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For the fulfilment of my activity in Community Health Nursing, I conducted an
interview regarding the Sustainable Developmental Goals that are related to the
activities implemented in our community. Mr. Rodel Calura, one of the barangay
kagawad, help me answer all the questions that I’ve given. I conducted this interview by
December 17, 2021 at their house in San Pedro, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.
My main question is that “Are there any activities or programs implemented here
in our community to have a clean, peaceful environment?”, he answered that there are
various activities or programs that are implemented in our community, and these are:
For cleanliness, we have a twice a week trash disposal so that people in the community
won’t be spreading trashes anywhere. We also have a weekly clean up drive; We
assigned the tanods to have “ronda” or night patrol to maintain peace and to prevent
criminality; There are also CCTV’s installed in the barangay hall, this is to monitor who
came in and out in the barangay hall; We also assigned tanods to have duties in
funerals especially at night to ensure peace and to inspect any form of gambling; We
also have gulayan; We have lots of facemasks and face shields in the barangay hall
and anyone can come get facemasks and shields for free if they don’t have any. All
these programs were under the Sustainable Developmental Goals. These programs
were implemented when we had a new barangay captain last 2019 and those programs
were still active up to now. I asked him the last question “Do you think the goal of the
program was met?” and he stated that Yes, I can proudly say that the goal of all the
programs implemented was met as we maintained peace and order in our community.
Kudos to my fellow workers for doing such a great job and working hard in this activities.
Even I can clearly see that our barangay had improved throughout the years. It is
nice to have a clean, green and healthy environment where you don’t have to worry any
problem in your community. These programs will still run as long as the people in the
community will always be responsible.

Are there any activities or programs implemented here in our community to have
a clean, peaceful environment?
A. If there are, what are those programs?
- For cleanliness, we have a twice a week trash disposal so that people in the
community wont we spreading trashes anywhere. We also have a weekly
clean up drive. – SDG6
- We assigned the tanods to have “ronda” or night patrol to maintain peace and
to prevent criminality. – SDG 12
- There are also CCTV’s installed in the barangay hall, this is to monitor who
came in and out in the barangay hall. – SDG16
- We also assigned tanods to have duties in funerals especially at night to
ensure peace and to inspect any form of gambling. – SDG16
- We also have gulayan. – SDG2 & SDG3
- We have lots of facemasks and face shields in the barangay hall and anyone
can come get facemasks and shields for free if they don’t have any – SDG3
B. When was it implemented?
- It was implemented when we had our new barangay captain last 2019
C. What is the status of the program now?
- It is still ongoing to ensure peaceful environment
D. Do you think the goal of the program was met?
- Yes, I can proudly say that the goal of all the programs implemented was met
as we maintained peace and order in our community. Kudos to my fellow
workers for doing such a great job and working hard in this activities.

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