Surveying MCQs

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The curvature of the earth is ignored in--------

a) Geodetic surveying b) Plane surveying

c) Hydrographic d) none
2. The curvature of the earth is taken into account when
the extent of area is more than -------
a) 50km2 b) 1000km2
c) 250km d) none
3. The main principle of surveying is to work from -------
a) the centre to the b) the whole to the part
c) the part to the whole d) none
4. Survey which depict the natural feature of a country are
known as -------
a) cadastral survey b) topographical survey
c) engineering survey d) none
5. The diagonal scale is used to read
a) one unit b) two unit
c) three consecutive d) none
6. For ranging a line the number of ranging is required is
a) a least two b) a least three
c) a least four d) none
7. The walking step of a man is consider equal to
a) 80cm b) 90 cm
c)100cm d) none
8. The main principle of surveying is to work from
a) higher level to lower b) lower level to a higher
level level
c) part to whole d) whole to part

Ans. :- 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b,5-c, 6-b,7-a,8-d

9 The objective of survey is to
a) prepare a plan or map b) determine the relative
position of points
c) determine position of d) all are correct
point in a horizontal
10 The difference in the length of an arc and its subtended
chord on earth’s surface for a distance of 18.5 km is
a) 0.1cm b)1.0 cm

c) 10 cm d)100 cm
11 Survey which are carried out to provide a natural grid of
control for preparation of accurate map of large area are
known as
a) Plane survey b) Geodetic survey

c) Geographical survey d) Topographical survey

12 Survey which are carried out to depict mountain, water

bodies, woods, and other details are known as
a) Cadastral survey b) City survey
c) Topographical survey d) Hydrographic survey
13 Hydrographic survey deals with the mapping of -------
a) heavenly bodies b) hills

c) large water bodies d) canal system

Ans. 9-d, 10-b, 11-b, 12-c, 13-c

14 Plan is a graphical representation of the features on a
large scale as projected on a
a) horizontal plane b) vertical plane

c) in any plane d) none of the above

15 Map is a graphical representation of the features on a
small scale as projected on a -------
a) horizontal surface b) vertical surface

c) in any surface d) none of the above

16 The survey in which a curvature of the earth is taken
into account is called as------
a) Geodetic Survey b) Plane survey

c) Prelimeniary survey d) Hydrographic survey

17 The effect of curvature of the earth surface is taken into
account only if the extent of survey is more than
a) 100 km2 b) 260 km2

c)195.5 km2 d)300 km2

18 Plane survey is conducted for the area upto
a) 260 km2 b) 100 km2
c) 195.5 km2 d) 160 km2
19 The RF of a scale 1cm=1km is
a) 1/100000 b) 1/1000

c) 1/100 d) 1/10

Ans. 14-a, 15-d, 16-a, 17-c, 18-c, 19-a

20 The degree of precision required in survey work mainly
depend on the
a) purpose of survey b) area to be surveyed

c) sources of error d) nature of the field

21 It is convenient to record the field notes for a closed
traverse in the field book.
a) from left to right b) from right to left

c) from top to down d) from bottom to top

22 The direction of survey line may be expressed in terms
a) included angle b) bearing
between them

c) both d) none
23 Which of the following compass can be used without a
tripod for observing bearing
a) Trough compass b) Prismatic compass

c) Surveyor compass d) all of the above

24 A looking mirror is generally provided on the object
vane to ------
a) sight on whole circle b) sight the object to low
bearing system

c) sight the object too d) observe the reading while

high or too low sighting

Ans. :- 20-a, 21-c, 22-c, 23-b, 24-c

25 In a surveyor’s compass the bearing observed
a) in whole circle b) in a quadrental bearing
bearing system system

c) can vary from 0 to 90 d) both b) and c)

26 Bearing of a line is the horizontal angle it makes with---
a) true meridian b) magnetic meridian

c) arbitrary meridian d) all of the above

27 Which of the following reference direction is used in a
geodetic survey
a) true b) magnetic

c) arbitary d) any of the above

28 A declination of 30 east mean
a) magnetic north is 30 b) magnetic north is 30 west
east of the true north of the true north
c) true north in 30 east d) true south is is 30 east of
of the magnetic north the magnetic south
29 Dip is defined as
a) the smallest b) the angle freely
horizontal angle survey suspended needle make with
line make with true horizontal plane

c) the angle which a d) none of the above

survey line make with
some reference direction

Ans. :-25-d, 26-d, 27-a, 28-a, 29-b

30 Which one of the following is the correct statement in a
prismatic compass
a) zero is placed at b) least count is 20 min

c) the graduations are d) it indicate quadrental

inverted bearing
31 Quadrental bearing can be reckoned from
a) east line b) north line

c) south line d)either from north or south

32 The whole circle bearing of a line is 3000 Its quadrental
bearing is
a)W 30 N b) N 60 W

c) N 30 W d) W 60 N
33 The value of dip at a magnetic pole is
a) 00 b) 450

c)900 d)300
34 Survey is preferred with true meridian because these
a) converge at pole b) do not change with time

c) facilitate plotting d) all the above

35 True bearing of a line is 100 and the magnetic
declination 20 w Its magnetic bearing is
a) 2 b) 8

c)12 d)20

Ans. :-30-c, 31-d, 32-c, 33-c, 34-b, 35-c

36 The bearing of line in the opposite direction of the
progresses of survey is known as
a) fore bearing b) back bearing
c) reduced bearing d) arbitrary bearing
37 The angle of dip at a point on equator is
a) 0⁰ b) 45⁰
c) 90⁰ d) 180⁰
38 If the fore bearing of a line is zero degree its back
bearing is
a) 0⁰ b) 180⁰
c) 360⁰ d) 270⁰
39 If the back bearing of a line is N30⁰W its fore bearing is
a) S30⁰W b) S30⁰E
c) N30⁰E d) N30⁰W
40 The whole circle bearing of a line whose quadrental
bearing is S19⁰30´E is
a) 19⁰30´ b) 199⁰30´
c) 160⁰30´ d) 340⁰30´
41 Which will be included angle AOB if the bearing of the
line AO and OB are respectively 40⁰ and 130⁰?
a) 90⁰ b) 170⁰
c) 270⁰ d) 130⁰
42 Which will be the included angle AOB if the bearings of
the line AO and OB are 130⁰ and 40⁰,respectively
a) 90⁰ b) 170⁰
c) 270⁰ d) 130⁰

Ans. 36-b, 37-a, 38-b, 39-b, 40-c ,41-c, 42-a

43 If the magnetic bearing of a line is 34⁰30´ and the
magnetic declination 3⁰30´Wthe true bearing of the line
will be
a) 37⁰ b) 38⁰
c) 30⁰ d) 31⁰
44 The fore bearing of a line AB is 209⁰. The included
angle ABC is 341⁰. The F.B. of a line BC is
a) 550⁰ b) 330⁰
c) 10⁰ d) 190⁰
45 The magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 178⁰. The
magnetic declination at the place is
a) 2⁰W b) 2⁰E
c) 2⁰N d) 2⁰S
46 True bearing of a line is 10⁰ and the magnetic
declination is 2⁰W Its magnetic bearing is
a) 2⁰ b) 8⁰
c) 12⁰ d) 20⁰
47 The annual variation of magnetic declination at a place
is caused because of rotation of
a) moon about earth b) earth about its own axis
c) earth about sun d) moon about sun
48 The value of dip at the magnetic pole is
a) 0⁰ b) 45⁰
c) 90⁰ d) 30⁰
49 The line joining the point of equal dip are called
a) aclinic lines b) isogonic lines
c) agonic lines d) isoclinic lines

Ans. 43-d, 44-c, 45-b, 46-c, 47-c, 48-c, 49-d

50 In plane table survey the operation which must be
carried out is
a) resection b) orientation
c) intersection d) none
51 The working edge of the alidade is known as
a) fiducial edge b) beveled edge
c) parallel edge d) none
52 The north line of map is marked on the
a) right hand bottom b) left hand top corner
c) right hand top corner d) none
53 The U fork and plumb bob are required for
a) centering b) levelling
c) orientation d) none
54 Inaccessible points may be located by the
a) resection method b) intersection method
c) radiation method d) none
55 The accuracy with which the instrument station can be
established is known as the
a) strength of fix b) strength of accuracy
c) strength of solution d) none
56 The principle of plane table is
a) parallelism b) triangulation
c) traversing d) none
57 The plane table map can not be plotted to a different
scale as there is no
a) log book b) field book
c) level book d) none

