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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

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FIN 458 Test 1

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The tools for studying c

industry economics does not

a. Value chain analysis

b. Classification using Porter's

five forces

c. Classification of cash flows

d. Economic attributes

Which of the following is a d

question an analyst would ask
when assessing the quality of
a firm's financial statements?

a. Are the company's

products designed to meet a
specific market segment?

b. Has the firm integrated

forward into retailing to final

c. Is the firm diversified across

several geographical

d. Do earnings include
nonrecurring gains or losses?

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following b

economic characteristics is
consistent with a grocery
store chain?

a. Minimal competition

b. Extensive competition

c. High net income to sales

d. Differentiated product

On a common size basis, c

which of the following assets
is normally largest for an
electric utility?

a. Accounts receivable

b. Inventory

c. Property, Plant and


d. Cash and Marketable


On a common size basis, a

which of the following assets
is normally largest for a
commercial bank?

a. Accounts and Notes


b. Inventory

c. Property, Plant and


d. Cash and Marketable


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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

When assessing buyer power c

using Porter's five forces,
which of the following is not
consistent with low buyer

a. Brand loyalty

b. Control of distribution

c. Large number of suppliers

d. Low price

The second step in financial d

statement analysis is to
identify the company strategy.
Which of the following is a
question an analyst should
ask when performing a
strategy analysis?

a. Are industry sales growing

rapidly or slowly?

b. Do earnings include
revenues that appear
mismatched with the business
model employed by the firm?

c. Does the industry include a

large number of firms selling
similar products?

d. What is the company's

degree of geographical

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

The third step in financial b

statement analysis is to assess
the quality of the firm's
financial statements. Which of
the following is a question an
analyst should ask when
performing this step?

a. Are industry sales growing

rapidly or slowly?

b. Do earnings include
revenues that appear
mismatched with the business
model employed by the firm?

c. Does the industry include a

large number of firms selling
similar products?

d. What is the company's

degree of geographical

Which of the following would a

not appear as a liability on the
balance sheet?

a. A labor contract

b. A note due to a bank

c. Salary due employees at


d. Accounts payable

Which of the following assets d

would appear on the balance
sheet at an amount greatly
below its fair market value?

a. Inventory

b. Marketable securities

c. Equipment

d. Brand name
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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

The accrual basis of c

accounting recognizes

a. Revenue when cash is

received from customers

b. Expenses when paid

c. Revenue when all or a

substantial portion is

d. Revenue when contracts

are signed

The cash basis method of c

accounting can be best
described as:

a. The recording of
transactions and adjustments
so that debits equal credits.

b. The method that equates

assets with liabilities and
owners' equity.

c. The method that recognizes

revenue when money is
received and expenses when
money is paid.

d. The method that matches

incurred expenses with
related revenues when they
are earned.

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A value chain for an industry b

sets forth

a.The layers of management

the needed to be successful

b. Sequence of activities
involved in the creation,
manufacture, and distribution
of its products.

c. Sequence of activities
involved in a firm's research
and development activities.

d. Whether the industry is

horizontally or vertically

Which of the following c

economic characteristics is
consistent with a commercial

a. Low barriers to entry.

b. High levels of research and


c. Low profit margin on

lending activities.

d. Low profit margin on fee-

based financial services, such
as merger consulting.

Which of the following b

economic characteristics is
consistent with a
pharmaceutical company?

a. Low barriers to entry.

b. High levels of research and


c. Low profit margins.

d. Low business risk.

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following a

economic characteristics is
consistent with a grocery
store chain?

a. Low barriers to entry.

b. High levels of research and


c. High profit margins.

d. Low capital intensity

Which of the following would c

not inhibit new entrants into a

a. Existing technological

b. Large required capital


c. Lack of rivalry among

current participants.

d. Existing patented

Which of the following is nota d

characteristic of an
extraordinary item?

a. Material in amount.

b. Nonrecurring.

c. Unusual given the nature of

the firm's activities.

d. Requires a cash outflow

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following a

activities is an operating
activity?a. Collections of
accounts receivable.

b. Investing in equity
securities of other companies.

c. Payment of dividends.

d. Issuing common stock

All of the following are the a

building blocks for financial
statement analysis except:

a. Targeting growth
opportunities that diversify
exchange rates, risk exposure,
and political uncertainty.

b. Describing strategies that a

firm pursues to differentiate
itself from competitors in
order to evaluate competitive
advantages, sustainability of
the firm's earnings, and its

c. Evaluating the financial

statements, including the
accounting concepts and
methods that underlie them
and the quality of the
information they provide.

d. Identification of the
economic characteristics of
the industries and the relation
of those economic
characteristics to the various
financial statement ratios.

