Global Citizen Essay

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Isaiah Spikes

December 8, 2021

AP English Literature

Global Citizens Essay

What does it mean to be ready in the "real world"? Schools prepare us for the real world

and send us off once we graduate, but are we not a part of the real world the moment we are

born? No we aren't. These are two separate worlds, two different realities, called childhood and

adulthood. Life is a continuous cycle of preparations. From your birth, to your childhood, to

your adulthood, to your death, everything was being prepared from the start. Our parents prepare

us for school. School prepares us for employment. Employment prepares us for retirement, and

retirement prepares us for death. So what is ASGL preparing us for, global citizenship, what is

that? Well, from the perspective of your normal citizens, a global citizen is a mountain, in which

you cannot see behind. A citizen on a global scale. Being open-minded to not only your city,

state, or country, but the whole world. A global citizen is the epitome of success.

A successful artist can be considered a global citizen for many reasons. Performing

world-wide, gaining fans on a global scale, using communicators to express themselves. A

successful artist is a perfect example, yet, there are some unknown artists who can also be called

a global citizen. For example, an underground artist named Mike Dimes. I remember when I first

came across his music, I felt a jolt of inspiration flow through my body. His songs reminded me

of many of the Learner Profiles. His songs are balanced, bringing different aspects of emotions

and intellect, while having his own sense of independence. He is reflective by understanding his

own strengths and weaknesses and uses them to support his own development. He uses
inquirers by developing his skills not only alone, but with others alike. He is very enthusiastic

about his music and loves doing what he does. To me, that is what a global citizen is.

Mike Dimes aside, am I a global citizen yet? Throughout my years of education, I have

experienced many things and made several connections with a variety of people. From people of

different races, to people of different academic level, and age. The relationships I made here will

be a great deal of help in my career, considering the fact that I see myself, as well as my peers

becoming very successful in the future. So yes, I am a global citizen. As an ASGL graduate, I

was able to mature into the shoes of an adult. Capable of recognizing humanity as a whole, and

bettering the planet. Staying knowledgeable and open-minded, while also having a caring and

compassionate side. Keeping principled and always reflecting on my mistakes, but never

repeating them. Nothing is set in stone, so risk-taking is sometimes necessary, but when met

with determination and resilience, I can face any challenge. Nurturing my curiosity and

expressing myself confidently and creatively. These are the traits that define me as a global


As for my future. I have already decided that I will be successful. I will use the

knowledge I have gained and become a music producer greater than any other. Once I have the

fame and fortune, I plan to contribute to the world in even greater attempts. I have big plans in

life, so I must handle my future with care. This is what Inquirers taught me. To have the

grandest of aspirations and the ability to change the world. As well as to be more independent,

while being able to collaborate effectively with others. Balanced taught me to grasp my own

future myself, with the hands of a giant, but the grip of an infant, and Caring taught me to

always offer the same open hand to others. As I continue to develop and master these skills, I can
see myself going even farther than the eye can see, like the stars in the vast sky, you have only

seen a glimmer of my light.

I'm not a very religious person, but I do believe God has a plan for us all. However, I

don’t believe he gives his attention to us all, but only the ones truly worth watching. So for

anyone else who is as ambitious as I am, for the heavens to know your name, you must start with

the world knowing your name. To do this, becoming globally competent is essential. You must

know the world for the world to know you. A quote by Isaiah Spikes.

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