Ans. 50-b, 51-a, 52-c, 53-a, 54-b, 55-a, 56-a, 57-b

58 During the orientation of a plane table

a) the farthest point is b) the nearest point is

sighted. sighted.
c) either a) or b) d) the previous station is
59 A mosque is situated on the far side of a river and is
inaccessible. It can be located by

a) radiation b) traversing
c) intersection d) resection
60 Accurate centering in plane table survey is necessary for

a) small scale map b) large scale map

c) filling in detail d) to solve triangle of error
61 The three point problem fail when an instrument station
a) on the great circle b) in any of the segment
c) on the orthocentre d) none
62 Pick out the incorrect statement.
a) centering and b) exact centering of plane
orientation are table is essential for a large
interrelated in a plane scale map
table survey.
c) centering on plane d) plane table survey is most
table can not be suited for filling in details if
sacrificed at the cost of the country is open with
orientation for a small good intervisibility.
scale map.

Ans. 58-d, 59-c, 60-b, 61-a, 62-c

63 Pick out the correct statement.
a) U-frame is used for b) the drawing sheet used in
orienting the plane table. plotting a plane table survey
needs no special care in
fixing on the board.
c) An alidade is also d) a simple alidade and
called a sight rule. Indian pattern clinometers
serve the same purpose.
64 Pick out the incorrect statement.

a) irregular objects can b) the absence of field notes

be plotted accurately by is inconvenient if the plane
plane table survey. table survey is to be
replotted to some other
c) orientation means d)The method of radiation in
keeping the plane table plane tabling is most suited
at successive stations for a built up area
parallel to the position it
occupied at the first
65 If the plotted position of an instrument station is not
known the most accurate orientation of the plane table is
achived by
a) a trough compass b) back sighting
c) observation of two d) observations of three well
well defined points defined points

Ans. 63-c, 64-d, 65-d

66 The most rapid method of orientation by the three point
method of plane tabling is
a) tracing paper method b) graphical method
c) trial and error method d) both a) and b)
67 It is necessary to go to one of the plotted station in the
method of resection.
a) by trough compass b) by back ray
b) by both a) and b) d) by three points
68 Lehmann’s rule state that while looking towards the
station the plane table location to be fixed is always to
a) left of each of the ray b) right of each of the ray
b) left or right of the ray d) left or right of each of the
to the most distant ray
69 The major source of error is small scale mapping by
plane table is due to
a) inaccurate centering b) long sight
b) shrinkage of drawing d) few observation
70 The size of plane table is
a) 45cm x 60cm b) 75cm x 90cm
c) 60cm x 75cm d) 100cm x 100cm
71 Intersection method of detailed plotting is suitable
a) forests b) urban areas
b) hilly areas d) plains

Ans. 66-c, 67-b, 68-d, 69-a, 70-b, 71-d

72 In setting up a plane table at any station
a) leveling is done first c) centering is done first
b) orientation is done d) leveling and centering are
first done simultaneously
73 Plotting inaccessible points in plane table is done by
a) radiation c) intersection
b) traversing d) resection
74 Two point and three points problems are methods of
a) traversing c) resection
b) orientation d) resection and orientation
75 The instrument which is used in plane tabling for
obtaining horizontal and vertical distances directly
without resorting to changing is known as
a) alidade c) clinometers
b) tacheometer d) telescopic alidade
76 In geodetic survey higher accuracy is achieved by
a) curvature of earth c) curvature of earth surface
surface is ignored is taken into account
b) angle between the d) none of these
curve line are treated
as plane angles
77 Hydrographic surveys deals with
a) large water bodies c) canal system
b) movement of cloud d) none

Ans. 72-c, 73- d, 74-d, 75-b, 76-c, 77-a

78 Surveys which are carried out to depict mountains,
rivers, water bodies, wooded areas,are known as
a) cadastral survey b) city survey
c) topographical survey d) plane survey
79 Surveys which are carried out to provide a national grid
of control for preparation of accurate map of large areas
are known
a) plane surveys b) geodetic surveys
c) geographical surveys d) topographical survey
80 On a diagonal scale it is possible to read up to
a) one dimension b) two dimension
c) three dimension d) four dimension
81 Determining the difference in elevation between two
points on the surface of the earth is known as
a) simple levelling b) differential levelling
c) longitudinal levelling d) levelling
82 When the bubble of the level tube of a level remains
a) line of sight is b) axis of telescope is
horizontal horizontal
c) line of collimation is d) geometrical axis of the
horizontal telescope is horizontal
83 In an adjusted level when the bubble is central the axis
of the bubble tube becomes parallel to
a) line of sight b) line of collimation
c) axis of telescope d) none

Ans. 78-c, 79-b, 80-c, 81-b, 82-a, 83-a

84 The real image of an object formed by the objective,
must lie
a) in the plane of cross b) at the centre of telescope
c) at the optical centre of d) anywhere inside the
the eye piece telescope
85 The line normal to the plumb bob line is known as
a) level line b) horizontal line
c) datum line d) vertical line
86 A relatively fixed point of known elevation above datum
is known as
a) bench mark b) datum point
c) reduced level d) reference point
87 The rise and fall method of reduction of levels provide a
check on
a) back sights b) datum points
c) intermediate sight d) all of these
88 During leveling if back sight is more than foresight
a) the forward staff is at b) the back staff is at lower
lower point point
c) the difference of level d) none of these
can not be ascertained
89 The back staff reading on a BM of RL is 500.000m is
2.685m if foresight reading on a point is 1.345m the
reduced level of the point is
a) 502.685m b) 501.345m
c) 501.340m d) 504.030m

Ans. 84-a, 85-a, 86-a, 87-d, 88-b, 89-c

90 Scale of geographical map is
a) 1cm=160km b) 1cm=2.5km
c) 1cm=5 to 25m d) 1cm=0.25km
91 Scale of topographical map is
a) 1cm=160km b) 1cm=2.5km
c) 1cm=5 to 25m d) 1cm=0.25km
92 Scale of location map is
a) 1cm=160km b) 1cm=2.5km
c) 1cm=5 to 25m d) 1cm=0.25km
93 Scale of forest map is
a) 1cm=160km b) 1cm=2.5km
c) 1cm=5 to 25m d) 1cm=0.25km
94 Scale of cadastral map is
a) 1cm=160km b) 1cm=2.5km
c) 1cm=10 to 50m d) 1cm=0.25km
95 Representative fraction for geographical map is
a) 1:16000000 b) 1:250000
c) 1:500 to 1:2500 d) 1:25000
96 Representative fraction for topographical map is
a)1:16000000 b) 1:250000
c)1:500 to 1:2500 d) 1:25000
97 Representative fraction for location map is
a) 1:16000000 b) 1:250000
c) 1:500 to 1:2500 d) 1:25000
98 Representative fraction for forest map is
a) 1:16000000 b) 1:250000
c) 1:500 to 1:2500 d) 1:25000

Ans. 90-a, 91-b, 92-c, 93-d, 94-c, 95-a, 96-b, 97-c, 98-d

1 The surface tangential to a level surface is said to be a

a) horizontal surface b) vertical surface

c) ground surface d) levelled surface
2 --------- is a line lying on a level surface.
a) level line b) horizontal line
c) vertical line d) none of the above
3 -------- is a line lying in the horizontal plane.
a)level line b)horizontal line
c)vertical line d)none of the above
4 --------- is a line from any point on the earth’s surface to
the centre of the earth.
a) level line b) horizontal line
c) vertical line d) none of the above
5 ------ is a plane tangential to the level surface at the
point under consideration.
a) level surface b) horizontal plane
c) datum surface d) none of the above
6 A level surface to which elevation of different points are
referred is known as
a) level surface b) datum
c) horizontal d) plane
7 The mean sea level at ----- is taken as the datum surface
for India or from which Great Trignometric Survey
(GTS) bench mark are established .
a) Mumbai b) Delhi
c) Karachi d) None

Ans.:- 1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-b, 6-b, 7-c.

