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Day 1 activities

Gym Activities

Box Jumps:

How to:

Box Jumps are self-explanatory. You jump on top, fall

off the top of the box then proceed to land on your feet
and jump right onto the other box. For advanced box
jumps you jump over the box, land, and go right up to
jumping over the next box.

Advantages of Box Jumps:

Jumping increases your strength and muscle tone and builds upper body and lower body strength like
crazy. Boxes jumps force you to jump high enough that you’re forced to use every single muscle in your
legs to propel up.


How to:

The ladder is a drill or accessory that works on your foot speed.

When we run the faster our feet hit the ground and come back
up the faster you will run. The ladder can also help you move
side to side if that is something you would be interested in.

Advantages of the Ladder:

They improve 3 key fitness factors - speed, agility, and quickness

- in addition to strengthening your joints, ligaments, and tendons. Incorporating agility ladder workouts
into your fitness routine is also great for improving brain health.
Mtn. Climbers (Mountain Climbers):

How to:

Mountain climbers are a core workout. When doing

mountain climbers, it engages your abs, and it lets you feel
the burn. All there is you get into a pushup position and
then you bring a knee to your chest as the other stays put.
Then you bring your leg back down and the other one goes
to your chest. This is done at a fast pasted movement.

Advantages of Mtn Climbers:

Mountain Climbers are incredibly efficient. As a compound exercise, mountain climbers work multiple
muscle group and joints at the same time. They also improve your mobility. The dynamic nature of
mountain climbers makes them great mobility boosters.

Compound exercise- exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time


How to:

Burpees have it all. They are a squat mixed with a

pushup and a jumping jack. Everything you did in
P.E as a kid you are doing in a full motion. You first
squat down but quickly kick back your legs and
then proceed to go down into a pushup but then
you push yourself up back to a squat and then into a jump.

Advantages of Burpees:

There is an assortment of benefits that come from burpees. You help your body and strengthen your
heart and lungs as well as it improves blood flow. For future benefits it lowers your risk of heart disease
and diabetes.
Plank Sweeps:

How to:

Plank sweeps are the same as a plank but with a twist. When in a
plank position you sweep your knee across your chest. This one
will be a struggle, but it will help your core and balance and it
benefits more because of the balance swing of things.

Advantages of Plank Sweeps:

Plank sweeps are another exercise with multiple balance. As you

do this exercise it helps your posture as well as balance and coordination. This exercise improves body
alignment and helps with your flexibility.

Floor Wiper:

How to:

Floor wipers are another core workout but the benefits of a

strong core in jumping, and running are an essential if the
other exercises are getting done. Floor wipers start on your
back, and you kick your legs out but keep them out. You
then swing your legs side to side as if you are a windshield

Advantages of Floor Wipers:

Stronger abs can even help improve your posture and help you breathe better. Additionally, floor wipers
are great for warming up your hip flexors, increasing range of motion and stabilizing your lower back.
Day 2 Activities


How to:

Dips will help with your upper body strength. When running or jumping a
swing of your arms occur. When doing dips all you are using is your body
weight and moving it up and down. You don’t have to do dips as the picture
shown you can also sit on a chair pull your butt out from under you and
then dip your butt to the group and it will give you the same benefits.

Advantages of Dips:

Adding muscle mass to your upper body is the goal of this exercise. It will work out your chest,
shoulders, triceps, upper back, and your lower back. All these muscles will help your when running and

C.G. Pushups:

How to:

Close Grip Pushups is another way to work out your chest. This is just
another exercise that will round out your chest, shoulders and it will
help with your arms swings so you can jump higher and run faster.
You start in a pushup position, and you bring your hands loser to the
center of your body. You then proceed like a regular pushup.

Advantages of C.G. pushups:

Close-grip push ups build upper-body strength. Close-grip push-ups target muscle groups like the
anterior deltoids in your strength, your pectoral chest muscles, and triceps muscles. In the end its your
chest and arms.
Glute Bridge:

How to:

Glute bridge is a simple but effective exercise. It works

on your hip mobility, and it strengthens your hip flexors.
It can also help with your glute muscles. All you need to
do is lay on your back, press your heels into the floor as
you thrust towards the ceiling.

Advantages of the glute bridge:

It will help to get rid of back pain and release knee pain. It will form a firm and round butt as well as
improve your squat and deadlift record. Some natural benefits will be your posture and ultimately help
you run faster.

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