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Analysis of the Sawing Process

Masahiro Mizuno With Abrasive Circular Saw

Toshirou Iyama Blades
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Iwate University, This study simulates the sawing process with an abrasive circular saw blade and analyzes
4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka, the generation of cutoff surfaces in the sawing process with the consideration of the blade
Iwate 020-8551, Japan deflection caused by the asymmetric wear of the blade outer edge. The analysis is built on
the previous work of Matsui (1956, J. Jpn. Soc. Precis. Eng., 22, pp. 477–481) who
presented an analytical formula for cutting force acting on a conical cutting edge. In this
Bi Zhang paper, the Matsui formula is modified to take into account the “size effect” of grinding
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Connecticut, and used to calculate the grinding force acting on the blade surface. A differential
U-139, equation is constructed, and the related numerical solutions are provided to describe the
191 Auditorium Road, blade deflection behavior in the sawing process. The study then discusses the influences
Storrs, CT 06269-3139 of the “size effect,” workpiece length, workpiece speed and feed rate, as well as cutting
edge density on sawing accuracies. Also discussed are workpiece speed and cutting edge
density on the maximum deviation of the cutoff surface. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2783220兴

1 Introduction that a theoretical foundation of the sawing process must be estab-

lished. The theoretical foundation should clarify cutting mecha-
Abrasive circular saw blades 共henceforth called “saw blades”兲
nisms involved in the sawing process and provides techniques for
are widely used in the electronics industry for high-precision
improving cutting accuracies.
grooving, sawing, dicing, and slicing of hard and brittle materials, In the previous studies 关16–19兴, the authors analyzed the saw-
such as electronic materials, optical glasses, semiconductor mate- ing process with a saw blade having an asymmetric profile on the
rials, ceramics, monocrystal ferrite, and so on. The advantage of cross section of the blade outer edge. The author’s analysis was
using the saw blades is that they can cut such difficult-to-cut ma- built on the previous work of Matsui 关24兴, who presented an ana-
terials efficiently with a comparatively high aspect ratio. Contain- lytical formula for cutting force acting on a conical cutting edge.
ing rare-earth elements or having a single-crystal structure, elec- Specific grinding force, which is defined as the force required per
tronic materials are among mostly difficult-to-cut materials and unit cross-sectional area of material removal 关25兴, is expressed as
are generally very expensive. When cutting these materials, de- a constant in the Matsui formula. In fact, the specific grinding
creasing cut kerf is strongly required. In an abrasive sawing pro- force/energy of brittle materials depends strongly on the depth of
cess, a thin blade provides a narrow kerf. However, thinner blades cut of individual grains or the cross-sectional area of cut. This is
generally lead to lower cutting accuracies 共e.g., straightness兲 due well known as the “size effect” in grinding 关26–28兴. In using the
to the reduced stiffness of the blades. Recently, in order to simul- specific grinding force in the previous studies, roughly two con-
taneously achieve a narrower kerf, higher cutting accuracy, and stants were adopted in grinding with the outer edge and side faces
less chipping, researchers looked into the dicing process using UV of the blade. However, particularly in the abrasive sawing process,
lasers with high peak powers, short pulses, and small beam radii the grain depth of cut differs greatly in the different grinding
关1–7兴. In this process, the cutting speed is largely dependent on zones of the blade. In other words, the grain depth of cut at the
the workpiece thickness. For example, the maximum cutting lower end of the blade-workpiece contact arc 共Zone B in Fig. 1兲 is
speeds have been reportedly limited to 200 mm/ s, 75 mm/ s, smaller than that at the upper end 共Zone A in Fig. 1兲. The depth of
40 mm/ s, and 20 mm/ s for Si wafers of thickness 50 ␮m, cut on the blade side faces 共Zone C in Fig. 1, for example兲 is
100 ␮m, 200 ␮m, and 300 ␮m, respectively 关7兴. Some saw blade much smaller and also depends on how the blade deflects. There-
suppliers reported that in the sawing process of silicon wafers, the fore, the specific grinding force should be expressed as a function
maximum sawing speed was 150 mm/ s and 120 mm/ s for the of the grain depth of cut or the cross-sectional area of cut.
wafers of 200 ␮m and 600 ␮m thicknesses, respectively. This In this study, the Matsui formula is modified to take into ac-
suggests that the UV laser cutting process should not be used to count the size effect of grinding. That is, the constant that corre-
cut substrates of millimeter thickness. In this regard, the cutting sponds to the specific grinding force in the Matsui formula is
process with saw blades is advantageous to the laser cutting pro- replaced by a negative power function of the cross-sectional area
cess. of cut. Based on the simulation results, the generation process of
The sawing process with abrasive circular blades of a small cutoff surfaces is discussed and the effects of the degree of the
thickness has been applied to cutting electronic materials since the size effect, the workpiece length, the workpiece speed, and the
1950s, when the electronics industry began to progress. Thus far, cutting edge density on the cutting accuracy are clarified.
this process has gained significant experimental investigations, but
limited theoretical studies 关8–23兴. Hence, currently the process
relies heavily on operator’s experience and know-how to achieve
a high cutting accuracy, which is often trial and error in nature. To
improve and better control the sawing process, the authors believe 2 Cutting Force Acting on an Abrasive Cutting Edge
Many efforts have been undertaken to model the cutting process
by a single cutting edge 关24–47兴, and a number of analytical
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME for publication
formulas have been derived for cutting forces. However, accurate
August 20, 2006; final manuscript received July 13, 2007; published online February modeling is difficult because the actual abrasive cutting edges
15, 2008. Review conducted by Shreyes N. Melkote. have random shapes and orientations. Most studies assume that an

