Ice Formation May Also Ocurt in Condition of Snowfall, Sea Fog Including Arctic Sea Smoke

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The above provisions may adjusted, taking into account the seasonal weather conditions and

sea states in the areas in which the vessels will operate, the type of vessel and its mode of operation.

In order to reduce the effects of free surface on the stability of stem trawlers, arrangements
shall be provided to contain loose water where it is likely to accumulate. This applies to both the
trawl decks and factory decks and the arrangement provided should include the fitting of suitable
coamings and drainage; the safe operation of the vessel and its crew should not be impaired by the
presence of such arrangement.

The factory deck drain pumps and their associated sumps shall be so disposed as to be the
most effective for draining the factory deck These pumps should be readily accesible and the grids
fitted to the factory deck drain pump sumps shall be of such design and arrangement to allow an
easy flow of water to the pumps. The instructions issued to the skipper should include the following.

(a) the water supply to the factory for processing machinery shall be turned off when
operations terminate

(b) the quantty of slack water in the vessel shall be kept to a minium and not allowed
to accumulate.


The skipper of a fishing vessel should bear in mind that ice formation is a complicated
process which depends upon meteorological conditions, condition of loading and behaviour of the
vessel in stormy weather as well as on the size and location of superstructures and rigging. The
most commom cause of ice formation is the deposit of water droplets on the vessel's structure.
These droplets come from spray driven from wave crests and from ship-generated spray.

Ice formation may also ocurt in condition of snowfall, sea fog including arctic sea smoke,
a drastic fall in ambient temperature, as well as from the freezing of drops of rain on impact with
the vessel's structure.

Ice formation may sometimes be caused or accentuated by water shipped on board and
retained on deck.

Intensive ice formation generaUy ocurrs on stem, bulwark and bulwark rail, front walls of
superstructures and deckhouses, hawse holes, anchors, deck gear, forecastle deck and upper deck,
freeing ports, aerials, stays, shrouds, masts and spars.

It should be borne in mind that most dangerous areas as far as ice formation is concerned
are the sub-Arctic regions.

The most intensive ice formation takes place when wind and sea come from ahead. In beam
and quartering winds, ice accumulates quicker on the windward side of the vessel, thus leading to
a constant list which is extremely dangerous.

Listed below are meteorological conditions causing the most commom type of ice formation
due to spraying of a vessel. Examples of the weight of ice formation on a typical fishing vessel of
dispiacement in the range 100 to 500 tons is also given. For larger vessels the weight will be
correspondingly greater.

Slow accumulations of ice take place:

- at ambient temperature from -I°C to -3°C any wind force;

- at ambient temperature -4-C and lower and wind force from 0 to 9 m/sec;

- under the conditions of precipitation, fog or sea mist followed by a drastic fall of the
ambient temperature.

Under all these conditions the intensity of ice accumulation may not exced 1.5 t/h.

At ambient temperature of -42C to -82C and wind force 10-15 rn/sec, rapid accumulations
of ice takes place. Under these conditions the intensity of ice accumulation can lie within the range
1.5 to 4 t/h.

Very fast accumulation of ice takes place:

- at ambient temperature of -42C and lower and wind forces of 16 m/sec. and over;

- at ambient temperature -92C and lower and wind force 10 to 15 m/sec.

Under these conditions the intensity of ice accumulation can exceed 4 t/h.

The skipper should bear in mind that ice formation adversely effects the seaworthines of the
vessel as ice formation leads to:

- an increse in the weight of the vessel due to accumulation of ice on the vessel's surfaces
which causes the reduction of freeboard and bouyancy;

- a rise of the vessels centre of gravity due to the highloation of ice on the vessei's
smrctures with corrspoding reduction in the level of stability;

- an increase of windage area due to ice formation on the uppers parts of the vessel and
hence an increase in the heeling moment due to the action of the wind;

- a change of trim due to uneven distribution of ice along the vessel's length;

- the development of a constant list due to uneven distribution of ice acrt= the breadth of
the vessel;

- impairment on the manoeuvrability and reduction of the speed of the vesseL

The ice accretion problem is mentioned on the following Regulation of the Torremolinos

Regulation 34
Ice Accretion

(1) Forvessels operatingin areas where ice accretion is likely to ocurr the following icing
allowance shall be
made in the stability calculations:

