Listening & Speaking Test - Unit 6: F (False)

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Listening & Speaking Test_Unit 6

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1 You will hear part of a lecture about an island's history. Listen and LS3 TG Unit 6 choose T (True) or
F (False).

1 The island became so popular because the land was very good for T / F farming.

2 The conditions on the island meant that there was time for developing art T / F and culture.

3 The land became better for farming after the island’s forests were T / F destroyed.

4 The animals that lived on Easter Island died out because of overhunting. T/F

5 A new theory claims that diseases carried by Europeans killed the people T / F on Easter Island.

Score: /5

2 You will hear part of a lecture about an island's history. Listen and LS3 TG Unit 6 check (✔) the five
different categories of information mentioned by the speaker. There are two extra categories you
do not need.

A The first visitors to Easter Island

B The farming conditions on the island

C The quality of life the people had

D The development of culture on the island

E The type of farming the people developed

F The popular myth about the island

G The new theory about the death of the Easter Island people

Score: /5


3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses.

1 I know I was sick but it (could / not / be) because of the food I ate.
2 The test results (might / affect) by the extreme heat.
3 You (could / not / see) Dr. Miles because he doesn’t work here anymore.
4 You (must / catch) the disease when you were on vacation.
5 Janice (may / transmit) the germs to the rest of the children.

Score: /5

4 Put the words into the correct order.

1 couldn’t / the epidemic / have / here / started / .

2 been / the meat / contaminated / have / must / .

3 Paula / come / may / down / the flu / have / with / .

4 couldn’t / employed / the company / have / researchers / more / .

5 the experiment / the animals / had / before / to / have / sick / been / .

Score: /5

5 Rewrite the sentences using the modals of deduction provided.

1 I'm sure Tabitha was sick yesterday. MUST

2 I'm sure the water spread the disease. HAD TO

3 It's possible that I left my bag at the hospital. MAY

4 It's possible that I caught the flu while I was on vacation. MIGHT

5 It wasn't possible for you to see Sarah. COULD

Score: /5

6 Match the halves to form sentences.

1. Because of an issue with b. harmful.
theblood tests, the results are not
a. unsafe.
2. Due to the epidemic, this area is
c. valid.
now considered

d. extinct.
3. If the disease spreads any
further, the situation will become
e. critical.

4. The chemicals used in the

process are not thought to be

5. Researchers warn that

thecheetah may soon become

Score: /5

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. There are two extra words you do
not need.
ache circulate reinforce transmit treat vary
1 Malaria by female mosquitoes.
2 Honey can be used chronic wounds.
3 If your back , you should try doing some yoga.
4 This disorder slightly from one patient to another. 5 Many infectious diseases in the region
have .

Score: /5

8 Choose the best options (A or B) to complete the conversation.

Milan: I don’t feel well. I think I might be (1) something.

Olga: Then you need to go for a (2) . There’s been quite a few
(3) of the flu at work. Maybe that’s what you’ve got?
Milan: You’re right. I heard it’s been (4) . Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a(n) (5) .

1 A tracing back to B coming down with

2 A check-up B toxin
3 A incidences B disorders
4 A reinforcing B circulating
5 A epidemic B concentration of
Score: /5


9 Read the text.


Read the short text below and then answer the questions.

One day your colleague doesn’t arrive at work. This is unusual because he has never been sick in the
past. When you ask your boss about him, she tells you that he contacted the company to say that he
was sick. He returns to work two weeks later. He has lost a lot of weight but looks very healthy and
has a good suntan. You also notice that he is very calm when he works and does not seem to get as
frustrated as he did in the past with you or his other colleagues.

Use language for deduction to answer the questions:

Why did your colleague take time off work?

How can you explain his physical condition?
How can you explain his new calm manner?


A few days later you talk to your colleague. Here are some of things he told you:

He was feeling burned out and needed a break from work.

He went on a 10-day meditation vacation.
He now meditates regularly and follows a vegan diet.

For each statement, think of at least one clarifying or confirming question you could ask him.

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