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Friday 25 March 2022 *** No 51,898 £2.


Fraser Nelson on a rudderless No 10

The Rishi and Boris power struggle has mired the Tories in ideological confusion p.16


Saving face
Biden: We Tea party at the castle (bring your own china)

tailenders show will respond
grit after collapse
of top order in kind if
Putin uses
All at sea Nato leaders say reaction to WMDs would
The uncertain be ‘very severe’ but rule out boots on ground
fate of By James Crisp in Brussels
and Nick Allen in Washington
also appeared to mark a toughening in
the US stance. The president has previ-
ously been adamantly against any direct
the oligarchs’ JOE BIDEN last night declared Nato
would respond “in kind” if Vladimir
military confrontation with Russia,
warning that it would spark “World

Putin resorted to using chemical weap- War Three”.
ons against Ukraine. Mr Biden denied that he had been
Asked if a Kremlin-orchestrated wrong to rule out military intervention
chemical attack would prompt a mili- earlier in the crisis, or that doing so had
tary response, the US president said: “It emboldened Mr Putin.
would trigger a response in kind.” “No and no,” he said.
Mr Biden added: “We would respond. He also declined to say if the US had
We would respond if he uses it [chemi- specific intelligence that Mr Putin was
cal weapons]. about to use chemical weapons.
“The nature of the response would At the White House, a group of
depend on the nature of the use.” national security officials, known as the
His remarks came as he met Nato, G7 “tiger team”, has been looking at what
and European leaders at a series of the threshold for a military response by
emergency summits in Brussels. They the US might be.
discussed what to do if Mr Putin, One US official indicated that if Rus-
whose forces are suffering unrelenting sia was to use a tactical nuclear device
daily casualties, decided to unleash in Ukraine “all bets are off ”.
weapons of mass destruction. They are also preparing responses to
Leaders were repeatedly asked how a strike on a US weapons convoy.

Judith Woods they would respond to a chemical attack

in Ukraine, after a Western official ear-
lier suggested Nato would not inter-
In Brussels, Mr Biden backed exclud-
ing Russia from the G20 group of major
I know what vene militarily even in the event of such
a strike.
He said, if that could not be done,
then Ukraine should be invited to

women really
“I think it is highly unlikely that Nato attend meetings as well.
would go directly into conflict with He added that Beijing would face
Russia because every leader agrees that consequences if China decided to help

want for we’ve got to stop the killing,” the official

said. Most believe that Nato entering
the conflict directly would escalate
the beleaguered Russian economy. Mr
Biden said: “China understands that its
economic future is much more closely

Mother’s Day it and increase the suffering, they

The official did not rule out a more
tied to the West than it is to Russia.”
In a statement, Nato leaders said any
use by Russia of chemical or biological
p.21 robust intervention, however: “I did weapons would be “unacceptable and
hear leaders say that use of chemical result in severe consequences”.
weapons would fundamentally change Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary-
the nature of the conflict, and would general, said it was stepping up chemi-
have to have a very severe response.” cal and nuclear defences for its forces in
Boris Johnson, pressed on the sub- eastern Europe, likely including gas
ject in Brussels, left open the possibil- masks and protective suits.
ity of a military response, saying the Allies are also supplying handheld

West’s reaction would be “very, very detectors and medical support for
severe”. unconventional weapons to Ukraine.
The consequences of Mr Putin Mr Stoltenberg said: “There is also a
launching a chemical strike would be risk that we can see a spread of chemical
“catastrophic for him”, he said. Continued on Page 5
Mr Biden’s pledge of a proportionate The Queen arrives at the White Drawing Room in Windsor Castle to view artefacts from craftwork company Halcyon Days, which is
response to a Russian chemical attack Editorial Comment: Page 17 commemorating its 70th anniversary. On display was hand-decorated archive enamelware and fine bone china Report, page 3
Rise of
the republics Sunak branded a ‘fiscal illusionist’ over tax cut claims
Can anything be his previous tax rises, which were con- in 2024. So Mr Sunak’s statement con- workers are expected to get caught by a Wednesday. BP, Shell, Esso and Texaco
done to save the
By Charles Hymas, Tony Diver
and Camilla Turner firmed in the statement. tained big new tax cuts. “stealth” tax on their pensions. said they could not guarantee immedi-
A median earner on £27,500 a year “But it also allowed taxes to rise. He They will be dragged above the ate price reductions because the major-

RISHI SUNAK has been branded a “fis- will be £360 worse off in the next finan- can now expect to raise more in tax as a £1.07 million pension pot limit by the ity of their forecourts are operated by
cal illusionist” as claims made in his cial year and someone earning £40,000 share of national income by 2025 than rising inflation rate, forcing them to pay franchisees.
Spring Statement began to unravel. will take an £800 hit, according to the he expected last October. In fact, taxes a 55 per cent tax rate when they with- Tory MPs have urged Mr Sunak to
p.19 The Institute for Fiscal Studies said IFS. The analysis was backed by the are set to rise to their highest level as a draw their savings. bring forward tax cuts or risk damaging
nearly all workers would end up paying Resolution Foundation, which sug- fraction of national income since Clem- Financial experts described it as a the party’s reputation for fiscal prudence.
more tax on their earnings despite the gested seven out of eight employees ent Attlee was prime minister.” cynical and “silent” tax which would Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory
Chancellor’s claim to be delivering the would pay more tax. Boris Johnson yesterday insisted that put hard-working people off saving. leader, said: “People are still paying more
“biggest net cut to personal taxes in Paul Johnson, the director of the IFS, “ the Chancellor has done a huge The move has been compounded by tax even than he announced last year.
over a quarter of a century”. said: “Mr Sunak has proved to be some- amount to try to address the increases Mr Sunak’s decision to freeze the pen- That is costing them a lot of money. He
Amid a growing Tory backlash, the thing of a fiscal illusionist. in the cost of living”. But highlighting sion pot cap for five years. has tightened fiscally too much and
institute said the gains from Mr Sunak’s “He told us that he cut taxes yester- the decision to raise the National Insur- It also emerged that many petrol sta- needs to think beyond where he is now.”
plan to raise the thresholds for paying day. In a sense he did. He increased the ance threshold, he added “as we go for- tions have failed to pass on the 5p cut in
National Insurance and the 1p income floor for National Insurance contribu- ward, we need to do more”. fuel duty that the Chancellor announced Reports: Pages 10-11
tax cut in 2024 would be wiped out by tions and promised a cut in income tax It comes as more than 1.6 million would be introduced at 6pm on Editorial Comment: Page 17

news news news business

Old files pour water War bolsters case for ‘Police letting down We broke the law... and
Puzzles 18 on rainfall records split, says Sturgeon too many victims’ would again, says P&O
Obituaries 27 A project digitising the Met Office’s
weather archive has found that several
Nicola Sturgeon suggested the Ukraine
war had bolstered the case for Scottish
Too many victims are being let down
by the police and prosecutors, Dominic
The boss of P&O Ferries has admitted
that his company broke the law by
TV listings 31 records, particularly those for dry
weather, were set much earlier than
independence and her plans to stage
another referendum next year.
Raab has said, as the first local
scorecards were published, exposing
sacking 800 seafarers on the spot last
week – but said he would do it again if
Weather 32 previously thought. Scientists at the
University of Reading asked the public
The First Minister was urged to
apologise for the “tasteless” link after
delays and low charging rates.
In an article for, the
he had to. Peter Hebblethwaite
shocked MPs on a Commons
for help digitally transcribing 130 arguing the Russian invasion Justice Secretary said it was committee by admitting there was
years’ worth of handwritten rainfall “underscored the need for democratic “appalling” that 60 per cent of victims “absolutely no doubt” that under UK
observations from across the UK and nations to pursue our domestic politics did not report their crimes and a third employment law the ferry operator

9 *ujöeöu#yxc-bv* ÊÁËÂ
Ireland. New records include England’s with as much passion and vigour as dropped out of prosecutions, often ‘Hello, mum. I’m disowning was required to consult unions before
driest May, originally thought to be ever”. She said the invasion showed because of delays and the prospect of you with immediate effect. pushing ahead with the mass sackings,
May 2020 but now believed to be May “the importance of independent reliving their trauma in court. The It’s to avoid the expense in which workers were escorted off
1844, when just 8.3mm of rain fell. countries cooperating”. scorecards are published today. of Mother’s Day’ their vessels by security.
Page 9 Page 2 Page 13 Business, page 1
2 ** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Sturgeon ‘using war to that “our European partners” knew that

they could rely on a separate Scotland
being “a beacon of peace and democ-
to pushing her endless obsession with
breaking up the United Kingdom.
“It is astonishing that pushing the

argue for independence’

racy, as we face the greatest challenge case for another referendum was at the
posed to those principles since 1945”. forefront of the First Minister’s mind Teenage hacker ‘runs a
Her intervention appeared to be the
latest attempt by a UK political party
when writing about the truly horren-
dous situation in Ukraine.”
£10m global cyber gang’
leader to link the Ukrainian war with Ms Sturgeon’s official spokesman A 16-year-old hacker from Oxford has
the constitution after Boris Johnson said she “made no such link whatsoever been accused of making more than
drew parallels with Brexit. – any suggestion she has is a flat-out lie”. £10 million in an international cyber
The Prime Minister faced criticism The First Minister is expected shortly gang while his father thought he was
The First Minister was urged to apol- cated international partner” in taking after arguing that Britons, like Ukraini- to unveil her timetable for another sepa- playing computer games.
Scottish First Minister ogise for the “tasteless” link after argu- on Vladimir Putin. ans, had the instinct “to choose free- ration vote along with the necessary leg- Cybersecurity researchers said the
accused of ‘tasteless’ link ing the Russian invasion “underscored
the need for democratic nations to pur-
The First Minister said the Russian
invasion had “underlined the impor-
dom” and cited the 2016 vote to leave
the EU as a “recent example”.
islation, despite a poll showing a clear
majority of Scots want her to shelve her
teenager was the mastermind as City of
London Police confirmed that seven
between Ukraine war and sue our domestic politics with as much tance of independent countries cooper- Donald Cameron, the Scottish Tories’ plans during the Ukraine crisis. suspects, aged 16 to 21, had been
second referendum passion and vigour as ever”.
Ms Sturgeon said the conflict “makes
ating” as members of organisations
such as the EU and had “cast a new light
shadow constitution secretary, said her
language was “wholly inappropriate”
The SNP has previously argued that
postponing a referendum because of
arrested. The boy was one of the
alleged leaders of the South American-
By Simon Johnson it even more important to engage as on the realities of Brexit”. and she should “urgently apologise”. He the Ukraine war would be akin to let- based Lapsus$ gang which claimed
ScottiSH political editoR passionately and disputatiously as ever Despite wanting to scrap Britain’s said: “It is unacceptable and tasteless ting Mr Putin decide the timing. responsibility for security breaches of
in vigorous political debate within and nuclear deterrent, based at Faslane on for the First Minister to make any sort of However, the Prime Minister told last tfirms such as Microsoft and Nvidia.
NICOLA STURGEON suggested the among the world’s democracies”. the Clyde, she said a separate Scotland link between the war in Ukraine and week’s Scottish Tory conference it was His father told the BBC he only heard
Ukraine war had bolstered the case for Writing in the New Statesman, Ms would “take its place as a member state Scottish independence. “blindingly obvious” that now was not about the alleged criminality after the
Scottish independence and her plans to Sturgeon also pledged that a separate in its own right of both the European “It appears there is no issue that is the time for another independence ref- arrest, saying he thought his son spent
stage another referendum next year. Scotland would be “a reliable and dedi- Union and Nato”. Ms Sturgeon claimed beyond Nicola Sturgeon when it comes erendum. his time playing computer games.

MPs’ staff sleep off pub

nights in Parliament
MPs’ staff have been drunkenly
sleeping in their House of Commons
offices after missing their last trains
home following nights out.
Conservative MP Sir Charles Walker,
who chairs Parliament’s administration
committee, said Commons security
staff had received several reports of
researchers returning to the office to
sleep off a night in the pub. He wrote to
all MPs on Wednesday to warn that the
trend was a fire and security risk.
Although it is understood that no
action will be taken against those
caught sleeping in their offices so far,
MPs on the committee plan to remove
security passes from anyone found to
have broken the rules in future.

Three coffees a day has

perks for the heart
Drinking two or three cups of coffee a
day may cut the risk of heart failure by
15 per cent, research suggests.
More or less than that was found to
still be better than no coffee at all but
the sweet spot was two or three daily.
The records of 38,000 people in the
UK Biobank, spanning 10 years, were
studied to see how coffee intake
affected various heart-related health
issues, including cardiovascular
disease, heart failure and stroke.
Two to three cups reduced the risk
of cardiovascular disease by nine per
cent and heart failure by 15 per cent.
“Coffee should be included as part of
a healthy diet,” the researchers from
the University of Melbourne write.

British base jumper dies

after fall in French Alps
A British tourist has plunged 650ft to
his death in a base jumping accident in
the French Alps.
The 34-year-old man, from
Newnham, Northants, was on holiday
with three friends, one of whom
Journey’s end Tired but relieved, migants come ashore at Dungeness in Kent following an incident involving a small boat in the Channel. It came a day after witnessed the accident.
394 others arrived in the UK after making the crossing in 11 boats in the warm weather. A further 467 were detained by French authorities. Police have launched an
investigation into the incident in the
Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region in

Surge in number of academy Airlines facing easier

south-east France.
It is thought the accident was not
the result of a technical fault with the
man’s equipment. The accident

trusts paying staff £100,000 ride on flight delays

happened at about 7pm on Tuesday.
The victim was found on a ledge
about 650ft below the spot where he
had jumped.

By Phoebe Southworth was published as a Schools Week inves- millions disappear into the coffers of By Gurpreet Narwan which would bring the process in line Drivers ‘unaware’ of
A RECORD number of multi-academy
tigation found that in 2019-20, 29 acad-
emy trust chiefs earned at least
favoured trusts, the Department has
committed only a fraction of what is
conSumeR affaiRS editoR with the delay repay system in rail.
If the changes are implemented,
new mobile phone ban
trusts are paying staff more than £200,000. The highest salary was required to address potential dangers to COMPENSATION for domestic flight payouts could plummet to just over a A loophole letting drivers use their
£100,000 after an increase of 20 per received by Sir Dan Moynihan, who our young people from schools in poor disruption could be slashed by more quarter of the current amount as the phones to play games or take photos
cent in a year. reportedly earned £455,000. condition including those where there than £150 under government plans, average sum would fall from £220 to has been closed amid warnings half of
While 1,875 trusts were paying at Dame Meg Hillier MP, chairman of is risk from asbestos.” prompting fears that airlines could can- just £57. motorists are unaware of the change.
least one individual this much in 2019- Mrs Hillier said this “unacceptable cel journeys “with impunity.” The consumer group based its calcu- New rules ban most hand-held use
20, this rose to 2,245 in 2020-21, accord-
ing to a report from the Commons
‘Parents and pupils have lack of transparency and accountability
to parents and taxpayers” must be
In a report published today, the con-
sumer group Which? said that the
lations on data provided by Skyscanner.
It analysed how much airlines would
of mobile phones in what Grant
Shapps, the Transport Secretary,
public accounts committee. legitimate questions over the resolved before schools are consoli- changes would “weaken a vital deter- have to pay out for long delays on some described as a “zero-tolerance
Publicly funded academies make up
43 per cent of state schools in England.
pay at their schools and the dated into academy trusts.
“The school system must give our
rent against delays and cancellations”.
The average payout would fall by
of the most popular UK routes.
It found that a domestic flight from
approach”. The loophole that had
allowed drivers to escape punishment
The MPs’ report warned that the conditions they learn in’ children a strong start, on a level play- £163 per passenger, saving airlines Edinburgh to London, with average if they were not using their phone to
Department for Education “does not yet ing field that may be lacking in so many thousands of pounds on a single flight. economy ticket price of £44, would cost make calls or text will be closed from
have a sufficient handle on excessive the public accounts committee, said: other parts of their lives,” she added. Under EU rules, passengers are enti- airlines £7,920, down from the current Friday. An RAC survey last week
pay within the sector”. “Parents deserve a lot more visibility Geoff Barton, of the Association of tled to £220 in compensation once their level of £39,600. indicated 43 per cent of drivers are not
Some academy trusts are building up and clarity over exactly what is being School and College Leaders, said: “Trus- flight has been delayed by three hours. “[We are] concerned that reducing aware of the changes being
large reserves, yet ministers do not provided to their children. tees think very carefully about the The Government is considering compensation payments would remove introduced. Rod Dennis, of the RAC,
have a breakdown of spending and “Parents and pupils have legitimate appropriate level of pay for trust leaders scrapping this and offering compensa- a deterrent against airlines letting pas- said: “The dial needs to be turned up
“cannot effectively challenge academy questions over the levels of pay at their and recognise the importance of being tion based on ticket price and the length sengers down with delays and cancella- when it comes to enforcement.”
trusts on the build-up or planned use of schools and the conditions and facilities able to demonstrate value for money of delay instead. The Department for tions,” the Which report said.
excessive reserves”, it stated. The report they’re learning in. While mysterious against rigorous performance targets.” Transport is consulting on the changes, The consultation ends on Sunday.
Mair retires lamenting
wasted years at BBC
TB infections could
be mistaken for
Disabled ignored again in Eddie Mair has announced his

virus inquiry, says blind MP

retirement from broadcasting, saying
his only regret is that he did not leave
Covid, say doctors the BBC sooner.
Mair quit as host of Radio 4’s PM
programme in 2018 and has spent the
By Lizzie Roberts HealtH RepoRteR By Lizzie Roberts HealtH RepoRteR try to answer questions in my new role, past four years at LBC.
I believe the answer is yes,” Ms Wheeler He will step down from LBC’s
CASES of tuberculosis are on the rise, A BLIND MP has accused the Govern- responded. drivetime programme in August.
with people warned not to mistake the ment of breaking assurances that the The terms of reference, published “My only regret about LBC is not
symptoms for Covid. public inquiry into the pandemic would earlier this month, had already been joining sooner,” said Mair, 56. “I’m
The UK Health Security Agency include the disabled community. widely criticised after failing to men- having a ball and all things being equal
(UKHSA) said the decline in TB up to Marsha de Cordova was informed by tion the words “child” or “children”, would probably carry on for ever.”
2019 has reversed, with cases in Eng- the Cabinet Office last month that the and making no reference to mental Station insiders dismissed reports
land increasing 2.4 per cent – from 4,615 experiences of disabled people would health. that Mair quit his job because he was
in 2018 to 4,725 in 2019. be taken into account, but she has since Six out of 10 people who died from unhappy at losing an hour of his show
While reported cases fell in 2020, found the investigation’s draft terms of Covid by the end of 2020 were disabled, to Andrew Marr, the latest arrival at
most likely due to people staying away reference make no mention of them. according to the Office for National Sta- the station.
from the NHS during the pandemic, The Labour MP for Battersea said the tistics.
suggestions are that infections rose by omission was “shocking” given the Ian Noon, of the National Deaf Chil-
more than 7 per cent in 2021. “devastating” impact the pandemic has dren’s Society, said the effects of the
Anyone with a persistent cough and had on disabled people. pandemic on the UK’s 50,000 deaf chil-
fever, particularly those in groups at a “I am especially surprised at this dren could have “serious, long-term is a member of the
high risk of catching TB, are urged not omission as the Cabinet Office minister consequences” as their education was Independent
to dismiss it as coronavirus. assured me in February the inquiry badly affected, which increased their Press Standards
TB is a bacterial infection spread would have a specific focus on the pan- feelings of isolation. Organisation (IPSO) and we subscribe
through inhaling tiny droplets from the demic’s disproportionate impact on ill Deaf children are “too often not part to its Editors’ Code of Practice. If you
coughs or sneezes of infected people. and disabled people,” Ms de Cordova of the conversation”, he said. have a complaint about editorial
It can be life-threatening, but is usu- said. “Yet again, they have ignored the “This must change during the Covid content, please visit www.telegraph.

ally successfully treated with antibiot- struggles of millions. How are people inquiry because there are clear lessons or write to
ics. meant to have any faith in this inquiry?” to be learned to make sure no deaf child ‘Editorial Complaints’ at our postal
In 2020 there were more cases of Speaking in the House of Commons ever has to go through this again.” address (see below). If you are not
drug-resistant TB than any year since last month, she asked Heather Wheeler, Research by Sense found 75 per cent satisfied with our response, you may
records began, UKHSA said, with 1.6 per
Blinded by the light The sun has been photographed parliamentary secretary at the Cabinet of disabled people felt their needs had appeal to IPSO at
cent of cases resistant to any drug and in unprecedented detail by the Solar Orbiter spacecraft, Office, if the inquiry would have a “spe- been overlooked during the pandemic.
2.4 per cent multi-drug resistant, com- which was about 46 million miles away from the star. cific focus” on disabled people. The Cabinet Office was approached The Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham
pared to 1.8 per cent in 2019. “To answer [your] question, and I will for comment. Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 3


Show time in the Queen’s drawing room

pieces by British firm Halcyon Days, portraits of her mother, the late Queen and chief executive, talked the Queen
Her Majesty invites objets which has three Royal Warrants. Elizabeth, as a young woman. through the pieces.
d’art firm to Windsor after She also watched a demonstration of
traditional hand-enamelling and hand-
The Queen Mother was a dedicated
fan of the firm’s creations, and in 1970
Master artisans Susan Shakespeare
and Susan Jones gave a demonstration
her trip to Staffordshire gilding by master artisans. first commissioned an enamel box in of traditional methods of enamel deco-
base was hit by pandemic The Queen had been due to visit the
Halcyon Days factory in Staffordshire in
1970 of her London home, Clarence
ration and gilding by hand.
The pair set themselves up on a
By Hannah Furness 2020 to mark its own Platinum Jubilee Other members of the Royal family table as if they were in their own work-
Royal CoRRespondent of 70 years, but plans were put on hold soon followed suit, and the Queen Your Royal shop, to mimic a more traditional royal
when the pandemic struck. Mother went on to issue the company’s Appointment visit.
SHE has been thwarted first by a pan- The Queen, who will be 96 next first Royal Warrant in 1972. Sign up for our Zenouska Mowatt, Princess Alexan-
demic, then by the hardship of working month, now uses a walking stick to help The Queen also saw Halcyon Days’ dra’s granddaughter, the company’s
under Covid restrictions. But when it with her mobility and usually carries first “year box”, from the Silver Jubilee
royal newsletter head of marketing, was also present.
came to honouring one of Britain’s lead- out only light duties at Windsor Castle. of 1977, and viewed Platinum Jubilee for an exclusive The company, which has an enamel
ing Royal Warrant holders, nothing was Dressed for spring in a silk floral day pieces which are dark blue and painted column by factory in Wolverhampton and a fine
going to stand in the Queen’s way. dress and wearing her favourite three- with platinum flowers of the realm. Camilla Tominey. bone china and jewellery factory in
So keen was she to help Staffordshire string pearl necklace, the Queen was She wore a sentimental piece of jew- Only for Stoke-on-Trent, is one of only 14
craftsmen and women celebrate the said to be in her element despite mov- ellery in the shape of her Flower Bas- subscribers firms to hold all three Royal Warrants,
Platinum Jubilee that she invited them ing less deftly than she once could. Susan Shakespeare at work in the ket brooch: a basket of by appointment to the Queen, the
to stage an exhibition in her own draw- The intricately decorated cups and drawing room. Inset, a trinket box gem-studded flowers set with dia- royalnewsletter Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of
ing room. saucers were laid out on a linen-covered monds, sapphires, rubies and Wales.
Inspecting a range of hand-decorated table in the White Drawing Room. with a red base, decorated with a emeralds, which she was given by The event was the Queen’s first offi-
teapots and antique enamelled trinket Among the items was a selection of black-and-white painting of Wind- her parents in 1948 to mark the cial face-to-face engagement with a
boxes, the Queen again defied expecta- the earliest designs, created after the sor Castle. She also picked up a birth of her first child, the Prince of The Queen inspects number of people for more than seven
tion to keep performing her duties. She company was founded in 1950. Her Maj- larger rectangular trinket box, Wales. Peter Harper, owner of the the artefacts with weeks since her Platinum Jubilee
smiled broadly as she peered at luxury esty examined a small oval trinket box edged in lilac, featuring three colour firm, and Pamela Harper, chairman Pamela Harper reception at Sandringham House.

Celebration of Duke’s life will Judge rebukes Harry for ‘airing

feature ‘sorrow and laughter’ irrelevant evidence’ in court
By Hannah Furness the Duke was afforded a small funeral at ney from Windsor to London to hear By Will Bolton legal action over a decision not to allow the occasion to publicise irrelevant
St George’s Chapel in Windsor, attended first-hand how much her husband him to pay for police protection for him- material.”
THE Prince of Wales has spoken of the by 30 people, including the Queen, who meant to his country, but confirmation THE Duke of Sussex has been warned self and his family while in the UK. Mr Justice Swift also scolded the
importance of celebrating those we sat alone wearing a face mask. of her attendance is not expected until by a judge not to use court cases to He has claimed that he offered to pay Duke’s barrister for arriving to court
have “loved and lost” with laughter as On Tuesday, members of the Royal the morning of the service. It was “publicise irrelevant material”. for his own police protection in January “without an apology” after an embar-
well as sorrow, as the Commonwealth family, more than 30 foreign dignitar- reported on Sunday that if she does His legal team was criticised at the 2020, but that the offer was refused. A goed judgment was sent to a PR strate-
prepares to come together to commem- ies, the Duke’s wider family and friends, attend she may break with tradition and High Court yesterday as a judge ruled representative previously said that he gist on their legal team.
orate the life of his father, the late Duke as well as 500 representatives of his get to the Abbey before other guests. that parts of the Duke’s claim against wants to bring his children to visit from Shaheed Fatima QC was criticised
of Edinburgh. patronages and charities, will gather at Among the 1,800 attendees will be the Home Office over his police protec- the US, but he and his family are “una- after she told the court an email had
The Prince, delivering a speech in Westminster Abbey to commemorate the Queen’s children, most of her grand- tion in the UK will remain secret. ble to return to his home” because it is been leaked to a partner in Schillings
Ireland, spoke warmly of the need to his peerless contribution to public children and her older great-grandchil- Prince Harry is challenging the deci- too dangerous. Law firm containing a draft order of yes-
“laugh as we always laughed” in the life. dren. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex sion made by the Executive Committee Mr Justice Swift noted that some doc- terday’s judgement.
understanding that “nothing is past, The service will honour his dedica- will not attend. for the Protection of Royalty and Public uments filed in support of the Duke’s High Court judgments are typically
nothing is lost”. tion to “family, nation and Common- In recognition of Prince Philip’s long- Figures (Ravec) to withdraw the police claim included “irrelevant evidence”, provided to lawyers in the case in draft
“This is true for all those of us who wealth”, with a particular emphasis on held relationship with Britain’s armed protection he and the Duchess of Sussex which was “inadmissible and should be ahead of being made public under
have lost loved ones in recent years,” he his legacy. forces, the Band of the Royal Marines enjoyed as senior members of the Royal excluded from the proceedings”. embargo.
said. “It is true for our countries and our The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the will play before and after the service, family. The judge said: “Legal proceedings Ms Fatima was forced to apologise for
people, too.” youth scheme set up by Prince Philip in which is being broadcast live on BBC He says the decision made by Ravec, do not exist for the purpose of permit- the leak, for which she said she took
The Prince will next week attend a 1956, will feature prominently, and a One. comprising members of the police, ting parties to put irrelevant matters in “full responsibility”.
service of thanksgiving for the life of his special tribute will be delivered by a The Westminster Abbey and the Home Office and Royal household, was the public domain, and the court must She also accepted that she should
father, who died in April 2021 shortly Gold Award holder. Chapel Royal choirs will sing during the wrong as “he falls within the immediate be astute to ensure that proceedings, have made the court aware of the
before his 100th birthday. At the time, The Queen hopes to make the jour- service. line of succession”. The Duke is bringing legitimately pursued, do not become breach when it occurred a week ago.

‘Remorseless abuse’ costs Meghan to tackle plight of

Dubai ruler childcare rights women in $25m podcasts
By Gordon Rayner assoCiate editoR welfare” of their daughter Jalila, 14, and By Hannah Furness delve into the historic origins of
son Zayed, 10, and that “the children’s stereotypes.
THE ruler of Dubai inflicted “exorbi- lives [were] dominated by the conse- THE Duchess of Sussex will host a pod- The announcement of Archewell
tant” domestic abuse on his ex-wife, a quences of their father ’s abusive cast about the stereotypes that “hold Audio’s debut series with Spotify comes
High Court judge has said in a ruling actions”. women back”, interviewing high-pro- after the Duke and Duchess raised con-
over their children’s welfare. The decision will make uncomforta- file guests about their experiences in cerns about Covid-19 misinformation
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al- ble reading for the Queen, a long-time the public eye. on the platform.
Maktoum was found guilty of the friend of the sheikh, who owns Godol- The Duchess will present the “Arche- The couple signed a lucrative deal
“remorseless and unremitting” behav- phin racing stables, and for the Govern- types” podcast for Spotify, she has con- with the audio streaming giant to host
iour since Princess Haya Bint al-Hus- ment, as he is prime minister of the firmed, as the streaming platform and produce podcasts, estimated to be
sein fled to England three years ago, Sir United Arab Emirates, a key ally and released a trailer of the new show. worth around $25 million (£18 million),
Andrew McFarlane, the president of the trading partner. Launching this summer, the series in late 2020, but have so far only
family division said. The sheikh, 72, and the princess, 47, will showcase the Duchess’s conversa- released one show.

He awarded Princess Haya sole have been engaged in a two-and-a-half tions with historians, experts and Spotify and Archewell Audio said on
responsibility for decisions relating to year legal fight over their children’s women who have experienced being Thursday that they “both value respon-
their children’s schooling and medical future that ran alongside a divorce case typecast. sible stewardship of the audio land-
care as he highlighted examples of the that ended in the sheikh being ordered In a trailer of the Archewell Audio scape, and as explained recently, are
sheikh’s “astonishingly intrusive and to pay his ex-wife a record £550 million. project released on Thursday, she clas- committed to working closely to sup-
abusive” behaviour, which included Princess Haya said she and her chil- sifed the podcast as “the podcast where port transparency and strong principles
threats and phone-hacking. dren were “not pawns to be used for we dissect, explore and subvert the of trust and safety.”
The princess said she had been “ter- division”. Old faithful The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge travelled labels that try to hold women back”. The Duchess is an executive pro-
rified” by her ex-husband, whose aim The sheikh has previously accepted in the same Land Rover used by the Queen on her visits to the S p o ti f y a n d A rc h e we l l Au d i o ducer on the series, along with Ben
had been to “crush me”. that the children will not be returning described her conversations with Browning, Archewell’s head of content,
Sir Andrew said that the sheikh’s to Dubai and that he will have no physi- Caribbean as they viewed a military academy parade on the typecast women as “uncensored” and and Rebecca Sananes, head of audio.
behaviour must have been “most harm- cal contact with them, though they do sixth day of their visit to Jamaica. said the Duchess, a longtime female The podcast will be produced in part-
ful to the emotional and psychological communicate regularly by telephone. empowerment campaigner, would nership with Gimlet Media for Spotify.
4 ** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


UK to double troops in eastern Europee

added. The new troops will be deployed ‘This is in Poland under a US-led Nato deploy- beefed up in Poland, Bulgaria and ‘[The forces
Britain will bolster numbers in Poland and in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and ment. Bosnia-Herzegovina, while naval forces
Bulgaria. just the Emmanuel Macron announced in the Mediterranean are to swell by an are] a
Estonia and send 150 personnel to Bulgaria More than 150 British troops will join beginning. France was deploying an additional extra 3,000 marines. significant
a new Nato combat unit group in 4,050 troops to front-line Nato states Nato said it would review its defen-
as alliance beefs up military presence Bulgaria and talks are under way with We must and would provide extra help to others sive posture against Russia at a sched- renforcement
join the 40,000 troops under its direct
Italy, said Kiril Petkov, the Bulgarian
prime minister, as he hailed the show of
support a bolstering air defences.
The French president unveiled a
uled June summit in Madrid.
Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary-
with air, sea
By James Crisp and Nick Gutteridge and land
in Brussels command in Europe, which was already strength. free and deployment of 3,200 soldiers in general, said the forces would remain in
nearly 10 times the number it had a few The United States has already agreed democratic Norway, including tanks and armoured place “as long as necessary” and were forces’
BRITAIN will double its troops in East- months ago, before the invasion. to provide a Stryker mechanised infan- cars. Estonia will see its defensive forces “a significant reinforcement” with “air,
ern Europe and send a new deployment “We’re bolstering our support for the try company for Bulgaria’s unit that will Ukraine in bolstered by 350 men and extra fighter sea and land forces”.
to Bulgaria, after Nato leaders yesterday
agreed to strengthen the alliance’s east-
Nato countries on the front line by
sending a new deployment of UK troops
have up to 1,000 troops.
The British Army has about 850
the long planes.
A further 500 troops will also be sent
But Nato leaders gave a cool recep-
tion to a request by Volodymyr Zelen-
ern flank against Russian aggression to Bulgaria on top of doubling our troops based in Estonia under the term’ to boost a Nato battlegroup in Romania sky for tanks and jets to lift the sieges on
The alliance signed off on the troops both in Poland and in Estonia,” banner of Operation Cabrit. which is being led by France, and spy cities such as Mariupol.
formation of four new battlegroups of said Boris Johnson. The UK is leading a multinational planes are to be deployed in Croatia The Ukrainian president asked Nato
between 1,000 and 1,500 troops – up to “This is just the beginning. We must battlegroup there as part of Nato’s after a Russian drone crashed and for 1 per cent of its 20,000 tanks in a
6,000 soldiers – at an emergency sum- support a free and democratic Ukraine enhanced forward presence. exploded there. “passionate” speech by video to alliance
mit on the war in Ukraine. They will in the long term,” the Prime Minister A further 150 British troops are based French aerial power is also being leaders meeting in the Belgian capital.

Ukrainian navy
‘destroys’ 370ft
tank carrier in
captured port
By Phoebe Southworth
UKRAINE said it had destroyed a large
Russian warship used to deliver tanks
and other weapons and damaged two
other vessels after their location
appeared in a Kremlin propaganda
The navy said it had achieved a direct
hit on the Orsk, a 370ft Russian Alliga-
tor-class tank carrier, while it was
anchored in the captured port of Berdy-
ansk in the south of the country.
It represents a success for Ukrainian
forces as they seek to further stall Rus-
sia’s advance. The port has been vital to
Russian supply lines, allowing Moscow
to ferry in supplies to troops encircling
Mariupol, about 50 miles to the east,
and across Ukraine’s eastern front.
A Kremlin propaganda video had her-
alded the Orsk’s arrival in Berdyansk on
Monday as an “epic event” that “opens
up opportunities for the Black Sea in
terms of logistics”.
Hanna Malyar, Ukraine’s deputy
defence minister, said the Orsk had
been “destroyed”. The ship was capable
of carrying 20 tanks or 45 armoured
personnel carriers and 400 people, she
added. There was no immediate
response to the claim from Russia’s
defence ministry.
Footage from Berdyansk showed
thick black smoke surging above the
port, as a fireball swirled underneath –
suggesting the carrier exploded.
While the Orsk was said to have been
destroyed, the fire reportedly spread to
other vessels as well as an ammunition
depot and a fuel terminal.
Video of the scene showed two ves-
sels, one of which appeared to have
been damaged, sailing away at speed.
The Orsk is the biggest ship Ukrain-
ian forces have struck since Vladimir
Putin’s invasion last month. The
reported loss comes as pressure mounts
on the Russian president to secure key
cities amid fierce resistance.
Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary,
said that by recklessly engaging in mili-
tary action in Ukraine, Mr Putin had
“built himself a cage” and Nato should
be wary of how he will react next.
“That’s the problem – as soon as he
crossed the border he created this trap,
which he set himself,” he said.
Russian forces have seized most of
the coast along the Sea of Azov except
for Mariupol, which has been heavily
damaged but has refused to surrender.

Boris bonds with his European band of Sunak denies gain from wife’s
stake in firm with Moscow base
brothers in Brussels – and avoids an own goal By Hayley Dixon and Dominic Penna ana Murthy in the 1980s. Despite sev-
eral companies pulling out of Russia ,
Sadly, their fetish for Britain to be he deploys when trying to sound CCHQ a solid by naming the PM RISHI SUNAK has defended his wife Infosys has kept its Moscow office and
Sketch seen as a global irrelevance was not to extra-statesmanlike, “with the people “public enemy number one” among over accusations that his family are delivery office running.
be indulged today. A full clip showed all of Kyiv. Of Mariupol. Of Lviv and Western leaders. Could this present a “benefiting” from Vladimir Putin’s The company has previously worked
the usual handshakes. Biden lolloped Donetsk.” He promised to “ramp up security risk, asked one reporter? But regime. with Alfa Bank, one of the largest banks
about, a glazed grin on his face, while lethal aid to Ukraine”. Occasionally he Ambassador Boris was back with the Akshata Murty, the Chancellor’s wife, in Russia, which was yesterday added
Emmanuel Macron – channelling pounded the lectern with his fist to promise of detente. “There is no one owns a £430million stake in Infosys, an to the UK sanction list.
By Madeline Grant Gareth Southgate in a spivvy three- show he really meant business. round the table in Nato who is against Indian technology company that con- According to the annual report, Ms
piece suit – did his bit for the Entente A BBC correspondent wondered Russians or the Russian people. I think tinues to operate out of Moscow. Murty, 40, holds a 0.91 per cent stake in
Nato summit in Brussels could Cordiale by readjusting the PM’s tie. why the allies had been so quick to I’m probably the only prime minister Two weeks ago, Mr Sunak urged Infosys.

A only mean one thing: an awkward

family photo-call of G7 leaders,
spaced out like Antony Gormley statues
Addressing journalists later that
evening, a noticeably chummy PM
presented a united front with his fellow
rule out a no-fly zone. The PM instantly
reverted to cultural attaché mode.
“You’re right to put your finger on the
in UK history to be called Boris!” Then
we were back on comfier Johnsonian
terrain: talk of wind turbines.
firms to stop investing in Russia and
welcomed commitments by companies
including Shell and Aviva to reduce or
She is understood to receive millions
of pounds in dividends each year as a
result of her shares.
at weird intervals across the podiums. leaders. “Vladimir Putin has badly agony that everyone feels in this group,” When it came to Ukraine’s position sell their holdings there. When Mr Sunak was asked if his fam-
Naturally, the Hiroo Onodas of miscalculated,” he boomed, a rhetorical he began, diplomatically enough, in the World Cup, where Old Boris When asked if he was “giving advice ily was “potentially benefiting” from
Remain took to Twitter to pore over spring in his step. “Ukraine is not before segueing into a firm no. might have committed to a feel-good to others that you’re not following in Vladimir Putin’s regime, he told Sky
the footage, eager for signs of a snub or alone.” He hinted at fruitful discussions Was Europe doing enough to wean solution on a whim, this new iteration your own home”, Mr Sunak replied: News: “I don’t think that’s the case, and
signal of Brexit Britain’s marginalisation – even a continent in the sway of itself off Russian oil and gas? Boris the pleaded football ignorance. Should the “I’m an elected politician, and I’m here as I said the operations of all companies
on the world stage. A few seized upon universal brotherhood. “The heroism diplomat refused to be drawn into Ukrainians get a bye for the playoffs? to talk to you about what I’m responsi- are up to them.
a snippet that appeared to show Joe of Ukraine has changed the geopolitics reproofs. “This is easier for some “Sounds like a good idea to me, but I’m ble for. My wife is not.” “We’ve put in place significant sanc-
Biden making a beeline for that great of Europe... I rarely see nations as countries than it is for others,” he out of area here,” he chuckled. “I’m not Infosys – presently India’s second tions and all the companies we are
unifier Recep Erdogan – blanking Boris united in recent years as they are now.” beamed, like a kindly primary teacher going to comment on that!” largest IT company with a market capi- responsible for are following those as
in the process. Another cut and dried “We stand,” barked the Prime overseeing the remedial maths class. Just as well; Scotland are facing talisation of £35.67 billion – was started they rightly should, sending a very
case; pygmy Britain sidelined again. Minister, in that jerky, staccato rhythm Earlier that day, the Kremlin did Ukraine next week. by Ms Murty’s billionaire father Naray- strong message to Putin’s aggression.”

Scheme to open homes to refugees receives 40,000 applications

By Charles Hymas UK have had to find a match them- ‘One problem forecast that thousands could poten- do not have passports. One described ‘We have will come to the UK. We’re talking to
Home AffAirs editor selves, via social media sites such as tially arrive on the scheme. “hours and hours and hours” of form other families at the centre here, I’m
Facebook, websites that have sprung up is the But families desperate to bring in filling, while a British businessman who applied for putting them in touch with potential
ABOUT 40,000 people have applied so to connect people with refugees, chari- number of Ukrainians said the process had been went to Poland to bring a family to Eng- one family to hosts,” he said.
far to take at least one Ukrainian refu- table organisations and similar bodies. too slow and bureaucratic. land said it was taking too long. Some families have been contacted
gee into their home under the Govern- The Prime Minister told MPs: “The parents Hosts and refugees must provide Steve McLean, from Hampshire, come to the by local authorities who are responsible
ment’s sponsorship scheme, it has
Homes for Ukraine scheme is now
open. I think that about 40,000 have
whose proof of identity, residence and rela-
tionship with supporting documents
went to Wroclaw to donate clothes to
refugees, but found it was homes they
UK but the for checking potential accommodation
is safe and up to standard. Mr Gove’s
Boris Johnson revealed that 40,000 already applied and 150,000 families children do uploaded to the Government’s portal. really needed. He then applied to bring visa process department is expected to issue an
of the 150,000 people who registered
an interest had applied, suggesting that
across the country have said that they
want to welcome Ukrainians.”
not have Those with passports receive a PDF
document confirming they can travel to
a traumatised family living at a refugee
centre back to the UK.
is taking a update on progress next week.
Meanwhile, the Home Office said
just over a quarter may have been able Michael Gove, the Communities Sec- passports’ the UK, but those without must go to “I’m really frustrated. We have long time’ 18,600 visas had been issued for
to match with a Ukrainian refugee. retary, said last week that he expected UK Visa Application Centres abroad. applied for one family to come to the Ukrainian refugees coming to the UK,
People seeking to give refuge to the first refugees to arrive as early as One problem that has emerged is the UK. But the visa application process has via the family scheme, out of 34,500
Ukrainians with no family links to the Sunday or Monday of this week and number of parents whose children who been taking a long time. So I hope they applications so far submitted.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 ** 5

N flexes its muscles Jet-setting

as Nato
He also called for worldwide protests to
mark a month since Russia invaded
to do more to help given the constraints
we face” and said the UK was “looking
at what it could do to help”.
‘You have at
least 20,000
anti-tank weapons, drones and air
defence systems. Nato leaders also
discussed increasing their defence
at the
of foreign
Mr Zelensky did not repeat his call He went on: “Logistically at the tanks. spending, which was strongly backed moment, it
for a no-fly zone which has been repeat- moment, it looks very difficult both by Joe Biden, the US president.
edly ruled out by the alliance because it with armour and with jets. We’re very Ukraine But Pope Francis levelled strong crit- looks very
would risk triggering a war between
Russia and Nato forces.
conscious of what he’s asking for at the
asked for a icism against countries for increasing
defence spending following Russia’s
“You can give us 1 per cent of all your Instead, the UK was looking at “more percent, 1 per invasion of Ukraine, describing it as We’re very
cent of all conscious of
minister joins
planes, 1 per cent of all your tanks,” Mr immediately valuable equipment” such “madness”.
Zelensky said. “You have at least 20,000 as missiles to defend against airstrikes, Nato leaders called on Russia to
tanks. Ukraine asked for a percent, 1 per ground rocket launchers and heavy your tanks to immediately call a ceasefire to prove it is what he’s
cent of all your tanks to be given or sold
to us.”
artillery, he said.
Mr Stoltenberg, whose term as secre-
be given or serious about ongoing peace negotia-
tions with Kyiv and warned those guilty
asking for at
He added: “But we do not have a clear tary-general was extended by a year, sold to us’ of war crimes in Ukraine would face the moment’
answer yet. The worst thing during the
war is not having clear answers to
requests for help.”
Mr Johnson said Western countries
felt “agony” about “about our inability
said leaders had agreed to step up
supplies of weapons and equipment but
refused to say if tanks would be sent to
Instead, he said the alliance had sent
The alliance also called on China to
join the international condemnation of
the invasion and use its influence on
Russia to end the war.
sanctions list
She then worked for Gazprom, the
London-based daughter Russian oil company, before studying
for a master’s degree in economics and
of Sergei Lavrov’s mistress business at Imperial College in 2018.
targeted in crackdown on In 2016, Ms Kovaleva moved into her
Putin cronies’ relations multi-million pound apartment com-
plex in Kensington, complete with pool
By Hayley Dixon and golf simulator. Before buying the
Special correSpondent property she lived in a flat in Holland
Park owned by the Russian embassy.
THE “stepdaughter” of Russia’s foreign Earlier this month MPs called for Ms
minister has been added to the sanc- Kovaleva to face sanctions along with
tions list as the Government turns its her mother, Svetlana Polyakova, Mr
attention to the relatives of Vladimir Lavrov’s mistress since the early 2000s.
Putin’s cronies. It is unclear where Ms Kovaleva is
Polina Kovaleva, 26, the daughter of currently residing.
Sergei Lavrov’s mistress, was targeted The Government added six more
in yesterday’s sanction announcement banks to the list yesterday along with
alongside the Wagner Group, a Russian Alrosa, the world’s largest diamond pro-
mercenary organisation which is seen ducer, and Kronshtadt, the main pro-
as the president’s private army. ducer of Russian military drones.
Taking action against Ms Kovaleva, The UK has now sanctioned 1,000
who paid cash for a £4.4 million flat in individuals and businesses since the
west London at the age of 21, “sends a invasion last month.
strong signal that those benefiting from The latest steps mean Britain has
association of those responsible for imposed sanctions on banks with total
Russian aggression are in scope of our
sanctions”, the Foreign Office said.
Hired guns from the Wagner Group
are already in Ukraine with plans to
assassinate President Volodymyr Zelen-
sky, according to UK intelligence.
With an estimated 6,000 members,
Wagner is allegedly funded by an asso-
ciate of Mr Putin and is notorious for
covertly entering conflict zones.
Galina Danilchenko, who was
installed by Moscow as mayor of occu-
pied Melitopol in south-east Ukraine,
The ship in Berdyansk, left; female troops head for the front line in Lviv, above; a funeral in Georgia for volunteers killed in Ukraine has also been put on the sanctions list.
The 57-year-old, who had been a
councillor in the town before being pro-
moted by the invading forces, has been

accused of “endorsing and acting in

support of the Russian occupation of Polina Kovaleva, 26, documented her
Melitopol as part of efforts to normalise jet-set lifestyle on social media
and provide legitimacy to it”.
“We’ve got to step up. We’ve got to assets of £500 billion and oligarchs and
increase our support,” Boris Johnson family members with a net worth of
said after landing in Brussels for a Nato more than £150 billion.
summit. “We’ve got to tighten the eco- It came as the Foreign Office
nomic vice around Putin, sanctioning announced that the UK and western
more people today, looking at what we allies have linked Russia’s Federal Secu-
can do to stop Putin using his gold rity Service (FSB) to “a historic global
reserves, and also doing more to help campaign targeting critical national
the Ukrainians defend themselves.” infrastructure”, including UK energy
Among the 33 individuals added to firms and the American aviation sector.
the sanction list yesterday were Eugene The department said the National
Shvidler, the billionaire oil tycoon with Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) was
close business links to Roman Abram- “almost certain” that the FSB’s Centre
ovich, the owner of Chelsea FC. 16, which it said was also known by its
Oleg Tinkov, the founder of Tinkoff hacker group pseudonyms of Energetic
bank, and Herman Gref, the chief exec- Bear, Berserk Bear and Crouching Yeti,
utive of Sberbank, Russia’s biggest had targeted critical IT systems and
lender, also found themselves targeted. national infrastructure in Europe, the
Ms Kovaleva’s now deleted social Americas and Asia.
media accounts featured images of her Announcing the sanctioning of a Rus-
relaxing on a yacht owned by Oleg Der- sian defence ministry subsidiary, For-
ipaska who was sanctioned earlier this eign Secretary Liz Truss said: “Russia’s
month. She has lived in the UK for a targeting of critical national infrastruc-
number of years and attended a board- ture is calculated and dangerous.
ing school in Bristol before gaining a “It shows Putin is prepared to risk
first-class degree in politics with eco- lives to sow division and confusion
nomics at Loughborough University. among allies.”