(a) 30 kilogrammes per square metre on exposed weather decks and gangways;

(b) Z5 kilogrammes per square metrefor projected lateralarea of each side the vessel above
the water

(c) the projected lateralarea of discontinuoussfaces of rail,spars (except mast) and rigging
of vessels
having no sails and the projected lateral areaof other small objects shall be computed by
the total projected area of continuous sufaes by 5 per cent and the santic moments of this
area by
10 per cera

(2) Vessels irentedfor operation in areas where ice accretion in bown to ocurr shall be:

(a) designed to ninnuze the accretion of ice; and

(b) equipped with such means for removing ice as the Admiraton may require.

It is also included the chart of areas of icing conditions, figure 11.

, W!

Fig. I1.- Areas of Icing

In the detailed calculation of ship icing, the mast of ice and its statical moment relative of
the base plane are determined by summing up the components coresponding to basic groups
of ship
structures. The Russian Register of Shipping multiply the sum thus obtained by the coefficient
which allows for the effect of the protected fore freeboard f, and the ships size.


According to experience the most severe ship spraying, as also ice accretion, ocurrs in head
seas.Therefore the intensity of spraying strongly depends on the height of the protected freeboard
in the bow f.. It is noted that even with a comparatively slight increase in to the intensity of
spraying markeadly decreases.

The coefficient = X (fo, fJL, L/B, L) which is obtainable from the nomogram included (fig.
12) is to be assumed as the design mass of ice.


Another subject to be studied is the well known phenomenon of the decrease of stability of
a ship on a wave crest. A method of approximate determination of the decrease of the righting lever,
derived from various model experiments, which took into account nor only the geometric
proportions of the vessel and the dimension of the wave, but also the speed of the vessel, was

In detail the method is the following.

The righting arm GZ, of a vessel on the crest of a wave can be expresses as a sum:

GZ, = GZ + A GZ [9]


GZ - righting arm in smooth water

A•GZ correction (decrease)of the righting arm due to the change of the water
surface around the vesseL

The correction A GZ is expresed by:

AG Z - -BS A, f,(6) (10]

B = breadth of the vessel

fi(9) - functions prescribing the effect of the ship's form, the effect of the wave
steepness and the Froude number at various angles of heeL The numerical
values are given in table 1.

Le 1.6
A, Quantities expresed by the formulae:

A,2 = 0.208 - B/L As = 0.700 - 81m

A3 = 0.375 - d/B At = 0.692 - 8/0

A4 = d/B - 0.770 A7 = Fr - 0.28


= length of wave

h. = height of wave (from the through to the crest)

L ship's length measured in the actual waterline

d drought amidships

D = depth amidships

a = block coefficient

= waterplane area coefficient

• = midship section area coefficient

Fr = Froude number

If L/B a 7.5, the coefficient f7(8) is asumed to be zero as in these cases, the speed does not

significantly affect the stability.

Ibis method is recomended for vessels withing the range of the following parameters:

14B > 3.1 1.6 < B/D < 3.75

Did > 1.05 0.55 < < 0.85

0.55 < 4p < 0.85 0.22 < Fr < 0.36

Trim not more than: 0.2d to the bow or

0.4d to the stem.

to be not more
The errors of this approximate method for determining AGZ are estimated
than 10 per cent.
LAW 1.6
Angles f,(6)
of heel fJ (B ) f 2 (e) f3 (6) f 4 (6) fs (e) f 6 (e) -------- -----
F:>0.28 Fr<0.28

i0o 0.084 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.027 0 .006 -0.026

200 0.176 0.070 0.024 0.023 0.030 0.045 0.015 -0.069

300 0.310 0.125 0.035 0.037 0.040 0.050 0.026 -0.053
400 0.410 0.150 0.042 0.040 0.048 0.055 0.033 -0 .023

500 0.465 0.160 0.043 0.050 0.053 0.058 0.038 -0.017

Table 1.- Ship's Form Functions

The righting arms curve of the ship situated on the crest shall comply with the following

the iitial metacentric height shall be positive

the maximum value of the righting anrs curve shall be not less than 0.08 m.

the angle of vanishing of the righting arms curve shall be at least 30O.


For small decked vessels, the following appoximate formula for the minium metacentric
height GM. (in metres) for all operating conditions can be used as the criterion.

