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Mohamed Lakhdar Essaihi

Muhamad Al akhdar Assaihi (October 1918 in

Touggourt - July 11, 2005 in Algiers) is the father
of the anecdote in the Algerian culture, alongside
Uthman Bûguetta, by animating cultural and
recreational programs on the National Radio
.Alwân (Couleurs) and Namadhidj (Models)


His family name is Al AKHDARI, he is the

cousin of the late Shaikh M'BAREK Al
AKHDARI, he was born in October 1918 in the
village of Al-Âlia, dâira de Hdjira (Touggourt, W.
Ouargla). He learned the Koran thanks to the
chouyoukh of his village, including Mohamed Ben
Ezzaoui and Belkacem Chethouna. He later taught
.the children of his village for more than two years

Enlightened to know, he went to Guerara to become, for two years, the disciple of
Shaikh Bayûdh. In 1935, he left Algeria for Tunis to continue his studies until 1939 at
Zaitûna University. He returns to Touggourt. During the Second World War, he tried to
.leave the region, but the French colonial authorities renewed him

In Touggourt, he participated with a group of young people in the drama arts

association 'Al-Amal' (Hope) created by Adamou Brahim, as well as a group of scouts
and the El-Falah school, which trained several students who continued their studies at
Zaitûna University and later became teachers and men of letters. He also founded the
Ennadjah school in the village of Tamassine, as well as another school in Beldat Omar
.village where is the mausoleum of the ancestor of Arch Awlâd Assaih

In 1952, he left Batna, where he taught for a while, to go to Algiers. He joined the
National Radio as a producer, besides exercising the teaching profession in several
schools in Algiers, including the Kouba High School (Hassîba Ben Bûali currently) and
.the Essaada School in Belcourt. He interrupts radio production until Independence

After Independence, he resumed radio production and continued teaching at Ibn

.Khaldoun and Ethaâlibia high schools until his retirement in November 1980

The poet Mohamed Lakhdar Essaihi, who published his production in several
Tunisian and Algerian newspapers and magazines, left behind a legacy of several books:
Hamassat wa Sarakhat, edited by the publisher Ad Djazairia (1967)-

Djamr wa ramad, published by the Arab Book House in Tunisia (1980)-

Alwân bilâ talwîn, published by the National Publishing and Distribution Company -

This last book gathers the anecdotes that he told in his radio program Alwân, then
.Namâdhidj. This book, which has been very successful, has been reissued four times

Collection for children, published by the House of the book of Algiers (1983)-

.Islâmiyyât, published by the National Book Company (1984)-

The deceased was among the founding members of the Algerian Writers' Union
created in 1964. He held the post of Deputy Secretary General at the Third Congress
(March 1981). He has received several awards, including a certificate of merit awarded
.by the President of the Republic

He was recruited as a poet by Adamou Brahim who founded the first theater troupe
AlKawkab Attamthîlî AlDjazairi in Touggourt. He followed him to Algiers and it was
.there thanks to his friend that he knew Radio Alger

His death

Poet Mohammed al-Akhdar al-Sayehi died on July 11, 2005 after a long struggle with
the disease. He lost contact with the word he lived in, leaving behind an important asset
of poetry, mostly classic and a number of printed books including "Jamar and Asad",
.""Whispers and Shouts" and "Remains and Awals

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