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XI – CHEMISTRY MCQs (Reduced Syllabus)



(Yearly 2009-2017)
According to BIEK reduced Syllabus for 2021 exam

Compiled by: Dr. Kamran Khan (Ph.D Chemistry)

Chapter 1
1. This has five significant figure: (Annual 2017)
* 0.00215 * 21500 * 21.5210 * 21.521
2. While considering the rule of significant figures the simplified result of 3. 1 + 14. 367 is: (Annual 2017)
* 17.467 * 17.47 * 17.59 * 17.5
3. Stoichiometric calculations cannot be applied to: (Annual Failure 2017)
* Reversible reactions * Irreversible reactions * Fast reactions * Ionic reactions
4. According to the rule of significant figures the value of 1. 32 x 4. 421 is: (Annual Failure 2017)
* 5.84 * 5.83572 * 5.8 * 5.836
5. The empirical formula of Benzene (C6H2) is: (Annual Failure 2017)
* C2H2 * CH2 * CH * C2H3
6. Number of significant figures in 0.0099 is: (Annual Failure 2016)
*1 *2 *3 *4
7. The volume of 3.01 x 10 molecules of N2 gas at S.T.P will be: (Annual 2016)
* 3 dm3 * 11.2 dm3 * 22.4 dm3 * 28 dm3
8. The number of significant figures in 6.02 x 10 is: (Annual Failure 2016)
*1 *2 *3 *4
9. The number of atoms in 46g sodium metals is: (Annual Failure 2016)
* 3.10 x 1023 * 6.02 x 1023 * 12.04 x 1023 * 1.8 x 1024
10. The volume of 1.505 x 1023 molecules of Nitrogen at S.T.P is: (Annual Failure 2016)
* 5.6 dm3 * 11.2 dm3 * 22.4 dm3 * 44.8 dm3
11. Following contains four significant figures: (Supplementary 2015)
* 0.0040 * 0.4020 * 2300 * 4000
12. The compound has the least number of the molecules: (Supplementary 2015)
* 44 gm of C2H4 * 44 gm of C6H12O6 * 44 gm of H2O * 44 gm of CO2
13. This one of the following pairs has the same number of molecules: (Annual 2015)
* 10gH2 & 10gCH4 * 10gH2 & 50gCH4 * 10gH2 & 80gCH4 * 10gH2 & 16gCH4
14. The number of significant figures in 0.400 is: (Annual Failure 2015)
* One * Two * Three * Four
15. The number of molecules is highest in: (Annual Failure 2015)
* 6 gm H2 * 8 gm He * 16 gm O2 * 18 gm H2O
16. The number of moles in 100 CaCO3 is: (Supplementary 2014)
* 10 * 45.5 * 1.00 * 0.10
17. The number of moles present in 180g of water is: (Annual Failure 2014)
* 1.0 * 10 * 11 * 18
18. This one of the following numbers has five significant figures: (Supplementary 2013)
* 23.437 * 0.02017 * 2.30790 * 50320
19. The number of moles in 58.5 gm NaCI is: (Annual 2013)
* 8.5 *1 * 35.5 * 23
20. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O and molecular mass is 60. Its molecular formula is: (Annual 2013)
* CH2O * C2H4O2 * C3H6O3 * C4H8O4
21. The number of Na atoms in 2.3 gm of sodium is: (Annual Failure 2013)
* 6.02 x 1022 * 6.02 x 1024 * 6.02 x 1023 * 6.02 x 10-23
22. The number of moles in 1. 12 dm3of CO2 gas at S.T.P is: (Annual Failure 2013)
* 0.05 * 0.25 * 0.5 * 6.02 x 1023

23. 900 g of pure water is equal to: (Annual Failure 2012)
* 18 moles * 900 moles * 50 moles * 450 moles
24. 3.01 x 10 molecules of Oxygen gas at S.T.P occupy a volume of: (Annual 2012)
* 22.4 dm3 * 224 dm3 * 11.2 dm3 * 2.24 dm3
25. The reactant that gives least number of moles of product is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* oxidization agent * limiting reactant * reducing agent * excess reactant
26. The number of significant figures in 20002 is: (Annual Failure 2012)
*5 *3 *2 *4
27. These have the same number of molecules at S.T.P: (Annual Failure 2012)
* 280 cm3 of CO2 and 280 cm3 of N2O * 11.2 dm3 of O2 and 32g of O2
* 44g of CO2 and 11.2 dm3 of CO * 28g of N2 and 5.6 dm3 of O2
28. 1.0 x 102 + 2 x 102 + 3 x 102 + 5 x 102 =:(Supplementary 2011)
* 15 x 108 * 1.5 x 109 * 1.5 x 103 * 1.5 x 1032
29. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2 and its molecular mass is 70. Its molecular formula will be:
* C4H10 * C5H10 * C6H6 * C4H8 (Supplementary 2011)
30. The number of significant figure in 0.00304 is: (Annual Failure 2011)
*6 *5 *4 *3
31. Which of the following will be contains the least number of molecules? (Supplementary 2010)
(Mol. Mass H2 = 2, O2 = 32, N2 = 28, CI2 = 71)
* 1 gm of Hydrogen * 4 gm of Oxygen * 2 gm of Nitrogen * 3 gm of Chlorine
32. Which of the following has five significant figures? (Supplementary 2010)
* 0.04 * 0.004 * 0.0004 * 50320
33. Which of the following contains two has the same number of molecules at S.T.P? (Annual 2010)
* 1 dm3 of N2 and O2 * 500 cm3 of CI2 and O2
* 100 cm3 of CO2 and O2 * All of them
34. Which of the following of contains two significant figures? (Annual 2010)
* 0.04 * 0.004 * 0.0004 * 0.042
35. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O and its molecular mass is 60, its molecular formula is:
* CH2O * C2H4O5 * C3H6O3 * C4H8O4 (Annual 2010)
36. Gram Molecular weight of H2SO4 is: (Annual Failure 2010)
* 98 gm * 65 gm * 49 gm * 36.5 gm
37. The significant numbers are: (Annual Failure 2010)
* reliable numbers * odd numbers * even numbers * A number 1010
38. The number of moles in 58.5 gm of NaCI is: (Annual 2009)
* 58.5 moles * 35.5 moles * 23 moles * 1 mole
39. Which number has five significant figures? (Annual 2009)
* 302.10 * 3.00002 * 30000 * 30200

