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D6partment G6nie Ocianique

Head of Services Navires, Piche,Aquaculture


Madrid,April 1994
WEGEMT School on Fishing Vessel Technology- Madrid-April 1994.


Philippe Marchand - Ifremer


It is well known that fishing vessels are noisy. Fishermen are hard to the job and used
to work in
very adverse conditions. Nevertheless noise is a major factor of discomfort and has
to be considered
by the designer as a priority for health and safety.

What is less known or unknown is the field of underwater radiated noise. The fishing
vessel is
generally a big source of underwater noise which disturbs fish shoals and consequently
may reduce
the catches. Moreover, it can disturb the good working of acoustic equipment
on board, thus
decreasing the performance of sounders. This problem is of major importance for Fishing

The present lesson will consider:

(1) The basic knowledge about sounds and vibrations phenomena

(2) The human response to sounds and vibrations

(3) Noises aboard fishing vessels including prevention methods

(4) Underwater radiated noises and prevention techniques


1.1 Propagation of Sound

The physical phenomena associated to noise and vibration are "waves" which propagate
a medium ( water, air, structure) because of its inertia and elasticity, thus originating
motions of the

Waves can be described by several variables in the:

-Time domain:
period (M) : time between two motionless positions
Amplitude (A) : maximu displacement from the motionless position
frequency (N):the inverse of the period N= 1/T, measured in Hz
Amplitude (A)
-Space domain:
Wavelength (I) :the space between two consecutive points of same displacement
Amplitude (A)
I=cT=c/N c is the wave speed in the medium.
Typical sound velocities. sea water 1500 mn/s
air at 2 0 0 343 m/s
steel 5050 -6100 m/s
We can distinguish frequency ranges of noises and vibrations:
vibraion: 0.5- 50 Hz
noise : 16 - 16000 Hz
The noise frequency range corresponds to the human hearing perception, while
the vibration
frequency domain corresponds to a perception experienced by the whole
human body : the
discomfort is then due to oscillations transmitted through the supporting interface
(floor, seat ....

Over 16000 Hz is the field of "ultrasonic".

1 .2 Radiation

The sound power W radiates in the form of pressure fluctuations in the air. The intensity
I of the
sound at a distance r from the source will be uniformely distributed on a sphere, radius r:

I=W/47rr 2

The rms value of the pressure fluctuatios is found from:


Equating the two gives the relationship

p2-=W p c /4 x r-
This equation shows that the (acoustic pressure) 2 is inversely proportional to
the (distance)2
from the source.
The acoustic pressure is the quantity measured by a microphone.

1 .3 Sound Intensity Level and Pressure Level

The acoustic pressure fluctuation is the more appropriate physical quantity to describe
the wave
propagation in air.

The human ear is able to detect pressure fluctuations in a very large range:
2"10"5Pa - 20Pa (1Pa = IN/ m 2)

The atmospheric pressure is much higher: 105 Pa

It is the reason why a logarithmic scale is adopted and we speak of level" in decibel (figure 1).
The decibel is a unit without dimension which is ten times the logarithm to base 10 of the ratio
between the acoustic intensity I and a reference intensity Io or p2 and po 2 :

Li= 10 log (I/i0) dB '

Lp= 10 log ( Ip/p0 2 ) dB =20 log ( p/ po) dB

PO is the audibility threshold, 2 * 10-5 Pa, for aerial acoustics. For underwater acoustics,
the value of po is 10-6 P&
ea machine generates a noisefield such that at 7m from its center, the sound pressure
level is 75 B.The pressure is:

75 = 20logp/2 *10-5
from which p = 0.1125 Pa. The soundpower of the source is:

W = 4;rpp/pc = 0.0188 wait with p = 1.209 kg/m3 ; c=343 m/s

We can see that even for high sound pressurelevels, both rms pressureand the magnitude of the
acousticpower are small.

1 .4 Sound Power Level

It refers to the acoustic power of the source. Sound power level is the value to be used when
studying the total sound generated by a piece of equipment. It can only be derivated by measuring
the sound pressure at a number of points around the epuipment, and calculating the total sound
power of the source. It is given by the formula-

Lw =10log(P/Po)

P is the sound power of the source and Po is the reference sound power, conventionally 10-12
W. The relationship between Lp and Lw is found from:

Lw = Lp + 10 log (S/So)
So is the reference area of I m2and S is the area of the measuring stor e.

