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University of Central Punjab
Faculty of Information Technology

Course Log

Faculty of Information Technology,

University of Central Punjab, Lahore


Course Name English II- Communication skills
Catalog Number
Instructor Name Zainab Nazir

We Le Topics Covered Evaluation

ek ct Instruments
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Introduction To Communication,
Importance, Course Outline
1 1
Need Assessment Test will be given to
the students in order to identify the
problem area
Grammar Exercises
 Adjectives, adverbs
 Tenses
 Prepositions
 Prepositional phrases
 Subject verb agreement
1 2  Conjunctions
 Articles-A, An, The, no article
 Concepts will be discussed and
exercises related with the
concepts shall be done in the
Class activity shall be conducted in the
form of a group activity
Sentence Transformation
Active and Passive Voice
Direct and Indirect Assignment 1
3 Exploding texts – sentence structure Announced

1 4 Communication as a process ,

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relationship between sender and

receiver, Coding decoding , medium,
Business etiquettes
Characteristics Of Effective
1 5 Communication (Seven C’s Of Effective
Communication )
Assignment 1
Characteristic Of Effective Due ,Quiz 1
Communication Barriers in Announced
1 6 communication, Needs, expectations,
feedback, constructive and destructive,
Speech Goals, Audience Oriented

Forms Of Communication, (Formal,

2 7
Informal, Written Verbal , Formal,
Communication process, Audience
oriented approach, Communication in
2 8
organization Setting, Downward,
upward, horizontal.
Assignment 2
2 9 Communication Design Strategies
Communicating and Participating in a
 Selecting a newspaper article for
generating a content based
2 10 discussion in the class
 Learning to practice taking turns
during oral communication
 Preparing/ organizing/
prioritizing points for discussion
Strategy for Oral communication
 Successful Speaking/Listening
 Improving Oral/Non-verbal
3 11
Presentation skills
 Reducing Stage Fright
Improving Listening Skills
3 12 Types Of Speech Delivery
Business Communication, Formal Quiz 1 Return
3 13 communication. Phoning, Meeting
( Chairing Attending )
Assignment 2
Informal communication, dialogue,
4 14 Due, Quiz 2
interviewing, dealing with customers

4 15 Analyzing Business Letters, writing

business letters

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Use Of Sub Skills Of Reading , Assignment 2

4 16 Skimming Scanning Anticipating, Return /Quiz 2
Predicting Return
4 17 Mid Term
Developing Comprehension Assignment 3
 Reading comprehension Announced
 Passages for comprehension
5 18  Practicing oral comprehension
through a conversation/
Comprehending an oral speech/
Listening: Listening Barriers, Internal
5 19 And External Noises, types of listening
Content , Critical, emphatic,
Understanding the listening process, Quiz 3
Difference between effective and in Announced
5 20
effective listening

Learning Presentation skills Quiz 3

 Learning to prepare Power point
 Effective use of animation
6 21
 Rules of an effective presentation
 Dos and Don’ts
 Learning Paralinguistic Features
Responsibilities of the speaker/ listener
Listening activity Assignment 3
 This activity shall be conducted Due
using audio-visual aids
22  Listening to song/Audio
recording and discussing it to
develop critical/ analytical skills

Precise Writing, Difference Between Quiz 3 Return

6 23
Precise Writing And Paraphrasing
6 24 Job Interview Process Assignment 3
 Understanding the Interview Return
 Successful Preparation for Job
 Successful Follow up after the
 Successful Negotiating
 Successful Interviewing across

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Job Interview Process Quiz 4
 Understanding the Interview Announced
 Successful Preparation for Job
6 25 Interview
 Successful Follow up after the
 Successful Negotiating
Successful Interviewing across Borders
Skills of Effective Interviews
7 26
This session server
only for training and
Mock Interviews may prepare
7 27 A session of Mock interviews with students to deals
students will be conducted with general fright
while communicating
the super ordinated
Assignment 4  Objectives :
Project Presentation Announced  To test
 Students will submit a students
handwritten assignment and learning from
present the topic the course.
7 28
 Preparation and discussion  Practical
 Identifying issues and involvement
addressing them of the learned

Project Presentation Assignment 4

 Students will submit a Return/ Quiz 4
handwritten assignment and Return
7 29 present the topic
 Preparation and discussion

Identifying issues and addressing them

Students Presentation
8 30 Course Review

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