GM - 0.53+2B 0.075-0.37(f/B)+0.82(f/B)2-0.014(B/D)-0.032(I.L) (11]


L = Length of the vessel in the waterline in maximum load condition (in metres)

l,- Actual length of enclosed superstructure extending from side to side of the vessel (in

B - Extreme breadth of the vessel on the waterline in maximum load condition (in

Lam. IA
D = Depth of the vessel measured vertically amidships from the base line to the top of
the upper deck at side (in metres)

f = Smallest freeboard measured vertically from the top of the upper deck at side to the
actual waterline (in metres).

The formula is applicable for vessels haveing:

(i) f/B between 0.02 and 0.20;

(ii) IJL smaller than 0.60;

(iii) B/D between 1.75 and 2.15;

(iv) sheer fore and aft at least equal to or exceeding the standard sheer prescribed in
Regulation 38(8) of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966;

(v) height of superestructure included in the calculation not less than 1.8 m.

For ship with parameters outside of the above limits the formula should be applied with
special care.

The above formula is not intended as a replacement for the basic WO criteria, but is to used
only if circumstances are such crss curves of stability, KM curve and subsequent GZ curves are
not and cannot be made available for judging a particular vessel's stability.

The calculated value of GMa should be compared with actual GM values of the vessels in
all loading conditions. If a rolling test, an inclining experiment bases on estimated displacement or
another approximate method of determining the actual GM is used, a safety margin should be added
to the calculated GM.,.

GM. may also be determined graphically using the included table fig. 13.


As a general guidance, stability information should contain all (or part of) the following

o Basic characteristics of a ship affecting stability (principal dimensions, etc.)

o Table of stability data and stability curves for typical loading conditions.

o Cargo plans showing the volumes of all spaces (including tanks), the position of their centres
of gravity and the effect of the free surfaces of slack tanks.

o Curves or tables for the determination of the centres of gravity and the volumes of partly
loaded cargo spaces.

r '
'" -
¢ t I

_ - . . •I I'i
I . , / . E EE EE,

2 iTn 5 '
\\* **:,t,,
-- - ---
------ ---
------ --

* 77.
Fllll t=oo

* 7 /1;f .. .__.

• " "" " I I


0:' 0 -v

Fig. 13, .
A':= . . -t S

a Deadweight scale and necessary hydrostatic data.

o Guidance for determining adequacy of stability in any condition of draught and load

o Instructions for a simplified determination of the initial stability by means of the rolling

o Explanatory notes on forms for the master of the ship to enable him to make necessary
stability calculations without any assistance.

o Recommendations concerning measures which should be taken for increasing stability when
necessary (ballasting for example).

More specific instructions for particular types and sizes of ships must be included.


Statistics show that small fishing vessels suffer mon casualties than large vessels and are
more liable to loss of stability. The knowledge of masters of such small vessels in regard to stability
may be rather limited. The great mayority of small fishing vessels am built without lines and plans
and no cross curves are evaluated for them. Therefore, the masters of such vessels are more urgently
in need of simple guidance for easy and quick checking of the stability of their vessels.

With the above in mind, efforts have been concentrated on preparing simple guidance to
fishermen, in order to prevent acccidents due to loss of stability and the following has been agreed

(1) All doorways and other openings through which water can enter into the hul or deck houses,
forecastle, etc. shall be suitably closed in adverse weather conditions and accordingly all
appliances for this purpose shall be maintained on board and in good condition.

(2) Hatchcovers and flush deck scuttles should be kept closed and properly secured when not
in use.

(3) All porthole deadlights should be maintained good condition and securely closed in bad

(4) All fishing gear and other significant weights should be properly stowed and placed as low
as possible.

(5) Particular care should be taken when pull from fishing gear might have a bad effect on
stability, e.g. when nets ar hauled by powerblock or the trawl catches obstructions on the

(6) Gear for releasing deck load in fishing vessels carrying catch on deck, e.g. herring, should
be kept in good working condition for use when necessary.

L .6
(7) Closing appliances provided for freeing ports should always be capable of functioning and
are not to be locked, specially in bad weather.

(8) When the main deck is prepared for the carriage of deck load by division with pound boards,
there should be slots between the latter of suitable size to allow easy flow of water to freeing
(9) Portable divisions in the holds should be properly installed before fish is carried in bulk.