Typical Noise Leveir Table I gives decibel rating and equivalent energy of common sounds.
Table 2 gives sound power outpout of some typical noise sources.


Sound Relative
Pressure Energy Sound General
Level dB Condition Intensity Pressure Class
120 Threshold of pain 1 000 000 000 000 2000 000
110 Thunder. Artillery 100 000 000 000
100 Steel riveter at 4.Sm Deafening
10 000 000 000 200 000
90 Noisy Factory 1 000 000 000
80 Tube train (open window) 100 000 000 20 000
70 Average factory 10 000 000 Distracting
60 Loud conversation 1 000 000 2000
50 Average office 100 000 200 Conversation
40 Average living room 10 000 200
30 Private office 1 000 Extreme quiet
20 Whisper 100 20
10 Soundproof room io Soundproof
0 Threshold of audibility 1 2 chambers


Power (Watts) Power Level

(dB re 10-12 W)
100 000 000 200
Saturn rocket
1 000 000 180
4 jet Airliner
10 000 160

100 140
Large orchestra
1 120 Chipping hammer

0.01 100
Shouted speech
0,000,1 80
Conversational speech
0,000,001 60 40
0,000.000,000.1 20
0,000.000,000,001 0
1 .5 " Frequency" Description:

The human ear is able to detect oscillations between 20 and 20000 Hz. Because of the width of
this range a logarithmic scale is used also for frequency.

We can decompose the frequency scale in "bands".One octave correspond to the doubling in
frequency. There are three "third octave"im one octave. The standard definition of the hearing band
in octave and third octave is given in table 3


Centre Frequency Third Ocave Pasahand Octave Passband

16 14.1-17.8 11.2-22.4
20 17.8-22.4
25 22.4-28.2
31.5 28.2-35.5 22.4 -44.7
40 35.5-44.7
50 44.7 - 56.2
63 56.2-70.8 44.7 - 89.1
80 70.8-89.1
100 89.1-112
125 112-141 89.1 - 178
160 141-178
200 178-224
250 224-282 178-355
315 282-355
400 355 -447
500 447-562 355-708
630 562-708
800 708-891
1k 891 - 1.12k 708- 1.41k
1.25k 1.12k - 1.41k
1.6k 1.41k- 1.78k
2k 1.78k - 2.24k 1.41k-2.82k
2.5k 2.24k -2.2k
3.15k 2.82k - 3.55k
4k 3.55k - 4.47k 2.82k - 5.62k
5k 4.47k-S5.2k
6.3k 5.62k - 7.08k
8k 7.08k -8.91k 5.62k - 11.2k
10k 8.91k - 11.2k
12.5k 11.2k- 14.1k

The human ear responds not only in a logarithmic way to fluctuations in sound pressure, but also
differentially throughout the audio frequency spectrum: for example high frequencies appear much
louder than low frequencies. It is the reason while sound levelmeters incorporate weighting filters
(named AB,C,D) to compensate for this subjective response.The figure 2 gives international
standard AB,C and D weighting curves for sound levelmeters. dB(A) filter is the most widely in use


Onboard vessels, most of the machinery produce steady noise: diesel engines, gear boxes,
propeller, fans, compressors...
Exceptionally the noise may show large fluctuations in strength during specific operations :
on the fishing deck, utilisation of machineries when processing the fish, bow thruster operations...

All sort of vibrations are generated onboard , among them motions of the ship (mainly roll

2.1 Noise and Hearing

Hearing loss can be originated from various circumstances:

- Increasing age : it is well known After 40 year old, the hearing loss is of 10 dB, for frequencies
over 4000Hz, and increases of roughly one dB each year.
- Acoustic trauma : an explosion may rupture the ear drum or damage the bones in the middle
- Noise induced treshold shift: the hearing sensitivity may be temporary affected by an exposure
high noise level for a long time. It is called a temporary treshold shift ( TTS ).After a rest in
a quiet
environnement one can hear again in a normal way.But if the person is exposed too longer
often to high noise level the damage can be irreversible : it is a permanent treshold shift ( PTS or too
Prediction of hearing damage is not possible in an absolute mariner because it depends
persons. Nevertheless an ISO procedure is given to calculate the equivalent continuous noise
and risk of hearing impairment is given in table of ISO 1999, annex B (1975).

