Role of Increasing Levels of Non-Performing Assets in Bank's Deteriorating Financial Position: A Review of Literature

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March-April 2020

ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23600 - 23606

Role of increasing levels of Non-Performing Assets in

Bank’s deteriorating financial position : A review of
CA.Kamakshi Mehta1, Shiv Swaroop Jha2
Assistant Professor , Amity University , Haryana

Article Info Abstract

Volume 83 Non Performing Assets (NPA) have witnessed a tremendous increase since the world wide
Page Number: 23600 - 23606 recession of 2009 . The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) along with the Indian Government
Publication Issue: have implemented rules and issued directives to control the rising level of NPA, but have
March - April 2020
failed . The ever rising NPA level has resulted in the fall of the income and profitability
level of the bank , further resulting in their failures . The study comprises of review of
literatures published by renowned researchers on Rising NPA’s and Bank failures . The
study comprises of explanation of different views of academicians and regulators . A total
of 105 research papers , published in eminent journals , have been reviewed . The main
purpose of the study is to discuss the various causes instigating the rising level’s of NPA . It
also studies the role of these causes in the downfall of the various banks .
Article History
Article Received: 24 July 2019 It is undisputed that the road to recovery is very long but the study recommends the
Revised: 12 September 2019 measures which can be taken to control and reduce the rising NPA levels .
Accepted:15 February 2020
Publication: 30 April 2020 Keywords: Banks, Non-performing assets, Stressed assets, Bad Loans , Assets quality, RBI

The past 10 years have seen a surge in the level of The recent years have seen financial frauds regularly
defaulters in the Indian Banks , has left the economy rising beyond boundaries . In spite of the fact that
struggling . The banking industry has witnessed a financial frauds are a cost of doing the banking
tremendous fall in the profitability and liquidity business but these costs have witnessed a
levels thus resulting in a threat to the existence of tremendous escalation during the past decade .
the Banks . The Indian Government along with the Various regulators like the Indian Government and
RBI has repeatedly issued directives to control this the Reserve Bank have issued various corrective
situation . But both the authorities have failed measures to be followed by the banks but all these
miserably . The various Law enforcing agencies efforts have fallen flat time and again and
have revealed that the NPA issue is worse in case of greediness of the bank employees have resulted in
Public banks as compared to Private Banks .This the failures of all corrective directives issuedA
article reviews 20 years’ of Indian Banking major dent in the economy can now be seen clearly .
literature to evaluate the current state of knowledge
Rezaee, (2005) The study reveals that the
pertaining to the Role of Non-Performing Assets in
corporations intentionally prepare misleading and
Bank’s deteriorating financial position and to
manipulated financial statements with the sole intent
explore the way in which the concept of NPA’s is
of deceiving and misleading the banks , investors ,
used within this context.
stakeholders or any other user .

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23600 - 23606

Dutta. A (2014) The researcher had based his study external factors comprises of recession, global
on the performance of banks in the effectiveness of economy , natural calamities etc.
the measures taken in the management of NPA .The
Ugah, (2010). The study has concluded that the
data was collected from secondary sources of both
frauds are materialized by professional persons who
public and private sector banks .
are well conversant with the banking system with
Joseph,L.(2014) The research intends to study the the support of dishonest members of the bank staff .
contributory causes of rising trends of NPA . The
Das, S. (2010) and Ahmad, Z., Jegadeeshwaran, M.
researcher has also recommended the measures
(2013) in their papers have analysed the parameters
which if followed would have reduced NPA level’s .
which contribute to the increasing NPA levels . The
Arora, N., Ostwal, N. (2014) Concluding his study, list includes market failure, wilful defaults, poor
the researcher has stated that NPA are a financial follow-up and supervision, non-cooperation from
threat to all Banks and financial institutions . This he banks, poor Legal framework, lack of
has arrived at by examining the loan assets of entrepreneurial skills, and diversion of funds
different banks .
Ranjan, R., Dhal, S.C. (2013)This paper critically
Satpal (2014) The study has mainly focussed on the reviews the extent of influence of the economic and
definition of NPA and the major contributors to the financial factors on the Non Performing Loans of
rising NPA level and their impact on Banking Indian commercial banks using the regression
operations . analysis technique