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2008, Vol. 130 / 011012-1
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Fig. 2 Schematic of material removal by blade outer edge: „a…
Fig. 1 Grinding zones A, B, and C front view of the blade while sawing, and „b… removal area dSPQ
by a small element PQ on the cross section O-⌰ of blade outer
edge during dt
abrasive cutting edge has a simple shape, such as pyramidal or
conical, with a round or flat tip, and with its axis perpendicular to
the workpiece surface to be cut.
The theoretical analysis of this study is built on the previous feed is taken as the positive x direction, and the vertical downward
work of Matsui 关24兴, which was published in Japanese. In this direction is taken as the positive y direction. In addition, the cy-
work, Matsui presented relatively simple analytical formulas for lindrical coordinate system 共r , ␪ , z兲, which has the same z-axis as
tangential and normal cutting force acting on a conical cutting the above-mentioned rectangular coordinate system 共x , y , z兲, is ap-
edge and verified the formulas qualitatively with a flat superfin-
plied. There is a relationship of tan ␪ = x / y between these coordi-
ishing experiment. The Matsui formulas were later qualitatively
nate systems.
verified in the surface grinding of silicon, granite, ferrite, cast
Now, we consider the cross section of the blade outer edge on
iron, and high-speed steel by Matsui and Shoji 关48兴. According to
section O − ⌰, which intersects with the blade rotation axis and
Matsui 关24兴, the tangential and normal cutting forces on a conical
makes an angle ␪ with the y-axis, as shown in Fig. 2共b兲. In Fig.
cutting edge can be expressed as
2共b兲, it is assumed that the blade outer edge moves from the
qt = CpSC共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲 共1兲 solid-line position to the dotted-chain-line position for a short
time dt with the progress of the sawing process, and the work-
␲ piece material in sectional area dS PQ 共the hatched area in Fig.
qn = CpSC tan ␥ 共2兲
2 2共b兲兲 is removed by a small element PQ of length ds on the blade
outer edge. The area dSPQ can be expressed by
where Cp corresponds to the specific grinding force, SC is the
sectional cutting area excluding the ridged portion, ␥ is the semi- dSPQ = vdt sin ␪dz 共6兲
apex angle of the conical cutting edge, and ␮ is the friction factor
between the conical surface and the workpiece. The detailed deri- where dz is the z component of ds. The average cross-sectional
vation of Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 are provided in the Appendix. area SC of cut on PQ can be obtained by dividing the area dSPQ by
As mentioned above, in the author’s previous studies Cp was the number of abrasive cutting edges ␨Vdtds passing through the
assigned constant values. 共Two different constants were used for area dSPQ, where ␨ is the number of active cutting edges per unit
Cp: one for grinding on the blade outer edge and the other on the area on the blade surface. Thus,
blade side faces.兲 However, Cp strongly depends on the parameter
SC because of the size effect and is assumed a negative power v dz
SC = sin ␪ 共7兲
function of SC. That is, ␨V ds
Cp = CeSC−␧ 共3兲 The tangential and normal forces acting on the unit area around
where Ce and ␧ are constants that depend on the workpiece ma- PQ are ␨qt and ␨qn, respectively. Therefore, the grinding force
terial. Substituting Eq. 共3兲 into Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲, the tangential and components f px, f py, and f pz, which act on the unit length of the
normal forces acting on the conical tool can be derived as follows: blade-workpiece contact arc in the x, y, and z directions, respec-
tively, are obtained as follows:
qt = CeSC1−␧共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲 共4兲

qn = CeSC1−␧ tan ␥
f px = 冕冉

− ␨qn sin ␪

+ ␨qt cos ␪ ds

3 Grinding Force Acting on a Saw Blade

= − Ce
冉冊 1−␧
␨␧B关␲␩1 tan ␥ sin2−␧␪

3.1 Grinding Force Acting on the Blade Outer Edge. Let us − 2␩2共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲 sin1−␧␪ cos ␪兴 共8兲
consider the case that the cutting is made in the down-cut mode,
where the workpiece speed is v, the blade speed is V, and the
blade depth of cut is DC. To aid the explanation, a right-handed
rectangular coordinate system 共x , y , z兲 in which the origin O is the
f py = 冕冉

− ␨qn cos ␪

− ␨qt sin ␪ ds

center of the blade thickness on the blade rotation axis is intro-

duced, as shown in Fig. 2共a兲. The x- and z-axes are parallel to the
direction of the workpiece feed and blade rotation axis, respec-
= − Ce
冉冊 1−␧
␨␧B关␲␩1 tan ␥ sin1−␧␪ cos ␪

tively. The direction opposite to the direction of the workpiece + 2␩2共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲sin2−␧␪兴 共9兲

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Table 1 Experimental grinding conditions

Blade SDC140V75BW6 共Noritake Co. Ltd.兲

Diameter: 2a 125 mm
Thickness: B 0.8 mm
Blade peripheral speed: V 1500 m / min
Workpiece Sr-ferrite
Length: WL 40 mm
Thickness: WH 5 mm
Work speed: v 50 mm/ min
Radial depth of cut: DC 6 mm
Axial depth of cut 0.4 mm
Grinding mode Down cut
Grinding fluid Water soluble type
共Maruto Co. Ltd., Coolant C兲

Fig. 3 Experimental setup for confirming the validity of Eqs.

„8…–„10…: „a… front view of a tapered blade while grinding, and

„b… right side view of „a…
␲ v 1−␧
F pz = − CeaB ␨␧␩3X3 tan ␥ 共16兲
2 V

f pz = 冕


ds = Ce
冉冊 1−␧
␨␧B␩3 tan ␥ sin1−␧␪ 共10兲
where a is the radius of the blade, and ␣ and ␤ are the angles that
indicate the range of the blade-workpiece contact arc, and the
values X1, X2, X3 are defined as follows:
where ⌫ is the integration path that corresponds to the cross-
冕 冕
␤ ␤
sectional profile of the blade outer edge and B is the blade thick- X1 = sin2−␧␪d␪, X2 = sin1−␧␪ cos ␪d␪ ,
ness. Parameters ␩1, ␩2, and ␩3 are determined by the cross- ␣ ␣
sectional profile of the blade outer edge and ␧. These are given as

follows: ␤

冕 冉冊
B/2 1−␧
X3 = sin1−␧␪d␪ 共17兲
1 dz ␣
␩1 = dz 共11兲
B ds
−B/2 Equation 共16兲 shows that the relationship between ␩3 and F pz is a
direct proportion. Figure 4共a兲 shows the relationship between ␩3,
冕 冉冊
B/2 −␧
1 dz which was calculated using ␧ = 0 and the measured profile data of
␩2 = dz 共12兲
the blade outer edge, and F pz, which was measured experimen-
B −B/2
tally. We cannot see a direct proportional relationship between

