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L. Pirez Rojas

Head of Department of Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture

Polytechnical University of Madrid


Madrid, April 1994


Stability of fishing vessels

Prof. L Pirez Rojas
Polytechnical University of Madrid

but all authorities
More considerations are involved in the safety of a ship than its stability,
concerned wit safety of ships at sea are fy agreed that satisfactory stability is the most
should be laid
important. As to what exactly constitutes this elusive virtue, Le. the standard which that there
case. Inevitably, this means
down, is a matter of judment and experience in any particular
is room for argument on matters of important detail.

The practical application of the principles of stability to ships is now a familiar operation
the mmovability and
and the factors acknowledged. These may be listed as watertight integrity, and
suitable metacentric height
proper distibution of weights (e.g. cargo) adequate freeboard.
to shed water from decks rapidily
dynamic stability, hannoius proportions of hull form, the ability
and, not least, the professional competence of the master and crew.
do not have adequate
Overloading reduces freeboard, and without adequate freeboard you
vessel's stability, in addition to
reserve bouyancy. There is an important factor involved in a
forces, the center of bouyancy and
bouyancy. This is gravity. The points of application of these two
in a seaway or whether
the center of gravity, help to determinate whether the boat will right herself
she will just keep on rolling, all the way.
The center of bouyancy does
Normally, the center of gravity doesn't change on a vesseL
about, however. When a boat
rolling. A simnila one side,
rolls toprtion greater
of aher portion
hull on the oppsite lifted out an
of hert b side issubmer of
the side to which she is
of bouyancy moves in the
the water, and so adds nothing to the vessels bouyancy. The center
direction of the vessel's roll.
When the vessel is in
The gravity is a downward force and the bouyancy is an upward one.
since one is directly above the other.
still water, these forces have a neutral influence on each other
outboard of the center of gravity and,
As the vessel rolls, however, her center of bouyancy moves
since it is an upward pushing force, the vessel rights itself.
ame inclined to move things
There are factors which can alter these considerations. Fishermen
the alterations might have on stability.
about on their boats without taking into account the effect
on the center of gravity.
Moving a winch or adding a slush-ice tank can have drastic effects

LIa. 1.6
Another way in which the stability of a fishing vessel can be upset is when the
vessel's net,
full of fish, comes swinging aboard.

A source of too much unplanned weigt on a vessel is sea water which way may
deck during heavy weather. Normally, this water should flow off the deck wash up on
freeing ports. If these are plugged, drainage is not possible. More than one through scuppers of
good boat, has been
simply overwhelmed by the weight of too much water on its afterdeck.

Another point is that there is a vast difference between the technical stability
which appears
on the drawing board and that which appears at sea.

There are six motions which a vessel at sea can experience. Of these six,
aside from the
normal motions of moving ahead or astern, the three which are most easily identified
and yaw. If any two of these motions occur at the same time, the vessel could are roll, pitch
go into a heavier than
normal list. Depending on the state of the weather, this increased list could
result in a disastrous
When the force of a heavy following sea equals or exceeds the speed
rudder loses its effectiveness. Unless the vessel is equipped with a heavy skeg, of the vessel, the
the result could be
another disastrous broach.

In this lecture some aspects of the fishing vessel stability are presented.


The principal tool for of evaluating the stability of vessels is the curve of righting
heel angle. The righting arm for a given hull at a particular heel angle depends arms vs.
upon the location
of the center of bouyancy (which in turn depends upon the shape of the immersed
and upon the location of the center of gravity. The process of determining part of the hul)
a vessel's righting arm
curves for various displacements is generally referred to as stabilty analysis.
This process also
includes the determination of the position of the transverse metacenter for small
angles of inclination
over a range of displacement.

Fig.L- Righting arm GZ

La2 1.6
For determining the righting arm (GZ, fig. 1). The following expression can be used

GZ = KN - KG sin (I1]

where KN is obtained from the denominated KN-curves or cross curves of stability. An example
for a small fishing vessel is includes in figure 2.