Restrictions on Putin’s gold reserves tightened to paralyse economy

By Phoebe Southworth surreptitiously used to support the value of around £100 billion – around a sanctions against Moscow. Mr Johnson to acquire gold. It would sanction any- be one of the biggest exporters of gold
rouble. quarter of the estimated £500 billion said sanctioning Russia’s central bank one transacting with or transporting to Russia, with an estimated 30 tons
G7 LEADERS have sought to prevent The White House said in a statement: total reserves in Russia’s central bank. was “absolutely crucial in paralysing gold from Russia’s central bank hold- flown in each year.
Vladimir Putin increasing the gold “G7 leaders and the EU will continue to Boris Johnson told LBC radio: “We the Russian economy”. ings, or selling gold physically or elec- “Russia has a lot of operations in
reserves that help him circumvent work jointly to blunt Russia’s ability to need to do more, and so we need to do He added his message to Nato would tronically in Russia. Sudanese gold and a lot of it is smuggled
sanctions. deploy its international reserves to prop more economically. Can we do more to be that “there are ways in which the The Russian president appears to to Russia … to small military airports
At an emergency Nato meeting in up Russia’s economy and fund Putin’s stop him using his gold reserves, for world can continue to intensify the have been preparing to circumvent dotted around the country,” a leading
Brussels, the Biden administration and war, including by making clear that any instance, in addition to his cash pressure on Putin. sanctions for the last decade by accu- mining executive said, speaking on con-
European governments discussed how transaction involving gold related to the reserves? “And the more we do that now, the mulating gold reserves that could fly dition of anonymity.
to put further economic pressure on Central Bank of the Russian Federation “What can we do more to sanction more pressure we apply now – particu- under the radar of any economic clamp- He added that Russia had benefited
Russia and keep Mr Putin from using is covered by existing sanctions.” Swift? And then we need to do more to larly on things like gold – I believe the downs that may be imposed. from this because it had connections
loopholes to add to his country’s riches. Mr Putin has been accumulating give the Ukrainians military support.” more we can shorten the war, shorten Since 2010, the amount of gold in with Mohamed “Hemedti” Hamdan
Sanctions are to be extended to cover large amounts of gold for a decade in an Last month, the US, Britain, Europe the slaughter in Ukraine.” Russia’s so-called “war chest” has been Daglo, Sudan’s warlord-turned paramil-
transactions involving gold undertaken apparent attempt to combat any sanc- and Canada stopped some Russian In the US, a group of bipartisan sena- quadrupled via a mix of foreign imports itary leader, who emerged as the coun-
by Russia’s central bank over concerns tions that may be imposed on Russia. He banks accessing the Swift international tors put forward a bill earlier this month and the building up of Russia’s own vast try’s de facto vice-president after a
that it is stockpiling bullion that is being has an estimated 2,300 tonnes, with a payment system as part of a round of intended make it difficult for Mr Putin domestic reserves. Sudan is believed to military coup last year.

‘Putin chef’ blames

Russophobia for
West will not put boots on Bodies of invaders
identified with AI
Johnson is leading race to be
losing UK lawyers ground in Ukraine, says PM and mothers told anti-Russian, says Kremlin
By Jack Hardy, Robert Mendick Continued from Page 1 but to “double down” and turn Ukraine’s By Verity Bowman By James Crisp europe editor don’t think there’s a single person
and Nataliya Vasilyeva agents into Nato territory.” He added: “I cities into another Grozny. in Brussels around the table in Nato and all the G7
will not speculate beyond the fact that Mr Johnson said that Ukraine not UKRAINE is using facial recognition who are against Russians or the Russian
A RUSSIAN tycoon dubbed “Putin’s Nato is always ready to defend, to pro- being a member of Nato meant it was software to identify the bodies of dead THE Kremlin has described Boris John- people. Least of all me,” he said.
chef ” has complained that threats and tect and to react to any type of attack on n o t i n s i d e th e “ th e r m o n c u l e a r Russian soldiers and inform their fami- son as the “most active anti-Russian “But I think what we all agree on is
“rampant Russophobia” from UK offi- a Nato allied country. umbrella” of the alliance. However, he lies of their fate. leader” for his opposition to the war in that what Putin is doing, the way he’s
cials led his London lawyers to ditch Barack Obama was criticised for adde d that the West wante d to The military is using Clearview AI Ukraine. leading Russia at the moment, is utterly
him in a defamation case. declaring the use of chemical weapons “strengthen the quills of the Ukrainian technology to match images of the dead Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin’s catastrophic. This invasion of Ukraine is
Yevgeny Prigozhin, who has been in Syria a “red line” in 2012, only for the porcupine” so as to make it “indigesti- with their social media accounts in an spokesman, told the state-owned RIA inhuman and barbaric.
sanctioned by the US, Canada and the West to do nothing when the regime of ble to Russia”, through providing weap- attempt to break through the propa- news agency: “As for Mr Johnson, we “The conduct of that invasion is now
EU, is taking legal action against Eliot Bashar al-Assad later deployed them. ons and intelligence support. ganda wall in Russia. see him as the most active participant in moving into the type of behaviour that,
Higgins, founder of the journalism web- Mr Biden was then his vice-president. In a video meeting with allied leaders Mykhailo Fedorov, the deputy prime the race to be anti-Russian. It will lead as I said before, we haven’t seen in the
site Bellingcat, for damages for libel. Four new Nato battlegroups are Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian minister, said the move aimed to dispel to a foreign policy dead end.” continent of Europe for 80 years, and
The catering magnate last year being set up in Hungary, Slovakia, president, accused Russia of using the myth of a “special operation in The Prime Minister later rejected it’s horrific.”
denied allegations he was the backer of Romania and Bulgaria. phosphorus bombs against civilians and which there are no conscripts and no Moscow’s claim, telling reporters he The Prime Minister said: “You can be
Russian troll farms and the Wagner In Brussels, Boris Johnson said: “I called for global protests one dies”. He added: “As a courtesy to was “not remotely anti-Russian” after sympathetic towards ordinary Rus-
Group, a private paramilitary force, in think it’s fair to say that there isn’t a Mr Johnson said: “We are looking at the mothers of those soldiers, we are an emergency summit of Nato leaders sians, who have been so badly led, but
an interview with The Daily Telegraph. Western democracy that’s currently what we can do to help. But logistically disseminating this information over and the G7 in Brussels yesterday. you can also be deeply hostile to the
Yesterday, the solicitors he had contemplating putting boots on the it looks very difficult both with armour social media to at least let families know He added that he had “the distinc- decisions of Vladimir Putin.”
instructed for the defamation case, Dis- ground in Ukraine.” and with jets.” that they’ve lost their sons and to then tion” to be the only British prime minis- The Kremlin spokesman made the
creet Law LLP, applied for an order at In an interview with the BBC last The US announced plans to take in enable them to collect their bodies.” ter in history to be called Boris and was comments after the Prime Minister
the High Court declaring they no longer night, Mr Johnson said he believed the 100,000 Ukrainian refugees and pro- He said the level of matched individ- deeply sympathetic to ordinary Rus- called for a targeting of Mr Putin’s gold
represented Mr Prigozhin. Russian president does not want peace, vide $1 billion (£750 million) in aid. uals claimed by families was “high”. sians suffering under Mr Putin’s rule. “I reserves.
6 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Mariupol’s playgrounds ‘Smell of corpses is in the air’ as vremlin

accused of forced relocations to Russia
enough picture except that in the fore-

become cemeteries after

By Verity Bowman, Robert Mendick,
Ben Smith and Nataliya Vasilyeva ground is a makeshift grave: in Mari-
upol, the playgrounds have been turned
A MOTHER cradles her son, her hand into cemeteries.
placed protectively across his head as if The senior military figure in charge
such an action will stop Russian mis- of the port’s destruction has been iden-
siles from killing them. tified by Ukrainian officials as Colonel-

city flattened by shelling

Photographs emerged yesterday General Mikhail Mizints ev, and
showing the full horror caused by the nicknamed the Butcher of Mariupol.
indiscriminate bombing of Mariupol by In an intercepted phone call made
Vladimir Putin’s troops. The city has public by the Ukrainian intelligence
been reduced to rubble, flattened by services, he can be heard apparently
carpet bombing. demanding a junior officer’s ear be cut
In another image, a little girl in a pink off for not wearing the correct uniform.
hat plays on a slide, an innocuous “Look at that scum standing there,

‘I thought I’d get used to it, but I still can’t believee

ike most menfolk of the village of assistance. And an agonisingly long many chilling stories told by the fourth floor, Valentina Skoryk sat on fresh air in the garden and feed our
L Moschun, Sergei Greeniuk’s first
priority, as Russian troops
approached, was to protect his family.
wait it was too. With fighting raging
around Moschun and other villages
north-west of Kyiv, it took another
wounded in a large hospital in western
Kyiv. Ukrainian officials requested that
it remain unnamed for fear it would be
her bed, her left arm bandaged due to a
shrapnel wound and tears running
down her cheeks.
cow,” she said, sitting in clothes lent to
her by hospital staff.
“Then there was suddenly a big blast
His second was to check on his car. So seven days for rescue workers to reach targeted by Russian artillery. But it is a Her sobs were not caused by that knocked me over. When I looked
when a Russian shell exploded loudly him. regular destination for the ambulances physical pain. Instead, they were for up I saw our house was on fire, with
By Colin Freeman on Moschun’s outskirts nine days ago, During that time, the closest thing that scream back and forth to the front her husband – whom she had last seen my brother lying injured and my
in Kyiv he tried to move it to a safer spot. Mr Greeniuk had to medical assistance lines on the capital’s outskirts, two days ago, lying dead in the street husband lying dead with his eyes open.
“Suddenly I ran into some Russian were two terrified neighbours and a rescuing civilians caught up in the outside her house. “I tried to move his body but he was
soldiers, who thought I was trying to bottle of semi-sweet red wine. He used conflict. The couple lived in Horenka, a too heavy. So I just closed his eyes, and
Medics are as traumatised escape,” he said from his Kyiv hospital it first as antiseptic, then as an On days of heavy fighting – or when farming hamlet a few miles south of put a jacket over him.
bed yesterday. “Then they started anaesthetic. humanitarian corridors open to allow Moschun, which has also seen heavy “Ukrainian defence forces rescued
as their patients, fmith shooting, and I was hit in the hand, the “I put it on my wound to clean it, refugees to escape – the hospital combat. Ms Skoryk spent most of the me and my brother, but they had to
the flofm of casualties shoulder and the leg.” although I couldn’t really tell what was receives dozens of wounded and recent weeks in an underground leave my husband’s body where it was.
At first, he had surprisingly little wine and what was blood,” he added. “I dying. Like a warzone version of the bunker. But on Tuesday, a lull in the They told me that the last time they
apparently never-ending pain – “like a surgeon’s needle” – but it drank the rest, and it did help with the medical drama ER, there are tales of fighting persuaded her to come out. saw it, it was burning. I can’t believe he
grew worse by the time he’d staggered pain, but only for the first night.” survival and heroism – and episodes of “There had been no explosions for is gone – he was a kind man who loved
back into his house to wait for medical Mr Greeniuk’s ordeal was one of crushing tragedy. In one room on the some time, so we decided to get some everyone.”
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 7

frowning with his bovine eyes, showing Mariupol to Russia. More than 6,000 dead woman had survived the Second eat a stray dog to stave off hunger. Alex- nessed “many corpses, torn body parts, day, describing scenes that were “very
me his unhappy face, his stinking mug,” residents had been captured by Russian World War and the terrors of Stalin’s andr Volodko, 21, a student, said: “We huge damage, burning cars” before she dark and full of “panic”.
says Col-Gen Mizintsev. “Why is he still forces “to use them as hostages and put Soviet Union only to be killed at the age spotted a stray dog, it was already not left. He added: “Yesterday we saw people
serving? And why should I have to more political pressure on Ukraine”, of 93 in a conflict ordered by Mr Putin. doing well. We were so desperate we “People just lived in the walls left, who weren’t leaving for whatever rea-
waste my time with your scum? If they said, adding 15,000 people from It is thought about 2,000 civilians cooked it. We were starving and I am slept on the floor, and ate once a day,” son. Many of them have got no money
you’re the head of a unit, then step up to one district had identity documents ashamed to say it.” His mother is ill and she said. “There were many children, or cars. They’re making fires and cook-
the plate. Why has his face not been seized and were ordered to go to Russia. his father went missing a week ago, and the elderly. There were people under ing whatever food they have outside
messed up? Why has his ear not been According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russia’s Col-Gen he said it was his job to feed the family. the ruins, people were dying in front of their bombed out apartments.”
cut off? Why is he not limping by now?” the civilians are being funnelled Mikhail Mizintsev, Yevheniia Kudria, 24, who managed us. There were no doctors.” “No one,” he said, “is mentally intact
Col-Gen Mizintsev, 59, reportedly through “filtration camps” before being nicknamed the to escape Mariupol a matter of days ago, Some pictures from Mariupol have there.” He had taken a photograph of an
oversaw the bombing of Aleppo in s e n t o nw a rd s t o “e c o n o m i c a l ly ‘Butcher of Mariupol’, said her mother had stayed in the city, been taken by Maximilian Clarke, a Brit- apartment building in ruins, a huge cra-
Syria. Now the head of Russia’s National depressed” southern regions of Russia. has been identified too scared to leave. “She says that there ish photographer. He worked in ter in front. “This constant sound of
Centre for Defence Management, he has Some could be sent as far as the Pacific as leading the assault is the smell of corpses and the smell of Donetsk and eastern Ukraine in 2014 artillery falling. It could make someone
become a familiar figure on Russian tel- Ocean island of Sakhalin. burning in the air. People are simply and 2015 and, using contacts made then unfamiliar with incoming artillery fire
evision offering safe passage if Mariupol One makeshift grave in Mariupol is buried in front gardens near houses,” with the Russian-backed separatists, jumpy. But all those people were just
waves the white flag. Local officials who newly dug on the edge of a children’s have been killed in Mariupol. About Ms Kudria said. Her mother has told her succeeded in obtaining accreditation to sitting there. They weren’t even flinch-
stay face “military tribunals” along with playground. The cardboard sign 100,000 people are trapped there. The of residents being rounded up by Rus- work in the separatist-held region and ing.
the “bandits” left behind, he warned. attached to the cross, made from scraps Daily Telegraph has been able to contact sians and put on buses, backing up from there travel to Mariupol. “They said it was an airstrike, pre-
Yesterday, Ukraine’s foreign ministry of wood, gives the name Antonina Alek- some residents who have either left in claims made by Ukraine authorities. “People have been sheltering from sumably Russian. It’s utter destruction.
accused the Kremlin of planning to for- seevna Bakhchisaray. She was born on recent days or remain trapped. “If my mother leaves, we may never the absolute intensity of the bombard- It’s pretty incomparable to anything
cibly relocate thousands of civilians in May 15 1928 and died nine days ago. The One claimed he had been forced to meet again,” said Ms Kudria. She wit- ment for weeks,” Mr Clarke said yester- I’ve seen before.”


Clockwise from left:

all that remains of a
line of buses
deployed in an
attempt to halt
Russian forces as
they advance
deeper into
Mariupol; a mother
covers her son as
they try to avoid
shelling in the
besieged southern
port city; a Russian
soldier stands next
to Mariupol
residents as they
queue for
humanitarian aid

Below, at a hospital
in Kyiv, a woman
known only as
Victoria, whose
apartment was
destroyed in a shell
attack, has multiple
injuries and
stitching to her
face and arms

Photograph by
David Rose for
the Telegraph

it happening. It has been a terrible time’

As Ms Skoryk and Mr Greeniuk main road that passes west of Kyiv. scrolling through a series of graphic unconscious. She was then showered for? Putin has lost his mind.” – save for a distant acquaintance,
spoke to The Telegraph yesterday, the “There is a realistic possibility that wounds on his iPhone. “We see young with glass shards when the kitchen For another patient, Anatoly Sergei Pavli, who turned up yesterday
fighting they had escaped continued. Ukrainian forces are now able to people coming in without legs, and a window shattered. Her face was a mass Veleshinsky, there wasn’t even the with some gifts.
Loud explosions and gunfire could be encircle Russian units in Bucha and lot of blood, brains, ripped-up of stitches and fresh scabs, save for two satisfaction of being able to point the It was not a standard welfare
heard in the distance – most likely Irpin,” the MoD’s latest defence abdomens and so on. I thought I’d get patches around her eyes where her finger directly at Mr Putin. package. Rather than grapes and
from the north-western suburbs of intelligence assessment said. If used to it, but I still can’t believe it’s spectacles afforded some protection. He was working as a building chocolate, Mr Pavli brought some
Irpin, Hostomel and Bucha, the main successful, it added, it would be a happening.” “I don’t care how I look after this – at security guard when he was shot in the bottles of water and 40 Rothmans.
focus of the assault on the capital. major setback for the Kremlin’s plans As well as patients from the least I am alive,” she said. Her husband, stomach for no apparent reason – one “I looked for yoghurt but we
Ukrainian forces have put up stiff to take Kyiv. frontlines, north-west of the capital, she added, escaped injury, “although of countless patients whose injury couldn’t find any,” he said. “And he
resistance over the last two weeks, Meanwhile, the hospital remains as there are also victims of the Russian mentally he is in a different world”. record simply says “unknown gunfire”. particularly asked for the cigarettes.”
halting the Russian advance. In recent busy as ever, with staff sometimes shelling of residential areas deeper Anatoly Grican, 65, whose While some may be targeted by Mr Veleshinsky did indeed seem
days, they have also counterattacked, almost as traumatised as patients. inside the city. apartment was wrecked in another Russian saboteurs trying to infiltrate pleased – even though the “Nil By
aiming to isolate the Russians from While most of its A&E medics are no Victoria, who did not want to reveal shelling last week, suffered similar Kyiv, others were most likely victims of Mouth” sign on his bed did not
their supply lines and surround them. strangers to bloodshed, few have dealt her surname, was injured during the glass wounds, along with his 92-year- friendly fire from nervous volunteer mention an exception for tobacco.
On Wednesday night, Britain’s with so many warzone casualties bombardment of her six-storey block old mother. militiamen. “I’ll have one as soon as the doctor
Ministry of Defence said it was likely before. of flats. “Two days later she had a heart With his parents in a village cut off lets me,” he said. “He tells me I’ve only
the Ukrainians had retaken Moschun “It has been a terrible time for all of She was standing in the kitchen attack as well,” he added. by fighting, Mr Veleshinsky has been been here four days, but it seems like a
and Makariv, which lies on the us,” said Denys Reizin, a surgeon, when the missiles hit and was knocked “She is still alive, but what is this all recovering from surgery unvisited month already.”
8 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 9

Majority have Don’t let sun
microplastics fool you into
in their blood, planting early,
study finds gardeners told
By Emma Gatten By Olivia Rudgard
environment editor
GARDENERS should resist planting
MICROPLASTICS have been found in seedlings too early as spring sunshine
human blood for the first time, accord- will give way to frost, according to the
ing to research that identified particles RHS.
in nearly 80 per cent of donors. Marcus Chilton Jones, curator at RHS
Scientists found particles in the blood Garden Bridgewater, warned horticul-
of 17 out of 22 samples, with the most turalists not to get “excited” by the sun-
common particles coming from PET, shine and plant tender varieties
the plastic used for drinks bottles and prematurely.
food packaging. On Wednesday, the UK experienced
Researchers say more work is needed its warmest day of the year so far, with
to determine the impact of microplas- 20.8C (69.4F) recorded in St James’s
tics in the blood, including whether Park, London. Some parts of the UK are
they build up in the body and impact experiencing a range of almost 20C
organ function, or pass through the between warmest daytime and lowest
system. nighttime temperatures, with night-
The study detected microplastics as time frosts giving way to sunshine.
small as 0.0007mm, which can enter “What tends to happen is that gar-
the body via inhalation of airborne par- deners get excited. They say, ‘great, I’m
ticles, or ingestion in food, plastic pack- going to get my broad beans out’; maybe
aging, crockery and cutlery. some early potatoes have gone in, and
Scientists at Vrije Universiteit there are a few shoots showing up
Amsterdam in the Netherlands tested through the ground, especially in Lon-
samples for five types of common plas- don and further south,” he said.
tic, including PET, polypropylene and “And then you get those cold nights
polystyrene. and everything newly emerged gets
The microplastics found were at an burnt. We lost quite a lot of broad beans
average concentration of 1.6 micro- last year.”
grams per millilitre of blood, the equiv- Gardeners should cover anything
alent of one teaspoon in 1,000 litres of tender with fleece, he added, and use
water. cloches to protect that which can’t be
Dr Dick Vethaak, the co-author, said moved. Cucumbers and tomatoes can
that more research was needed to go into glasshouses, but gardeners

understand the findings. “We know the should wait to put them outside.
plastic is in our body, but where does it “I wouldn’t go outside with them at
go and what does it do?” he asked. this point, even in sheltered London,”
The study, published in the Environ- he said.
mental International journal, is the first “It’s going to be alright towards the
to test for microplastics in blood. end of April, but not so close to the
Dr Vethaak said the results were to be spring equinox,” he continued.
expected given the ubiquity of plastics Gardeners should also be wary of
in the world, recommending that con- planting varities like marigolds and
sumers avoid plastic packaging and Petal power England’s biggest rhododendron, in the grounds of the five-star South Lodge Hotel in Horsham, West Sussex, begonias too soon, as they have not
avoid heating food in plastic containers has bloomed and is looking bigger than ever. The magnificent bush is now larger than an average three-bedroom house. acclimatised to the cold and should be
to mitigate the risk. moved outdoors gradually.

Weather records shattered... 180 years ago

weather archive has found that several 2020, has extended the rainfall data England. That year was also the wettest fall Organisation, later absorbed into “A lot of the dry records that we’ve got
Data from Victorian times records, particularly those for dry available in the official Met Office year overall for parts of the UK includ- the Met Office, but most records made have been rewritten, and that’s purely
show that extreme rainy weather, were set much earlier than
previously thought.
national record, meaning it now goes
back to 1836 rather than 1862.
ing Oxfordshire, where there was signif-
icant flooding.
before 1960 were still in paper form.
The 65,000 paper records held in the
because our climate is getting wetter
and dry spells were just as Scientists at the University of Read- New records include England’s driest The year’s floods were known as the Met Office National Meteorological “Just like all the cold records are back
common then, says study ing asked the public for help digitally
transcribing 130 years’ worth of hand-
May, originally thought to be May 2020
but now believed to be May 1844, when
“Duke of Wellington floods” as they
coincided with the military hero’s
Archive were scanned during 2019 but
many were written in ornate handwrit-
in the past, it’s the same with the dry
records, [as] the climate’s got wetter.
By Olivia Rudgard written rainfall observations from just 8.3mm of rain fell. funeral in St Paul’s Cathedral. ing, meaning humans were needed to “Most of the wet records are more
environment Correspondent across the UK and Ireland. The overall driest year on record, Victorian “observers” methodically transcribe them. recent – the exception to that was 1852,
Thousands of volunteers in the Rain- previously thought to be 1887, is now chronicled the weather, with rainfall Prof Ed Hawkins, of the National which was an extremely wet November,
BRITAIN has been battered by floods fall Rescue project studied records from recorded as 1855. particularly important because of its Centre for Atmospheric Science at the and I’m sure at the time they wondered
and parched by drought in recent years between 1677 and 1960, based on rain November and December 1852 were impact on crops and food supplies. University of Reading, said he had what was going on.
– but our Victorian ancestors did not gauges located in almost every town also exceptionally wet months, with the Rainfall has been monitored system- expected the project to take months but “That would be a stand-out month
escape weather extremes. and village across England and Wales. year holding the wettest November on atically in the UK since the 1860s, when high levels of interest from the public for that period. Now it wouldn’t look so
A project digitising the Met Office’s The project, launched in March record for many regions in southern George Symons set up the British Rain- meant it was completed in days. He said: unusual.”

‘Sad-go-lucky’ nearer the mark,

as believers in fate are unhappy
By Joe Pinkstone “Taken together, these findings could sity of Bath School of Management, who
sCienCe Correspondent lend support to a more accurate, if less led the team of international research-
elegant, aphorism that, broadly: though ers, said: “Those who irrationally
THERE is no such thing as being luck believers aren’t happy, those who believe in luck as an agentic phenome-
“happy-go-lucky”, a study suggests, believe themselves lucky are,” the non would appear to do so because they
because those who believe in luck are researchers wrote. are by disposition more neurotic, pessi-
more likely to be unhappy. The paper said that a belief in luck mistic and negative.
Researchers from the University of had a positive correlation with a range “These are personality traits long
Bath tested the phrase in an experiment of irrational beliefs and negative associated with lower levels of life satis-
involving more than 800 students in faction, well-being and happiness.
Hong Kong.
Participants were asked questions
‘Those who believe in luck “However, those who think they are
fortunate because things have luckily
such as: “Some people are generally appear to do so because turned out well for them, often by com-
very happy. They enjoy life regardless
of what is going on, getting the most out
they are more neurotic, plete accident rather than purposeful
design, generally believe this is because
of everything. To what extent does this pessimistic and negative’ they have a suit of characteristics dis-
characterisation describe you?” posing them to objectivity, logic and
They found that people who believe traits such as “awfulising”, a tendency gratitude, personality traits found
in “luck”, a random phenomenon over to overestimate the seriousness of broadly to be linked to higher happi-
which they have no control, are often events. ness levels.
pessimistic and negative. It is also linked to “problem avoid- “When it comes to happiness, the
But individuals who consider them- ance”, a coping strategy where individ- saying that ‘the happy go lucky’ may be
selves to be “lucky” are more likely to uals avoid stressful situations rather wrong, but the expression ‘count your
describe themselves as happy. than confronting and overcoming blessings’ would seem to be quite right.”
This, the researchers say, under- them. The study has been included in the
mines the term “happy-go-lucky”. Prof Edmund Thompson, of Univer- Current Psychology journal.

NHS offers tests to Foragers cause a Dogs of first-time

find pre-eclampsia stink by stealing owners are more
in pregnant women village’s wild garlic likely to be stressed
By Lizzie Roberts HealtH reporter By Tom Ough By Joe Pinkstone
A BLOOD test which can diagnose pre- CORNISH villagers are organising DOGS of first-time owners are more
eclampsia will be offered on the NHS patrols to stop outsiders stealing their likely to show signs of stress, a study has
for the first time. wild garlic. found.
Pre-eclampsia affects some women, Residents in Lostwithiel have Scientists discovered that around one
usually during the second half of preg- reported a spate of illegal foraging for in three dogs shows repetitive behav-
nancy or soon after their baby is born. the leaves, which they say are being iour such as chasing its tail, biting its
It can lead to complications if not sold to restaurants and farmers’ shadow or licking surfaces. The dogs of
picked up during maternity appoint- markets. first-time owners were 58 per cent more
ments, with early signs including high On Monday, a resident reported see- likely to exhibit these signs of stress
blood pressure and protein in the urine. ing a man cutting “all the garlic” in one than those of experienced owners.
Women can develop a severe head- location and putting it in a large bag. The scientists from the University of
ache, vision problems such as blurring Another said she had witnessed peo- Helsinki surveyed more than 4,500
or flashing, pain just below the ribs, ple picking wild garlic, 15 stems of dog owners to learn about the pets’
swelling, and vomiting. which can sell for £10 online, and behaviour.
Tests have been available to help rule “destroying whole swathes of plants”. “ We discovered that repetitive
the condition out, but midwives can She claimed they had told her “it was behaviour was more common in dogs
now use tests designed to pick up a pos- for pesto” and they would be selling it at that were their owners’ first dogs,” the
itive diagnosis, following a recommen- the Royal Cornwall Show. scientists wrote.
dation from an NHS watchdog. The resident added: “We need a “Repetitive behaviour is increased by
In draft guidance, the National Insti- patrol actually stopping them. They stress, so a predictable environment
tute for Health and Care Excellence said may not stop in other places, but they may decrease canine compulsive disor-
midwives caring for pregnant women may stop here.” ders. Inexperienced owners may pro-
could use one of four blood tests to help According to the Theft Act 1968, a vide inconsistent training, which could
diagnose suspected preterm pre- person “who picks flowers, fruit or foli- increase stress.”
eclampsia. age from a plant growing wild on any Other factors that increased the risk
They can be used from 20 weeks to land, does not (although not in posses- were living with one human (33 per
36 weeks and six days, with experts sion of the land) steal what he picks, cent), being an only dog (64 per cent)
hoping they will pick up the 6 per cent unless he does it for reward or for sale and exercising for less than one hour a
of pregnancies affected. or other commercial purpose”. day (54 per cent).
10 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Families will be
£1,100 worse
off this year as
inflation peaks
taken out of Nationax Insurance when
Chancellor’s promise to Power play that threshoxd rises – wixx benefit, whixe
Help with bills most others wixx xose out.
cut basic rate of income The IFS puts the rise in workers’
tax ‘dwarfed by previous considered income tax and Nationax Insurance bixx
rises’, economists warn in 2025-26 at around £250 to £300 per
Rishi Sunak has year for basic-rate taxpayers, increasing
By Tim Wallace said he wixx keep to more than £1,200 for many higher
measures to ease rate taxpayers, with those earning
THE typicax working househoxd wixx the cost of xiving £80,000 per year xosing around £1,500.
xose £1,100 to higher taxes and surging crisis under At the same time as inflation affects
infxation this year, economists have review, after he tax payments, it axso undermines xiving
warned, as Rishi Sunak’s promised tax was accused of standards.
cuts paxe in comparison to a sweeping doing too xittxe to The Office for Budget Responsibixity
series of increases axready on the way. hexp famixies (OBR) estimates inflation wixx peak at 8.7
The Chancexxor’s income tax cut, struggxing to pay per cent when the energy price cap
which wixx bring the basic rate down their bixxs. rises again in October, the highest
from 20 per cent to 19 per cent from The Chancexxor, annuax rate of price rises for 40 years.
2024, is “dwarfed by previous tax rises”, who announced At the same time, it expects wages to
James Smith, an economist at the Reso- an increase in go up by around 5.3 per cent – high in
xution Foundation, said. Nationax
He caxxed tax rises “the key feature” Insurance ‘We are still struggling
of Mr Sunak’s financiax pxans, with contribution
seven workers in every eight set to pay repayment to get significantly past
more on their earnings even as they can threshoxds and a 2008 levels of earnings
buy xess with their pay packets owing to 5p cut in fuex
rampant inflation. duty, suggested even by the mid-2020s’
It contrasts sharpxy with the tone of the Government
the Chancexxor’s speech, which put his couxd go further cash terms, but stixx not enough to keep
tax-cutting cxaims at the centre of the before Ofgem pace with prices.
Government’s poxicy agenda. reviews the Combined with tax rises, this
Unveixing his Spring Statement in energy price cap amounts to a 2.2 per cent drop in reax
Parxiament, Mr Sunak said: “My tax pxan in October. Energy househoxd disposabxe incomes, a big-
dexivers the biggest net cut to personax bixxs wixx axready gest annuax drop since records began in
taxes in over a quarter of a century. go up next month, the 1950s.
“I can confirm, before the end of this when the price Officiax forecasts indicate the recov-
Parxiament, in 2024, for the first time in cap increases by ery in xiving standards wixx be sxow and
16 years the basic rate of income tax wixx axmost £700 – a painfux.
be cut from 20 to 19 pence in the pound. rise of 54 per cent. After accounting for new taxes, the
A tax cut for workers, for pensioners, Yesterday, the OBR expects that workers’ spending
for savers. A £5 bixxion tax cut for 30 mix- OBR said it power wixx stixx be xower in 2026-27 than
xion peopxe.” expects energy it is today. If it were not for Mr Sunak’s
Paux Johnson, director of the Insti- bixxs to rise again tax rises, reax wages wouxd recover by
tute for Fiscax Studies (IFS), said that, in by at xeast 40 per the middxe of the decade.
reaxity, the Government’s tax haux was cent, hexping to “This faxx comes despite our judg-
rising strongxy because wages were push inflation ment that there wixx be more of a
cximbing more rapidxy than previousxy over 8 per cent for response from nominax wages to high
expected in response to inflation. the year. inflation than in periods of rising infla-
Pay wixx not keep up with prices and Mr Sunak toxd tion over the past decade or so when
xiving standards wixx faxx in reax terms as BBC Radio 4’s there was greater xabour market sxack
a resuxt – but the frozen tax threshoxds Today programme and xower churn,” the OBR said.
mean workers wixx stixx pay more tax on yesterday: “I can’t “However, we do not expect the xat-
their earnings. make every est surge in energy prices, due to Rus- Robert Joyce, deputy director at the Pay rose steadixy in the two decades with what wouxd have been expected Rishi Sunak
The resuxt of the tax changes is that a probxem go away, sia’s invasion of Ukraine, to be matched IFS, said “we are stixx struggxing to get before the financiax crisis, but wages back in 2007. Mr Joyce said:“It starts to visits a steel
smaxx fraction of workers – most notabxy but where we can by higher nominax wage growth.” significantxy past 2008 xevexs of earn- have barexy grown faster than prices in feex unreax, but that is what happens if manufacturing firm
those who earn between axmost make a difference, This comes on top of an axready ings even, according to the xatest esti- the years since, xeaving a hoxe of about you have xower-than-expected growth in Nottingham
£10,000 and £12,500, and so wixx be we want to.” extreme squeeze on pay. mates, by the mid-2020s”. £11,000 in spending power compared for a very xong time.” yesterday

Petrol duty cuts not being

passed on to drivers yet
By Gurpreet Narwan cut is immediate, it couxd take severax This is a dexiberate pxoy by the fuex sup-
and Tony Diver weeks to feed through to customers. pxy chain to hoxd on to as much profit as
Rurax areas face a xonger wait. possibxe.
FORECOURTS across the country are Shexx said it had no controx over “This is sickening expxoitation,
yet to pass on the promised fuex duty prices at haxf of its 1,086 sites, whixe which this government couxd check
cut, despite ministers caxxing for an Esso said that about 1,000 of its site immediatexy. Rishi couxd have impxe-
immediate reduction in prices. were operated independentxy. BP said mented an independent pump pricing
Rishi Sunak promised a 5p per xitre around 900 of its 1,200 sites are oper- watchdog yesterday at minimax cost to
cut to fuex duty in his Spring Statement ated by independent deaxers who set prevent the fuex suppxy chain continu-
on Wednesday and the changes were their own prices. Texaco does not con- ing to profiteer from the worxd’s stixx
appxied at 6pm on the same day. trox pricing at axx of its 712 sites. highest taxed motorists.”
The reduction has taken duty down Howard Cox, founder of Fair Fuex UK, It comes just days after petrox retaix-
to 52.95p, shaving £3 off the price of fixx- said: “I am furious that the 6p cut ers were accused of profiteering from
ing a 55-xitre famixy car. It comes after awarded by the Chancexxor in most the cost of xiving crisis by raising profit
the cost of a tank of petrox rose above cases is not being passed on to drivers. margins.
£90 in recent weeks. After hitting cxose to $140 (£106) a
However, thousands of garages are barrex, the whoxesaxe price of oix tempo-
stixx waiting to make the change. Plugged-in 300,000 electric rarixy fexx on Tuesday xast week, giving
Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and car charging points by 2030 forecourts an opportunity to cut prices.
Asda said they wouxd xower prices by However, retaixers hiked average mar-
6p, which incxudes the 1p VAT reduc- Exectric car wixx focus on gins on petrox to 12p. This is twice the
tion. But the other four major compa- charging points drivers without xong-term average but comes after mar-
nies – BP, Shexx, Esso and Texaco – said wixx muxtipxy off-street parking gins turned negative two weeks ago,
they couxd not guarantee immediate ten-foxd by 2030, access, and on with retaixers xosing money.
reductions because most of their fore- but the RAC fast-charging for Esso said its franchises xeft it power-
courts are run by franchisees. bexieves numbers xong journeys. xess to controx prices at some forecourts.
A source cxose to Kwasi Kwarteng, wixx stixx be too But Nichoxas “We can onxy comment about fuex
the Business Secretary, said: “ We xow. Lyes, RAC’s head prices at the 197 Esso Tesco Axxiance ser-
wanted it to happen at 6 o’cxock. The Pubxic charge of poxicy, said: vice stations (Esso forecourt with a
pubxic expects retaixers to pass on the points wixx “This is not going Tesco Express shop) that we controx –
cost. That’s what we want them to do. increase from to be sufficient, the remaining 1,000 Esso-branded ser-
“The expectation from Kwasi and 30,000 to with drivers vice stations are owned and operated
Rishi was for petrox retaixers to pass on 300,000 by 2030, xooking to independentxy – and fuex prices at those
that 5p cut at the point at which the as part of the switch to exectric are set by the companies that own and
duty was reduced, at 6pm xast night.” Department for vehicxes en masse operate those sites,” it said.
Fuex duty is appxied at the point that Transport’s new ahead of the 2030 Mr Sunak and Mr Kwarteng wrote to
retaixers buy fuex, so petrox and diesex at Exectric Vehicxe ban on the saxe of retaixers on Wednesday urging them to
some forecourts wixx have been pur- Infrastructure new petrox and move swiftxy after the change came into
chased at the higher rate. Axthough the Strategy. Support diesex cars.” force at 6pm yesterday.

Cost of living crisis ‘may lead to civil unrest’

By James Burton hoxds face the sharpest sxump in xiving economy abxe to support the core prom-
Deputy Business eDitor standards on record, with inflation at a ise of equitabxy distributed, merit-based
30-year high and tax rising. sociax mobixity that is integrax to a
THE cost of xiving crisis risks unxeash- BNP’s sustainabxe economic barome- heaxthy capitaxist democracy in the
ing a wave of rioting because Britain has ter attempts to measure countries on medium to xong term.”
one of the most fragixe economies in their abixity to drive sociax mobixity by Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and
Europe, a French investment bank has equitabxy distributing the fruits of their Austria topped its ranking, whixe xarger
warned. economic growth. economies incxuding the United States,
L’Atexier BNP Paribas said that there The UK’s poor score “indicates a Japan and Canada performed more
was a danger of “sociax unrest, protest reduced capacity to facixitate sociax poorxy.
and extremism” after the UK ranked mobixity and is a strong indicator of John Egan, chief executive of
35th out of 36 countries for its abixity to future socio-economic protest and L’Atexier BNP Paribas, said: “Some fac-
dexiver higher wages, xower costs and instabixity”, the report said. tors are unavoidabxe – the Covid baix-
sociax mobixity. It pointed to soaring inflation, wage outs increasing the axready significant
Onxy Latvia performed worse, with rises that cannot keep up with the rising deficit, or the gxobax downturn affecting
Spain, Greece and Lithuania making up cost of xiving, and record prices for macroeconomic measures. But others,
the rest of the bottom five. housing and rent. such as the high cost of essentiax ingre-
It came after the Office for Budget BNP said: “Combined, these factors dients of xiving such as housing, couxd
Responsibixity warned British house- mean the UK is faixing to provide an be fixed with the right set of poxicies.”
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 11

Pensioners hit by stealth tax raid as

Sunak freezes lifetime allowance
finances are forced to take up the strain Large numbers of people who want to
of caring for the elderly. Baroness Alt-
How much would the lifetime build on their existing pension savings
mann, the former Conservative pen- allowance rise with inflation? will either have to stop saving sooner or
sions minister, said: “It is a policy that £1.3m face hefty tax penalties.”
makes a mockery of urging people to Allowance The Daily Telegraph is campaigning
plan for their retirement. without freeze for the lifetime allowance to be
Almost half a million more “You cannot if you are frightened of £1.2m
increased in line with inflation.
being disadvantaged because your David Davis, the former Brexit secre-
savers will be forced to pay investments do well.” £1.1m
with freeze tary, said Gordon Brown’s mistake in
55pc tax on retirement Pensions can be saved tax-free up to a introducing the limit had been com-
pots, says former minister limit of £1,073,100 – the so-called life- pounded by Tory chancellors cynically
time allowance. Any savings above that £1m using it to raise tax revenue.
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
By Will Kirkman, Charles Hymas are taxed at 55 per cent when the money -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 He said: “This is a massive disincen-
and Jessica Beard is withdrawn in retirement. SOURCE: LCP, OBR tive to saving. As living costs go up, the
This cap normally increases in line amount that it represents means a
MORE than a million people who put with inflation to ensure workers’ sav- pensions minister. By the 2026-27 tax poorer and poorer standard of living.
money aside for their retirement are ings go up in line with prices and wages, year, the cap will be £186,300 lower “These are people who will be bank
facing a stealth tax raid as Rishi Sunak even though this leaves them no better than it would have been had there been of Mum and Dad and Grandma and
capitalises on soaring inflation to boost off in real terms. However, Mr Sunak no freeze, according to Sir Steve’s anal- Granddad helping youngsters with
his revenues. has frozen the lifetime allowance until ysis of Office for Budget Responsibility their newly expensive loans, for exam-
Around 1.6 million people will be hit 2026, so more and more workers will data. ple, trying to buy them homes in a des-
with a punitive tax on their retirement breach it. The freeze, announced last Inflation hit a three-decade high of perately bad housing market.
pot because the Chancellor has frozen a year, was expected to push a further 6.2 per cent this month and is forecast “It will have a disproportionate effect
cap on the maximum amount of money 1.2 million people into the cohort to climb close to double digits later in on hardworking middle-class families”,
they can save, so it will not increase in obliged to pay the 55 per cent tax. the year. Sir Steve said: “A five-year who are likely are Tory voters, he said,
line with prices. But inflation is forecast to be higher freeze on the lifetime limit for pension adding that he would prefer the limit to
Experts warned that workers will be than thought at the time, so an addi- tax relief was always a bad idea, but be scrapped or at least returned to the
denied any chance of a comfortable tional 400,000 savers will be hit, soaring inflation means it is now a much limit of £1.8 million originally set by Mr
retirement as a result, as the public according to Sir Steve Webb, the former more brutal attack on pension savers. Brown.

Tories turn on Chancellor amid fears that

many households will struggle to pay bills
By Tony Diver, Charles Hymas announced.” The MP added that a founded the Blue Collar Conservatives Robert Halfon, who led the campaign
and Christopher Hope planned 1p cut in income tax in 2024 group of MPs, said: “I worry how many for a 5p cut in fuel duty, welcomed the
was “almost insulting” to families strug- people will not be able to pay their bills move but added: “I am not saying it’s
RISHI SUNAK “is not a tax-cutting gling to pay their bills this year, amid this year and I think it is inevitable the perfect and they will have to do more
Chancellor”, Tory MPs have said as expected inflation of at least 8 per cent. Government will have to do more.” later in the year to manage the debt peo-
he faces a backlash over his Spring Other Tories have suggested that Mr Another former Cabinet minister ple face. We need to address energy
Statement. Sunak will be forced to increase the said: “My view is that Rishi is not a tax- costs later in the year. That will be a big
MPs from across the Conservative level of support for the most vulnerable cutting Chancellor and people will see thing.”
Party criticised the Chancellor for the households later this year if the energy Although Treasury sources stressed
country’s increasing tax burden, his price cap rises again. ‘We are staring at potential that the Ministry of Defence had already
failure to protect families from rising Many privately hope Wednesday’s received an unusually large four-year
inflation and his decision to spend no statement will follow the first fiscal stagflation. Avoiding that funding settlement, MPs also criticised
extra money on defence after the inva- event of Philip Hammond’s tenure as has to be the priority for the the Chancellor for failing to increase its
sion of Ukraine. Chancellor and George Osborne’s 2012 budget in response to the war in
Wednesday’s statement increased Budget, and result in an about-turn. Government above all else’ Ukraine.
the repayment thresholds for National Mr Hammond was forced to reverse a Tobias Ellwood, the Tory chairman of
Insurance Contributions (NICs) but did planned rise in NICs in 2017, after it that. Unless he changes, his reputation the Defence select committee, said:
not scrap the 1.25 percentage point rate emerged that he had not briefed Cabi- as a tax cutter deteriorates from here.” “The missing trick for me was an oppor-
rise announced at the October Budget net ministers he planned to break a Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former tunity to send a message to Putin that
to pay for spending on the NHS and manifesto pledge before delivering the Work and Pensions Secretary, said: “We we take European security seriously,
social care. statement. are staring at potential stagflation and and we haven’t done that.
“I think he should have scrapped the Mr Osborne was criticised for his avoiding that has to be the priority for “The cost of living, food price hikes,
NICs levy,” one former Cabinet minister VAT increase on food designed to cool the Government above everything else. energy, fuel – they have all gone up
said last night. “The world has changed down, dubbed the “pasty tax”. “He is going to have to revisit this. further because of the Russian invasion
completely since it was originally Last night, Esther McVey, who Growth is critical now, nothing else.” of Ukraine.”
12 *** Ir Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 13


I’m prepared to die, Amess suspect told police

Footage shown to jury of
the moment two officers
with no protection tackled
and subdued knifeman
By Martin Evans
Crime Correspondent
THE moment two plain-clothes police
officers tackled a knife-wielding sus-
pected terrorist accused of stabbing to
death Sir David Amess has been shown
to an Old Bailey jury.
Pc Scott James and Pc Ryan Curtis
had been on patrol searching for a sus-
pect in an unrelated inquiry, close to
the Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-
on-Sea, Essex, when Ali Harbi Ali alleg-
edly attacked the MP.
Responding to the 999 calls made by
Amess’s assistant and a member of the
public, the two officers, who were
equipped only with batons and an irri-
tant spray, were the first on the scene.
Body-worn camera footage captured
the unfolding drama as the two officers
entered the building where the 69-year-
old was attacked during one of his con-
stituency surgeries.
Darren King, a member of the public
who had an appointment with Amess
after Ali, can be seen showing the offic-
ers where in the building the suspect –
who was still brandishing a knife – was

‘[The defendant refused to

put down the knife, saying]
I want to be shot, I want to
die, I want to be a hero’
standing. Giving evidence on Wednes-
day, Mr King told the court the defend-
ant had refused to put down the knife,
telling him: “I want to be shot, I want to
die, I want to be a hero.”
In the body-worn footage, the offic-
ers can be heard discussing that back-
up, including officers who had Tasers,
were two minutes away.
The officers repeatedly shout at the
suspect to drop the knife, with one of
them adding: “It’s only going to go one

way. Please drop that knife.”

The two officers – who were not
wearing stab vests – then rush the sus-
pect, forcing him to the ground before
kneeling on him and cuffing his hands
behind his back. Body-worn camera footage of the arrest. Above, suspect Ali
During a brief verbal exchange, Ali is Harbi Ali is seen handcuffed after being detained by police
heard saying he is “prepared to die”,
before asking the officers to put his police got me. They’re not gonna shoot.” arrested on suspicion of murder, underwent a short urgent interview Mike Freer, the Tory MP for Finchley. CCTV outside Parliament gates and he
glasses back on his face. After the suspect was arrested, para- appearing to look relaxed and calm. during which he told officers it was a On the fourth day of the trial, jurors was in the area again on Sept 22.
As he is arrested and read his rights, medics attempted to revive Amess, but Earlier in the trial, one of the wit- “terrorist attack”, the jury was told. were also shown images of Ali allegedly The jury was told he had also been
one of the officers replies: “Mate, that’s he was declared dead at 1.10pm. nesses, described Ali as having an Ali, who was born and brought up in scoping out different areas of London, spotted in the area on three other occa-
not our concern.” The father-of-five had suffered 23 expression of “self-satisfaction” in the south London before moving to Kentish including Mr Freer’s constituency office sions in July and September.
The suspect, who had been on the knife wounds, including four to his immediate aftermath of the alleged Town, north-west London, is accused of on Sept 17, around a month before the Ali denies one count of preparing ter-
phone to his sister at the time, can also chest. Jurors were also shown still murder. plotting a terrorist attack against other attack on Amess. rorist acts and one count of murder and
be heard saying: “Don’t worry. The images of Ali shortly after he had been After being taken into custody, Ali targets including Michael Gove and On Sept 20, Ali was captured on the trial continues.

