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Coconut Shell

Bituminous Coal Activated Carbon

By Ken Schaeffer and Robert Potwora

ctivated carbon (AC) filter media Figure 1. such as volatile organic chemicals (VOC).
is commonly used in point-of- Higher capacity means coconut shell-
use/point-of-entry (POU/POE) based activated carbon will last longer
water applications. The type of raw ma- before it needs to be replaced.
terials used to produce AC has a major
impact upon its characteristics. The two VOC treatment
most common are coconut shell and bi- Volatile organic chemicals include
tuminous coal. most disinfection byproducts (DBPs),
Coconut shell-based AC has the such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and
most micropores. Micropores are defined other VOC contaminants, such as trichlo-
as pores less than 20 angstrom units (two roethylene (TCE). Many VOCs have a
nm) in diameter. AC produced from bi- low molecular weight, typically less than
Coconut shell-based
tuminous coal have fewer micropores, 200 and have low water solubility.
but more mesopores and macropores. To measure the AC’s theoretical satu-
Mesopores are between 20 and 500 ang- ration capacity for VOCs, carbon adsorp-
strom units (2 and 50 nm); macropores tion isotherms were conducted on
exceed 500 angstrom units (50 nm). See coconut shell- and bituminous coal-based
Table 1. activated carbons. The results for ben-
zene in water are shown in Figure 3.
Table 1. At all benzene concentrations in wa-
Pore type Pore size ter, the benzene saturation capacities of
the coconut shell-based AC were higher.
Micropores < 2 nm
Column 2 in Table 3 summarizes the
Mesopores 2 - 50 nm isotherm results for 10 ppb benzene in
Macropores > 50 nm water. The coconut shell AC had almost
Bituminous coal-based twice the saturation capacity compared
The scanning electron micrographs to bituminous coal-based AC, 11 mg of
(SEM) shown in Figure 1 were taken at benzene per gram of coconut shell car-
1,000X magnification. At this magnifica- distinguish micropore volume is the bon versus six for the coal based. Column
tion, the prevalence of the micropores can ASTM D 4607, Standard Test
be seen in the coconut shell-based acti- Method for Determination of Io- Figure 2. Pore volume distribution
vated carbon. dine Number of Activated Car- 0.4
Pore volume (mL per gram carbon)

Pore volume among different pore bon, ASTM International. Coconut shell
sizes is measured by nitrogen adsorption Table 2 compares iodine num- Bituminous coal
and mercury intrusion pore volume re- bers and other key properties 0.3
sults. Nitrogen adsorption and mercury between coconut shell and bi- 0.25
intrusion pore volume results can be plot- tuminous coal-based AC. 0.2
ted to obtain a pore volume distribution Higher micropore vol-
(see Figure 2). The quantity of micropores umes (reflected in higher io-
present in coconut shell-based AC is dine numbers) in coconut 0.1
about 50 percent higher than bituminous shell activated carbons means 0.05
coal-based activated carbon. they have much higher capac- 0
The most common method used to ity to adsorb small molecules, Micropores Mesopores Macropores

Water Conditioning & Purification JUNE 2008

3 in Table 3 calculates the car- Table 2. coconut shell carbon.
bon usage (exhaustion) rate The capacity advantage
Base material Coconut shell Bituminous coal
based upon this saturation ca- shown with coconut shell AC
pacity at an influent of 10 ppb Iodine number (mg/g) 1,100-1,300 850-1,000 may not always be realized in
benzene. The amount of coco- Total ash (percent) Less than 3 8-15 (5-7 acid washed) actual full-scale use. Background
nut AC exhausted for every organics like total organic carbon
Hardness number 98-99 85-90
1,000 gallons of water treated (TOC) will diminish the AC’s
is 0.0076 pounds versus 0.014 saturation capacity for a VOC
pounds of bituminous AC. The cost of the Figure 3. Benzene adsorption isotherms to some extent. Also, low,
carbon exhausted per every 1,000 gallons empty bed contact times (wa-
Bituminous coal-based Coconut shell-based
of water treated was then calculated (see ter residence time) in the AC

x/m, benzene loading (mg/g carbon)

column four, Table 3). The cost of acid- filter will prevent the
washed bituminous coal activated carbon carbon’s saturation capacity
and unwashed coconut shell activated to be reached.
carbon was used for this comparison.
Acid-washed was selected because un- 10 Additional
washed bituminous coal carbon has ash differences
or impurity levels three times higher, Table 2 compares the
compared to unwashed coconut shell ASTM D 3802, Standard Test
carbon. Acid-washed bituminous coal Method for Ball-Pan Hardness
AC has ash levels two times higher, com- 1 of Activated Carbon, ASTM In-
pared to unwashed coconut shell AC. In 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 ternational of the two types
column four, the treatment cost is almost Concentration (mg/L) of activated carbon. A higher
three times higher (with washed bitumi- hardness number means less
nous AC compared to unwashed coco- based activated carbon were higher. Table particle attrition and less dust. Coconut
nut shell AC), indicating a significant cost 4 summarizes the results for 568 ppb shell carbon requires less water to rinse
savings with coconut shell AC. MTBE in water. (backwash) a new bed and generate
The carbon adsorption isotherm re- Again the saturation capacity of the fewer fines during operation.
sults for methyl tertiary-butyl ether coconut shell carbon was significantly Coconut shell carbons are also more
(MTBE) in water are shown in Figure 4. higher. This translates into a treatment environmentally friendly or green. The
At all MTBE concentrations in water, cost 2.5 times higher with washed bitu- coconut tree produces coconuts three
MTBE capacities of the coconut shell- minous carbon compared to unwashed times a year. The tree is not killed to har-