Le. 75*



1.1- 30'

9.- MN- Cjrvus


0.6 'V

20 30 30 40 s4 io 55 0 vm
["] tusde Shen

Fig-.- Example of KN-curves

In figure 3 a typical form of the statical stability curve is presented

I C u od Curature (Point of Centniftexure)

0 15i 30o 450 600 750

11g3.- Statical stability curve

If a vessel's rolling is limited to small amplitudes the equations
producing a linear relationship between the righting arm (GZ) of motion can be simplified,
and the initial transverse metacentric
height (GM). Thus the metacentric height can be used as a static
stability criterion at small angles
of inclination. GM can be determined from an inclining
experiment, for which the vessel's
displacement must be known.


The sizes of fishing vessels range from small fishing boats with
to large factory vessel with a large number of crew and the masters a crew of often only two,
of the various vessels have, in
general, very different qualifications, particulary in their knowledge
of stability. This might be the
reason that Administrations have establised different types of stability
regulations for fishing vessels.
In some countries guidance for fishermen is issued advising the
fishermen with small boats
and without any knowledge of theoretical stability, how the
vessel shouls be handled in orden to
navigate safely from the stability point of view.

Most frequently, however, the masters not only of fishing vessels

with stability :.idormation covering the standard loading conditions. but of ship are provided
This lknd of information enables
the masters to judge, without any calculation, the stability of
the vessel by comparing the actual
loading condition with a similar standard loading condition.

The standard loading conditions are usually the departure condition to and
grounds and arrival condition at home port with full catch. In addition from fishing
to this, in certain regulations
some of the following loading conditions are envisaged:

Light conditions of the vessel with permanent ballast

Partially loaded condition on fishing grounds

Worst operating condition

Worst condition when the vessel is iced

Arrival condition after short voyage, i.e., full catch and considerable
amount of fuel and
stores remaining

Fully loaded condition with deck load,

Fully loaded condition with or without deck load, but with full
net hanging outboards
In addition to the standard loading conditions, it is sometimes
provided with all the necessary data enabling him to calculate required that the master is
the stability of his vessel for an actual
loading condition, if he so desire&

In order to achive uniform interpretation of the righting lever curves

detailed regulations are sometimes prescribed for the assumption of various vessels,
of the effectiveness of the

4am 1.6
bouyancy of superstructures and hatches when calculating the cross curves of stability, as well as

details of the stability calculation methods to provide the necessary degree of accuracy in the results.

Stability criteria can be clasified into three categories:

(i) Criteria which are based on the comparison of certain heeling lever curves with the
righting lever curves of the vessel,

(2) Criteria which depend on the comparison of standard values of stability parameters
with the actual values on the righting lever curves, and

(3) Criteria which use simple formulae for GM or freeboard as function of certain
geometric properties of the vessel.

Only very few countries have criteria of the first category for fishing vessels. According to
these regulations, it is assumed that the vessel is struck beannhip by the wind. The stability of the
vessel is proved sufficient when the heeling moment is not greater than the righting moment.

The most common method of judging the stability of a fishing vessel is the method (2),
namely, the comparison of standard values of certain stability parameters with the coresponding
values for a particular vessel. The most common parameters are the righting lever at a certain angle
of heel, the metacentric height and the angle of vanishing stability or the dynamical stability.

In some countries, the third category of criteria is applied in the judgement of stability of
small boats normally built without hydrostatic curves.


One of the main tasks in the studies conducted by IMO (International Maritime Organization)
were to establish international stability criteria as may appear neccesary. Having analysed and
compared various stability criteria contained in the national regulations, the following five
parameters were chosen for further study as possible basis for stability criteria for fishing vessels:

(1) Initial metacentric height, GM

(2) Maximum righting arm, GZ
(3) Angle of heel at maximum righting ann, 8,
(4) Angle of vanishing stability, e,, and
(5) Angle of heel at which the edge of upper deck immerses,8fe

In this connection, it was assumed that the tangent of em was equal to the freeboard divided
by half the breadth of the vessel.