Scorecards to identify courts Strip-search Met officers

that let down victims of crime removed from front-line duty
By Charles Hymas missioner, said the scorecards would victims don’t report crimes … and a By Marcus Parekh and racism was “likely” to have been a pened to a child living in the Cotswolds.
Home AffAirs editor expose “regional discrepancies, iden- third pull out of prosecutions before factor. Det Supt Dan Rutland, who was also on
tify best practice and expose weak they see justice done.” TWO Metropolitan Police officers Chief Supt Marcus Barnett, Hack- the panel, added: “I think we view inner
TOO many victims are being let down links”. Mr Raab said that hundreds more involved in strip-searching a 15-year- ney’s Basic Unit Commander, told an London kids as adults, the issue we have
by the police and prosecutors, says Mr Raab cited the case of Emily victims of rape and modern slavery will old girl at her school have been taken online audience of 250 people that he in policing at the moment is that we
Dominic Raab, as the first local score- Hunt, a rape victim who, despite hav- be able to g ive their evidence in off front-line duties. had been made aware of the incident a believe that kids in London are more
cards were published exposing delays ing nothing else to wear, was forced to advance via video to spare them the The pair have been confined to desk month after it happened. resilient than they are.”
and low charging rates. hand over her clothes and her phone trauma of going to court. work during the inquiry by the Inde- He said the school “probably should Child Q and her family have since
In an article for, the Known as Section 28, the measure pendent Office for Police Conduct that launched civil proceedings against both
Justice Secretary said it was “appall-
ing” that 60 per cent of victims did not
‘She was made to feel like allows victims – subject to a successful
application to the court – to have their
will determine whether the officers
have a case to answer, a community
‘The Met Police has seemed the school and the Metropolitan Police
“to ensure this never happens again to
report their crimes and a third dropped she was under investigation. cross-examination pre-recorded before meeting heard this week. incapable of reform for any other child”.
out of prosecutions, often because of
delays and the prospect of reliving
No victim should be made the trial.
It can also help them move on with
The girl, known as “Child Q”, was
taken out of an exam and strip-searched
generations... it is difficult to Chanel Dolcy, a solicitor working for
the firm representing the family, told
their trauma in court. to feel that way’ their lives before a court hearing. by female officers in Hackney, east Lon- say if it will ever change’ The Guardian: “The Metropolitan
The scorecards, published today, “I want to give all victims the confi- don, in December 2020 without Police has seemed incapable of reform
show victims have to wait more than a and offered “scant support”. “She was dence to come forward. It isn’t just the another adult being present and in the not have called us and we should prob- for generations, and it is difficult to say
month on average for police to charge made to feel like she was under investi- right thing to do. The more victims knowledge that she was menstruating. ably have understood very quickly that it will ever change.”
alleged offenders, for all offences, ris- gation,” he said. report what they’ve suffered, the more Police were called in after teachers we had no role to play there”. Philip Glanville, the mayor of Hack-
ing to more than 400 days for rape, “No victim should be made to feel criminals we catch,” said Mr Raab. wrongly suspected the girl was in pos- Mr Barnett also told Wednesday’s ney, has called for the head teacher of
where between 0.6 per cent and 3.6 per that way. Too many victims are being The provision will be introduced to session of cannabis. oversubscribed meeting that the Met the school to resign as “part of the pro-
cent of offences result in a charge. let down by the system. I’m determined crown courts in York, Grimsby, Hull, Her parents were not informed and has a problem with officers viewing cess” to bring about change.
Court delays can add another 450 days to put that right – and have asked Emily Bradford and Teesside in the coming no drugs were found. children in inner London as “adults”. The “school leadership has lost the
before rape charges come to court. to advise us, so we can do much better,” weeks as part of a phased national A safeguarding report has since He admitted that what happened to confidence of the school, myself and the
Dame Vera Baird, the victims’ com- he said. “It’s appalling that three in five roll- out. found that the search was unjustified the girl would probably not have hap- community”, he added.

Driver of derailed Passer-by posed Council protects Judge clears man

tram faces trial over as doctor to treat roof shark despite who swung club at
seven deaths injured cyclist owner’s will ‘trespassing’ police
By Patrick Sawer By Daily Telegraph Reporter By Craig Simpson By Daily Telegraph Reporter
senior news reporter
A FORMER mountain rescuer has been A SHARK sculpture lodged in the roof A HOMEOWNER who swung a club at
THE driver who “nodded off ” before found guilty of impersonating a doctor of an Oxford house as a protest has been police officers as they attempted to evict
his tram derailed in Croydon killing after she treated an injured cyclist who given special heritage status, despite him has been cleared of affray after a
seven people and injuring another 51 is had fallen off his electric bicycle. the owner arguing against listing it. judge ruled he was right to defend him-
to be prosecuted. Joanne Graham told multiple wit- The 25-foot fibreglass artwork was self from “trespassers”.
Alfred Dorris could face up to two nesses she was a “trauma doctor” when placed head-first into the roof of a ter- Bob White, 62, was charged with a
years in prison and an unlimited fine, she stopped on her way home to Cor- raced house in the suburb of Heading- criminal offence after two policemen
despite an earlier decision not to prose- wen, North Wales, to help Martin Jones ton in 1986 by the property’s then unlawfully entered his home in Sheer-
cute him on manslaughter charges. as he lay in a ditch, a court heard. owner Bill Heine as a protest against ness, Kent, before they punched and
Transport for London (TfL) and Tram Mr Jones had suffered a cut to the council planning regulations. tasered him.
Operations Limited, which is owned by head and a broken wrist after he clipped Oxford city council has now awarded Mr White had barricaded himself
FirstGroup, also face unlimited fines a kerb while riding without a helmet in the “Headington Shark” official listed inside the property when the officers,
after the Office of Rail and Road June last year. status as a heritage asset, against the bailiffs and a locksmith arrived with a
announced yesterday they would be But as Graham began treating Mr wishes of the sculpture’s current owner, county court warrant for eviction in
prosecuted alongside Mr Dorris. Jones she aroused suspicion among and despite it being erected in protest February 2019.
The 47-year-old allegedly dozed off onlookers, which included two off-duty against its own planning policies. Maidstone Crown Court heard that
for up to a “few minutes” and woke sec- police officers and a nurse, when she Dr Magnus Hanson-Hein inherited after Mr White refused to answer the
onds before the tram flew off the track cut off his clothes and suggested an air the Oxford property, following the front door, police went round the side of
while travelling at high speed as it ambulance was needed. death of his father in 2019, and has said the bricklayer’s home and used an
entered a bend at Sandilands Junction When later questioned by police, the that giving the sculpture listed status enforcer to smash the bottom of a door.
in south London. 47-year-old said she was a mountain res- “would be exactly the opposite of the Sgt Russell Belmant tried to enter the
Following a three-year investigation, cuer and people had mistakenly point” of the artwork. house through the gap but stopped
the Crown Prosecution Service con- assumed she was a medic, Llandudno But the council has listed the shark as after seeing Mr White with a club.

cluded in 2019 that there was not magistrates’ court heard. a heritage asset, meaning its preserva- After Mr Belmant was told “get out of
enough evidence to prosecute him and Graham denied impersonating a doc- tion will be factored into any future my house” by Mr White, Pc Dunn, who
that no charges for corporate man- tor but was yesterday found guilty fol- planning decisions. was assisting, pulled out his Taser and
slaughter would be brought. lowing a trial in which she was accused Colin Cook, heritage champion at used it twice.
But Ian Prosser, the Office of Rail and of living in a “fantasy world” by Adam Oxford city council, has admitted that Judge Griffith-Jones QC told jurors:
Road’s chief inspector of railways, said: Warner, the prosecutor. there was an “intellectual argument “His [Mr Belmant’s] entry was unlawful
“We’ve taken the decision to prosecute The court was told there was no delay about a council protecting something it and he was [a] trespasser and unwel-
TfL, Tram Operations Limited and in Mr Jones attending hospital. was trying to get rid of originally”. come intruder.”
driver Alfred Dorris for what we believe Graham was fined £600 and ordered Mr White said:“Police need to be held
to be health and safety failings.” to pay £810 court costs. Oxford city council has listed the 25-foot fibreglass Headington Shark as a heritage asset Editorial Comment: Page 17 to account for this.”
14 ** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Analysts secretly scan Elgin Marbles Changing

gender will not

to help robot sculptor make replicas get easier as

plans rejected
By Hayley Dixon
Special correSpondent
Researchers take matters
into their own hands after THE Government has formally rejected
attempts to make it easier for people to
application to document change their gender, calling the current
the sculpture was rejected system “rigorous” and “robust”.
As concern grows over access to sin-
By Simon de Bruxelles gle-sex spaces, ministers refused
attempts by MPs to move towards a sys-
ANALYSTS have made secret scans of tem of self-identification of legal gen-
the Elgin Marbles in the British der. The Government said “the current
Museum in order to create “perfect” provisions allow for those that wish to
replicas that could ultimately lead to the legally change their sex to do so, and we
repatriation of the originals to Greece. will not be changing the legislation”.
Researchers from the Oxford-based This was in response to a report by
Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) the women and equalities committee
used scanning technology embedded in released in December, which suggested
camera phones and iPads to create the removal of several of the current
detailed 3D copies of the 2,500-year-old requirements to obtain a gender recog-
sculptures. nition certificate – including a medical
The operation was carried out by diagnosis of gender dysphoria, spousal
stealth after the museum refused a for- consent and for a person to live in their
mal request to scan the marbles. chosen gender for two years.
Roger Michel, the IDA’s executive Rejecting the calls in their formal
director, and Alexy Karenowska, its response yesterday, the Government
technical director, were ignored by said that the checks “ensure that the
security staff as they scanned half a legal gender recognition process is rig-
dozen of the sculptures that once orous and provides assurance that the
formed part of the Parthenon, which system is robust”.
sits on the Acropolis over Athens. The fee to apply for a gender recogni-
They used a combination of Lidar, a tion certificate has already been
recent addition to the iPhone’s battery reduced from £140 to £5, leading to a
of tricks, which measures distances to a “marked increase” in applicants, the
fraction of a millimetre, and photo- report said.
grammetry, which stitches multiple The committee’s recommendations
individual photographs together to cre- to use a self-identification system came

ate 3D images. The files will be used to despite warnings from women’s rights
program a “robot” sculptor that can campaigners and legal experts that it
carve marble blocks with metal chisels could jeopardise single-sex spaces,
in exactly the same way they were orig- which are protected under equality
inally created by Phidias. law.
The museum is believed to be con- The Government responded that
cerned that once it is possible to make “the Equality and Human Rights Com-
highly accurate replicas it will be diffi- mission is currently looking to update
cult to argue against returning the orig- its guidance on the workings of the sin-
inals to Greece. Researchers from the Institute for Digital Archaeology took scans of the Parthenon Sculptures on iPads, after being refused permission to do so officially by the British Museum gle-sex exceptions in the Equality Act”.
The scans have recorded two millen- The response added: “The Govern-
nia of damage caused by war, earth- Athens for £75,000. He used his wife’s despite their damaged and broken state. are wide with exertion after pulling the secrets of the marbles including its orig- ment’s position remains that no changes
quakes, acid rain and misguided inheritance to pay the Turks but within Among the hundreds of visitors admir- chariot of Selene across the Parthenon’s inal colouring. are needed to the Gender Recognition
attempts by the museum to clean them a few years a costly divorce meant he ing the marbles yesterday was Tania pediment. Yet while staff at the museum A spokesman said: “We regularly Act.
with wire brushes. was forced to sell them to the British Carmichael, a sculptor from Australia, were happy for Mrs Carmichael to draw receive requests from a wide range of “Individuals are considered to be the
Thomas Bruce, the seventh Lord government, which in turn gave them who said it was “more fitting” for them them, they refused her permission to commercial and academic users to sex that is registered on their birth cer-
Elgin, had the friezes shipped to Lon- to the British Museum. They have been to be in Athens than London. create 3D scans. undertake their own scanning and it is tificate – either male or female, with the
don 200 years ago after purchasing one of the museum’s most popular Mrs Carmichael sketched the life- The museum said it is already using not possible to routinely accommodate law providing for individuals to be able
them from the Ottoman occupiers of exhibits for nearly two centuries size marble head of a horse, whose eyes 3D scanning to unlock some of the all of these.” to change their legal sex.”

Charity body favourite ducks war on ‘woke’ Pullman quits role after cancel culture row
By Craig Simpson mittee yesterday ahead of his likely to the leadership of the Charity Com- By Robert Mendick and to quit as president of the Society of wrote on Twitter that people who con-
appointment in the role. mission could tackle the “woke” incli- Catherine Pepinster Authors (SoA), effectively the trade demned a book before reading it would
THE Government’s chosen candidate to The former Tory candidate insisted: nations of certain charities, after furore union for writers. “find a comfortable home in Isis or the
lead the Charity Commission has told “I wouldn’t have the Charity Commis- over the direction of the National Trust. SIR PHILIP PULLMAN has resigned He had defended Kate Clanchy, who Taliban”, but later deleted the tweet and
MPs he would not be drawn into a war sion as an arm of government assisting The lawyer ran for Parliament in from a literary association over his sup- was “cancelled” by her publishers after apologised.
on “woke”. in an anti-woke agenda.” 2005 and has been reported to be a port for an author accused of racist ste- allegations that her prize-winning Sir Philip wrote in his resignation let-
Orlando Fraser QC faced questions His comments relate to Oliver Dow- friend of Boris Johnson, but he has told reotpying. memoir, Some Kids I Taught and What ter: “I realised that I would not be free
about his political allegiances from the den’s suggestion during his time as Cul- MPs he is neither “a Conservative” nor The 75-year-old writer of the His They Taught Me, portrayed some of her to express my personal opinions as long
Digital Culture Media and Sport Com- ture Secretary that new appointments “friend of the Prime Minister”. Dark Materials trilogy was facing calls former pupils in a “racist” manner. He as I remained president.”
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 IrSc *** 15

World news

Juan Carlos may face UK

trial ‘for harassing and
spying on’ former lover
in the bedroom window of her private secret accounts in offshore tax havens.
Spain’s emeritus king loses estate, Chyknell Hall, in Shropshire, Juan Carlos’s lawyers claimed that their
immunity as High Court where she lives with her son.
Lawyers for the former monarch,
client enjoyed immunity for any actions
before his abdication as head of state,
hears allegations he caused who denies any wrongdoing, had previ- and was covered after 2014 by his status
mistress ‘great mental pain’ ously argued that a 300-year-old treaty
that established Gibraltar as a British
as emeritus king and a member of the
household of the current Spanish mon-
By James Badcock in Madrid territory, known as the Peace and arch, Felipe VI.
Friendship Treaty of Utrecht, protected Mr Justice Nicklin found that Juan
FORMER Spanish king Juan Carlos him in a British court. Carlos ceased to be sovereign when he
does not have the right to sovereign But yesterday the judge, whose rul- abdicated, despite the “honorary” use
immunity, the High Court ruled yester- ing focused on the issue of immunity of the term emeritus king in Spain, and
day, meaning he could now face trial in only, said he rejected an argument that that he was no longer a member of
a British court over allegations he Juan Carlos remained a “sovereign” and Felipe VI’s royal household as he did not
caused a former lover “great mental was entitled to personal immunity perform public duties and had moved to
pain” by spying on and harassing her. under the State Immunity Act 1978. the UAE.


Justice Matthew Nicklin rejected “There is only one king of Spain and The judge said that if he had accepted
Juan Carlos’s claim that his status as a head of state of Spain and since June 19 Juan Carlos’s claim to sovereign status,
senior member of the Spanish royal 2014 that has been his son, King Felipe “it would mean that if, tomorrow, [he]
family meant he could not be sued by VI,” the judge said. were to walk into a jeweller’s shop in
Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, ruling Juan Carlos, 84, abdicated after a Hatton Garden and steal a diamond
that the civil claim could go ahead. series of scandals affecting him and the ring, he could face no civil or criminal
Ms Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, a 57-year- Spanish royal family. proceedings in this jurisdiction”.
old Danish businesswoman, who is a In 2020, he left Madrid to live in Abu Juan Carlos’s Spanish legal adviser
Slick mover A mudskipper attempts to attract a mate by “dancing” in the estuary of the
resident of Monaco and has homes in Dhabi after Spain’s public prosecution declined to comment on the decision, Nankan river in Luzhu, Taiwan. As the mud is flat, the males launch themselves into the air,
London and Shropshire, has accused service opened an investigation into but the former monarch is expected to flapping their fins, to make themselves visible to available females nearby.
Juan Carlos and agents of the Spanish alleged financial impropriety and use of appeal against the decision next week.
state of mounting a continuous cam-
paign of intimidation against her after
their relationship ended in 2009.
According to her claim, the pair
stayed close friends for a period after
their break-up, but after she declined
his attempts to rekindle their relation-
ship he became hostile and demanded
that she return €65 million (£54 million)
he had “donated” to her in 2012. ‘To grant
She claims to have received death
threats from agents of Spain’s CNI sovereign
secret service, as well as allegedly being status would
subjected to continual surveillance and
the victim of a whispering campaign mean that
that destroyed her reputation as an if he were to
international business consultant.
In court documents filed in 2020, she walk into a
claims two of her apartments were bro- jeweller’s
ken into and the book Princess Diana:
the Hidden Evidence, How MI6 and the and steal a
CIA Were Involved in the Death of Prin- diamond
cess Diana was left on a coffee table.
Ms Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein also alleges
ring he could
a “perfectly drilled hole” was discovered face no trial’

Baldwin to star
in two comedies
By Jamie Johnson Hutchins, the widower of the
US CorreSpondent cinematographer, filed a
wrongful death lawsuit
ALEC BALDWIN will return against Baldwin last month.
to the big screen with two “I was just so angry to see
Christmas comedies, months him talk about her death so
after the fatal shooting of publicly in such a detailed
Ukrainian cinematographer way and then to not accept
Halyna Hutchins. any responsibility after hav-
The Emmy and Golden ing just described killing
Globe winner will be going her,” Mr Hutchins told the
back to work in Italy with his Today show last month.
brother Daniel after being “It almost sounds like he is
cast in Kid Santa and Billie’s the victim. Hearing him
Magic World, both billed as blame Halyna in the inter-
live action/animation family
Christmas comedies.
These are the first acting
‘I was just so angry
roles for Baldwin since the to see him talk about
incident on the set of Rust, in
New Mexico, last October,
her death so publicly
where a prop gun he was in a detailed way’
holding fired a live round,
killing Hutchins and wound- view and shift responsibility
ing director Joel Souza. to others and seeing him cry-
Baldwin, 63, has tried to ing about it. Are we really
absolve himself of wrongdo- supposed to feel bad about
ing, saying in a December you, Mr Baldwin?
interview with ABC News “The idea that the person
that he was pointing the gun holding the gun causing it to
at Hutchins at her instruc- discharge is not responsible
tion and that it went off with- is absurd to me.
out him pulling the trigger. “Every individual who
“Someone is responsible touches a firearm has a
for what happened, and I responsibility for gun safety.”
can’t say who that is, but it’s Baldwin will arrive in
not me,” he said. Rome tomorrow, and stay for
No charges have been filed four weeks, Variety reported.
in the criminal investigation His representative did not
by the Santa Fe County Sher- immediately respond to con-
iff ’s Office, but Matthew firm the report.

Lovesick man tries

to row 1,000 miles
By Our Foreign Staff works in Mumbai, according
to Capt Pichet Songtan from
A VIETNAMESE man has the Thai Maritime Enforce-
been rescued after attempt- ment Command Centre.
ing to row 1,240 miles from Mr Pichet said the man
Thailand to India to visit his was found with no map, com-
wife, who he had not seen for pass, GPS or change of
two years because of Covid clothes, and only a limited
travel restrictions. amount of water.
Ho Hoang Hung set off He had initially flown to
from the holiday island of Bangkok but found that
Phuket in an inflatable rub- without a visa he could not
ber dinghy, with water and travel on to India, so took a
instant noodles but no navi- bus to Phuket where he
gation system, planning to acquired the dinghy.
cross the Bay of Bengal near After setting off on March
the start of cyclone season. 5, Mr Ho was held up by
A fishing boat found the headwinds, making limited
37-year-old on Wednesday progress in the two weeks
near the Similan Islands, before he was found.
about 50 miles off the Thai Thai officials said he will
mainland, and contacted the be returned to Phuket for
navy’s security unit, which questioning. “We have con-
rescued him. tacted the Vietnamese and
Ho told officials he was try- Indian embassies but not had
ing to reach his wife, who a reply yet,” Mr Pichet said.
16 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


The Rustat
verdict is a
humiliation for
woke activists
DaviD abulafia

epresentatives of Jesus disputes. We must now hope
College, Cambridge, that rational thinking is
have declared returning to British
themselves “shocked” at the institutions just as the public
verdict that, despite the grows exasperated by
strident demands of increasingly absurd claims
campaigners, Grinling about historical figures.
Gibbons’s monument to Deputy Chancellor Hodge
Tobias Rustat should remain had harsh words for those
in the college chapel. who jumped to conclusions
What is truly shocking is about Rustat, enlarging his
the sheer certainty of these role in slavery out of all
campaigners that the proportion, making it out to
judgment of the Consistory be the main source of his
Court of the Diocese of Ely, wealth, though it was not.
tasked with deciding the Sloppy research about links
monument’s future, would between colleges and
go their way. It is of a part slavery is unacceptable in
with the arrogant attitude of one of the world’s leading
activists across the country, universities. In Jesus, as in
who have closed their ears to other great educational
intelligent debate about how establishments, the absurd
we commemorate notable generalisations of “Critical
people from the past whose Race Theory” have been To order prints or signed copies of any Telegraph cartoon, go to or call 0191 603 0178 
social and political allowed to guide debate
assumptions were very about events and behaviour

The Boris and Rishi power struggle

different from our own. several centuries ago. In one
It turns too on a distorted email a student even
view of the past: one that is complained of “a concerted
rooted in the assumption effort by external white
that modern British society supremacist organisations”

has left the Tory Party in a muddle

is deeply and ineradicably to retain the Rustat
impregnated with the monument.
legacy of the slave trade. The judgment also makes
What the judge in the powerful positive points
Rustat case, Deputy about the religious setting
Chancellor David Hodge, for the monument: a church
rightly called the “evil, or chapel belongs not to
utterly abhorrent, and humans but to God, and “the
repugnant” slave trade did Rustat memorial may be
have a role in the making of employed as an appropriate a willing prisoner of No 10 but is now OneWeb, a collapsed satellite Tory party that became punch-drunk
Britain. But to afford it such vehicle to consider the Sunak is beginning to making a bid for independence. communications project that caught on deficit finance. Yes, tax rises hurt.
exclusive predominance is
to ignore all the other ways
imperfection of human
beings … Forgiveness
assert himself over the PM He’s going through an economic
version of The Shawshank Redemption:
Cummings’s eye. The state-directed
science research budget was upped
follow Fraser
Nelson on Twitter
So maybe they should think about that
when they demand more spending: on
in which Britain enriched encompasses the whole of in a bid to claw his way burrowing his way out of Boris’s to £20 billion, another Cummings @FraserNelson defence, welfare, anything.
itself over the centuries. No
better example of this
humankind, past and
present, for we are all
back to fiscal conservatism big-state conservatism one tax-cutting
spoonful at a time.
pet project.
Sunak argued, all along, that
He has accepted this will mean
unpopularity: that the Dishy Rishi who
distortion can be found than sinners; and it extends even Sunak got the job when Sajid Javid inflation might arrive and trigger a opinion was so generous with furlough
the row over Rustat, who, it to slave traders.” fraser nelson walked out in protest at No 10’s control- debt crisis – but he was dismissed. The payments will now have to become the
has now been shown, made Nor should we forget the freakery. Traditionally, the Chancellor Tories had doubled the national debt to abominable no-man. Defence
his many benefactions with words of the Rustat – and the Treasury – have called all of £2 trillion without any trouble and had spending? No: it went up quite
money obtained elsewhere monument itself: “The the economic shots. But this no longer been lured into a false sense of recently. More welfare spending? No:
than the slave trade. greatest part of the Estate he suited Johnson or, more accurately, security. When Johnson wanted maybe those record 1.3 million
Some quiet victories have gathered … he disposed in Dominic Cummings. He wanted to £12 billion a year to subsidise care vacancies can help. Public sector
been obtained in recent his life time in works of merge No 10 with the Treasury and the home costs for wealthier pensioners, wages rising with inflation? No: it’s

months by those who oppose charity.” Such a man, whose s Rishi Sunak a fool or a fraud? To a Cabinet Office, creating a power Sunak went along with it on one time to hold firm. Want to spend more?
the new iconoclasm bones lie under the floor of great many people, it has to be one triangle which he would run. To Javid, condition: that it would be financed by Then think of cuts first: perhaps some
championed in universities his beloved chapel, deserves or the other after a mini-budget this was too much. When he was told a National Insurance rise. He saw this of those more fanciful infrastructure
and museums. Imperial more than to be reduced to a which seemed to be a smouldering his freedom was so constrained that he as a small triumph: having No 10 accept projects. Help with the cost of living?
College, for instance, has caricature. mess of contradiction. He promises would not be able to choose his own that extra spending had to be paid for. Yes: via income tax cuts. In 2024. If
agreed not to remove the “to let people keep more of their own advisers, he walked. Two events since have spending doesn’t go up.
name of Thomas Huxley, one David Abulafia is a professor money” but puts up taxes higher than Javid had become known as strengthened Sunak’s hand: partygate This, perhaps, is the clincher. The
of the college’s founders. But of history at the University of any modern chancellor has ever Chancellor In Name Only (or “Chino”) and inflation. The revelations about 2024 ruse is intended as a Boris trap, to
it is the Rustat judgment Cambridge dared. He invented furlough, then and the joke was that Sunak, his the lockdown festivities in No 10 discourage the Prime Minister from his
which provides the firmest spent billions cushioning the blow of 39-year-old underling, would be deeply damaged Johnson’s popularity instinctive splurging. If more is spent,
indication yet that the tide fuel bills. But his message to those on known as “Babychino”. To his credit and, with it, his hold over the party. A the tax cut vanishes. Sunak is trying to
has finally turned. It is a benefits who are now facing the Sunak didn’t even pretend to be in good chunk of his MPs still want him change the psychological wiring of his
landmark decision in the reaD more at choice of heating or eating? Sorry: charge, instead casting himself as a gone, so he treads carefully: there are party and hopes to programme in a
resolution of our current there’s no more money left. It all William of Wykeham-style chancellor, no more diktats from No 10. The sheer Pavlovian response: restraint on
looks rather odd. picking up the tab for whatever folly violence of the inflation – forcing debt spending means tax cuts. If they want
Most of the Cabinet remain the king wished to embark upon. “I interest payments up by almost to spend more (especially the new PM)
dismayed about the National should take his credit card away,” he £100 billion over the next few years – then they’ll have to eat up the tax rises.
Insurance rise which will soon take an once joked. He’d talk about funding means cheap borrowing is no longer This is why the Sunak budget looks
extra 2.5 per cent off everyone’s “the Prime Minister’s agenda”. Like an option. Sunak is now free to impose so schizophrenic: it’s half Johnson and
salaries. Jacob Rees-Mogg has said it’s most of the Cabinet he regarded HS2 as his new rule: spending restraint The Sunak half Sunak. Half profligate, half
political suicide. Tories stood on a a white elephant and net zero as an before tax cuts. budget is a parsimonious. Half hangover from
manifesto promise not to raise taxes, uncosted nightmare. Sunak is so keen to keep the days of the pre-partygate splurge, half
he argues, and voters remember such All served at the pleasure of King National Insurance rise because he collision panicked preparation for whatever
promises. Liz Truss hates it too. Even Boris because he was running a court sees it, paradoxically, as a tool that will of two inflation brings. It’s a collision of two
Boris Johnson was all up for dropping rather than a government and could eventually lower taxes. He sees in the competing principles of government
the tax and borrowing instead. But do so because he had personally saved “health and social care levy” a new competing – and, as such, a bit of a mess.
who was the biggest advocate for the the Tories from electoral annihilation. deal: that from now on, any NHS principles of But it does also mark a turning
tax rise going ahead? Sunak. The
self-proclaimed tax-cutter.
Without him, would the party have
won all of those seats in the North?
spending increase can only be funded
by upping the levy. So from now on, government point, where Sunak has been able to
assert himself as Chancellor and the
Behind all of this apparent With personal victory came personal any Tory who wants more health – and, as Prime Minister has been prepared to
hypocrisy there is method,
explanation – and a plan. It’s about
power. Crazy, expensive projects were
pushed through on the nod. More
spending should also accept that it
means tax rises. He sees this as
such, a bit yield. If the Tories are to deliver the
lower-tax country they promised, it’s
history and strategy. Sunak started as than £300 million was spent buying repairing the basic sobering up of a of a mess hard to see any other way.

NHS trans guidelines are straight from 1984

allison pearson according to the gender with which population, the 52 per cent of the William: “Don’t stress, babe, they’ll
they identify. Baroness Nicholson population who are biologically female be cool with us in the Bahamas. Granny
recently told the Lords that after one must be described as “no longer valid”. follow Allison owns half of it. G&T?”
poor woman was raped by a patient, No trans woman I know would agree Pearson on Twitter Kate: “Please. Make it a triple. Can’t
who identified as female, nurses with that. @AllisonPearson believe we went scuba diving with
solemnly informed police that the This week in Afghanistan, girls were reaD more at sharks for a photo op.”
woman could not have been raped distraught to discover that they would William: “At least the sharks were

he author Julia Stephenson because “there was no male there”. not be allowed to return to school. The opinion friendlier than that ghastly MP you sat
reported on Twitter that she was George Orwell anticipated that Taliban have no difficulty identifying a next to.”
filling in the form to renew her sinister dissociation in 1984: “The Party “female” in order to declare her invalid. Kate: “I thought this was supposed to
membership of Putney Lawn Tennis told you to reject the evidence of your Nice company you’re keeping, Putney be a charm offensive. Well, we’re
Club and was taken aback to discover eyes and ears. It was their final, most Lawn Tennis Club. charming and they’re offensive. And
that she could no longer tick the essential command.” the humidity, darling! I’m using
correct box in the Sex section. Ideological idiocy from the Socialist Those poor Cambridges. What hair-straighteners on the hour every
“Female (no longer valid),” it said.
Instead, Julia was given a choice of
Republic of the NHS comes as no
surprise, but why are once sedate,
 with Ukraine and the cost-of-
living apocalypse, the timing of their
hour just to control the frizz.”
William: “It’ll be over soon, babe.
“Female (including trans woman), Male conservative-with-a-small-c tour of Belize, Jamaica and the Only another 27 changes of clothes.
(including trans man), Non-binary or organisations like Putney Lawn Tennis Bahamas could have been better. Even Somehow, I don’t think we’ll be back.”
Other.” Oh, dear, looks like chaps are Club colluding with this modish Kate’s 300-watt incandescent smile The Cambridges have done the Queen
“no longer valid” in South West erasure of women? Is it because HR dimmed to a 5-watt energy-saving LED proud in her Platinum Jubilee year. No
London either. “No new balls, please!” tick-boxers, councils and the like are when Jamaican prime minister one could have done a better job. It’s
The club claimed it was a “glitch” it only satisfied if you sign up to the new, Andrew Holness basically told the just that times move on. Old colonial
knew nothing about. Julia believes approved language of diversity? I think Royal couple in front of the cameras masters give way to new. In the past 25
managers were fully aware and fobbed we should be told. that the monarch would no longer be years, the UK has provided £66 million
her off in a patronising manner. PLTC Until now, upon hearing such stories, required as head of state. How in debt relief to Jamaica. Since 2005,
did admit they had made “some minor I suspect women will have confined incredibly rude of him. Don’t extend China has spent $2.7 billion in Jamaica
recent amendments to our themselves to a major eye-roll. Sorry, the invitation if you intend to force- and $450 million in the Bahamas.
membership wording to align with ladies; it looks like we are going to have feed your guests humble pie. It’s pretty clear Jamaica is preparing
NHS guidelines”. to, ahem, man the barricades before Imagine the Duke and Duchess to sever its final official ties with the UK.
Why on earth would a tennis club ladies find themselves in the remainder getting back to their hotel suite and We should wish her well. Only, if I were
want to incorporate NHS guidelines bin with the mismatched pop socks. hitting the mini-bar: them, I’d worry that Xi Jinping will be a
which have given us Annex B? That The righteous Left appear to be Kate: “HONESTLY! I even wore a lot less gracious than our royals. Scuba
dubious policy allows hospital patients arguing that, to be “fair” towards dress the colour of their flag. I HATE diving with sharks is not for the
to be placed on single-sex wards considerably less than 1 per cent of the yellow!” faint-hearted.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 17

Letters to the Editor

With his Spring Statement, the Chancellor torpedoed his credentials as a true Conservative
sir – With his Spring Statement sir – After a pandemic and a war, what some as “congratulatory”. I saw it more (the higher the rate, the bigger their
(report, March 24), Rishi Sunak has else can people expect but a fall in as: “Know your place.” apparent – but surely unreal – benefit)?
demonstrated that he is not a living standards? The reverse would be Gerry Doyle By that logic, what hope for Mr Sunak?
Conservative. a miracle. Liverpool John Kidd
He can wave goodbye to becoming Pauline Coleman Surfers Paradise, Queensland,
Prime Minister. Painswick, Gloucestershire sir – For pensioners, the Spring Australia
Sandy Pratt Statement was abysmal. Increasing
established 1855 Storrington, West Sussex sir – The Government funded food costs, rocketing fuel costs – and sir – Yesterday we heard the BBC’s
furlough for millions of workers, at not a bean for them. After scrapping Mishal Husain interview the
sir – I am puzzled that the Office for huge expense, for more than a year. the triple lock for this year, Mr Sunak Chancellor on his Spring Statement.

What does the Tory

Budget Responsibility says we will face The national debt is vast and really ought to have come up with She pressed him quite hard on
the largest drop in living standards inflation has rocketed, yet the something. cost-of-living pressures and social
since 1956. Chancellor’s attempts to help families The bribe of a 1p cut in income tax issues. The question she notably failed
At one point during the late 1960s on low incomes have received no just before the election will be of little to ask was: “What about defence?”

Party stand for? and 1970s inflation reached 27 per cent

and interest rates were 15 per cent,
while wages were far from “keeping
support from the opposition parties (or
the BBC in its news coverage).
When will these groups understand
use to him when angry pensioners
recall how he has failed them.
John Roberts
This despite the preceding feature
being General Sir Richard Shirreff
saying Britain is woefully under-
up”. I had only recently started work, that managing the economy today Bradford, West Yorkshire equipped to deter Russian aggression.

so remember it well. must involve some hardships in the Andy H Lyons
ishi Sunak’s Spring Statement has not Roderick Connor short term, in order to prevent sir – Mr Sunak announced his surely Sherborne, Dorset
benefited from closer examination. Many Reading, Berkshire disastrous consequences in the future? commendable intention to reduce by
have pointed out that the Chancellor’s Mark Davies one penny the standard rate of income sir – At 9.45am on Wednesday
attempt to pose as a tax-cutter lacks credibility sir – If those in need of government Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire tax. Yet you report (March 24) morning, at my local filling station,
given that the tax burden is forecast to rise to assistance are “the hard-working warnings of miserable consequences petrol was 167.9p a litre. At 8am on
near-record highs over this Parliament. Even families”, I wonder what we should call sir – Your photograph (March 24) of for pension savers, due to a reduction Thursday morning it was 164.9p a litre.
those who pay all the tax to cover it. Boris Johnson squeezing the in contributions tax relief. What happened to the other 2p?
leaving aside the ill-judged rise in National Toby Gunter Chancellor’s arm after his Spring Should the Chancellor therefore Martin Parker
Insurance contributions, the promise of a 1p cut to Andover, Hampshire Statement speech was described by raise tax rates to benefit pension savers Baxenden, Lancashire
the basic rate of income tax in 2024 will hardly
help when the Treasury is freezing income tax
thresholds now.
We accept letters
by post, fax and The stare police Chasing the DVLA
Yet the incoherence extends well beyond tax. Mr email only. Please
include name, sir – On the Tube on Tuesday I saw sir – I can go online and input a vehicle
Sunak made a great play of his view that there are address, work and one of Sadiq Khan’s “anti-staring” registration and instantly see the MOT
limits to what the state can do, and is planning to home telephone posters, warning that “intrusive and road-tax status of the vehicle.
counteract only a small proportion of the cost of numbers. staring of a sexual nature is sexual Similarly I can go to the government
living tsunami crashing into household finances. harassment and is not tolerated”. portal and see various details about my
Rhetorically, he speaks like a Thatcherite. 111 Buckingham It’s not explained on this poster how tax and state pension status.
However, the Government’s actions will result in Palace Road, individuals’ intentions may be Why does a similar system not exist
London ascertained by passing strangers, nor to see the status of my driving licence
the size of the state increasing considerably, SW1W 0DT is the word “staring” defined. But it (Letters, March 24)?
notably through a large injection of funds into the does, worryingly, direct passengers to Even if the DVLA has not fully
NHS and the assumption of extra responsibilities fax snitch on one another whenever they processed an application, surely a
for social care. There has been little attempt to 020 7931 2878 “see or experience it on public portal could show that it had been
unwind the cultural shift towards dependency that transport” and to “text what, where received and was in order, so that one

was accelerated by the pandemic, and which email and when” to a given number. could drive legally under Section 88 of
appears to have become particularly embedded in dtletters@ This is surely a mistake. How can the Road Traffic Act. “stares” be categorised as “intrusive” This would save applicants having to
the public sector. Ministers still talk as if they want when they might be admiring, curious, make repeated attempts to contact the
to throw an arm around the public, to protect them follow distracted or innocent? Who is Mr DVLA by phone, and reduce its
from the hard realities of the world. Telegraph Letters Khan to tell us what’s in our heads, workload.
The question many voters will be asking is: what on Twitter who we can look at, and for how long? Robert Taylor
do the Conservatives actually stand for? Are they @LettersDesk These posters are simply another of Nottingham
still the party of individual ambition, of personal his woke, knee-jerk ideas.
Veronica Timperley Refugee children wait for their flight to Britain at Chopin Airport in Warsaw, Poland sir – I telephoned HMRC this week to
responsibility, and of a smaller, more effective London W1 query a tax bill. It took 45 minutes to
state? Or are they now something else: a more
social democratic party that has embraced soft-Left Ukrainian refugees face absurd British red tape get through. After a few minutes of

economics and “social justice”? Mr Sunak’s Spring Rustat uncancelled conversation with a lady, she said: “I
am really sorry but I have to let my dog
Statement was an opportunity for the Government sir – The Homes for Ukraine scheme the public to offer space in their in”. I was flabbergasted. This total
to answer this question, to start laying the sir – The leaders of Jesus College, is an utter embarrassment to Britain. homes and their willingness to fill in incompetence needs to stop.
Cambridge, have stated that they are We set up a local support network to complicated application forms. It Sarah Trethowan
intellectual groundwork for the next election. “shocked” by the Consistory Court’s welcome refugees here and to must now put enough staff on the Par, Cornwall
Instead, it left behind only confusion. refusal to permit them to remove the surrounding villages, but we can’t visa process to enable refugees to
In the autumn, the Chancellor must elaborate on
his plans to increase the country’s economic
Tobias Rustat memorial from the
chapel (report, March 24), and have
find any under this scheme. The
matching information we gave is not
start coming here. Many have been
living in temporary shelters in Save the Children snub
growth rate, to support households whose declared: “We will now carefully being used. Why? Poland and other neighbouring
disposable incomes are collapsing and to make the consider our next steps.” For those who have matched up, countries for weeks. They are sir – The decision by Save the Children
Many of us alumni hope that those the main problem is that refugee running out of money. to refuse a donation of $1 million
national debt more sustainable. Mr Sunak said little steps do not involve wasting more of the families need help to fill in the It is not good enough for the (£750,000) from the North Sea gas
this week about how that might be achieved: college’s historic resources – so many of lengthy visa form, supply biometrics, Government to come out with company Neptune Energy (report,
Conservatives have long understood that the best them deriving from the generosity of passports, and so on. Often they fled generous sound bites. It must March 23) is staggeringly self-
route to increased prosperity is to empower Rustat himself – in pursuit of a lost cause with just some nappies and a bag of now deliver. indulgent and morally questionable,
companies to grow, and individuals to earn more, inspired by a spiteful cancel culture. food and have no way of doing all John Lane since it betrays the interests of all those
via tax cuts and deregulation. That deficiency must Francis Bown this. They have no money. How will Coulsdon, Surrey needy children whom the charity will
London E3 they travel 1,000 miles to our shores? now be unable to help as a result of
be rectified urgently, or the intellectual chaos into Even when all those hurdles are sir – President Biden does not turning down this substantial sum.
which the Tories have descended will cost the
country dear. Monolithic meal overcome, we need to be vetted and
our homes inspected.
represent Nato as a whole and his
refusal to facilitate Polish jets going
Neptune’s business is in no way
ethically dubious. Indeed, North Sea
We are failing Ukrainians with our to Ukraine should not prevent gas is recognised as a relatively clean

Nato must stand firm

sir – At boarding school in the 1950s, a absurd red tape and lack of ambition, other countries from coming to energy resource that even
particularly disappointing dish was when other European nations like Ukraine’s aid in its hour of environmental zealots concede will be
produced at regular intervals (Letters, Poland are stepping up. This is an desperate need. needed for many years to facilitate the
March 24). emergency. People need help now, Britain already provides anti-tank transition to net zero.
A large salver piled high with what yet the Home Office is treating it like weapons, which have proved

The Save the Children decision
ne of the more positive developments to looked like lamb appeared for each a non-urgent situation, and 150,000 successful in the ground war but do amounts to no more than vacuous
arise from Vladimir Putin’s brutal invasion table of 12. When this was returned to places for the needy are going not prevent Russian artillery and air virtue-signalling.
the kitchen it looked exactly the same begging in a time of crisis. power from laying waste towns and I for one will never donate to the
of Ukraine is the reinvigoration of Nato. size as before, since only the modicum Tom McKenzie cities, targeting civilian populations, charity again, since if it can airily turn
After the end of the Cold War, it was widely seen to of lamb attached to the bones had been Stonegate, East Sussex and committing war crimes. Ukraine down such a large donation it
be an alliance lacking a purpose, although it did eaten. We called it Stonehenge. desperately needs fighter jets to obviously does not need my money.
come to the aid of the US following the 9/11 attacks. Julia Tingle sir – The Government has not defend its population, and Britain, as Nigel Henson
The threat posed by Russia was deemed to have East Chiltington, Sussex provided a service to match up the mother of parliaments, should Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
faded, and recent Nato summits were preoccupied Ukrainian refugees and British set an example by being the first
with arguments over the failure of certain
sir – At boarding school many years
ago we looked forward to “Burial
sponsors. I suspect it hoped this
would slow down or limit the
country to step up and encourage
others to follow suit. Trans athletes
members to spend enough on defence. Mound” for breakfast once a week. number of applications. Fortunately Vladimir Putin must be stopped
No longer. Yesterday’s emergency summit in It comprised leftovers from Sunday there are many people living in from slaughtering Ukraine’s men, sir – Why does it seem to be only trans
Brussels resulted in a robust statement lunch made into huge mound-shaped Britain with connections to Ukraine women and children. The free women who compete in sport
condemning the Kremlin and warning China not to omelettes and would be taken in who have been able to help match world must act now to prevent (“Governor refuses to recognise trans
help the Russians. Nato members have provided procession to the table. Delicious. sponsors with refugees. another Aleppo. swimmer’s title”, report, March 24)?
Margaret Clark Our Government has Michael Fabb Jim Alloway
arms to Kyiv that have served to deny Putin an easy Salisbury, Wiltshire underestimated the generosity of Chobham, Surrey Steyning, West Sussex
victory. The alliance’s eastern flank has been
reinforced with extra troops.
Nevertheless, this crisis has exposed Nato’s

Russian Orthodox Church has blood on its hands

weaknesses, as well as its strengths. The US is
clearly less committed to the defence of Europe
than it once was, while members can no longer
rely on the US president to be capable of leading
the free world. Shows of unity mask wide
differences in attitudes even to financial sanctions, institutions he has headed. This Isil in the Middle East, who have also Church, as profoundly un-Orthodox,
while there is scepticism that Germany will end its Moscow’s Patriarch has supposed connection is significant for justified killing by claiming to be un-Christian and against humanity.”
self-indulgent complacency on military spending. twisted the Christian faith Ukrainians, who remember the
persecutions of the Soviet Union.
protecting what they hold dear from
Western assault.
One of the premises for such
condemnation is the charge that the
Ukraine is not a member, so it is reasonable that into the nationalist I have closely followed the Of particular interest to Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church is guilty of
Nato has not intervened directly in the conflict,
especially given Russia’s threats of nuclear ideology beloved of Putin Patriarch’s work in Moscow and seen
how the Orthodox Church’s religious
Putin has been the role of the church
in attempting to create and
“phyletism”, which can be translated
as “tribalism”. This was rejected as a
retaliation. However, the central question remains ideology was designed. The original strengthen a brand of Russian heretical doctrine by a council of the
whether, if Putin did expand his war and attack a cyril hovorun intention was for it to be an nationalism that can command the Orthodox Church in 1872, a decision
Nato country, the rest of the alliance would instrument for the re-evangelisation loyalty of adherents from beyond the which effectively declared that both
of the Russian people after the borders of today’s Russian the structure and the idea of the
respond as one. This doctrine is a crucial pillar of period of militant atheism under Federation. The president’s church must be kept separate from
the West’s defence. We can only hope that our Communist rule, filling the void of understanding of “Greater Russia” the sort of extreme nationalism we are
leaders have done enough to convince our enemies meaning left by the collapse of the – which, to his mind, includes seeing in Russia.
that it still stands. ruling political creed. Ukraine – is built not just on history The clash, therefore, is not

he formula of the war in However, this ideology has taken and ethnicity but on a shared church, between Russian “traditional values”

Suburban shark’s tale

Ukraine is simple: war equals on a life of its own. In time, the too, no matter how warped the tenets and Western “godlessness”, as
guns, plus ideas. The guns are Russian people have adopted a sort of of its original faith have become. claimed by Patriarch Kirill – but
provided by the Kremlin, but the ideas cultural Christianity, which does not The reality is that the ideology between brutality and civilisation. It
do not stem from Kremlin-affiliated even require them to believe in God. invoked by Patriarch Kirill and his is a clash between totalitarian
think tanks. The Russian political Such Christianity has been confederates is really a distortion of autocracy and democracy.

xford may be known as the city of dreaming leadership has borrowed them from manipulated by the Kremlin to create Orthodox Christianity, despite its Ukraine is at the forefront of this
the Russian Orthodox Church. narratives that incite Russians to claims to protect it, and should be clash. What the Ukrainians stand and
spires, but it’s no thanks to Bill Heine. The The leader of this church, Patriarch support the aggression as they look condemned as heretical. spill their blood for are Western values.
late Mr Heine was responsible for the Kirill, is far more than just a religious to the church for a national identity This in particular is the point of A These values, which include solidarity,
Headington shark, a lifesize fibreglass sculpture leader. He is the architect of the rather than faith. Declaration on the “Russian World” justice and accountability, are not only
embedded in the roof of a suburban terrace. It was Russian worldview which has been Within the Russian Orthodox (Russkii mir) Teaching recently political, but also spiritual. They are all
just around the corner from another of Mr Heine’s framing the conflict in Ukraine – my Church itself, this has taken on a signed by many Orthodox scholars, a genuine part of the Christian
projects, a cinema called Not The Moulin Rouge, home country – since it began in 2014. more intense and dangerous form. A as well as theologians from other tradition, which both President Putin
Kirill has been no stranger to majority within the church either Christian traditions. In this and Patriarch Kirill claim to protect,
easy to spot from the giant can-can dancer’s legs controversy in his time as patriarch. but in effect damage and destroy.
actively or passively support the war document, theologians explicitly
he’d had sculpted onto the roof. Councillors have First, he was accused of profiting from in Ukraine, perceiving it as “sacred” condemned the ideology of the
decided that the shark deserves special heritage the privilege granted to the Church in and a form of self-protection against church hierarchy as inconsistent Dr Cyril Hovorun is a professor of
status, a decision lamented by Mr Heine’s son, Dr the mid-1990s to import cigarettes the imagined imposition of “Western with the broader Eastern Christian ecclesiology at Sankt Ignatios College,
Magnus Hanson-Heine. He observed that this is duty-free, but it was never proven. In values”. Russian propaganda Orthodox tradition: “We reject the Sweden
“exactly the opposite of the point” of the sculpture, 2012, he was accused of wearing a presents these values as promoting ‘Russian world’ heresy and the
Swiss Breguet watch worth over sexual minorities, destroying shameful actions of the Government
originally erected in protest at council planning
£20,000. According to material in the families, and generally propagating of Russia in unleashing war against
policies. This is one of the problems of an Soviet Archives, he was once an active “immorality”. Such a perception Ukraine which flows from this vile follow Cyril Hovorun on Twitter
increasingly permissive age: it is getting ever officer of the KGB, though, if true, has might be seen as little different from, and indefensible teaching with the @cyril_hovorun; read more at
harder to be a rebel. also engaged in their removal from for example, that held by members of connivance of the Russian Orthodox
18 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Puzzles, Mind Games & Telegraph Toughie

The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 19

Charlotte LYTTON p.20

Judith WOODS p.21

Eleanor STEAFEL p.22

& Arts
Robbie COLLIN p.23

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrive for a dinner hosted by Patrick Allen, Governor General of Jamaica, at King’s House, Kingston

Can anyone save the Commonwealth?