8 ---------- is a staff reading taken on a point of known
a) back sight b) fore sight
c) intermediate sight d) none of the above
9 ------ is a staff reading taken on a point whose elevation
is known to be determined.
a) back sight b) fore sight
c) intermediate sight d) none of the above
10 ------- is a staff reading taken on appoint of unknown
elevation between backsight anf foresight.
a) back sight b) fore sight
c) intermediate sight d) none of the above
11 ------ is a point on which for sight and back sight are
a) back point b) fore point
c) change point or d) none of the above
turning point
12 ------ is the elevation of the plane of collimation when
the instrument is leveled.
a) height of tripod b) height of instrument
c) bottom of tripod d) none of above
13 A line passing through the intersection of the cross hair
at the diaphragm and the optical centre of the object
glass is known as
a) level line b) horizontal line
c) axis of telescope d) line of collimation

Ans. :-8-a, 9-b, 10-c, 11-c, 12-c, 13-d

14 A relatively permanent point of reference whose
elevation is known as
a) reduced level b) bench mark
c) level surface d) datum point
15 Leveling should always commence from a
a) leveling ground b) bench mark
c) permanent point d) highest point
16 The type of bench mark are
a) great trigonometric b) great trigonometric
survey, permanent, survey, permanent and
arbitrary,temporary arbitrary

c) permanent, d) none

17 The least count of leveling staff is

a) 10 mm b) 5mm
c) 50mm d) None
18 The type of adjustment of the dumpy level are
a)temporary and b) temporary only
c) permanent only d) none
19 ---- is one set up of level to find elevation of different
a) simple levelling b) differential levelling
c) fly levelling d) profile levelling

Ans. :- 14-b, 15-b, 16-a, 17-b, 18-a, 19-b

20 ------ is number of set up of level to find elevation of
non intervisible point.
a) simple levelling b) differential levelling
c) fly levelling d) profile levelling
21 -------- is to find and check approximate level generally
used during reconnaissance survey.
a) simple levelling b) differential levelling
c) fly levelling d) profile levelling
22 ------ is to find elevation along a line and its cross
a) simple levelling b) differential levelling
c) fly levelling d) profile levelling
23 ----- is done along a river or a pond , for this two level
are used simultaneously one at either end.
a) simple levelling b) differential levelling
c) fly levelling d) Reciprocal levelling
24 The collimation plane and rise and fall method are used
for the determination of --------
a) horizontal level b) reduced level
c) increased level d) none
25 ------- is the summation of reduced level of bench mark
and back sight
a) height of tripod b) height of instrument
c) fore sight d) none
26 In collimation plane method arithmetical is taken as
a)∑B.S.-∑F.S.=Last RL- b)∑B.S.-∑I.S.=Last RL-
First RL First RL
c)∑I.S.-∑F.S.=Last RL- d) None
First RL
Ans.:- 20-c, 21-c, 22-d, 23-d, 24-b, 25-b, 26-a

27 In rise and fall method arithmetical check is taken as
a) ∑BS-∑FS=∑Rise - b)∑BS-∑iS=∑Rise -
∑Fall=Last RL-First RL ∑Fall=Last RL-First RL
c))∑IS-∑FS=∑Rise - d)None
∑Fall=Last RL-First RL
28 ------- is defined as imaginary line joining points of
equal elevation
a) horizontal equivalent b) contour
c) contour interval d) none of the above
29 ------ is the difference in elevation between two
consecutive contour line.
a)horizontal b) contour
c) contour interval d) none of the above
30 The horizontal distance between two points on two
consecutive contour for line for a given slope
a) horizontal equivalent b) contour
c) contour interval d) none of the above
31 The object of leveling is to determine
a) level difference only b) elevation of station
c) level difference for d) level difference and
elevation elevation
32 Differential leveling
a) involve more than one b)resorted when two points
setting of instrument are situated quite apart
c) also called compound d) all of the above

Ans. :- 27-a, 28-b, 30-a, 31-d, 32-d

33 The sensitivity of bubble tube increase
a) increasing radius b)decreasing the viscosity of
c) increasing the length d) all of the above
and diameter of tube
34 Leveling of dumpy level is done to make
a) the vertical axis truly b) the line of sight truly
vertical horizontal
c) the optical axis truly d) b and c
35 The following type of leveling can not be done with a
dumpy level.
a) differential leveling b) profile levelling
c) trignometrical d) reciprocal levelling
36 On a change point
a) only FS is taken b) only BS is taken
c) an IS is taken d) both FS and BS is taken
37 Pick up the incorrect statement of the following
a) correction for b) correction for refraction is
curvature is negative positive
c) combined correction d) error due to curvature is
is positive positive
38 If the distance between the instrument station and staff
station is 1km the correction for refraction in m is
a) 0.0112 b) 0.0121
c) 0.0573 d) 0.0785

Ans. :- 33-d,34-a,35-c, 36-d,37-c,38-c

39 A light house is just visible above the horizon from a
ship. If the height of light house is 200m determine the
distance between light house and the ship in m
a) 50.45 b) 5.45
c) 54.49 d) 550.9
40 The number of dimension for 1m of an ordinary leveling
staff are
a) 100 b) 200
c) 300 d) 20
41 The method usually adopted to contour a rough country
where ordinary leveling is tedious and chaining is slow
and inaccurate is
a) spirit levelling b) differential levelling
c) plane tabling d) tacheometry
42 The method usually adopted to contour a rough country
where ordinary leveling is tedious and chaining is slow
and inaccurate is
a) spirit levelling b) differential levelling
c) plane tabling d) tacheometry
43 The line joining the points of equal elevation on the
surface of the earth are known as
a) isohytes b) isogonics
c) agonics d) contours
44 A series of closed contours on a map indicates
a) a closed traverse b) a depression
c) summit d) either b) orc)
45 At what angle does a ridge line intersect contours?
a) 90⁰ b) 45⁰
c) 30⁰ d) 0⁰
46 For mountaious region a suitable contour interval may
a) 0.2m b) 2m
c) 20m d) 200m
Ans. 39-a, 40-b, 41-d, 42-d, 43-d, 44-d, 45-a, 46-b

47 Pick out the incorrect statement.
a) The contour interval b) Contours can be drawn
depends upon the time underwater.
c) usually the contour d) a group of contours with
interval is kept constant higher figures inside
but a variable interval indicates a depression
may be used if required
48 The direction of steepest slope on a contour is

a) along the contour b) at right angle to the

c) at 45⁰ to the contour d) at 30⁰ to the contour
49 The relief of the earth’s surface can be represented by
a) hachures b) shading
c) contours d) all the above
50 On geographical map the relief of the earth’s surface is
usually portrayed by

a) contours b) isohytes
c) shading and hachures d) kitiro method
51 Pick out the correct statement

a) contour maps can not b) contours drawn

be used to ascertain the underwater are known as
intervisibility of points aqueous contours.
c) contour interval may d) contour interval is
be located in the field by inversely proportional to the
a gradienter. square of the scale of a map.