Chapter 2
1. The atmospheric pressure recorded in different places at the same time are given below: (Supplementary 2014)
Nathiagali Hunza Murree Gilgit
700 torr 650 torr 710 torr 600 torr

Water will boil first in:

* Nathiagali * hunza * Murree * Gilgit
2. If = – and a = = = 90 , crystal structure is: (Supplementary 2014)
* Cubic * Tetragonal * Orthorhombic * Triclinic
3. The atmospheric pressures recorded in different places at the same temperature are given below:
Nathiagali Hunza Murree Gilgit
101290 Pa 101000 Pa 101225 Pa 101200 Pa
This place has the highest altitude. (Supplementary 2015)
* Nathiagali * Hunza * Murree * Gilgit
4. This one of the following is an amorphous solid: (Annual 2012)
* Sugar * Glass * Table salt * Diamond
5. This is bad conductor of electricity: (Annual Failure 2017)
* Solid NaCI * Molten NaCI * Boiling NaCI * Aqueous NaCI solution
6. The unit of viscosity is: (Annual Failure 2017)
* Joule * N/m2 * erg * poise
7. Capillary action of liquid is due to: (Annual Failure 2017)
* Viscosity * Vapour pressure * Pressure * Surface Tension
8. In this crystal system, a ≠ b ≠ c and a = = = 90 . (Supplementary 2016)
* Orthorthombic * Trigonal * Monoholic * Triclinic
9. Ethyl alcohol is more viscous than Enter due to the presence of: (Supplementary 2016)
* Double bond * Hydrogen bond * Covalent bond * Co-ordinate bond
10. Gases behave ideally at these conditions: (Annual 2016)
* High pressure and high temperatures * High pressures and low temperatures
* Low pressures and high temperatures * Low pressure and low temperatures
11. Glass is a /an: (Annual 2016)
* Crystalline solid * Covalent bond * Ionic solid * Amorphous solid/ super cool liquid
12. The rate of diffusion of is thrice that of . The molecular mass of is: (Annual Failure 2016)
*4 * 12 * 24 * 36
13. If ≠ ≠ and a ≠ ≠ ≠ 90 , crystal system is: (Annual Failure 2016)
* Cubic * Tetragonal * Orthorhombic * Triclinic
14. ≠ ≠ and a ≠ ≠ ≠ 90 These values refers to this to this crystalline system: (Supplementary 2015)
* Monoholic * Tetragonal * Hexagonal * Orthohombic
15. A solid which exits in more than one crystal forms is called: (Supplementary 2015)
* Isomorphous * Polymorphous * Allotropes * Isotopes
16. The volume of a gas would theoretical be zero be at this temperature: (Supplementary 2015)
* 00C *0K * 273 K * 2370C
17. If a = b = c and a = = = 900 then the shape of the crystal is: (Annual 2015)
* Cubic * Tetragonal * Hexagonal * Orthohombic
18. This pair of gases will have the same rate of diffusion: (Annual Failure 2015)
* N2, CO2 * N2, CH4 * NO2, CO2 * NO, C2H6
0 0
19. The unit cell having dimension a + b ≠ c and a = =90 , = 120 is: (Annual Failure 2015)
* Tetragonal * Orthohombic * Hexagonal * Monochlinic
20. 0.224dm of an ideal gas at S.T.P. contains: (Annual Failure 2015)
* 0.01 mole * 0.1 mole * 1 mole * 2.24 mole