Using the results of the studies of national stability requierements and of analysis of intact
stability casuality records, the five parameters were carefully examined and applied to a number of
ships. Based on this work and on personal experience and judgment of experts, the following
parameters and numerical values were proposed for further study:

LOWa 1.6
(1) A value for the righting lever GZ of at least 0.20 m. should
be attained at some angle

of heel between 300 and 400.

(2) The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of
heel not below 300.
(3) The initial metacentric height GMK should not be less than
0.40 m.
(4) The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should
not by less than 0.055
metre-radians up to 0- 300 angle of heel and not less than
0.09 metre- radians up to
o = 400.
(5) The angle of heel at which the deck edge innimerses (Ofd)
should not be less than
12,500 for flush-decked vessels.
It is worth metioning that the influence of parameter 66j,
(the angle of heel at which the deck
edge innimerses), was regarded as fundamental concerning
the safety of fishing vessels at sea.
Special attention should be paid to the study of this parameter, taking into account the
influence of
In the light of the data available, it was not considered possible
to indicate a numerical value
for the angle of vanishing stability, O.
As the results of the wide applications of the recommended
in 1968 the IMO Assembly adopted the first Recommendation
numerical values given above,
containing recomended stability criteria for fishing vessels on Intact Stability of Fishing Vessels,
together with a number of other related
recommended practices.

4.1.- Recommended Criteria.

4.1.1.- The following criteria were recommended for fishing

(a) The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should
not be less than 0.055
metre-radians up to 0-302 angle of heel and not less than
0.09 metre-radians up to
0-400 of the angle of flooding 01 if this angle is less than
Additionally, the area under the righting lever curve (GZ
curve) between the angles
of heel of 300 and 400 or between 300 and O 8 if
this angle is less than 400, should
not be less than 0.03 metre-madians,

(b) The righting lever GZ should be a least 0.20 m. at an angle

of heel equal to or
greater than 300.
(c) The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel
preferably exceeding 3UP
but not less than 250.

(d) The initial metacentric height GM( should not be les than
0.35 m.

Lasm 1.6
4.1.2.- The criteria mentioned in 3.1.1.- fix minimum values, but no maximum values are
recomended. It is advisable to avoid excessive values, since these might lead to acceleration
forces which could be prejudicial to the ship, itd complement, its equipment and to the safe
carriage of the cargo.

4.1.3.- Where anti-rolling devices are installed in a ship the Administration should be satisfied that
the above criteria can be maintained when the devices are in operation.

4.1.4.- The adoption by individual countries of simplified criteria which apply such basic stability
values to their own types and classes of vessels is recognized as a practical and valuable
method of economically judging the stability.

4.1.5.- A number of influences such as beam wind on ship with large windage area, icing of
topsides, water trapped on deck rolling characteristics, following seas, etc., adversely affect
stability and the Administration is advised to take these into account so far as is deemed

The criteria indicated in paragraph 4.1.1 ar presented in the figure 4.


:P.055mr 0.30


GZ maxzy 300

FigA.- Stability Criteria

4.2.-Stability Criteria (TorTmolinos Convention, Lfl).

The above criteria ar slightly different from the criteria included on the Chapter MI
of the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977, that are the

Lmn IA
Regulation 28

Stability Criteria
(1) The foliowing minimum stabilitycriteriashall be met unless the Adminiranton is satisfied that
operating experience
justifies deparTures therefrom:

(a) the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) shall not be less than 0.055 merre-radians
up to
30 degrees angle of heel and nor less than 0.090 merre-radiansup to 40 degrees or the angle
flooding Of if this angle is less than 40 degrees Additionally, the area under the gtiring lever
(GZ curve) between the angles of heel of 30 degrees and 40 degrees or between 30 degrees
and 0,d
if this angle is less than 40 degrees shall not heel at which openings in the hull superstructure
deckhouses which cannot rapidly be closed watertight commence to inmmerse. In applying
criterion,small opening through which progresrive,flooding cannot take place need not be considered
as open;