(10) Number of partially filled tanks should always be kept to a minimum.

(11) Any instructions given regarding filling of water ballast tanks should be observed and it
should always be remembered that slack tanks can be dangerous.

(12) Any closing devices provided for vent pipes to fuel tanks should be secured in bad weather.

(13) Reliance on automatic or fixed steering is dangerous as this prevents speedy manoeuvring
which may be needed in bad weather.

(14) Special attention should be given to the danger of following and quartering seas. The speed
should be reduced if excessive heeling or yawing ocurs.

(15) In all conditions of loading, necessary care should be taken to maintain a seaworthy

(16) Special attention should be given to icing of a vessel. The icing should be reduced by all
possible means.

Although most of the above points are already known by experienced fishermen, it was
recommended that all fishermen should be informed on them. It has been further recommended that
these suggestions should be included by fishery schools in their taining of fishermen.


We have seen the stability of fishing vessel as the main component of the safety and several
aspects have been analized criteria, effect of fishing gear, severe wind and rolling, effect of water
on deck, ice accretion and the stability in following seas.

The need for safety at sea is just as great as it is ashore on in the air. But at sea, the most
imminent dangers would seem to come from the sea itself, combined with wind and storm and other
natural elements, which are immesurably distructive. The records of losses at sea point out, on a
comparative basis, that the faces on nature are no more responsible than the failings of crew. In this
aspect, information to be supplied to master have been also included.

But we must recall that the fishings vessel safety is a task that corresponds to all: owners,
skippers and Administration and everyone must do his best to achieve this goaL

Leam I-A
Appendix I


In the previous paragraphs the stability has been presented in a traditional and practical point
of view, a deterministic way.

Nevertheless, experimental and theorical research in vessel motions indicate that transverse
stability evaluations which ar based upon the static heeling characteristics of a vessel and upon
linear equations of motion are inadequate. In order to evaluate the dymanic stability of small vessels
in large amplitude forced rolling the vessel must be treated as an oscillating dynamic system.
Nonlinearities in the restoring moment and roll damping moments must be taken into account in
evaluating the stability of the rolling equations. The complicated nature of the excitation from
random waves and winds adds to the difficulties of the tratment.

There are a number of known formulations of the equations of motion of a rolling vessel.
However, all of the forms used in the dynamical approach have several features in common. These

o Nonlinearity of the restoring moment.

o Nonlinearity of the damping moment.
o Nonhomogeneity (the existence of a forcing function).

The truly dynamical approach to transverse stability requires that this nonlinear,
nonhomogeneous equation of motion be dealt with directly. However, them is no known analytical
solution to this equation even in its simplest homogeneous form. Since serious research into the
transverse stability of ships in a dynamical, nonlinear context began in the 1970's, three principal
approaches have emerged.

o Energy based boundedness evaluation using Lyapunov techniques.

In 1904 Lyapunov proposed an energy-based technique for general analysis of the stability
of solutions of differential equations which has been widely used in evaluating the stability of
nonlinear physical systems. Although the equation of motion was not solved in the time domain the
boundednesm of the solution was established in the phase domain. The limitations
application of the Lyapunov method to the general problem of vessel stability, in particular to small
craft stability are:

a) The magnitude of the exciting function in at-sea conditions may exceed the capabilities of
the Luapunov method.
b) Coupling of roll to other motions is neglected.
c) The added mass moment of inertia for large angle rolling may be angle dependent,
further complicates the analysis.
damping may
d) Standard formulations for the damping function may be inadequate and the
be angle dependent.

e) Exciting forces other than simple sea surface slope may be important, especially
in large and
breaking waves.

o Direct Numerical Time-Domain Simulation of Motions.

Another major approach to stability evaluation for nonlinear dynamic systems

is direct
numerical solution. This method has the advantage of being mathematically straightforward
being able to handle any exciting function including complicated wave spectra. There
are limitations
connected with the use of this method, however:

a) The reliability of a stability assesment based on numerical modelling is never perfect

increases with the number of different excitation test conditions. With the increase
computational speed a better coverage of range of excitation with be possible of
that will
increase the statisfical reliability.
b) Considerable complications are introduced if the coupling between roll and other
is taken into account.
c) Uncertainly about the accuracy of present roll damping models for extreme motions
smaller vessels limits the reliability.
d) Numerical motion simulation programs, once restricted by the limits of slender-ship
strip theory, have been extended to more general applicability and sophistication. However,
factors such as water on deck, bulwark submergence within the range of stability,
and wave
impact forces may be of critical importance in the capsizing of the smaller fishing
e) The effects of accumulated errors in numerical time-domain simulations of nonlinear
may cause errors in evaluating the limits of rolling motion in random waves.