21. The S.I unit of viscosity is: (Supplementary 2014)
* N.S.m2 * N.S. m-2 * N.S.m-1 * Pascal
22. Different crystalline forms of a chemical compound are called: (Supplementary 2014)
* Isomorphs * Polymorphs * Allotropes * Isomers
23. Capillary action of a liquid is due to: (Supplementary 2014)
* Viscosity * Surface Tension * Pressure * Vapour pressure
24. The basis of motor oil grading is: (Annual 2014)
* Viscosity * Surface Tension * Vapour pressure * Boiling point
25. Diamond is very hard because of: (Annual 2014)
* sp2 – hybridization * van der Waal’s forces
* Close packing of carbon atoms and large number of covalent bonds
* Large amount of energy required to break the bonds
26. When ≠ ≠ , a = = 900 and B ≠ 900, the crystal structure is: (Annual 2014)
* Tetragonal * Monoholic * Triclinic * Hexagonal
27. This is used as Criteria for purity of solids: (Annual Failure 2014)
* molecular mass * density * melting point * none of these
28. Atmospheric pressure at sea level and at 00C is: (Annual Failure 2014)
* 41.7 psi * 1.47 psi * 14.7 psi * 17.4 psi
29. The molecular masses of gases A and B are 16 and 64 respectively. The ratio of their rates of diffusion is:
(Annual Failure 2014)
* 1:2 * 3:2 * 2:1 * 4:1
30. The volume of 0.5 mole of a gas S.T. P. is: (Supplementary 2013)
* 22.4 cc * 11.2 dm3 * 2.24 cm3 * 22.4 ml
31. Of the following molecules, this molecule has the greatest viscosity: (Supplementary 2013)
* CH3 – O – CH3 * C2H5 – OH * CH3Br * CH3 – CH2
32. Glass is a /an: (Supplementary 2013)
* Crystalline solid * super cooled liquid * Atomic solid * none of these
33. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because: (Supplementary 2013)
* A large flame is used * Heat is more evenly distributed
* Boiling point of water is elevated * None of these
34. If a = b = c and a = = = 900, then the crystal structure is: (Annual 2013)
* cubic * tetragonal * orthorhombic * triclinic
35. The vapour pressure of water at 100 C is: (Annual 2013)
* 760 torr * 76 torr * 14.2 torr * none of these
36. Evaporation of water is: (Annual Failure 2013)
* an endothermic change * an exothermic change
* a chemical change * Sublimation
37. This is not the standard pressure: (Supplementary 2012)
* 76 cm of Hg * 1.013 x 105 N/m2 * 1 torr * 760 torr
38. By increasing the external pressure on liquid, its Boiling points: (Supplementary 2012)
* increasing * decreasing * remains the same * first increase then decrease
39. Surface tension of a liquid is a/an: (Supplementary 2012)
* Intensive property * Extensive property * Microscopic property * Initial property
40. 1 centipoise is equal to: (Supplementary 2012)
* 10-2 N.S.m-2 * 10-4 N.S.m-2 * 10-5 N.S.m-2 * 10-5 N.S.m-2
41. The rate of diffusion is highest for: (Supplementary 2012)
* H2 * O2 * N2 * CO2
42. One Kelvin scale, absolute zero is equal to: (Annual 2012)
* 273.160C * 0 0C * 20K * -273.160C
43. The value of R (Gas constant), when Pressure is expressed in N/m2 (Newton per square meter) is: (Annual 2012)
* 0.0821 dm3 Atmosphere K-1 mole-1 * 8.3143 J.K-1 mole-1

* 8.213 dm3 Atmosphere K-1 mole * 9.8 Joule K-1 mole-1
44. Real gases are nearer to ideality at: (Annual 2012)
* High temperatures and Low pressures * High temperatures and High pressures
* Low temperatures and Low pressures * Low temperatures and High pressures
45. Capillary action of liquids is due to: (Annual 2012)
* Viscosity * Surface Tension * Density * Fludity
46. Two solids, having the same crystal structure, are called: (Annual 2012)
* Isomorphous * Polymorphous * Isotopes * Allotropes
47. The number of crystal system, the angles are = = 900, then the crystal system is: (Annual 2012)
*5 *6 *7 *8
48. If a ≠ ≠ , = = 90 , then the crystal system is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* Cubic * Tetragonal * Orthorhomic * Hexagonal
49. In tetragonal crystal system, the angles are = = 90 and axes are: (Supplementary 2011)
*a=b=c *a=b≠c *a≠b=c *a≠b≠c
50. This gas diffuses most rapidly: (Supplementary 2011)
* CI2 * CO2 * CH4 * O2
51. The shape of graphite crystal is: (Supplementary 2011)
* Cubic * Trigonal * Tetragonal * Hexagonal
52. Evaporation of water is possible at: (Supplementary 2011)
* 1000C * 0 0C * 2730C * all temperatures
53. In S.I system the unit of pressure is: (Annual 2011)
* kg/ms2 * kg/ms * kg/m * kg/m2s
54. The volume of gas would theoretically be zero at: (Annual 2011)
* 00C *OK * 273 K * 2730C
55. The internal resistance of a liquid is called: (Annual 2011)
* Surface tension * Viscosity * Resistance * All of these
56. An ideal gas obeys gas laws under this condition: (Annual 2011)
* High pressure * High temperature * Law temperature * All temperature and pressure
57. This instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure: (Annual 2011)
* Barometer * Calorimeter * Spectrometer * Voltmeter
58. The value of R (General Gas constant) in S.I units is: (Annual Failure 2011)
* 8.3143 Nm/K/mole * 8.3143 mole, K/ Joule * 0.0821 dm3/0C/mole * 0.0821 cm3 atmosphere/K/mole
59. 1 mole of any gas S.T.P, occupies the value of: (Annual Failure 2011)
* 22.4 dm3 * 2.42 dm3 * 100 cm3 * 22000 cm3
60. When the external pressure is equal to one atmospheric pressure (760 torr), the Boiling point is known as:
(Annual Failure 2011)
* Abnormal B.P * Normal B.P * Elevated B.P * Depressed B.P
61. This gas has the least rate of diffusion at a given temperature and pressure: (Annual Failure 2011)
* Rn * Kr * Ar * Ne
62. Which of the following is the lowest possible temperature? (Supplementary 2010)
*0K * 00 C * 00 F * 2730 C
63. Which of the following volumes of a gas at S.T.P contains Avogadro’s number of molecules: (Supplementary 2010)
* 1 dm3 * 1 cm3 * 22.4 dm3 * 22.4 cm3
64. Real gases deviate from ideal behavior at: (Supplementary 2010)
* Low temperatures and high pressure * High temperatures and high pressure
* High temperatures and low pressure * None of these
65. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because: (Supplementary 2010)
* A large flame is used * Boiling point of water is elevated
* Heat is more evenly distributed * None of these
66. 10 calories are equivalent to: (Supplementary 2010)
* 0.4184 J * 4.84 J * 41.84 J * 418.4 J