(b) the rightinglever GZ shall be at least 200 millimetres aw an angle of heel equal to or greater
than 30

(C) the maximum righting lever GZ. shall at an angle of heel preferably exceding 30 degrees but not
less than 25 degrees;
(d) the initial mezacenuric height GM shall not be less than 350 millimetres for single deck vessels
vesseLs with complete superstructure or vessels of 70 metres in length and over the metacentmc
may reduced to the satisf&ction of the Admininirationbut in no cas shall be less than 150 millimetres

(2) Where arrangements other than bilge keels are provided to limit the angles of roll, the
Administranon shall be
satisfied that the stability criteriagiven in paragraph (1) are maintained in all operating conditions

(3) Where ballast is provided to ensure compliance with paragraph (1) its nature and
arragement shall be to the
saniactwn of the Administraion.

Reakaoe 29

looding of Fub-holds
The angle of heel at which progresiveflooding offish-holds could oaurrthrough hatches which
remain open
duringfishing operations and which cannot rapidly be closed shall be at Leas 20 degrees unless
the stability criteria
of Regulation 28(1) can be satmvd with respectivefish-holds partiallyor completely flooded.

Rquligdo 30
Puazcular Fishiing Methods
Vessels engaged in particularmethods where additionaleiernalforcesare imposed on the vessel during
operaton&shall meet the staUlty criteria of Regulation 28(1) increaw• if neccesry, to the aiufaction of the

Rqgulaffe. 31

Seve Wind and Rolling

Vessels shall be able to wirhan4 to the naipfcon ofthe Administration, the effrec ofsewre wind and
in associaedsea conditions tahug acoun ot the seasonal weather conditions. the sea staes
in which the vessel will
operate, the type of vessel and iu mode of operario 1.6
Regulation 32

Water on Deck

Vessels shall be able to withstand, to the satisfaction of the Adminitration , the effect of water on deckt tabAng
account of the seasonal weather conditions, the sea sares in which the vessel will operate, the type of vessel and ts
mode of operation.


In 1965 the INO Subcommitte on Safety of Fishing Vessels discussed the problem whether
the forces induced by fishing gear were dangerous for stability of fishing vessels or not. The main
practical purpose of the discussion was to assertain (or to reject) the necessity of the specific
stability criterion for such vessels. After the brief investigation the Subcommitte felt that there was
no need to establish any special stability criterion for fishing vesssels subject to the action of fishing
gear. The main reasons for such a conclusion were the following:

o The general stability criteria should provide an adequate safety for any vessel navigating in
stormy weather and suject to the full force of wind and waves.

o The heeling forces applied to the fishing vessels by the fishing gear were time mentioned
above rather small as compared with the adverse effect of wind and waves. Therefore, any
vessel capable to withstand the weather condition may be considered as safety one during
fishing, the more so, as the fishing operations were never perfomed under the worst weather
conditions. That is why there was no need to asume the combined adverse effect of the
weather and fishing gear forces.

o The statistics of ship wrecks and the Intact Stability Casuality Records collected by RAO
confirmed that capsizing of fishing vessels due to the fishing gear effect had ocurred very
seldom. In opinion of the Subcommitte in exclusive cases it was preferably, to provide some
protective measures, for instance, to include into construction of fishing gear or deck
machinery some devices which should release the vessel from the excessive pull of the
fishing gear.

That is why at that time no special stability criterion was elaborated for such a situation:
"Fishing Vessel in still water under the action of fishing gear pull'.

Nevertheless, it was clear that all above mentioned considerations were valid only for the
time they were expressed.

The interest in the problem of stability of fishing vessels operating with fishing gear arised
again recently owing to the growth of the power of the main engines and fishing deck machinery
on small and medium-sized fishing vessels.

This problem was recommended for investigation by Resolution 2 of Torremolinos

Convention, 1977.