Ans. 47-d, 48-b, 49-d, 50-c, 51-c

52 Pick out the incorrect statement.
a) two contour lines b) a watershed crosses the
intersect in the case of a contours at right angles.
vertical cliff.
c) the direction of d) in the direct method of
steepest slope is along contouring the contours are
the longest distance not interpolated.
between the contours.
53 Pick out the incorrect statement.
a) a hand level is used b) direct contouring method
for direct contouring. are very useful for small
scale maps.
c) for a canal survey the d)in the indirect method of
method of cross sections contouring, the contours are
is most suited. interpolated.
54 Pick out the correct statement.
a) indirect contouring b) method of squares for
methods are useful for plotting the contours is best
country with a gentle suited for route surveys.
c) method of coordinates d) arithmetic method of
is used for plotting the interpolating contours is the
contours. most rapid and accurate.
55 Pick out the incorrect statement.
a) closely spaced b) surface slope on a map
contour lines indicates a may be indicated by short
gentle slope. lines of various width known
as hachures.
c) the direction of the d) a contour line is the
steepest slope on a intersection of a level
contour map is along the surface eith the surface of
normal to the contour the earth.
Ans. 52-c, 53-b, 54-c, 55-a

56 Straight parallel, and widely spaced contours represent
a) a steep surface b) a flat surface
c) an inclined plane d) curved surface
57 Two contour lines having same elevations
a) cannot cross each b) can cross each other
c) can not unite together d) can unite together
58 Leveling deals with measurement in
a) horizontal plane b) vertical plane
c) both H & V d) inclined plane
59 B.M. in surveying designates
a) bending moment b)British mark
c) bench mark d)both a) and c)
60 Height of instrument may be defined as
a) height of instrument b) the elevation of the plane
at the time of of collimation when the
observation instrument is accurately
c) height of instrument if d) height of staff
the backsight distance is
equal to the foresight
61 Staff reading over a station whose elevation is known
a) foresight b) backsight
c) intermediate sight d) all

Ans. 56-c, 57-d, 58-b, 59-c, 60-b, 61-b

62 In an external focusing telescope the focusing of the
objective is achived by
a) movement of a b) by movement of objective
negative lens
c) both a and b d) double convex lens
63 Line of collimation is defined as
a) line joining the b) line joining the centre of
intersection of a cross eyepiece and optical centre
hair, optical centre of of objective.
objective and its
c) line tangential to the d) inclined line of sight
longitudinal curve of the
bubble tube at its mid
64 A fixed point of reference whose elevation is known is
a) reduced level b) bench mark
c) change point d) station
65 Pick out the correct statement
a) height of instrument b) the length of metric staff
method is better as used in leveling is 2m
compared to the rise and
fall method
c) the rise and fall d) the effect of curvature is
method for the reduction to cause the object sighted to
of levels provide check appear higher than they
on all sights really are.

Ans. 62-b, 63-a, 64-b, 65-c

66 Correction due to refraction is given by
a) 0.0112D2 b) 0.0785D2
c) 0.0673D d) 0.0012D2
67 What will be the correction for curvature for a curvature
for a distance of 1000m ?
a) 0.0673m b) 0.0785m
c) 78.50m d) 6.73m
68 The reading on a 4m staff at a point is observed as
2.895m. if the staff was 8cm out of the plumb line the
correct reading should have been
a) 2.8938m b) 2.8150m
c) 2.8961m d) 2.8950m
69 A backsight reading on BM=100m was 3.250m. The
inverted staff reading to the bottom of the girder was
1.250m, The RL of the bottom of girder is
a) 101.250m b) 102.000m
c) 104.500m d) 103.250m
70 To calculate the amount of cut and fill
a) only profile leveling b) only cross sectioning is
is sufficient required
c) both profile and cross d) barometric leveling is
sectioning is required required
71 The sensitivity of bubble tube is 20”. A staff is held at a
distance of 200m. what is the error in reading it if the
bubble is out by one division.
a) 0.704m b) 0.0704m
c) 0.0194m d) 0.1940m
72 The diaphragm of a surveying telescope is held
a) inside the eyepiece b) inside the objective
d) inside the telescope near
c) either a) or b)
the eyepiece.

Ans. 66-a, 67-b, 68-a, 69-c, 70-c, 71-c, 72-d

73 In reciprocal leveling the error which is not completely
eliminated is due to
a) curvature b) refraction
c) line of collimation d) parallex
74 The real image of an object formed by the objective
must be
a) at the centre of the b) at the optical centre of the
objective objective
c) in the plane of the d) on the staff
cross wire
75 Pick out the incorrect statement
a) under high b) to minimize error in
temperature the liquid in levelling with an instrument
a level tube expand but in muddy soils the foresight
does not affect the should be taken before
observation made on the backsight on an alternate set
staff. up of the instrument.
c) in differential leveling d) by keeping the line of
the errors are eliminated sight parallel to the bubble
completely. line the collimation error is
76 Pick out the correct statement.
a) elevation of a point is b) usually average sea level
its vertical coordinates. is considered as a datum in
c) levelling can be used d) all of the above.
to measure settlement
of a building.
77 The liquid in a leveling tube should be
a) quick acting b) non freezing
c) stable under normal d) all of the above
temp. variation

Ans. 73-b, 74-c, 75-c, 76-d, 77-d

78 Apart from arithmetic the leveling work is best checked
a)height of instrument b) rise and fall method
c) closed loop check d) open loop check
79 Pick out the correct statement.
a) fly leveling is a type b) sectioning and cross
of spirit leveling sectioning are one and the
same type of leveling.
c) spot levels are points d) none is correct
used to denote
instrument position.
80 Pick out the correct statement.
a) in spirit leveling the b) hypsometry is a type of
vertical angle are also leveling.
c) differential leveling is d) both b) and c)
the most common
method of spirit

Ans. 78-c, 79-a, 80-d

1. The size of Theodolite is defined by
a)The diameter of b) The diameter of graduated
graduated circle of circle of upper plate
lower plate
c)The height of d)The length of telescope
The operation consisting of revolving the telescope
2. through 180⁰ in a vertical plane about its horizontal axis
is called as
a) transiting b) face right
c) face left d) traversing
The operation of revolving the telescope in a horizontal
plane about its vertical axis is called
a) swinging b) transiting
c) face right d) face left
4. Thedolite is an instrument used for
a)measurement of b)measurement of horizontal
bearing angle
c)measurement of d)All of the above
vertical angle
5. A telescope is said to be inverted, if the
a)vertical circle is to its b) vertical circle is to its
right and the bubble of right and the bubble of the
the telescope is down telescope is up
c) vertical circle is to its d) vertical circle is to its left
left and the bubble of and the bubble of the
the telescope is down telescope is up
6. Wing nuts are provided on
a) bubble tubes b) diaphragm
c) standards d) tripod

Ans. :- 1-a, 2-a, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a, 6-d

7. A telescope is said to be normal or direct if its
a) Vertical circle is to b) Vertical circle is to the
the left of the observer left of the observer and the
and the bubble is up bubble is down
c) Vertical circle is to d) Vertical circle is to the
the right of the observer right of the observer and the
and the bubble is down bubble is up
8. The process of establishing intermediate point with the
help of thedolite on a given straight line whose ends are
not intervisible is called
a) centering b) levelling
c) balancing in d) lining in
9. The process of establishing intermediate points on a
given straight line whose ends are intervisible with a
thedolite is called as
a) centering b) traversing
c) lining in d) balancing in
10 Which of the following is a function of the leveling
a) to support the main b) to attach the thedolite to
part of the instrument the tripod
c) to provide a means for d) All of the above
leveling the thedolite

Ans. :- 7-a, 8-c, 9-c, 10-d

11 If the altitude bubble is provided both on the index
frame as well as on the telescope of a thedolite then the
instrument is leveled with reference to the
a) altitude bubble on the b) altitude bubble on the
telescope index frame if it is to be used
as a level
c) altitude bubble on the d) both a) and c)
telescope if it is to be
used as a level
12 If the lower clamp screw is tightened and the upper
clamp screw is loosened the theodolite may be rotated
a) with a relative motion b) without a relative motion
between the vernier and between the vernier and the
the graduated scale of graduated scale of the lower
the lower plate plate
c) both a) and b) d) horizontal axis
13 If a tripod setting of a thedolite being used as a level
changes in the interval that elapses between taking as
F.S. and B.S. then the elevation of the turning point will
a) increased b) decreased
c) same d) either a) or b)
14 A thedolite consists of
a) Leveling head b) Horizontal circle
assembly assembly
c) Alidade assembly d) All of the above

