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Q1) Mark whether true or false [5]

a) The author offered to start an English class in Bashka Voda. false

b) Aida was asked to be the interpreter for the author in the classes they true
conducted in Bashka Voda.

c) Suleman Ahmer asked a few girls, who were dressed inappropriately, to false
leave the class.

d) There were around 100 people in the concentration camp that the writer false
was dragged to.

e) The author explained the existence of God through the example of a remote false

Q2) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
What struck me the most was not the physical suffering, but the lack of luster in those sunken eyes.
The eyes spoke of despair and utter helplessness. I had met with war-injured who were in greater
pain but their eyes had sparkled with hope. But these were the eyes of the captives with little
chance of freedom and little hope. That day I truly realized what it meant to be a prisoner of war.
And what it meant to be free.

a) Identify three phrases or sentences which the writer has used in the passage above to represent a
feeling of misery? [3]

1) Lack of luster in those sunken eyes

2) The eyes spoke of despair and utter helplessness.

3) Their eyes sparkled with hope.

b) What did it mean to be free for the author? [2]

Freedom to the author, meant that you were free to be able to do in what you believed in, to be able
to accomplish, to achieve and to plan by your will. To him freedom meant more than just a mere word,
it meant to be able to eat, laugh, sleep when you wished and to be able to cry when you chose to. It
meant to belive in what you wish and to worship whom you chose to, and worship them where and
when you wanted to.

c) Identify two specific beliefs which Muslim soldiers used to motivate themselves in the chapter,
“The Embattled Innocence”? (2)



d) In the beginning of the first paragraph of the chapter “The Embattled Innocence”, how does
the writer use the tool of language to depict horror of war? Identify four words/ phrases and
explain why you think it has the impact of horror and dread.

1. The author is using the tool of language to depict horror of war, in the second line he
describes the the caucuses mountains looming up ahead as dark masses huddled together.
The darkness signifies that the mountains were an uncomfortable place where war had
grasped the area terrorizing it and its inhabitants.

2. The writer has also described the night of April 26, 1995 as cold and dark. It was on this
night that the author was making his journey. The terms dark and cold describe the night
both literally and figuratively. The Author can feel that the place they were headed to was a
victim of war and not a place to be, The word dark also implies that the author was
unknown,uncertain and hesitant of the task that lay ahead him.

4. ________________________________________________________________________


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