The following permissible equivalent continuous sound levels for an S hours a day during 40
a week exposition is given:

Sound level in dB (A): Permissible exposure time per day:

85 S hours
88 4
91 2
100 15 minutes
In noisy places on board like engine room, steering gear room, it is very difficult or expensive
reduce the noise level. The good protection is then individual with ear plugs or ear muffs. Ear
made of soft rubber or plastic give a reduction of some 10 - 15 dB (A). Ear muffs are more
with a noise reduction of15 - 30 dB (A).

2.2 Effect on Speech Communication and Masking of Signals

The most significant frequency range for understanding speech is 500 2000 Hz. Intelligibility
will depend on the sound levels generated by individual noises. Typical figure of sound pressure
for a male voice at 1 meter is:

Type of speech: Level: Maximun sound eneij

Whisper 20-30 dB(A) 400Hz
Low voice 50-60
Normal voice 65-68
Raised voice 70-75
Loud voice 75-80
Shouting 85 and over

Background noise will inevitably have a masking effect on speech communication. Speech
interference levels are given in specific tables (Barber, 1992). For example if the background noise
is 70 dB(A) and the distance between speaker and listener is 3 meters, the speaker will have to shout
to be heard.

Noise nuisance creates errors in communication and lessening of productivity, which can affects
the safety of the ship and crew.

We have also to mention the existence of noise created discomfort especially with low frequency.
It depends greatly of personal and non-measurable factors.

2.3 Vibrations Effects on Man

Vibrations influence the general comfort on board a ship as well as noise. All vibrations affect in
one way or another the human body ( figure 3):

- At low frequencies ( below I Hz ) the human body reacts as a whole to the vibrations: it follows
the movments of the ship. The sea-sickness may appear under 0.5 Hz

- Whole body vibrations are experienced in the ( I - 80 Hz ) frequency range. Originated from the
vibrations of the floor, a chair or every supporting surface of the body, vibrations may be amplified
at certain frequencies by resonance phenomena of organs or part of the body.

- In the higher frequency range, vibrations may lead to blood circulating difficulties at the direct
contact places with tools or vibrating equipment

The evaluation of vibration discomfort is done by measurment of the velocity or acceleration

levels of the supporting surface of the body, in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 80 Hz. Data are
then compared with recommended limits,as:

- "exposure limits", concerned with the preservation of health or safety,

- "fatigue decreased proficiency boundary", concerned with the preservation of work efficiency;

- "reduced comfort boundary", concerned with the preservation of comfort.

Of course, effects of noise and vibrations may be added to obtain the total discomfort.

Fishing vessels are generally very noisy. Some explanations may be found in the increasing of
installed power, with lighter structure construction, with the absence of regulations about noise
aboard fishing vessels, combined with the artisanal nature of shipbuilding companies and the lack of
shipyards knowledge about noise control.

3.1 Noise Data Measurements

Noise measurements reported in the following, are taken from a French study concerning
artisanal fishing vessels (Andro,1989) and a Dutch study dealing with beamers (Veenstra, 1989 ).

3.1.1 Tvpical Figure For Artisanal Vessels: Andro and al. establish an assesment of noise levels
measured aboard 40 artisanal 15 to 25 meter vessels used for typical one or two weeks trips. Noise
charts were completed for all vessels in different places:

- in the engine room,

- in the messroom,
- in accomodation cabins,
- in the wheelhouse,
- inside the selterdeck, near the center of the vessel,
- on the rear fishing deck.

Figure 4 shows us mean noise levels and extrema for the 40 vessels:

- The quietest places are generally the cabins with an average level of 73 dB A But it can vary
between 65 and 83 dB A- The high value is absolutely unsuitable for rest.