67. If a = b = c and a = = = 900, then the crystal structure is: (Annual 2010)
* cubic * tetragonal * orthorhombic * triclinic
68. The total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the partial pressure of each gas present in the mixture.
This is stated by: (Annual 2010)
* Dalton * Graham * Charles * Boyle
69. The vapour pressure of water at 1000C is: (Annual 2010)
* 760 torr * 760 atm * 76 torr * 76 atm
70. An amorphous solid has: (Annual 2010)
* definite shape * definite volume * definite area * no definite shape
71. = for a given mass of as at constant pressure is:
* Boyles’s Law * Charles’ Law * Avogadro’s Law * Graham’s Law
72. A unit cell having edges a ≠ ≠ c, angles a ≠ ≠ ≠ 90 is: (Annual Failure 2010)
* Cube * Hexagonal * Monoholic * Triclinic
73. Pressure is: (Annual Failure 2010)
* Force/Area * Mass/Volume * Temperature/Volume *
74. The water density is equal to 1 at: (Annual Failure 2010)
* 00C * 4 0C * -40C * -10C
75. Sublimation means: (Annual Failure 2010)
* A solid angles into a liquid * A solid changes to another solid
* A solid changes directly into a gas * A liquid changes to a gas
76. A gas at zero Kelvin: (Annual 2009)
* is super cooled * freezes * liquefies * vanishes
77. One cm is equal to: (Annual 2009)
* 10-3 dm3 * 100 dm3 * 1000 dm3 * 10 dm3
78. The unit of viscosity is: (Annual 2009)
* millipoise * milligramme * joule * ampere
79. Evaporation is a : (Annual 2009)
* natural process * physical process * cooling process * chemical process
Chapter 3
1. In the following colors the longer wavelength is: (Supplementary 2015)
* blue * red * orange * violet
2. The ‘X’ in the equations 4Be9 + 2He2  2 X4 + 0 n1 is: (Supplementary 2015)
* 2Li7 * 6C12 * 7H14 * 9F19
3. The following pair of ions is isoelectronic: (Annual 2015)
* Na+ & Mg2+ * F- & O- * Li+ & Na+ * S2- & O2
4. This one of the following colors has the shortest wavelength: (Annual 2015)
* blue * red * orange * violet
5. By emission of – particles from 23892U, the element X obtained will be: (Annual Failure 2015)
* 23490X * 23891X * 23793X * 23893X
6. This spectrum behaves as fingerprint for the identification of any elements: (Annual Failure 2015)
* Continuous * Line * Absorption * Emission
7. Chadwick’s experiment shows in atom the presence of: (Supplementary 2015)
* Electron * Positrons * Neutrons * Protons
8. The color of light waves depends upon: (Supplementary 2015)
* Wavelength * Speed * Source * Medium
9. The value if Planck’s constant is: (Supplementary 2015)
* 6.02 x 1023 erg sec * 6.625 x 10-27 erg sec * 9.11 x 10-31 J.S * 24 dm3
2 2 4
10. The number of unpaired electronic configuration 1s 2s 2p is: (Annual Failure 2014)
*2 *3 *4 *6
11. The most electronegative element is: (Annual Failure 2014)
* Oxygen * Sulphur * Chlorine * Flourine
12. The maximum number if electrons in ‘n’ shell is: (Supplementary 2013)

* 2(2 + ) * n2 * 2(n + 2) * 2n2
13. The number of neutrons in 19K is: (Supplementary 2013)
* 19 * 39 * 20 * 21
14. This color has shortest wavelength us the visible spectrum of light: (Supplementary 2013)
* red * violet * green * yellow
15. The n+ value of 4p orbital is: (Annual 2013)
*2 *5 *7 *4
16. The energy of photons directly proportional to its: (Annual Failure 2013)
* wavelength * frequency * wave number * none of these
17. In discharge tube, positive rays are produced: (Annual Failure 2013)
* from the Anode * from the cathode
* by ionization of gas * by passing electric current
18. Electronic configuration of H is: (Supplementary 2012)
* 1s1 * 2s2 * 1s22s1 * 2s1
19. Henry Moseley discovered the: (Supplementary 2012)
* atomic number * atomic model * positron * line spectrum
20. Azimuthal quantum number expresses the: (Supplementary 2012)
* energy of orbital * shape of orbital * size of orbital * spin of the electron
21. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in an energy sub-level is given by: (Annual 2012)
* 2 +1 * 2(2 +1) *2 –1 * 2n2
22. Sp hybrid orbitals are arranged: (Annual 2012)
* diagonally * tetrahydrally * trigonally * hexagonally
23. No two electrons in an atom can have all the four Quantum numbers identical’s is the statement of: (Annual 2012)
* Pauli’s exclusion principle * Hund’s rule
* Aufbau principle * (n+ ) rule