OBJECTIVES : T.R. Radhakrishnan, (2016), The article highlights

that it is the banks which are to be blamed for the
The objective of this paper is to identify the gaps in
rising NPA’s more than the corporates . The author
the previously done studies to lay out a foundation
promotes the idea that the level of NPA can be
for future studies .
controlled by exercising making the banking
validate current arguments based on previous process ie the process of approving and disbursing
findings loans full proof . In order words policies should be
made and followed to the point by exercising great
skill and diligence .
The research is based on the method of exploratory
study which comprises of the explanation of
different views of academicians and regulators . A Non performing assets ( NPA) refers to those loans
total of 105 research papers written by various disbursed by the banks which are now not receivable
academicians , published in eminent journals , have . in todays scenario the banks are not only judged by
been reviewed . the number of branches or customer base but also on
the basis of standard of assets . A total of
approximately 22000 crores has been lost by the
Muniappan, (2002) , The study after an in-depth Public sector Banks alone in the last three years on
study into the causes of NPA’s has classified them account of various banking frauds . Many
into two broad divisions Internal and External researchers have established by their researches that
factors . Diversion of funds or failure of business or NPAs negatively effect the profitability , liquidity
inability of the board are all classified under Internal and solvency of the banks .
factors instigating NPA.On the other hand the

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23600 - 23606

Balasubramaniam (2001) The study makes an Khanna (2012) in her research paper has endorsed
assessment of the NPA scenario of all the banks the analysis that a high level of NPA suggests high
which were found to be very high . It was level of credit defaults which affect the liquidity ,
recommended that the bank should maintain and profitability and net worth of the banks . The only
follow strict rules and policies regarding credit solution to control this alarming situation is that the
appraisal procedures and excersing proper internal banks become very cautious in extending loans .
controls .
Kumar (2013) in his study highlighted the fact that
Kaur(2006) in her thesis has highlighted the problem NPA’s have increasing become a destroyer of the
of NPA in PSB’s in India . She had suggested that Indian Economy and the Indian banking system .
there is an urgent need for creating staff awareness The loan portfolio proves to be of immense
about the adverse impact of NPA’s on the importance in order to control the levels of Bank
profitability levels of the banks. The researcher also NPA’s .
advocated that these levels could be controlled by
Kumar has also supported the claims made by other
organising frequent meetings with borrowers . This
researchers that high level of NPA has adverse
would not only generate trust but also better
impact on profitability, productivity, liquidity,
understanding between both the parties .
solvency, capital adequacy and image of the bank.
.Bhatia (2007) The researcher in his study has listed
Okeja (2013) . The study has concluded that the
down the factors which have noted to be major
frauds forgeries and insider abuse have resulted in
causes initiating Bank NPA’s . A model consisting
banks insolvency and failures . All stakeholders ,
of two factors a) macro economic level b) bank
public and government agencies are highly
specific parameters should be developed .
concerned with the issue of bank failures.
Karunakar (2008) , has studied the impact of
Gynedi (2014) The researcher warns that if the asset
mismanagement of risks by the bank officials on the
quality in Indian banks keeps deteriorating as was
increasing levels of losses and detiorating
the case in past then it shall pose an enormous threat
profitability level of banks and financial institutions
not only to the banks but also to the whole economic
. The only solution advocated by the researcher to
structure of India. . 70% of the Public Sector banks
the problem of NPA’s is the propercredit assessment
are faced with fear and anxiety regarding their levels
and risk managementmechanism.
of profitability and cash liquidity levels .
Kaur and Singh (2011) The researchers have
Satpal (2014) The researcher’s main focus had been
highlighted that NPA’s are not only the major
on the causes of NPA levels which have over the
source of setback to the economic growth of the
years being rising steeply . The study also evaluated
country but also prove to be an important factor to
the quantum of impact of NPA on the liquidity ,
judge and gauge the financial health of the bank .
profitability and survival of the various banks . This
Prasad and Veena (2011) The study reveals that crisis has deeply effected not only the bank but the
since NPA accounts do not generate any interest economy as a whole .
income to the bank whereas it proves to be an extra
Kumar et al.,2016,The study of the banking
burden on the banks profitability . Thus it
structure by the researcher reveals that it is a PSB
necessitates to formulates models and strategies to
dominated structure. It has been evident from the
reduce NPA levels at a war footing pace .
results of the study that the financials of the banks
have been weighed down by the high level of NPA’s