- In the messroom, very often located under the main deck between the propeller and the engine,
we get a mean level of 82 dB A, 9 DB A higher than inthe cabins. Inthe galley, always found on the
main deck, noise levels vary in the range of 66 - 87 dB A with a mean value of 79 dB A-

- On the fishing deck, the mean level of 85dB A, corresponds with the warning level, related to
the risk of hearing loss for an exposure of 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week.

-In the wheelhouse, the mean level of 76 dB A is too high for work requiring a lot of
concentration. In the control room of american power plants, the upper limit shoud not exceed 66
dB A. Such a limit is always exceeded for the 40 boats.

An "equivalent continuous noise level" taking into account the duration and the level of the
various places where the fisherman stays, can be computed for the "mean vessel" represented in
figure 5: It is 84 dB A, 24 hours a day, during several days.

3.1.2 Typical Values For Beaners: the Dutch study reported by Veenstra, gives similar
values for 20 beamers, 24-45 meter long, much bigger than the precedent 40 artisanal vessels:

- Messroom / galley 75-80 dB A

- Accommodation / cabin 75-82 dB A
- Wheelhouse 70-77 dB A
- engine room 107-112 dB A

3.1.3 Noise Levels Recommandations: resolution A468 of IMCO ( November 1981 ) gives
mandmun noise levels recommendations for vessels over 1600 gross tons but does not apply to
fishing vessels. The following table 1 gives the IMCO limit values in the first column, and
recommanded limits according with Andro, in dB A:
Area concerned IMCO limits Limits recommanded for
offshore fishing vessels

Engine room 110 105

Shelterdeck - fishing deck - 75

Wheelhouse 65 70

Galley 65 70

Resting quaters 65 70

Cabin - messroom 60 65

3.2 Main Sources of Noise Aboard a Fishing Vessel

On board ships several devices are converting energy from one form to another : main
propulsion and auxiliary engines convert chemical energy into rotational mechanical energy,
electrical generators convert mechanical energy into electricity, propellers, pumps and fans transform
rotational mechanical energy into fluid translation motion. During each of these processes a portion
of the energy is transferred to the surroundings as acoustic energy.

A classification of sources can be done when considering the continuous spectrum e distribution
of energy versus frequency distribution : energy lines can be seen for very narrow frequency band
characteristic of a specific noise.

Another classification of noise sources on board ships considers the delivered form of acoustic

- Water-borne noise sources : propellers, bow thruster, flow around the hull or appendages
- Structure-borne noise sources : main engine and reducer, diesel generator, pumps, auxiliaries
- Air-borne noise sources : vents, duct of air conditioning systems.
The figure 6 shows the main noise sources on board a fishing vessel:

- Propellers are the main water-borne noise sources : their radiation is to a great extend associated
with cavitation phenomena on the blades, from where energy is radiated through water to the hull.
However they act also as direct structural sources due to the bearing forces transmitted through the

- Main engines are usually the main structure-borne sources; in addition they radiate a
considerable amount of air-borne noise in the engine room and adjacent spaces.

In other spaces than the engine room of the fishing vessel, the noise comes mainly from the
vibrations in the bulkheads, activated by the aerial propagation of the sound waves hitting them and
on the other hand by the propagation of structure-borne sound waves emitted from noise sources
through the bulkheads and structures.

3.3 Noise Prevention on Board

The prevention of noise on board fishing vessels needs a global approach of the designer when
considering the following way to reduce noise and vibration on board:

3.3.1 Low Noise Eouicments : the designer will choose equipment characterised by low noise
and vibration levels:

-A slower main engine (under 300 r.p.m.) will be favourable for reducing noise on board The
choice of auxiliary engines, as well as the propulsion engine, will be made easier by noise
indications coming from the manufacturer. The choice of a diesel electric propulsion system is
probably the best one, considering noise and vibration control, but it is an expensive solution.

- The reducer and the shaft,

- The propeller with fixed blades or controllable pitch ; such a choice is very critical for
underwater noise reduction. Improvments must be also centered on the hydrodynamics of the
propulsion system. The idea is to obtain good propulsion from the propeller which at good distance
from the hull, turn as steadilly as possible in a wake.

