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YUNIAR INTAN PRATIWI / 30802000048 / 4L2

What is AMDAL, Definition and Functions of Environmental Impact Analysis Environmental

impact assessment

In geography which studies the earth and all its aspects, AMDAL is one of the objects of
study. AMDAL stands for Environmental Impact Analysis. Of course, from the abbreviation of
his name, he was able to convey about the purpose and function of holding an AMDAL.
Unconsciously, AMDAL has actually been carried out by the general public. There are
people who pay attention to the impact of all the activities they do in an environment. This
concern often occurs, although the definition of AMDAL is still unknown. Reporting from the
Environmental Service of Sleman Regency , AMDAL is claimed to have existed since 1969
in America when everyone felt the impact of development without paying attention to the
surrounding environment. However, in Indonesia, the study of efforts to protect the
environment was only available in 1982 when the Law on Basic Provisions for environmental
management was enacted.

Definition of AMDAL

Recorded in Government Regulation No. 27 of 1999, AMDAL is referred to as a study of

major and important impacts for making business decisions or planned activities on an
environment. From there, entrepreneurs or people who will carry out activities in an area
must comply with decisions based on impact analysis.

According to the West Java Provincial Environmental Service , AMDAL is a study that looks
for the positive and negative impacts of a project to be carried out. In the AMDAL, there are
several aspects that need to be considered for their impact, including physical, chemical,
biological, socio-economic, socio-cultural, and public health aspects. Of course, the axis is
the government which takes an important role in assessing whether these activities are
feasible or not. The feasibility of an activity plan is assessed from its positive and negative
impacts. If the positive impact is greater, it will be easier for the project to obtain an activity
permit. However, if the negative impact is more dominant, the activity will be prohibited.

EIA Function

It has been mentioned that the definition of AMDAL is an effort to keep the environment safe
through an analysis carried out before an activity is carried out. In the book MAKASSAR IN
HERITAGE: Makassar Heritage , Dr. Ir. H. Ahmad Husain M. SI. revealed, AMDAL functions
generally include:
1. Regional development planning materials.
2. Assist the process in making decisions on the environmental feasibility of a business
or activity plan.
3. Provide input in the preparation of the technical design of the business or activity
4. Obtaining an environmental feasibility permit. In addition, there is also an AMDAL
function based on the party who feels the impact. Here is the function.

For Government
1. Protect the environment from pollution and damage.
2. Avoid conflict with the surrounding community.
3. Maintain the principle of sustainable development.
4. The form of government responsibility in managing the environment.

For Entrepreneurs
1. Ensure business continuity.
2. Become a credit loan reference.
3. Evidence of legal compliance.

For Surrounding Communities

1. Knowing from the beginning the impact of an activity in their area.
2. Generating interest to participate in developing the area.

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