Awkward moments during the Cambridges’ tour of the Caribbean show how attitudes may be shifting, says Harry Mount

he optics of the royal tour of the between the Commonwealth of Nations Australia held a referendum on “It is a great pity about the Caribbean
Caribbean have not been great. – 54 member states, mostly former whether to become a republic – tour,” Vickers adds. “Usually when the
Though they were bursting with British Empire colonies, known as the monarchists won by 55 per cent to 45 young royals go on these tours – in
goodwill, the Duke and Duchess of Commonwealth – and the per cent, although the debate is still places like Australia – it is a great
Cambridge looked more than a little Commonwealth realms. Membership of bubbling away today. In Canada, in success. I am sorry if this isn’t.”
awkward as they “shook their waists the Commonwealth, originally created 2012, the Liberal Party (now in power Should Jamaica and its fellow realms
like nobody’s business” and played the as the British Commonwealth of under Justin Trudeau) debated a reconsider the urge to cut those
drums in Belize and Jamaica. Nations in 1926 and formalised in 1931, motion over becoming a republic, long-held familial ties, it could be a wise
The royals’ visit has coincided with a is voluntary. The Queen is the head of which was rejected by 67 per cent to 33 move. The Commonwealth still remains
swelling wave of republicanism in the the Commonwealth and, in 2018, the per cent. Then again, just nine years a valuable source of “soft power” for its
Caribbean. First, farmers in Belize, Commonwealth Heads of Government later, a 2021 survey showed just 22 per members. For one thing, it includes
protesting about land rights, stopped Meeting appointed Prince Charles as cent of Canadians want Prince Charles almost a third of the world’s population,
the couple’s first appointment. Then, her eventual successor. as their head of state. about 2.6 billion people.
when the Cambridges got to Jamaica, Within this group, there is a further Before Barbados cut the cord with Membership is sometimes
Prime Minister Andrew Holness made it demarcation. Fifteen member states the Queen last November, it was a full complicated due to other political
plain that the country’s true ambitions still consider the Queen their head of 30 years since the last country removed concerns. When Robert Mugabe was
are “as an independent, developed, state – including the United Kingdom her as head of state: Mauritius, in 1992. president, Zimbabwe left the
prosperous country”. and Jamaica. These are known as the Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Commonwealth in 2003, only to
Prince William did his best to fend off Commonwealth realms. The remaining Dominica became republics in the reapply in 2018 after he was ousted in a
anti-colonialist attacks in his Jamaica Commonwealth members don’t have 1970s, while Fiji went solo in 1987. coup (a decision hasn’t yet been
speech, expressing his “profound the Queen as head of state: 34 are In stark contrast are those realms reached). South Africa pulled out in
sorrow” for slavery which “should republics, and the last five have where the monarchy remains 1961, amid criticism of apartheid from
never have happened”. different monarchs. Adding to the extremely popular. Papua New Guinea, the other member states, and then
But was it too little too late? Is the potential for confusion, not all for example, despite being 9,000 miles rejoined in 1994. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s
monarchy rapidly becoming an for the Queen, and some deference The Queen in the British Virgin Islands in Commonwealth member states are away from the UK, is one of the least membership was suspended in 1999
anachronism in the Caribbean and towards Charles. Yet some have gone as 1977, above; a protester in Jamaica urges former British colonies either. Rwanda likely to become a republic. The Queen after a coup; it was allowed back four
elsewhere in the Commonwealth? And far as to suggest that ‘Megxit’ – and the the royals to apologise for slavery became a member in 2009, is essentially an elected monarch there: and a half years later. And the Maldives
will the Commonwealth itself soon be a Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s claims Mozambique in 1995; both were after the country gained independence left in 2016, over its human rights
thing of the past – not just when the about racism in the Royal family – have Canada or Australia since August 1962, formerly governed by Belgium. from Australia in 1975, it appointed the record, but was readmitted in 2020.
Queen sadly goes, but even before that, affected Jamaica’s attitudes. when it became a free, autonomous Perhaps inevitably, Commonwealth Queen head of state. Perhaps all that the current royal tour
as more countries follow Barbados and Certainly, the behaviour of Lisa democracy. It could have opted for a realms are more closely linked to the Moreover, as Hugo Vickers, shows is that we are at one of those
remove her as head of state? Hanna, a former Miss World, now a presidential system back then, but it UK than those other countries. The biographer of Queen Mary, the Duchess periodic lows in the cycle of the
“I definitely think that the politician with the People’s National was the Jamaicans themselves – not the Privy Council still hears judicial of Windsor and the Queen Mother, Commonwealth’s popularity. That the
Commonwealth is in decline,” says royal Party, who wants the country to British government, let alone the Queen appeals from these seven: Antigua and notes: “Some countries are keen to join future Charles III was chosen as its next
biographer Anna Pasternak, author of “become free from the monarchy”, – who specifically chose to retain her as Barbuda; the Bahamas; Saint Vincent the Commonwealth – but it head shows that a royal chief remains a
Untitled: The Real Wallis Simpson, was the cause of an especially awkward head of state, not least as a bulwark and the Grenadines; Grenada; needs some oomph put into it.” popular idea, given there is no rule that
Duchess of Windsor. “When you reflect moment, when she appeared to turn against overmighty politicians.” Jamaica; Saint Lucia; and He expects a “bounce” this the head of the Commonwealth has to
on the tours the Queen and Prince her back on the Duchess during a The Queen’s view, Hardman summer, when the be the monarch.
Philip undertook so dutifully, the whole formal welcome ceremony at Kingston suggests, will be “that if it is the settled Commonwealth Games are It is possible to maintain that
world has since changed.” Airport on Tuesday. Yesterday, she will of the people to ditch the Crown, held in Birmingham. umbilical link between the monarchy
She adds: “Once the Queen is gone, I made clear that she did not snub the then that is their choice. But some of However, he expresses and the Commonwealth. But few would
suspect the Commonwealth will be Duchess, but added: “The evils of this week’s angry social media a certain frustration argue against a need for the monarch
finished. This Caribbean tour seemed slavery cannot be forgotten. Nor can the depictions of the Royal family as an with recent attempts and their advisers to establish a modern
patronising and outdated. Kate and wealth gained from it by a few.” imperial throwback clinging to power to keep the ship and delicate balancing act – to maintain
William dancing and drum-beating was But the future needn’t be bleak for are nonsense. Jamaica could have steady. the Commonwealth as a club of equals,
excruciating. I don’t think that the the monarchy and Commonwealth if changed its constitution anytime – like Tuvalu. Giving “The Queen rather than giving the impression of a
Cambridges can turn it around, because the Royal family play their cards deftly. Trinidad did in 1976 – but chose not to. up the Queen as called the top-down set of former colonies.
a thirtysomething apologising for “I think what this tour has shown is “Writing my new book, I found head of state Commonwealth ‘a
slavery just doesn’t land well. widespread misunderstandings about references to a Jamaican referendum on wouldn’t family of nations’, Harry Mount is author of ‘How
“Charles had a better time in the role of the Commonwealth, and the this as far back as 1975, but there was necessarily end and the holding England Made the English: From Why
Barbados because the older generation role of the monarchy,” says royal simply no great public appetite. And it that jurisdiction. together of it has been We Drive on the Left to Why We Don’t
have more gravitas and he displayed a biographer Robert Hardman, author of will make no difference to Jamaica’s But, even if one of her great Talk to Our Neighbours’ (Penguin, £9.99).
certain humility, whereas Kate and a new book, Queen of Our Times: The future membership of the Jamaica does remove achievements,” he says. Buy now at or
William came across as too try-hard, Life of Elizabeth II. “We hear Jamaican Commonwealth, which is a voluntary the Queen as head of “Funnily enough, the call 0844 871 1514
like awkward guests at a party.” politicians and commentators talk club. India, for example, is a member, state, should we assume the Sussexes, had they not had their
Jamaica may well be the next country about the need for Jamaica to be ‘fully and the Crown has zero influence over 14 other realms would do the own agenda, could have done a Now turn over to discover the
to remove the Queen as head of state. independent’ – yet it already is. It has India.” Part of the issue is that few same? It’s by no means a superb job with this. But it was history of the jewels worn by Kate
Yet Jamaicans still have a lot of affection been as independent as the UK or understand the clear distinction foregone conclusion. In 1999, not enough for them. on this Caribbean tour
20 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Features & Arts

Angel has been

given a life
sentence… her
attacker hasn’t amount. Last year, the police recorded
1.5 million domestic abuse-related
incidents in England and Wales –
almost 20 per cent of all offences
recorded by police. Given that fewer
than a fifth of women are said to report
their partner’s abuse, the actual
number of incidents is bound to be
significantly higher. Lockdown
darkened the landscape for many
The mother of a kidnap victim who suffered behind closed doors: calls to the
National Domestic Abuse helpline

catastrophic injuries tells Charlotte Lytton were up 60 per cent on the previous
year, with nearly a quarter from
women experiencing physical
of her daily struggles – and fight for justice violence. Almost a fifth said their
abuser had threatened to kill them.

picture of Angel Lynn has been Bowskill’s original sentence –
circulating in recent months, of factoring in early release, and his time
the then-19 year old smiling, a spent on remand – could have seen
striking beauty with her blonde hair him walk free in June 2024, having
against a multicoloured wall. Since served just three years. Leniency after
September 2020, the Lynn family have such a horrific crime provided a
been living an alternative reality, left turning point for the Lynns who,
with a very different Angel, who can emboldened by the public outcry,

no longer eat, speak or walk. pushed on with their appeal.

After being kidnapped by her So for the family this latest ruling
boyfriend, bundled into his transit van gives them some satisfaction. There
and falling from the back of it as it were whoops of sheer relief from the
drove down the A6 at 60mph, Angel, Lynns in court on Wednesday, with
now 21, sustained injuries so Bowskill’s original sentence ruled as
catastrophic, she will require full-time “unduly lenient”, and one which
medical care for the rest of her life. “failed to reflect the seriousness” of
Many had been appalled by CCTV what Angel has endured.
footage showing Angel walking away Bowskill’s age, and has now been Beautiful: Angel Lynn, who was abducted machines, “constant physio… the list start,” says Nikki, though at the time “No sentence can repair the damage
from an argument with Chay Bowskill, increased to 12. But nonetheless, (right). Left, her parents Patrick and Nikki goes on,” Nikki says. They have “no she resolved to give him the benefit of caused by the cowardly actions of
her then boyfriend, before he is seen Bowskill has got off lightly: “Angel’s idea” what the final sum might be. the doubt. Then, a few months after Bowskill,” said solicitor general Alex
snatching her from the side of the road got a life sentence now. But he hasn’t.” had counselling. “It affects the whole They are determined to do it, the relationship began, lockdown hit Chalk QC, who referred the case for
and running to a parked van on the Devastated doesn’t even begin to family. Nieces and nephews are though, not least because Angel can – “so we didn’t really see him.” appeal. “But I welcome the decision of
other side of the street, driven by his describe how the family feels. suffering as well,” Nikki, 47, says. understand what they say and now Angel typically stayed at Bowskill’s the court to increase the punishment
accomplice, Rocco Sansome. After Speaking to The Telegraph, Nikki Wednesday’s High Court victory has squeezes her family’s hands in mother’s house. In court, Nikki heard for his crimes.”
they sped off, and Angel fell, she was shares how the family is still coming to at least brought an end to the Lynn response to questions. “When we that Angel’s friends had seen the Nikki hopes Angel’s case will at least
discovered by members of the public terms with how much Angel, who now family’s legal battles. But they are still asked her if she wanted to come home, bruises Bowskill had inflicted, the prove a cautionary tale for other
on the A6, before paramedics arrived. lives in a specialist rehab facility, has fighting on another front: to bring I can’t tell you how hard she squeezed.” kidnap was “the culmination of a parents; she “will be watching
The prosecution claimed that Angel changed. “It’s been really tough for Angel home. It’s unthinkable, what has become of pattern of abuse” she suffered at his everybody [10-year-old Kelsie] meets”
had been pushed or thrown from the everybody,” Nikki says, especially the In the last few weeks, Angel has Angel’s life. “Before this happened, hands, Dame Victoria Sharp, president to ensure history never repeats itself.
van, though failed to prove this. youngest of her six children, nine- been able to move a thumb or hand, Angel was lovely; so outgoing, lots of of the Queen’s Bench Division, said on “If you see any signs of any control,
On Wednesday, 20-year-old year-old Jimmy, who has special needs. but she requires extensive round-the- friends, really bubbly, and just really Wednesday. just get away,” she urges those with a
Bowskill’s sentence was almost A year and a half since his elder clock treatment and equipment, which kind and caring,” her mother says. “She Along with kidnap and coercive and coercive partner. “The sooner you get
doubled at the Court of Appeal – a sister moved into a specialist rehab necessitates building an extension to did care about everybody.” When controlling behaviour, Bowskill was some help, you can get out of it.”
decision that has left Angel’s mother facility, “it’s taken all this time to the Lynns’ house in Loughborough, as Angel met Bowskill two years ago, she charged with perverting the course of She is desperate for parents and
Nikki “over the moon”. accept Angel as she is now”. When they well as staff on-hand to look after her. was studying public services at college justice, after pressuring his mother to relatives to speak out, too. “Don’t just
“When the judges went out, I didn’t used to visit, “he’d say, ‘take her back, They have set up a GoFundMe page – she was particularly interested in withdraw a police statement detailing sit back, do something about it,” she
think that it was going to come back in take her back’, because he’s not used to with a £250,000 target, but have been forensics. “Then it all changed,” her how he treated Angel. pleads. “Just stand up and say
our favour,” she says of the verdict, seeing her like that, so I think that told “that won’t even touch the sides of mother says. College fell by the The Bowskill case coincides with a something, because otherwise you
speaking to us from the car on her way frightened him. He didn’t understand what Angel’s going to need”, which wayside, as what they now know was worrying rise in similar crimes. While could end up where Angel is.”
home from court. The original why she’d changed.” includes a walk-in wet room, an extra Bowskill’s coercive control began. domestic abuse-related crimes
sentence was seven and a half years in His sister Kelsie, 10, has also struggled bedroom for carers to sleep overnight, The Lynns had been warned about increased last year by 6 per cent, the
a young offenders’ institution, due to to adapt to Angel’s altered state, and has a specialist chair and hoists, suction Bowskill. “We didn’t like him from the CPS charging rate fell by the same recovery

Why Kate has the Queen’s most

important hand-me-down bling
The Duchess’s jewels are
symbols of her senior role
representing Her Majesty,
says Tamara Abraham

f there is one thing that the royals
do well, it is jewellery. It’s no
wonder, with their vaults of
treasures, either inherited, received
as tokens of affection or as
diplomatic gifts.

But these family heirlooms are

about so much more than dazzling
fellow guests at a formal event.
Jewellery has long been used to
telegraph status and achievement – as
it did this week when the Duchess of
Cambridge attended a black-tie dinner
hosted by Patrick Allen, Governor 20 04 2022
General of Jamaica, in Kingston on
their tour of the Caribbean to mark the
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Bling cycle: Emerald Tassel earrings worn surrounded by diamonds and topped
Everything Kate was wearing that by the Queen and Duchess of Cambridge with a Tudor crown. It is only given to
evening with her bespoke version of female members of the Royal Family
Jenny Packham’s glitter tulle
“Wonder” gown served as a
Kate wearing them and has also been worn by the Queen
Mother, Princess Margaret and Diana,
semaphore for her role as the Queen’s
representative on this tour.
isn’t necessarily an Princess of Wales.
The GCVO Star (Grand Cross
Her diamond and emerald earrings indication of favouritism Victorian Order) pinned at Kate’s waist
and bracelet were on loan from Her
Majesty, and that in itself is interesting or even fondness recognises distinguished personal
service to the monarch of the
as Kate is the only other member of the Commonwealth – a sensitive issue
Royal family other than the Queen to Emirates, because she was first seen in throughout the Cambridges’ tour of
wear them. They form part of the it a 1989 dinner during Sheikh Zayed the Caribbean, given that Jamaica
Emerald Tassel Parure Collection, bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s visit to the intends to follow the lead of Barbados
which also includes a necklace and at United Kingdom, and she typically in becoming a republic.
least one ring. wears jewellery gifted to her by a The Royal Victorian Order was
Kate wearing them isn’t country when they return. Its established by Queen Victoria in 1896,
necessarily an indication of contemporary design is also and was awarded to Kate by the Queen
favouritism or even considered typical of on her eighth wedding anniversary in
fondness, explains writer jewellery commissioned by 2019, along with the title Dame Grand
and historian Lauren Middle Eastern royalty. Cross. The Countess of Wessex and
Kiehna, of The Court The Queen went on to Duchess of Cornwall have also
Jeweller blog. “Loans like wear pieces from the received the same honour.
this one shouldn’t be seen Emerald Tassel set on four As the wife of our future king, Kate
in terms of grandmotherly further occasions, most was always going to play an important
sentiment, but instead as a recently in 2012 at the Order role within the Royal Family, but her
sign of institutional trust,” of the Thistle Service in broad appeal has made her even more
she says. “The Queen trusts Edinburgh. She was also pivotal. We only see visual
the Duke and Duchess of pictured in it a year earlier representation of this at formal white
Cambridge to represent the at a dinner for then-US tie or State occasions though, when
Monarchy abroad, and President Barack Obama tradition dictates that guests wear such
jewellery loans like this one are and his wife Michelle in London, honours.
part of that trust, given to help Kate as well as for a royal gala in Cardiff Much attention is paid to Kate’s
wear the appropriate ‘uniform’ for the in 2004, and at a G7 banquet in 1991. style, but these jewels serve as a
occasion. The Queen has also lent Kate’s badges form part of this reminder that she’s so much more than
important jewels to other royals “diplomatic uniform”, too. The a likeable figure with a designer
representing her on tours and visits, medallion on yellow silk, left, pinned wardrobe and a vault’s worth of
including the Countess of Wessex.” to the left shoulder of her gown, is the diamonds to play dress-up.
The provenance of this particular Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth She is also a woman dedicated to her
set is unknown, although several royal II and conveys her seniority within work as a representative of her Queen
jewellery experts believe that it was a The Firm. It features a miniature and country.
gift to the Queen from the United Arab portrait of the Queen in her youth She’s the future of the Monarchy.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 21

Judith Woods
Sunak the forecourt jester isn’t fooling anyone This is not the
day for leaving
your mother
alone... trust me
he puppy! Fetch that puppy,
pronto! If ever a Chancellor of
the Exchequer needed an
emergency photo-op with Little Nova,

his winsome red Labrador, it is now. an I please lobby on behalf of
For our man in No 11 wants to get a midlife mothers everywhere
car-crash photo that’s doing the now that “our day” is fast
rounds out of the public’s mind. approaching? We don’t want
I say car crash, but in case you were personalised socks with prosecco
fooled – as we were, for so, so long motifs. We won’t be deeply moved by a
– the snap of ever-so ’umble Sunak personalised wallet. Nobody on the
cheerily filling up a jaunty red Rio on a planet needs personalised wooden
garage forecourt was nothing more salad servers. We know who we are.
than a publicity stunt to promote his And the names of our children, too, so
Spring Statement, and the great news cancel the jingly-jangly initialled
about fuel duty being cut by 5p a litre. charm necklace, ta.
But it was fake-Kia news. Newbie mothers are exempt,
The car wasn’t his. It belonged to obviously. Somebody has to prop up
some bewildered Sainsbury’s worker, the £1.34 billion industry that is
hijacked for propaganda purposes in Mother’s Day here in the UK.
exchange for a top-up of his tank. To They are allowed to – required to –
be fair, none of us can afford to turn up wallow in gin-fizzy bath bombs, wear
our nose at such largesse in the current scarves embroidered with “to the
cost of living crisis. I’d have hauled out moon and back” mawkishness and
a couple of Jerry cans from the boot if show off bespoke earrings lovingly
they were going to be financed on the crafted from discreetly preserved

Treasury’s dollar. umbilical cord. Nice one, Dad!

In a social media age, image is With a pair of teenagers, I would far
sovereign and the mocking memes prefer my daughters to channel their
online are legion. I particularly like the sentiment, thought and generosity
one where Sunak asks the petrol towards those mothers on the planet
station worker, while paying for “his” who need it more. Need it desperately.
unleaded, if he also sells Fabergé eggs? My personal demands are modest.
Because this time, he ain’t fooling But they have changed with age, so if I
nobody. want to have a lovely Mothers’ Day, I
Here is an ivory-tower politician; need to orchestrate it.
a former hedge-funder married to “What would you like for Mother’s
heiress Akshata Murthy, daughter of Day?” enquires my 13-year-old,
the sixth richest man in India and All image: to promote his 5p fuel duty cut, Rishi Sunak was pictured filling up a family car… that belonged to a supermarket worker. Other photo-ops have since gone viral (below) rhetorically. “Can you guess?” I reply.
reportedly richer than the Queen. “I know, it’s the same as every year.
On his watch, almost nine million
will be worse off. He is ushering in the
This, at a time when about his favourite biscuit, as it will
probably be those $1,000-a-pop ruby
The stand-up Russell Kane riffs on it
beautifully online: “You can tell how
what happened yesterday to Sunak.
The question is how?
You want coffee and one of those little
Cappuccino chocolate bars from M&S
most vertiginous drop in disposable
incomes since records began almost 70
food bank users refuse chocolate Duchess cookies covered in
23-carat gold leaf that come with their
posh someone is by how they use
plurals. If you’re truly working class,
His leadership ambitions are an
open secret, and his team has long
and to be left alone all day until wine
years ago. Yet he insists on pretending potatoes because they own string of freshwater pearls and a you don’t use plurals at all. My dad been helpfully drip-feeding the media o’clock. If we come and bother you, you
to be one of the people. Does he think
we are stupid as well as poor? can’t afford to boil them Baccarat crystal throne.
Coming a day after the boss of
wouldn’t travel 80 miles to get
somewhere, he would travel ‘80 mile’.
curated photos and manicured videos.
But they couldn’t have done a more
will show us your Caesarian scar and
make us listen to our birth stories again.”
Of course, he is technically one of Iceland revealed that food bank users How much you got in your pocket? lamentable job if they’d been covert “Nope. I want the opposite. I want
the people – it’s just that Rishi’s people pass-agg defensiveness. Ouch. But that are “declining potatoes and root veg ‘Five pound’. It’s ‘three metre’. You Operation Save Big Dog entryists, everyone in the same room as me,
went to Winchester, Oxford and wasn’t even the worst of it. Oh no. because they can’t afford the energy to don’t need an ‘s’ – you gotta save it.” working to undermine the Chancellor which never happens any more. No
Stanford School of Business and Yesterday, the Chancellor was asked boil them”, it was tone-deaf. By contrast, the middle class go out at every turn. cards, no flowers, no phones, just
married into enough money to refloat on BBC Breakfast which food he And then, Sunak committed the of their way to fritter plurals The Labrador was good. Full marks daughterly niceness.”
the yachts in the Kremlin kleptocracy. noticed was rising in price in the broadcast equivalent of hara-kiri. By unnecessarily – which is pretty much for that. But this week’s forecourt She looks so horrified, I can’t help
Also, his other people – the useless supermarket as inflation is rocketing way of explanation, Sunak divulged press call was further ruined by him but laugh. All the same, I will
ones at the Treasury who are advising towards 9 per cent. that “we all have different breads in my appearing to not know how endeavour to enforce my new policy.
him so very badly – are obviously When the presenter said for her it house”. Yes, really. contactless payment works, when he Because it’s the one day that I have
struggling (and failing) to control both was crisps, he laughed, and replied: He could have saved his skin by pressed his card to the barcode carte blanche to lay down the law.
the optics and the soundbites. “It’s probably… I think bread, probably randomly mumbling “gluten scanner. And how about the one It’s true I used to long for peace and
As a result, Dishy Rishi is taking a is the thing. The one we buy I’m sure is intolerance” and “sesame allergy” to where a mask-less Sunak served the quiet. My husband would take them
turn for the tetchy, and I’m reminded now about £1.20 and it was about £1, ingratiate himself with the squeezed wrong table in a Wagamama to launch for a dog walk, to the park, or the
of the terrible moment at pick-up time from memory.” middle. Or pointed out that any decent his Eat Out to Help Out scheme? Or cinema, if I was lucky. I would revel in
when the mums realised the handsome Asked what kind of bread, he fried egg and ketchup sarnie the film of him at a school gauchely a precious day away from everyone I
school-gate dad we all fancied shouted replied: “It’s a Hovis kind of seeded absolutely has to be made with sliced telling school pupils he is a “total coke loved most (mothers understand this).
at his kids in the car. thing.” white, which would have gone down addict”, before clarifying he meant Now they are older and becoming
If patriotism is the last resort of the Dear God, no! The Twittersphere well everywhere. Coca-Cola – with all the comic timing fiercely self-sufficient, I love their
scoundrel, then testily saying to a went crazy. The “kind of seeded thing” Instead, he was hoist by his own of Theresa Maybot? noise and bustle. I want them to leave
Today programme presenter, “If I Mr Sunak alludes to is likely Hovis punctuational petard; that tell-tale Truthfully, here in Britain, the their bedrooms to bother me and to be
might just have an opportunity to try Seeded Sensations, a full loaf of which plural. A lot of families eat “several electorate are a forgiving lot. But the at the centre of the laughter and mess
to answer the question, that would be costs £1.75 at Tesco. kinds of bread”, but we call it “bread”. one thing we will not accept is a phony as they bake me a cake. Being left alone
marvellous”, is the very definition of Thank the Lord nobody asked him Because we are normal. trying to sell us a pup. is the very last thing I crave.

We can’t allow our children to be

sacrificed at the altar of excess
f our children weren’t suffering become susceptible to bullying and
enough from the pernicious have low self-esteem. So they seek
after-effects of lockdown, here comfort in food.
comes another hammer blow. It is no small wonder that the
Sir Chris Whitty has warned that isolation and sense of disconnection
their lives could be cut short because in lockdown had such a profound
of a “significant” increase in obesity impact.
rates. Losing weight is never easy. Some
England’s Chief Medical Officer has people find it the greatest challenge
revealed the proportion of youngsters they will ever encounter.
starting school with a weight problem Persuading, cajoling, manoeuvring
has risen by a fifth since the children into eating the right things is
pandemic, something that places one of those uphill, thankless tasks
them at risk of a host of deadly that takes the shine off parenting.
conditions, such as cancers, strokes In recent days, a Welsh couple
and heart attacks, when they reach appeared in court charged with
adulthood. killing their overweight 16-year-old
It’s a shock, but no surprise. daughter by allowing her to become
Repeated confinement, the absence of morbidly obese.
school routines and the emotional It’s an extreme example, but a
stress caused by Covid led to a rise in salutary reminder that being a parent
snack food consumption. brings with it great responsibilities.
Add to that the sedentary nature of This is not about judging, but
lockdown and the fact that delivery offering tangible support; the truth is
companies boomed as we all stayed most of us put on quite a few pounds
indoors, and it made for a perfect during those dark days of reduced
storm. activity and curtailed socialising.
Among four- and five-year-olds Stranded: Being – or even feeling – too fat As adults, we can decide to do
starting primary school, 23 per cent to run isn’t a positive life choice something about our newly acquired
were obese or overweight in 2019/20. muffin tops or not. As parents, we
By 2020/21, that had gone up to 28 per uncomfortable in their own skin. have a duty of care.
cent. Being too fat to run – more saliently, Leading by example is the most
The data for school leavers aged 10 feeling too fat to run – isn’t a positive palatable prospect; if the entire
and 11 indicates a hike from 35.2 per life choice. household is on side, success is more
cent to 41 per cent. It’s a dreadful corollary of the likely.
For society, it is a grave concern. unhealthy choices adults have made It’s bloody hard in a world where
For individuals, it’s an out-and-out for them. high-sugar, high-fat food surrounds
tragedy. At a time when they should be us. But just wringing our hands and
Militant adults can “embrace their rambunctiously playing and testing letting future generations succumb is
curves” all they like and go online to their bodies by climbing things and not an option.
strip off and defiantly tell the world building dens, taking part in sport and We must not allow obesity to
how they love their bigger bodies. pushing themselves to their own become just another burden to be
Maybe they do. limits, these children withdraw. They carried by a traumatised generation of
But overweight children just feel lose confidence among their peers, children.

Want to help? Take a mini-break in Eastern Europe

friend has just about whether or not he After the pandemic put ultimately meant that
returned from a trip should honour his booking, global tourism on pause, someone else somewhere
to Poland. He wasn’t for fear of “getting in the countries and cities reliant else could be given a bed
driving a school minibus way” while war rages in the on visitors urgently need for free.”
packed with mattresses adjoining country. the sort of local cash boost So if you’re thinking of
and clothing and random “I called up the hotel that holidaymakers bring. getting away at Easter, why
items from his basement to there and asked for advice,” “It did feel a bit surreal to not head to Poland,
the Ukrainian border. he says. “They were be wandering about in the Romania or Hungary?
He wasn’t anywhere near adamant I should still sunshine, knowing there Every restaurant meal
the border because he was come, because I would be was absolute turmoil on eaten, every overnight stay
on a minibreak to Wrocław, warmly welcomed and the other side of Poland,” is a concrete way of
visiting the sights and because the very last thing my friend admitted. supporting the economies
enjoying the local nightlife. the countries in Eastern “But the message was that are in turn supporting
Although he planned it Europe want is to be very much that me paying refugees. And all three are
ages ago, he was conflicted abandoned by the West.” the full rate for my bed beautiful this time of year.
22 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Features & Arts

What will become of the oligarchs’ yachties?

The ocean-going
playthings of Russia’s
elite are in danger
of running aground.
By Ed Cumming

here is no more obvious poster
girl for the sanctions against
Russia’s oligarchs than
Scheherazade, the 140m megayacht
allegedly owned by Vladimir Putin. from a Russian owner could spell
With six decks, two helipads, a spa bankruptcy.
complex, billiards room and a Even Russian yacht-owners who
swimming pool, she is a gleaming have not been sanctioned themselves
white symbol of excess, and looms are still struggling to get money out to
over whichever luxurious quay she support their boats. Where owners are
happens to be moored at. Few will not directly sanctioned, there are a


have objected when the Ukrainian variety of other factors that can restrict
president, Volodymyr Zelensky, called yachts’ passage. Bunkering – refuelling
on Italian authorities to impound – boats is becoming more expensive
Scheherazade, currently moored at with the rising price of fuel. One
Marina di Carrara Tuscany. Russian-owned vessel in Norway was
And few tears will have been shed at reportedly refused refuelling, leaving
the reports of Russian-owned its crew stranded. Then there is
superyachts being seized or frozen at insurance. The Lloyd’s Register – not
ports around the world. The oligarch part of Lloyd’s of London– runs the
Alisher Usmanov’s yacht, Dilbar, is said international boat classification
to be stuck in Hamburg, where it was system. If they refuse to provide
being refitted at a shipyard. Its crew certification, the boat cannot set sail.
have been “all but fired”, according to “Yachting globally provides
reports. Roman Abramovich has employment for over a million people,
reportedly sought “safe haven” for his not just on the boats but all the other
yachts, My Solaris and Eclipse, in associated businesses involved,” says
Turkey and Montenegro. Some
disgruntled crew have gone even
grew up in Palma, Mallorca. As a
teenager he would do a “dock walk,”
‘There are crew on Andrew Roch, founder of The Crew
Hunter, a yacht recruitment company.
further. Last month, a Ukrainian crew
member on a Russian-owned vessel in
looking for day jobs on the yachts
moored there. Like many young
the boats – and workers “Everywhere a yacht goes the
communities benefit financially. It’s a
Mallorca was arrested for trying to people, Stott was drawn by sun, in dock – all wondering trillion dollar industry and yacht crew
scuttle the Russian-owned superyacht,
Anastasia, on which he was working.
glamour and hard cash.
“I normally got the jobs that nobody if they’ll get paid’ of all nationalities need to be
supported during this time, despite
But while the owners might lose use wanted, like cleaning the bilge or who they have worked for.”
of an asset, or in extreme cases the going down into the engine room with but at sea, there’s a policy of no drink or Not everyone is convinced that the
asset itself, in the short term those a toothbrush,” he says. “These boats drugs.” industry deserves sympathy. Martin
most inconvenienced by the yacht have to be kept spotless, which can be For Fiona Maureso, senior charter Francis, 80, is a veteran yacht designer
crackdown will be the stewards, difficult in the Caribbean where you’ll broker at Northrop and Johnson, in who has worked on some of the most
engineers, deckhands and chefs who clean the whole boat, then it’ll rain and Nice, yachts make an “easy target”. famous yachts in the world, including
keep these vessels running. Not the you’ll have to do it all over again. But I “Perhaps the governments feel that Motor Yacht A with Philippe Starck.
oligarchs, but their servants. was 17 and being well paid, up to €200 seizing super yachts will assuage some His clients have included several
There is a public image of the Swabs: Aleks Taldykin and David Bradberry salary and started paying the crew a day. I’d do that for a couple of weeks of the public’s thirst for revenge,” she oligarchs on the sanctions list.
“yachties”, crystallised by the popular of Below Deck, main; Amy Johnson, top; from my own pocket. I thank my lucky and then p--- it all away in the bars.” says. “The coverage is sensationalist, “I think it’s scandalous that people
Netflix series Below Deck, as a wild Alisher Usmanov’s yacht Dilbar, above stars that I don’t work for Russians any He’s far from unusual. Most crew but people don’t take into are complaining the crews are going to
world, flowing with booze, drugs and more.” tend to be Brits, Europeans, Americans, consideration the day-to-day running be out of work,” he says. “I worked for
sex, where the antics of the tycoons stuff off the back. We were in the water One crew member on a Russian- South Africans, Australians and Kiwis, of these things. There are crew on the these guys and my justification was
and film stars in the guest cabins are retrieving watches, credit cards, even owned vessel says he was emailed drawn by sun, sea and foreign travel, boats, and workers servicing them in that they were feeding a whole chain of
more than matched by what’s going on a wad of cash. One of our crew dived recently to be informed he was along with healthy tax-free salaries and dock, wondering whether they’re industry craftsmen. But now Putin is
in the crew quarters. with a scuba tank to get things off the unlikely to be paid. There is an omertà generous, sometimes outrageous tips. going to get paid. Then there are the murdering tens of thousands of
“I could write a book about what bottom [of the sea floor].” around superyachts, reinforced by Most will have met the owners only florists and the limo drivers. These people, we’re on the verge of World
I’ve seen,” says one ex-crewman. “I’ve But despite their service, many of strict NDAs. Crew are wary of speaking briefly, or not at all. Many of these boats yachts are businesses that support an War Three, and everyone’s saying:
been on the sundeck when the charter this faithful retinue find themselves to the press, especially at such a are run as charters, let for sums that can awful lot of normal people. It’s a big ‘What about my job?’ It’s indecent.”
guest was with two prostitutes while without a job. “This industry is going fraught time. “The owner wants to run to hundreds of thousands of pounds network. There will be hundreds of Over the coming weeks, thousands
his wife was sleeping downstairs. I was to hurt,” says the crewman. “The keep his crew and pay them, but he per week. But while alcoholic mayhem people out of work, at least.” of yacht crew, from St Maarten to the
keeping watch. Another time, we were market will be flooded by yachties can’t,” he says. “I don’t blame him.” may rule when boats are in dock, at sea For the shipyards which build these Maldives, are likely to find themselves
in Ibiza and the owner’s wife came with no jobs. It was hard getting paid For ex-crew, it’s easier to be frank. it’s a different matter. “The boats I’ve yachts, a single commission can mean no longer working for Russians. They
aboard after he had been out all night by Russians at the best of times. On my Max Stott now works as the news been on have always been run very the difference between survival and may not be thanking their lucky stars,
clubbing and started throwing all his last boat I went six months behind on editor for Superyacht News, but he professionally. On land, anything goes, failure. One defaulted commission but perhaps they ought to be.

Friday Night Dinner

Eleanor Steafel
Quality smoked English found its way into all sorts this week the fresh stuff isn’t yet in season. A bag
bacon can be a cure-all in – a really good carbonara with lots of
egg yolk, black pepper and parmesan;
of frozen broad beans and some failsafe
petit pois came to the rescue for this
a wealth of delicious dishes, a sort of winter to spring transitional dish. I’ve made a version of this before
for a dusky, crispy treat salad (yep, I’m coining “Transitional
Salad” now, it’s a thing) with chicory,
using pasta rather than potatoes,
cooking short macaroni or rigatoni in

n the butcher’s last Sunday my eye little gem, peas, asparagus and blue the liquor. This time, I fancied a couple
was caught by a hunk of smoked cheese. Tonight it’s finding its way into of cubed, waxy potatoes. They absorb
bacon. It had a thick rind, plenty of this soupy, stewy little one-pot dish. some liquid but not too much – use
creamy fat and marbled meat roughly Fry the bacon first so that the onion something like a Charlotte potato and
the colour of Farrow and Ball Red gets a chance to sweat in the smoked the chunks will retain their shape.
Earth. I’m normally a bit lazy with bacon fat. Then you can either top the Plenty of lemon juice and zest is key,
bacon and just buy slices for finished dish with the slices of bacon, and I like finishing it with a spoonful of
sandwiches and little supermarket or if you prefer you can shred and stir something creamy. Mascarpone was
packets of pancetta or lardons for them through at the end, or even what I had (leftover from a tiramisu last
pastas and stews. But I couldn’t resist re-crisp them in a pan and sprinkle on weekend) but you could use ricotta,
buying a great slab of English smoked top like a little bacon crumb. full-fat crème fraîche or sour cream, if
bacon. I’m glad I did, because it’s Frozen green veg is so helpful when you fancy something funkier.

Thick-cut bacon
with brothy broad
beans, peas and
Serves 2

Olive oil, for frying
80g thick-cut bacon or pancetta,
An onion, sliced
1 large clove of garlic, sliced
2-3 large waxy potatoes, cubed,
A bay leaf
2 heaped tsp tomato purée
250ml white wine
250ml water or stock
160g frozen broad beans
150g frozen petit pois
1 lemon, juice and zest
2 dessert spoonfuls of mascarpone
(or something else creamy)

Set a large casserole pan
over a medium heat with a
splash of olive oil. Fry the
slices of pancetta until
crispy. Remove from the pan
and set aside.

Turn the heat down and add

the onion along with a pinch
of salt. Fry for about six
minutes or until it’s started for a couple of minutes, about 30 minutes, or until Finally, add the lemon juice.
to soften a little. Add the stirring to coat the potatoes the potatoes are cooked.
garlic and cook for another in the oil and tomato purée. Ladle into bowls, place three
two minutes. Add the broad beans and or four slices of pancetta on
Pour in the wine and water cook for three minutes, then top of each one. Finish with
Add the potatoes, bay leaf or stock, bring to a simmer, add the peas and cook for a spoonful of mascarpone
and tomato purée and cook put the lid on and cook for another two minutes. and a grating of lemon zest.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 23




Oscars 2022 – the runners and riders

producers and cinematographers. And like? Still, Branagh’s chances might yet The Power of the Dog a far richer and subtler work of huge new talent. It’s notable that the
Our chief film critic the picture painted by these precursor
ceremonies was very different to the
rally – or Don’t Look Up could still pull
off the sneak victory which, back in
Will win: Will Smith, King Richard
With the Screen Actors Guild Award
portraiture – it’s a performance that
treats the famous public image as
Academy, unlike Bafta, also found
space for Judi Dench here, whose
Robbie Collin on who one many of us had expected to see.
As a critic, it’s been galling; as an
January, was briefly fashionable to
predict. Here, with the usual
and the Bafta already his, Smith’s
bearish depiction of Venus and Serena
surface, then grippingly scratches
beneath it.
twinkling turn as Belfast’s granny has
earned the actress her eighth
will win at Sunday’s onlooker, an absolute hoot.
The central shock was the 11th-hour
disclaimers, is how we expect it to play
Williams’ dogged father seems to have
pulled ahead decisively: it’s also the Best Supporting Actor
nomination, which falls 23 years after
she won for Shakespeare in Love.
Academy Awards – surge experienced by CODA, Sian
Heder’s Apple-backed coming-of-age Best Picture
actor’s third nomination, so a win
would feel right on time.
Should win: Kodi Smit-McPhee, The
Power of the Dog Best Adapted Screenplay
and who deserves to drama about a hearing teenage girl and
her eccentric deaf parents. (The title is
Should win: West Side Story
Will win: CODA
Cumberbatch, a mere two-time
nominee, gives the better performance
Will win: Troy Kotsur, CODA
The CODA quake was first
Should win: Drive My Car – Ryusuke
Hamaguchi and Takamasa Oe
an acronym: child of deaf adults.) The Power of the Dog should be though, slyly harnessing his own unambiguously felt in this category at Will win: CODA – Sian Heder

he 2022 Oscar season has largely Apple bought CODA at Sundance last moseying into the sunset with this, but apparent out-of-placeness in the the Baftas, where Kotsur, a US stage As a remake of a 2014 French comedy
been a sedate old affair, with year for $25 million – a record-setting the change in temperature can’t be Western genre to clue the audience and screen veteran, unexpectedly called La Famille Bélier, CODA is
courteous campaigns and sale for the festival, and the cause of denied. Given the manifest brilliance into the roiling contradictions in his triumphed. He’s only the second deaf officially an adapted work. Its trite,
category frontrunners that broadly many raised eyebrows among those of of so many of its rivals, CODA’s character’s conflicted sense of self. acting nominee in Oscar history – his platitudinous burbling also makes it
made sense. But now, as we round the us who weren’t convinced by its triumph would be an upset for the ages CODA co-star Marlee Matlin was the odd-one-out in an otherwise
final bend: absolute chaos. contrived and clichéd storytelling, and an all-time Oscar embarrassment. Best Actress the first in 1987, and as it was for spectacularly accomplished field. An
For months, three films struck every cartoonish characterisation, and From Dune to Licorice Pizza and Drive Should win: Kristen Stewart, her, victory also seems assured. Elena Ferrante novella, a literary
Oscar analyst and soothsayer as the freshly swept, mid-noughties Disney My Car, deserving alternatives are Spencer The shortlist doesn’t dismantling of the Western, a science-
ones to watch. Kenneth Branagh’s Channel aesthetic. right there, drawn from all points Will win: Jessica Chastain, exactly show the Academy fiction tome of doorstop dimensions:
bittersweet cine-memoir Belfast and But it paid off. The enormous along the art-house to blockbuster The Eyes of Tammy Faye at its most inspired – these aren’t easy sources to convert
Jane Campion’s bewitchingly prickly technology corporation went on to scale. And in West Side Story, the Chastain’s prosthetically where are the West Side into scripts. But Hamaguchi and Oe’s
psychological Western The Power of the successfully position their candidate as Academy has a dream Best Picture enhanced rubberface work in Story boys, or Jason Isaacs in seamless weaving together of three
Dog would surely jockey for the both plucky underdog and populist right in front of them: the finest film in her recent biopic of the US Mass, or Bradley Cooper in Haruki Murakami short stories is as
higher-profile trophies, while Denis choice. Now Apple may be about to two decades from one of the great televangelist Tammy Faye Licorice Pizza? – but Smit- elegant as screenwriting gets.
Villeneuve’s sprawling science-fiction become the first streaming company to modern studio directors, and, in the Bakker is the showiest and McPhee would make a fine
adaptation Dune milled around behind win Best Picture, beating poor old era of content overload, as spirited a least persuasive of her winner, as the nephew of Best Animated Feature
them, harvesting the technical gongs. Netflix on their first attempt. In fact, defence of the motion-picture format three nominated Cumberbatch’s tyrannical Should win: The Mitchells vs the
But then, two weeks ago, the Baftas there are whispers of a sizeable “Never the industry could hope for. In a few performances to date. rancher whose slow shift from Machines
happened – and around them the guild Netflix” faction among Academy years, we’ll be stunned it was taken for But she’s also one of spindly victim to – well, Will win: Encanto
awards, presented by the Hollywood- members, who’ve taken venomous granted. only two nominees in something more complex, is Netflix fought a heroic campaign for
based trade associations and unions umbrage at the company’s disruption this year’s category icily mesmerising to behold. The Mitchells vs the Machines, a family
representing directors, actors, writers, of Hollywood’s business-as-usual over Best Director who have yet to win road-trip comedy set during a robot
the last nine years. Should and will win: Jane Campion, an Oscar outright, Best Supporting Actress apocalypse, and brought to life with a
That’s certainly a possible The Power of the Dog and as with Smith Should and will win: Ariana dazzlingly innovative blend of digital
explanation for The Power of the Dog’s A timely opportunity to reward a (above), voters will DeBose, West Side Story and hand-drawn techniques. But the
odd lack of traction in the acting and modern master, and increase the probably seize on Spielberg’s Anita is the only current buzziness of Encanto, and the
craft categories at other ceremonies. number of female winners in the this excuse to frontrunner to have felt more inescapability of its musical numbers,
But it doesn’t account for the fading of category to a still wildly embarrassing bring her into the or less settled since skews the odds heavily in the favour of
THE POW ER OF THE D O G January – and for
Film Newsletter Belfast – the audience award winner at three. But if Best Picture goes to CODA, club. Stewart, a Disney’s self-discovery fable. (A
Toronto and an obvious traditionalist’s this will have the air of a consolation first-time nominee, anyone who’s seen performance of We Don’t Talk About
Get exclusive commentary from pick. Made expressly for cinemas, prize. is by contrast new the film, that should be no Bruno is being touted as one of the
Robbie Collin, along with the latest artful and personal yet accessible, to all this, though surprise, since her coups of Sunday evening’s ceremony,
reviews, in our free Film newsletter made by a widely admired director, Best Actor her Princess performance signals the despite it not even having been and a commercial hit: what’s not to Should win: Benedict Cumberbatch, Diana in Spencer is undeniable arrival of a nominated for Best Song.)