- The rudder wich may be a source of internal and external noises,

- Machinery ventilation system,

- Fans and duct elements,

- Auxiliary pieces of equipment : electricity generators, hydraulic generators and motors.

3.3.2 Reduction of Noise at the Source : it is very important to try to reduce the noise at the
The engines will be equiped with an exhaust pipe resiliently attached to the structure of the
vessel, well insulated and equipped with an adequate muffler (figures 7,8).

- Intake and out-take of the compressors (including the turbo-compressor) will be equiped with
adequate mufflers.

- The fan noise source will be treated with sound traps along the ducts.

- Acoustic hoods will be installed if possible. Rotating machineries and engine are concerned, but
acces problems when monitoring or repairing the epuipment have also to be taken into

- The noisy spaces, especially engine rooms, will be treated (figure 9).

3.3.3 Insulation and Absorption of Vibrations : the propagation of vibrations aboard a

vessel can be greatly reduced by a good design for the vessel, carefull construction and proper
stiffening of the bulkheads.

The supports of the sources of vibration ,mainly the propulsion engine , will be resiliently
mounted in order to separate them from the frame of the ship . The fluid lines, paths which are
usually favourable to the propagation of vibrations, will be equiped with muffs, elastic links and, if
need be, mufflers (on the hydraulic lines for example).

The living quaters will be provided with adequate floating floor and interior walls will be isolated
from the structure of the vessel by using appropriate elastic links.

Vibration absorbent materials applied to the vibrating surfaces will be used beetwen the source
and the spaces to be protected.

3.3.4 Good Location of Living Quarters : decrease in noise levels aboard fishing vessels
will also be obtained by keeping the noise-producing spaces at a distance from the living spaces,
both horizontally and vertically.

The living quarters will be kept away from the propeller, engine room ,exhaust pipes and
ventilation ducts. An arrangement with noisy sources at the stem (engine room , exhaust,
ventilation) and the living quarters near the center, above the main deck, will be of great interest.

Moreover, the systematic use of rooms such as the gangways, washrooms, storerooms as
transition rooms beetwen the sources and the living quater, is recommanded.

Of course, in addition with the precedent recommandations relative to noise and vibrations , the
designer has to take in account other requirements such as:

- the vessel seaworthiness,

- maximun use of space available on board,
- various factors regarding the comfort at work and at rest.

3.3.5 Prevention of Aerial Pronagation: it is a question of adding more insulation to the

bulkheads wich separate the noisy places ( engine room....) from the spaces to be protected. This is
done by using double or triple partitions packed with mineral wool. Air-borne noise propagation can
be made more difficult by this partition.

3.3.6 Acoustic Treatment for Room Partitions : it is essential to reduce the structure-borne
sound transmission caused by vibrating walls, it is also very important to absorb the noise produced
in the room concerned. This measure concerns primarily the engine room. Classically a "sandwich"
is applied on the ceiling and walls : it is made of a 5 cm glass of mineral wool of high density,
covered with a thin glass or plastic sheet and a perforated metal plate (30% of perforations),
(figures 10, 11).

Partitions for the living quarters and wheelhouse will be covered with a material to diminish the
vibrations and absorb the sound waves emitted in the room.

New materials in addition to their main fonction ( e.g. structural strength, fire protection ), may
have good acoustic characteristics. Among them we can mention ( Bonetti, 1992):

- Polyamide foams, having good fire resistance, good thermal insulation,low smoke emission and
above all weighing 4 to 5 times less than conventional fiberglass with comparable acoustical
absorption performances.

- Structural panels in composite materials, with integrated damping treatment; the viscoelastic
layer can be part of a sandwich, where a kevlar cellular structure or fiberglass layers provide the
necessary strength
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the above materials are expensive today because of their
aeronautical origin.


Few commercial shipyards and few trawler designers have experience relating to underwater
noise; such requirements usually are limited to the design of warships . Nevertheless it is very
important to consider radiated noises before the construction of fishing vessel, especially for fisheries
research vessel ( FRV ), and to try to reduce them for several reasons.