Ans. :- 11-b, 12-a, 13-c, 14-d

15 Removal of parallax may be achieved by
a) refocussing the b) refocusing the eyepiece
c) refocusing the d) moving the shifting centre
eyepiece and the
16 For which of the following permanent adjustment of a
thedolite is the spire test is used?
a) adjustment of plate b) adjustment of line of sight
c) adjustment of d) adjustment of altitude
horizontal axis bubble and vertical index
17 Right deflection angle may be directly obtained by
setting the instrument to read
a) zero on back station b) 180⁰ on back station
b) 90⁰ on back station d) 270⁰ on back station
18 For locating a distance object visible from two transit
station the method usually preferred is
a) angles and distances b) angle from two transit
from transit stations stations
b) distances from two d) angle from one transit
transit stations station and distances from
the other one
19 To observe an included angle with better accuracy then
what is achieved by reading the vernier of a thedolite,
the method preferred is
a) repetition b) reiteration
b) double observation d) any of the above

Ans.:- 15-c, 16-c, 17-a, 18-b, 19-a

20 A transit is oriented by setting its vernier A to read the
back bearing of the preceding line and a back sight on
the preceding station is taken.The transit is then rotated
about its vertical axis.The vernier A then reads
a) fore bearing of the b) fore bearing of the
preceding line forward line
c) back bearing of the d) equal to 360⁰-bearing of
preceding line the forward line
21 Accurate measurement of deflection angle with a transit
not properly adjusted are made by
a) setting the vernier A b) setting the vernier A to
to read zero at the back read zero at the back station
station and then and then turning the
plunging the telescope. instrument to the forward
c) taking two back sight d) taking back sight with the
one with the telescope face left.
normal and the other
with the telescope
22 Which of the following error can be eliminated by the
method of repetition for horizontal angle measurement?
a) error due to b) error due to displacement
eccentricity of verniers. of station signals.
c) error due to wrong d) error due to inaccurate
adjustment of line of graduation.

Ans. 20-b, 21-c, 22-b

23 The magnitude of error due to imperfect leveling of the
plate bubble for horizontal angle measurement is
a) large,when sight are b) large for long sights
approximately level
c) less,for steeply d) large for steeply inclined
inclined sights sights
24 Centering error of a thedolite produces an error
a) in all the angles b) which does not vary with
equally direction of bisection
c) which varies with the d) none of the above
direction of bisection
and inversely with the
length of sight
25 The error due to eccentricity of the inner and outer axes
of a thedolite can be eliminated by
a) reading both verniers b) taking both face
and taking the mean of observation and taking the
the two mean of the two
c) double sighting d) taking mean of the
observation distributed over
different portion of the
graduated circle.
26 Which of the following error can be eliminated by
taking the mean of both face observation?
a) error due to imperfect b) error due to line of
graduation collimation not being
perpendicular to the
horizontal axis

Ans. 23-d, 24-c, 25-a, 26-b

27 Pick up the incorrect statement.
a) A thedolite is known b) The modern theodolite are
as a universal glass arc type.
c) The size of theodolite d) Alidade assembly is a part
is defined by the vertical of the thedolite.
28 A thedolite consists of
a) leveling head b) horizontal circle assembly
c) alidade assembly d) all of the above
29 The bubble tube parallel to the telescope of a thedolite
should be more sensitive since it controls
a) vertical axis b) horizontal axis
c) axis of bubble tube d) none
30 The plate bubble in the plate level of a thedolite will
move considerably from its central position if the tripod
leg is moved.
a) radially inwards b) radially outwards
c) in the same direction d) in the opposite direction
of the bubble moved. of the bubble moved.
31 Which of the following method can be used for finding
the direction of the survey line while traversing?
a) free needle method b) fast needle method
c) both of the above d) none of the above
32 In traversing the traverse can be
a) closed b) open
c) closed or open d) closed with a central

Ans. 27-c, 28-d, 29-b, 30-c, 31-c, 32-c

33 Latitude of a line is defined as
a) orthographic b) orthographic projection of
projection of a survey a survey line on the
line on the E-W line. reference meridian.
c) length of survey line d) none of the above
corrected for various
chain /tape correction
34 In open traversing which of the following method is
a) method of direct angle b) method of exterior angle
c) method of deflection d) method of interior angles
35 If N is the number of stations and the least count of the
instrument is 20”then the limit on the angular error of
closure in traversing should not be
a) < 20N b) > 20N
c) < 20√N d) > 20√N
36 If n is the number of sides of a traverse, while traversing
clockwise the sum of the included angle should be
a) (2n-4)x90⁰ b) (2n+4)x90⁰
c) (2n+/-4)x90⁰ d) 360⁰
37 The departure of a line of traverse is its length
multiplied by
a) cosine of reduced b) sine of reduced bearing
c) secant of reduced d) tangent of reduced
bearing bearing

Ans. 33-b, 34-c, 35-d, 36-b, 37-b

38 For an open traverse which of the following is correct?
a) ∑latitude =0 b) ∑departure=0
c) both a) and b) d) none of the above
39 The Gale method of traversing consists of plotting the
points by
a) independent b) consecutive coordinates
c)both a) and b) d)chords
40 In a traverse surveying deflection angle is always
a) < 90⁰ b) 90⁰
c) difference between d) > 90⁰
180⁰ and internal angle
41 In a traverse survey closing error means
a) the error in closing of b) the actual distance by
the traversing operation which the traverse fail to
c) the distance between d) the bearing observed are
the starting and end unaffected by local attraction
point of an open
42 The closing error can be eliminated by
a) Bowditch rule b) transit rule
c) by latitude d) either a) or b) as

Ans. 38-d, 39-a, 40-c, 41-b, 42-d

43 In case of angular measurement being more precise than
linear measurement, the traverse can be balanced by
a) Graphical method b) Thedolite correction
c) Bowditch rule d) Transit rule
44 To observe the included angle accurately method
preferred is
a) repetition b) reiteration
c) by deflection angle d) double precision
45 The most accurate method of plotting a traverse is by
a) independent b) consecutive coordinates
c) both a) and b) d) tangents
46 In open traversing, the angular error can be determined
a) checking algebraic b) checking
sum of deflection angles ∑northing=∑southing
c) sum of included d) astronomical observations
47 In traversing linear measurement are done with chain
and angular measurement by
a) chain b) compass
c) thedolite d) any of the above
48 An open traverse can be checked by
a) Included angle b) Deflection angle
c) Astronomical d) Linear measurement

Ans. 43-d, 44-a, 45-a, 46-d, 47-d, 48-a

49 Balancing of traverse is done according to the
a) transit rule b) prismoidal rule
c) trapezoidal rule d) none
50 The characteristic of Gale’s table is that the independent
coordinates of all points are brought to the
a) fourth quadrant b) first quadrant
c) third quadrant d) none
51 For improved accuracy the included angle is measured
by the
a) reiteration method b) repetition method
c) deflection angle d) none
52 The included angle of the traverse are measured
a) clockwise b) anticlockwise
c) either way d) none
53 Fine adjustment of thedoliteis done by the
a) focusing screw b) tangent screw
c) clamp screw d) none
54 In a closed traverse the algebraic sum of departure and
latitude must be equal to
a) 90° b) 180°
c) 0° d) none
55 For important traverse survey the permissible angular
error is
a) 1΄√N b) 30΄√N
c) 10΄√N d) 15΄√N

Ans. 49-a, 50-b, 51-b, 52-a, 53-b, 54-c, 55-d

56 If f be the focal lengthof the objective and f1 that of the
eyepiece then magnifying power is given by
a) f1/f b) f/f1
c) f1x f d) f1/f1
57 The face left position is also called as
a) telescope inverted b) telescope reversed
c) telescope normal d) none
58 If a closed traverse is plotted according to the field
measurement the end point of the traverse may not
coincide exactly with the starting point owing to error in
the field measurement of angles and distance such as
error is known as
a) starting error b) plotting error
c) natural error d) closing error
59 The method used for applying correction to latitude and
departure and closing error is
a) Bowditch error b) transit method
c) graphical method d) any of these
60 The projection of traverse line on a line perpendicular to
the meridian is known as
a) latitude of line b) departure of line
c) bearing of the line d) co ordinate of line
61 The latitude and departure of a traverse line are both
positive when the WCB of the line lies in the
a) first quadrant b) second quadrant
c) third quadrant d) fourth quadrant
62 A line normal to a plumb line at all points is known as
a) vertical line b) horizontal line
c) level line d) line of collimation