24. The particle having a mass 1836 times that if the electron is: (Annual 2012)
* Neutron * Proton * Meson * Hyperon
25. On emission of -particles 92U238 changes into: (Annual 2012)
* 90Th234 * 88Ra226 * 84Po210 * 91Pa231
26. The electronic configuration of C ion is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* 1s22s22p63s23p5 * 1s22s22p2 * 1s22s22p63s23p4 * 1s22s22p63s23p6
27. Azimuthal quantum number expresses the: (Annual Failure 2012)
* energy of orbital * shape of orbital * size of orbital * spin of the electron
28. The shape of p-orbital is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* spherical * dumb-bell * sausage like * conical
29. According to Azimuthal quantum number ( ), the number of orbitals in each sub-energy level is given by:
(Annual Failure 2011)
* 2n *n+ *2 +1 * 2n +
30. Electrons are filled in degenerate orbitals according to: (Annual Failure 2011)
* Hund’s rule * n+ rule * Aufbau principle * Pauli’s exclusion principle
31. The maximum number of unpaired electrons is 3d energy level is: (Annual 2011)
*5 *6 *7 *8
32. An orbital can have a maximum of: (Annual 2011)
* 2 electrons * 6 electrons * 8 electrons * 32 electrons
33. In discharge tube experiment at about 1 mm Hg pressure, the tube is mostly filled with glow: (Annual 2011)
* -ve column * +ve column * cathode rays * anode rays
34. Most of the radiation coming out from pitch bend were: (Annual Failure 2011)
* electrons * anode rays * -rays * -rays
35. Range of -particle in air as compared to -particle is: (Annual Failure 2011)
* 10 times * 100 times * 2 times * 50 times
36. Azimuthal quantum number expresses the: (Supplementary 2010)
* energy of orbital * shape of orbital * size of orbital * spin of the electron
37. Which one of the following has e/m = 0? (Supplementary 2010)
* - rays * -rays * -rays * -rays
38. The n+ value for 5d orbital is: (Annual 2010)
*4 *5 *6 *7
39. The value of Planck’s constant is: (Annual Failure 2010)
* 6.02x1023 * 9.11 x 10-31kg * 6.625 x 10-27 * 24dm3
40. Beta rays are: (Annual Failure 2010)
* positive rays * negative rays * neutral rays * electromagnetic radiation
41. Azimuthal quantum number expresses the: (Annual Failure 2010)
* energy of orbital * shape of orbital * size of orbital * spin of the electron
42. What is the electronic configuration of an hydrogen atom? (Annual Failure 2010)
* 2s2 * 1s1 * 1s2 * 1s3
43. The color of light depends upon its: (Annual Failure 2010)
* wavelength * velocity * source * none

Chapter 4

1. The melting points of those substances which expand on melting increase when the pressure is: (Annual Failure
* decreased * increased * kept unchanged * atmospheric
2. This compound is non polar: (Supplementary 2015)
* HCl * CHCl3 * CCl4 * H2O
3. The bond angle in Ammonia molecule is: (Supplementary 2015)
* 104.50 * 1070 * 1090 * 1300
4. This not a primary bond: (Annual 2015)
* ionic bond * covalent bond * dative bond * hydrogen bond
5. Dipole moment of CS2 is zero hence the bond angle is: (Annual 2015)
* 900 * 109.50 * 1200 * 1800
6. The SI unit of dipole moment is: (Annual 2015)
* dyne/cm * poise * debye * coulomb meter
7. Protonic bridge is another name of: (Supplementary 2014)
* hydrogen bond * ionic bond * covalent bond * dative bond
8. In pi bond electron density lies: (Annual 2014)
* only above the nodal plane * only below the nodal plane
* on the nodal plane * both above and below the nodal plane
9. The presences of hydrogen bonding in a liquid: (Annual 2014)
* increases the vapour pressure * decreases the boiling point
* decreases the viscosity * causes no effect on the physical properties of the liquid
10. Bond energy of hydrogen bond is in between: (Annual 2014)
* 10-20 KJ/mole * 20-40 KJ/mole * 40-50 KJ/mole * 50-60 KJ/mole
11. This has minimum bond energy: (Annual Failure 2014)
* H-H * H-I * H-Br * H-Cl
12. The hybridization in C atom of C2H2 molecule is: (Annual Failure 2014)
* sp1 * sp2 * sp3 * none of these
13. This bond has the greatest strength: (Annual Failure 2014)
* s-s * p-p * s-p * none of these
14. Of the following molecules this one has a dipole moment: (Supplementary 2013)
* CCl4 * CO2 * BeCl2 * H2O
15. The bond formed in fluorine molecule is due to this overlap of orbitals: (Annual 2013)
* s-s * s-p * p-p * none of these
16. Bond energy of C ≡ C as compared to that of C = C is: (Annual 2013)
* greater * lesser * same * none of these
17. The angle between sp3 orbital is: (Annual 2013)
* 1270 * 109.50 * 1800 * 900
18. Hybridization of carbon in CO3 is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* sp3 * sp2 * sp * s2p3
19. Bond energy of C ≡ C as compared to that of C = C is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* greater * lesser * same * none of these
20. Debye is the unit of: (Annual Failure 2012)
* bond angle * bond length * charge * dipole moment
21. The shape of H2O molecules according to hybrid orbital model is: (Supplementary 2012)
* Angular * Linear * Trigonal * Tetrahedral
22. The bonds present in Ethene (C2H4) molecule are: (Annual Failure 2012)
* five sigma and one pi * four sigma and two pi
* four sigma and one pi * five sigma and two pi
23. The angle between sp orbital is: (Supplementary 2011)
* 1200 * 1800 * 109.50 * 107.50