4.1 Effects of Sounds on Fish

Adverse effects of ship-radiated noise on fish behaviour have been noted by many authors but
there is no clear relation of cause and effect.
Fish hearing is typically in the range of a few tens of Hz to a little over 1 KHz but the bandwith
of many species is much narrower. Audiograms of hearing sensitivity for some species of fish are
given in figure 12 of (Mitson,1993). Among these fish, herring have the most sensitive hearing and
also the broadest frequency response.
There are many examples available from commercial fishing practices which demonstrate that fish
react to vessel noise. The purse seiner skipper knows , when circling a herring shoal, that he must be
careful not to suddenly change propeller revs or pitch, because these actions may scatter a shoal of
wary fish or make them dive below the reach of the net. Some scientific observations can be reported
in that field showing the effect of fishing vessel radiated noises on school behavior.

Noel Diner (1987) reported numerous observations of avoidance reactions. Observations where
performed with the omnidirectional sonar of the research vessel Thalassa. Avoidance occurs at 200
m or more in from of the vessel. Big herring shoals are split into two parts passing on each vessel
side and no fish is detected by the vertical sounder. In an other example the sardine or the mackerel
shoal is clearly deviated when the vessel is passing on it (figure 13). It seems that the avoidance
period is the second part of the afternoon, when possibly the fish is more sound sensitive. It could be
also possible that avoidance reactions are stronger when the water is warmer in the bay of Biscay
where Diner made his observations.

Kjell Olsen (1979) performed observations of herring shoals behavior in the fords of Northern
Norway. He recorded pelagic schoals with a submerged transducer facing upwards at 50 m depth.
When a 30m fishing vessel is passing over the shoal the herring undertake a distinct and sudden
downwards migration with an average speed of Im /s. It was observed a more nervous behavior of
herring ,and also capelin, in the summer feeding season.

Bercy and Bordeaux (1984) have produced some convincing evidence of the effects of
underwater noise, radiated by tuna fishing vessels, on fish behaviour. Their work concerns 62 tuna
liners operating in the Bay of Biscay in 1983. Three classes of low frequencies noise spectrum are
identified: one with major noise peaks, one with smooth curve, one intermediar. Catches are clearly
correlated with noise spectra low catches when the spectrum presents peaks, high ones when the
spectrum is regular (difference of catches is 33%).

4.2 Acoustic Equipments

Fishing vessels are generally equipped with several acoustic apparatus ,mainly vertical echo-
sounders (presently simple and narrow beam ) and one sonar for fish detection. In addition the
fishing net is frequently equiped with net-sounder and more rarely acoustical positioning and gear
parameter measurement system.

FRV acoustical equipment is much more complicated with several type of additional sounders
and doppler current profiler giving speed and direction of current but also the speed of the vessel.

All this equipment is working on frequencies ranging between 12 kHz and 200 Khz. It is of
primary importance to integrate all these transducers in such a way that they may be operated in any
situation with their nominal efficiency. However, several disturbances may reduce their acoustic
performances :

- The acoustic transducers are sensitive to the noise and vibrations of the hull in their direct
surroundings ( vibro-acoustic self-noise ), originated from the board machinery and resonances of
the ship's structures and hull panelling.

Noise can be created in the surroundings of the transducers by an inadequat design of the hull or
fixed element protuberafing in the flow line causing turbulence and wake disturbances ( flow noise).
The designer must pay attention to the design of any water intakes fir cooling water or bow
thruster tunnels, etc. but even to the proper regularity of the hull pannels welding.
- The acoustic coupling of the transducers with seawater may be drastically reduced by the
presence of small bubbles of air in the turbulence boundary layer, even in moderate sea-states if the
hull design and transducer location are not optimized.

- In shallow waters, the ship noise signature is reflected by the sea bottom and creates another
important disturbance, now related directly to the radiated noise.

4.3 Sources of Underwater Radiated Noise

Underwater radiated noise signatures arise from a combination of the characteristics of

machinery, propeller, pipe discharges and sound from the hull. In fact the most important sources are

noise associated with hull vibrations : the small, quick displacements of the hull surface,
mechanically induced by the vibrations of the machinery, cause a system of compression waves to
propagate in the water away from the structure.