Ans. 56-b, 57-c, 58-d, 59-d, 60-b,61-a, 62-c

56 In a closed traverse if the survey work is correct then
a) The algebraic sum of b) The algebraic sum of
latitude should be equal departure should be equal to
to zero. zero
c) The algebraic sum of d) All of the above
nothing should be equal
to sum of southing.
57 Which rule is preferred for balancing of traverse when
angular measurement are taken with more accuracy than
the linear measurement.
a) Bowditch’s Rule b) Transit rule
c) simpson’s rule d) none of these
58 When the distance is measured parallel to N-S line is
called as
a) departure b) latitude
c) consecutive d) independent coordinates
59 When the distance is measured parallel to east-west line
it is called as
a) departure b) latitude
c) consecutive d) independent coordinates
60 The ratio of length of closing error to the perimeter of
the traverse expressed with numerator as a unity is
called as
a) relative error of b) angular error of closure
c) permissible error d) closing error

Ans. 56-d, 57-a, 58-b, 59-a, 60-a

61 For plotting of a traverse the coordinates of a station are
marked out with reference to the preceding station
considering it as origin is called as
a) consecutive b) independent co ordinates
c) latitude d) departure
62 When the coordinates of a station are worked from the
common origin. They are called as
a) consecutive b) independent co ordinates
c) latitude d) departure
63 The latitude and departure of a traverse line both are
negative when the WCB of the line lies in the
a) first quadrant b) second quadrant
c) third quadrant d) fourth quadrant
64 The latitude is positive and departure is negative then
the WCB lies in
a) first quadrant b) second quadrant
c) third quadrant d) fourth quadrant
65 The latitude is negative and departure is positive then
the WCB lies in
a) first quadrant b) second quadrant
c) third quadrant d) fourth quadrant
66 The angle made by the survey line with the prolongation
of the preceding line is called as
a) deflection angle b) vertical angle
c) horizontal angle d) direct angle

Ans. 61-a, 62-b, 63-c, 64-d, 65-b, 66-a

67 The angle measured clockwise from the preceding line
to the next one is called as
a) deflection angle b) vertical angle
c) horizontal angle d) direct angle
68 The sources of error in theodolite work are
a) instrumental error b) personal error
c) natural error d) all of these
69 A theodolite may be used for
a) setting out curves b) determine difference in
c) laying of horizontal d) all of the above
70 A theodolite is called as a transit thedolite
a) when its telescope can b) when its telescope can not
be transisted. be transisted.
c) when the telescope d) all of the above.
can moves about its
vertical axis.
71 Theodolite may be used for
a) to measure magnetic b) to measure deflection
bearing angle
c) to measure direct d) all of the above
72 In a transit theodolite which of the following part are
a) leveling head b) lower circular plate
c) upper plate d) all of the above
73 The least count of vernier theodolite is
a) 10" b) 20"
c) 30" d) 40"

Ans.:- 67-d, 68-d, 69-d, 70-a, 71-d, 72-d, 73-b

74 The line joining the optical centre of the object glass to
the centre of the eye piece is called as
a) centering b) axis of telescope
c) telescope normal d) horizontal axis
75 The axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a
horizontal plane is called as
a) vertical axis b) axis of telescope
c) telescope normal d) horizontal axis
76 Revolving the telescope in the horizontal plane about its
vertical axis is called as
a) centering b) line of sight
c) axis of telescope d) swinging the telescope
77 In a thedolite a straight line tangential to the longitudinal
curve of the level tube at its centre is known as
a) line of sight b) bubble line
c) vertical axis d) swinging the telescope
78 In a thedolite a condition arising when the image formed
by the objective is not in the plane of cross hair is
known as
a) transit b) parallex
c) upper plate d) lower plate
79 Which of the following error in theodolite work may be
classified as a personal error of observer?
a) wind vibration b) slip
c) centering d) eccentricity of vernier
80 The prolonging of a straight line becomes necessary in
the following cases
a) centre line of column b) fixing electrical pole
c) alignment of bridge d) all of these

Ans. 74-b, 75-a, 76-d, 77-b, 78-b, 79-b, 80-d

81 In a theodolite if the lower clamp is not properly
clamped or the shifting head is loose or the instrument is
not firmly tightened on the tripod head the error
introduced is known as
a) parallex b) slip
c) inaccurate levelling d) inaccurate centering
82 Which of the following is a principle axis of a transit
a) vertical axis b) horizontal axis
c) axis of bubble tube d) all of the above
83 It is the axis about which the telescope can be rotated is
called as
a) line of collimation b) vertical axis
c) axis of telescope d) all of these
84 The angle made between the inclined line of sight and
the horizontal line of collimation is known as
a) vertical angle b) horizontal angle
c) angle of elevation d) angle of depression
85 While taking a backsight with a thedolite the screw
which is fastened first is
a) upper clamp screw b) lower clamp screw
c) upper tangent screw d) lower tangent screw
86 The horizontal angle between the true meridian and
magnetic meridian is known as
a) true bearing b) dip
c) local attraction d) magnetic declination
87 In surveying telescope, diaphragm is held
a) inside the eye piece b) inside the objective
c) nearer to the eye piece d) nearer to the objective

Ans. 81-b, 82-d, 83-b, 84-a, 85-a, 86-d, 87-c

88 In order to measure a horizontal angle more accurately
a) method of repetition b) method of reiteration is
is used used
c) method of deflection d) method of double
angle observation
89 The axis about which the lower and upper plate of a
theodolite rotate is called
a) trunnion axis b) vertical axis
c) horizontal axis d) optical axis
90 In case of thedolite centering is the process of
a) turning the telescope b) setting the theodolite
in vertical direction exactly over the station mark
c) rotating the telescope d) rotating the telescope in
in clockwise direction anticlockwise direction
91 The image of the object formed in a telescope should lie
a) eye of the observer b) center of telescope
c) in the plane of cross d) anywhere between
hair objective and eye piece
92 The cross hair in a telescope are fitted
a) in front of eye piece b) at the centre of telescope
c) in the objective glass d) at the optical centre
93 The vertical angle between the horizontal axis of a
magnetic needle and the horizontal line is
a) bearing b) dip
c) azimuth d) inclination

Ans. 88-a, 89-b, 90-b, 91-c, 92-a, 93-b

1 The radius of one degree curve is
a) 1719 m b) 1760 m
c) 2000 m d) none
2 The relation between the radius (R) of and degree (D) of
a curve is
a) R=D/1719 b) R=1719/D
c) R/D=1729 d) None
3 With notation carring their usual meaning the
superelevation h for railway is given by the relation
a) h=gv2/GR b) h=gR2/GV
c) h=GV /gr d) none
4 The allowable centrifugal ratio (CR) for railway is
a) 1/4 b)1/8
c) 1/6 d) none
5 The first tangent point is also known as the
a) point of curve b) point of start
c) point of tangent d) none
6 The second tangent point is also known as the
a) end point b) point of tangency
c) rear point d) none
7 Wh B the point B is known as the en two tangent AB
and BC meet at
a) summit b) apex
c) vertex d) none
8 Apex distance is given by
a) R((secφ/2)-1) b) R((secφ/2)-1)
c) R((secφ/2)-1) d) none
9 The versed sine of curve is given by
a) R(1-sinφ/2) b) R(1-cosφ/2)
c) R(1-cotφ/2) d) none