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

All of the following are d

reasons that pharmaceutical
companies have higher
barriers for entry than
grocery stores except:

a. There is lengthy
government testing and
approval required.

b. Research and development

is a lengthy and uncertain

c. Patent protection is needed

for exclusive rights.

d. The largest asset is typically

capital intensive Property,
Plant and Equipment.

Which forces typically d

represent vertical competition
in a value chain?

a. Potential entry and


b. Buyer power and rivalry

among existing firms

c. Supplier power and

potential entry.

d. Buyer power and supplier


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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which forces typically c

represent horizontal
competition in a value chain?

a. Rivalry among existing firms

and supplier power.

b. Potential entry and buyer


c. Substitutes and potential


d. Buyer power and supplier


Which SEC form may be the b

best place to start learning
about the economics of an
industry and the particular
strategy a firm has selected
for competing in the industry?
a. Form 8-K

b. Form 10-K

c. Form MD&A

d. Form FSAP

he primary purpose of the d

balance sheet is to:

a. Report the current value of

the business.

b. Measure the net income of

a business up to a particular
point in time

c. Report the difference

between cash inflows and
cash outflows for the period.

d. Report the financial

position of the reporting
entity at a particular point in

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Which financial statement d

would you look at to
determine whether a
company will be able to pay
for the goods when payment
is due in 30 days?

a. Statementof cash flows.

b. Statement of stockholders'

c. Income statement.

d. Balance sheet.

The two categories of c

shareholders' equity usually
found on the balance sheet of
a corporation are

a. Contributed capital and

property, plant, and

b. Retained earnings and

notes payable.

c. Common stock and

retained earnings.

d. Contributed capital and

equity securities

Which financial statement for b

a business would you look at
to determine the company's
earnings performance during
an accounting period?

a. Balance sheet.

b. Income statement.

c. Statement of cash flows.

d. The Management

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

On the statement of cash b

flows, depreciation would be
classified as?

a. A financing activity.

b. An operating activity.

c. An investing activity.

d. A noncash activity.

Net income is equal to:

a. Assets minus Liabilities

b. Revenues and Gains minus

Expenses and Losses

c. Shareholders' Equity minus


d. Revenues and Assets minus

Expenses and Liabilities

Why is the operating activities b

section of the statement of
cash flows often believed to
be the most important part of
the statement?

a. Because it shows the

dividends that have been paid
to stockholders.

b. Because it indicates a
company's ability to generate
cash from sales to meet
current cash payments for
goods or services.

c. Because shows the net

increase or decrease in cash
during the period.

d. Because it gives the most

information about how
operations have been

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

One rationale for the b

statement of cash flows is to

a. ensure that the cash

account balances at year-

b. reconcile differences
between net income and cash
receipts and disbursements.

c. calculate the company's

free cash flow.

d. examine the cash effects of

income from discontinued
operations, extraordinary
items and

changes in accounting

Which of the following is not d

one of the reasons why net
income differs from cash
flows from

operations under the indirect

method of calculating cash

a. non-cash items, such as

depreciation and amortization

b. changes in working capital


c. gains and losses related to

the sale of plant, property
and equipment

d. sale or repurchase of
capital stock

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A company in the growth b

phase of its product life cycle
will normally have the
following pattern of

cash flows

a. Negative cash flows from

operations, negative cash
flows from investing and
positive cash

flows from financing.

b. Negative or positive cash

flows from operations,
negative cash flows from
investing and

positive cash flows from


c. Positive cash flows from

operations, positive cash
flows from investing and
positive cash

flows from financing.

d. Negative or positive cash

flows from operations,
negative cash flows from
investing and

negative cash flows from


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Which of the following is an b

adjustment that would need
to be made to net income
when calculating

cash flows from operations

under the indirect method?

a. Subtract amortization

b. subtract gain on sale of


c. add an increase in accounts


d. add a decrease in accounts


If a firm is growing and b

expanding its accounts
receivable and inventories
faster than its current

operating liabilities its cash

flow from operation will
normally be

a. greater than net income

b. less than net income

c. greater than the change in

working capital from

d. greater than the change in


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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Firms with short operating b

cycles will experience less of
a lag between the creation
and delivery of

their products and the

collection of cash from
customers because

a. their cash flow from

operations will be much
greater than their working
capital from


b. their cash flow from

operations will not differ
much from their working
capital from


c. their cash flow from

operations will be much less
than their working capital


d. there will be no relation

between their cash flow from
operations and working
capital from


Normally, cash flows from c

operations will peak during
which phase of the product
life cycle?

