH ∆Hf =?
C + O2 → CO2 ∆H =-394 KJ/mole
H2 + ½ O2 → H2O ∆H =-286 KJ/mole
CH3COOH + 2O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O ∆H =-870.8 KJ/mole
• Write Kc expression for the following reactions:
(a) CaCO3 CaO + CO2 (b) N2 + 3H2 2NH3
(c) BiCl3 + H2O BiOCl + 2HCl
• 3 moles of H2 and 4 moles of l2 were heated in a sealed tube at a given temperature at which Kc
is 50. If the volume of the tube is 1 dm3, determine the composition of the equilibrium.
H 2 + l2 ====== 2Hl
• When the equilibrium was attained for the reaction: A + B 2C, the concentration of [A]=[B]
was 4 mol/dm and that of [C] was 6 mol/dm . Calculate Kc and the initial concentration of A and B.
3 3

• For the reaction: 2HI H2 + I2, one mole of HI is introduced into a vessel at constant
temperature. Calculate the number of moles of I2 when the equilibrium is reached (Kc=0.0156).
• 60g of acetic acid and 46g of ethyl alcohol are mixed with each other at constant temperature and
are allowed to attain the equilibrium. At equilibrium 58.2g of ethyl acetate and 12g of water were
present. Find the equilibrium constant.
From the Desk of, [SIR ASFAND YAR ANSARI]


• One mole of PCl5 was introduced in a vessel of 10dm3 capacity at constant temperature. At
equilibrium 0.465 moles of Cl2 gas were present; calculate the Kc for the reaction.
PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2
• In the reaction H 2 + I 2 2 HI , when equilibrium was attained, the concentrations
were H 2  = I 2  = HI  = 4 moles Calculate the equilibrium constant and the initial concentrations
dm 3 .
of H 2 and I 2 .
• 5.88 moles of Nitrogen and 16.2 moles of oxygen are mixed and heated at 20000C until the
equilibrium is established, 11.28 moles of nitric oxide are formed. Calculate the value of equilibrium
constant. N 2 + O2  2NO
• Discuss the effect of increase in temperature and pressure on the following systems at equilibrium:
(a) N 2 + 3H 2  2 NH 3 + Heat (b) N 2 + O2 + Heat  2NO
• Consider the following equilibria and answer the questions given at the end:
a) 3O2 2O3 ; ∆H = positive
b) H2 + I2 2HI ; ∆H = positive
c) 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 ; ∆H = negative
d) CH2=CH2 + H2 CH3-CH3 ; ∆H = negative
• What are equilibrium constant expressions?
• In which direction does the equilibrium change if the temperature is raised?
• Find the oxidation number of:
* Mn in Mn O4− * N in NCl3 * Fe in Fe2(SO4)3 * P in H3PO4
* Cr in K 2 Cr2 O7 * S in Na2 S 2 O3 * P in H 3 PO4 * Mn in KMnO4
• Balance any one of the following equations by ion Electron methods.
−2 −1
I − + Cr2O7 + H + → Cr +3 + IO3 + H 2O Cl 2 + OH − → Cl − + ClO3− + H 2O
(Acidic Medium) (Basic Medium)
2− 2− 2−
Cr(OH )3 + SO4 → CrO4 + SO3 −
MnO + C 2 O
4 → Mn 2+ + CO2
(Basic Medium) (Acidic Medium)
• The rate constant k for the decomposition of Nitrogen dioxide is 1.8 x 10-3 dm3 mole-1 sec-1.
2 NO2 → 2 NO + O2
✓ Write the rate expression.
✓ Find the initial rate, when the initial concentration of NO2 is 0.75M.
✓ Find the rate constant k when the initial concentration of NO2 is doubled.
• For the reaction: 2N2O5 → 4NO2 + O2, calculate the rate constant when the initial concentration of
N2O5 is 10.8 g/dm3 while the initial rate is 2.96 x 10-4 mole /dm3.sec.
• Consider the reaction A + B → C and answer the following:
✓ Write the rate expression for the above reaction. What are the units of the rate of reaction?
✓ Will the specific rate constant (K) increase, decrease or remain unchanged if the concentration
of A and B is double.


From the Desk of, [SIR ASFAND YAR ANSARI]


• Consider the following reaction: CH3CHO → CH4 + CO experimentally this reaction is found to be of
2nd order. The rate at a certain temperature is 0.18 mol dm-3 s-1 when [CH3CHO] =0.10 mol dm-3.
(i) Write the rate expression for this reaction (ii) determine the rate constant (K)
(iii) calculate the rate of reaction when [CH3CHO] =0.20 mol dm-3.
• The rate constant for the decomposition of nitrogen dioxide:
2NO2 → 2NO + O2 is 1.8x10-3 dm3mol-1sec-1, write down the rate expression and:
✓ Find the initial rate when the initial concentration of NO2 is 0.75M.
✓ Find the rate constant when the initial concentration of NO2 is doubled.
• Write the rate expression, find the value of rate constant and determine the order of reaction using
the following data:
S.No. [NO] [O2] Rate
1 0.1 M 0.1 M 2x10-3 M sec-1
2 0.2 M 0.1 M 8x10-3 M sec-1
3 0.1 M 0.2 M 4x10-3 M sec-1
• For the given reaction : A + B → products, determine the order of reaction from the following data:
S.No. [A] (mol/dm3) [B] (mol/dm3) Rate (M.s-1)
1 0.1 0.1 1x10-3
2 0.2 0.1 4x10-3
3 0.1 0.3 3x10-3
Note: This preparation paper is just a guide line for Board Examination. Also follow all the copy
work and instructions which are given in the class.


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