冕 冉 冊冉 冊
B/2 −␧ them in Fig. 4共a兲. On the other hand, Fig. 4共b兲 shows the direct
1 dz dr proportion between ␩3 calculated with ␧ = 0.51 and F pz. We can
␩3 = dz 共13兲
B −B/2
ds ds clearly see the direct proportional relationship in Fig. 4共b兲. The
value of Ce␨0.51 tan ␥ can be determined from Eq. 共16兲 and Fig.
When the cross-sectional profile of the blade outer edge is sym- 4共b兲 as 137 MPa. Besides, the following equations can be derived
metric with respect to the center of the thickness of the blade, the from Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲:
parameter ␩3 is zero.
An experiment was carried out to partially confirm the validity
of Eqs. 共8兲–共10兲. First, a taper was formed on a blade outer edge,
as shown in Fig. 3共b兲, and one side of the blade was supported
X1F px + X2F py =

冉冊 1−␧
␨␧␩1共X21 + X22兲tan ␥ 共18兲

with a flange of the same diameter as the blade to prevent blade

deflection. After that, creep-feed grinding was performed using
the tapered face of the blade, and the three grinding force compo-
nentsF px, F py, F pz acting on the workpiece were measured when
the length of the blade-workpiece-contact arc was constant, as
shown in Fig. 3共a兲. Finally, the cross-sectional profile of the ta-
pered face was measured from the cross-sectional profile image of
a workpiece ground by the tapered face. The procedure was re-
peated for different taper angles of the blade outer edge. The
experimental grinding conditions are shown in Table 1. The ana-
lytical formulas of F px, F py, F pz can be obtained by integrating the
equations of f px, f py, f pz 共Eqs. 共8兲–共10兲兲, respectively, along the
blade-workpiece contact arc RS shown in Fig. 2共a兲 and reversing
the sign. That is,
F px = CeaB
冉冊 1−␧
␨␧关␲␩1X1 tan ␥ − 2␩2X2共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲兴


F py = CeaB
冉冊 1−␧
␨␧关␲␩1X2 tan ␥ + 2␩2X1共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲兴
Fig. 4 Relationships between Fpz and ␩3 calculated with „a…
共15兲 ␧ = 0 and „b… ␧ = 0.51

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2008, Vol. 130 / 011012-3

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Fig. 5 Relationships between „a… ␩1 and X1Fpx + X2Fpy, and „b…
␩2 and X1Fpy − X2Fpx, where the values ␩1, ␩2, X1 and X2 were
calculated with ␧ = 0.51

X1F py − X2F px = CeaB 冉冊v

␨␧␩2共X21 + X22兲共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲

Equations 共18兲 and 共19兲 show direct proportional relationships
between ␩1 and X1F px + X2F py and between ␩2 and X1F py
− X2F px. Figures 5共a兲 and 5共b兲 show the relationships obtained by
using the values F px and F py, which were measured experimen-
tally, and ␩1, ␩2, X1, X2 which were calculated using ␧ = 0.51 and
the measured profile data of the blade outer edge. We can see the
direct proportional relationships in Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲. The value
of Ce␵0.51 tan ␥ can also be determined from Eq. 共18兲 and Fig. 5共a兲
as 133 MPa. This value is very close to that determined above. Fig. 6 Schematic of material removal by the blade side face
These results suggest that the analytical formula derived by taking between time t-dt and time t: „a… front view of a blade while
the size effect into consideration express the actual tendency more sawing and „b… three-dimensional view of the material removal
faithfully. volume uEFGH removed by the blade side in the region ⌳EFGH
during dt
3.2 Grinding Force Acting on Blade Side Faces. Next, let
us derive an analytical formula of the grinding force acting on the
blade side faces, which is caused by the blade deflection. We
consider a static region EFGH on the xy plane cut out by two
adjacent radii forming an angle d␪ and by two arcs of radii r and
f sx = ␨qt cos ␪ = Ce␨␧ 冉 冊
共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲cos ␪ 共22兲

冉 冊
r + dr, as shown in Fig. 6共a兲, and a spatial region ⌳EFGH 共see Fig. 1−␧
6共b兲兲, which is made by extending the region EFGH in the z f sx = ␨qt sin ␪ = Ce␨␧ 共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲sin ␪ 共23兲
direction. The number of cutting edges passing through region rV

冉 冊
⌳EFGH for a short time dt is ␨V共r / a兲drdt, and the cutting length
by a cutting edge in the region is rd␪. Hence, the average cross- ␲ aus 1−␧
f sz = ␨qn = ␴sgn Ce␨␧ tan ␥ 共24兲
sectional area SC made by a cutting edge passing through region 2 rV
⌳EFGH is where ␴sgn = −1 when material volume us is removed by the posi-
auEFGH tive z side face of the blade and ␴sgn = 1 when material volume us
SC = 共20兲 is removed by the negative z side face of blade.
where uEFGH共⬎0兲 is the material removal volume by the blade 4 Differential Equation for the Blade Deflection Sur-
side face in region ⌳EFGH during an infinitesimally small amount
of time dt. Now, introducing parameter us共⬎0兲, which denotes the
face and Its Boundary Conditions
material removal volume by a unit area of the blade side face The differential equation for the blade deflection surface in the
during a unit time, we can rewrite Eq. 共20兲 as sawing process was set up under the following assumptions: 共i兲
The blade side faces are parallel to the xy plane when no load
aus acting on the blade; 共ii兲 the mechanical properties of the entire
SC = 共21兲
␨Vr blade are uniform; 共iii兲 the blade deflection is very small; 共iv兲
The tangential and normal forces acting on the unit area of the because the blade deflection is very small, the inertia in the z
blade side faces are ␨qt and ␨qn, respectively. Hence, using Eqs. direction is negligibly small 关49,50兴; 共v兲 because the blade deflec-
共4兲, 共5兲, and 共21兲, we can derive the grinding force components tion is very small, the effect of the blade in-plane load on blade
f sx, f sy, and f sz acting on the unit area of the blade side faces in the deflection is negligibly small 关51兴; 共vi兲 the change of the grinding
x, y, and z directions as follows: force acting on the blade outer edge by blade deflection is negli-