a. Introduction

b. Growth

c. Maturity

d. Decline

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Normally, cash flows from c

investing activities will start
providing cash during which
phase of the

product life cycle?

a. Introduction

b. Growth

c. Maturity

d. Decline

Normally, cash flows from c

financing will start using cash
during which phase of the
product life


a. Introduction

b. Growth


c. Maturity

d. Decline

Free cash flows to all debt d

and common equity
shareholders represents the
excess of cash flows from

a. operating activities over

cash flows for financing

b. investing over cash flows

for operating activities

c. investing over cash flows

for financing activities

d. operating activities over

cash flows for investing

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When preparing the a

statement of cash flows using
the indirect method, an
increase in inventories

would appear as

a. a decrease in the operating

activities section

b. an increase in the operating

activities section

c. a use of cash in the

investing activities section

d. a source of cash in the

investing activities section

When preparing the b

statement of cash flows using
the indirect method, an
increase in accounts payable

would appear as

a. a decrease in the operating

activities section

b. an increase in the operating

activities section

c. a use of cash in the

investing activities section

d. a source of cash in the

investing activities section

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When preparing the c

statement of cash flows using
the indirect method, the
payment of dividends

would appear as

a. a decrease in the operating

activities section

b. an increase in the operating

activities section

c. a use of cash in the

financing activities section

d. a source of cash in the

financing activities section

When preparing the b

statement of cash flows using
the indirect method, the sale
of marketable

securities would appear as

a. a use of cash in the

investing activities section

b. a source of cash in the

investing activities section

c. a use of cash in the

financing activities section

d. a source of cash in the

financing activities section

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In a statement of cash flows, b

interest received from
sources other than a
company's investments

would be classified as cash

inflows from

a. lending activities.

b. operating activities.


c. investing activities.

d. financing activities.

An example of an item that is c

deducted from net income
when preparing the operating

section of the statement of

cash using the indirect
method is

a. depreciation expense.

b. compensation expense
related to stock option plans.

c. income from an investment

accounted for using the
equity method.

d. unrealized losses on
trading investments

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Which of the following is the b

correct formula for
calculating cash collections
from customers?

a. sales for the period plus

accounts receivable at the
beginning of the period

b. sales for the period plus

accounts receivable at the
beginning of the period minus

receivable at the end of the


c. sales for the period plus

accounts receivable at the
end of the period

d. sales for the period plus

accounts receivable at the
end of the period minus

receivable at the beginning of

the period

. Outback Corp. recorded c

sales of $1,300,000 in 2010, in
addition the company's
accounts receivable

balance grew from $120,000

at the beginning of 2010 to
$165,000 at the end of 2010.
How much cash

did Outback collect from

customers in 2010?

a. $1,300,000

b. $1,345,000

c. $1,255,000

d. $1,135,000
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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

. Toro Company recognized c

$655,000 of cost of goods
sold in 2010, in addition its
implementation of a

just-in-time inventory system

allowed it to reduce its
inventory from $325,000 at
the beginning of the

year to $230,000 at the end

of 2010. How much cash did
Toro spend for inventory in

a. $655,000

b. $980,000

c. $560,000

d. $620,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Fizzzle Inc. sold a piece of c

equipment during the period
for $230,000 and recorded a
gain of $45,000

on the sale. How should this

gain be treated when
preparing the operating
activities section of the

statement of cash flows using

the indirect method?
a. A sale of equipment is an
investing activity; the
transaction will not affect the

activities section.

b. The gain is added back to

net income in the operating
activities section.

c. The gain is subtracted from

net income in the operating
activities section.

d. The entire sales price is

subtracted from net income in
the operating activities

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

The expense incurred by b

issuing stock options should

a. classified as a financing

b. added back to net income

in the operating activities

c. subtracted from net income

in the operating activities

d. does not appear in the

statement of cash flows.

Lagos Corp. recorded sales b

of $345,000 in 2010, in
addition its accounts
receivable and accounts

payable balances at the

beginning and end of 2010
were as follows:

Jan. 1, 2010 Dec. 31, 2010

Accounts Receivable $65,000


Accounts Payable $32,000


How much cash did Lagos

collect from customers in

a. $345,000

b. $320,000

c. $324,000

d. $316,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

As products move through c

the maturity phase,
companies invest to ___________
productive capacity.

a. increase

b. decrease

c. maintain

d. Not enough information to

answer this question.