Lew 1.6
5.1.- Situations Considered.

In addition to the usual evaluation of stability in accordance

with chapter M of Convention,
1977 in the following two assumptive situations can be considered.

Situaion AA vessel is standing in still water and is hauling

way (Fig. 5) that the forces induced by the fishing in the fishing gear in such a
gear are not rotating the vessel around the
vertical axis. It is assumed too that tha angle between the
vertical and the vector of force (angle e,
fig. 5) may vary in the broad range and its value may correspond
to the most dangerous (maximal)
heeling moment.

FIg. 5.- Situation A.

Sinuzti. The vessel is towing the fishing gear which may catch
obstacle. It is assumed that the pull of wires is applied on some underwater
to the vessel stemward from the vessel's
centre of gravity and this pu-l is not in the centre plane of the vessel. Therefore
propeller and the pull of the fishing gear produce the moment the thrust of the
rotating the vessel around the vertical
Such a sittion is rather usual for the side trawle Itnmay ocurr for the stem trawlers, while
one of the two wires is torn off.

If one attempts to make the trawl free of the obstacle with the
vessel starts the circular motion. Little by little this motion thrust of the propeller, the
is to become stable with constant speed
U, radius R and forces (Fig. 6).

This situation is proposed as the second assumptive situation.

La 1.6

Fig.6. Situation B

52.- Suggested Stability Criteria and Standards for the Two Assumptive Situations.
Situation A

The following relation is proposed as a stability criterioz


Hemre =-- heelhingarm forsituatonA;

- maximal possible heeling moment produced by the fishing gear pulh

A - displacement of the vesel under a specified condition loading;

Litm 1.6
1,. - permissible heeling arm.

The heeling arm l• = - [Y. 2 + (Z, - d)i]"L 2 [3]

Here F., is the greatest nominal pull which may be transmitted to the fishing gear from the
fishing hauling deck machinery (winches, power, blocks, etc.);

A is the vessel's displacement under the specified condition of loading.

Y. is the distance between the centre plane and the point A which from the tackle comes off
the vessel, fig. 7.

Zn is the distance between tha base plane and the same point A.
d is the mean dmft of the vessel under the specified condition of loading.


FIg.7.- Point A (Situation B)

kt is suggested to take the stability righting lever at the angle of heel 10O as a permissible
value of heeling arm. If the angle of deck immersion 8Om 102 the stability righting lever
should be taken instead of righdig arm at 8- 10.

km IA
This suggestion is based on the practical experience: all the fish holds hatches may be open
during the fishing operation and it would be dangerous to have the angles of heel greater than 102
or efd. Besides it is difficult and even dangerous for fishermen to work on the slippery deck at the
greater angles of heel.

The requeriment

>z [4]

provides the absence of dangerous angles of heel during the usual hauling of the fishing gear in.

The situation B may be treated as an emergency one. Therefore the statical angle of heel
may be adopted as a stability criterion. This angle is to be limited according to the inequality.

8, •< 8p= [5]

Here 8, is the utmost permissible statical angle of heel.

The reasonable limitation of the statical angle of heel should contain some reserve to
compensate the possible rolling of the vessel. It is suggested to adopt the permissible angle of heel
as the least of the two value:

8perm, - e. -10"

Operm2 - e,, [6]

Here O, is the angle of heel corresponding to the maximum of the stability curve; Ofd is the
least of the angles of flooding which are to be determined on the assumption that all the doomi and
hatches are open except for those which are to be only in harbour.