Ans:- 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-b

10 The length of unit chord should not be more than
a) 1/20th of the radius b)1/10th of the radius
c) 1/40 of the diameter d) none
11 The length of a long chord is given by expression
a) L=2RSinφ/2 b) L=2Rtanφ/2
c) L=2Rcosφ/2 d) None
12 The intrinsic equation of an ideal transition curve is
given by the expression
a) φ=L2/2R degrees b) φ=l/2R2minutes
c) φ=l/2R radians d) none
13 An ideal transition curve is also known as
a) clothoid curve b) cubical curve
c) parabolic curve d) none
14 A vertical curve is considered as
a) elliptical curve b) parabolic curve
c) circular curve d) none
15 The length of transition curveis given by the relation
a) L=v3/CR b) L=v2/CR
c) L=v/CR d) None
16 A vertical curve is designed on the basis of the
a) radius of the curve b) minimum sight distance
c) change of gradient d) none
17 Geometrical arc provided at intersection of two straight
of a route is known as -----
a) chord b) tangent
c) curve d) secant

Ans.:- 10-a , 11-a ,12-c, 13-a,14-b,15-a,16-b,17-c

18 Curves are required to introduce smooth change in
a) direction b) gradient
c) direction or gradient d) none
19 Curves makes possible carrying of the alignment of the
proposed route through
a) tangent point b) obligatory points
c) point of intersection d) apex point
20 Basic two types of curves are ---- curves.
a) horizontal and vertical b) simple and compound
c) transition and d) All of these
21 The curve provided in plan to round of the direction is a
a) horizontal and vertical b) horizontal curve
c) vertical curve d) any of these
22 The curve provided in section to round of the gradient
a) horizontal or vertical b) horizontal curve
c) vertical curve d) any of these
23 When two straight of a route are connected by a single
circular arc it is known as -----------curve
a) simple circular b) compound circular
c) reverse circular d) Transition

Ans.:- 18-c, 19-b, 20-a, 21-b, 22-c, 23-a

24 For a pair of circular arc used to form compound curve,
a) radii must be different b) there shall be a common
point of tangency
c) centre must be on d) all of these
same side of common
25 For a pair circular arc used to form reverse or serpentine
a) radii may be same or b) common point of
different tangency
c) centre must be on d) all of these
opposite side of
26 For a transition curve ,radius
a) is constant b) changes gradually from
infinity to some finite value
c) changes suddenly d) none of these
from infinity to some
finite value
27 Transition curve are unavoidable on route handling
a) steeringless traffic b) high speed traffic
c) either a or b d) neither a nor b
28 Euler’s spiral, Beronoulli’s Lemniscate and cubic
parabola are the forms of the
a) simple curve b) compound curve
c) reverse curve d) transition curve

24-d, 25-d, 26-b, 27-c, 28-d

29 The popular form of a transition curve with Indian
railway is
a) clothoid or true spiral b) bernouli’s lemniscate
c) Froud’s cubic d) none of these
30 To introduce transition length at either ends the circular
curve needs to be shifted towards its centre.
a) true b) false
31 The parameter required to trace the ----- of the circular
curve are called as element of circular curve
a) geometry b) geography
c) topography d) cartography
32 Distance between midpoint of a long chord and apex of
the curve is known as
a) apex distance b) versed sine
c) tangent length d) curved length
33 Distance between point of intersection and apex of the
curve is known as
a) external distance b) versed sine
c) tangent length d) curved length
34 The point on circular curve at which tangent drawn is
parallel to long chord is known as
a) point of tangency b) point of intersection
c) apex point d) centre of curve

Ans:- 29-c, 30-t, 31-a, 32-b, 33-a,34-c

35 Tangent point at beginning end of a curve is known as
a) rear tangent point b) point of curve
c) tangent curve d) any of these
36 Tangent point at finishing end of a curve is known as
a) forward tangent point b) point of tangency
c) curve tangent d) any of these
37 The angle through which second or forward tangent
deflects wrt first or rear tangent is
a) central angle b) deflection angle
c) angle of intersection d) any of these
38 If the deflection angle for a curve is 12⁰45´, the central
angle for same curve will be
a) 12⁰45´ b) 167⁰15´
c) 192⁰15´ d) 6⁰22´30̋
39 If the deflection angle for a curve is 18⁰30´ the angle of
intersection for same curve will be
a) 161⁰30´ b) 198⁰30´
c) 143⁰ d) 217⁰
40 Central angle for circular curve is always not equal to
deflection angle.
a) true b) false
41 If R is the radius of circular curve and φ is the deflection
angle then the length of tangent will be
a) 2R.Sin(φ/2) b) πRφ/180⁰
c) R.Tan(φ/2) d) R.(1-Cos(φ/2)

Ans.:- 35-d, 36-d, 37-b, 38-b, 39-a, 40-b, 41-c

42 If R is a radius of a circular curve and φ is deflection
angle then versed sine will be
a) 2R.Sin(φ/2) b) πRφ/180⁰
c) R.Tan(φ/2) d) R.(1-Cos(φ/2)
43 If R is a radius of a circular curve and φ is deflection
angle then length of curve is
a) 2R.Sin(φ/2) b) πRφ/180⁰
c) R.Tan(φ/2) d) R.(1-Cos(φ/2)
44 If R is a radius of a circular curve and φ is deflection
angle then length of long chord will be
a) 2R.Sin(φ/2) b) πRφ/180⁰
c) R.Tan(φ/2) d) R.(1-Cos(φ/2)
45 If R is a radius of a circular curve and φ is deflection
angle then apex distance will be
a) 2R.Sin(φ/2) b) πRφ/180⁰
c) R.Tan(φ/2) d) R.sec(φ/2)-1
46 Angle subtended by chord of standard length at centre of
the circular curve is known as
a) cental angle b) angle of intersection
c) degree of curve d) tangential angle
47 Which system is popularly used for nomenclature of a
railway curve?
a) degree system b) radius system
c) both of these d) none of these
48 If b is standard chord length and R is radius of curvature
then degree of curve will be
a) b2/2R b) 28.648(b/R)
c) 57.296(b/R) d) None of these

Ans.:- 42-d, 43-b, 44-a, 45-d, 46-c, 47-b, 48-c

49 With 30m standard chord length the radius of 5.73
degree simple circular railway curve will be
a) 200m b) 300m
c) 400m d) none of these
50 With 30m standard chord length the degree of 573m
radius simple circular railway curve will be
a) 1.5⁰ b) 3⁰
c) 6⁰ d) none of these
51 Method of offset from long chord requires mainly
Setting out simple circular curve by the
a) linear measurement b) angular measurement
c) linear and angular d) none of these
52 Method of curve ranging involving offsetting from long
chord or chord produced or tangents are mainly
a) angular method b) linear method
c) any of these d) none of these
53 Most appropriate method to set out a curve for street
kerb is method of
a) deflection angle b) two thedolite
c) offset from tangents d) offset from long chord
54 Setting out simple circular curve by Rankine’s method
of deflection angle or two thedolite method require
a) angular measurement b) linear measurement
c) linear and angular d) none

Ans.:- 49-b, 50-b, 51-a, 52-b, 53-d, 54-a

55 Distance between any two adjoining pegs on a curve is
known as
a) sub chord b) unit chord
c) any of these d) peg interval
56 In theprocesses of curve ranging peg interval shall be
measured along the
a) tangent b) chord
c) radius d) arc
57 In practice in the processes of curve ranging peg interval
is usually measured along
a) tangent b) chord
c) radius d) arc
58 If measured along chord peg intervalfor a circular curve
of radius R shall preferably be not greater than
a) R/40 b) R/30
c) R/20 d) R/10
59 Peg interval for a circular curve of radius 300m shall
preferably be not more than
a) 15m b) 30m
c) 45m d) 60m
60 A chord having length less than peg interval accepted to
set out a curve is known as
a) long chord b) chord produced
c) sub chord d) unit chord
61 A chord having length equal to peg interval accepted to
set out a curve is known as
a) long chord b) chord produced
c) sub-chord d) unit chord