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Fig. 8 Grinding force components acting on each segments
Fig. 7 Meshes for numerical analysis of sawing process

gibly small; and 共vii兲 the effect of the dynamic pressure of the
contact arc, segmented by the meshes, were numbered by i : i
grinding fluid on blade deflection is negligibly small. 共The effect = 1 , 2 , . . . , I. As for the rectangular segments of the blade side
of dynamic pressure of the grinding fluid on blade deflection is faces, only the segments completely existing in b ⱕ r ⱕ a 共the
investigated experimentally in Sec. 9.兲 shaded segments of the blade side faces in Fig. 7兲 were taken into
Let us consider a saw blade of thickness B clamped by flanges consideration for convenience sake, and they were numbered by
with radius b. The differential equation of the blade deflection j : j = 1 , 2 , . . . , J.
surface w共r , ␪兲 in the region from r = b to r = a can be expressed by The deflection surface caused by the grinding force acting on
f sz the blade outer edge was obtained by calculating the grinding
⌬⌬w共r, ␪兲 = 共25兲 force component that acts on each arc segment in the z direction,
and applying it at the center of the arc segment as a concentrated
where ⌬ is the Laplacian operator and D is the flexural rigidity of load. The blade deflection caused by the grinding force acting on
the blade 关52兴. D is given by the blade side faces was obtained by calculating the grinding force
component that acts on each rectangular segment in the z direction
D= 共26兲 and applying it at the center of the rectangular segment as a con-
12共1 − ␯2兲 centrated load. The blade deflection caused by the grinding forces
where E and ␯ are Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respec- acting on both the blade outer edge and blade side faces was
tively, of the blade. obtained by applying the principle of superposition.
The boundary conditions for Eq. 共25兲 of the sawing blade are as In preparation for the analysis, the z-direction displacements
follows. Because both the blade deflection and the slope of the d p,i,k at node k 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , K兲 of the blade side face, caused by a
blade deflection surface to the radial direction are zero at the unit force acting at the center of arc segment i 共i = 1 , 2 , . . . , I兲, and
clamped inner boundary, r = b the z-direction displacements ds,j,k at node k 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , K兲 of the

共w兲r=b = 0, 冉 冊
⳵r r=b
=0 共27兲
blade side face, caused by a unit force acting at the center of
rectangular segment j, were calculated.
After the above preparation, the workpiece was moved in the
Since the radial moment M r is zero at the outer boundary, r = a, negative x direction by a step of ⌬x. In every step, the blade
deflection surface was calculated and the cut surface of the work-
共M r兲r=a = 0 共28兲 piece was modified, based on the calculated blade deflection sur-
In addition, the following relationship must be satisfied at the face.
outer boundary 关52兴: The blade deflection surface in the nth step can be obtained as

冉 冊
follows. The grinding force components ⌬f px,n,i, ⌬f py,n,i, and
⳵ M rt ⌬f pz,n,i 共Fig. 8兲 acting on arc segment i in the x, y, and z direc-
Qr −
r⳵␪ tions, respectively, can be calculated by integrating Eqs. 共8兲–共10兲

along the arc segment i. The grinding force components ⌬f sx,n,j,
f pz 共in the region of the blade—workpiece contact arc兲
= ⌬f sy,n,j, and ⌬f sz,n,j 共Fig. 8兲 acting on rectangular segment j in the
0 共in the other region of the blade outer edge兲 x, y, and z directions, respectively, can be obtained as follows. It
共29兲 takes time ⌬x / v for the workpiece to move by distance ⌬x. From
Eq. 共20兲, the average cross-sectional area SC,n,j of cut by a cutting
where Qr is the radial shearing force parallel to the z-axis per unit
edge on segment j can be expressed as
length of a section of the blade perpendicular to the r direction,
and M rt is the radial twisting moment per unit length of a section a v ⌬us,n,j
of the blade perpendicular to the r direction. SC,n,j = 共30兲
The solution to Eq. 共25兲 under the boundary conditions of Eqs. r j V ␨共⌬x兲2⌬y
共27兲–共29兲 can be expressed in a series of solution 关52兴. where ⌬us,n,j共⬎0兲 is the material removal volume by rectangular
segment j between the 共n − 1兲th and nth steps. From Eqs. 共4兲, 共5兲,
5 Numerical Analysis of the Sawing Process 共22兲–共24兲, and 共30兲, the grinding force components ⌬f sx,n,j,
Let us consider a sawing process in which a workpiece of ⌬f sy,n,j, and ⌬f sz,n,j can be derived as follows:

冉冊 冉冊
length WL and thickness WH is cut in the down-cut mode with a
1−␧ 1−␧
radial depth of cut DC, as shown in Fig. 7, and analyze the process a v
numerically in the following procedure. ⌬f sx,n,j = ␨qt⌬x⌬y cos ␪ j = Ce␨␧ 共⌬us,n,j兲1−␧
rj V
First, the blade and workpiece were segmented by mesh planes
parallel to the xz plane and those parallel to the yz plane, where ⫻共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲共⌬x兲−1+2␧共⌬y兲␧ cos ␪ j 共31兲
the mesh pitches in the x and y directions are ⌬x and ⌬y, respec-
tively. The meshes for the blade are fixed in space, and thus, they
do not rotate with the blade. The meshes for the workpiece are
fixed to the workpiece and move together with the workpiece in
⌬f sy,n,j = − ␨qt⌬x⌬y sin ␪ = − Ce␨␧ 冉冊 冉冊

the negative x direction. The arc segments of the blade-workpiece ⫻共1 + ␮ sec ␥兲共⌬x兲−1+2␧共⌬y兲␧ sin ␪ j 共32兲

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2008, Vol. 130 / 011012-5

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⌬f sz,n,j = ␴sgn␨qn⌬x⌬y Table 2 Standard analysis conditions