- propeller generatednoise : the noise is of hydrodynamic nature, with two distinct physical
effects. The first one is the fluid disturbance due to the blades rotation: the acoustic emission is
caused by the fluctuating pressure field induced by the periodic rotation of blades; the noise level is
quite low and can be neglected regarding the second physical effect which is the cavitation
formation at the propeller. It consist of the collapsing of the vapour bubbles which are generated by
the strong pressure variations near the propeller. It is a transient phenomenoms giving locally rise to
extremely high pressure peaks wich radiate efficiency.

The frequency spectrum wich has been mesured for FRV is given in figure 14. One can see the
wide band with values as low as 101 Hz up to 107 Hz. Low frequencies will be heard by the fish,
especially by the herring up to 4 kHz. Over, we are in the band of frequencies of acoustic equipment
from 5kHz to 500kHz.

The ship's internal machinery is mainly responsible for producing the lower frequencies and the
rest of the spectrum is influenced by noise from the propeller and from the flow. If recommendation
for internal noises exists there is no standard for specifying levels of underwater noise.

4.4 Prevention Against Radiated Noises

To achieve an acceptable radiated noise signature demands extreme care in the design, building
and outfitting of the vessel and a level of expenditure commensurate with the task. Presently only
FRV designers take really care of radiated noise. Both the absence of knowledge in that field and the
cost of prevention explain that fishing vessels are generally noisy internally and externally.

One of the best FRV is the "Corystes" from UK. The French IFREMER organisation is
presently building a new FRV with an underwater noise specification. The two vessels have choosed
a diesel-electric generator and electric propulsion motor wich is supposed to be quieter than a diesel
propulsion.The requirements of such "top level vessel" to achieve the aim of low radiated noise

level are given by litson and can be listed as the following:

-I- double isolation and raft mounting of the main diesel alternator sets;

-2- single isolation of all reciprocating or rotating machinery,

-3- a large-diameter, low speed, noise-reduced propeller,

-4- tank tests to determine water flow along the hull and through the propeller, plus careful
profiling of apertures such as the bow-thrust unit;

-5- the specification of low water velocities in pipelines and discharges to reduce fluid flow noise,
including the single isolation of all pipework;

-6- the purchase, when possible, of equipment with low noise levels;

-7- the introduction of acoustic isolation combined with thermal insulation to create an acoustic
enclosure of the engine room;

-8- the use of attenuators in medium - to high - pressure hydraulic systems and the specification of
low-pressure ( 50 bar ) for the main trawl winch.


Fishing vessels are presently very noisy. Both internal noises and external underwater radiated
noises are concerned. Internal noises are dangerous for human health on board, causing hearing
losses, difficulties to communicate, which may be a source of accidents. Moreover, vibrations
(under 20HZ) may increase the fisherman fatigue. Underwater radiated noises have a proved effect
on the fish school behaviour, especially pelagic ones which will try to avoid the vessel and the
gear, they may disturb the good working of sonar transducers.

It is of major importance for the designer to systematically reduce noise sources and to first of
all protect the living quarters where a realistic objective can be set at 65-70 dBAk

It is also very important for new fishing vessels and firstly for fishing research vessels, to fight
against radiated noises. The struggle against noise pollution requires a global approach using all
technical, organizational and architectural resources available. The architect who designs the vessel
in connection with the owner-investor, the shipyard, the mechanical engineer who installs the main
and auxiliarly engines, the equipment outfitters and carpenters, all those people are concerned in
trying to build a "silent vessel".

Andro, M. et aL, 1987.'Siuritd et conditions de travail &la peche artisanale et semi-industrielle"

Rapport publi6 par I' IFREMER

AndroM.,Dorvan,P.,LeBonar,G.,LeBourserB.,jL Roy,Y.,Repecad,M., 1989,"Nuisances

sonores et lutme contre le bruit & bord des navires de p~che".Rapport UBOJUT de
Lorient,CGI.Juillet 1989

Andro, M.,Le Pluart, C.,1989,"Noise exposure aboard fishing vessels'. International Symposium
on "Safety and Working Conditions aboard fishing vessels". Rimouski, Canada 22-24/08/1989.