Big shot: Jake Gyllenhaal flees the scene

of a heist in Michael Bay’s Ambulance

Loosely adapted by Chris Fedak from

Romance you’ll want to cheer for
a 2005 Danish thriller, Ambulance was
shot in Los Angeles in early 2021 while standing on a balcony overlooking the It sounds revolting. In fact, it’s the
local lockdown regulations were still in
force. That context and González’s
The Worst Person in city at dusk, wearing a backless
cocktail dress, smoking a cigarette and
most romantic scene in cinema so far
this year – at least for a few minutes,
no-nonsense heroine essentially make
this Bay’s heartfelt tribute to frontline
the World looking thoughtfully at – or perhaps for
– something we can’t quite apprehend.
until a still lovelier one arrives.
Following this evening of
medical workers – the Transformers 15 cert, 128 min A little later, the event is revealed to transcendent steaminess, Julie begins
director’s version of standing on the be a book launch party for her to reassess her relationship with Aksel,
doorstep and hitting a frying pan with a ★★★★★ boyfriend Aksel (Anders Danielsen which has settled into a comfortable
whisk. In fact, much of the film is Lie), a comics artist trying to branch rut. One morning, as he’s pouring her
essentially just that, but with traffic. Dir Joaquim Trier out into more serious work. In this some coffee, she clicks the kitchen
Speeding vehicles are clunked and Starring Renate Reinsve, Anders context, he’s the protagonist, she the light-switch and time unaccountably
donked into one another with Danielsen Lie, Herbert Nordrum, beautiful accessory. The film follows stops, allowing her to run off and spend
xylophonic zeal, while the camera Maria Grazia Di Meo, Hans Olav Julie’s search for a life in which she can a perfect day with Eivind, in a city
snakes and tears between them faster Brenner be the unambiguous lead. otherwise frozen in its tracks.
than seems physically possible. I mean Trier and his regular co-writer Eskil The Worst Person in the World adores
it as a compliment when I say there are By Robbie Collin Vogt divide the film into 12 chapters, its characters, but it’s also head-over-

A glistening, high-
entire sequences here which look as and mere minutes into the second, her heels for Oslo itself, in the same way

though they might have been shot by a he film world might have given heart is coaxing her off course. At a so many American films swoon over
monkey with a jetpack. up on smart romantic comedies, wedding reception, she meets Eivind New York.
For a certain type of critic and but nobody seems to have told (Herbert Nordrum), a genial coffee- Even when the initial heat of the

octane pursuit thriller

cinephile, Bay has long been held up as Norway’s Joachim Trier. The latest shop employee with a vague air of central love triangle gives way to
the grand vizier of all crassness and feature from the director of Oslo, the comedian Pete Davidson. tragedy and thorny choices, the film’s
chauvinism in modern-day Hollywood, August 31st and Thelma is a welcome The chemistry between the two is teasing spirit and compassion persist.
and Ambulance is unlikely to convince new entry in that long-neglected genre instantaneous and scorching, and they It’s a story of ordinary humans in all
them otherwise. But even a single – a sexy, witty and poignant comic decide to be as intimate as possible their muddled wonderfulness, and you
frame of it contains more visual flair drama with its thumb on the rhythms with each other without being can’t help but cheer for them at every
notorious crook, and his son has than the entirety of, say, the latest of modern love-lives, and its soul unfaithful – no kissing or fumbling, but contradictory turn.
Ambulance evidently followed in his footsteps.
Will, who was adopted, has grown into
Spider-Man: whether Bay’s subject is
one of his actors’ bodies or a squad car’s
anchored in the best traditions of
screen romance.
lots of sharing secrets, nibbling elbows
and smelling one another’s sweat. In cinemas now
15 cert, 136 min an upstanding citizen and served in the gleaming flank, his eye for the It’s a double Oscar nominee, in
US military, but he’s now in financial geometry of phwoar remains contention for Best International
★★★★★ strife due to his wife’s mounting unmatched. Feature and Best Original Screenplay at
medical bills, so he has reluctantly gone As ever, on the other hand, the Sunday’s ceremony, while its 34-year-
Dir Michael Bay to his wayward sibling for help. frenzied editing adds less in excitement old star Renate Reinsve, previously not
Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Their getaway from the heist is than it subtracts in sense. And the much known outside of Norway,
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Eiza González, hampered by two unexpected running time is excessive, even if a deservedly won Best Actress at Cannes
Jackson White, Garret Dillahunt, passengers. One is Cam Thompson climactic series of stand-offs and after its premiere there last July. Its
Keir O’Donnell (Eiza González), a hard-bitten shoot-outs brings matters to a rousing comically downbeat title makes more
paramedic, and the other is Officer Zach close. sense in the original Norwegian.
By Robbie Collin (Jackson White), who sustains a bullet Gyllenhaal, Abdul-Mateen and Verdens verste menneske is a phrase
wound during the heist and whose life González all understand the with a meaning similar to “mea culpa”

here is something charmingly Cam is trying to save (when we’re assignment. Their characters could or “my bad”: more self-deprecating
utilitarian about the new Michael introduced to Zach, we know that he’s a hardly be described as complex, but all aside than brutal moral judgement.
Bay film being titled Ambulance: trustworthy sort because he and his three are a pleasure to spend time with. Reinsve plays Julie, a bright, restless
imagine if Dog Day Afternoon had been partner are enthusiastically discussing There is joy – perhaps these days Oslo woman navigating her late 20s
called Bank, or Speed had been released The Rock, the popular 1996 film more than ever – in seeing action without much sense of what might lie
as Bus. Said emergency-services vehicle directed by Bay). cinema shorn of any franchise beyond them. She’s a medical student
is where the majority of this glistening This pair’s presence means that the complications, and simply chasing turned psychology student turned
pursuit thriller takes place – it’s cops can’t simply shoot out the vehicle’s excitement with every sinew. After aspiring professional photographer –
hijacked by two bank-robbing brothers, tyres; instead, it has to be chased down endless mugs of freeze-dried decaf, which is to say bookshop employee and
Danny (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Will and cornered. As plots go, it’s a Grand Ambulance is the real-deal triple owner of lots of expensive camera
(Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) Sharp, during Theft Auto mission with airs – a espresso. equipment, purchased with her
their escape from a vault in downtown gossamer pretext for two hours of student loan. Our first glimpse of her is
Los Angeles. Danny’s father was a windscreen-shattering carnage. In cinemas now a real catch-your-breath moment: she’s A runaway success: Renate Reinsve stars in this double-Oscar-nominated love story
24 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Features & Arts

‘Stanley Album of the week

David Ford: May You Live in
Spencer was Interesting Times (Believe)

eccentric, but ★★★★★

The witty singer’s new LP
features songs about social
one. Other songs tackle the political
and cultural divides of the Brexit and
Trump eras, fretting about finding
ways past ideological differences.

he wasn’t mad’
The 43-year-old Ford is a mostly
distancing, the AstraZeneca unsung hero of British music.
Emerging from the ashes of indie band
jab and Brexit Easyworld, his 2005 solo debut I
Sincerely Apologise for All the Trouble

etter to be a dog in times of I’ve Caused saw him hailed in
tranquillity than a human in prominent publications as a new Bob
times of chaos” is a Chinese Dylan, but he turned out to be
saying that, by a process of something more akin to an angrier and
mistranslation and interpretation, has more cynical Billy Bragg. His work is
been transformed into the apocryphal perhaps too straight for modern tastes,

Richard Martineau sat curse, “May you live in interesting

times.” It has been cited by
recorded with old-fashioned clarity
and separation, all emphasis falling on

for the artist as a boy. parliamentarians debating the crises of

their day for over a century, from Irish
sharply turned lyrics. He has stayed
the course as a compelling live

He reminisces with Home Rule to the rise of Hitler. Now

singer-songwriter David Ford has
performer, a one-man band whose use
of loop pedals to build walls of sound is

Chris Harvey ironically redeployed it as the title of a

witty, angry and emotional account of
the best I have ever seen.
Making specific references to
two years in the life of a touring trademarked vaccines, the deep state

hree days before his death from musician unable to ply his trade due to and snowflakes carries its own risks. A
cancer in 1959, Stanley Spencer government edict. towering finale, Person, Man, Woman,
was visited by a young man who “Oh raise me high above the flood/ Camera, TV has particularly
had known him almost all his life. Deploy the soldiers in my blood/ The devastating verses, but listeners may
Richard Martineau was 21 at the time, time has come, the moments gone/ need footnotes to grasp the
but vividly remembered when he had The needle I can pin my hopes on,” he significance of the chorus’s reference

first met the painter, who had drawn sings on 2 Shots, perhaps the first (and to a weird moment in Donald Trump’s
his portrait when he was five years old, hopefully the last) singalong anthem to presidency (when he kept repeating
as his mother read aloud from Alice in include the word “AstraZeneca” in the those five words to demonstrate his
Wonderland. At their final meeting, the chorus. A lot of artists have released cognitive health). Ford has delivered a
dying artist reminded him what he had what might be interpreted as bulletin-board album with great
been wearing for that sitting as a boy, pandemic albums over these lean dramatic force, but it might strain for
and then, exhausted, passed him a note He would come for Sunday lunch then proceeded to evict him. “He just Fresh-faced: five-year-old Richard years, but Ford’s is the most brutally impact in times that have arguably got
which described how he’d felt when he regularly, by bus, and often take tea accepted it,” says Martineau. “I don’t Martineau in the portrait by Spencer, left on-the-nose. On his bitter piano ballad even more “interesting” since he
first met the family: “I knew I had what with the children. “He seemed a think he had many needs. He was The Bar is Open, he conjures a recorded it.
I so wanted, Friends!” childlike-size,” Martineau recalls. scruffily dressed, with glasses that of Preece, Patricia at Cockmarsh Hill nightmarish drinking establishment Neil McCormick
That lovely drawing is on the wall (Spencer was 5ft 1in.) After lunch, he often had oil paint on them around the (1935), appears in a new exhibition, where everyone (including the hostile
beside Martineau as we drink tea and would often play Bach on the piano, edges. He certainly never had a car. He Delight in Nature: Stanley Spencer’s barman) fears each other’s proximity, Also out Placebo: ‘Never Let Me Go’ (So):
talk in the Suffolk farmhouse where he slowly and carefully, or take a nap – he lived for his painting.” World, in Cookham later this month. while the tender lament 6ft Apart Machine Gun Kelly: ‘Mainstream Sell
now lives with his wife Diney. Its would arrive with pyjamas on under Later, Martineau’s father and Lord Other works evoke life in the fields ponders the difficulty of maintaining a Out’ (Interscope): Koffee: ‘Gifted’ (Sony);
precise draftsmanship is his trousers. “He was eccentric but not Astor, who lived nearby at Cliveden, and gardens of the village he loved. safe distance from a shielding loved Michael Bublé: ‘Higher’ (Reprise)
extraordinarily characterful. mad,” insists Martineau. would buy back the house Spencer was Martineau recalls Spencer spending
Martineau’s parents Jack and born in for the artist to live in. many hours painting their garden in An angrier, more
Catherine – Cash – had befriended
Spencer after a family friend had asked
‘I don’t think he had Preece remains a fascinatingly
enigmatic character, whose own
Taplow for the work Rock Roses
(1957) – “He used tiny brushstrokes,
cynical Billy Bragg:
David Ford writes
Cash if she knew that she lived “within many needs. He never artworks – painted by Hepworth and he painted everything that came sharp social
reach of one of the greatest living
artists”. Spencer, who at the time was had a car. He lived for but passed off under her name –
were owned by the likes of Virginia
out. It took ages,” he laughs. “There
are flowers in it that could never be
commentary that’s
full of emotion
in his early 50s, lived barely four miles
away from the Martineaus’
his painting.’ Woolf and Augustus John. In her
book, A Private View of Stanley
out together.”
And he remembers Spencer coming
Buckinghamshire home, further up Years later, Martineau would go to Spencer, Louise Collis describes how up to visit them by train in Suffolk,
the Thames in the village of Cookham. collect Spencer for lunch by car. At the Preece “would chase [Spencer] when his parents were living there. “It
Cash visited him and cheekily asked time, the artist was living and painting down the street, shouting abuse and was a hot summer’s day. And as he
if he would draw her son for £10. in one room – a result of a major striking him with a tennis racket”. came in, he rushed straight through
Thereafter, Spencer would draw marital mishap. He didn’t talk about Preece is also the subject of some of the house, out the [back] door, flung
Richard’s brother and two sisters, as his second wife, Patricia Preece, Spencer’s most remarkable himself on the lawn and smelt the
well as their nanny, and also paint the whom, Martineau says, Spencer hated. paintings, such as the Double Nude grass then said, ‘Oh, that’s better.’ ”
rather grand portrait of his father, JE Preece, who refused to consummate Portrait of them both from 1937,
Martineau (1956), in his robes as Master the marriage and continued living with which were considered very ‘Delight in Nature: Stanley Spencer’s
of the Brewers’ Company. Spencer her lover Dorothy Hepworth, had had shocking for the time but inspired World’ is at the Stanley Spencer Gallery,
himself decided the fur was as good as the artist sign his home and studio over artists like Lucian Freud. Cookham, from March 31 to October 30;
Tintoretto’s. to her before their wedding in 1937, A more romantic, pastoral image
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 25

Features & Arts

Singers cast their spell

at a fine birthday party
Opera the rivalry by ludicrously announcing
that serious and comic works must
both be performed – but at the same
Royal Academy Opera time.
The conceit of two stories
triple bill interweaving and overlapping also
Royal Academy of Music, London NW1 underlay the serious new commission
of the evening, Freya Waley-Cohen’s
Witch, to a libretto by Ruth Mariner.
★★★★★ On the one hand, a contemporary
By Nicholas Kenyon teenager, Sarah, bullied at school,
engaging with the online world and

n an opera triple bill to celebrate its discovering a coven who are
bicentennial, you might expect the reinventing the concept of witching;
Royal Academy of Music to explore on the other, Jane, a 16th-century
work since 1822. But this unusual, fully healer in Scotland viewed with
staged production went further, and suspicion as a potential witch,
took us back to the very beginnings of oppressed and persecuted.
opera itself in Monteverdi’s anguished Already a much-commissioned
Lamento d’Arianna of 1608. This is the composer, Waley-Cohen showed real
only surviving part of the music for the skill in musically characterising the
opera Arianna, because it was two worlds in dramatic terms, each
published separately. Its emotional scene obsessively focusing on a single
power is undiminished today: it was instrumental combination that drives
delivered here by Sophie Sparrow with it forward: bright with celesta and

a rare mixture of focus and passion, percussion sounds for the girl-centred
supported by an expert trio of lutes led world of the present; sombre with low
by Elizabeth Kenny. strings for the heavy-handed

Petrenko combines uplifting

From passion to whimsy: it was a formalism of the past.
clever if very ambitious choice to The contrast was also drawn by
include Richard Strauss’s Prologue to April Dalton’s designs, with manic
Ariadne auf Naxos, as that is the most contemporary images in Hayley Egan’s
successful send-up of the business of video design, and a sober, black look in
opera since Mozart’s The Impresario. Jake Wiltshire’s lighting. The two

music with a note of defiance

Librettist Hugo von Hofmannsthal worlds interacted vividly, and the
originally planned this witty piece as a sound manipulation was well
spoken interlude in a long managed, though the complexity of the
entertainment, but it was reworked as libretto tended to clutter the telling of
a sung prologue sending up the chaos the story. Once again, Sparrow (as
of creating dramatic art. Effortlessly Sarah) and Johns (as Jane) were
dominated by Bernadette Johns’ outstanding. Polly Graham directed
ardent but frustrated Composer, the with flair and Ryan Wigglesworth
warring divas of Josi Ann Ellem’s conducted both the Waley-Cohen and
us that he has Ukrainian and Russian after all, only a modest little dance Brave stand: the Russian-Ukrainian Primadonna and Kathleen Nic the Strauss with total authority: this
Ivan Hewett parentage, and described the war as composed for a theatre production. conductor spoke out against Putin Dhiarmada’s brilliant Zerbinetta was a landmark occasion for a
chief classical critic “one of the greatest moral failures and But then, he and the piece sprang into fought it out in Polly Graham’s busy, landmark birthday.
humanitarian disasters of our century”. life and the music fairly zipped along. Walton’s Symphony No. 1. It’s hard not bright production until Michael
What he didn’t say is that he has also Every player relished their moment in to be swept away by this music’s Ronan’s stern Haushofmeister deflated Until tomorrow. Tickets:
suspended his directorship of the the sun during Britten’s masterly irresistible high-gloss, filmic rhetoric,
Russian State Symphony Orchestra in guided tour of the orchestra, but the but I’m often left wondering if there’s
Classical Moscow. To say and do these things piece is also a masterclass in actually any substance underneath it
takes real courage, as one can be sure combining colours, a fact of which all.
RPO/Petrenko they will be noted by the authorities in players and conductor were keenly Petrenko encouraged the players to
Russia. aware. The combination of harp, violas shape the recurring filmic “hooks” and
Royal Festival Hall, London SE1 Then it was time for the music, and horns seemed as succulent as a surging phrases with maximum fire
which was cunningly contrived to be rare beefsteak. and finesse, and the devil’s dance of the
★★★★★ linked thematically (there were pieces After the multicoloured tapestry of second movement really did sound
by Britten and Shostakovich, who first Britten came the battleship grey of malicious, as the composer requested.

ounded by the flamboyant, met in 1960 in the very hall we were Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No. 1. The In the slow movement, the solo
eccentric and extraordinarily rich sitting in) and also popular. Britten’s soloist was Pablo Ferrández, a young melodies from cellist Richard
Sir Thomas Beecham 75 years ago, Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra is Spanish cellist who collects prizes at Harwood and clarinetist Katherine
the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra is one of those pieces anyone over a international competitions the way a Lacy, rapturously intertwined over
the great workhorse of the orchestral certain age remembers fondly from pullover collects burrs. Such musicians Patrick King’s drowsy kettledrums,
world. One week, you’ll find it playing their childhood. It feels somehow have amazing technique but just about stilled my qualms. Walton’s
music from computer games, the next ubiquitous, but actually is quite rarely sometimes lack personality. Not symphony may not really be a

a blockbuster movie programme, the played. So it was a pleasure to hear this Ferrández, who displayed first class masterpiece, but in a wonderful
week after that a “serious” concert brilliant confection, although the very musicianship and real character. performance like this it seems such a
such as this one. The orchestra has opening was the only misstep of the The most taxing section is the huge brilliant imitation of one that you
recently appointed a new music evening. solo cadenza that links the third and hardly mind. Magical: Freya Waley-Cohen’s Witch featured atmospheric video design
director, Vasily Petrenko, the Petrenko launched the famous final movements, which, in this
energised and perpetually boyish melody by Purcell on which the piece performance, seemed to rise with
Russian whose 15-year tenure at the is based at a ponderous pace as if to agonising slowness from a black pit of
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic dignify it, which felt odd because it is, loneliness. There was no warm
Orchestra was a golden period in that daylight at the end of that rise, only the
orchestra’s history. partial comfort of a sardonic puppet-
Now should be the happy He described the war as dance, which soloist and orchestra
springtime of his new appointment,
but Wednesday night’s concert was ‘one of the greatest flung off with a nicely-calibrated
appearance of roughness.
overshadowed by world events, as any
concert will be that is led by a Russian.
humanitarian disasters After that, around 20 more players
joined the orchestra for the final,
From the podium, Petrenko reminded of our century’ ear-shattering magnificence of William

This survey of our relation to the

plant world is blooming with ideas

Rooted Beings
Wellcome Collection, London NW1

By Simon Ings

ake a moment to draw a cosmic

breath with your whole body,

slower than any breath you
have ever taken in your life.”
Over headphones, Eduardo Navarro
and philosopher Michael Marder guide
my contemplation of Navarro’s
drawings, in which human figures
send roots into the ground and reach
with hands-become-leaves into the
sky. They’re drawn with charcoal and
natural pigments on envelopes
containing the seeds of London plane Seeing green: Ingela Ihrman’s 2017 work The Inner Ocean: The Passion Flower in situ
trees. When the exhibition is over, the
envelopes will be planted in a rite of establish an intellectual hold on the peculiar and peculiarly endearing
burial and rebirth. blooming and buzzing confusion of the vegetal-anthropoid forms.
What are plants? Garden-centre plant world. “Wilderness” is the theme of the
curios? Magical objects? Medicines? Or Trees and their associated wildlife final room. There’s real desperation in
trade goods? It’s hard for us to think of are reduced to deceptively simple and the Resolve Collective’s effort to knap
plants outside of the uses we put them captivating shapes in the work on and chisel their way towards a wild
to, and the five altars of “Vegetal paper of the artist Joseca, whose relationship with the urban
Matrix” by Chilean artist Patricia people, the Yanomami, have been environment. Made of broken masonry
Dominguez celebrate (if that’s the extracting foods and medicines from and pipework, crates and split paving
word) their multiple social identities. the Amazon rainforest for generations. slabs, this, perhaps, is a glimpse of the
One shrine contains a medicinal bark, His vivid plant portraits are not some Hobbesian wilderness that civilisation
quinine; in another, flowers of toxic classic Linnaean effort at the keeps at bay.
Brugmansia, an assassin’s stock-in- classification of species, but At its simplest, Rooted Beings evokes
trade; in the third sits a mandrake root, emotionally they’re not far off. Joseca a pleasant fantasy of human-vegetable
carved into the shape of a woman. is establishing categories, not tearing coexistence. But forget its emollient
Dominguez’s artistic research sits at them down. exterior: at its best, this show is deeply
the centre of a section of the exhibition Bracketing the section about how uncanny. The gulfs that exist between
entitled “Colonial violence and imperial forces have “appropriated” plant and animal, between species and
indigenous knowledge”. Going by the useful plants are more introspective species, between us and other, serve
show’s interpretative material, the spaces. Ingela Ihrman’s enormous their own purposes, and attempts to do
narrowly extractive use of plants is a Passion Flower costume dominates the as Navarro and Marder suggest, and
white, Western idea. But the most first room: time your visit right, and experience the world as a plant might
exciting exhibits reveal otherwise. you will find the artist inhabiting the experience it, are as likely to end in
From AD 400, there’s a fragment of the flower, and may even get to drink her horror as in delight. “As you are very
world’s earliest surviving herbal, nectar. Barely less playful are the slowly dying while also staying alive,”
painted on papyrus. absurdist visions – in textile, they explain, “your body becomes the
Also from the Wellcome archives, embroidery and collage – of Gözde soil you are living in.”
there’s a complex map describing the Ilkin, for whom categories (between Crikey.
vegetal “middle realm” of Jain human and plant, between plant and
cosmology – a serious effort to fungi) exist to be demolished, creating Until Aug 29;
26 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Court & Social Announcements

Telephone: 0800 072 32 32 or +44 1634 88 7587 Fax: 020 7931 3370
Email: Book online:

Court Cathedral Square, the Viking

Triangle, Waterford, and attended
Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of
Warwickshire (Mr Timothy Cox).
Queen’s Green Canopy at
Uffington Community Garden Births
HORN.—Duncan James died peacefully
on 20th March 2022, aged 91. Beloved
WRIGHT.—Peter Carwithen peacefully
on 21st March 2022. Husband of the late
YOFFE.—Abraham David died
peacefully on 22nd March 2022,

Circular a Reception given by the Mayor at

Waterford City Hall.
His Royal Highness, President,
Sport and Recreation Alliance,
Association, Patrick’s Orchard,
Uffington, Oxfordshire. BLACKWELL.—On 23rd March 2022,
husband of the late Audrey, dear father
of Stephen, Julia and David and special
grandfather to Claire, Sarah, Stuart,
Jill, father and grandfather. Honorary
Councillor and former Mayor of
Cambridge. Funeral arrangements
aged 102 at his home. He was a
Founding Fellow of Darwin College,
Cambridge and physicist at the
Their Royal Highnesses this afterwards presented the Sport and His Royal Highness later visited following a four-day wild birth, to Craig, Matthew, Sophie and Isabelle Co-operative Funeral Services, Mill Cavendish Laboratory. His beloved wife
afternoon visited the House of Recreation Awards at Coventry Thames Valley Wildflower Imogen French and Alasdair, a son, and great-grandchildren. Funeral at Road, Cambridge. Family flowers only, Elizabeth, died in 2014 and his son
Waterford Crystal, 28 the Mall, Building Society Arena, Judds Lane, Meadow Restoration Project and Aubie; Aubert Matthew Bear. Herongate Wood Cemetery at 2 p.m. but donations, if desired, to Jonathon (Jay) in 1988. His remaining
Waterford. Coventry, and was received by Mrs Nature Recovery Network, Long Online ref: 606092 on 8th April. No flowers please. Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust. family of three children, Deborah,
The Prince of Wales afterwards Katherine Merry (Deputy Mead, Horseshoe Island, Oxford Donations to Online ref: A256204 Gideon and Susan, his 13 grandchildren
Lieutenant of West Midlands). Online ref: 606060 and 11 great-grandchildren will miss his
visited Grow It Yourself, Road, Swinford, Oxfordshire. humour, kindness and wisdom
Farronshoneen, Dunmore Road, The Countess of Wessex,
WINDSOR CASTLE Waterford. Patron, Blind Veterans UK, this For more details about the Royal Anniversaries immeasurably.
Online ref: A256206
March 24th His Royal Highness later visited morning held a Meeting at St family, visit the Royal website at
His Excellency Mr Sherif Kamel Kilmagemogue Dairy, which is James’s Palace. HUNTER.—Anne Luise
(née Tottenham), OBE, on 3rd March
was received in audience by The part of the Signpost programme of Her Royal Highness, Chairman, 2022, peacefully, aged 96 years. Personal
Queen today via video link and
presented the Letters of Recall of
Teagasc - the Agriculture and Food
Development Authority.
Women’s Network Forum, and
Patron, Chartered Management Today’s birthdays Golden wedding Widow of Brian (d. 4th April 2009),
sadly missed by her nephews,
his predecessor and his own The Duchess of Cornwall Institute, this afternoon held a nieces-in-law and great-nieces.
Letters of Credence as visited Henry de Bromhead Meeting at St James’s Palace. Sir Humphrey Burton, writer
FALLIS - POPPLE.—On 25th March Service at St Bartholomew's Church, Text for the day Birthdays
1972, Richard to Anne. Now of Haslemere on 12th April 2022 at 12 noon.
Ambassador from the Arab Stables, Knockeen. and broadcaster, is 91; Major Sir Barnstaple, Devon. With much love No flowers please but donations, if
Republic of Egypt to the Court of ST JAMES’S PALACE Shane Blewitt, Keeper of the from Ben, Emma and Harriet. desired, to Alzheimer's Society c/o
St James’s. KENSINGTON PALACE March 24th Privy Purse and Treasurer to the Online ref: A256127 J. Gorringe & Son, 55 Hare Lane,
Mrs Heba Ismail was also March 24th The Princess Royal, Colonel-in- Queen, 1988-96, 87; Maj Gen Sir AND LET the peace of God rule in your HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARISA!  We hope
Godalming GU7 3EF. Tel: 01483 416403.  you have a lovely day - best wishes!
received by Her Majesty. The Duke and Duchess of Chief, Royal Corps of Signals, this Martin White, Lord-Lieutenant Online ref: 605967
hearts, to the which also ye are called in
Your big sis and favourite niece x
His Excellency Mr Hakim Cambridge this morning attended morning visited the 21st Signal for the Isle of Wight, 2006-19, 78; one body; and be ye thankful.
Hajoui was received in audience the Commissioning Parade for the Regiment at Azimghur Barracks, Sir Elton John, musician, 75; Mr Deaths Colossians 3.15 Online ref: 605982
by The Queen and presented the inaugural Initial Officer Training North Colerne, Chippenham, Mike Whitlam, Director-General,
Letters of Recall of his Programme at the Caribbean Wiltshire, and planted a tree as British Red Cross, 1991-99, 75; Mr BARR.—Susan Henrietta (Su). Died MORISON.—Thomas Richard Atkin Messages
predecessor and his own Letters Military Academy, Kingston, part of The Queen’s Green William Taylor, Chief Inspector peacefully at home on 10th March 2022, snuffed it on 19th March, aged 83.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER
of Credence as Ambassador from Jamaica. Canopy. of Constabulary for Scotland, aged 91 years. Formerly farmed in Nutley No funeral; no memorial; no mourning; ARMSTRONG  Wishing our dear dad
and Maresfield, East Sussex. Colourful no flowers; no worries. Grateful thanks and Buppa a special 90th birthday.
the Kingdom of Morocco to the Their Royal Highnesses this Her Royal Highness, Guardian, 1999-2001, 75; Sir William clothing has been requested. All further to the Cancer Team at the With much love from your family,
Court of St James’s. afternoon departed Norman Give Them A Sporting Chance, this Charles, a former High Court enquiries c/o Grace - Independent Neurological/Oncology Centre, who look forward to celebrating
Mrs Lamia Amor was also Manley International Airport, afternoon held a Management Judge, 74; Sir Ronald Flanagan, GRATEFUL THANKS  to St Jude for
Funeral Directors. Tel: 01273 813333. Southampton. With huge thanks to my with you soon. xxxx
prayers answered. CH. 
received by Her Majesty. Kingston, for the Bahamas and Team Meeting. HM Chief Inspector of wonderful wife for caring for me so Online ref: A256025
Sir Philip Barton (Permanent were received later upon arrival at The Princess Royal, Guardian, Constabulary, 2005-08, 73; Mr well; to my wonderful children: thank Online ref: 606101
Online ref: 605988
Under-Secretary of State for Lynden Pindling International afterwards held a Management Robert Balfour, Lord-Lieutenant you especially for giving me four
Foreign, Commonwealth and Airport by the Governor-General Team Meeting for the Chaffinch for Fife, 70; Mr Stephen Dorrell,
BASFORD.—Colin Vickers George
beautiful and talented granddaughters. 
And thanks to my furry four-footed Public notices
Development Affairs) was present. of the Commonwealth of the Trust. former Conservative Cabinet friend, Dave: sorry I was not a better SARAH JANES  Happy Birthday.
died on 23rd March 2022, aged 90.
The Queen was represented by Bahamas (Sir Cornelius Smith). Minister, 70; Mr Robert Fox, Much loved husband of Moira, father of walker for you at the end. Just perhaps, STATUTORY NOTICE – FURTHER Online ref: A255758
Mr Edward Parsons (Land Agent, The Duke and Duchess of KENSINGTON PALACE theatre, film and television Christopher and Nicola and grandpa of see you all later. AND HIGHER EDUCATION ACT 1992   
Sandringham) at the Funeral of Cambridge afterwards called upon March 24th producer, 70; Lord Justice Bean Evie and Rollo. Private family cremation, Online ref: 605954  
Mrs Ian Baillie which was held at the Rt Hon Philip Davis, MP (Prime The Duke of Gloucester this 68; Air Marshal Sir Christopher with thanksgiving service to follow. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the
St Mary the Virgin Church, Minister of the Commonwealth of morning visited Lowland Rescue Harper, Director General, Nato Online ref: A256207 Corporation of Greater Brighton
Hillington, Norfolk, this afternoon. the Bahamas), and Mrs Davis at Sir Oxfordshire, Lechlade Road, near International Military Staff, Nato Metropolitan College (Littlehampton
Road, Worthing, BN12 6NU), in
General personal
Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre, Lechlade-on-Thames, and was HQ, 2013-16, 65; Prof Jonathan SCOTT.—Major Donald William Scott,
accordance with the Further Education
CLARENCE HOUSE Cable Beach, Nassau. received by Her Majesty’s Michie, President of Kellogg CRAWFORD.—James Archibald MBE, RHF, passed away peacefully at
Gemmell, died peacefully at home Corporations (Publication of Proposals)
March 24th Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire College and Director, Department his home in Derbyshire on 16th March,
on 9th March 2022, aged 71 years. (England) Regulations 2012
aged 73 years. He will be greatly missed
The Prince of Wales and The ST JAMES’S PALACE (Mrs Marjorie Glasgow). for Continuing Education, Oxford, Much loved husband of Jill, father of by family and friends. Enquiries to
(S1 2012/1157), of the proposal for the
Duchess of Cornwall today visited March 24th His Royal Highness, Patron, the 65; and Mr James Male, World Alastair and Oliver and grandfather C W Jones & Son, Funeral Directors.
transfer of the property, rights and
County Waterford, Ireland. The Earl of Wessex, Vice Patron, Society of Antiquaries of London, Rackets Champion, 1988-99 and of Billy, Arthur, Wilbur and Ethan. liabilities to the Corporation of
Telephone: 01335 360319.
Chichester College Group (Westgate
Their Royal Highnesses this Commonwealth Games afterwards opened the newly 2001-05, 58. Funeral to be held at the Church of
Online ref: 606078 Fields, Chichester, PO19 ISB) and the
morning visited Waterford City. Federation, this afternoon visited renovated Kelmscott Manor, St Benedict, Glinton, Peterborough on
21st April at 12 noon. Family flowers only. subsequent dissolution of the
The Prince of Wales and The Coventry Judo Club at Sports Kelmscott, Oxfordshire. Today is the anniversary of the Donations, if desired, to St Barnabas Corporation of Greater Brighton
Duchess of Cornwall afterwards Connexion, Leamington Road, The Duke of Gloucester this signature of the Treaty of Rome in Hospice (Lincolnshire), Marie Curie Metropolitan College.
visited the Medieval Museum, Coventry, and was received by afternoon planted a tree for The 1957. (Lincolnshire) and Macmillan. SPINK.—Farley Richard. Died on  Greater Brighton Metropolitan College
25th February 2022 aged 92, much is a General Further Education College
Online ref: A256203 which provides education and skills
loved husband, father, grandfather and
ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO great grandfather. Cremation private. training. In 2020/21 it enrolled 9,000
Forthcoming DATTA.—Pradip (MBE) (Wick).  Memorial Service at St Michael’s students in total, comprising of 3,000
16-18-year-olds (FE learners), 550
Church, Betchworth, RH3 7DN at
marriage After a short illness bravely borne at
Pentland Nursing Home, Thurso 12 noon on 28th June 2022. No flowers. apprentices, 600 university-level
Donations to the RNLI. learners (HE) and 4,850 adults
on Saturday March 19th 2022. Pradip, (part-time and full-time).
Mr F.D. Motley and much loved husband of the late Swati, Online ref: 606082  Dissolution of the Corporation of
Miss A.C. Than-Aye LONDON, SATURDAY MARCH 25, 1922 and loving dad of Sandip and Greater Brighton Metropolitan College is
father-in-law to Samantha and dear proposed following the conclusion of an

The engagement is announced stands, but, considering all things, visibility friend to many. Private cremation at FE Commissioner-led Structure and
between Freddie, son of Mr and was very fair. The jockeys were so anxious to Inverness Crematorium on Monday STELLIG.—Rowland John Prospects Appraisal and a decision in
Mrs Tim Motley, of Holland Park, April 4th this will be followed with a
passed away peacefully on 14th March March 2021 by the board of the Greater
London, and Amelia, daughter of get a clear run at the first fence that there celebration of his life at St Fergus 2022, aged 101. Adored father of Brighton Metropolitan College to pursue
Mr and Mrs Victor Than-Aye, were two breaks-away before Captain Allison Church to be announced at a later date Susan and Philippa, much loved merger with Chichester College Group.
due to the current covid situation.
of Sydney, Australia. allowed them to go. Enquiries to Sinclair Funeral Directors.
grandfather to Michael, Xavier,  The date proposed for the dissolution of
Online ref: 606068
MUSIC HALL WINS. And now for a story of thrills, the material for
which is made up in part of the jockeys’ personal
Tel: 01955 602066.
Online ref: 606084
William, James and Edward and his
three great grandchildren. A Funeral
Service will be held at St Mary’s Church,
the Corporation is 1 August 2022.
 All students at Greater Brighton
Metropolitan College who have not yet
Dinners experiences. What, for instance, could be more Motcombe on Thursday 7th April 2022 completed their course of study by the

ONLY FIVE HORSES flabbergasting than to see Southampton and de BUNSEN.—Charlie, suddenly at
at 11.30 a.m., followed by private
cremation. No flowers please but
date of the proposed dissolution will
continue their education in the merged
Lord Astor of Hever Shaun Spadah fall at the first fence – the first home in London on 11th March, aged 52. donations to Cancer Research UK, college on the same campus where they
Lord Astor of Hever was the host at FINISH. favourite and the winner of last year! The former Funeral on 12th April, 12 noon, at
St Andrew's Church, Kirby Bedon,
if desired, via Bracher Brothers,
Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4QL.
studied immediately prior to the
dissolution of the Corporation of Greater
a dinner held by the British stood back at it and met it perfectly, but he just NR14 7DX. Family flowers only. Tel: 01747 898267. Brighton Metropolitan College.
Kazakh Society last night at the If only the weather had remained as fairly placid as touched the top. It did not yield, and he went head Donations to St Andrew's Church, if you  A copy of the consultation document on
Online ref: 606000
House of Lords to mark the 20th it was shortly after seven o’clock this morning, at over heels. For Shaun Spadah there was no excuse. wish, via this proposal is available at
anniversary of the Society and the which hour the Duke of York with a few of Lord and Tel: 01508 494434. or via email to
Such was their inglorious exit, reminding one of a
30th anniversary of diplomatic Lady Derby’s guests from Knowsley, came on to the Online ref: A256223
recent occasion when the favourite, Poethlyn, fell  The consultation period runs from
relations. Ms Kathy Leach, racecourse at Aintree! It was dull and chilly then, STEWART.—Captain Sir David - 25 March to 27 April 2022. All responses
Ambassador to Kazakhstan, the at the first fence. 7th Baronet of Athenree, Co Tyrone.
but how much more desirable it was than the rain, DRIVER.—Janet (ex ETOA), of London, and representations must be received by
Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Mr Late of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers the closing date via
Rupert Goodman, Chairman of the which came as a deplorable disappointment when
the morning was well advanced. The Duke of York
FALLERS IN DITCH on 11th March 2022, beloved aunt of
Susan, Florence, Peter and the late
and Trucial Oman Scouts. Dearly loved
husband, father and grandfather.
or via email to
A summary of the feedback from the
Society, were the speakers. Lord Helen, great aunt, great great aunt and Passed away peacefully on 20th March
Brennan, QC, Baroness Nicholson clearly relished seeing the much discussed Grand treasured friend to many. Funeral at consultation and the outcome will be
It was at the Canal turn that a dreadful contre- 2022. Thanksgiving Service at published by 27 June 2022 on both the
of Winterbourne, the Prime National candidates at quite intimate quarters. He 3.15 p.m. on Monday 11th April at Ipswich St Andrew's Church, Curry Rivel
temps occurred, the cause of all the trouble being Crematorium, Cemetery Lane, Ipswich, Greater Brighton Metropolitan College
Minister's Trade Envoy to
Kazakhstan, and Col Bob Stewart,
had been in the paddock, deserted at this hour
except for those with unbridled enthusiasm and
Sergeant Murphy, who slipped on taking off and IP4 2TQ. No flowers, but donations, if
wished, to Arthroplasty for Arthritis
on 2nd May 2022 at 2.30 p.m.
Enquiries to H Tredwin & Son.
and Chichester College Group websites
and be available free of charge to anyone Public notices
MP, were among others present. baulked no fewer than eight or nine horses In fact, Tel: 01823 672287. who requests a copy.
those having business to do with the exercise of the Charity or CWplus c/o Farthing Funeral
five of them, according to Mr. Dennis who was on Service, 650 Woodbridge Road, Online ref: 606080
Royal London Yacht Club horses, some time before Southampton strolled in General Saxham, were in the ditch at the same Ipswich IP4 4PW or online via
Mr Martin Thomas, Commodore, with his trainer in close attendance. George Poole, time. Hawkins took Sergeant Murphy back and
welcomed members and guests to the trainer of Shaun Spadah, showed his Royal got him over the fence. There were now only five Online ref: 606091
the annual Arundel Dinner of the Highness last year’s winner, and later he walked on others surviving, namely, Drifter, who at once SYKES.—Mark Richard, 9.6.1937 -
Royal London Yacht Club held last 9.3.2022. Funeral: Farm Street Catholic
to the course, watched the horses doing their phys- went into the lead; Music Hall, Arravale, A Double HEMSLEY.—Sally died peacefully on Church, W1 on Wednesday 30th March
night at the Old Bailey.
ical jerks and availed himself of the opportunity to Escape, and Taffytus. Four of these jumped the 20th March, aged 86. Dearly beloved at 3 p.m. and afterwards at The Nags
inspect the fences. The big press of people who wife of the late Jimmy, much loved Head, Kinnerton Street, SW1.
water practically together, and on landing Music
Diplomatic news later appeared on the scene were dreadfully disap- Hall went on with a slight lead.
mother of Scott and Jane, mother-in-law
of John and Ruth, granny to Sarah,
Friends, family, all welcome.
Online ref: A256208
pointed by the calamitous change to rain, but those It was at Becher’s that Arravale was most Ciaran, Ronan, Becky and Niall and
Ms Alison Blake has been who remembered the appalling experiences when great-granny to Evie. Funeral at
appointed Governor of the unluckily brought down, as on landing the Beetham Hall Crematorium on
Falkland Islands and Her Troytown won two years ago had not come unpre- horse got entangled with a dead horse still Wednesday 6th April at 12.30 p.m.
WILKINSON.—Pauline Mary,
Majesty’s Commissioner for South pared. The conditions, however, seemed to have lying where it had fallen. I believe this was Family flowers only, but donations, if
widow of Noël Wilkinson, former
no deterrent effect on the size of the crowd, which desired, to Francis House. Enquiries to
Georgia and the South Sandwich Awbeg. From this point the race became con- Fishwicks. Tel: 01539 563108. Headmaster of Orwell Park School, died
Islands in succession to Mr Nigel grew ever bigger and bigger as the time for the race fined to Music Hall and the lightly-weighted Online ref: A256205
at Bury St Edmunds on 8th March 2022,
Phillips. Ms Blake will take up her aged 98. Funeral at St Joseph's RC
drew near. Drifter, as A Double Escape fell at the fence Church, Hadleigh on Wednesday
appointment during July 2022.
before the Canal turn. The two kept close com- 30th March at 12.30 p.m. followed by
ROYAL INSPECTION pany, and if Music Hall had not been one out of
HODDELL.—Kathleen. Died peacefully Cremation at Seven Hills, Nacton at
Legal news the ordinary he would have had to pay expen-
at home on Friday 18th March 2022,
aged 99. Dearly loved wife of Arthur,
2.15 p.m. Flowers are welcome, and
donations, if wished, to Guide Dogs for
The Duke of York came to inspect the Grand sively for the way he charged through the top devoted mother and grandmother. the Blind may be sent c/o WA Deacon,
Mr Dylan Lloyd Jones has been National horses as they were paraded, saddled, Much loved by Sally Ann, Caroline, Funeral Services, 3 Norman Way,
appointed a District Judge of the last fence, instead of over it. The incident George, Celia, Matthew and son-in-law Lavenham, Sudbury CO10 9PY or
deployed to the Wales Circuit,
and made ready in every detail for their big ordeal. did not appear to shake him, for when once Mark. online at
based at Caernarfon County Very fine it was, too, for any lover of these stout- balanced again he came on to outpace the Online ref: A256225 Online ref: 606065
Court, with effect from April 4, hearted animals to look them over at close quar- plodding Drifter and win easily to the accom-
2022, and will be known as ters, the inspection being made simple in the paniment of the usual ovation in honour of any
District Judge Lloyd Jones. extreme through the admirable way of printing Grand National winner, but especially in the
names on large saddle-sheets. A lasting impres- case of one so well backed as this one was.
Bridge news sion with me is that, however game a large num- A little later I chatted with L. B. Rees, the success-
ber of candidates may have been, they neverthe- ful jockey who has so soon emulated the feat of his
The regional heats of the National less had no pretensions to be in a Grand National
Pairs have taken place, writes brother, F. B. Rees. He said: “I was always going
field. One can only suppose that they were there well, though I was a bit scared at Becher’s the first
Julian Pottage, Bridge
Correspondent, with the leading
out of their owners’ vanity to have their colours time round, where my horse and Arravale collided
50 pairs qualifying to take part in carried on an occasion such as this. No wonder on landing over the fence. Both horses, however,
the National Finals in April on only five horses finished. It was not the big fences were no worse, and I went on comfortably, fearing
RealBridge. The leading qualifiers that primarily brought about the grief, but rather only Arravale. At the Canal turn the second time
are: 1st Dave Robinson and Tony hopeless inefficients getting in one another’s way round my foot was shaken out of a stirrup iron,
Sowter, 62.42%; 2nd Naomi Gibbs and by falling doing tremendous damage to the
and Mike Rawlins, 61.14%; 3rd Ian and I had to jump Valentine’s Brook in that plight.
good horses. Between that and the next fence I got my foot
Pagan and Shahzaad Natt, 60.85%;
4th Irving Blakey and Joy Blakey, As the horses came out on to the course a back, and except for the bloomer my horse made
60.23%; and 5th Peter Clinch and slight rain was driving spitefully into the at the last fence all was plain sailing.”
Julian Mitchell, 60.13%.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 27


Madeleine Albright
Forceful, tough-talking diplomat and politician who was appointed by Bill Clinton as America’s first female Secretary of State

ADELEINE ALBRIGHT, who in politics. She served as foreign policy Her gung-ho approach on Bosnia led
has died aged 84, became the co-ordinator for the Mondale-Ferraro to some friction with Britain’s Old
first female US Secretary of ticket in the presidential election of Wykehamist United Nations
State in 1997, serving under Bill 1984 then took over as head of the Ambassador Sir David Hannay, though,
Clinton after a somewhat chequered non-profit think-tank National again, this did her no more harm with
four years as US ambassador to the UN. Democratic Institute for International Washington hawks than did her
Though initially dismissed by many Affairs. well-advertised dislike of the UN
commentators as a lightweight, Five years later, after advising secretary general Boutros Boutros-
Madeleine Albright did much to Michael Dukakis in yet another Ghali (fully reciprocated – he
restore the authority of American unsuccessful Democratic presidential reportedly regarded her as a “fat
foreign policy after the inglorious bid, in 1988, she became president of central European peasant”).
tenure of her predecessor Warren the Centre for National Policy, another Her relentlessness in blocking an
Christopher, bringing a fresh, prominent think-tank. extension to his term of office was
outspoken approach to her role. “My Despite her later reputation, wildly popular with Right-wing
mindset is Munich; most of my Madeleine Albright’s record in the Republicans, notably Senator Jesse
generation’s is Vietnam,” she famously 1980s and early 1990s showed that her Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign
remarked on the eve of her hawkishness had limits. She opposed Relations Committee, with whom she
appointment, implying that the lessons the Reagan arms build-up that finally forged a relationship of mutual
she had drawn from the past were less undermined the Soviet economy and admiration.
about the perils of action than of opposed giving aid to the Nicaraguan While Madeleine Albright’s term as
inaction. Contras. In 1990, after Saddam America’s 64th Secretary of State
True to this dictum she emerged as Hussein’s tanks rolled into Kuwait, she yielded success in terms of the
the Clinton administration’s chief was among those arguing for sanctions administration’s handling of the
hawk on Kosovo, identifying herself so and diplomacy rather than military Kosovo crisis, and neither she nor
strongly with the push for intervention action – a “mistake”, as she later Clinton could be blamed for their
that critics called the conflict conceded. failure to force a deal between Ehud
“Madeleine’s War”. She persuaded When the long run of Republican Barak and Yasser Arafat at Camp David
many American isolationists that the electoral success ended in Bill in 2000, both were later accused of
Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic Clinton’s victory in 1992 and she was failing to interpret the full scale of the
was a global problem with which appointed US ambassador at the UN threat from al-Qaeda.
Washington should grapple, and it was the following year, she moved quickly The 1998 bombings of the US
she who first threatened to deprive to distance herself from any embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were
Yugoslavia of millions of dollars of US accusations of doveishness, boldly met only with a token burst of
aid if Belgrade did not deliver proclaiming a policy of “assertive retaliatory cruise missiles and no plans
Milosevic up to The Hague. “We are multilateralism” under which America were laid for retaliatory action in
not negotiating,” she announced would act in concert with its allies as it Afghanistan, despite the fact that

bluntly – and finally. had done in the Gulf War. al-Qaeda was known to be operating
Some observers felt that Madeleine But her good intentions came there freely.
Albright’s forceful stance owed much unstuck almost immediately when, After George W Bush’s victory in
to her own early memories of being a soon after her appointment, she 2000, Madeleine Albright returned to
refugee from European dictatorship. pressed the UN Security Council to her academic career at Georgetown
The daughter of a Czech diplomat, agree a resolution calling for the and served on various boards
she was born Marie Jana Korbel in She liked to portray herself as hawkish, and her call for intervention in Kosovo led critics to describe the conflict as ‘Madeleine’s War’ apprehension of the Somali faction including that of the New York Stock
Prague on May 15 1937. Two years later, leader Mohamed Farah Aideed. With Exchange. In 2001 she founded the
10 days after the Nazis had walked into daughter into a local school. Instead, 1967, Madeleine Albright hired a nanny would result in the publication of a the death of 18 US Army Rangers on the Albright Group, an international
Czechoslovakia, the Korbels – “with she was tutored by governesses, and resumed her studies. By this time well-reviewed book, Poland: The Role streets of Mogadishu, the campaign consultancy. In 2009 it merged with
the help of some good friends and lots learning Serbo-Croat, then sent to her husband was working for Newsday of the Press in Political Change (1983). was abandoned under Congressional Stonebridge International to form the
of luck and a little bribery”, according boarding school in Switzerland, where and the family had moved to Long When she returned from Poland in pressure in one of the most Albright Stonebridge Group, which
to Madeleine’s mother – managed to she learnt fluent French and changed Island. She enrolled in Russian Studies 1982, however, her world turned embarrassing foreign policy debacles advises on international policy and
get the necessary Gestapo permission her name to Madeleine. at Columbia University, studying upside down when her husband of modern times. global markets.
to leave the country. At the start of 1948, her father under Zbigniew Brzezinski, and went announced, over breakfast, that he was Worse was to come in 1994, when There was some speculation that she
For almost her entire life, Madeleine became Czechoslovakia’s on to take a doctorate in public law and leaving her for a “younger and more she lobbied to dismantle the small might pursue a career in Czech
Albright appears to have believed that representative on the new UN government with a dissertation on the beautiful” woman and would be mission of UN peacekeepers in politics, and the Czech president
she was born a Roman Catholic. Shortly Commission for India and Pakistan. role of the Czech press in the 1968 moving out that afternoon to live in Rwanda just as Hutu militias began Vaclav Havel talked openly about the
after she became Secretary of State, But when, in February, the Czech Prague Spring. Atlanta, where the woman worked as a slaughtering hundreds of thousands of possibility of her succeeding him after
however, The Washington Post revealed government fell in a Communist coup, When her husband became reporter. In her memoir Madam Tutsis. he retired in 2002. Though reportedly
that her family was Jewish and that the family was forced to flee Newsday’s Washington bureau chief, Secretary (2003) Madeleine Albright None the less she continued to flattered by the suggestion, Madeleine
three of her grandparents had perished Czechoslovakia a second time, seeking the family moved to the city’s recalled the mental “torture” of the project herself as a hawk, being Albright denied ever considering it.
in the Holocaust; her father, Josef political asylum in the United States. fashionable Georgetown next few months as her husband, torn stridently anti-Iraq, anti-Cuba and She was a firm supporter of Hillary
Korbel, appears to have embraced They settled in Colorado, where her neighbourhood, where she resumed apart by the situation he had created, pro-Israel and becoming one of the Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid, and
Catholicism shortly before the outbreak father obtained a chair in international her involvement in Democratic phoned her every day to complain that staunchest advocates of air strikes while introducing her at a campaign
of war. Madeleine Albright, who later relations at the University of Denver, he could not choose between her and against the Bosnian Serbs. “What’s the event, Madeleine Albright commented:
became Episcopalian, described the
revelations as a “major surprise”,
building a formidable reputation as an
authority on world affairs (the young
‘What’s the point of having his new lover.
“He actually described his feelings
point of having this great military
you’re always talking about if we can’t
“There’s a special place in hell for
women who don’t help each other” (a
claiming that no one in her family had Condoleezza Rice would become one this great military if we in percentages,” she recalled. “ ‘I love use it?” she famously asked General phrase she had used before). It was
ever told her of her Jewish background.
But there were some eyebrows raised
of his protégées).
Madeleine won a scholarship to
can’t use it?’ she demanded you 60 per cent and her 40 per cent.’
Or the next day, ‘I love her 70 per cent
Colin Powell, then chairman of the US
Joint Chiefs of Staff, who opposed
seen as a rebuke of women who
supported Clinton’s rival, Bernie
that she had never seen fit to question Wellesley College, where she joined of General Colin Powell and you 30 per cent’. I alternated military intervention. Her comment Sanders, and in a subsequent New York
their version of events. the student newspaper and studied between feeling sorry for myself and that the downing of two American Times piece she acknowledged: “This
The family spent the war years in political science. A rare Democrat on politics, becoming a fundraiser for sorry for him.” Finally he announced planes by the Cubans was “not cojones was the wrong context and the wrong
Britain, first in London, where she an overwhelmingly Republican Senator Edmund Muskie in his bid for that his decision would be determined but cowardice” won her rapturous time to use that line. I did not mean to
recalled hiding under a steel table in a campus, she campaigned for Adlai the 1972 Democratic presidential by whether or not he won the Pulitzer applause among Cuban exiles in argue that women should support a
Notting Hill basement during the Blitz, Stevenson in his unsuccessful 1956 nomination. Prize. If he won he would stay. If he Miami. particular candidate based solely on
and then at Walton-on-Thames, where presidential election bid and became Muskie’s bid failed, but he appointed lost, he would get a divorce. Yet as her critics pointed out, gender.”
she attended the Ingomar School. Her the first in her year to get engaged. Madeleine Albright as his chief The Pulitzer went elsewhere and Madeleine Albright’s claim to A close friend of the singer Barbra
teachers there observed her six-year- Her husband-to-be was Joseph assistant in the Senate. As he sat on the Madeleine Albright was devastated. toughness relied on her tenacity in Streisand, Madeleine Albright was, in
old self to be a “quick and lively Medill Patterson Albright, the scion of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Though she later reflected that had she what were, in terms of domestic person, a woman known for her
member of her class” who “learns a newspaper-owning dynasty. The two she rapidly became a fixture in the remained married she would probably politics, easy battles. Taking a hard line myriad little kindnesses and for being
easily and remembers well”, though were married in 1959, three days after party’s foreign affairs establishment. never have scaled the heights she did, on Cuba and Iran did her no harm on harsher in judging herself than in
she was “indifferent” at needlework. her graduation. Joseph took a job at the When Brzezinski became President “at the time, I would have given up any Capitol Hill and even her enthusiasm judging others.
When the war ended, the Korbels Chicago Sun Times, while Madeleine Jimmy Carter’s national security thought of a career if it would have for air strikes on Bosnia was Madeleine Albright is survived by
returned to Czechoslovakia, where assumed the role of wife and mother. adviser, he appointed her his made Joe change his mind.” comparatively risk-free as, unlike her three daughters.
Josef was appointed ambassador to She had three daughters, including congressional liaison. After the 1980 Ultimately, she found refuge in a job Britain and France, America then had
Tito’s Yugoslavia. Because of his dislike twins. Republican victory she took a two- as a professor at the School of Foreign no troops on the ground who would Madeleine Albright, born May 15
of Communism he refused to put his After the birth of her third child in week research trip to Poland, which Service at Georgetown University, and have been vulnerable to reprisals. 1937, died March 23 2022