冉冊 冉冊 1−␧
共⌬us,n,j兲1−␧共⌬x兲−1+2␧共⌬y兲␧ tan ␥
Abrasive circular saw blade
Diameter: 2a 100 mm
Thickness: B 0.2 mm
共33兲 Positive z-slide edge radius 0.07 mm
where ␴sgn = −1 when ⌬us,n,j is removed by the positive z side of 共see Fig. 9兲: R+
the blade and ␴sgn = 1 when ⌬us共j兲 is removed by the negative z Negative z-slide edge radius 0.09 mm
side of the blade. 共see Fig. 9兲: R−
Based on the principle of superposition, the blade deflection Young’s modulus: E 93 GPa
wn,k 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , K兲 at node k in the nth step can be expressed as Poisson’s ratio: ␯ 0.28
Number of active cutting edges 450 mm−2
I J per unit area: ␨
wn,k = 兺 ⌬f
pz,n,id p,i,k + 兺 ⌬f
sz,n,j ds,j,k 共k = 1,2, . . . ,K兲 Tangent of semi-apex angle of cutting
edge: tan ␥

共Density of saw blade兲 7.0⫻ 103 kg/ m3

共34兲 Diameter of flange: 2b 92 mm
Incidentally, ⌬us,n,j is related to the cut surface geometries Workpiece
Thickness: WH 2 mm
Wn−1,m −
and Wn−1,m 共m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M兲 on the positive and negative z Length: WL 20 mm
sides in the 共n − 1兲th step and wn,k 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , K兲. Here, Wn−1,m +
Specific grinding force: Cp Function C 共see Table 3兲

and Wn−1,m 共m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M兲 have been determined in the 共n − 1兲th Friction factor between cutting grain 0.13
step. Therefore, we can treat ⌬f sz,n,j in Eq. 共34兲 as a function of surface and work: ␮
wn,k 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . K兲. That is, Eq. 共34兲 can be rewritten as Speed ratio: v / V 0.2⫻ 10−4
Depth of cut: Dc 3 mm
I J Cutting mode Down cut
wn,k = 兺i=1
⌬f pz,n,id p,i,k + 兺 ⌬fj=1
sz,n,j 共wn,1,wn,2, . . . ,wn,K兲ds,j,k Mesh size for analysis
Side length in the x direction: ⌬x 0.2 mm
Side length in the y direction: ⌬y 0.1 mm
共k = 1,2, . . . ,K兲 共35兲
Equation 共35兲 is a system of simultaneous nonlinear equations in
wn,k 共k = 1 , . . . , K兲. By solving this, we can obtain the blade de-
in Fig. 11, ①; 共ii兲 The positive z side of the blade makes contact
flection surface wn,k 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , K兲 in the nth step. To solve this
with the cut surface adjacent to the blade-workpiece contact arc in
system, a modified Powell hybrid algorithm and a finite-difference
Fig. 11, ①–⑤; 共iii兲 the negative z side of the blade makes a con-
approximation to the Jacobian were applied.
tact with the cut surface of the workpiece in a relatively wide area
The cut surface geometries Wn,m +
and Wn,m −
共m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M兲 in
except for the area adjacent to the blade-workpiece contact arc in
the nth step can be obtained by partially modifying the cut surface Fig. 11, ③–⑤; 共iv兲 the deviation of the negative z side of the cut
geometries Wn−1,m + −
and Wn−1,m 共m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M兲 in the 共n − 1兲th
step, based on the nth step blade deflection surface wn,k 共k
= 1 , . . . , K兲. The above procedure is repeated until the workpiece
is separated from the blade.

6 Analytical Results Under Standard Analysis Condi-

The standard analysis conditions are shown in Table 2. Round
cross-sectional profiles of different radii, R+ and R−, are given to
the corners of the blade outer edge as a cause of blade deflection,
as shown in Fig. 9. Since R+ and R− are set to 0.07 mm and
0.09 mm, respectively, in the standard analysis conditions, f pz in
Eq. 共10兲 analytically has a positive value. Functions A, B,…, and
F in Table 3 are used as the SC − Cp function in the following
analyses. Functions A, B,…, and F are graphed in Fig. 10. The
variation of Cp to SC becomes wider in order of Function A, B,…,
and F. Under the standard analysis conditions, the average value
of SC is 1.20⫻ 10−2 ␮m2 at the outermost edge of the blade in the
blade-workpiece contact arc, where dr / dz = 0 共see Fig. 2共b兲兲. All
functions A, B,…, and F take a value of 2.9 GPa at SC = 1.20 Fig. 9 Cross-sectional profile of blade outer edge given in the
⫻ 10−2 ␮m2, as shown in Fig. 10. Function C was selected for the analysis
standard analysis conditions.
The generation process of the cutoff surfaces under the standard Table 3 SC − Cp functions
analysis conditions is shown in Fig. 12. ① – ⑩ in Fig. 11 corre-
spond to those in Fig. 12, which shows the relative positions be- Function form Function name Ce ␧
tween the blade and workpiece. The dotted-chain line in Fig. 11
Cp 关Pa兴 = Ce共Sc 关m2兴兲−g A 1.95⫻ 105 0.3
shows the ideal cut surfaces, which are generated under the “zero B 0.4
7.89⫻ 103
blade deflection” condition. To indicate the intensity of contact C 3.20⫻ 102 0.5
between the blade side face and cut surface, a gray-scale tone D 1.30⫻ 10 0.6
based on value f sz is added to the cut surface. Figure 11 shows the E 5.26⫻ 10−1 0.7
following: 共i兲 The cutting trajectory deviates to the positive z side F 2.13⫻ 10−2 0.8
immediately after the beginning of the sawing process, as shown