Under the indirect method of c

preparing the statement of
cash flows, add backs to net
income include

all of the following except:

a. depreciation expense

b. deferred tax expense

c. gains on sale of equipment

d. share-based compensation

Which of the following c

transactions would not create
a cash flow?

a. Payment of a cash dividend.

b. The company purchased

some of its own stock from a

c. Amortization of patent for

the period.

d. Sale of equipment at book

value (i.e. no gain or loss)

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following would b

not be a cash flow from
investing activities?

a. Sale of a patent.

b. Collection of interest
revenue on a long-term note

c. Collection of principal of a
note receivable.

d. Purchase of long-term

Which of the following is a b

cash flow from operating

a. Sale of long-term
investments in common stock.

b. Purchase of merchandise
for resale.

c. Payment of a note payable.

d. Sale of a piece of land no

longer used in operations.

A cash inflow from financing c

activities includes:

a. receipt of interest


b. proceeds from selling


c. proceeds from issuance of

bonds payable.

d. proceeds from selling

investments in equity
securities of another

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

. Kraco Corporation reported b

2010 net income of $450,000,
including the effects of

depreciation expense of
$60,000, and amortization
expense on a patent of
$10,000. Also, cash

of $50,000 was borrowed on

a 5-year note payable. Based
on this data, total cash inflow

operating activities using the

indirect method for 2010 was

a. $570,000

b. $520,000

c. $470,000

d. $440,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

. Adophus, Inc.'s 2010 income b

statement reported total
revenues of $850,000 and
total expenses

(including $40,000
depreciation) of $720,000.
The 2010 balance sheet
reported the following:

accounts receivable
beginning balance of $50,000
and ending balance of
$40,000; accounts

payable beginning balance of

$22,000 and ending balance
of $28,000. Therefore, based

on this information and using

the indirect method, the 2010
net cash inflow from

activities was

a. $126,000

b. $186,000

c. $166,000

d. $174,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Tinker Company reported b

sales revenue of $500,000
and total expenses of

(including depreciation) for

the year ended December 31,
2010. During 2010, accounts

receivable decreased by
$5,000, merchandise
inventory increased by
$4,000, accounts payable

increased by $6,000, and

depreciation expense of
$10,000 was recorded.
Assuming no other
data is needed and using the
indirect method, the net cash
inflow from operating
activities for

2010 was

a. $60,000

b. $67,000

c. $44,000

d. $51,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following c

statements about the
statement of cash flows is

a. A purchase of equipment is
classified as a cash inflow
from investing activities.

b. Cash dividends paid are

classified as cash flows from
operating activities.

c. Cash dividends received on

stock investments are
classified as cash flows from

operating activities.

d. A company with a net loss

on the income statement will
always have a net cash

outflow from operating


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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Norton Company reported c

total sales revenue of
$55,000, total expenses of
$45,000, and net

income of $10,000 on its

income statement for the year
ended December 31, 2010.

2010, accounts receivable

increased by $4,000,
merchandise inventory
increased by $6,000,

accounts payable decreased

by $2,000, and depreciation
of $18,000 was recorded.

based only on this

information, the net cash flow
from operating activities using
the indirect

method for 2010 was:

a. $30,000

b. $10,000

c. $16,000

d. $19,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Krenshaw Company reported b

total sales revenue of
$80,000, total expenses of
$72,000, and

net income of $8,000 for the

year ended December 31,
2009. During 2009, accounts

receivable increased by
$3,000, merchandise
inventory decreased by
$2,000, accounts payable

increased by $1,000, and

$5,000 in depreciation
expense was recorded.
Assuming no other
adjustments to net income are
needed, the net cash inflow
from operating activities using

indirect method was

a. $19,000

b. $13,000

c. $10,000

d. $11,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which statement is false c

regarding the preparation of
the indirect method of the
statement of

cash flows?

a. An increase in merchandise
inventory is subtracted from
net income.

b. Depreciation expense is
added to net income.

c. An increase in accounts
receivable is added to net

d. An increase in accounts
payable is added to net

Lui Company's 2010 income c

statement reported total sales
revenue of $350,000. The

2010 comparative balance

sheets showed that accounts
receivable increased by
$20,000. The

2010 "cash receipts from

customers" would be

a. $270,000

b. $250,000

c. $330,000

d. $40,000

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4/3/22, 9:10 PM FIN 458 Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following d

statements is true?

a. A cash dividend is an
operating cash outflow.

b. Cash paid to repurchase

treasury stock is an investing
cash outflow.

c. Cash paid to acquire stock

in another company is a
financing outflow.

d. Purchase of a patent is an
investing cash outflow.

Which of the following b

statements is false?

a. Purchase of equipment is
an investing cash outflow.

b. Sale of equipment creates

investing cash outflow equal
to its selling price.

c. Purchase of short-term
investments is an investing
cash outflow.

d. Purchase of a patent is an
investing cash outflow. 34/34

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