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Unity in Diversity June 2011 Newsletter

Samoan Language Week Celebration

Sa turday 04 June. 1:30-4:30pm. Rotorua Girls High School Hall (251 Ol d Taupo Rd entrance).
Sa moa Ola-Samoa Active. Witness a small s napshot of Samoan culture i n Rotorua. Samoan a chievement
a nd contribution in New Zealand will be recognized. Rotorua Girls a nd Boys High Pa cific Island Group will
perform. Li ght refreshments a vailable. Contact Chris Simanu on 021 878281 for enquiries.

Dutch Club Coffee Morning

Tues day 07 June. 10a m-12pm. The Dutch Cl ub welcomes newcomers to Rotorua. Join us for a casual chat
every fi rs t Tuesday of the month a t The Netherland Society Rotorua Cl ubrooms a t Neil Hunt Pa rk, Tarawera
Roa d. Cos t: $2 for coffee a nd biscuit or s mall ca ke. Annual membership: $20/Single $30/Couple. Contact
Douwe Visser (President) on 345 9383 for more i nfo.

Networking Lunch
Tues day 07 June. 12-1pm at Relish Ca fé (1149 Tutanekai Street). Meet other newcomers a nd a guest
mi gra nt s ervice provider. Share your experience of settling in Rotorua. Bring a contact card to give to each
other. Ema il to book a seat. Cost: PYO meal. Visit to vi ew menu.

Arbor Day
Wednesday 08 June. New NZ ci tizens in Rotorua are i nvited to plant a tree at a pprox. 1:15pm-2:30pm a t
Ra y Boord Pa rk. Devon Street West. Wear heavy s hoes or gumboots. In case of bad weather, postponement
wi l l be announced over the ra dio by 8a m or contact the Rotorua District Council Pa rks a nd Recreation
Department a t 348 4199. Newcomers can come a long. Email to sign up.

Plenty Flora Tour

Thurs day 09 June. Meeting place: Rotorua Arts Village (1240 Hi nemaru St.) 10a m. We are going to visit
Pl enty Fl ora 1188 SH/way 30 Horohoro RD1, where gerbera flowers are grown in Rotorua.
Cos t: $5 towa rds tra nsport. Contact Judy Wi niata (English La nguage Pa rtners Coordinator) on 350 2395 or
ema il Susana So (Rotorua Newcomers Network Coordinator) a t

U&I can cook Thai

Wednesday 15 June. 6-7pm at Rotorua Youth Centre (Te Ngae Road a cross Countdown). Cost: $8
Tues day 21 Ma y. 6-7pm a t Relish Ca fé (1149 Tutanekai Street). Cost: $15
Tha i Home Cook Tina Pornsirichaiva tana will demonstrate how to cook Thai Green Chicken Curry a nd
Rotorua Multicultural Council Committee Member Peter Pornsirichaivatana will s hare food budgeting ti ps.
Ema i l to register or call Susana So on (021) 1593601

Let’s wa tch the movie X-Men Final as a group a t Reading Cinema 1281 Eruera Street Rotorua. Minimum of
10 people (adult&kids) for a group discount cost: 12.30/a dult (regular price $15) a nd $8.20/children Email

Rotorua Matariki 2011

20 June- 13 July. Opening Monday 20 June, 5pm at Rotorua Arts Village (1240 Hi nemaru St) An exhibition of
work to cel ebrate the Ma ori New Year. Featuring a rtists talks, l ive tattooing and exhibition of drawings. A
tour of the Government Gardens i ncluding the Arts Village with special consideration to wahi ta pu, or
s a cred sites and their histories. Visit ra or email the

Multicultural Rotorua Newsletter June 2011

Rotorua Multicultural Council Inc.
(RMC a .k.a . Multicultural Rotorua) monthly meeting on Tuesday 07 June. 7:30pm a t the Community House
1115 Ha upapa St. Meeting Room 1. If you have a new group formed or would like to discuss your interest i n
RMC, you a re most welcome to attend. Annual membership fee: $50 (group), $10 (i ndivi dual).

Gospel Nation
Thurs days 7pm-9pm at Studio 2. Rotorua Arts Village 1240 Hi nemaru St. Rotorua. Do you love to sing? Do
you ha ve passion for Black Gospel Music? Do you enjoy meeting new people a nd havi ng fun? Then this is for
you! Open to a ll. No a uditions. Come a nd join the Rotorua Community Gospel Choir. Expand your s kills i n
s i nging a nd confidence to perform in front of people. Rehearsals every Thursday night during s chool term.
Cos t $5/month. Contact Founders Mitsy Stri ckland (021) 027 29631 or Bobby Howard (027) 298 8733.

75th Jubilee Celebration

The Ba y of Pl enty (Rotorua) Indian Association Inc. celebrated its 75 Jubilee. President Shashi Patel said
tha t i t was a true community effort that ma de the Indian association very proud to s howcase s uch a n event
to a l l the people that travelled from throughout New Zealand and overseas. Attended by 450 people. For
enquiry, s end a n email to a nd i t will be forwarded to Secretary Samir Shah.

Neighbours in our Community

Fri da y 24 June. 12:10-12:50pm a t Rotorua Arts Village 1240 Hi nemaru St. A guest speaker will share
ba ckground information a bout his country, cul ture, customs a nd beliefs. Gain an i nsight i nto the challenges
of s ettling in a new homeland. Free to a ttend. BYO l unch, refreshments provided. Contact Heather
McAl l ister, Settlement Support Coordinator 348 4199 ema il or Judy
Wi niata- English Language Pa rtners Coordinator 350 2395 ema il

Free Health Care

Monda y to Fri day- 9am to 5pm. There is a Convenient Ca re Cl inic based a t Work a nd Income (WINZ) 1207
Pukua tua St. No a ppointment required. Walk in the main entrance, turn ri ght. Quality ca re delivered by
Regi stered Nurses freely a vailable to everyone (for now). Services include: Quit s moking treatment &
s upport, i mmunizations, lies and scabies treatment, throat or ear i nfections, minor wounds a nd i njuries,
dres sings, blood pressure, weighing, blood s ugar check, a sthma check, diabetes check, STI test, pregnancy test, contraception and
a dvi ce, cervical smears, mammogram referrals, health checks, health ca re a dvice, health education a nd promotion, referrals to
other Community Servi ces and confidential chat. There a re no doctors on site. No prescriptions nor medical certificates. Contact
Booboo- Community Worker, phone 9218079 email
For 24 hour Medical Service call La kes Pri me Ca re 3481000. Doctors 3488899 a nd Mi dwife 0800 bi rths.
In ca s e of Emergency call 111.

Susana So
Rotorua Newcomers Network
(021) 1593601
Managed by:
Rotorua Multicultural Council Inc.
Funded by Lottery Grants Board

Multicultural Rotorua Newsletter is published monthly by Rotorua Multicultural Council Inc. PO Box 86
Rotorua 3040. Charities Commission Number CC39743. Email:
The Council meets every 1st Tuesday of the month 7:30pm at The Community House 1115 Haupapa St.
Funders: Rotorua Trust and COGS (Community Organisation Grant Scheme)
Mi gra nt business or cultural matters, call (027)4494417 to s peak to Alexis LewGor, Council President.
Jus ti ce of Peace servi ces, call 3500209 extn 8035 to ma ke an appointment to see HariMulticultural
Chhagan QSM, JP
Rotorua Newsletter June 2011
Free English cl ass to l ocal residents, call 3502395 to s peak to Judy Winiata, English Language Pa rtner Coordinator

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