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7 Effect of the Degree of Size Effect on Cutoff Accu-
The effect of the degree of size effect on the sawing process
was clarified by changing only the SC − Cp function to functions
A–F in the standard analysis conditions. Figure 15 shows the
changes of F pz and Fsz for functions A–F. As shown in Fig. 15共a兲,
the changes of F pz for these functions are almost the same. On the
other hand, the changes of Fsz are greatly different and the maxi-
mum absolute value of Fsz becomes larger in order of functions A,
B,…, F, as shown in Fig. 15共b兲. This is because the cross-sectional
area SC made by a cutting edge on the blade side face is far
smaller than 1.2⫻ 10−2 ␮m2, and as a result, the specific grinding
force Cp on the blade side face becomes larger in order of func-
tions A, B,…, F 共see Fig. 10兲. The interdependence that SC de-
creases with an increase of Cp and Cp increases with a decrease
of SC makes the larger difference of Fsz for functions A–F.
The change of Fsz for function F includes small fluctuations.
This is because the solution convergence of nonlinear simulta-
neous equations 共Eq. 共35兲兲 is unstable under function F. Figures
16共a兲 and 16共b兲 show the cut surfaces in Fig. 12, ⑤, under func-
tions A and E, respectively. The following can be found from Figs.
16共a兲 and 16共b兲 and Fig. 11, ⑤, 共function C兲: 共i兲 The positive z
Fig. 10 SC − Cp functions „function A, B,…,F… side of the blade makes no contact with the cut surface in Fig.
16共a兲; 共ii兲 the positive z side of the blade makes a contact with the
cut surface only adjacent to the blade-workpiece contact arc in
Fig. 11, ⑤; 共iii兲 the positive z side of the blade makes contact with
the cut surface in a wide area, not only adjacent to the blade-
surface from the ideal cut surface is reduced in grinding by the workpiece contact arc but also at the lower side of the cut surface
blade side face in Fig. 11, ③–⑨; 共v兲 the blade side face makes a in Fig. 16共b兲; 共iv兲 the negative z side of the blade makes a contact
significant contact with the negative z side of the cut surface at with the cut surface in a wide area, and the deviation of the cut
part A in Fig. 11, ②, ⑤, ⑥; and 共vi兲 immediately before the blade surface on the negative z side is largely reduced in Fig. 16共a兲; 共v兲
and workpiece separation, the negative z side of the blade makes Although the negative z side of the blade makes a contact with the
a significant contact with the cut surface at part B in Fig. 11, ⑧, cut surface in a wide area, except for the area adjacent to the
⑨. blade-workpiece contact arc in Fig. 11, ⑤, the reduction of the
Figure 13 shows the changes of the grinding force components cut-surface deviation is smaller than that in Fig. 11, ⑤; and 共vi兲
acting on the workpiece under the standard analysis conditions. although the negative z side of the blade makes a significant con-
①–⑩ in Fig. 13 correspond to those in Fig. 12. Figure 13共a兲 shows tact with the cut surface in a wide area on the upper side of the
the changes of the grinding force components F px, F py, and F pz surface in Fig. 16共b兲, the reduction of the cut-surface deviation is
acting respectively in the x, y, and z directions at the blade- extremely small.
workpiece contact arc. Each of them has a constant value in the Figure 17 shows the changes of the maximum absolute values
range of ②–④ and becomes zero after ⑥. Figure 13共b兲 shows the 兩f sz,max
兩 and 兩f sz,max

兩 of f sz on the positive and negative sides of the
changes of the grinding force components Fsx, Fsy, and Fsz, which blade for functions A, C, and E. ①–⑩ in Fig. 17 correspond to
act on the workpiece in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, by those in Fig. 12. For functions A and C, the value 兩f sz,max +
兩 is
the blade side faces. Fsz has a small positive value immediately almost constant from immediately after the start of cutting until
after the start of cutting. However, Fsz becomes negative between ④, and it becomes zero after ④. However, for function E, the
②and ③, and then Fsz becomes a negative maximum value around value 兩f sz,max
兩 is comparatively large until after ⑦. This is because
⑥. After ⑥, Fsz gradually becomes zero until ⑩. Figure 13共c兲 the positive z side of the blade keeps strong contact with the lower
shows the changes of the grinding force components Fx, Fy, and side and the edge of the blade entry side of cut surface even after
Fz, which act on the workpiece in the x, y, and z directions, re- ⑥, although the cutoff substantially finishes at ⑥. Besides, the
spectively, by the whole blade. The tendencies of these changes value 兩f sz,max

兩 is zero immediately after the start of cutting for
agree well with those observed in the cutoff experiments 关22兴. functions A, C, and E. The value 兩f sz,max −
兩 for functions A and C
The mesh size for the analysis was set to 共⌬x = 0.2 mm, ⌬y increases rapidly in the middle of ① and ②, and peaks around ②.
= 0.1 mm兲 in the standard analysis conditions. For elucidating This is because the negative z side of the blade makes a strong
whether this mesh size is appropriate, some analyses were con- contact with the cut surface edge of the blade entry side 共part A in
ducted with different mesh sizes. Figure 14 shows the effect of the Fig. 11, ②兲. On the other hand, the value 兩f sz,max −
兩 for function E
mesh size on the maximum deviation SDEV +
of the cut surface from gradually increases from around ①–④. For functions C and E, the
the ideal cut surface, as generated on the positive z side. When the value 兩f sz,max

兩 peaks around ⑥for the same reason, and it peaks
mesh size is made smaller, step by step from 共⌬x = 0.4 mm, ⌬y again between ⑦ and ⑩ because the negative z side of the blade
= 0.4 mm兲 to 共⌬x = 0.2 mm, ⌬y = 0.1 mm兲, SDEV +
decreases mono- makes strong contact with the cutoff surface edge of the blade exit
tonically. However, when the mesh size is made even smaller, side 共part B in Fig. 11, ⑧兲.
from 共⌬x = 0.2 mm, ⌬y = 0.1 mm兲 to 共⌬x = 0.1 mm, ⌬y = 0.1 mm兲, Figures 18共a兲 and 18共b兲 show the relationships between the
+ + + −
SDEV changes to an increase. Because the difference of SDEV be- workpiece length WL and the maximum deviations SDEV and SDEV
tween mesh sizes 共⌬x = 0.2 mm, ⌬y = 0.1 mm兲 and 共⌬x = 0.1 mm, of the cut surfaces from their ideal cut surfaces for functions A–F.
⌬y = 0.1 mm兲 is relatively small and the calculation time becomes The standard analysis conditions are applied except for the SC
+ −
extremely long when the mesh size is smaller than 共⌬x = 0.2 mm, − Cp function and WL. Both SDEV and SDEV increase with the
⌬y = 0.1 mm兲, mesh size 共⌬x = 0.2 mm, ⌬y = 0.1 mm兲 was selected increase in WL and become constant within WL = 20 mm. Figure
as the standard analysis conditions. 19 shows the results in Fig. 18 after placing the SC − Cp function

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2008, Vol. 130 / 011012-7

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Fig. 11 Change of cutting surface geometries in the sawing process under the standard analysis conditions