Ans.:- 55-d,56-d, 57-b, 58-c, 59-a,60-c,61-d

62 Chainage of peg on rear straight prior to first tangent
point is 2000m.chainage of first tangent point is
2001.184m accepted peg interval is 12.5m. length of sub
chord at beginning of curve will be
a) 2.995m b) 11.316m
c) 6.347m d) 16.987m
63 For a circular curve length of first sub chord is 2.955m
length of curve is 316.777m Accepted peg interval is
20m Then number of unit chords will be
a) 15 b) 12
c) 14 d) 18
64 If chainage of point of intersection is 1190m, deflection
angle is 36⁰ radius of the curve is 300m then chainage
of first tangent point will be
a) 2480.032m b) 173.602m
c) 1092.524m d) 2001.184m
65 If a chainage of first tangent point is 3126.778m
deflection angle is 32⁰ radius of curve is 429.725m then
chainage of second tangent point will be
a) 3366.782m b) 143.315m
c) 2255.657m d) 2864.414m
66 The best method to set out the curves on express way
will be
a) Rankine’s method b) method of offset from
long chord
c) method of successive d) none
bisection of arcs

Ans.:- 62-b,63-a,64-c, 65-a, 66-a

67 Length of transition curve can be worked out from
method of
a) radial acceleration b) arbitrary gradient
c) time rate d) all of these
68 The length of vertical curve at a junction of 3%falling
and 2%rising grade with 0.1% per 10m rate of change of
gradient will be
a) 100m b) 500m
c) any d) none
69 The length of vertical curve depends upon
a) nature of b) type of roadway
c) centrifugal effect, d) all of these
sight distance
70 Tangent correction is the ------distance between a point
on a vertical curve and a corresponding point on tangent
to that vertical curve
a) horizontal b) vertical
c) inclined d) all
71 Popular is method to set out a vertical curve is method
a) offset from chord b) deflection angle
c) tangent correction d) none of these
72 To have a jerk free travel shape of arc a vertical curve
shall preferably be
a) ellipitical b) circular
c) hyperbolic d) parabolic

Ans. :- 67-d,68-b,69-d, 70-b,71-c,72-d

73 A curve tangential to four sight lines and consisting of
arcs of different radii is known as
a) one centred b) two centred compound
compound curve curve
c) three centred d) four centred compound
compound curve curve
74 Setting out simple curveby the two thedolite method
does not require
a) angular measurement b) linear measurement
c) both angular and d) none of the above
75 The angle subtended by the long chord of a simple
circular curve at its centre is equal to
a) angle of deflection b) two times the angle of
c)180⁰- angle of d) 180⁰- angle of
deflection deflection/2
76 overturning of vehicle on a curve can be avoided by
using a
a) compound curve b) vertical curve
c) reverse curve d) transition curve
77 Different grades are joined together by a
a) compound curve b) transition curve
c) reverse curve d) vertical curve
78 The long chord and tangent length of a circular curve of
radius R will be equal if the angle of deflection is
a) 30⁰ b) 60⁰
c) 120⁰ d) 150⁰

Ans. 73-c, 74-b, 75-a, 76-d, 77-d, 78-c

79 If the degree of a curve is 1⁰ and if the chain length is
30m then the radius of the curve is equal to
a) 5400m b) 1720m
c) 1720/π m d) 3440/π m
80 Th curve composed of two arcs of different radii having
their centre on the opposite side of the curve is known as
a) simple curve b) compound curve
c) reverse curve d) vertical curve
81 When the length of any chord of a curve is less than peg
interval it is known as a
a) small chord b) sub chord
c) normal chord d) short chord
82 Designation of a curve is done by the
a) angle subtended by a b) angle subtended by an arc
chord of any length of a specified length
c) radius of the curve d) curvature of the curve
83 The angle of intersection of a curve is the angle between
a) back tangent and b) prolongation of a back
forward tangent tangent and forward tangent
c) forward tangent and d) back tangent and long
long chord chord
84 The approximate formula for radius as well as
perpendicular offsets according to the tangent method of
laying simple circular curve is
a) x/2R b) x2/2R
c) x/R d) x2/R

Ans. 79-b, 80-c, 81-b, 82-b, 83-a, 84-b

85 If D is the degree of curve of radius R then the
tangential angle may be obtained by Rankine’s method
in minutes by multiplying the length of the chord by the
a) degree of curve b) square of degree of curve
c) inverse of degree of d) none of the above
86 The radius of simple circular curve is 30m and the
length of the specified chord is 30m. The degree of the
curve is
a) 57.29 b) 3.70
c) 55.60 d) 37.03
87 If the angle of intersection of a curve is θ then the
deflection angle will be
a) θ/2 b) 180⁰-θ
c) 180⁰+θ d) 90⁰+θ
88 If s is the length of sub chord and R is the radius of
simple curve the angle of deflection between its tangent
and sub chord in minutes is equal to
a) 573 S/R b) 1718.9 S/R
c) 1718.9 R/S d) 573 R/S
89 For a curve of a radius 100m and normal chord 10m, the
deflection angle given by Rankine’s formula is
a) 1⁰45.95´ b) 2⁰51.53´
c) 0⁰35.95´ d) 1⁰25.95´
90 The properties of an autogenous curve are given
a) true spiral B) Cubic parabola
b) Bernoulli’s leminsca d) Clothoid spiral

Ans. 85-a, 86-a, 87-b, 88-c, 89-b, 90-b

91 If 𝜟is the angle of deflection of the curve and T1 and T2
are its points of tangencies the angle between the
tangent at T1 and long chord T1T2 will be
a) 𝜟/4 b) 𝜟/3
c) 𝜟/2 d) 𝜟
92 An ideal transition curve is a
a) cubic parabola b) cubic spiral
c) parabola d) true spiral
93 For setting out a simple curve using two thedolite
a) offset from tangents b) offset from chords
are required produced are required
c) deflection angle from d) none of the above
Rankine’s formula are
94 Perpendicular offset from the junction of a transition
curve and circular curve to the tangent is equal to
a) shift b) 0.5 X shift
c) 2 X shift d) 4 X shift
95 Total angle of deflection of a transition curve is
a) spiral angle b) spiral angle/2
c) spiral angle/3 d) spiral angle/4
96 To joint two gradients an ideal vertical curve is
a) circular b) parabolic
c) elliptical d) hyperbolic
97 A reverse curve is also known as
a) S-curve b) spiral curve
c) easement curve d) both a) and b)

Ans.- 91-c, 92-b, 93-c, 94-d, 95-c, 96-b, 97-c

98 An ideal transition curve is
a) clothoid b) cubic parabola
c) bernoull’s lemniscate d) parabola
99 Froude’s transition curve is
a) cubic spiral b) cubic parabola
c) bernoull’s lemniscate d) ellipse
100 A broken back curve is a type of
a) horizontal curve b) vertical curve
c) transition curve d) reverse curve
101 In india curves are designated by
a) degree of curve b) radius of curve
c) length of curve d) all of the above
102 The arc definition for degree of curve is practiced in
a) highways b) railways
c) canal alignment d) tunnels
103 Reverse curve is provided
a) when the two b) in hilly areas
straight to be joined are
c) in railway siding d) all of the above
104 Maximum degree of curvature for a BG track is
a) 2⁰ b) 5⁰
c) 10⁰ d) 20⁰
105 The three transition curve deviate after an angle of
a) 4 ⁰ b) 12⁰
c) 8⁰ d) 20⁰

Ans. 98-a, 99-b, 100-a,101-a, 102-a, 103-d, 104-c, 105-b

Text Books:
1 Surveying and Levelling by Vol. I and Vol. II –
T.P.Kanetkar and S.V.Kulkarni
2. Surveying and Levelling by Subramanian, Oxford
University Press.
3 Surveying, Vol. I & II by Dr.B.C.Punmia, Ashok K.
Jain, Arun K.Jain
4.Surveying for Engieers-John Uren & Bill Price—
Palgrave Macmillan
Reference Books
1 Plane Surveying----A.M.Chandra---- New Age
International Publishers
1. Surveying and Levelling ---- N. N. Basak, Tata Mc-
Graw Hill
2. Surveying Vol. I & II ---- Dr.K. R. Arora
3. Surveying: Theory and Practice --- James M.
Anderson, Edward M. Mikhail
4. Surveying theory and practices -- Devis R. E., Foot F.
5. Plane and Geodetic surveying for Engineers. Vol. I --
David Clark
6. Principles of Surveying. Vol. I by J.G.Olliver,
7. Surveying, Vol. I & II by S. K. Duggal,Tata Mc-Graw


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