Despite the limitations of numerical simulations, present trends indicate that

modelling will become a more important part of the process of stability assesment, numerical
both in the
design phase and for vessels at sea.

o Perturbation Techniques

Evaluation of the stability of the rolling equation using multiscale perturbation

was proposed recently by Curdo and Trincas. Perturbations techniques are capable techniques
of handling
random excitations.

Lam 1.6
Annex 1
eRCANIZATION v 16 January 1986
Original: EUGL!SH

ASSEMBLY - l1th session IMO

Agenda item 10(b)

adopted on 20 November 1985




RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime

Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to
regulations and guidelines concerning maritime, safety,

RECALLING ALSO resolution A.l67(ES.tV) a amended by resolution

A.206(VII) entitled "Recommendation on Intact Stability for Passenger and
Cargo Ships under 100 Metres in Langtb", -"

NOTING that in resolution A.l67(CU.IV) the Maritime Safety Coanittee had

been requested to continue studies on improved stability criteria,

RECOGNIZING the need to. establish intornational standards for a weather

criterion for passenger and cargo ships of 24 metres in length and over,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recomendations made by the Maritime Safety

Comittee at its fifty-first session,

1. ADOPTS the Recommendation on a Severs Wind and Rolling Criterion (Weather

Criterion) for the Intact Stability of Passenger and Cargo Ships of 24 Metres
in Length and Over, the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present
resolution and which is also recommended for fishing vessels of 45 metres in
length and over in unrestricted service;


For ,esons ot sconomv. ttid oclfet imisntd in a "buedo nuffl. Oeiegate.,

3rI kt'ONtv sked tO bWWq tile COVntS Idenas ida
ft o 3U55 ididMs ins8oC'I
A 14/Res.562 - 2-

2. INVITES all Governments concerned to take steps to give effect to

recommendation as soon as Possible, unless they are -fully satisfied
that their
national stability requirements supported by long operating experience
adequate stability for particular types and sizes Of ships.

NOTING that weather criteria were previously adopted for dynamically
supported craft in resolution A.373(X) as well as for mobile offshore
units in resolution A.414(xI) and that a weather criterion for fishing
is also given in recommendation 1 of attachment 3 to the Final Act of
International Conference on Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977;

REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to continue to develop improved

and additional stability criteria and to review the weather criteria
particular types of craft referred to in the above paragraph, in particular
for fishing vessels under 45 metres in length, with a view to any possible
harmonization which may be achieved between them and to report to the Assembly
in due course.
- 3 - A 14/Res.562




(rectmended also for fishing vessels of 45 m

in length and over in unrestricted service)

I Scope

1.1 The criterion given hereunder is recommended for new decked seagoing
passenger and cargo ships of 24 m in length and over and applies to all
loading conditions.

1.2 This criterion supplements the stability criteria of the Recommendation

on Intact Stability for Passenger and Cargo Ships under 100 m in Length in
resolution A.167(ES.IV) as amended by resolution A.206(VII). The more
stringent criteria of resolution A.167(ES.IV) and the weather criterion of the
present Recommendation should govern the minimum requirements for passenger or
cargo ships under 100 m in length.

1.3 The minimum stability of passenger and cargo ships of 100 a in length and
over should comply with the weather criterion of the present Recommendation in
addition to other appropriate stability criteria to the satisfaction of the

1.4 Administrations are invited to adopt, in conjunction with other

appropriate criteria, the weather criterion of the present Recommendation
unless satisfied that experience justifies departures therefrom.
A 14/Res.56-2 - 4-

2 Recommended criterion

2.1 The ability of a ship to withstand the combined 'effects

of beam wind and
rolling should be demonstrated for each standard condition
of loading, with
reference to the figure, as follows:

.1 The ship is subjected to a steady wind pressure acting

to the ship's centreline which results in a steady
wind heeling
lever (4w1)

.2 From the resultant angle of equilibrjum (98), the Ship

is assumed
to roll owing to wave action to an angle of roll (01
windward. Attention should be paid to the effect of steady wind
that excessive resultant angles of heel are avoided.*

.3 The ship is then subjected to a gust wind pressure which results

a gust wind heeling lever (6 ).