The statical angle of heel e0is to be determined as an abscissa of the intersection point of
the stability curve and the heeling arm curve (fig. 8)

L1a. L6

Fig. 6.- Determination of 8,

The heeling arm value for the situation B may be approximately calculated at any angle
heel by formula:
Ib - p - (f(L.) cos P [(Z - d)sin8 + Y.cose] + 1/2 sin2p [(Z. - d)ccs8 + YsinO]J

In this formula.
p- is the specific propeller thrus (the tust produced by I b.h.p.). The following p -
values may be adopted-
p - 0,010 t/bt.p. for usual propeller and
p - 0,015 t/b.h.p. for the propellers in the nozzles;

Ne - is the nominal power of the main engine;

A - is the vessels displacement under the specified condition of loading.

p- is the angle between the centre plane of a vessel and the straight line drawn through
the centre of gravity, (point G at Fig. 7) and the point A which from the tackle
comes off the vessel;

f(Lw) - [81

H. - is the depth of water in the place of trawling;

L, - is the wire length outboard.

The other symbols (Y., Z, d) were explained in connection with formula [3].

As far as the function f(L..) grows infinitely as the length of wire is shortened it is necessary
to introduce some conditional value of the function f(L,) for the stability evaluation. f(L,)= 1.8.
It corresponds to the ratio can be assume the value.
- - 1.15

But as far as some errors are possible the masters of vessels should be informed that in any
case stability of vessels is not guaranteed if the L,, is less than 1.5 H., in this situation.


The ability of the vessel to wihitstand the effect of gusts severe winds and rolling should be
demostrated using dynamic wing heeling moment taking into consideration the rolling angle due to
waves. The criterion for adequate stability under these circumstances should show that the work
done by the dynamic heeling moment M. (area 'a' in Fig. 9 or the area under the corresponding
heeling arm curve) caused by wind pressure in the worst operating condition, taking into account
the rolling angle, is equal to or less than the work done by the excess restoring arm).

area W
The ratio C., - should not be less than unity.
area 'a'

The wind force on every exposed lateral part of the vessel's side is assumed to have the same
direction as the wind and to act at a height above the water level equal to the height of the centred
of the projected area of the part in question.

In the annex 1 the NAO Resolution A.562(14) is included. It is a "Recomendation on a

severe wind and rolling criterion (wheather criterion) for the intact stability of passanger and cargo
ships of 24 metres in length and over.

Lat= LA
W- %rorGZ .•
MVw, or :Mwz,__


Mig. 9.- Me=- of Wind and Rolling

This Recomendation can be extended to the fishing vessels and Its content is in accordance
to the guidance included in the attachment 3 of the Torremolinos International Convention. 1977.


The ability Of the vessel to withstand the heeling effect due to the presence of water on deck
should be demostrated by a quasi-static method. with reference to Fig. 10, when the following
condition is satisfied with the vessel in the wort• operating condition (le the condition of loading
with the lowest metacent-ic height): 6. 1,

area Vb
Ratio C,, - should not be less than unity
area Va

Angle which limits area Vb should be e,, or 402, having regard to the type of vessel, area of
operation and inene service.

The value of the heeling moment M., (or the cotesonding heeling arm) due to the
Presence of water on deck should be determined assuming that the deck well is filled to the top of
the bulwark at its lowest point and the vessel heeled up to the angle at which this point is immersed.
For the determination of M.. the following formula should be used:


= static heeling moment due to water on deck

K = coefficient

(a) If M,,.d is determined by a static approach. K = 1.0 may be applied.

(b) If M. is determined by a quasi-static approach, then K may take into account the
roiling period of the vessel and the dynamic effect of the water flow, including the
effect of the disposition and configuration of deck wells and deckhouses. The value
of M should be satisfactory, taking into account the type of vessel, area of operation,
etc. For vessels where the angle of deck edge immersion OD (10r - 150) or the angle
of bulwark top immersion 01 (200 - 25"), K > 1.0 may applied. For 8 D > 20 °,
es > 300, K < 1.0 may be applied.

When calculating M. the following assumptions should be made:

(i) the vessel is in upright condition: .

(ii) during heeling, trim and displacement axe constant and equal to the values for vessel
without the water on deck,
(iii) the effect of freeing ports should be ignored.

Mwoc o z = Mwod

< aMr or GZ fiMr



11.10.- Effects of Water on Deck


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