Me Summer 2020

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.




Subject Code:3722021 Date: 29/10/2020

Subject Name: Design of Bridge Structures
Time: 02:30 AM To 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. IRC codes and Pigeaud’s curves are permitted.
5. Adopt M30 grade of concrete and Fe 500 grade of steel, until otherwise specified.
6. Draw neat and clean figures with pencils only.

Q.1 A pier supports the deck forming a major highway. Plan dimensions of pier are 14
3 m x 8.5 m. H.F.L. is at 9 m. Width of pier at top and bottom is 2 m and 3 m
respectively in the elevation. Centre of the each of the spans is at 0.5 m from the
center line of pier in elevation. The various forces acting on the pier are listed as
: Dead loads from each span is 3000 kN, Reaction due to live load on one span
is 1000 kN, Braking forces are 150 kN, Wind pressure of pier is 3 kN/m2, Density
of concrete = 24 kN/m3. Concrete mix is of 1:3:6. Calculate the stress developed
at the base of the pier due to the following cases : (1) Dead load and self-weight
of pier (2) Effect of buoyancy (3) Due to eccentricity of live load. (4) Due to
longitudinal braking forces (5) Due to wind pressure. Estimate the maximum and
minimum stresses developed at the base of the pier due to critical combinations
of the forces.

Q.2 (a) Explain various forces acting on the bridge. 07

(b) Enlist and explain the steps to design a pile foundation. 07
(b) Draw and explain in detail all elements of various types of substructures. 07
Q.3 (a) Draw a neat sketch of typical well foundation along with components. Also 07
explain each component in detail.
(b) Explain the procedure to determine the seismic forces on the bridges. 07
Q.3 (a) Enlist and explain the design steps to design the girders of a post tensioned 07
prestressed concrete tee beam slab bridge deck.
(b) Write short note on “Economical span length of Bridge”. 07
Q.4 (a) Explain Courbon’s method and Hendry-Jaegar method for distribution of live 07
(b) Explain the “Grillage Analogy”. 07
Q.4 Design a post tensioned prestressed concrete slab bridge deck for a national 14
highway crossing. Clear span is 15 m, width of bearing is 400 mm, clear width of
roadway is 8 m, foot path is 1 m on either side, kerbs are 600 mm wide, thickness
of wearing coat is 80 mm, live load is of I.R.C. Class AA tracked vehicle, type of
structure is class 1 type, overall thickness of slab is 600m. Materials are M-40
grade concrete and 7 mm diameter high tensile wires with an ultimate tensile
strength of 1500 MPa. For supplementary reinforcement, adopt Fe-415 HYSD
bars. Compressive strength at transfer is 35 MPa, loss ratio is 0.8.

Q.5 Design a reinforced concrete slab culvert for a National highway to suit the 14
following data : Carriageway is of two lane (8 m wide), Foot paths is of 1 m on
either side, Clear span is 6 m, Wearing coat thickness is 80 mm, Width of bearing
is 0.45 m, overall slab thickness 500 mm. Materials are M 25 concrete and Fe
415 grade HYSD bars. Loading is of I.R.C. class AA tracked vehicle.
Q.5 Following data is given for R.C.C. Tee beam and slab deck. 14
Effective span of girders is 12 m, Clear width of Road way is 7 m, Kerb size 600
mm x 300 mm, Thickness of wearing coat is 80 mm, Number of main girders is
4, Spacing of cross girders and main girders is 3 m and 2.5 m c/c, Spacing of
cross girders is 4 m, thickness of deck slab as 250 mm, width of main and cross
girder is 300 mm and depth of main girder is 1600 mm. Type of loading is I.R.C.
class 70R tracked vehicle. Materials are of grades M20 and Fe 415 HYSD bars.
Design the exterior girder for flexure only. Draw a neat sketch of reinforcement

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