24. The single bond in a covalent molecule is called: (Supplementary 2011)

* pi-bond * sigma bond * co-ordinate covalent bond * none of these
25. Bond energy of C ≡ C as compared to that of C = C is: (Annual Failure 2011)
* greater * lesser * same * none of these
26. Which of the following molecules has the greatest bond angle? (Supplementary 2010)
* H2O * NH3 * CO2 * CH4
27. Which of these overlaps form the strongest bond? (Supplementary 2010)
* s-s * p-p * s-p * none of these
28. Which of the following compound does not contain H-bonding? (Supplementary 2010)
* CH4 * H2O * NH3 * HF
29. Which bond is non polar? (Annual 2010)
* Cl-Cl * N-Cl * C-Cl * H-Cl
30. The sp2 hybrid orbitals are: (Annual 2010)
* non polar * co-planer * linear * none of these
31. Which atomic orbital is always involved in sigma bonding? (Annual 2009)
* s-orbital * p-orbital * d-orbital * none of these
32. In ethane (C2H4) molecule, there are: (Annual 2009)
* five sigma bonds and one pie bond * six sigma bonds
* four sigma bonds and two pie bonds * none of these
33. Which of the compounds has sp2 hybridization: (Annual 2009)
* NH3 * C2H2 * C2H4 * H2O

Chapter 5

1. This is an Intensive property: (Annual 2017)

* Internal Energy * Enthalpy * Volume * Refractive Index
2. A system absorbs 20 J energy at constant volume. The change in internal energy is: (Annual Failure 2017)
* Zero J * 10 J * 15 J * 20 J
3. These properties of a system are independent of the amount of the substance: (Supplementary 2016)
* Physical * Chemical * Extensive * Intensive
4. This is not extensive property: (Annual 2016)
* Entropy * Viscosity * Enthalpy * Internal Energy
5. The bulk properties of a system, which are easily measureable, are known as: (Annual 2016)
* Microscopic properties * Chemical properties
* Macroscopic properties * Physical properties
6. This property is intensive: (Annual Failure 2016)
* Density * Mass * Mole * Volume
7. E + PV is called: (Supplementary 2015)
* Entropy * Internal Energy * Enthalpy * Gibb’s free energy
8. 1 calorie is equivalent to: (Supplementary 2015)
* 0.418 J * 4.184 J * 41.84 J * 418.4 J
9. 1 Cal. Is equal to: (Annual 2015)
* 0.239 J * 1.98 J * 4.184 J * 8.314 J
10. With an increase in temperature, a system involving exothermic reaction will: (Annual 2015)
* move in the forward direction * move in the reverse direction
* remain energy change * non e of these

11. The change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at constant pressure is called: (Annual 2015)
* Enthalpy change * Entropy change * Internal energy change* Bond energy
12. This is not intensive property: (Annual Failure 2015)
* Viscosity * Entropy * Density * Refractive Index
13. This is an extensive property: (Supplementary 2014)
* Density * Viscosity * Enthalpy * Melting point
14. Any real or imaginary line or wall, which separates a system from its surrounding is called the: (Annual 2014)
* system * boundary * state * surroundings
15. This is an intensive property: (Annual Failure 2014)
* Energy * Mass * Enthalpy * Viscosity
16. This study is based on the principle of conservation of energy: (Annual Failure 2014)
* Thermodynamics * Electro chemistry * Physical chemistry * Organic chemistry
17. The heat of combustion, ΔH of a compound is: (Supplementary 2013)
* Negative * Positive * Zero * None of these
18. The heat content of a system is called: (Annual 2013)
* Internal Energy * Enthalpy * Entropy * Potential Energy
19. Heat energy required to change one gm of solid into liquid at its melting point is: (Annual Failure 2013)
* Latent heat of fusion * Latent heat of sublimation
* Latent heat of evaporation * Heat is formation
20. These properties of a system depend upon the quantity of mater: (Annual Failure 2013)
* Intensive * Extensive * Chemical * Physical

21. In an endothermic reaction, ΔH is always: (Supplementary 2011)

* Positive * Negative * Zero * Constant
22. One Joule heat is equivalent to: (Supplementary 2011)
* 0.239 calories * 4.184 calories * 0.4184 calories * 41.84 calories

23. This is an intensive property: (Annual 2011)

* Density * Mass * Mole * Volume
24. Hess’s Law may be used to calculate: (Annual 2011)
* ΔH * ΔS * ΔE *K
25. These properties of solution depend upon the number of particles of solute: (Annual Failure 2011)
* Colligative * Intensive * Extensive * Normal
26. ΔH the heat of combustion of a compound is: (Supplementary 2010)
* Negative * Positive * Zero * None of these
27. The heat content of a system is called: (Annual 2010)
* Internal energy * Enthalpy * Entropy * Potential energy
28. E + PV is: (Annual Failure 2010)
* Entropy * Kinetic Energy (K.E) * Enthalpy * Activation Energy
29. In an Endothermic Reaction: (Annual Failure 2010)
* heat is evolved * heat is absorbed
* no loss or again of heat takes place * sound is produced

