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“ Unity in Diversity” May 2011 Newsletter

Coffee Morning
Tuesday 03 May. 10am-12pm. The Dutch Club welcomes newcomers to Rotorua. Join us for a casual chat
every first Tuesday of the month at The Netherland Society Rotorua Clubrooms at Neil Hunt Park, Tarawera
Road. Cost: $2 for coffee and biscuit or small cake. Annual membership: $20/Single $30/Couple. Contact
Douwe Visser (President) on 345 9383 for more info.

Tea and Fashion

Saturday 07 May. 10am-12pm at Fashion Fields 21 (1160 Haupapa St.) Cost: gold coin donation. Enjoy
morning tea with other migrants/newcomers to Rotorua, hosted by Ava who owns the fashion boutique
where you’ll find Turkish/European clothes imported from Istanbul. You are welcome to try on different
styles with no obligation to purchase. Be there to make friends and have fun fitting clothes. Email or call Susana So (021) 1593601 to register.

Saturday 07 May. 3pm-6pm at St Mary’s Church Hall (corner Ranolf and Seddon Sts.) Bring a plate. The
Philippine Club of Rotorua Inc. would like to welcome and meet new Filipinos in Rotorua. Have some
“lutong Pinoy” –siguradong may Adobo at pansit! (cooked Filipino dishes- pork or chicken cooked with soy
sauce, vinegar, peppercorns, garlic and bay leaves; and noodles ). Email

Health Forum
Tuesday 10 May. 8pm at Gandhi Hall (Gibson St). The BOP (Rotorua) Indian Association will have a Breast
and Cervical Cancer Awareness Forum for its female members to be conducted by Dr. Chandra Bala and
June Grant (Breast and Cervical Screening Health Promoter). Contact Susie Ranchhod at (07) 3454390.

Coffee Break
Monday 09 May. 10am-12pm at Rotorua Arts Village (1240 Hinemaru St.) Let us enjoy a Fairtrade cuppa
together and be counted in Oxfam’s Biggest Coffee Break. Visit In Rotorua, come to the Arts
Village where we will serve Fairtrade Caffe L'affare coffee, Kokako drinking chocolate and Whittaker's
chocolate and there will be resources to help you learn about Fairtrade and Oxfam's work with struggling
coffee growers in the developing world. Talk to Tania Short- Rotorua Arts Village Manager. Phone (07)
3489008 Email or contact Susana So (021) 1593601 Email

Learn English
Non-English speaking migrants (residents) who need help in learning the language to be able to apply for a
NZ driver’s license or to understand basic work-related conversations are welcome to attend a free basic
English language workshop. Minimum of 6 people required to run the class. Email Alexis LewGor at
ENGLISH or Susana So at to register. Time and Venue
will be based on registrations received.

Plenty Flora Tour

Monday 16 May. 1pm meeting place Rotorua Arts Village (1240 Hinemaru St) We are going to visit Plenty
Flora 1188 SH/way 30 Horohoro RD1, where Gerbera flowers are grown in Rotorua. Bring
your own snack and we will have a light afternoon tea after the tour. Cost: $5. Transportation from town to
the glasshouse and back will be provided. Maximum 7 people. Email to register.

Multicultural Rotorua Newsletter May 2011

Gospel Nation
Thursdays 7pm-9pm at Studio 2. Rotorua Arts Village 1240 Hinemaru St. Rotorua. Do you love to sing? Do
you have passion for Black Gospel Music? Do you enjoy meeting new people and having fun? Then this is for
you! Open to all. No auditions. Come and join the Rotorua Community Gospel Choir. Expand your skills in
singing and confidence to perform in front of people. Rehearsals every Thursday night during school term.
Cost $5/month. Founders Mitsy Strickland and Bobby Howard. Contact Bobby (027) 298 8733.

Neighbours in our Community

Friday 27 May. 12:10-12:50pm at Rotorua Arts Village 1240 Hinemaru St. Guest speaker Eesha will share
background information about Sri Lanka- its culture, customs and beliefs. Gain an insight into the challenges
of settling in a new homeland. Free to attend. BYO lunch, refreshments provided. Contact Heather
McAllister, Settlement Support Coordinator 348 4199 email or Judy Winiata- English Language
Partners Coordinator 350 2395 email

Free Health Care

Monday to Friday- 9am to 5pm. There is a Convenient Care Clinic based at Work and Income (WINZ) 1207
Pukuatua St. No appointment required. Walk in the main entrance, turn right. Quality care delivered by
Registered Nurses freely available to everyone (for now). Services include: Quit smoking treatment &
support, immunizations, lies and scabies treatment, throat or ear infections, minor wounds and injuries,
dressings, blood pressure, weighing, blood sugar check, asthma check, diabetes check, STI test, pregnancy test, contraception and
advice, cervical smears, mammogram referrals, health checks, health care advice, health education and promotion, referrals to
other Community Services and confidential chat. There are no doctors on site. No prescriptions nor medical certificates. Contact
Booboo- Community Worker, phone 9218079 email
For 24 hour Medical Service call Lakes Prime Care 3481000. Doctors 3488899 and Midwife 0800 births.
In case of Emergency call 111.

1. The Rotorua Multicultural Council Inc. (RMC, a.k.a. Multicultural Rotorua) AGM will be on Tuesday 3rd of May. 7:30pm at the
Community House (1115 Haupapa St.) All member communities are requested to send 2 reps to the AGM. If you have a new
group formed or would like to discuss your interest in RMC, you are most welcome to attend.
2. RMC is inviting all member communities to attend a Strategic Planning evening (date and venue to be confirmed). The plan-
ning will be on the direction of RMC for the next 5 years. Your input is important for the continuation of RMC and we can on-
ly do this collectively.
3. RMC now has a Facebook page. Search for Multicultural Rotorua page and “like” it. You are welcome to post your queries,
greetings and announcements there. Share photos too if you like.
4. We are looking for language translators to help community service providers communicate with non-English speaking clients,
vice versa. Email Alexis LewGor at or Susana So at to register.

Susana So
Rotorua Newcomers Network
(021) 1593601
Managed by:
Rotorua Multicultural Council Inc.
Funded by Lottery Grants Board

Multicultural Rotorua Newsletter is published monthly by Rotorua Multicultural Council Inc. PO Box 86
Rotorua 3040. Charities Commission Number CC39743. Email:
The Council meets every 1st Tuesday of the month 7:30pm at The Community House 1115 Haupapa St.
Funders: Rotorua Trust and COGS (Community Organisation Grant Scheme)
Migrant business or cultural matters, call (027)4494417 to speak to Alexis LewGor, Council President.
Justice of Peace services, call (07) 3518035 to make an appointment to see Hari Chhagan QSM, JP Rotorua Newsletter May 2011
Free English class to local residents, call (07) 3502395 to speak to Judy Winiata, English Language Partner Coordinator

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