.4 Under these circumstances, area "b" should be equal to or greater

than area "a"

.5 Free surface effects should be accounted for in the

conditions of loading, e.g. according to appendix
1 to
resolution A.167(Es.lV).

* The angle of heel under action of steady wind (eO) should be limited to
a certain antle to the satisfaction of the Administration.
As a guide,
160 or 80Z of the angle of deck edge immersion, whichever
is less, is
- 5 - A j4/Rea.562

50 Anz!e of heel

Figure - Severe wind and rolling

The angles in the above figure are defined as follows:

so - angle of heel under action of steady wind (see 2.1.2 and.footnote)

01 - angle of roll to windward due to wave action

02 a angle of dovnflooding (Of) or 50" or B. whichever is less,


Of - angle of heel at which openings in the hull,

superstructures or decthouses which cannot be closed
veatbertight imerse. In applying this criterion, small
openings through which progressive flooding cannot take
place need not be considered as open.

c -a angle of second intercept between wind heeling lever 6`2

and GZ curves.
A 14/Res.562 - 6 -

2.2 The wind heeling levers iw 1 and 0.12 referred to in 2.1.1 and 2.1.3
are constant values at all angles of inclination and should be calculated as

SP.AZ (m) and

6w 2 = 1.5t (m)W

where: P = 0.0514 (t/m 2)*

A - projected lateral area of the portion of the ship and deck

cargo above the waterline (m2)
Z = vertical distance from the centre of A to the centre of the
underwater lateral area or approximately to a point at one
half the draught (W)

A - displacement Wt).

2.3 The angle of roll (Cl)**referred to in 2.1.2 should be calculated as


01 - l09k-Xl'X 2 477 (degrees)

where: X 1 = factor as shown in table I

X2 - factor as shown in table 2

It factor as follows:

K - 1.0 for round-bilged ship having no bilge or bar keels;

it- 0.7 for a ship having sharp bilges;

ILa as shown in table 3 for a ship having bilge Keels, a

bar keel or both

r - 0.73 1 0.6 iG/d

with: OG - distance between the centre of gravity and
the waterline (W) (+ if centre of gravity
is above the waterline, - if it is below)

d - mean moulded draught of the ship Wm)

= factor as shown in table 4.

* The value of P used for ships in restricted service may be reduced

subject to the approval of the Administration.

** The angle of roll for ships provided with antirolling devices should be
determined without taking into account the operation of these devices.
- 7 - A 14/Res.562

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4

Values of factor X1 Values of factor X 2 Values of factor k Values of factor s

B/d X1 CB X2 Rk.1O0 T s
___ I_ _ I_ L*B I I _ __

42.4 1.0 40.45 0.75 0 1.0 $6 0.100

2.5 0.98 0.50 0.82 1.0 0.98 7 0.098

2.6 0.96 0.55 0.89 1.5 0.95 8 0.093

2.7 0.95 0.60 0.95 2.0 0.88 12 0.065

2.8 0.93 0.65 0.97 2.5 0.79 14 0.053

2.9 0.91 a0.70 1.0 3.0 0.74 16 0.044

3.0 0.90 3.5 0.72 18 0.038

3.1, 0.88 4.0 0.70 ;20 0.035

3.2 0.86

3.3 0.84

3.4 0.82

>3.5 0.80

(Intermediate values in tables 1-4 should be obtained by linear interpolation.)

Rolling period T - 2 C.B (seconds)

where: C - 0.373 + 0.023 (B/d) - 0.043 UL/t00).

The symbols in the above tables and formula for the rolling period are defined
as follows:

L waterline length of the ship (W)

B = moulded breadth of the ship (M)

d = mean moulded draught of the ship (a)

C B - block coefficient

AK = total overall area of bilge keels, or area of the lateral projection

of the bar keel, or sun of these areas (m2)

GM = metacentric height corrected for free surface effect (m).

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