Chapter 6

1. For a reversible reaction, if the concentrations of the reactants are doubled, then the equilibrium constant will:
* also be doubled * be halved * remain the same * become one-fourth (Annual 2017)
2. For the reaction ⇆ B, Kc = 10 , The correct statement is: (Annual Failure2017)
* A is unstable * B is unstable * A is stable * B is stable
3. Kc for this chemical reactions has not unit: (Supplementary 2016)
* N2 + 3H2 ⇆ 2NH3 * H2 + I2 ⇆ 2HI * PCI3 ⇆ PCI3 + CI2 * 3O2 ⇆ 2O3
4. The extent of reaction will be maximum for this Kc value: (Annual 2016)
* 10-13 * 0.1 * 10 * 103
5. For the reaction N2 + 3H2 ⇆ 2NH3 the relationship between Kc and Kp is: (Annual Failure 2016)
* Kc = Kp * Kc ≠ Kp * Kp < Kc * Kp = Ksp
6. For the reaction H2 + I2 ⇆ 2NHI: (Supplementary 2015)
* Kp > Kc * Kp = Kc * Kp < Kc * Kp = Ksp
7. For this chemical reaction 2NO  2NO + O2 the order of reaction is: (Supplementary 2015)
* Zero order * 1st order * 2nd order * 3rd order
8. For the reaction 2NH3 ⇆ N2 + 3H2 the relationship between Kc and Kp is: (Annual 2015)
* Kp = Kc * Kp > Kc * Kp < Kc * Kp ≤ Kc
9. In a reversible reaction having two reactants in equilibrium, if the concentrations of the reactants are doubled,
then the equilibrium constant will: (Annual Failure 2015)
* be halved * become one-fourth * also be doubled * remain the same
10. Chemical equilibrium of a reversible reaction is not influenced by: (Annual Failure 2015)
* Pressure * Catalyst * Temperature * Concentration of reactant
11. For this reaction 2NH3(g) ⇆ N2(g) + 3H2(g): (Supplementary 2014)
* Kp = Kc * Kp > Kc * Kp > Kc * none of these
12. A + B ⇆ 2C. on increasing the concentration of f C, the reaction: (Annual Failure 2014)
* proceeds in forward direction * proceeds in backward direction
* stays at equilibrium * none of these
13. Precipitation occurs if the ionic concentration is: (Annual 2013)
* less than Ksp * more than Ksp * equal to Ksp * none of them
14. Kc for a reaction is 3.04 x 10 and the ratio of initial concentration of products and that of reactants is
9.05 x 10-3. To attain equilibrium, the reaction will move in: (Annual Failure 2013)
* backward direction * both directions * forward directions * None of these
15. Precipitation occurs when the product of ionic concentration is: (Supplementary 2012)
* less than Ksp * greater than Ksp * equal to Ksp * none of these
16. For the reaction 2NH3 ⇆ N2 + 3H2 the relationship between Kc and Kp is: (Annual 2012)
* Kp = Kc * Kp > Kc * Kp < Kc * Kp ≤ Kc
17. For the reaction H2 + I2 ⇆ 2NHI: (Annual Failure 2012)
* Kp > Kc * Kp = Kc * Kp < Kc * Kp = Ksp
18. According to the law of Mass action; at constant temperature, the rate at which a substance reacts, is
proportional to its: (Annual Failure 2012)
* Total mass * Molecular mass * Active mass * Atomic mass
19. If Kc is very small: (Supplementary 2011)
* reverse reaction will occur * forwarded reaction will take place
* more products will be formed * none of these
20. In a chemical reaction equilibrium is said to have established when: (Annual Failure 2011)
* Concentration of reactants and products are equal * opposing reactions cease
* velocities of opposing reactions become equal * none of these
21. The active masses of reacting substance mean: (Supplementary 2010)
* mole/dm3 * gm/dm3 * gm/cm3 * mole/cm3
22. Which of the reactions has the same value of Kc and Kp? (Annual 2010)
* N2 + 3H2 ⇆ 2NH3 * H2 +I2 ⇆ 2HI * PCI5 ⇆ PCI3 + CI2 * 2SO2 + O2 ⇆ 2SO3
23. The change in concentration of reacting substances in a unit time is called: (Annual 2010)
* rate of reaction * rate of constant * rate law * velocity constant