+ the cut surface, and the grinding force acting on the blade side
on the horizontal axis of the graph. It is found that both SDEV and

SDEV have the maximum value between functions B and E. The face increases the blade deflection. In this stage, the greater the
reasons for this can be considered as follows. Immediately after grinding force acting on the blade side face, the larger the blade
the start of cutting, the positive z side of the blade makes contact + −
deflection. Therefore, both SDEV and SDEV have the maximum
with the cut surface because the blade rapidly deflects in the posi- value between functions B and E. It is found that SDEV +
is a rela-
tive z direction by the grinding force acting on the blade outer
tively small value for function F. This is because the development
edge. At this time, the smaller the grinding force acting on the
blade side face, the larger the blade deflection. Therefore, the of blade deflection is strongly restrained by the cut surface of the
blade deflection immediately after the start of cutting becomes positive z side; this is especially true immediately after the start of

larger in order of function F, E,…,A. When the sawing process cutting. Moreover, it is found that SDEV is an extremely small
progresses further, the negative z side of blade makes contact with value for function A. This is because the cut surface of the nega-

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Fig. 12 Blade-workpiece relative locations 햲–햻

tive z side, which largely deviates on the positive z side immedi-

ately after being generated, is ground by the blade side face and,
as a result, the cut surface deviation is largely reduced.
Figure 20共a兲 shows the relationship between the workpiece
length WL and the average kerf width CW for functions A–F. The
value CW was calculated by dividing the total material removal
volume by 共WL ⫻ WH兲. It is found from Fig. 20共a兲 that CW mono-
tonically increases with WL. Figure 20共b兲 shows the results in Fig.
20共a兲 by putting the SC − Cp function on the horizontal axis of the
graph. Although CW for functions A and B are almost the same for
the same WL, CW for functions B, C, and D are greatly different.
CW decreases in order of functions B, C, and D for the same WL.
CW for function F is almost equal to the blade thickness. This
means that the material removal volume by the blade side faces is
extremely small for function F. Through the above analyses, it has Fig. 13 Changes of grinding force components under the
been found that the degree in the size effect strongly affects the standard analysis conditions: „a… Fpx, Fpy, and Fpz; „b… Fsx, Fsy,
and Fsz; and „c… Fx„=Fpx + Fsx…, Fy„=Fpy + Fsy…, and Fz„=Fpz + Fsz…
deviations of the cut surfaces from their ideal cut surfaces and the
kerf width.
9 Experimental Verification of Analytical Results
The overall analytical results shown in the previous sections
8 Effects of Workpiece Speed and Cutting Edge Den- should be verified experimentally. However, the verification is
sity on Maximum Deviation of Cut Surface
Figure 21 shows the relationships between workpiece speed v
+ −
and SDEV and SDEV . Except for v, the standard analysis conditions
in Table 2 are applied. When the specific grinding force Cp is set
to be constant with the variation of the cross-sectional area SC of
cutting, the increase rates of SDEV −
and SDEV increase with v / V
关18兴. However, when the size effect is taken into consideration,
the increase rates of those decrease with the increase of v / V, as
shown in Fig. 21. This means that, even if v is reduced by half at
+ −
a constant V, SDEV , and SDEV are not reduced by half.
Figure 22 shows the relationships of the cutting edge density ␨
with SDEV −
and SDEV . Except for ␨, the standard analysis conditions
are applied. When Cp is set to be constant with the variation of
and SDEV are constant with the variation of ␨. However,
+ −
when the size effect is taken into consideration, SDEV and SDEV Fig. 14 Relationship between the mesh number per unit area
increase with ␨, is shown in Fig. 22. +
and SDEV

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2008, Vol. 130 / 011012-9

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Fig. 15 Changes of Fpz and Fsz under different SC − Cp func-
tions: „a… Fpz, and „b… Fsz

very difficult because the apex angles of the abrasive grains and
the number of the active cutting edges per unit area are change-
able during experiment. It is difficult to vary one parameter inde-

Fig. 17 Changes of the maximum absolute values 円fsz,max +

円 and

円 of fsz on both sides of the blade under different SC
− Cp functions: „a… function A, „b… function C and „c… function E

pendently while holding the other parameters constant in the ex-

periment. For these reasons, the analysis was partially verified.
The experiments were performed using a blade that has an
asymmetric wear as shown Fig. 23. The profiles of the upper
edges of the cutoff surfaces were measured using a microscope
and the x-axis table of the sawing machine. The standard experi-
mental cutoff conditions are shown in Table 4.
First of all, the validity of the assumption 共vii兲 in Sec. 4 was
investigated. In the experiment, the work speed and blade speed
were changed together at a speed ratio 共the ratio of the work speed
to the blade speed兲 of 0.2⫻ 10−4, and the maximum deviations of
+ −
the upper edges of the cutoff surfaces SDEV,UP and SDEV,UP were
measured for each cutoff condition. If the change in lateral stiff-
ness of the blade and the effect of dynamic pressure of the grind-
ing fluid on blade deflection are small, then the changes in SDEV,UP

and SDEV,UP should be small. The experimental results are shown
in Fig. 24. The values SDEV,UP −
and SDEV,UP decreased by ⬃10% as
Fig. 16 Cutting surface geometries at blade-workpiece relative the blade speed was increased from 1000 m / min to 2000 m / min
location 햶 in Fig. 13 under different SC − Cp functions: „a… func- and by 50% to 4000 m / min. In previous paper 关11兴, the effect of
tion A and „b… function E the centrifugal force associated with the blade rotation on the

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+ − +
Fig. 18 Effects of workpiece length WL on SDEV and SDEV under different SC − Cp functions: „a… WL vs SDEV , and

„b… WL vs SDEV

lateral compliance of blade at its outer edge was analyzed. In the The following experiments were performed at a blade speed of
analysis, the lateral compliance was evaluated by giving a concen- 2000 m / min. Figure 25 shows the deviations of the upper edges
trated unit load at its outer edge and calculating the displacement of the cutoff surfaces generated in the standard cutoff conditions.
at the loading point. The blade analyzed there had the same size The experimental result qualitatively agreed with the analytical
and physical properties as that used in the experiment here, and result shown in Fig. 11 in the following points: the deviation of
the diameter of the flange was also the same as that used in the the upper edge of the cutoff surface on the positive z side becomes
experiment. As a result, the lateral compliance was 41 ␮m / N at a
almost constant in x ⬎ 10 mm; the deviation of the upper edge of
blade speed of 0 m / min and 39.5 ␮m / N at 4000 m / min. The
the cutoff surface on the negative z side becomes small around
change is ⬍4%, which implies that the large change in SDEV,UP +

and SDEV,UP in Fig. 24 should be caused by the grinding fluid. x = 20 mm. The relationships between WL and SDEV and between