Barber A.,1992,"Handbook of noise and vibration control",sixth edition, Elsevier Advanced

Technology, 481 p.

Berny ,C., Bordeau ,B., DepoutotC ,1984, "Incidence du bruit acoustique de thoniers ligneurs et
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:20 .. i. ;-%I
h010-.*,Aetk 120 of IoI..1

•$. I* e*A.~y

At - .. acw Ila

Nom.7 m.*.se| hiOc. "


IntaceNow...*A • li.Ti


AZ.l ockt .
l-cking ;a
ae*.I1*.a 30

4 2


FIGURE 1 The decibel scale illustrated by some ordinary sound


Source: WEGEMT, 1991

°U I 'I I.l


S.01 I I I I I


2; 5 6WW M 50 WO 2M0 5M Q=O2MM


FIGURE 2 International standard A, 8, C and D weighting curves for

sound levelmetres

I1 Ania it ms e / Elghant LevIe observed

A A dealan au des)
0 esma Value (=oLe. .*c.te. by SOX of tlh I
0• KW / Levels measured )
obs iiLlc LOWL£ ob so ý 6

? I 7 i


751 70I I
fI I



FIGURE 4 Noise levels measured at the center of the different rooms

and working areas

Source: Andro, M., 1989


1Hz 10 HE
zZ 1000
under way the mionaOf the called whole-body vibrations uibrmtio that affed blood circulation can
sa affects balance and dimi- (1-80 Hz) and felt throughout cause numbntes. If tools cannot be replaced it
nishes work capacity. There the body. Cause muscle strain. is good to use soft glouvs which -=t up"part
are pills but sia-sicknessis tirejoints and spine.Affect ea- of the vibrFaio.
something that, as a rule, rIone on board,both at rest
must be Liued with. and work

FIGURE 3 Disturbances in the human body caused by vibrations

depending on the frequency range of the vibrations

Source: WEGEMT, 1991

FIGURE 5 "Mean" fishing vessel with respect to the noise levels
Source: Andro, M., 1989

aWt= mOE PAR LiHajM

- inj ASMw Ge PAR LE ic PRnpCIPs&
- maz- AB191 -e PAR VM "MAWBSET LA Vedjflflw DE LA JML OMA0,,

FIGURE 6 Main naise sources on board a fishing vessel

FIGURE 7 Exhaust pipe isolation FIGURE 8 Silent exhaust pipe disposition

Source: Andro, M., 1989 Source: Andro, M., 1989

Enclosure for smaller auxiliary engines fm~h airtoffa .

ait'hmuSaTwrptn .hamer

= ling ýfer
momblepart f.,d~1OL1 rum:e

FIGURE 9 Enclosure for smaller auxiliary engine

Source: WEGEMT 1992

1. gim-
7. of minerad
du tfm,- woolshec
or plarrc of high denshy
(apr. 0.02 duck,-)
3. peforzmd pn•a (p
de of pfozrrni appF. 30 %)
4. double windou
J. finkig
6. air d"uc. ZloO?
1ix w t kin wit smn absoring aw=

FIGURE 10 Schematic survey of acoustical measures applicable in

engine rooms and worshops

Source: WEGEMT 1992

... :& seated


/ suisce jti

deck c oaing • ,,

FIGURE 11 Accoustical measures in a worshop. The mineral wool

cladding of bulkheads and hull should be preferably
covered with perforated metal plate

Source: WEGEMT 1992


10plai ""b dab p~c

JP I I -


- 0 ,

0.01 0.1 1 10
Frequency (kHz)

FIGURE 12 Audiograms of fish hearing sensitivity for cod, plaice and

dab, herring, pollock

Source: Mitson, R.B., 1992


¶iw - - -1TANGAROA
E 130 . . . '"'-

120 \V - - | ..



100 -

1 10 100
0.01 0.1
Frequency (kHz)

of 11
FIGURE 14 The noise spectrum pressure of 5 FRV at a speed

Source: Mitson, R.B., 1992

b C - sc.m"

- Co

FIGURE 13 Avoidance action of sardine shoal (b)and mackerel shoal

(c) when the FRV Thalassa is cmuising in their direction

Source: Diner, N., 1987

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