Chapter 7
1. The oxidation number of all the elements in Free State is: (Annual Failure 2017)
* -3 *0 *1 *3
2. This ion has the greatest charge density: (Annual Failure 2017)
* Al+3 * O2- * K+ * Br-
3. The oxidation number CI in HCIO3 is: (Supplementary 2016)
* +5 * +3 * +1 * -1
4. This ion has the greatest charge density: (Annual 2016)
* Na+ * Mg+2 * Al+3 * K+
5. The degree of dissociation does not depend upon the: (Annual Failure 2016)
* Nature of the electrolyte * Dilution of solution
* Temperature * Current
6. The aqueous solution of NH4CI is: (Supplementary 2015)
* neutral * basic * amphoteric * acidic
7. The oxidation number of Sulphur in NaHSO4 is: (Annual 2015)
* -2 *0 * -4 * +6
8. Sulphur has an oxidation state of +4 in: (Annual Failure 2015)
* Na2S2O3 * H2S * MgSO4 * H2SO3
9. The oxidation number of Mn is +7 in: (Supplementary 2014)
* MnSO4 * MnSO2 * KMnO4 * MnCI2
10. The colour of the universal indicator in basic solution is: (Annual 2014)
* Yellow * Green * Orange * Deep blue
11. The oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4 is: (Annual 2014)
* +3 * +5 * +7 * +4
12. The color of Universal indicator in basic medium is: (Annual Failure 2014)
* red * purple * green * orange
13. In the process oxidation, there is: (Annual Failure 2014)
* loss of electron * gain of electron * addition of hydrogen * removal of oxygen
14. This is strongest reduction agent: (Annual Failure 2014)
* Cesium * Flourine * Lithium * Iodine
15. The color of light depends upon its: (Supplementary 2013)
* Velocity * Source * Wavelength * Speed
16. An electrochemical cell is based upon: (Supplementary 2013)
* Acid-base reaction * Redox reaction * Combustion reaction * Neutralization
17. A heterogeneous system consists of: (Annual 2013)
* only one phase * three phases * more than one phase * two phases
18. In this, electric current is produced by an oxidation-reduction process: (Annual 2013)
* Standard cell * Voltaic cell * Reversible cell * Electric cell
19. This salt will hydrolyse in water: (Annual 2013)
* NaCI * NH4CI * KCI * Na2SO4
20. The oxidation number of ‘O’ is OF2 is: (Annual Failure 2013)
* −2 * +1 * +2 *+
21. CuSo4 + 5H2O  CuSO4.5H2O. This reaction is an example of: (Annual Failure 2013)
* Hydrolysis * Neutralization * Hydration * Dehydration

22. This is an example of oxidation: (Supplementary 2012)
* M+3 → M+2 * M+2 → M+3
* NaOH + HCI → NaCI + H2O * none of these
23. The color of Universal indicator in neutral solution is: (Annual 2012)
* red * green * blue * pink
24. Aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* basic * neutral * amphoteric * acidic
25. The oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4 is: (Annual Failure 2012)
* +2 * −5 * +8 * +7
26. The oxidation number of oxygen in Hydrogen peroxide is: (Annual 2011)
* +2 * −2 * +1 * −1
27. The color of Universal indicator in basic medium is: (Annual Failure 2011)
* red * purple * green * orange
28. The aqueous solution of NH4CI is: (Annual Failure 2011)
* Normal * Basic * Amphoteric * Acidic
29. What is the oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4? (Annual Failure 2010)
* +3 * +5 * +7 * +2
3 3
30. If 200 cm of 1M solution is diluted up to 2000 cm , its molarity would be: (Annual 2009)
* 10M * 0.2M * 0.1M * 1M
31. The oxidation number of S in H2SO4 is: (Annual 2009)
* 6+ * 2- * 4+ * Zero
32. What is the pOH of a solution whose pH is 8? (Annual 2009)
*6 * 10 *4 *2
33. Which of the following is the example of oxidation? (Annual 2009)
* M3+ → M2+ * M2+ → M3+
* Be42 + He42 → C126 + 0h1 * None of these

Chapter 8
1. A powered solid is more reactive than is chunks due to: (Annual 2017)
* higher temperature * higher pressure * greater surface area * greater volume
2. C2H6 + CI2 → C2H5CI, The order if this reaction is: (Annual Failure 2017)
* 1st * 2nd * 3rd * zero
3. C2H6 + CI2 → C2H5CI, The order if this reaction is: (Supplementary 2016)
* 1st * 2nd * 3rd * zero
4. Rate = K [NH3] keeping the order conditions same, if the concentration of NH3 is increased by four times,
then the initial rate of reaction X will be: (Annual 2016)
* 2X * 4X * 8X * 16X
5. These have low values of activation energy: (Annual 2016)
* Slow reaction * Fast reactions * Moderate reactions * Ionic reactions
6. Photochemical reactions, which proceed only under the influence of light are, the order: (Annual 2016)
* Zero * First * Second * Third
7. If absolute temperature is doubled and pressure increased to 4 times, the volume: (Annual 2014)
* is halved * is doubled * become four times * remain unchanged
8. This is a positive catalyst for the reaction 2SO2 + O2 ⇆ 2SO3: (Supplementary 2013)
* K2O * Al2O3 * V2O2 * MnO2
9. The addition of catalyst to a system changes: (Supplementary 2013)
* the internal energy * the activation energy
* the threshold energy * Gibb’s free energy

10. The minimum amount of energy of colliding molecules, that is necessary for collisions to be effective is
called: (Annual Failure 2013)
* activation energy * threshold energy * internal energy * potential energy
11. The term active mass means: (Supplementary 2012)
* Mass weight * Weight * Molar concentration * Electrolyte
12. The rate constant of a reaction depends upon: (Annual Failure 2012)
* Temperature * Initial concentration of reactant
* Time of reaction * External of reaction
13. In zero order reaction the rate depends upon: (Annual Failure 2012)
* Pressure * Concentration of reactants
* Concentration of products * Light
14. Reactions with high activation energy: (Annual 2011)
* are slow * are fast * are moderate * do not occur
15. Order of this reaction CH4 + CI2 → CH3CI + HCI is: (Annual Failure 2011)
* 1st * 2nd * 3rd * zero
16. The addition of a catalyst to a reaction changes: (Annual 2010)
* internal energy * activation energy * threshold energy * Gibb’s free energy
17. 2C3CHO → 2CH4 + 2CO is:
* first order reaction * second order reaction
* third order reaction * zero order reaction


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