Therefore, a further investigation considering the effect of dy- WL and SDEV in Fig. 18 can also be qualitatively understood from
namic pressure of the grinding fluid is necessary for the case the experimental result. Figure 26 shows the effects of the work
where the blade speed is higher than 2000 m / min. +
speed v on SDEV,UP −
and SDEV,UP +
. The increase rates of SDEV,UP and

+ −
Fig. 19 Effects of SC − Cp function on SDEV and SDEV under different workpiece lengths WL: „a… SC − Cp function
+ −
vs SDEV and „b… SC − Cp function vs SDEV

Fig. 20 Effects of workpiece length WL on average kerf width CW under different SC − Cp functions: „a… WL vs
CW and „b… SC − Cp function vs SDEV

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Table 4 Standard experimental cutoff conditions

Blade Sintered metal bond diamond blade

SD1000R100MHX 共Asahi Diamond
Industrial Co. Ltd.兲
Diameter: 2a 100 mm
Thickness: B 0.2 mm
Diameter of flange: 2b 92 mm
Workpiece Sr-ferrite
Length: WL 20 mm
Thickness: WH 2 mm
Blade peripheral speed: V 200 m / min
Work speed: v 40 mm/ min
Radial depth of cut: DC 3 mm
Grinding mode Down cut
Grinding fluid Water soluble type 共Maruto Co. Ltd.,
Coolant C兲
Viscosity 1 ⫻ 10−3 Pa s
Supply rate 3 l / min

cutoff conditions were observed using a microscope and com-

pared to the analytical results, which can be obtained by memo-
rizing and updating the scratch direction for every mesh on the
Fig. 21 Effects of speed ratio v / V on SDEV −
and SDEV cutoff surfaces each time when the mesh is cut by the blade side
face. The microscope images are shown in Fig. 27共a兲, and the
scratch marks analyzed using function E are shown in Fig. 27共b兲.

SDEV,UP decrease with the increase in v. This tendency agrees with
the analytical results shown in Fig. 21. Finally, the scratch marks
remained on the cutoff surfaces under the standard experimental

+ −
Fig. 24 Effects of V on SDEV,UP and SDEV,UP under v / V = 0.2
à 10−4. The error bars show the standard deviation for six
Fig. 22 Effects of cutting edge density ␨ on SDEV
+ −
and SDEV

Fig. 23 Cross-sectional profile image of blade outer edge Fig. 25 Deviations of the upper edges of the cutoff surfaces
used in the experiment generated in the standard experimental cutoff conditions

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Fig. 28 Schematic of plowing with a conical tool

area and grinds it, and, as a result, the deviation of the cut
surface generated on the opposite side of the blade deflection
is reduced.
3. In the case that the specific grinding force on the blade side
face is very large due to the size effect, the blade deflection
+ −
Fig. 26 Effects of v on SDEV,UP and SDEV,UP under V is strongly restrained by the cut surface, especially immedi-
= 2000 m / min. The error bars show the standard deviation for ately after the beginning of the sawing process. As a result,
six experiments the straightness of the cutting trajectory is improved.
4. The greater the specific grinding force on the blade side face
due to the size effect the smaller the kerf.
In Fig. 27, the scratch direction is expressed with a gray-scale 5. Under the presence of the size effect, the rate of increase of
tone. Bandlike marks are observed in both Figs. 27共a兲 and 27共b兲 at the cut surface deviation decreases with the increase of the
the corresponding locations. The scratch marks observed experi- workpiece speed.
mentally corresponded better to the scratch marks analyzed using 6. Under the presence of the size effect, the cut surface devia-
function E than function C. This suggests that the specific grind- tion increases with the cutting edge density on the blade
ing force in this experimental condition should be much larger surface.
than the value calculated with function C when the sectional cut-
ting area SC is extremely small.
10 Conclusions The authors wish to thank Hidenobu Mifune of Iwate Univer-
This paper simulates the sawing process with an abrasive cir- sity for his cooperation during the course of this work.
cular saw blade, assuming an asymmetric wear to the blade outer
edge as a factor of blade deflection. In the analysis, the size effect Appendix: Matsui’s Analytical Formula for Cutting
on specific grinding force is taken into consideration. The simu- Force Acting on a Conical Cutting Edge
lation results show that the degree of the size effect strongly af-
fects the deviations of the cut surfaces from their ideal cut sur- Matsui considered a conical tool whose axis was perpendicular
faces and the kerf width. The simulation results are summarized as to the workpiece surface to be cut, as shown in Fig. 28. To sim-
follows: plify the analysis, he assumed that the flow of the workpiece
material on the contact area with the tool was always perpendicu-
1. The deflection side of the blade makes a partial contact with lar to the tool axis. 共Under this assumption, the vector of the
the cut surface adjacent to the blade-workpiece contact arc. frictional force is also perpendicular to the tool axis.兲 Then, tan-
2. The blade side face on the opposite side of the blade deflec- gential component dqt of the force acting on a small area oAB of
tion makes a contact with the cut surface in a relatively wide the conical surface can be expressed as follows:

Fig. 27 Scratch marks on the cutoff surfaces: „a… microscope image and „b… numerically calculated patterns
using function E

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Process,” International Conference on Precision Engineering, Taiwan, pp.
dqt = p 2 l2 sin ␥ cos ␥ cos ␸d␸ + ␮ p 2 l2 sin ␥ sin ␸d␸ 共A1兲
1 1
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41, pp. 225–230 共in Japanese兲.
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ing force and the second term the frictional force. By integrating oretical Analysis of Blade Behavior in Outer-Blade Slicing: Effect of Side
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force qt acting on the conical tool can be obtained as follows: 4368–4373 共in Japanese兲.
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