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23600 - 23606

thus having a high negative impact on the NPA is out performing the advantage of the
profitability of the banks . remedial measures being taken by the bank .
Nitin,2016 . The study has considered only 4 years Kumar , Rao and Kusuma (2018)in their paper have
NNPA’s (Net NPA’s ) of 11 banks in the process of laid stress on NPA’s as the major hinderance faced
establishing a co-relation between their NPA and by the banks today . As per the study the ever
EPS .The result of the research shows that there is a increasing levels of NPA’s unfavourably impact the
negative co-relation between the two in case of PSB financial statements which in turn discourages the
and a positive relation in case of PVB . investors from investing in the concerned banks .
The paper discusses the causes for increase of
Dave,(2016) The researcher intends to analyse and
NPA’s and they are ranked with the Garrett Ranking
list down the factors contributing to NPA’s , the
reason to their high NPA and their impact on the
banks profitability and operations . The finding of Naina 2018, The entire financial system will be
the study have highlighted the fact that higher the inefficient unless followed up by the structural
level of NPA , higher is the adverse impact on the changes in the thinking of the Government and RBI
banks levels of profitability and net worth rules and policies.
Urjit Patel, (2017). Urjit Patel former governer of Richmond 2019 ,Frauds can have potentially
RBI has revelead in his study that more than 4/5th of weakening effect on self- assurance in banking
the Public sector banks have been hit hard from the system and may affect the stability of the economy.
rising levels of NPA . He has further suggested the In such a situation, Forensic accounting and auditing
reorganisation of recovery channels and capital is therefore not an option but the bank frauds
restructuring may be included in the list of remedial minimizer of the hour.
measures .
Control measures
Bhasin , (2017) The study of 26 Banks reveals that
The study reveals that forensic accounting
the extent of NPA’s is higher in Public sector banks
combined with various laws will reveal accounts
as compared to private sector banks .The study
that should be red flagged . It will also recommend
further suggests that a lot more efforts are required
the application of these laws to predict the financial
to be put in by the banks to control the situation and
stability of the companies before the Bank extends
they should adopt and implement the regulatory
credit facilities to the companies .
policy measures of RBI to the word .
Murali and Krishna (2006) have observed in their
Prasad and Veena (2011) have stated in their study
paper that the banks having their hands full with
that NPA’s have a destructive impact on the return
surplus funds have noticed their graphs rising
on assets as these assets do not earn any income and
steeply in their lending activities . The reason of
the current profits are eroded due to provision of
this rise in lending figures can also be attributed to
doubtful debts and further writing them off as bad
the high losses suffered by banks when they have
debts .
risked investing in other activities .
Naina ,(2018) , Care Ratings, (2017), The study has
The study has further suggested to intensive
revealed that the uncontrollable deterioration of
monitoring not only pre disbursement but also post
asset quality has become a threat to the
disbursal .
sustainability of the banks .The study also
underlines the fact that the proportion of increase in

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23600 - 23606

Chaudhary and Sharma (2011) in their research Sikadar Pallab ,(2013). The researcher has
paper have stated that stringent measures should be concluded ,after an extensive study of secondary
taken up including an efficient management data , that the NPA problem can be tackled with
information system , proper documentation and proper credit assessment and risk management
selection of borrower projects before releasing the mechanism being followed by the credit department
loans . These shall result in keeping NPA’s in check of the bank while giving loans .
to a great extent .
Nishant Raj (2017) The author has laid emphasis
Gupta(2012) The researcher in her study has that the need of the hour is using technology and
advocated that every bank should have their own analysis to identify the warning signs of NPA and
credit agency who would evaluate and rate the development of skills for credit assessment . The
borrowers not only at the time of credit appraisal but author has also advocated the application of
also continously so as to redflag any chances of Forensic audit to investigate the borrowers intention
future NPA . NPA should be considered as one of Iliemena, Rachael(2019) in their study have
the most impactful parameter thus it should be examined Forensic audit as a panacea to the
considered as a crucial rating factor for any bank to Nigerian problem of Bank failures . The study has
prevent new NPA’s. based its evaluation on the data collected from
primary sources in the form of questionnaires filled
Rai(2012) in her study has laid emphasis on lack of
up by selected banks of Nigeria . The findings
intensive recovery methods till recent past making
showed that there was a significant relationship
the defaulters fearless . But the introduction of
between frauds, bank failures and investors
SARFAECI Act has not only proved to be a break
confidence . It has suggested that Forensic audit will
through in recovery of loans but also has been able
help the bank in monitoring and also red flagging
to make a powerful dent on the fearless attitude of
the accounts which are showing signs of default and
the defaulters .
fraud .
Chatterjee, Mukherjee and Das (2012) in their study
have laid emphasis that the bank before advancing
the loan should check and verify the original After an in-depth study of these research papers the
purpose for which the loan is required . The study important points can be summarized as follows :
also advocates that a continuous weekly check
Rising level of NPA is a major threat to both Public
should be done on continuing loan accounts so as to
sector and Private sector banks .
red flag any loans tending to turn sour . Also, the
credentials of the guarantor should be checked and The level of NPA’s is very high in the case of Public
verified. sector banks as compared to private sector Banks .
Selvarajan & Vadivalagan (2013) The study covers The major factor attributing to the rising level of
the growth of Indian bank and other public sector NPA is the poor credit appraisal system of the banks
banks lending to the priority sector . The study The continuous monitoring of loans accounts post
confirms to the slippages made by the Indian bank in disbursal so that they can be prevented from turning
controlling NPA’s , thus it was concluded by the into NPA .
researchers that proper and appropriate measures
Changes should be made in the legal framework as
taken by the bank officials would result in capping
well as government policies regarding priority sector
the creation of new NPA’s

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23600 - 23606

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