Lieutenant Frank Ott

Naval observer decorated after playing his part in the sinking of the Japanese cruiser Haguro in 1945

IEUTENANT FRANK OTT, who has Ott in his khaki
died aged 100, was a Fleet Air Arm tropical uniform,
observer who was awarded the DSC far left, and, left,
for his part in the sinking of the Japanese Haguro, sunk in
cruiser Haguro in May 1945 by the British one of the last
East Indies fleet. major sea battles
Ott was the senior observer in 851 Naval of the Second
Air Squadron, flying lend-lease Grumman World War
Avenger torpedo bombers, when a task
force from the East Indies Fleet sailed at
short notice from Trincomalee for
Operation Dukedom, the interception of
Haguro and the destroyer Kamikaze.
The ships had been located on their way
to evacuate Japanese troops from the
Andaman Islands. Ott’s squadron was
disembarked from the escort carrier Shah,
but a defective catapult prevented her from
operating Avengers and so 851 NAS had to
be embarked in her sister ship Emperor,
which usually operated Grumman Hellcat
fighters. observer in the Fleet Air Arm. After Office. In 1953 he gained a BSc in Economics
On May 15, Ott and his crew flew a receiving his observer’s “wings” he from the University of London and
prolonged but unfruitful search for Haguro, returned to the UK to become a sub- subsequently became assistant Secretary at
landing on the aircraft carrier after more lieutenant. Birmingham University, supervising a new
than five hours with very little fuel left. The In September 1943 he crossed the Atlantic building programme. Later he became
enemy cruiser was located by 851’s again, this time in RMS Queen Mary, to join Assistant Bursar, but was lent to the
commanding officer more than 200 miles the new 851 NAS, commissioned at the US adjacent Queen Elizabeth Hospital, where
from the carrier. Naval Air Station Squantum, Massachusetts, he took charge of its development plan. In
Later the same day they took off again and on October 1. 1973 he was appointed Bursar of Bristol
attack Haguro with two fully fuelled and After working up at Norfolk, Virginia, the University where he remained until
armed Avengers, but they could not find the squadron flew across the United States to retirement in 1987.
cruiser at its predicted position. On Ott’s join HMS Shah, a new escort carrier, in San Ott was for 20 years a member of the
advice, his pilot extended the search, and Francisco. Ott travelled by train, however, Glastonbury Male Voice Choir, a Freemason
half an hour later they located the ship. with the squadron’s air mechanics and spent for 70 years and a founder of the Society of
The three Avengers, each armed with four New Year’s Day 1944 at a railway station in Friends of the Fleet Air Arm Museum at
500 lb semi-armour-piercing bombs, carried Chicago. RNAS Yeovilton.
out independent attacks, encountering After embarking her aircraft, Shah sailed He married, in 1946, Olive Rita Read,
intense anti-aircraft fire. One of the aircraft across the Pacific to Melbourne in January known as Rita, after they met on a train.
was shot down, however, and the crew taken The youngest of three brothers, Frank and eventually joined the East Indies Fleet They had no children, but shared a love of
prisoner. The rest recovered aboard Emperor Cyril Ott was born on January 5 1922 at based at Trincomalee in Ceylon (now Sri Great Danes, which they bred and showed.
after reporting “probable hits”. Dover to Ephraim Ott, a butcher who ran a Lanka) on March 19. For more than a year Friends remembered with amusement
These two long sorties, one of them stall in the market, and Agnes, née Huband. she carried out trade protection operations seeing the Otts in their small Austin A30
under enemy fire, had left Ott and the others Frank was educated at grammar school, in the Indian Ocean, but after Operation with a Great Dane sitting on the back seat as
exhausted but elated to have played their obtaining his school certificate in 1938. Dukedom, in September, 851 NAS left its if directing them.
part in what would turn out to be one of the Fascinated by the sea, he was an American aircraft behind in Ceylon and Rita was disabled by a stroke in 1998 and
last major sea battles of the Second World enthusiastic member of the Sea Scouts sailed home in Shah. The squadron Frank looked after her until her death in
War. Haguro was sunk early the next before joining the Admiralty as a Clerk in disbanded at Gourock near the Firth of 2008. He was determined to reach 100 and,
morning by a brilliant torpedo attack 1939. Clyde after arriving there in October 1945. although he was in hospital by then, he was
carried out by destroyers of the 26th Flotilla After volunteering for the Navy he was After his demobilisation Ott returned to delighted to receive his card from the Queen.
south-west of Penang in the Malacca Straits. called up in January 1942 and went to the the Admiralty until 1948, when he moved to
Ott and his pilot were awarded the DSC, Royal Naval Air Station at Piarco, Trinidad, the London County Council as an Frank Ott, born January 5 1922, died
and their telegraphist air-gunner the DSM. where he was trained to become an administrative assistant in the Education January 30 2022
28 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 29
30 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Television & Radio

Last night on television Anita Singh What to watch

Quiet Korean drama is a

Inside Culture
BBC Two, 7.30pm;

televisual masterpiece
Wales, 11.35pm
Mary Beard continues her
cultural ranging in this
interview with Elif Shafak,
the British-Turkish novelist
whose Ten Minutes 38
Seconds in This Strange
World was shortlisted for

o dogs wear pyjamas? The the Booker Prize in 2019.
Apprentice (BBC One) is a They discuss migration,
programme that sticks so closely exile, and the culture of
to a formula, and contains so few polarisation on social media.
surprises, that only occasionally do you
wake up and think, “Hang on, what?” Unreported World:
This was the final, and Kathryn was The Antivax Preachers
hoping to win £250,000 of Lord Channel 4, 7.30pm
Sugar’s money for her business selling This new series of
coordinating pyjamas for all the family, Unreported World once
including the four-legged. “My USP is again fulfils its brief
dog pyjamas,” she said. “You don’t get a admirably by dispatching
lot of matching dog PJs on the market.” reporter Seyi Rhodes to
Maybe there’s a reason for that. But South Sudan, where just
what do I know? I don’t have a dog.
Perhaps your dog is wearing pyjamas
right now.
Harpreet’s big idea was a chain of
dessert parlours selling the kind of
treats that strike fear into the hearts of Come on out: it’s debutante season as Regency romp Bridgerton returns to Netflix for series two
dentists everywhere. She decided to
call it Oh So Yum, pausing only briefly
to wonder: “Does it read like a
Japanese furniture brand?”
‘D earest gentle reader,
did you miss me?’
Lady Whistledown (archly
wife, Daphne (Phoebe
Dynevor), now reduced to
cameos, the focus is on the
by her unsuitability,
and alluring new arrival
Edwina Sharma (Charithra
A family affair: the Korean saga Pachinko spans many decades and continents It was an unexciting final. The only narrated by Julie Andrews, Featheringtons (led by Chandran), back from India
great episode is the interview round, cunningly played by Nicola matriarch Polly Walker) with her mother (Shelley

world of foreign dramas has follow the character of Sunja from in which Claude Littner and co tear the Coughlan) is back, and so and on Daphne’s rake Conn) and sister Kate
opened up to us via streaming childhood (played by Jeon Yu-na) in an candidates’ business plans and too are her quarries, the brother, Anthony (Simone Ashley). Tutankhamun: Waking the
services, and the latest is impoverished fishing village to early self-esteem to shreds. But it’s also the aristocracy of Regency Bridgerton (Jonathan It is as ludicrous as ever: Dead – Bettany Hughes
Pachinko (Apple TV+), a Korean series womanhood (played by Kim Min-ha), programme’s weakness, because how London, whom she is Bailey), as he searches society balls and decorous
following multiple generations of one and then meet her again as a do you show interviewers advising pseudonymously noting reluctantly for a wife during reclining supplemented by 200,000 people have
family. It is a quiet masterpiece. grandmother living in Japan – here Kathryn that her financial projections down in print again after debutante season. Among the fun of identifying the been fully vaccinated. He
The story takes us from Japanese- portrayed by Youn Yuh-jung, who won read like “the rantings of a lunatic”, or 10 months in the country. those debutantes are unlikely Regency/pop- encounters fierce anti-vax
occupied Korea in 1915 to New York the best supporting actress Oscar last telling Harpreet that “you’re making While Regé-Jean Page (as Daphne and Anthony’s music cover versions. propaganda and serious
and Tokyo in the late 1980s. It unfolds year for Minari. It would be unfair to this up as you’re going along now”, and the smouldering Simon sister, Eloise (Claudia Jessie), Fans will be delighted, logistical problems, but also
steadily, with no cliffhangers or cheap single out any of these performances, then reverse-ferret a week later to Basset, Duke of Hastings) her withering cynicism for sceptics as baffled as ever. some cause for optimism.
tricks. Trauma is present – the trauma because all are terrific. pretend these are two of Britain’s finest may be off-screen and his the occasion matched only Gabriel Tate
of a colonised nation, and of the Another storyline focuses on the business brains? Earth’s Great Rivers II
individual stories therein – but this is older Sunja’s grandson, Solomon (Jin It’s a game show, I suppose. COMEDY United Kingdom continues BBC Two, 9pm
not a misery-fest. Instead, the Ha), a high-flyer in New York finance, Everything proceeded according to with this grimly gripping David Oyelowo talks us
adaptation of Min Jin Lee’s bestselling who reconnects with her after a the rules of Apprentice finals: they put Not Going Out two-parter. This time, down the 2,000 miles of
novel is a tale of emotional resilience, posting to Japan. His main task is to sniping aside and praised each other’s BBC One, 9.30pm we follow the efforts of the Danube from its many
its most poignant moments – displaced persuade a stubborn Korean pensioner efforts. They made digital billboards Bobby Ball’s death in 2020 Devon police to intervene tributaries out to the Black
people yearning for home – and to move out of her home, which is and TV ads, aided by contestants from has left a gaping hole in as ruthless national gangs Sea – a journey which
national tragedies balanced by standing in the way of a proposed past episodes and watched by Lord more than one British vie, through violence and features forests and rapids,
endurance and hope for the future. luxury hotel. When the pensioner Sugar’s aides. Karren Brady furrowed sitcom. Not Going Out has intimidation, to take over cave-diving scientists and
This determination not to be defined meets the elderly Sunja, they her brow as much as she was able. Tim negotiated his absence as the rural drugs trade. ice runners, mating mayflies
by the worst of times is signalled in the reminisce about their childhoods and Campbell, poor man, appears to have deftly as Gold’s The Offering a broad range of and giant fish. It is both
opening titles, which are the most ponder how much they have gained aged 10 years since this series began. Cockfields, playing it for perspectives from police, mesmerising and oddly
joyful thing you’ll see all year. We and lost: they no longer want for food Lord Sugar, if truth be told, didn’t laughs in a manner you small-time dealers and soothing.
cut from grainy period footage of or home comforts yet “now my own seem impressed by either business suspect that Ball would have users, it is an alarming
Korean life to the cast dancing for all children don’t know the language in idea. He delivered his verdict in the sincerely enjoyed. Lee Police standing by in insight into a worrying Tutankhamun:
they’re worth in a colourful pachinko which their mother dreams”. tone of a man who’d just agreed to put Mack’s gag-fuelled series Drugsland: Going Country trend. Fittingly, the Waking the Dead
parlour (a games arcade), to the Sixties It took me a while to realise that £250,000 of his own money through returns for a 12th run with 2019 film County Lines, Channel 5, 9pm
sounds of Let’s Live for Today by The the subtitles are yellow to indicate the shredder. But in the end he chose Wendy (Deborah Grant) DOCUMENTARY London youth worker Bettany Hughes goes where
Grass Roots. that Korean is being spoken, and blue Harpreet’s dessert parlours. If Lord painting a picture of Frank Henry Blake’s brutally many have gone before,
There are two separate timelines, for Japanese. Solomon’s scenes with Sugar has a dog, we can safely bet it (Ball) in his memory as a Drugsland: Going Country honest and acclaimed using up-to-date historical
but the segue from one to another – his American bosses are conducted in doesn’t wear pyjamas. present to son Lee (Mack). BBC Three, 9.05pm dramatisation of the crisis, and scientific insights –
a historical period that is unfamiliar, English. But language is no barrier Unfortunately, it’s atrocious; BBC Three’s excellent run of which stars Harris including CT scans – to get
to an era that looks pretty when the drama is such a thing of Pachinko ★★★★★ an onslaught of social faux documentaries on drugs, Dickinson as gang leader to grips with the true story
contemporary – is well crafted. We beauty. The Apprentice ★★★ pas, naturally, ensues. crime and addiction in the Simon, follows at 10pm. of the boy king. GT

Radio choice Gerard O’Donovan

The Smugglers’ Trail former soldier Rob Lawrie Drama: The Road and the famous writer, Stella (Louise
Radio 4, 11am – hear from traffickers how Miles to Dundee Oliver), who has long been
they work, how they evade Radio 4, 2.15pm haunted by a song her father
One of the more shocking detection (including alleged sang – as a queer tale of
revelations in Sue Mitchell’s payoffs to the French police), With a script by crime avoiding love on the
excellent series about the huge profits they make writer Val McDermid and rebound. Following a messy
people-smuggling across and their apparent disregard songs by singer-songwriter break-up, Stella bumps into
the English Channel is the for the lives of those they Barbara Dickson, neither Jen (Susannah Laing) en
number of gangs that are traffic. We also meet the quality nor Scottishness is route to a literary festival,
based in the UK, where they courageous Bit Bok, a in short supply here. and they hit it off. But will
stand less chance of being 15-year-old who successfully McDermid describes her the lessons of the song
caught. Today Mitchell and negotiated passage for semi-autobiographical apply, or can Stella shake
her guide – aid worker and her and her family. drama – which is about a off the past?

RADIO 1 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 Afternoon RADIO 5 LIVE News 12.06am The Real Story 1.00
FM 97.6-99.8MHZ Concert 4.30 The Listening Service MW 693 & 909KHZ News 1.06 World Business Report
5.00 In Tune 7.00 In Tune Mixtape 1.30 WorkLifeIndia 2.00 The
6.33am Radio 1’s Best New Pop 7.00 7.30 Radio 3 in Concert 10.00 The 9.00am Nicky Campbell 11.00 Chiles Newsroom 2.30 CrowdScience 3.00
Radio 1 Breakfast with Greg James Verb 10.45 The Essay: The Sounds of on Friday 1.00pm Elis James and John News 3.06 The Fifth Floor 3.50
10.00 Radio 1 Anthems 10.32 Radio Tyne 11.00 After Dark Festival: Late Robins 2.30 Kermode and Mayo’s Film Witness History 4.00 News 4.06 -
1 Anthems 11.02 Dean McCullough Junction 1.00am Piano Flow with Tokio Review 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live 5.00 The Real Story
12.45pm Newsbeat 1.00 Katie Myers 2.00 Gameplay with Baby Queen Sport: The Friday Football Social 8.30
Thistleton 3.00 Radio 1’s Party 3.00 - 7.00am Through the Night 5 Live Boxing 9.00 5 Live Formula 1 RADIO 4 EXTRA
Anthems 4.00 The Official Chart on 10.00 Stephen Nolan 1.00am Hayley DIGITAL ONLY
Radio 1 with Scott Mills 5.45 RADIO 4 Hassall 5.00 - 5.30 5 Live Boxing
Newsbeat 6.00 Radio 1’s Dance Party FM 92.4-94.6MHZ; LW 198KHZ 8.00am Dad’s Army 8.30 Bristow
with Danny Howard 8.00 Radio 1’s CLASSIC FM 9.00 Guess What? 9.30 Bookcases
Future Dance with Sarah Story 10.00 6.00am Today 8.31 LW: Yesterday in FM 99.9-101.9MHZ 10.00 The Thirty Nine Steps 11.00
Pete Tong 12.00 Radio 1’s Essential Parliament 9.00 Desert Island Discs Podcast Radio Hour 12.00 Dad’s Army
Mix 2.00am Radio 1 Dance Presents 9.45 Book of the Week: Making 6.00am More Music Breakfast 9.00 12.30pm Bristow 1.00 A Charles Paris
3.00 Danny Howard 4.00 Radio 1’s History: The Storytellers Who Shaped Alexander Armstrong 12.00 Anne- Mystery: Murder in the Title 1.30
Wind Down Presents 5.00 - 6.00am the Past 9.45 LW: Daily Service 10.00 Marie Minhall 4.00pm John Brunning Kipling in Love 2.00 Long Time No See
Radio 1 Relax Woman’s Hour 11.00 The Smugglers’ 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 2.15 Irene Nemirovsky: The
Trail See Radio choice 11.30 Ankle Relaxing sounds 8.00 The Classic FM Misunderstanding 2.30 Fiery
RADIO 2 Tag 12.00 News 12.01pm LW: Concert with John Suchet 10.00 Inspiration: Amiri Baraka and the
FM 88-90.2MHZ Shipping Forecast 12.04 Passing Smooth Classics 1.00am Katie Black Arts Movement 3.00 The Thirty
12.18 You and Yours 12.57 Weather Breathwick 4.00 - 7.00am Sam Pittis Nine Steps 4.00 Guess What? 4.30
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show 1.00 The World at One 1.45 Past Bookcases 5.00 All Those Women
9.30 Ken Bruce 12.00 Jeremy Vine Forward: A Century of Sound 2.00 The WORLD SERVICE 5.30 George Fouracres: Black Country
2.00pm Steve Wright in the Afternoon Archers 2.15 Drama: The Road and DIGITAL ONLY Gentlemon 6.00 The Case of Charles
4.15 Steve Wright in the Afternoon – the Miles to Dundee See Radio Dexter Ward 6.15 The First Men in the
Serious Jockin’ 5.00 Sara Cox 7.00 choice 2.45 Helen Lewis: Great Wives 8.00am News 8.06 HARDtalk 8.30 Moon 6.30 And the Academy Award
Tony Blackburn’s Golden Hour 8.00 3.00 Gardeners’ Question Time 3.45 Business Daily 8.50 Witness History Goes To 7.00 Dad’s Army 7.30 Bristow
Sounds of the 80s with Gary Davies After Wonderland 4.00 Last Word 9.00 News 9.06 Tech Tent 9.30 8.00 A Charles Paris Mystery: Murder
Moments 10.00 Sounds of the 90s 4.30 Feedback 5.00 PM 5.54 LW: Science in Action 10.00 News 10.06 in the Title 8.30 Kipling in Love 9.00
with Fearne Cotton 12.00 Romesh Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 The Real Story 11.00 The Newsroom Podcast Radio Hour 10.00 Comedy
Ranganathan: For the Love of Hip-Hop Six O’Clock News 6.30 The Now Show 11.30 World Football 12.00 News Club 12.00 The Case of Charles Dexter
1.00am The Craig Charles House 7.00 Letter from Ukraine 7.15 Add to 12.06pm The Fifth Floor 12.50 Ward 12.15am The First Men in the
Party 2.30 The Craig Charles House Playlist 8.00 Any Questions? 8.50 A Witness History 1.00 The Newsroom Moon 12.30 And the Academy Award
Party Mixtape 3.00 Michelle Visage’s Point of View 9.00 The Hackers 9.59 1.30 Science in Action 2.00 Newshour Goes To 1.00 A Charles Paris Mystery:
Rule Breakers 4.00 Sophie Ellis- Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 3.00 News 3.06 HARDtalk 3.30 World Murder in the Title 1.30 Kipling in
Bextor’s Kitchen Disco 5.00 - 6.00am 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Passing Business Report 4.00 BBC OS 6.00 Love 2.00 Long Time No See 2.15
Radio 2 in Concert 11.00 A Good Read 11.30 Today in News 6.06 The Fifth Floor 6.50 Irene Nemirovsky: The
Parliament 12.00 News and Weather Witness History 7.00 The Newsroom Misunderstanding 2.30 Fiery
RADIO 3 12.30am Book of the Week: Making 7.30 Sport Today 8.00 News 8.06 Inspiration: Amiri Baraka and the
FM 90.2-92.4MHZ History: The Storytellers Who Shaped Tech Tent 8.30 CrowdScience 9.00 Black Arts Movement 3.00 The Thirty
the Past 12.48 Shipping Forecast Newshour 10.00 The Newsroom Nine Steps 4.00 Guess What? 4.30
6.30am Breakfast 9.00 Essential 1.00 As World Service 5.33 Shipping 10.20 Sports News 10.30 World Bookcases 5.00 All Those Women
Classics 12.00 Composer of the Week: Forecast 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Business Report 11.00 News 11.06 5.30 - 6.00am George Fouracres:
Richard Strauss 1.00pm Radio 3 - 6.00am Lent Talks HARDtalk 11.30 World Football 12.00 Black Country Gentlemon
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 31

Today’s television

Main channels FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Film choice
BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 am Breakfast (S) 9.15 Morning Live 6.15 am Homes Under the Hammer (R) 6.00 am Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.05 am Countdown (R) (S) 6.45 Cheers 6.00 am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S)
(S) 10.00 Crimewatch Live (S) 10.45 (S) 7.15 The Repair Shop (R) (S) 8.00 Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning (S) (R) (S) 7.10 Cheers (R) (S) 7.40 12.15 pm George Clarke’s Build a New
Caught Red Handed (AD) (R) (S) Sign Zone: Great Coastal Railway 12.30 pm Loose Women (S) Everybody Loves Raymond (AD) (R) Life in the Country (R) (S)
11.15 Homes Under the Hammer Journeys (AD) (R) (S) (SL) 8.30 Sign 1.30 News; Weather (S) (S) 8.05 Everybody Loves Raymond 1.10 5 News at Lunchtime (S)
(AD) (R) (S) Zone: Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a 1.55 Regional News; Weather (S) (AD) (R) (S) 8.35 Everybody Loves 1.15 Home and Away (S)
12.15 pm Bargain Hunt (AD) (S) Kitchen Garden (R) (S) (SL) 9.00 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) (S) Raymond (AD) (R) (S) 9.05 Frasier 1.45 Neighbours (S)
1.00 BBC News at One; Weather (S) News (S) 10.00 News (S) 3.00 Lingo (R) (S) (AD) (R) (S) 9.35 Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 2.15 FILM: Mystery 101: Killer Timing
1.30 Regional News; Weather (S) 12.15 pm Politics UK (S) 4.00 Tipping Point (R) (S) 10.05 Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 10.35 (2021, TVM) Premiere. Murder Spencer (2021)
1.45 Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private 1.00 FILM: The Belles of St Trinian’s 5.00 The Chase (R) (S) Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA mystery starring Jill Wagner (S) Amazon Prime Video ★★★★★
Investigators (AD) (R) (S) (1954, b/w) Comedy starring Alastair 6.00 Regional News; Weather (S) (R) (S) 11.30 Channel 4 News (S) 4.00 Filthy House SOS (R) (S)
2.30 Money for Nothing (S) Sim (S) 6.30 News; Weather (S) 11.35 Undercover Boss USA (S) 5.00 5 News at 5 (S) Pablo Larraín imagines the make-or-
3.00 Escape to the Country (AD) (R) (S) 2.30 Orangutans: The Great Ape Escape 12.30 pm Steph’s Packed Lunch (S) 6.00 Neighbours (R) (S) break moment where the Royal
3.45 The Repair Shop (S) – Natural World (AD) (R) (S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 6.30 Eggheads (S) family attempt to bring their most
4.30 Bridge of Lies (S) 3.30 The Customer Is Always Right (R) 3.00 A Place in the Sun (R) (S) dangerously wayward member to
5.15 Pointless (S) (S) 4.00 A New Life in the Sun (R) (S) heel. This resplendently mad, sad and
6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather (S) 4.15 The Sweet Makers: A Victorian 5.00 Four in a Bed (S) beautiful biopic about Diana, Princess
6.30 Regional News; Weather (S) Treat (AD) (R) (S) 5.30 Fame in the Family (S) of Wales (Kristen Stewart, nominated
5.15 Flog It! (R) (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) for Best Actress for this role in
6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Hollyoaks (AD) (R) (S) Sunday’s Oscars) unfurls like a
(S) fairytale, as a beautiful princess
6.30 Lightning (S) attempts to escape a gilded prison.

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck

Wild (2022)
Disney+ ★★★
Not Going Out: Lee Mack Earth’s Great Rivers II: the Danube Grantchester: Tom Brittney stars Grayson’s Art Club World’s Most Scenic River Journeys
Simon Pegg reprises his role as the
dinosaur-hunting weasel Buck Wild in
7.00 The One Show Hosted by Alex 7.00 MOTDx Football discussion 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 World’s Most Scenic River this latest instalment of the Ice Age
Jones and Rylan (S) presented by Jermaine Jenas (S) Journeys A journey down Bosnia franchise. Errant possum pranksters
7.30 Unreported World New series. Seyi and Herzegovina’s Neretva River (S) Crash and Eddie return to the lost
7.30 Question of Sport With Liam Heath, 7.30 Inside Culture with Mary Beard 7.30 Emmerdale Jai is humiliated (AD) Rhodes investigates the reasons world of 2009’s Ice Age: Dawn of the
Katy Daley-McLean, Jermaine See What to watch (S) (S) behind Covid vaccine inequality Dinosaurs, where Buck’s fight against
Beckford and Tim Vine (S) See What to watch (AD) (S) 7.55 5 News Update (S) a tyrannical Protoceratops (Utkarsh
Ambudkar) serves as backdrop for
8.00 MasterChef Food critic Tom Parker 8.00 Gardeners’ World Nick Bailey heads 8.00 Coronation Street As Gary resolves 8.00 Grayson’s Art Club Grayson Perry 8.00 Submarine: Life Under the Waves their coming-of-age drama.
Bowles helps assess the to Bodnant Garden in north Wales to move Rick’s body, Laura demands and his wife Philippa are joined by Part two of two. Captain Stephen
contestants’ efforts (AD) (S) (S) the truth (AD) (S) comedian Jo Brand (AD) (S) Brian takes command of HMS
Trenchant (R) (S)

9.00 MasterChef The first quarter-final 9.00 Earth’s Great Rivers II Exploring 9.00 Grantchester A vagrant is found 9.00 Gogglebox The households’ 9.00 Tutankhamun: Waking The
(AD) (S) the story of the Danube dead in the doorway of Leonard’s opinions on recent TV (AD) (S) Dead Professor Bettany Hughes
See What to watch (AD) (S) cafe (AD) (S) takes a forensic look at the
9.30 Not Going Out New series. Wendy body of Tutankhamun
produces a commemorative portrait See What to watch (S)
of Frank See What to watch (S) Blacklight (2022)
Sky Cinema Premiere, 8pm ★★
10.00 BBC News at Ten (S) 10.00 Live at the Apollo: Access All Areas 10.00 News; Weather (S) 10.00 The Last Leg Comic review of the 10.00 Patrick Swayze: Dirty Dancer The
10.25 Regional News; Weather (S) A celebration of disabled stand-up 10.30 Regional News; Weather (S) significant moments of the past story of the actor’s struggle for From Ozark co-creator Mark Williams,
10.35 FILM: Spider-Man: Homecoming comedians at the BBC (R) (S) 10.45 FILM: Rocky Balboa (2006) Boxing seven days (S) acceptance (R) (S) Liam Neeson’s latest vehicle sees
(2017) Superhero adventure starring 10.30 Newsnight (S) drama starring Sylvester Stallone 11.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown brooding government “fixer” Travis
Tom Holland (AD) (S) (AD) (S) 12.05am FILM: American Ultra Block come up against his former
11.05 The Misadventures of Romesh (2015) 1.45 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 2.35 employers, after the death of a political
Ranganathan 12.05am Sign Zone: Come Dine with Me 3.05 Come Dine 11.30 ‘80s Greatest Pop Videos: 1986 activist causes him to question his
Panorama: Ukraine’s Resistance: with Me 3.30 Come Dine with Me 1.15am The Live Casino loyalties. It’s a natural progression for
Standing Up to Putin 12.35 Sign 4.00 Come Dine with Me 4.25 Show 3.20 1996: Britain’s Biggest the Neeson formula: now both
Zone: Fraud Squad 1.20 Sign Zone: 12.35 am Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Winning Come Dine with Me 4.50 Hits 4.25 The Funny Thing About daughter and granddaughter are
Fraud Squad 2.05 - 6.20am This Is Combination 3.50 Unwind with ITV Moneybags 5.45 - 6.00am Kirstie’s Holidays 5.10 House Doctor 5.35 - threatened by shadowy chaos agents.
12.45- 6.00am News BBC Two 5.05 - 6.00am Cash Trapped House of Craft 6.00am Paw Patrol Emmy Raver-Lampman co-stars.

Freeview, satellite and cable FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
BBC Four ITV3 ITV4 Sky Max Sky Atlantic Film4 Drama Northern Ireland
FV 9 FS 173 SKY 116 VIRGIN 107 FV 10 FS 115 SKY 119 VIRGIN 117 FV 26 FS 117 SKY 120 VIRGIN 118 SKY 113 VIRGIN 122 SKY 108 FV 14 FS 300 SKY 313 VIRGIN 428 FV 20 FS 158 SKY 143 VIRGIN 130 BBC One: No variations
BBC Two: 11.05 - 12.05am Murder in
7.00 pm Dusty 11.50 am Heartbeat 11.25 am The Champions Noon NCIS: New Orleans 11.10 am The Sopranos 11.00 am The File on Thelma Noon The Bill the Badlands
7.30 Dusty 12.55 pm Heartbeat 12.30 pm Made in Britain 1.00 pm Hawaii Five-0 12.15 pm Game of Thrones Jordon (1950, b/w) 1.00 pm Classic EastEnders UTV: 7.00 - 7.30pm UTV Life
7.55 Pop Go the Sixties 2.00 Classic Emmerdale 1.35 Robin of Sherwood 2.00 S.W.A.T. 1.20 Hausen 1.05 pm In Harm’s Way (1965, 1.40 Classic EastEnders
8.00 TOTP: 1992 2.30 Classic Emmerdale 2.40 The Avengers 3.00 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 2.25 Hausen b/w) Second World War 2.20 Hetty Wainthropp Scotland
8.30 TOTP: 1992 3.00 Classic Coronation Street 3.50 The Professionals 4.00 Arrow 3.30 Ray Donovan drama starring John Wayne Investigates
9.00 Elton John: Uncensored 3.35 Classic Coronation Street 4.55 Minder 5.00 The Flash 4.35 Ray Donovan 4.25 Mary, Queen of Scots 3.20 Lovejoy BBC One: 12.40am A View from the
10.00 FILM: Amazing Grace 4.05 Midsomer Murders 6.00 Extreme Salvage Squad 6.00 Stargate SG-1 5.40 The Sopranos (1971) Historical biopic 4.20 Pie in the Sky Terrace 1.45 - 6.00am BBC News
BBC Scotland: 9.00pm The Nine 9.30
(2018) Concert recording of 6.00 Heartbeat 6.55 The Chase Celebrity Special 7.00 Stargate SG-1 6.45 The Sopranos starring Vanessa Redgrave 5.20 Brush Strokes
Selling Scotland 10.00 Still Game 10.30
Aretha Franklin’s 1972 7.00 Heartbeat 8.00 River Monsters 8.00 A League of Their Own 7.45 Game of Thrones 7.05 Fantastic Four (2015) 6.00 Are You Being Served? A View from the Terrace 11.30 The
gospel album 8.00 Doc Martin 9.00 FILM: Van Helsing (2004) 9.00 Rob & Romesh vs Ballet 9.00 Funeral for a Dog Superhero adventure 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine Scotts Midnight Close
11.25 Elton John: Electric Prom 9.00 Doc Martin Gothic action adventure 10.00 Brassic 10.00 Funeral for a Dog starring Miles Teller 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine STV: 3.50 - 5.05am Unwind with STV
12.25 am Classic Soul at the BBC 10.05 Law & Order: UK starring Hugh Jackman 11.00 Peacemaker 11.00 Succession 9.00 The Hobbit: An Unexpected 8.00 Father Brown
1.25 TOTP: 1992 11.05 Scott & Bailey 11.40 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 12.00 Road Wars 12.05 am True Blood Journey (2012) Fantasy 9.00 Sister Boniface Mysteries Wales
1.55 TOTP: 1992 12.05 am Beecham House 1.45 am The Professionals 1.00 am Arrow 1.15 True Blood adventure starring Martin 10.00 New Tricks
2.25 Dusty 1.05 Beecham House 2.40 Unwind with ITV 2.00 The Blacklist 2.25 True Blood Freeman and Ian McKellen 11.00 Silent Witness BBC One: 3.00 - 3.45pm Bargain Hunt
2.55 - 3.20am Dusty 2.10 Unwind with ITV 3.00 - 6.00am Teleshopping 3.00 - 4.00am Hawaii Five-0 3.30 - 4.00am In Treatment 12.20 am We Summon the 1.35 am Kavanagh QC 7.30 - 8.00pm Weatherman Walking
BBC Two: 3.30pm Flog It! 3.50 The
2.30 - 6.00am Teleshopping Darkness (2019) 2.55 - 4.00am Monarch of the
Sweet Makers: A Victorian Treat 4.50
2.10 - 4.00am February (2015) Glen Scrum V Live 7.00 Richard Osman’s
House of Games 7.30 - 8.00 Lightning
11.05 MOTDx 11.35 - 12.05am Inside
Culture with Mary Beard
ITV2 Car S.O.S 6.55 Escape to the Chateau: Revisited 4.15 Legends of F1 4.45 BT Sport 1 Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender Recreated 6.00 Beautiful Serengeti Desmond’s 6.35 Hi-de-Hi! 7.20 The ITV Wales: 7.00 - 7.30pm Coast &
DIY 7.55 Devon and Cornwall 9.00 Live Formula 1. Live coverage of the 10.45 Discovering: Iggy Pop 11.15 6.35 Hiroshima: The Real History 8.40 Green Green Grass 8.00 Dad’s Army Country
Noon Supermarket Sweep 1.00pm Noon West Indies v England – Cricket
The Crimson Rivers 11.00 24 Hours in second practice session of the Saudi Punk 12.30am Isle of Wight Festival Hitler’s Circle of Evil 9.55 Plane Crash 9.20 The Good Life 10.00 All Round to
Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 2.00 Family A&E 1.10am 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Classics 12.30pm Test Cricket Greatest Hits 1.00 Stevie Nicks: 24 Recreated 11.00 Beautiful Serengeti Mrs Brown’s 11.20 Sandylands 12.00
Fortunes 3.00 The Ellen DeGeneres
Arabian Grand Prix, taking place at
Highlights 1.30 Live Test Cricket ITV Regions
Countdown 3.20-3.45am Food Jeddah Corniche Circuit 6.10 The F1 Karat Gold Tour 3.00 Video Killed the 11.35 Hiroshima: The Real History Peep Show 12.35am French and
Show 4.00 The Masked Singer US Unwrapped 10.00 WWE NXT UK 11.00 WWE Radio Star 3.30-5.00am Come 1.40am Hitler’s Circle of Evil 2.40 Saunders 1.05 Chef! 1.50 Bridget & No variations, except:
Show 7.10 My Icon: Michael Holding
5.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.00 SmackDown Highlights 12.00 Live: Together: The Rise of the Festival Plane Crash Recreated 3.35-4.00am Eamon 2.45 Peep Show 3.25-4.00am ITV Anglia: No variations
7.20 My Icon: Chris Hughton 7.30
Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Superstore WWE Friday Night SmackDown ITV Border: No variations
Dave Live International Under-21 Football. Beautiful Serengeti Chef!
ITV Central: No variations
8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 FILM: Ted 2.00am WWE NXT Highlights 3.00-
Noon Red Bull Soapbox Race 1.00pm England v Andorra (kick-off 7.45pm). Sky Cinema Premiere ITV Channel: No variations
(2012) Comedy starring Mark 4.00am UFC Unleashed
Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 10.00 Live World Golf Championships. 24 hours, including at:
Talking Pictures TV Yesterday ITV Granada: No variations
Wahlberg with the voice of Seth
The WGC-Dell Technologies Match ITV Meridian: No variations
MacFarlane 11.10 Family Guy 2.00 Expedition with Steve Backshall Sky History 10.50am Blacklight (2022) Action 24 hours, including at: Noon Great British Railway Journeys
Play. Further live coverage of the third ITV Tyne Tees: No variations
12.05am American Dad! 1.00 Bob’s 3.00 Rick Stein’s Spain 4.00 Red Bull thriller starring Liam Neeson 12.40pm 11.15am FILM: GI Blues (1960) 2.00pm Abandoned Engineering 4.00 ITV West: No variations
Soapbox Race 5.00 Rick Stein’s India day’s play 12.00-5.05am Live ICC Noon River Hunters Special 1.00pm Escape Room: Tournament of 1.20pm FILM: Alive and Kicking Nazi Victory: The Post-War Plan 5.00
Burgers 2.00 Superstore 2.50 Totally ITV Westcountry: No variations
6.00 Taskmaster 7.00 Richard Women’s World Cup. New Zealand v Forged in Fire 2.00 American Pickers Champions (Extended Cut) (2021) (1958, b/w) 3.20 Breaking the Codes World War Weird 6.00 Sahara with
Bonkers Guinness World Records 3.15 ITV Yorkshire: No variations
Osman’s House of Games 7.40 Room Pakistan. Live coverage of the group 4.00 The UnXplained with William 2.20 Our Ladies (2019) 4.10 3.55 FILM: The Ship that Died of Michael Palin 7.00 Great British
Unwind with ITV 3.30-6.00am
101 8.20 Would I Lie to You? 9.00 QI match from Hagley Oval in Shatner 6.00 Pawn Stars 7.00 Forged Reminiscence (2021) Sci-fi romance Shame (1955) 5.55 FILM: I’m All Railway Journeys 8.00 Abandoned S4C
XL 10.00 QI 10.40 Mock the Week Christchurch, New Zealand in Fire 8.00 Curse of the Ancients starring Hugh Jackman 6.10 Old Right Jack (1959, b/w) 9.00 Cellar Engineering 9.00 Bangers and Cash
11.20 Meet the Richardsons 12.00 9.00 Digging for Britain 10.00 (2021) M Night Shyamalan’s horror Club with Caroline Munro 9.05 FILM: 10.00 Secrets of the Transport 6.00am Cyw 12.05pm Newyddion S4C
E4 Sky Sports Premier Britain’s Most Historic Towns 11.00 a’r Tywydd 12.15 Datganiad Covid-19
Hypothetical 1.00am QI XL 1.40 with Gael Garcia Bernal 8.00 Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? (1971) Museum 11.00 Bangers and Cash
Noon Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00pm The League How Sex Changed the World 12.00 12.30 Heno Aur 1.00 Codi Hwyl 1.30
Would I Lie to You? 2.25 Live at the Blacklight (2022) Action thriller with 10.50 Cellar Club with Caroline Munro 12.00 Abandoned Engineering Dau Gi Bach 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
Big Bang Theory 3.00 Young Sheldon Apollo 3.10-4.00am The Curse of the Ancients 1.00am Lost Liam Neeson See Film choice 9.50 10.55 FILM: The Raven (1963) 1.00am Antiques Roadshow 3.00-
Noon Gary Neville’s Soccerbox Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00
4.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big Misadventures of Romesh Relic Hunters 2.00 Forged in Fire Escape Room: Tournament of 12.35am Cellar Club with Caroline 6.00am Teleshopping Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 3.05 Cynefin
1.00pm Premier League Years 3.00
Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 The Ranganathan 3.00-4.00am How Sex Changed the Champions (Extended Cut) (2021) Munro 12.40 FILM: The Four Skulls of 4.00 Awr Fawr: Olobobs 4.05 Awr Fawr:
PL Greatest Games 4.00 Best PL Goals
Big Bang Theory 8.00 Teen First Dates World Horror sequel starring Taylor Russell Jonathan Drake (1959, b/w) 2.10 Discovery Bach a Mawr 4.20 Awr Fawr: Gwdihw
07/08 5.00 PL 100 Club: Harry Kane
9.00 FILM: Jack Reacher: Never Go Sky Sports Main Event 11.30 Reminiscence (2021) Sci-fi Cellar Club with Caroline Munro 2.15 4.35 Awr Fawr: Digbi Draig 4.50 Awr
5.30 Premier League 100 Club 6.00 Noon Railroad Alaska 1.00pm Gold
Back (2016) Action thriller sequel
WSL 6.30 Premier League World 7.00 Sky Arts romance with Hugh Jackman 1.30am FILM: Bad Dreams (1988) 3.55- Fawr: Byd Tad-Cu 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00
starring Tom Cruise 11.20 Naked 12.30pm Sky Sports News 1.00 Sky Rush: White Water 3.00 World’s Gerddi Cymru 6.30 Anrhegion Melys
Live International Football. The Ogglies (2021) 3.15-5.00am 5.45am FILM: Fourteen Hours (1951,
Sports News 1.30 Live Formula 1. Live Noon Manet from the Royal Academy Biggest Shipbuilders 4.00 Building Off Richard Holt 6.57 Newyddion S4C 7.00
Attraction 1.30am First Dates 2.30 Blacklight (2022) Action thriller b/w)
coverage of the first practice session Luxembourg v Northern Ireland (kick- of Arts, London 1.00pm Tales of the the Grid 5.00 Wheeler Dealers 6.00 Heno 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd
Gogglebox 3.25-4.15am Below Deck: starring Liam Neeson 8.00 Pobol y Cwm 8.25 Welsh Whisperer
of the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, taking off 7.15pm). Live coverage of the Unexpected 2.00 Discovering: Jeff Fast N’ Loud 7.00 Outback Truckers
place at Jeddah Corniche Circuit 3.25 friendly match from Stade de Bridges 3.00 Mystery of the Lost GOLD 8.00 Gold Rush 9.00 Conspiracies – Ni’n Teithio Nawr 8.55 Newyddion S4C
Live Formula 2 Championship. Live Luxembourg 9.30 Premier League Paintings 4.00 Brunelleschi’s PBS America Noon Dad’s Army 12.40pm Chef! Decoded 10.00 Legendary Locations
a’r Tywydd 9.00 Guinness World Records
More4 coverage of the qualifying session, World 10.00 Premier League Icons Impossible Dome 5.00 Tales of the 11.50am Plane Crash Recreated 1.25 Dad’s Army 2.00 Desmond’s 11.00 Combat Dealers 12.00
Cymru 2022 10.00 Yn y Fan A’r Lle
10.30 - 11.35pm Stad
11.05am Find It, Fix It, Flog It taking place at Jeddah Corniche Circuit 11.00 PL Retro 1.00am Premier Unexpected 6.00 Discovering: Sean 1.00pm Beautiful Serengeti 1.35 2.35 The Green Green Grass 3.20 Conspiracies Decoded 1.00am
1.05pm Heir Hunters 2.05 Four in a in Saudi Arabia 3.55 The History of League Years 3.00-4.00am PL Connery 7.00 Queen – Hungarian Hiroshima: The Real History 3.40 Dad’s Army 4.00 Last of the Summer Legendary Locations 2.00
Bed 4.50 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 5.55 Aston Martin 4.05 Brazil 2008 Greatest Games Rhapsody: Live in Budapest 9.00 Hitler’s Circle of Evil 4.50 Plane Crash Wine 5.20 dinnerladies 6.00 Moonshiners 3.00-4.50am Gold Rush
32 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Weather & Crosswords

Nature notes

Dolphins whistle
to keep in touch
Male dolphins maintain rich social
lives by whistling at each other,
according to new research.
The high-pitched sound tells others
they wish to make contact and helps
the enigmatic marine mammals
maintain community ties.
Emma Chereskin, the lead author
and student at the University of Bristol,
explained: “Many animals, including
humans, use tactile contact, touch, to
strengthen and reaffirm relationships.
“But as the number of close social
relationships increases, so, too, do the
demands on the time and space
available for relationship maintenance
through physical contact.
“Male bottlenose dolphins form
strategic, multi-level alliances, and
maintain these in large groups.”
They use physical contact such as
gentle petting to connect with bonded
allies but rely on less time-demanding
vocal exchanges to stay connected, the
study in Current Biology found. ** Friday 25 March 2022