JUNE 2008 Water Conditioning & Purification

Table 3. Benzene at 10 ppb percent duty (average was 62 percent) on
top of the standard 4.8 percent duty for
Carbon capacity Carbon usage Cost of carbon such products. In addition, China’s de-
Carbon type mg/gram C pound C/1,000 gal. ¢/1,000 gal. mand for coal has been ever increasing
Coconut shell: CR1230C 11 0.0076 0.64 due to hundreds of new power plants
Bituminous coal: CR1230B-AW 6 0.014 1.7 being built. At the same time, many coal
mines were closed for safety and envi-
ronmental reasons, resulting in shortages
Figure 4. MTBE adsorption isotherms Activated carbon and price increases for Chinese coal.
Bituminous coal-based Coconut shell-based supply Adding to the mix of forces that com-
100 The United States has bined in this perfect storm, China also
x/m, MTBE loading (mg/g carbon)

two large domestic manufac- eliminated the 13 percent value added tax
turers of bituminous coal- (VAT) rebate that AC exporters previ-
based activated carbon and, ously received from their government.
for the last two decades, bitu- Finally, as the dollar has weakened, Chi-
10 minous coal-based activated nese carbon prices have increased due to
carbon was readily imported currency exchange rates. As China’s coal
from China. That has changed carbon prices increased, the domestic
dramatically in the last year. manufacturers followed suit.
In 2007, in response to a The icing on this China coal carbon
1 petition filed by domestic cake is the impending government-or-
0.1 1 10
Concentration (mg/L)
manufacturers, the US levied dered shutdown of most activated car-
new anti-dumping duty fees bon plants in China on May 31 for
on most activated carbon im- approximately three months, in an effort
vest the coconut shells; therefore, they are ported from China, to the tune of 49-228 to reduce air pollution for the Olympics.
a renewable resource. Bituminous coal
took millions of years to be formed; Table 4. MTBE at 568 ppb
hence, it’s a non-renewable resource. In Carbon capacity Carbon usage Cost of carbon
addition, part of the carbon dioxide pro- Carbon type mg/gram C pound C/1,000 gal. ¢/1,000 gal.
duced during manufacture of coconut
Coconut shell: CR1230C 21.1 0.23 20
shell carbon is removed by the coconut
trees and produces oxygen. Bituminous coal: CR1230B-AW 11.1 0.44 53

Water Conditioning & Purification JUNE 2008

This will certainly exacerbate the coal the past year because of anti-dumping Conclusion
activated carbon supply and pricing situ- duties, energy and labor costs and high Coconut shell activated carbon is
ation. Already, the cost of coal in China domestic production levels. preferred to remove VOCs from drink-
has almost tripled in the past year and Coconut shell activated carbon is ing water in POU/POE systems because
for the first time ever, last year, China im- manufactured by scores of factories in a it is more economical than bituminous
ported more coal than it exported. dozen countries and imported into the coal-based activated carbon. It has higher
We have plenty of coal in the US; US by several resellers. It is suitable for hardness, less dust, lower ash and is
domestic activated carbon producers do many applications and for the first time more environmentally friendly. The days
not have a problem getting raw material, ever, it is less expensive than comparable of low-cost activated carbon are gone and
but they are at peak production capacity. coal-based carbons. Several factors (en- one needs to make sure they are buying
The planned new capacity is mainly for ergy, labor, currency exchange rate, etc.) and using the right AC for their applica-
powdered activated carbon for the loom- have contributed to bituminous coal car- tion. There are many types and grades
ing mercury emission control market bon price increases; coconut shell acti- of activated carbon made from various
(mainly power plant flue gas) in the US. vated carbon pricing is up also, but not raw materials. Discuss your application
Coal carbon pricing has risen rapidly in nearly as high. with your activated carbon supplier and
get the right carbon to help reduce your

About the authors

 Ken Schaeffer, President
of Carbon Resources, LLC,
has over 25 years experi-
ence in the activated car-
bon industry. He holds a
BA in biology and an MS
in environmental science
from the University of
Texas at Dallas, is an of-
ficer of the ASTM D28 Schaeffer
Committee on Activated
Carbon and is a member of
the Pacific Water Quality
Association Board of Di-
rectors. Schaeffer can be
reached at ken@carbon or (760)
630-5724. Robert Potwora
is Technical Director with
Carbon Resources, LLC Potwora
and has over 25 years experience in the acti-
vated carbon industry. He is current Vice-
Chairman on ASTM D28 Committee on
Activated Carbon. Potwora may be reached
at or (760)

About the company

 Carbon Resources, based in Oceanside,
Calif., is a quality supplier of activated car-
bon products and services, backed by techni-
cal support and individualized customer
service. Carbon Resources’ Management
Team has over 85 years of experience in the
activated carbon industry and offers an un-
matched line of the most diverse activated
carbon products on the market. The Sabre
series ® , Spartan series ® and Guardian
Adsorber series® and newly introduced Sen-
try series activated carbon products are
widely recognized in the industry. For more
information, please visit www.carbon


JUNE 2008 Water Conditioning & Purification

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