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Completa los espacios en blanco usando: can, can´t, could o couldn´t.

1. Peter _couldn´t_________ sleep yesterday because he

heard a noise and was very afraid.
2. Steve __can________ play basketball very well. He is
the best player in his school team.
3. Dave ___can´t_______ afford to pay the phone bill as
it’s very expensive.
4. Yesterday we _____couldn´t____ go out because of the
heavy rain. We had to stay at home and got really bored.
5. __can_________ your brother cook? - Yes, he __can_____.
He’s an excellent cook and often helps our mother in
the kitchen.
6. _could_ your father go to work yesterday? – No, he
__couldn´t_. He had a temperature and a terrible headache.
7. “__Can__ you tell me a tale, dad?” – Of course, I __can___,
but it ___can´t____ be a long one as it is a bit late.”
8. Lisa and Dave ____can´t____ get married until Fred
found a job as an accountant in a big firm.
9. “__Can____ you show me the green T-shirt?” – “Yes, of
course. Here you are.”
10.Now Tom _couldn´t drive a car as he got his driving
license last week. He’s really proud and is looking
forward to buying his first car.
11.“__Can_______ you sew?”- No, I __can´t____ , but my
grandmother __can______. She usually makes me all
my dresses.
12. Pam and Bill __couldn´t_ be at home because they went
on holiday yesterday. They must be at the beach by now.

Escribe la letra que corresponda a cada oración conectando las columnas.

1. _c._ I was so upset. a. I couldn’t dance.

2. _d._ I forgot my glasses. b. They were cleaning the swimming pool.
3. _b._ We couldn’t swim. c. I couldn’t say a word.
4. _a._ My ankle hurt. d. I couldn’t see what the teacher
5. _e._ My car didn’t work. wrote on the board.
6. _f._ I was sick last week. e. I couldn’t go to the movie.
7. _g._ It was so cold in there and f. I couldn’t go to class.

I got a cold. g. I couldn’t close the windows.

Melvin Gilberto Vargas Labrador. Año: 2do. Sección: “A”.

C.I: 32.758.400. Docente: Franklin Alfonzo.
N° de lista: 36. Materia: Ingles.

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