FTSE 100 DOW JONES  FTSE 250 20893.19

‡ China returns to coal
7500 34800 ˆ -108.43 (-0.52pc) £$ GOLD  Xi Jinping’s move towards

FTSE All Share 4155.88
7490 RISER 34700 ˆ -0.72 (-0.02pc)
dirty fuel is alarming for
FTSE All Share Yield 3.12
1.3184 the rest of the world
7480 34600
l 0.00 Change
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Previous +41⅝ (+5.73pc)
34500 FTSE Eurotop 100 3418.86 -0.28¢ +13.37 (+0.69pc)
ˆ -0.97 (-0.03pc) Page 4
7460 34400
BIGGEST Nikkei 225 28110.39
ˆ Sunak’s wriggle room
FALLER Previous close ‡ +70.23 (+0.25pc) £€ The Chancellor’s stealth
7450 34300 BRENT CRUDE 

10am 12pm 2pm 4pm Next 10am 12pm 2pm 4pm EURO STOXX 50 3863.39 Rate
taxes, boosted by rising
ˆ -5.83 (-0.15pc)
52WkHigh 7687.27
52WkHigh 36952.65
S&P 500 4520.16
1.1978 inflation, are expected
52WkLow 6618.61 52WkLow 32071.41

7467.38 -208.00 (-3.26pc)

‡ +63.92 (+1.43pc) Change to raise an extra £18bn
Yield 3.30pc 0.00
Nasdaq 14191.84 -0.32¢ (May)
per year
+6.75 (+0.09pc) P/E ratio 14.82 -0.03 +349.44 (+1.02pc) ‡ +269.24 (+1.93pc) -2.57 (-2.11pc)
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We broke the
law – and we’d
do it again,
admits P&O
committees also heard that P&O is pay-
Boss of ferry company tells ing agency workers as little as £5.15 an
MPs that consulting with hour, below the UK minimum wage.
Mr Hebblethwaite refused to rule out
unions over 800 jobs cuts taking a bonus on top of his £325,000-
‘would have been a sham’ a-year salary.
The P&O chief said sackings had not
By Oliver Gill and Lucy Burton been “forced on us” by Dubai-based
owner DP World.
THE boss of P&O Ferries has admitted Union leaders accusing P&O of want-
his company broke the law by sacking ing to “kill” the merchant navy.
800 seafarers on the spot last week – but P&O is offering generous redundancy
said he would do it again if he had to. packages of up to £100,000, meaning it
Peter Hebblethwaite shocked MPs on is unlikely to face any legal proceedings
an emergency Commons committee by from its staff for failing to consult them
admitting there was “absolutely no in advance. Replacing staff with agency
doubt” that under UK employment law workers will cut the company’s wage
the ferry operator was required to con- bill in half, P&O has said.
sult unions before pushing ahead with Grant Shapps, the Transport Secre-
the mass sackings, in which workers tary, said: “We think that the P&O man-

were escorted off their vessels by secu- agement have exploited a loophole here
rity and replaced with agency staff. in order to sack British workers.”
However, he added: “We chose not to He added on Twitter: “P&O Ferries
consult and we are, and will, compen- has ripped up 800 workers’ rights
and  hung them out to dry. I’ve
instructed a full review of our maritime
Peter Hebblethwaite, employment laws and will be strength-
chief executive at ening protections for seafarers’ mini-
P&O Ferries, refused mum wages.”
to rule out taking a Because its vessels were not British
bonus on top of his flagged, there was no need for Mr Lord Grade, a Conservative peer, has been appointed chairman of Ofcom, the media regulator. He is believed to have been championed by Nadine Dorries, the Culture Secretary
£325,000 salary

BBC and ‘woke brigade’ critic becomes Ofcom chairman

Hebblethwaite to inform the Govern-
ment ahead of the sackings.
However, P&O was obliged to inform
sate everybody in full for that. I would the jurisdictions where the ferries were
make this decision again, I’m afraid.” registered such as Cyprus. It is under-
Asked if Mr Hebblethwaite would
himself be fired for deciding to get rid of
stood that bosses informed Cypriot
authorities on the day that the redun-
By Christopher Hope and Ben Woods week role, including Lord Gilbert of
Panteg, chairman of the House of Lords’
‘I respect people’s points of January, Lord Grade dismissed calls
from BBC bosses for more money to
the workers, his boss Jesper Kristensen, dancies were announced, rather than A CONSERVATIVE peer and critic of the Communications and Digital Commit- view, I just don’t respect protect key services.
chief operations officer for maritime
services at P&O’s parent company,
the day before, potentially putting it in
breach of the rules.
BBC has been appointed as chairman of
Ofcom, Britain’s media regulator.
tee since Nov 2017.
As well as keeping an eye on the BBC,
the tone in which they do The seasoned broadcasting execu-
tive, who has also led Channel 4 and
backed him up and said: “I couldn’t Andrew Burns QC, barrister at Lord Grade of Yarmouth – who as Channel 4 and ITV, Lord Grade will it, the woke brigade’ ITV, has previously branded the annual
imagine that we would do that, no.” Devereux Chambers, told the Commons Michael Grade has held senior positions have to protect children and vulnerable £159 licence fee a “regressive tax”.
P&O, whose roots can be traced back hearing: “My understanding from what at the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 – was people when they are on the internet ture secretary, backed Lord Grade Last year, he praised the actor-
185 years, is facing criminal proceed- I’ve been told this morning is that the named last night as the Govern- under new “online harms” powers. against the advice of No 10, which turned-activist Laurence Fox as “a voice
ings and a multimillion-pound fine after notice was given to the appropriate ment ’s preferre d choice for the Lord Grade said he was “privileged” preferred Lord Gilbert, a former for those of us who are so sick of the
failing to follow the letter of the law in authorities in the countries where the £142,500-a-year role. to be appointed, adding: “The role of political secretary to David Cameron intolerance” and added: “I respect peo-
the way it made staff redundant. ships are flagged only on the day of the The process to find a suitable candi- Ofcom in British life has never been when he was prime minister. ple’s points of view, I just don’t respect
Huw Merriman, transport committee dismissals and not in advance.” date to chair the watchdog, which more important with new responsibili- Lord Grade set out his stall to be the tone in which they do it, the
chairman, told The Daily Telegraph that Under heated questioning, Mr oversees broadcasting and telecommu- ties on the horizon regulating online chairman of Ofcom in a Telegraph inter- woke brigade.”
P&O and its Dubai owners had “stuck Hebblethwaite defended P&O’s choice nications in the UK, has faced a series of safety, on top of the ever changing view last month when he attacked the If the appointment is approved, he
two fingers up at the UK and its employ- to break the law. Consulting with mili- delays since it began two years ago. broadcasting landscape.” B B C ’s “a g g re s s ive , gl e e f u l a n d will move to the cross-benches and give
ment laws”. In a fiery hearing, MPs on tant trade unions such as the RMT Lord Grade, 79, beat a shortlist of There were claims in Westminster disrespectful” political coverage. up any non-executive roles that could
the Commons transport and business “would have been a sham”, he said. other contenders for the three-day-a- last night that Nadine Dorries, the Cul- Speaking in the House of Lords in cause a conflict of interest.

Russian shares surge after ‘Potemkin’ stock market reopening

By Simon Foy preventing another steep slump. White House branding it a “charade” clear they are going to pour govern- BCS, a broker, said the exchange saw Boris Blokhin, the head of Moscow
Moscow banne d short-selling, and a “Potemkin market opening”. ment re s ource s into ar tificially “large bids” to buy Russian shares yes- Exchange’s stock market department,
RUSSIAN shares rallied after the restricted foreign investors from dump- The MOEX, which had been shut propping up the shares of companies terday, adding that the Kremlin’s prom- said: “We will do everything possible
Moscow stock exchange partially ing their holdings and instructed the since Feb 25, was opened for a short- that are trading. ise to use Russia’s wealth fund to buy to open all segments of the stock
reopened following a three-week sus- country’s wealth fund to inject $10.4bn ened session, with only 33 of the index’s “This is not a real market and shares was underpinning the market. market soon.”
pension, as it was propped up by the (£7.9bn) into the market to buy battered 50 stocks allowed to trade. not a sustainable model. What we’re It added: “The overall sentiment is On Monday, the bourse was partially
Kremlin to prevent a heavy sell-off. Russian stocks. The measures pre- The rally was driven by gains in seeing is a charade, a Potemkin market supported by the confidence that the reopened but only bonds issued by the
The MOEX, Russia’s benchmark vented the exchange going into freefall energy stocks such as Lukoil, Rosneft reopening.” finance ministry will buy stocks.” Russian government were allowed
index, ended the day 4.4pc higher, like it did on the day Russia invaded and Gazprom, which jumped between Only stocks with primary listings in Today the market will be open to be traded.
having jumped as much as 11pc earlier Ukraine, which sent shares down 45pc. 12pc and 18pc. Russia were allowed to trade yesterday, to more securities, including corporate Trading in Russian companies
in the day, as Vladimir Putin’s regime However, the reopening was heavily Daleep Singh, deputy US national meaning tech firms such as Yandex and bonds and Eurobonds, the Russian listed on the London Stock Exchange
imposed a string of measures aimed at criticised by the West, with the security adviser, said: “Russia has made Ozon did not resume trading. central bank said. remains suspended.

Next boss warns of 8pc price rises

By Laura Onita crisis, Lord Wolfson, chief insight from our history and
executive of Next, said: “I 2011, but we’ve never seen
THE boss of Next has said think this is much more anything like this before. We
that the current squeeze on widespread. “We did see don’t quite know how it’s
incomes is worse than the increases in our own prices going to pan out.”
damage wrought during the then [2011] of about 4pc-5pc It came as Next said it
financial crisis, as the retailer at the time in autumn winter. would increase prices by an
warned the war in Ukraine What we’re seeing now is average of 8pc this autumn
will fuel an 8pc rise in prices very different because the amid staff shortages and
this autumn. rises are much sharper and disruption resulting from
Responding to a question also what we’re seeing that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
about how the current envi- we didn’t see in 2011 is a The retailer said prices for
ronment compares with the sharp rise in wages as well. homewares will jump 13pc
cost-of-living crisis in the And that is the hardest thing. and clothes will rise by 6.5pc
fallout from the financial “Actually, we have some Continued on Page 3
2 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Stealth tax raid will boost coffers

Spring Statement
in mounting sums as inflation soars.
“The freeze will raise £18bn more in
ing workers worse off in the coming
financial year than they are now.
‘The allowances and thresholds to 2025-26,”
he said.
2025-26 than if the thresholds had The Office for Budget Responsibility Government At the same time, key government
measures will bring remained indexed” to price rises,
according to the think tank.
(OBR) expects inflation to average
above 7pc this year, with a peak of 8.7pc
has costs are rising more slowly. Pensions,
for instance, are rising by 3.1pc, the
an extra £18bn per A worker earning £30,000 per year, in the autumn when the energy price magically inflation rate in September, even
for instance, can expect to pay £365 cap rises once again. doubled the though prices have since accelerated
year to the Treasury more in income tax and NICs than they
would have done if the thresholds
By contrast it expects earnings to
increase by 5.3pc, meaning households’ scale of the
significantly to hit an annual rate of
6.2pc in February.
– but the IFS says for contributions went up in line
with inflation.
sp ending p ower falls – even as
higher cash payments funnels more to
tax rise Inflation is predicted to grow to
more than 8pc next month when energy
workers will not It means the Chancellor will keep on
raising extra cash from workers even as
the Government.
Douglas McWilliams, the deputy announced
bills rise.
The lag in costs this year will save
benefit from them he cuts the basic rate of income tax from
20pc to 19pc in 2024-25, according to
chairman of the Centre for Economics
and Business Research, said freezing last year’
money for the Treasury, but leaves
those reliant on pensions and benefits
Paul Johnson, the IFS’s director. allowances is a “stealth tax”. Mr McWil- facing a significant blow to their
By Tim Wallace “On current plans Mr Sunak’s income liams said the precise extent of the incomes, according to the Resolution
tax changes won’t actually depress surge in tax revenues depends on the Foundation.
FROZEN tax thresholds combined with income tax revenues in 2024-25. scale of pay rises that workers receive, “The greatest falls will be felt by the
soaring inflation will rake in almost “Despite the cut in the basic rate as they desperately try to preserve their poorest quarter of households who are
£18bn extra per year for Rishi Sunak as planned for that year, the income tax spending power in the face of the fastest set to see their real incomes drop by 6pc
economists accused him of mounting a take will stay about the same as in the price increases in 40 years. as benefits fail to keep pace with the ris-
giant “stealth tax” raid on families. previous year, and then continue rising. Chancellor Rishi higher rate threshold. The proposed cut “Higher than expected inflation will ing prices,” the think tank said.
Analysts at the Institute for Fiscal That’s the effect of inflation and fiscal Sunak announced in the basic rate gives back only about generate an additional £20bn of reve- “As a result, a further 1.3m people will
Studies (IFS) said the freeze in the drag,” he said. his Spring half of the additional windfall he is now nues, mainly from higher income tax fall into absolute poverty next year
income tax allowance and the higher “They [the Government] have magi- Statement on expecting to enjoy from that measure.” and NICs if wage increases are modest, including 500,000 children – the first
rate threshold, as well as the National cally doubled the scale of the tax rise he Wednesday These extra tax payments are set to and £40bn if they are less so – time Britain has seen such a rise in pov-
Insurance Contribution (NIC) threshold announced last year – the four-year be particularly painful as inflation eats compare d with £8bn originally erty outside of recessions.”
after July ’s increase, will bring freeze in the personal allowance and away at living standards, already mak- planned from his freezing of income tax The stealth raid on incomes is just

Take the OBR’s

Brexit forecasts
with a large
pinch of salt
matthew But even setting that aside, the OBR
lynn then goes on to make an eyebrow-
raising leap of faith. Its forecasters
suggest that the Brexit deal will result
in a 15pc fall in trade intensity over
several years. When you drill down
into the record, it turns out that
despite its grand-sounding title the
We treat the watchdog OBR is not actually terribly good at
as though its predictions forecasting stuff.
Let’s take its “Economic and Fiscal
were gospel – but they Outlook” published just a year ago last
often lack credibility March, and available on its website.
The OBR expected inflation to hit 1.8pc

iving standards will fall at a rate this year, rising to 1.9pc next. As it
unprecedented in recent history. turns out, it is now 6.2pc. So, er,
The poorest will take the biggest slightly more.
hit. Real wages will be hammered, It said average earnings would rise
trade will be damaged by our by 2.7pc this year. The actual figure is
departure from the European Union, 3.8pc, almost 50pc more. The list goes
and none of the tax cuts announced in on and on.
the Spring Statement on Wednesday True, it would be wrong to be too
will make up for the increases already harsh. As Niels Bohr, one of the fathers
in the pipeline. of the atomic bomb, so memorably put
The shadow chancellor, Rachel it: “Prediction is always difficult,
Reeves, hardly had to think very hard
for lines of attack on Rishi Sunak, nor
did any of the interviewers who
‘It is so much a part of the
wanted to give him a rough ride. centrist, establishment blob
The Office for Budget Responsibility
had done their work for them,
that it is rarely able to say
immediately publishing a report that anything original’
trashed the statement as a tissue of
flimsy forecasts and dodgy accounting. especially if its about the future.”
But hold on. We treat the OBR as if We have all made some rubbish
its forecasts were gospel, when in predictions. The important point is
reality it is as flawed as everyone else this. There is no reason to treat the
trying to predict the markets and the OBR as any more reliable than any of
economy. It generally just cuts and the dozens of forecasts coming out of
pastes the market consensus, and it is the City, and it is not even as good as
so much a part of the centrist, the top-tier investment banks.
establishment blob that it is rarely able In reality, it is questionable whether
to say anything original. It may well be we really need the OBR at all. George
well-intentioned, at least on its own Osborne set it up to provide some
terms, but its forecasts have no more intellectual cover for controlling
credibility than anyone else’s. public spending, back in those dim
Brexit is a case in point. The OBR distant days when Conservative
points out that UK trade has fallen at governments were actually interested
a faster rate than any other G7 country, in that kind of thing.
in the wake of our departure from We already have Treasury
the European Union. We have missed forecasts, and the Bank of England’s,
out on a post-Covid boom as a result, and it is hard to see why we need yet
it suggests. A more likely explanation another one.
for this discrepancy is that as an island If we have to have it, however, we
nation with a huge bias towards should at least stop treating its
exporting high-end professional predictions as any more reliable
services abroad, our economy is quite than anyone else’s – when that simply
different from many of our rivals. isn’t true.

Morrisons takeover risks Shell to pump up to £25bn Eco home upgrades to cost
petrol price rises, says CMA into Britain as it quits Russia 15pc more despite VAT cut
By Oliver Gill drivers will suffer from the takeover. By Rachel Millard plans to develop the major Cambo oil- By Melissa Lawford The tax cut will be completely out-
Colin Raftery, senior director at the field off the coast of Shetland. weighed by massive increases to the
THE prospective £10bn takeover of the CMA, said: “We’re concerned that this SHELL will invest up to £25bn in the Senior figures at Shell are understood THE cost of energy efficient home price of materials and the cost of trades-
supermarket chain Morrisons risks deal could lead to higher prices for UK over the next decade as it abandons to have become frustrated by the Gov- improvements will be 15pc higher this people, in the wake of the supply chain
putting further pressure on petrol motorists in some parts of the country. Russia and brings its headquarters from ernment’s unwillingness at the time to year despite Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s crisis and spiralling fuel prices.
prices, the competition regulator has But if CD&R and Morrisons are able to the Netherlands back to London. fully back the Cambo project. move to cut VAT on “green” works. The cost of construction materials
warned, hours after a 5p-a-litre tax cut address these concerns, then we won’t David Bunch, the FTSE 100 compa- It is now believed to be reconsidering Analysts criticised his policy as a drop rose by 21pc in the year to January,
at the pumps came into force. need to move on to an in-depth investi- ny’s chairman, said more than three the project amid a marked shift in tone in the ocean, after Mr Sunak announced according to the latest Government
The Comp etition and Markets gation of the merger.” quarters of the spending would go into from the Government which wants to he would cut VAT on eco-friendly home data. Even with a five percentage point
Authority said drivers faced higher A spokesman for CD&R said: “We low-carbon endeavours. increase domestic energy production works from 5pc to 0pc in his Spring tax cut, works will still cost 15pc more
prices at forecourts across 121 locations note the CMA’s statement and will be However, he said the oil and gas giant as the West tries to wean itself off Rus- Statement. The move is intended to than at this time last year.
as a result of the takeover by American responding accordingly. CD&R looks “cannot act alone” and called on the sian energy. encourage homeowners to make their Noble Francis, of the Construction
investment firm Clayton, Dubilier & forward to continuing to work con- Government to help ensure the right Ministers are believed to have been Products Association, a trade body, said:

Rice. CD&R owns Motor Fuel Group, structively with the CMA.” conditions for investment. pushing companies to invest in the “The reduction in VAT on energy-
the UK’s biggest petrol station operator The spectre of an in-depth competi- Writing on LinkedIn as he welcomed North Sea, which may help them fend saving materials from 5pc to 0pc merely
with 921 sites. With Morrisons running tion inquiry comes with CD&R scram- the Chancellor’s Spring Statement on off calls for a windfall tax on oil and gas makes a dent into the overall cost rises.
339 forecourts, the CMA warned that bling to find a new owner for Motor Wednesday, Mr Bunch also called for a companies’ high profits this year. “This won’t make a difference in
the private equity house could capital- Fuel Group. “stable political discourse”. Mr Bunch added he was looking The rise in cost of construction materials terms of the cost of living crisis or
ise on its dominant position to keep fuel Investment banks Citi, Deutsche Shell has been a major investor in the forward to working with Government in the year to January, according to increasing demand for energy saving
prices artificially high. Bank, Goldman Sachs and Royal Bank UK for decades through its North Sea oil and industry to “help the UK government data retrofit activity.” He added: “This is a big
Rishi Sunak cut fuel taxes by 5p a litre of Canada have been hired by CD&R to and gas fields, service stations, and, secure its future energy supply and missed opportunity. There is a very big
in his Spring Statement on Wednesday. run an auction for the forecourt opera- more recently, household energy sup- move towards its 2050 net-zero [carbon policy hole when it comes to energy
The competition watchdog has given tor. Although a £5bn price tag is plier. It recently moved its tax residence emissions] target”. properties more green and protect efficient retrofit works.”
CD&R, whose bid is being led by former believed to have been slapped on MFG, from the Netherlands to the UK as part Shell has said it will pull out of Russia themselves against massive rises in The benefits of the tax cut will only
Tesco chief Sir Terry Leahy, five days to City sources have questioned whether of efforts to boost its “speed and flexibil- in response to its invasion of Ukraine, energy prices. be felt by wealthier households who
respond to its competition concerns. the valuation is too high and CD&R ity” as the company tries to move away including shutting down its petrol But experts warned that the policy were already thinking about undertak-
The CMA will then have a further five could be left in the unenviable situation from fossil fuels. stations and exiting the Nord Stream 2 would help only a limited number of ing works and will give minimal help to
days to decide whether or not to launch of accepting a considerably lower offer However, Shell appeared irked with pipeline project between Russia households and amounted to “a middle and low-income homeowners,
an in-depth inquiry into whether or pulling the sale completely. Britain in December when it scrapped and Germany. policy hole” on energy efficiency. experts warned.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 3

but fuel poverty Higher inflation will stunt
pay for teachers and NHS
‘The greatest one part of a torrent of extra cash flood- ‘A further the decision to ramp up taxes again.
ing into the Treasury. Rising inflation Overall, the Government’s revenues
falls will be pushes up the cash size of the economy, 1.3m people will rise from around £900bn in the
felt by the combined with a remarkably tax-rich will fall into current financial year, according to we expect inflation to average more defence given the budget was already
recovery from the pandemic which has OBR estimates, to £987.5bn next year Institute for Fiscal Studies than 7pc over that period. That is an expected to fall in real terms even
poorest taken forecasters by surprise. absolute before breaking the £1 trillion mark in
says the Treasury cannot example of what we are going to see before the spike in inflation. But if pub-
quarter of VAT is expected to pull in £139bn
next year, rising to more than £174bn in
poverty next 2023-24 – a year earlier than was
expected back in March 2020 prior to afford pay rises for public
across the public sector.”
Real-terms pay in the public sector is
lic sector pay is not increased, it leaves
workers bearing the pain.
households five years’ time. year the pandemic. sector employees already 2pc lower than it was in 2010, he “If there is no compensation for this
who are set Corporation tax receipts, meanwhile,
will boom from just over £50bn last
including Richard Hughes, chairman of the
OBR, noted Sunak’s business support
said, as inflation has outstripped pay
growth over the period, so a further
higher level of inflation facing house-
holds, the average public sector worker
By Tim Wallace
to see their year to more than £94bn in 2026-27, 500,000 schemes through the pandemic may real-terms fall will be “a tricky subject would be hit to the tune of about £1,800
real incomes driven by next year’s sharp hike in its
rate from 19pc to 25pc.
children have helped companies stay afloat and
in good shape, so that they made more
MATCHING public sector pay rises
with inflation could blow a multibillion-
for the Chancellor”.
Over the same time period private
in real terms,” Mr Zaranko said.
Mr Sunak has stressed the need for a
drop by 6pc’ The OBR said the consumption tax’s – the first money as lockdown rules were lifted pound hole in the Chancellor’s financial sector real pay has grown by 5pc, itself well-resourced public sector.
strong performance is in part due to time Britain and paid more taxes. plans, undermining public services an underwhelming return over more “When I said we were a government
households that have been splashing At a Resolution Foundation event, he unless spending rises rapidly, accord- for public services, a government for
out on upgrades. Spending on durable has seen such said higher inflation is one cause of the ing to the Institute for Fiscal Studies. the NHS, I didn’t just mean ‘when it was
goods, a category which includes things
like washing machines and furniture,
for instance, attracts the full 20pc VAT
a rise in
higher tax take: “We have seen an infla-
tion surprise dragging more people into
the tax system and then more of their
Soaring prices are already set to wipe
out between one eighth and one half of
the increases to the budgets of Govern-
£1,800 easy’ – it is a total commitment,” he said,
setting out his argument for retaining
the health and social care levy which
rate and brings in more cash for the outside of income into higher tax brackets.” ment departments announced in the The real-terms hit the average public pushes up workers’ and their employ-
Government. And an extra factor is that the finan- autumn, economists at the think tank sector worker is expected to take if no pay ers’ National Insurance payments.
Those receipts had already risen over recessions’ cial sector has done well since Covid warned, and pressure for higher pay rise is given, according to the IFS Meanwhile, the lack of support for
the past decade from just below £36bn struck, boosting profits and pay. could hammer the finances even more. low-income families in the Spring State-
in 2010-11 even as the Conservatives “An awful lot of our tax comes from Even trying to match the sub-infla- ment left more than a million people on
chopped the rate of tax. people at the top end, so when those tionary pay rises expected in the private than a decade. Official forecasters at the the verge of “absolute poverty”, the Res-
That policy was stopped in the 2019 people do well, we get a lot more in tax,” sector this year could cost the public Office for Budget Responsibility have olution Foundation warned.
election then reversed a year ago with he said. purse an extra £3bn, according to Ben upgraded their forecast for average pay The living standards think tank said
Zaranko at the IFS. growth across the economy to 5.3pc, Mr Sunak’s measures represented a “big
The economist said public servants which remains below inflation. but poorly targeted policy package”
are extremely unlikely to get a pay rise It raised predictions for the private that did not do enough to aid families hit
matching inflation, as prices are sector by 1.3 percentage points, Mr hardest by the cost-of-living crisis.
expected to rise by more than 7pc over Zaranko said, but only about 0.5pp in “Considering all income tax changes
the course of the year. But the extent of the public sector. “The Treasury’s offi- to thresholds and rates announced by
what increases they do receive will be cial policy is to maintain broad parity Rishi Sunak, only those earning
fought over in the summer. between public and private sector pay, between £49,100 and £50,300 will
“It seems likely we are going to have so you might think, based on that, they actually pay less income tax in 2024-25,
positive cash pay awards, especially will increase pay awards by the same and only those earning between
given the spending plans in place and amount as private sector pay is doing £11,000 and £13,500 will pay less tax
the levels of inflation we are seeing, but better than expected. That would cost and National Insurance,” the Resolution
below-inflation awards seem a cer- about £3bn,” he said. Foundation’s analysis stated.
tainty,” he said. This would leave a hole in depart- “Of the 31m people in work, around
“We know the Department for Edu- ments’ abilities to run their public ser- 27m (seven in eight workers) will pay
cation has proposed below-inflation pay vices – a particularly intense problem more in income tax and (National Insur-
awards for teachers averaging 4pc. But for the NHS facing Covid backlogs, and ance) in 2024-25.”

Bank delays doomsday checks

By Lucy Burton ‘Sustained increases in “The invasion is increasing economic
uncertainty and will increase pressure
THE Bank of England has postponed its energy prices are likely to on borrowers. For example, sustained
annual health check on Britain’s biggest put pressure on household increases in energy prices resulting
banks owing to uncertainty over from the conflict are likely to put pres-
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. incomes and businesses’ sure on household incomes and busi-
The annual run of stress tests, ness earning”.
designed to make sure banks can with- about future developments in Ukraine It plans to restart its annual stress
stand a serious recession in a doomsday and Russia. Further geopolitical tests later this year, following “two
scenario and still keep lending, is on developments could pose additional years of Covid pandemic crisis-related
hold again after being suspended risks,” it said. “The possibility of further stress testing”.
during the pandemic for the first time second- order spillover effects The Bank also flagged that margin
since they began in 2014. impacting upon the UK financial system calls on energy and other commodity
As well as halting the tests, which cannot be discounted.” derivatives had hit a record since the
were due to restart today, it said in its Although the Bank made clear war on Ukraine, exceeding December
latest Financial Policy Committee (FPC) that core financial markets have 2021 peaks.
report that it was reassessing whether continued to function, it warned that Earlier this month the London Metal
to hike banks’ capital requirements conditions could tighten further Exchange recorded its biggest increase
next quarter because of the uncertainty while ordinar y hous eholds will in nickel prices in its 145-year history, as
from the war. continue to be squeezed if energy bills prices shot up 111pc to a record $101,365
“There is considerable uncertainty continue to rocket. and trading was suspended.

Cost-of-living crisis
is worse than 2011,
says Next’s Wolfson
Continued from Page 1
in the second half of the year. Next still
predicts sales will grow this year but not
as much as first thought as consumer
confidence will be more subdued. Prof-
its are expected to total £850m this
year, albeit this is £10m less than it
predicted in January as a result of its
decision to halt sales in Russia and
Ukraine. Sales will be £85m lower as a
result, the company said.
Lord Wolfson said high shipping
costs were one of the biggest drivers
of inflation.
He said: “Best-case scenario is that
we’re looking at an easing of pressure in
nine to 12 months’ time.”
The chain posted pre-tax profits of
£823m for the year to Jan 31, more than
double the amount of the previous year
and 10pc above pre-pandemic levels.
Total sales rose 11.5pc to £4.8bn dur-

ing the period, with online orders

accounting for £3.1bn as some of its
stores stayed shut.
Next said it could close almost 150
stores between now and 2037 as it
focuses more on online. It currently has
Next says it expects to close up to 150 stores before 2037 as customers move online 477 shops.
4 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Business comment
Marlow China’s coal revival may cut energy
It is madness bills, but at what environmental cost?
for UK to sell ambrose
boost storage, as the EU is planning
with a mandated 90pc replenishment
‘The days the People’s Congress this month that
energy security must take priority over
and analysts will soon be talking about
plummeting inflation.

its defence
rate in every country by November. The when we the climate. “We can’t be detached from We could see an absolute fall in
UK has no storage worth the name. It
should revive the Rough cavern, so
could talk reality. We can’t throw away what is
feeding us now, while what will feed us
prices of traded goods, allowing
relieved central banks to abandon plans
frivolously closed in 2018 when “just in airily of next has yet to arrive,” he told a key for staccato rate rises. This would set off

crown jewels doing

time” globalism was in vogue, and few gathering known as the “Two Sessions”. a violent unravelling of crowded
cared a fig for energy security. The mantra is now an “orderly” “inflation trades” and a torrid
Xi Jinping’s return to the There is a further twist to this story. something by energy transition. Accounting rules reawakening of the “tech trade”.
dirty fuel is alarming – it Citigroup thinks that Russia may mid-century have been changed to allow more China is schizophrenic on energy
may push us over the brink accelerate the swing by dumping cheap
gas in Europe at irresistible prices, have long
fossil fuels to be burned. The energy
intensity target for this year has been
policy. It has just unveiled plans to build
450 gigawatts of renewable power in
Ukrainians have been fighting whatever the rest of us do undercutting LNG in a bid to secure since passed’ dropped. The new policy is being called the Gobi desert, doubling total solar and
long-term market share. With winter “smart decarbonisation”: it is a wind capacity to 1,200 gigawatts by
with the help of British weapons,
t would be a grim irony if the Chinese over, Russia no longer gains political euphemism for coal. 2030. Carbon Brief said it installed
Communist Party rescues Europe leverage from withholding gas. The Liu Hongqiao, an energy analyst more offshore wind last year than the
but still ministers seem intent on from an energy shock this year by incentive has reversed: it is to knock out from Shuang Tan, said the official “Plan rest of the world combined over the last
giving up our military suppliers shovelling wagons of coal from the rivals from the US and Qatar. on National Economic and Social five years.
mines of Shanxi and Inner Mongolia, This scenario assumes that Germany Development” has fundamentally But Jinping’s return to coal is
trashing the planet in the process. continues to block a meaningful energy reframed energy policy as a national alarming for those who take

ince its invasion exactly one month ago, Citigroup thinks this is exactly what embargo at the Nato-G7-EU summit this security issue. The focus is on securing global warming seriously, and not to
Russia has deployed the full gamut of hi-tech may now happen. Surging coal use in week, with tacit acquiescence from the the supplies of coal, gas, and oil, and on take it seriously at this stage of
weaponry to blitz Ukrainian cities, towns and China will displace imports of liquefied rest of core Europe. Olaf Scholz, the holding down prices. “Ensuring accumulated science is nihilistic
villages. Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, which are natural gas (LNG) used in power plants, German chancellor, says time is needed economic stability, with fossil fuels, hedonism and a betrayal of Burkean
difficult to intercept; vacuum bombs that generate freeing up hydrocarbons for the rest of to break dependence on the Kremlin. trumps all,” she said. conservative principles.
supersonic blast waves, obliterating everything in the world. China became the world’s A gas glut is not (yet) Citigroup’s base China produced 687m tons of coal in The urgent conclusion of Cop 26 is
the vicinity; and cluster munitions that release biggest importer of seaborne gas last case but it is being presented as a the first two months of this year, a 10pc that the world must halve emissions
hundreds of smaller munitions over a vast area. year: a key reason why gas prices were serious possibility. Should it happen, rise from a year before. Caixin reports by 2030 to have a fair chance of
It has also been accused of using phosphorous spiralling upwards even before the Britain will be spared the worst of the that closed coal plants in Gansu have averting runaway climate change.
bombs, which can burn through bone when it Kremlin began to manipulate supply. real income squeeze, and Rishi Sunak been reopened. Five new coal-fired The days when we could talk airily of
comes into contact with flesh, and even raised the What it now does determines our fate will get away with his contractionary power plants with a capacity of doing something by mid-century have
prospect of using nuclear weapons. in Europe. austerity budget. 7.3 gigawatts were cleared for long since passed.
The West is now asking who will be next. The Citigroup is telling clients that global China’s politburo has long fretted construction over the first six weeks to China already accounts for over half
Baltic states probably have the most to fear, but gas prices could fall as fast as they rose, over the country’s Achilles’ heel: mid-February, following 33 gigawatts the world’s coal use, and a third of
what about Ukraine’s other neighbours Poland, plummeting over the second half of this dependency on seaborne supplies of cleared last year. carbon emissions. If it now mines and
Romania and Moldova? Is Finland safe? Vladimir year as diverted LNG floods the world foreign energy (and grains). Chinese Citigroup thinks China could burns an extra 300m tons a year over
Putin has buried the old world order and market. It has pencilled in European strategists have studied Franklin increase coal output by 100m tons as the early 2020s, it brings forward
unleashed a new Cold War. gas prices of $10 per metric million Roosevelt’s oil embargo against Japan soon as this year, and 300m tons another upward lurch in carbon
Only under this Government could a British thermal unit (MMBtu) or lower in 1941, afraid that the US might use this thereafter. Mr Yuen expects a dioxide parts per million, with methane
geostrategic shock of such magnitude be greeted by the summer, down from a peak of weapon to constrict supplies of coal, production “ramp-up” by April or May, leakage to match.
by the possible sale of some of our best defence $110 at the height of the winter crisis. crude and gas in a future crisis. potentially setting off a crash in global We are close to the threshold of
companies. They include Ultra Electronics, a “China could be turning itself from a White House sanctions policy since coal prices a few weeks later. Citigroup unpredictable feedback loops, if we
supplier of technology for Trident nuclear voracious energy importer to possibly the invasion of Ukraine has crystallised forecasts a halving of European gas have not passed several already. China
submarines; and Meggitt, a provider of the only country with spare coal and these fears in Beijing, although Xi prices to $14 by the summer in its base may now push us over the brink
components for military aircraft including natural gas production capacity to help Jinping had already ordered officials to case, and down to $4 by next winter if whatever the rest of us do.
America’s F-35 fighter jet programme. normalise the global markets,” said secure imported fuel as a national Russia then floods the market. The awful concatenation of Vladimir
Even Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, a man Anthony Yuen, the bank’s commodity emergency, and at any price, after a Should it happen, the UK energy Putin’s adventurism is getting worse
once described by Spiegel magazine as “the strategist. The better option may be to string of blackouts late last year. He told price cap will return to normal levels, with every week that passes.
embodiment of boredom in politics”, has grasped
the nettle, tearing up the country’s foreign and
defence policies in response to Russia’s invasion.
A long-standing ban on weapons exports to Root cause
conflict areas has been reversed and Germany has Rooted Beings, a
pledged to go above the 2pc of GDP target fixed by
Nato, reversing years of under-investment that new exhibition at
became an obsession of Donald Trump’s when he the Wellcome
was in the White House. “We are now in a new Collection in
era,” Scholz has said. London, explores
In the UK, we look set to respond by allowing
control of Ultra to be handed to private equity, and the relationship of
Meggitt to be swallowed by American rival Parker humans with the
Hannifin. This, despite the Government’s ability to plant world. It aims
block takeover deals being bolstered by the UK to encourage us to
National Security and Investment Act that came
into force in January. rethink the way
After a decades-long free-for-all, which resulted we see plants and
in vast chunks of critical “embrace wildness
‘It is beyond infrastructure including
airports, ports, water
in our lives”.
belief the US suppliers and steel
would allow production to disappear into
foreign hands or fall under
the best bits private equity ownership,
of its defence the legislation raised hopes
for a much tougher approach
industry to to takeovers of companies of
be sold off’ strategic importance.
Yet, there is a growing
expectation that Kwasi
Kwarteng, the Business Secretary, will soon wave
the deals through after gaining undertakings that
past history has proven aren’t worth the paper
they are written on.
Britain’s open-door policy to foreign ownership
has had grave consequences for jobs, R&D,
technology and the tax base, and it also weakens

our ability to respond during times of national

emergency such as the pandemic.
Yet this Government is burdened by an
obsession with preserving Britain’s reputation for
openness to foreign investment after Brexit and
more recently Covid. As a result, ministers seem

Chancellor’s tax moves are a step in the right direction

either unable or unwilling to distinguish between
genuine business investment of the sort that
Nissan is promising in the North East with plans
for a giant car battery gigafactory, and takeovers
that at best offer no benefit to Britain and at worst
undermine the national interest.
The City’s ethical investment brigade must bear overall net tax rises he has ushered or to use the headroom for tax cuts taking more of a backseat to
some of the responsibility for the one-way traffic.
kate in. The tax burden as a percentage instead, to help ease the cost-of-living Europe’s geopolitics, the argument
It is hardly surprising our best defence suppliers andrews of GDP stands at a 71-year high. squeeze for workers. that the UK might up its spending
are happy to give up their listed status when After Wednesday’s announcements, Sunak sided with taxpayers. And by isn’t wholly unreasonable.
defence stocks have become so unloved at home. it’s on track for a 77-year high in four doing so, he has changed the Yet the cost of simply paying off
Yet, if ever there was a case for the Square Mile years’ time. trajectory of the ever-increasing size debt interest is now substantially
showing the same appetite for defence as it has for So which narrative is right? I’d of the state, exacerbated by the Covid higher than Britain’s entire defence
technology stocks, it is now. The Ukrainians aren’t argue both. The tax cuts announced crisis. By not bringing department budget. As long as that remains the
holding their own against the Kremlin because By siding with taxpayers, this week are substantial and bold, yet budgets in line with inflation, the OBR Economic case, money for new projects is going
Britain has been sending them Ocado food or Sunak has changed the previous tax rises combined with reckons (depending on what Intelligence to have to come from more politically
beauty products from THG (née the Hut Group) – relatively low growth leaves the measurement you use) state budgets difficult sources, including the
it is with the help of Javelin missiles and anti-tank trajectory of the ever- overall tax burden outrageously high. will experience a real-terms hit of
For unique insight
taxpayer or redistribution from other
into the world’s
weapons made by British companies. increasing size of the state But there’s more to consider when between £5bn and £17bn over the
economic issues,
public spending pots.
The fiasco at P&O Ferries is a painful reminder weighing up Sunak’s statement than next five years. This isn’t just the consequence of

of the risks of allowing important assets to here are two ways to interpret the headline tax figures, important It’s not exactly taking an axe to the sign up to our mass printing and borrowing during
disappear overseas. The result is no oversight, no Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement. as they are. size of the state, but it will mean Economic the pandemic; it’s the consequence of
control and zero accountability. The first narrative – the one What really shaped his mini-Budget trims and cuts – and ideally efficiency Intelligence a nation that never properly got its
It’s not just this Government that is guilty of the Government would like to craft – is were two factors that will come to gains – across departments. And newsletter, finances in order for when a real
such a naive approach. Remember in 2014 when that after months of speculation over define the next few years of money that could have further bloated emergency hit.
George Osborne claimed that the sale of whether the Treasury was all talk and economic policy: the direction of the state has gone instead back into
by Ambrose Pension and healthcare costs were
AstraZeneca to Pfizer could be in Britain’s no action on tax cuts, the Chancellor travel for the size of the state and the people’s pay packets. Evans-Pritchard on an unsustainable track long
economic interest? Surely our response to Covid finally delivered them. threat of inflation to the stability of No doubt Sunak is bound to face and Jeremy before Covid hit. The assumption that
would have been weakened had the former Substantial tax cuts. A near-£3,000 the public finances. some accusations of austerity. For Warner the old economic rules had been
chancellor and David Cameron got their way. rise in the National Insurance For many on the Right, Sunak’s tax many on the Left, real-term spending disproven – and that inflation and
To ensure our most important companies threshold – the biggest single uplift on pledges just aren’t good enough. cuts won’t be tolerated. There are even ei-newsletter rates would stay low forever – was
remain British isn’t to be anti-free markets or record. Fuel duty cut by 5p. Pledging to reduce income tax by 1p MPs in his own party who would not quickly dispelled when global
hostile to foreign investment. An instructive And income tax? If MPs can restrain when National Insurance (really just just like to see government spending economies were unlocked.
exercise is to ask, what would America do? The their yearning for more spending, he’ll another stealth income tax) is going up keep pace with inflation, but would Now the inflation cat is out of the
Americans are the greatest proponents of free be cutting 1p off the basic rate of by 2.5 percentage points does not a like the Government to invest further. bag, and we’ll be dealing with the
trade in the world. Yet, it is unthinkable that it income tax by 2024, just in time for the “tax-cutting Chancellor” make. Calls have been growing in recent consequences for years: the OBR
would allow the best bits of its defence industry to next election. But with a heavy spending Prime weeks from Tories to boost defence projects inflation will hit nearly 9pc
be sold off. It frequently blocks deals deemed But dig into the figures and another Minister at the helm, Sunak’s options spending, for example, in the wake of before the end of the year. Whitehall is
harmful to America’s interests. narrative emerges. Sunak may have for major tax overhaul have always Russia’s war against Ukraine. preparing for double digits.
It is perfectly possible to champion free trade announced tax cuts this week, but all been limited. Unwilling to borrow But whether they come from the So given spiralling debt interest
without committing self-harm and allowing the tax increases he’s announced in his money for long-term, day-to-day Left or the Right, there is a very payments, previous spending
important infrastructure to be sold off. previous Budgets vastly outweigh spending, Sunak has had to balance obvious question that must be commitments to make good on,
But in the case of Ultra and Meggitt, it is worse these cuts. delivering the subsidies and the tax answered now: where is all this downgraded growth figures and
than that. There is simply no economic or Fuel duty and income tax may be cuts at the same time. “investment” coming from? economic sanctions that weren’t
commercial logic to allowing their sale, and it going down, but higher corporation Soaring inflation has made this far In the era of ultra-low inflation and predicted even at the start of the year,
makes no sense from a security perspective either. tax, freezes to personal income tax harder, as rising prices are making rates, it was easier to make the case Sunak still managed not just to start a
Even when it comes to bidders from countries thresholds and the new National everyone worse off. The fiscal that money could be borrowed to tax-cutting process, but also to start
with whom we have long-standing ties, the Insurance levy will ensure that the tax headroom Sunak had this Spring cover the popular spending project of rebalancing this Government’s
outcome is still the same: a weakened ability to burden stays at record highs. Statement – roughly £20bn, with some the day. But no longer: the payments priorities: in favour of the taxpayer
protect ourselves from hostile powers. According to the Office for Budget breathing space against his rules – the Treasury must make just to service instead of the state.
Nor will there be a better case for intervening. Responsibility, Sunak’s mini-Budget gave him a choice: to boost the public debt will reach £83bn this It may not be as “low tax” a
As Scholz has argued, “if our world is a different only unwound a quarter of the government department budgets in year, a sum four times higher than statement as the Treasury would make
one, then our policy must also be different”. personal tax rises he had previously line with inflation, in a bid to fully what it was last year. it out to be – but finally we’re moving
What are you waiting for, Mr Kwarteng? announced, and a mere sixth of the protect Spending Review settlements, At a time when the United States is in the right direction.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 *** 5


Johnson leads
efforts to freeze
Kremlin’s vast
gold reserves
The Prime Minister the first time the agency has made it
clear to the market to stop dealing with

is taking aim at sanctioned Russian entities.

Bullion analysts have for years
warned that heavy gold-buying
Russia’s $140bn stash governments is rarely a good sign for
world peace. In times of political or
of bullion as Moscow economic crisis, central banks
worldwide turn to gold for protection
fights to prevent due to its historical ability to maintain
value – unlike fiat currencies.
economic wipeout, Angus King, the independent senator
for Maine, who was part of the group
writes Simon Foy that introduced a bill to impose
sanctions on transactions with Russia’s

ladimir Putin’s obsession with gold assets earlier this month, said in a
buying gold, a typical safe haven statement: “Russia’s massive gold supply
asset, now seems to have been a is one of the few remaining assets that
clear warning sign he was beating the Putin can use to keep his country’s
drum towards conflict. economy from falling even further.
Since becoming president in 2012, “By sanctioning these reserves, we
Putin has amassed huge reserves of the can further isolate Russia from the
precious metal. Moscow’s stash is now world’s economy and increase the
worth nearly $140bn (£106bn), making difficulty of Putin’s increasingly costly
it the world’s fifth largest reserve of gold military campaign.”

at around 2,300 tons. Following Johnson’s intervention, G7

Following the collapse of the Soviet leaders met at Nato headquarters and
Union, its bullion holdings fell to just agreed to clamp down further on
$2bn in 1995. In effect, Putin’s Moscow’s ability to sell its gold reserves
stockpiling was to act as an insurance to support its currency.
policy. Yet in his hour of greatest In a later statement on its website, the
financial need, as sanctions curtail US Treasury said: “US persons are
Russia’s economy, he has hit a major prohibited from engaging in any
problem: there are few buyers who want transaction – including gold-related
to buy a piece of his gold following his transactions – involving the Central
invasion of Ukraine. Bank of the Russian Federation, the
As global economies attempt to
further isolate Russia following its
National Wealth Fund of the Russian
Federation or the Ministry of Finance of
‘The more held domestically. Meanwhile, other,
more friendly, central banks such as in
any American entities knowingly
buying or selling Russian gold. In turn,
‘Russia has precious metal is up about 3pc since
Russia invaded Ukraine.
invasion of Ukraine, and impose greater the Russian Federation.” pressure we China or India could buy reserves. this could pressure banks in places like taken a page One thing that benefits the Kremlin is
economic hardship, leaders are turning
to the Kremlin’s gold treasure trove.
It comes as the US also announced a
new package of sanctions on Russian
apply now, Jeff Christian, managing partner at
CPM Group, a metals advisory company,
China or India to stop buying or selling
Russian gold, as they are wary of falling
out of the fact that its huge gold reserves are
held domestically.
Yesterday, Boris Johnson announced elites, lawmakers and companies. particularly said Moscow could offload the precious foul of US sanctions. Venezuela’s Venezuela’s attempt to withdraw
his intention to go after Putin’s reserves,
in addition to the country’s cash pile, on
Western gold exchanges have already
taken action. The London Bullion
on things metal through the Shanghai Gold
Exchange, where it has commercial
Johnson did not specify how the UK
would further crack down on Russian
book by £800m worth of gold bullion held in the
Bank of England’s vaults was blocked in
signs that Moscow is using gold to Market Association has suspended all like gold, the banks as members. gold, but any move would likely mirror exploiting a 2020 because the Government does not
escape sanctions. Johnson said: “We
need to do more, and so we need to do
Russian refineries from its accredited
list, while earlier this month the CME
more we can “They could pick it up at a discount to
the market,” he told Bloomberg.
the new measures being introduced by
the US and other G7 nations. Under the
loophole in recognise Nicolas Maduro as president.
But it managed to get around the
more economically. Can we do more to Group – the largest US exchange for shorten the The Treasury’s announcement could current sanctions regime, British current penalties. Venezuela’s former president
stop [Putin] using his gold reserves, for
instance, in addition to cash reserves?”
gold trading – suspended six Russian
gold refineries. Banning new Russian
war’ block one of the Kremlin’s last ways of
navigating around the West’s economic
institutions cannot do business with sanctions’ Hugo Chávez had already repatriated
much of the country’s gold.
Russia’s central bank.
“The more pressure we apply now, bars entering the key respective hubs sanctions and prevent Putin from The Bank of Russia has claimed that John Cornyn, a Republican senator
particularly on things like gold, I believe effectively shuts it out of large parts of liquidating his gold pile. domestic demand for gold remains from Texas, said: “Russia has taken a
the more we can shorten the war.” the global market. A new law, which was under strong, even as international investors page out of Venezuela’s book by
The US Treasury also issued a notice While Western politicians want to go consideration by Janet Yellen, the US flee the country. exploiting a loophole in current
that gold transactions with Russia are further, analysts are concerned they Treasury secretary, but not specifically Turning to gold reserves has been a sanctions that allows them to
prohibited, citing executive orders might be limited in what they can do, as mentioned in the announcement, common response of countries that launder money through the purchase
signed by President Joe Biden. It was all of the Russian central bank’s gold is would impose secondary sanctions on have faced economic sanctions. The and sale of gold.”

The Russian central bank governor

whom Putin would not allow to quit
developing between her and Putin. Management, says: “The nature of the
Elvira Nabiullina is on the Nabiullina signalled her discomfort Putin regime was clear a year ago, five
front line of the war on to the invasion from the get-go and
reportedly offered her resignation
years ago, 10 years ago… we’ve had the
Donbas, Crimea, [Sergei] Skripal,
Ukraine. Tom Rees looks at following the invasion. [Alexei] Navalny. They’ve had plenty of
why she is significant The President refused, however,
thrusting her back into battle as
time to resign and they haven’t.
Nabiullina’s reputation is in “tatters”

lvira Nabiullina, Russia’s central Russia’s economy buckles under the after helping the Kremlin since the
bank governor, is known for weight of Western sanctions. invasion, he adds.
sending coded messages with her Leaving now would have been seen Few women make it into Putin’s
clothes and brooches, such as a hawk as a betrayal by Putin after years of inner circle, while even fewer officials
to signify interest rate hikes or a rain close cooperation between the two, in the Kremlin manage to gain the
cloud to suggest a gloomier outlook. Bloomberg reported. respect of international investors. But
When Vladimir Putin assembled his Despite that, Nabiullina reportedly Nabiullina had blazed a trail with her
top economic team following the failed to stress test the economic blow stewardship of the Russian economy.
invasion of Ukraine, she wore all black. Liam Peach, an emerging market
Some suggest it was to signal the death
of the Russian economy.
‘She established a strong economist at Capital Economics, says:
“She established a really strong
Since taking the role in 2013, the reputation in Russia as an reputation in Russia as an inflation
revered technocrat has steered
Moscow’s economy through a number
inflation hawk and credible hawk and a credible central bank
of crises with her ultra-conservative central bank governor’ “After the 2014-15 rouble crisis, she
monetary policy. floated the rouble and she’s been at the
Now, after Putin last week of war, having been blindsided by forefront of the central bank’s efforts
nominated her for a fresh five-year the decision to push ahead with in recent years to clean up the banking
term, the 58-year-old has unexpectedly the invasion. system.”
found herself on the front line in Some have little sympathy for the The ex-Sberbank chief executive has
Russia’s “economic war” against trapped governor, arguing Putin has managed to steer the Russian economy
the West. long been putting in place the pieces through crises including Covid, an oil
International investors wondering for a war, while others doubt the price crash and previous waves of
how Nabiullina is stomaching the leaked resignation story. sanctions. But the war has undone
country’s economic turmoil may find Tim Ash, an emerging market much of her hard work to strengthen
an answer in the apparent divide strategist at BlueBay Asset the country’s economy with the
central bank itself hit by sanctions.
Now, amid the war, Nabiullina has
been forced to double interest rates to
20pc, freeze trading on Moscow’s
stock exchange and introduce capital
controls – a move she was said to have
privately claimed was a resigning
red line.
Peach says Nabiullina has been
“very successful at preventing a
liquidity and solvency crisis in the
banking sector” and stopping foreign
money leaving. Perhaps her place at
the heart of Moscow’s economic war
should be no surprise.
A central bank under Nabiullina was
key in Putin’s Fortress Russia plan to
cushion the blow of any future wave of
Western sanctions. Since the
annexation of Crimea, she built up a
$630bn (£478bn) foreign reserves war
chest to fight any slump in the Russian
ruble, ammunition blunted by

sanctions on the central bank.

Nabiullina has also stood by Putin
through his increasing
authoritarianism. She was an advisor
to the president before her current
role, and also served as his minister of
economic development.
Reluctant or not, Nabiullina is on the
front line – but it’s a role she’s fought
Elvira Nabiullina has steered Moscow’s economy through a number of crises since 2013 for years.
6 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Boohoo’s problems are not Boohoo

Close: 86.46p
its balance sheet provides a solid
financial foundation from which to
deliver sustained investment in its
distribution network and recently

insurmountable. We’ll stick

acquired brands. Hold.
 Market value:
£1.1bn Update: Gamma Communications
 Turnover (Feb Another holding in our IHT Portfolio,

with it for the long term

2021): £1.7bn Gamma Communications, has also
 Pre-tax profits performed poorly since the start of the
(Feb 2021): year. The shares have fallen by 20pc
£125m so far this year; much of the decline
 Yield (Feb took place following the release of its
250 2021): nil annual results earlier this week.
 Most recent The results showed that the
year’s divi: nil cloud communications firm had
 Net debt (Feb generated a 14pc rise in revenue.

eightened fear among investors strong long-term growth potential as 2021): £276m net While its reported pre-tax profits
Questor can be particularly bad news investors’ sentiment improves. As a cash declined by 10pc, this was due to a
Inheritance for smaller companies. Worried result, recent market movements have 150  Return on profit on the sale of an asset being
investors often favour mature done little to change our opinion of capital (Feb included in the previous year’s figure.
Tax Portfolio and diverse businesses that current holdings. 2021): 18.6pc On an adjusted basis, pre-tax profits
are usually found in the Clearly, some have 100  Cash moved 25pc higher.
FTSE 100, rather than the Boohoo declined more than conversion ratio Encouragingly, the company’s
generally smaller firms others over recent (Feb 2021): 131pc recent UK and European acquisitions
Recent acquisitions, quoted on Aim.
America’s “Vix”
months. Among the
biggest fallers is the
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
 p/e ratio (Feb
2021): 10.3
made a positive contribution to
its financial performance. It also
investment in its volatility index more
than doubled between
Share price fall since
purchase disappoints
online retailer Boohoo.
Its shares have lost this should help to offset rising costs. years. The purchase of brands such as
successfully launched a number of
new products during the year that
distribution network the start of the year and
the first week of March.
but growth prospects
are bright
30pc so far this year as
challenges including
It will also improve the firm’s product
availability in America should today’s
Debenhams provides scope for growth
in areas such as beauty and home
position it for long-term growth.
Since we added them to the
and improving Although its rise reflects
greater fear among US investors,
higher product return rates,
rising freight costs and supply
supply chain problems persist.
Over the past two years Boohoo has
products that could offer cross-selling
opportunities to existing customers.
portfolio in January 2018, shares in
Gamma Communications have more

market position the invasion of Ukraine and rising

inflation are concerns shared by
chain problems in international
markets have hit its financial
doubled its market share in Britain and
America. This positions it for long-
And, with supply chain constraints
unlikely to last beyond the short term,
than doubled. While its price-to-
earnings ratio of 20.7 is hardly cheap
British savers. As a result, the performance – they prompted a profits term growth, while its “pure-play” the firm’s strong performance in even after its recent share price fall,
suggest a recovery FTSE Aim All-Share index warning in December. online status will allow it to benefit Britain bodes well for its international growth opportunities in Britain and
has fallen by 15pc so far this While those challenges may from a continuing shift towards digital operations as reopening-related Europe mean it continues to merit a
is on the way, says year. The FTSE 100 has lost a persist, to some extent at least, in the
far more modest 1pc over the short run, the company’s long-term
retail among consumers. This is a long-
standing trend that shows little sign of
difficulties ease.
Since we added the shares to the
place in our Inheritance Tax Portfolio.
Robert Stephens same period.
Of course, the smaller
prospects are far more encouraging.
For example, it is due to open its
slowing; in fact it is likely to have been
accelerated by the pandemic.
IHT Portfolio in June 2018 they have
fallen by 59pc. While this is clearly Read Questor’s rules of investment before
companies that largely first US distribution centre next The company has also increased a disappointing result, Boohoo’s you follow our tips:
make up our Inheritance year. Alongside the use of greater the size of its total addressable market long-term recovery potential appears questorrules;
Tax Portfolio offer automation in its existing warehouses, through acquisitions over recent to be sound. The net cash it has on

Share prices

52 week 52 week 52 week 52 week 52 week 52 week 52 week
Winners and losers (pc) High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld NAV High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E High Low Stock Price +/- GrsYd Cvr

Ç Tobaccos 1.98 862¼ 594¾ Sage Gp 686⅜ -3⅝ 2.6 26.1 664 453 InvesPerp UK Sm Co 528 -2 3.7 611 165⅜ 130¼ Procter & Gamble $ 150½ -⅜ 2.3 1.7
Construction -1.03% Media -0.13% Property -0.09% Tobaccos +1.98%
310⅝ 209¾ Spirent ● 245¼* -3¼ 2.1 22.0 790 610⅜ JPM Claverh’se 722 -6 4.2 725 104⅜ 74⅝ Raytheon Tech $ 101⅜ +⅛ 2.0 1.3
Ç Transport 1.49 52 week
326¾ 207¾ Balfour Beatty ● 262¼ -1¼ 3.4 12.3 1119½ 911½ JPM ElecManGth 1015* — 1.7 1049 High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E 22¾ 14⅛ Alina Hldgs 16¼ — — 29 3456½ 2507½ Brit Am Tob 3262 +71 6.7 11.0 355 250⅝ Rockwell $ 271¾ +1¼ 1.6 1.9
Insurance -0.43%
Ç Aerospace & defence 1.31 799⅜ 511¾ Barratt Dev 525⅝ -11 6.3 8.1 114 92½ JPM ElecManInc 105* — 4.5 107 751⅜ 538 Auto Trader 653⅝ +10¾ 1.2 49.4 80⅝ 59¼ Assura ● 66* -⅜ 4.5 — 1822 1434¼ Imp Brands 1617* +15 8.6 5.4 207 142½ Trane Tech $ 154⅜ +1½ 1.7 2.3
3756 2505¾ Bellway ● 2728 -40 4.3 8.6 304¼ 164¾ abrdn 204⅝ +⅝ 7.1 4.4 105 99½ JPM ElecManCsh 101¾* — 0.3 103 407 276 Bloomsbury 359 -6 2.5 21.2 1760 1087 Big Yellow Gp ● 1498 +5 2.5 — 152⅝ 132 Wal Mart Strs $ 142⅞ +⅞ 1.6 2.2
Ç Gas & Water 1.29 Transport +1.49%
5383⅞ 3490 Berkeley Grp 3936 -47 0.3 10.7 3706 2346 Admiral 2583 -17 10.8 7.7 95 70¼ JPM Eur G&I 82¾* +⅝ 4.3 95 1124 810 Euromoney ● 910 +12 2.0 77.8 563¾ 441¾ Brit Land 513 +3 3.3 — 191⅝ 128⅜ Walt Disney $ 138½ +⅞ — —
Ç Pharmaceuticals 0.92 329 253 Boot H 318 -2 1.9 15.0 448¾ 361⅛ Aviva 435¾ -⅝ 5.1 8.7 732 458½ JPM Japanese ● 510 -6 1.0 552 628 459¾ Informa 585⅜ -3⅜ — — 269¼ 180¼ CLS Hldgs ● 202 -5½ 3.8 6.9 457½ 299 Redde Northgate ● 433½ +½ 4.2 16.3 25⅝ 17½ Xerox Hldgs $ 20¼ +⅜ 4.9 2.6
67⅞ 32 Costain 39¼ -¾ — -1.1 516¼ 291½ Beazley ● 417¾* +1⅝ 3.1 11.3 568⅜ 338⅛ JPM Jpn SmCp G&I 366½ -½ 5.9 395 134⅛ 69¼ ITV 82⅛ -½ 4.0 11.6 95⅝ 54 Cap&Regional 58⅝ +¾ — — 613¾ 330⅝ Royal Mail 361⅛ +6½ 5.5 5.8
Ç Mining 0.91 Europeans -0.04%
4024 2774 CRH 3206* -22 2.9 12.9 324 2¾ DirectLineIns ● 274¼ +2⅜ 8.3 11.2 1585¼ 885 JPM Mid Cap 1077½* -12½ 2.7 1230 883⅝ 571 Pearson 767¼ -12⅜ 2.7 36.4 3850 2797 Derwent Ldn ● 3106 +21 2.5 — 470 288 Wincanton 371 +8 3.1 11.1
Ç Telecommunications 0.81 1425 952 Grafton Gp ● 1003 -15 3.0 7.0 1002 763⅝ Hiscox ● 948 +2¼ 2.8 22.6 822⅜ 644¼ Land Secs 765⅝* +2¾ 4.3 — 430 136 Reach 184 -1¾ 3.9 — 810½ 608 Gt Portland Est ● 680½ +4½ 1.9 — 108½ 69⅝ AkzoNobel € 76¼ -1⅞ 2.6 2.3
Travel & Leisure -0.91%
2730 1664 Morgan Sindall ● 2455 +10 3.7 11.6 725 342⅜ Lancashire Hldg ● 394⅝ +1⅜ 2.9 -20.0 146 110 Lowland Inv 129 — 4.7 139 2451 1781 RELX 2320 +3 2.1 36.5 340 259¾ Grainger ● 291⅝ -1⅜ 1.8 18.0 100⅜ 67⅝ BMW € 78½ +¼ 7.4 3.2
Ç Electricity 0.73
3272 2101½ Persimmon 2192* -35 10.7 8.9 309⅞ 225½ Legal & General 271¾ -1⅞ 6.8 7.9 253⅛ 180 Majedie 197 -3 5.8 254 810 557⅜ Rightmove 652⅝ -¼ 1.2 30.6 44⅝ 29⅝ Hammerson ● 30⅞ +¼ 1.3 — 1890¼ 1047 Carnival ● 1251⅜ -28 — -2.0 18¾ 14½ Carrefour € 18¾ … 2.6 2.6
Ç Banks 0.60 743⅝ 500⅞ Redrow ● 540⅜* -2⅜ 5.3 7.3 764⅜ 559¼ Phoenix 640¼ -4¼ 7.6 -7.4 437 303 Mtn Currie Port 343 -2 1.2 343 1231½ 868¾ WPP 1021½ -9½ 3.1 19.1 513 345 Helical 406 +1 2.5 27.4 921⅞ 417⅜ easyJet ● 509¼ -6 — -3.2 132⅝ 56¾ Continental AG € 65⅜ -⅜ 3.4 3.3
193¾ 125½ Taylor Wimpey 137⅜ -1¼ 6.2 9.0 1598½ 976 Prudential 1082 -11 1.2 -18.4 294½ 185⅛ Mercantile InvTr ● 221 -½ 3.0 252 299 205 McKay Secs 280 — 3.0 — 2500 1383½ Entain 1656½ -18½ — — 91⅝ 54⅝ Daimler € 63⅛ -¼ 6.8 0.7
È Chemicals -0.62 Mining +0.91%
1742½ 1156½ St James Place 1465½ +7½ 3.5 27.5 592 469½ Merchants Tst 565 +1 4.8 557 36⅞ 3½ Raven Property # 3⅞ — — -1.4 110¾ 72 FirstGroup ● 107 -¼ — 16.5 65¼ 46½ Danone € 51½ -¼ 3.8 1.5
Electricals -0.94%
È Support services -0.72 195 169 MomentumM-A V 181½ -½ 3.7 184 4141½ 2350 Anglo Amer 3941* +15 5.6 7.5 126⅞ 10 Raven Prop Prf # 20* — 60.0 — 16760 7600 Flutter Entrtmt 8834 -124 — 37.4 61⅜ 38½ Deutsche Post € 44⅝ -⅜ 4.0 1.3
Investment trusts -0.80%
380 241 Dialight 295 -1 — -12.3 1482 969 Monks ● 1060 -20 0.2 1169 1972 1198½ Antofagasta 1781½ +20½ 6.1 17.9 1460 777½ Safestore ● 1272* +8 2.0 — 977¾ 574 Fullers ‘A’ 624 +22 0.6 -6.9 18⅞ 14½ Deutsche Tele € 16¾ +⅛ 3.8 1.4
52 week
È Investment trusts -0.80 1274 651 discoverIE Grp ● 800 -10 1.3 59.3 High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld NAV 959½ 738 Murray Income ● 867 -5 4.0 918 2861¾ 1774½ BHP Group 2801½* +61 9.7 16.5 1472 1035 Savills ● 1159 -15 3.0 11.0 219 109⅜ IAG Intl Cons Air 135¾ -3⅛ — -2.8 104⅝ 77½ Heineken € 87⅝ +2⅜ 1.4 4.7
3270 2151 Halma 2479 -24 0.7 46.2 1507½ 1071 3i 1325½ -11 3.0 1235 1241½ 1056½ Murray Intl ● 1228 -4 4.5 1297 123⅝ 80⅜ Centamin ● 91 +3¾ 7.5 13.6 1508 910 Segro 1291* -8 1.9 — 5376 4300 Intercont Hotels 5138 -18 1.3 46.6 758½ 543⅞ LVMH € 624¾ +⅜ 1.6 2.4
È Travel & Leisure -0.91
6655 3724 Renishaw ● 4024* -34 1.7 26.3 366 287⅝ 3i Infrastructure ● 335 -5 3.1 286 73½ 57 Northern 2 VCT 61½ — 5.7 65 707⅝ 50½ Evraz # 81 +⅛ 89.0 0.5 170½ 119½ Town Centre 161½ — 2.6 — 335 191⅞ Mitchells&But ● 228 -4¾ — -19.8 58½ 38¾ LafargeHolcim SFr 44¾ -⅜ 4.9 1.7

È Electricals -0.94 5779⅜ 3197 XP Power ● 3605 -35 2.6 31.1 104½ 91⅜ Aberdeen Diversified 100½* -½ 5.6 119 107 89½ Northern 3 VCT 94½ — 4.8 99 997⅝ 610⅝ Fresnillo 767⅝ +41⅝ 3.3 17.7 251¾ 176¼ Tritax Big Box ● 235⅝* -1¼ 2.8 217 337¾ 183¾ National Ex ● 226⅝ -4¾ — -13.5 11¾ 5¼ Lufthansa € 7⅛ +⅛ — —
662 476¼ Aberdeen New India 565 -7 0.2 677 78¾ 64½ Nthn Venture 66 — 6.1 70 514⅛ 263½ Glencore 500¼ -10⅞ 3.9 17.4 177¾ 122 Warehouse REIT 167* +2 3.7 151 775 347 Playtech ● 616 +7½ — 3.3 5¾ 3⅜ Nokia OYJ € 4⅞ … — —
Electricity +0.73%
È Construction -1.03 1084⅞ 867⅞ Alliance Trust ● 971* -3 2.0 1046 376 286⅜ Pacific Assets 321 -6 0.7 356 215⅝ 68¼ Hochschild Mng ● 132½ +3⅛ 2.5 12.5 979 592½ Workspace Gp ● 672½ +17 3.7 — 216½ 125⅜ Rank Group ● 137¾ -5⅝ — 55.1 155¾ 99⅝ Michelin € 119½ -2⅛ 3.8 2.3
737½ 388¾ Drax Group ● 710 -8½ 2.6 35.5 373½ 233½ Allianz Tech Trust ● 276½ -1½ — 302 353 253 Pantheon ● 311 -2 — 412 493 391¼ Kenmare Res 446 -8 5.6 5.0 140 64 Restaurant Gp 66¾ -1¾ — -12.6 217¼ 157½ Pernod Ricard € 186⅜ -1½ 1.7 1.7
È Information technology -1.22 Retailers -1.31%
1170¼ 850⅜ Nat Grid 1119¾ +11¾ 4.4 24.0 543¾ 403¼ Asia Dragon Trust 444 -7 1.5 504 203⅛ 150 PremierMitonGlb 174½* — 4.0 200 1737 92 Polymetal 166 +28½ 44.3 1.1 110⅞ 63⅞ Stagecoach 105½ +¼ — 17.3 51 26⅝ Philips (Kon) € 27 -¼ 3.1 1.5

È Retailers -1.31 1711 1413 SSE 1674½ +4½ 4.9 7.7 506 257½ Baillie Giff China 308 -1½ 2.3 322 2787 2205⅞ RIT Cap Ptnrs ● 2545 -40 1.4 2701 6788 4354 Rio Tinto 5857* +57 12.9 5.9 79⅞ 24½ Brown N 28⅞ -1⅛ — 11.0 406¼ 166¾ TUI AG ● 223¼ -¾ — -1.2 158 105⅞ Siemens € 130⅛ -⅞ 3.1 1.9
171 90 Baillie Giff Euro Gwth 106 -1 0.3 115 320 282 Ruffer Inv Pref ● 308* -2 0.8 298 159¼ 84 Currys ● 88¼ -⅛ 4.5 88.3 1432 712½ Wetherspoon ● 791 -17 — -5.4 37⅝ 18⅜ Societe Gen € 24⅛ -¼ 6.8 3.6
Engineering / Industrial -1.58% Oil & Gas +0.06%
È Engineering / Industrial -1.58 125⅝ 96 Bankers Invstmt Tst ●106¾ -⅜ 2.0 113 528 410 Schroder Asian TR 460 — 1.5 470 1599 963½ Dunelm ● 1099* -25 6.7 17.3 3646 2384 Whitbread 2742 +53 — -5.7 19⅜ 12⅛ Stellantis € 14⅜ -⅛ — —
420 282½ Castings 297 +2 5.2 31.2 1513⅝ 852 Biotech Growth 900 — — 955 548 437⅞ Scot American ● 500* +1 2.5 492 419⅛ 275⅞ BP 389¼* +1¼ 4.3 13.7 827 450¾ Frasers Group ● 666½ -5 — -40.4 120 70½ Thales € 118 +2 2.2 2.5
AIM -0.30%
81⅜ 55¼ Coats Group ● 81⅜ +4⅜ 2.0 17.6 140¼ 85 BlackRock Enrgy&Res 133 -1 3.3 129 927 725 Scot Invest 900½ -9½ 2.7 937 223⅝ 122 Capricorn Ener ● 219⅜ +¾ — 1.6 3443 2025½ Greggs ● 2416 -44 2.4 20.9 52½ 34¼ Total € 46¾ +⅜ 5.7 2.3
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Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing Prices information contained 1650 1000 Cropper J 1175 +75 0.2 71.6 140 113½ BlckRock FroInv 125½ -2 4.1 139 441¾ 212⅜ Halfords 254⅜ +¼ 3.5 9.4 20 13⅞ Afentra # 14½ — — -21.3 19⅞ 13⅛ UBS AG SFr 17¾ … 2.6 3.9
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84⅞ 62⅝ Severfield 66 — 4.5 11.8 2230¼ 1412¼ BlackRock Small ● 1636 -10 2.0 1879 263 129¾ Marks & Spen ● 153⅞ -4¾ — -15.2 1380 481¼ Ceres Power 741 +1 — -64.3 High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E

1669½ 1323 Smiths Gp 1518 -13 2.5 21.2 1046 621⅞ BlkRk Throg Tst ● 734* -16 1.4 754 20 10 Mothercare 12 -⅛ — -2.1 2050 1350 Churchill China 1412½ — 0.5 — 36¾ 32 CleanTech Lithium 34 -1¼ — —
466 279¼ Smith (DS) 323⅞ -3½ 4.0 24.4 786 492 BlackRock Wld M ● 754* +5 5.6 765 8484 5578 Next 6176 -208 2.1 27.7 476¼ 295⅝ CML Micro 343 — 1.2 2.4 1005 986 NewEnrgyOneAcq 985 -2 — —
Government securities
4334 2771 Smurfit Kappa 3375 -68 3.1 15.3 345 269½ BMO Cap & Inc 311* -2 3.7 317 2255 1052 Ocado 1103 -21 — -36.5 682 442 Cohort 473 +3 2.4 35.4 RC365 Holding 7 — — —
52 week Flat Rdm
High Low (£) Stock Price (£) +/- Yield Yield 17225 10785 Spirax 12325 -190 1.1 38.7 118¾ 69¼ BMO ComProp ● 115* — 3.9 126 28½ 14½ Pendragon 27½ -½ — 6.2 2¼ 1 Deltex Medical 1¼ +⅛ — -8.3
118.63 110.31 Treas 5% 25 110.34 +0.05 4.53 1.41 1661 1040 Vitec 1345 +5 2.6 23.8 177 138⅜ BMO Glob SmCo ● 154⅝ -¾ 1.1 174 464⅝ 200⅜ Saga 231⅝ -1¼ — -3.5 147 82⅜ Eleco 102½ — 0.6 26.3
140.24 135.60 Treas 6% 28 128.87 +0.07 4.66 1.46 2015½ 1381 Weir ● 1765 -123½ 1.3 17.7 300 240 BMO Mgd G 258 — — 261 342 233⅝ Sainsbury J 259½ +1⅞ 4.1 -20.0 103 71 Finsbury Food 72 -2 4.5 7.3
141.39 123.77 Treas 4¼% 32 124.52 +0.14 3.41 1.63 150 125 BMO Mgd I 134* — 4.6 135 1931½ 1259¾ Smith WH ● 1426 -12½ — -22.8 63 24 Futura Medical 24⅞ -1¼ — -25.2
Food producers -0.41%
147.87 129.00 Treas 4¼% 36 130.21 +0.28 3.26 1.79 520 323 BMO Priv Eq Ord 480 -11 3.9 586 304⅛ 219⅜ Tesco 275 -1 3.3 4.3 63 33⅛ Hornby 34 — — 41.5
163.41 135.07 Treas 4¾% 38 142.26 +0.36 3.34 1.81 2528 1584½ Ass Brit Fds 1688½ -8 1.6 27.9 96¼ 68¼ BMO Real Est Inv 87* -¼ 4.6 121 588 235¾ James Halstead 251 — 3.0 26.1
Support services -0.72%
2809⅝ 1403½ Coca–Cola HBC 1595½ -36 3.3 16.8 101 77 BMO UKHighIncTst 86½ — 6.3 93 1573¼ 912⅜ Jet2 1107 -14½ — -7.3
Index Linked Securities 4200 37 Cranswick ● 3486 +46 2.0 19.8 1140 886 Brunner 1015* -5 2.0 1144 6572 4208 Ashtead Gp 5200 -88 0.9 33.4 106 97½ LifeScienceREIT 101 +½ — 100
378.90 351.92 Treas 2½% IL 24 374.68 +0.47 0.67 0.00 1298 988 Hilton Food ● 1184 +8 2.3 24.4 4151¼ 2620 Caledonia ● 3585 — 1.8 4695 3000 2225 Bunzl 2891 -9 2.0 21.8 665⅜ 371½ Mpac Group 510 -20 — 31.3
404.01 367.29 Treas 4⅛% IL 30 384.54 +0.72 1.07 0.00 193 48 REA Hldgs 167½ +½ — -7.4 188¼ 142 Capital&Count ● 168¾ -¼ 0.9 49.6 56 19⅞ Capita 20¼ -½ — 23.8 278 145 MS Intl 270 — 3.1 37.5
325.39 286.32 Treas 2% IL 35 301.19 +1.14 0.66 0.00 4388 3267½ Unilever 3370 -15 4.3 17.3 417 363¼ City of Lon ● 410 +1½ 4.7 400 20¾ 12½ Carillion # 14¼ — — 0.5 419⅞ 235 Numis 261 -7 5.2 4.8
207 123¾ CQS Nat Res G & I 206 +4 2.7 236 6684 5050 DCC 5784 -10 2.8 19.5 207 135 Premier Miton 149 — 6.7 15.6
Gas & Water +1.29%
10-year Government Bonds 523⅞ 333⅞ Dunedin Ent 500½* — 6.1 553 215 98¼ De La Rue 109 -1 — 32.1 55 28⅝ SRT Marine Sys 37¼ — — -11.9
82⅞ 45¼ Centrica ● 82⅛ -⅛ — 4.0 659 547 Edinburgh Inv Tr ● 633 -3 3.8 688 366 250 Essentra ● 315 +5½ 1.9 — 111 80 Tribal Gp 89½ -½ 1.5 26.3
Spread vs Spread vs
Yield% Bunds T-Bonds 1751¾ 983½ Pennon Gp ● 1028* +6 3.3 1.6 369 187¾ Edin Worldwide ● 219 -2½ — 246 3689 2442 Experian 2988 +2 1.2 44.7 40 10½ Union Jack Oil 28 +1¼ — -12.6
France +0.00 +0.00 3008 2268 Severn Trent 2926 +52 3.5 32.8 152 94¼ European Assets 114 -½ 7.7 119 13640 8430 Ferguson 10860 -365 1.7 21.2 7½ 3 Xtract Resources 6⅜ +⅜ — -31.8
Germany - +0.00 1138½ 898¾ Utd Utilities 1065½ +20½ 4.1 16.0 953 767¼ F&C Inv Trust ● 842 -3 1.5 943 1218 578⅜ Homeserve ● 806½ +103 3.3 86.7 1685 1312½ Young & Co – A 1450 +30 0.6 -21.3
Japan +0.00 +0.00 510 406¼ Fidelity Asian V 440 -6 2.0 496 6306 4703 Intertek Group 5142 -6 2.1 28.8 990 620 Young & Co – N/V 656 -9 1.3 16.7
General financial +0.09% 52 week 52 week
Great Britain +0.00 +0.00 446 211½ Fidlty Chna Sp Sits ● 260 — 1.8 279 High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld NAV High Low Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E 384¼ 211⅛ IWG ● 256½ -5¼ — -12.6 The Alternative Investment Market is for young and growing
companies. Shares may carry higher risks than those with a full
United States +0.00 - 430⅜ 211¼ Ashmore ● 234⅝* +3⅜ 7.2 6.4 345½ 256½ Fidelity Euro Tst ● 297½ -2½ 2.3 326 1568½ 816¼ Scot Mortgage 1008 -18½ 0.3 1021 32¼ 15⅛ EnQuest 31⅛ +1⅞ — -1.1 182¾ 103 Johnson Serv 116 — — 77.3 quotation, and may be difficult to sell.
571 257½ Bridgepoint Grp ● 318 +28½ 1.1 — 268½ 158 Fidelity Japan Tst 182 +1½ — 190 235 197 Sec Tst of Scot 224 -2 2.5 224 524⅝ 284 Harbour Energy ● 499⅝ +25¼ 1.7 56.8 605 248½ Menzies J 567 +4 — 43.7
The share prices, price-earnings ratios and dividend yields
below are supplied by Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd. The
Americans +0.53%
yields are calculated using historic dividend payments divided 1778 961⅛ Hargreaves L 1039½* -6½ 3.7 16.6 315 247 Fidelity Sp V ● 289½ -2½ 2.3 288 2040 1391½ Smithson Inv Tst ● 1578 -12 — 1607 345½ 142¾ Hunting 318½ -1½ 1.9 -2.9 79 44¾ MITIE Gp ● 60⅛ -1⅞ 0.7 -66.8
by the closing share price multiplied by 100. 52 week
1004⅞ 698 IG Group ● 794½ +1½ 5.4 7.9 933¼ 746 Finsbury Gwth ● 817 -4 2.1 868 511¾ 383¼ TR Property ● 435 -4 3.3 479 203⅜ 91 Petrofac 105½ -6⅛ — -2.7 662 444¼ Rentokil 515 +6¾ 1.2 36.4 High Low Stock Price +/- GrsYd Cvr

2493 1285 IntermediateCap 1686 +6 3.4 10.5 90¾ 73⅛ Hend Div Inc Tst 77* — 5.7 83 208¾ 137¼ Tmpletn Em Mt ● 152 -2 2.5 177 2113 1833⅜ Shell 2081* -4 3.3 10.6 510 346 Ricardo Gp 400* — 2.0 — 95¾ 27½ Alcoa $ 91⅞ -2¼ 0.4 5.8
Aerospace & defence +1.31%
493 205 Investec ● 481¾ -½ 3.8 19.1 190 149½ Hend High Inc 173 — 5.8 175 83 67¾ Troy Inc & Gr 75½ -¼ 2.6 76 293 150¾ Wood Grp (John) ● 170¼ -5⅛ — -6.6 892 499 Robt Walters 650 +4 3.1 14.0 199½ 136¾ Amer Express $ 188 +1⅞ 1.1 4.8
52 week
High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E 156¼ 73¾ IP Group ● 94¼ +¼ 1.3 5.4 176¼ 150 Hend Intl Inc 170½ -¼ 3.9 181 144⅜ 135 UIL Fin ZDP 2022 144 — — 142 65 30¾ SIG 41¾ -⅜ — -1.7 50⅛ 36½ BankAmerica $ 43⅛ … 2.0 4.3
Pharmaceuticals +0.92%
388½ 215⅝ Babcock Intl ● 339¼ +5¼ — -1.0 2560 1056 Liontrust ● 1246 -30 4.7 26.5 1378 868 Hend Smaller Co ● 994 -16 2.4 1126 125⅜ 114⅛ UIL Fin ZDP 2024 122½ — — 123 148⅛ 118⅞ Serco Group ● 139¾ +½ 1.7 5.6 260½ 167⅝ Boeing $ 188½ +2½ — —
766⅜ 488⅛ BAE Systems 748¾ +13¾ 3.4 13.6 42¾ 33 Lon. Fin. & Inv. 38* — 3.0 7.9 1650 1044⅛ Hend Opp 1217½ -2½ 2.3 1501 120 110 UIL Fin ZDP 2026 116½ — — 121 9859 7045 AstraZeneca 9836* +106 2.1 — 1905⅜ 1222 Travis P ● 1285½ -33½ 3.0 -130.4 246¾ 179⅝ Caterpillar $ 222½ +⅜ 2.0 2.7
364⅜ 236 QinetiQ ● 303¾ +4¼ 2.3 13.9 8298 6230 Lon Stock Ex 7824 -18 1.2 65.0 2670 1634 Herald Inv ● 1860 -20 — 2335 674 35¾ Unbound Grp 38½ — — -3.4 5525 3368 Dechra Pharma 4020* -80 1.0 78.3 174¾ 92⅞ Chevron $ 166½ +⅝ 3.4 1.4
Telecommunications +0.81%
161⅞ 83½ Rolls–Royce 92¼ +¼ — 64.1 254¼ 168¾ M&G 221½* +5¼ 8.3 67.1 446 312½ HgCapital ● 428½* -4 1.6 437 229 196 Utilico Emerg 213½* -½ 3.7 242 6310 2814 Genus ● 2834* -88 1.1 39.0 63 42⅜ Coca–Cola Euro $ 48½ +½ 3.3 1.2
186¾ 100 Senior 131⅜ -1¼ — 22.6 242½ 156 Man Group ● 222¾ +1⅜ 4.8 8.5 181¼ 158¾ HICL Infrastructure ●167¼* -1¾ 4.9 155 257½ 203 Witan ● 227½ -1½ 2.5 247 1737 1269⅛ GlaxoSmKline 1625⅝* +13 4.9 18.6 206¾ 134⅞ BT Group 184¾ +2¾ 4.2 12.5 85⅝ 72¼ Colgate Palm $ 73¾ +⅛ 2.6 1.4
3420 1972 Ultra ● 3320 -18 0.5 35.4 383¾ 204¾ Provident Fin ● 305¼ -1¾ — -9.3 287¾ 228 Highbridge Tactical 249 — — 245 3925 2915 Worldw HealthTr ● 3110 -45 0.7 3408 2703 1767 Hikma 2122* +43 1.9 15.3 1652 993⅝ Telecom Plus ● 1530 +10 3.7 36.9 86¼ 66⅜ DuPontDeNemrs $ 75⅞ -⅛ 1.7 2.5
169¾ 108¼ Quilter ● 139½ +1⅝ 4.0 14.8 1314 976⅛ ICG Enterprise Tst ● 1152 -20 2.3 1633 291⅝ 120 Indivior ● 270¼ +¼ — 12.7 142¾ 106¼ Vodafone 124⅞ +⅝ 6.1 — 91½ 52⅛ Exxon Mobil $ 83⅝ +½ 4.2 0.4
Banks +0.60% Net Asset Values © 2022 Morningstar Estimated at previous
2090 1426⅛ Rathbones Grp ● 1742 -8 4.6 13.0 402 298 Invesco Asia Trust 344 +1½ 4.7 379 day’s close see 66¾ 26⅜ Foot Locker $ 30½ -⅜ 5.2 5.4
219⅝ 142 Barclays 168⅜* -1⅝ 3.6 19.1 2950 2150 S & U 2340 -40 4.8 19.4 200 157 Invesco BondIncPlus 176¾ +1¾ 6.2 183 Gen Electric $ 94¼ — 0.3 10.2
1685 999 Close Bros ● 1188 -13 5.4 8.8 3913 2674 Schroders 3150 -102 3.9 14.3 420⅝ 289 Home Depot $ 315⅞ -1¼ 2.4 2.0
567¼ 329½ HSBC 517⅝* +7⅞ 3.7 11.0 236⅞ 174⅜ Honeywell $ 193⅜ +1 2.0 2.0
Healthcare +0.02% Results Roundup
56 ⅝ Lloyds Bk Gp 49½ … 4.0 6.6 39⅝ 26⅛ HP $ 38¼ +½ 2.6 5.5
258⅛ 182⅞ NatWest Group 224¼* +3⅞ 4.7 -36.2 356⅜ 271⅜ Mediclinic Int ● 343¾ -1¼ — 37.4 Company Turnover(£) Pre - tax(£) EPS(p) DIV(p) Pay Day XD 152⅞ 114½ IBM $ 129 +⅝ 5.1 0.8
302⅛ 205⅝ Santander 262 +⅝ 2.6 15.7 1601½ 1151½ Smith & Nep 1229 +1½ 2.3 27.1 68½ 43⅝ Intel $ 51 +2¾ 2.9 3.3
Big Technologies Fin 37.6m (29.6m) 13.7m (12.7m) 4.50 (4.10) 0.000 (0.000) – –
590 406¼ Standard Ch 502⅝* -9⅜ 1.8 10.8 65¼ 40½ Intl Paper $ 45¼ +⅝ 4.1 1.6
Household goods +0.27% Bridgepoint Group Fin 270.6m (191.8m) 62.6m (48.5m) 16.00 (1159.00) n/a (n/a) – –
173 127¼ JP Morgan Ch $ 140 +¼ 2.9 3.8 Bold FTSE100 Stocks ● FTSE250 Stocks
Beverages +0.02% CVS Group Int 273.7m (245.6m) 22.9m (14.8m) 24.70 (16.00) n/a (n/a) – – * Ex-dividend † Ex-scrip ‡ Ex-all
2267 1534½ Burberry 1656 +6 3.3 17.8 179⅞ 155¾ Johnson&John $ 174¼ … 2.4 1.9 § Ex-rights # Suspended
Energean $ Fin 497.0m (28.0m) -90.7m (-113.6m) -0.54 (-0.52) n/a (n/a) – – Cover relates to the previous year’s dividend.
4110 2968½ Diageo 3747½* +1½ 2.0 32.9 97¾ 38⅜ McBride 42⅞ -¼ — 5.7 39⅜ 32½ Keurig Dr Pep $ 37 +⅛ 2.0 2.0
EnQuest $ Fin 1.3bn (863.9m) 352.4m (-566.0m) 21.70 (-29.00) n/a (n/a) – – Yields are net of basic rate tax.
279½ 177¾ PZ Cussons ● 192⅝* -1¾ 3.2 -48.5 125⅛ 84⅜ Manpower $ 93¾ +1⅛ 2.7 2.8 Data is provided for information purposes only and is
Chemicals -0.62% GCP Asset Backed Income Fund Fin – (–) 15.0m (27.4m) 3.40 (6.21) 1.575 (1.575) Mar 04 Feb 03 not intended for trading purposes. Speak with a
financial advisor before using any data to make
6816 5367 Reckitt Benck 5635 +16 3.1 33.9 25¾ 9¾ Marathon Oil $ 25⅞ +¼ 0.9 5.5
International Public Partnership Fin – (–) 129.2m (60.8m) 7.78 (3.76) 3.770 (3.680) Jun 07 Apr 07 transactions.
10505 6310 Croda Intl 7384 — 1.4 32.1 271⅛ 217⅝ McDonalds $ 239½ +3½ 2.3 1.8
Information technology -1.22% Kin + Carta Int 89.3m (55.8m) -3.1m (-8.1m) 11.92 (0.62) 0.000 (0.000) – –
3363 1650 Johnson Mat ● 1854½ -32½ 3.9 17.4 91⅜ 15⅜ Merck $ 80⅛ +⅜ 3.4 1.8
Ocean Wilsons Holdings $ Fin 396.4m (352.8m) 110.4m (74.6m) 180.10 (109.50) 70.000 (70.000) tba tba
2720 1731 Victrex ● 1896 -35 3.1 22.5 738 271 Aptitude Sftwre 303 -3 1.8 33.7 349⅝ 231⅛ Microsoft $ 300¾ +1¼ 0.8 3.8
Playtech € Fin 1.2bn (1.1bn) 605.0m (-52.7m) 226.30 (-99.60) 0.000 (0.000) – –
4242 2264 Aveva Group 2494 -47 1.5 — 61¾ 35¼ Pfizer $ 52⅝ +⅜ 3.0 2.5
The Daily Telegraph Friday 25 March 2022 ** 7


Second Unaoil conviction quashed BUSINESS BULLETIN

Brookfield mulls bid for Uber to integrate with

Ms Osofsky’s continued presence as
repairs firm HomeServe New York taxi services
Serious Fraud Office under head of one of the most important pros- Brookfield Asset Management is Uber has said it will collaborate with
renewed pressure over ecution offices in the world. Her posi-
tion is now wholly untenable.”
exploring a takeover of HomeServe, the
London-listed emergency household
New York taxi networks, a long-time
transportation rival, as it is hit by driver
bribery case following The SFO’s prosecution of former repairs provider. The investment shortages and a surge in food delivery
Court of Appeal ruling Unaoil executives was previously seen
as a rare success in recent years after
manager said there is no certainty that a
bid will be made or on what terms. It has
requests during the pandemic. Uber
will integrate its app with those run by
separate cases against Tesco, former until April 21 to state whether it intends Creative Mobile Technologies and Curb
By Matt Oliver Serco executives and former Barclays to make a firm offer under takeover Mobility, used by the city’s 14,000
executives unravelled. rules. Shares in HomeServe rose 14.6pc, yellow cabs. Passengers will pay roughly
THE Serious Fraud Office and its But the agency’s handling of the case valuing the FTSE 250 group at £2.73bn. the same under either system.
under-fire director suffered a fresh – including its ill-fated dealings with Mr
setback after a second conviction Tinsley – will now be examined in an
from the botched Unaoil bribery case independent review being carried out McColl’s chief steps Country Life publisher
was overturned. by former High Court judge Sir David
down amid funding talks buys entertainment site


Paul Bond, 69, became the second Calvert-Smith.
person to have his conviction quashed Mr Tinsley, a private investigator and The boss of McColl’s has quit as the The magazine publisher behind
by Court of Appeal judges, following former US Drug Enforcement Agency convenience store chain battles to Country Life and The Week has
the successful appeal of businessman agent, had been acting for the founding secure its future. Jonathan Miller has continued its takeover spree by
Ziad Akle in December. Ahsani family of Unaoil. been at the firm for 30 years, including snapping up the entertainment and
The fiasco has raised questions about He offered to help secure guilty pleas six as the chief executive. It comes as gaming website and
director Lisa Osofsky’s future and has from Mr Akle and Mr Bond, despite not McColl’s remains in talks with lenders to the advertising data platform Waive.
prompted Suella Braverman QC, the representing them, in exchange for a secure vital funding, while working Future, which is listed on the FTSE 250,
Attorney General, to order a judge-led more lenient deal for his own clients. with advisers to find a buyer or a third did not disclose financial details. Shares
review of what went wrong. Lisa Osofsky, Serious Fraud Office director, is facing questions over her future in the job But when the case came to trial, the party willing to inject fresh cash. dipped 1.7pc to £26.00.
Yesterday Mr Bond’s lawyer accused SFO failed to properly disclose the con-
the SFO of “institutional arrogance” ments that had not been properly dis- Monson, Mr Bond’s lawyer and director tact with him.
and  said Ms Osofsky’s position had closed to the defence in the original of Mary Monson Solicitors, claimed: In a highly critical ruling following Inquiry launched into Playtech profits rise 25pc
become “untenable”.
Mr Bond had been jailed along with
trials, the Court of Appeal found.
The documents detailed “wholly
“Ms Osofsky behaved in a way well
beneath the standards of any prosecu-
Mr Akle’s appeal, judges said Mr Tinsley
was the “last person” the SFO should
National Grid substation to beat expectations
three other men following one of the inappropriate” meetings between SFO tor in our legal system. have been dealing with. Ofgem has launched an investigation Gaming software supplier Playtech has
white collar crime agency’s biggest ever prosecutors, including Ms Osofsky, “She risked being a party to an An SFO spokesman said: “We are dis- into National Grid to assess whether it reported a 25pc increase in annual
corruption investigations. with the fixer David Tinsley. unconscionable interference with a appointed by today’s decision and are breached rules around maintenance of profits to €317m (£264m), which
They were found guilty of conspiring Appeal judges said the failure to dis- criminal trial, and then the SFO sought cooperating fully with Sir David Cal- an electrical substation in Cumbria. surpassed the company’s expectations.
to pay bribes on behalf of Monaco- close the meetings to Mr Akle’s defence to withhold from the court and lawyers vert-Smith’s review”. National Grid owns the high-voltage Revenue climbed 12pc to €1.2bn. The
based Unaoil, which acted as a middle- lawyers had deprived the businessman the extent of what they had done. Dr Sue Hawley, executive director of electricity transmission network in group said it provided help to its
man for Western companies in Iraq. of a fair trial. “Answers are now required, and Spotlight on Corruption, warned that England and Wales, including the 700 employees in Ukraine, including
Mr Akle’s appeal last year unearthed It paved the way for an almost identi- judge-led inquiries, while welcome, do the successful appeals left the SFO Harker substation. No further details evacuation and accommodation for
a huge trove of “embarrassing” docu- cal appeal by Mr Bond. Joseph Kotrie- not deal with the immediate problem of “very badly damaged”. about the inquiry were disclosed. those who have left the country.

Market data Unit trusts & open-ended investment companies prices
Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
World market indices Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name
B Shares
Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day

JPM Multi-Man Gwth A Acc 3.00 *1344 -4 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Inc – 145.71 -1.0973
Index Change
Ç Australia All Ordinaries 7669.00 +4.00 +0.05pc *1194 *65.2
Global Income 0% 198.16 … JPM Multi-Man Gwth A Inc 3.00 -4 Jupiter Merlin Consv Prtfo L Acc– -0.1738
Ç Brazil Bovespa 119052.91 +1595.57 +1.36pc
È China Shanghai Composite 3250.26 -20.77 -0.63pc Corporate Bond 0% 111.19 +0.17 JPM Natural Res A Acc 3.00 *960.8 +18.8 Jupiter Merlin Consv Prtfo L Inc – *51.15 -0.1364
È France CAC General 6555.77 -25.66 -0.39pc AXA Investment Managers UK Janus Henderson Investors
-0.16 *61.56 +1.21 *532.6 -6.5936
È Germany DAX 14273.79 -9.86 -0.07pc Limited Equity Inc 0% 109.9 PO Box 9023 Chelmsford, CM99 2WB J.P. Morgan Asset Management JPM Natural Res A Inc 3.00 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Acc –

È Hong Kong -208.13 -0.94pc Enquiries: 0800 832 832

Hang Seng 21945.95 7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX
Equity Inc Booster 0% 74.48 -0.03 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP JPM Sterling Corp Bd A Grs Acc 3.00 *95.99 +0.15 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Inc – *517.62 -6.4081
È India BSE S&P SENSEX 57595.68 -89.14 -0.15pc Cust Svs: 0845 777 5511 Website:
Clients:0800 204020.Brokerline 0800 727770
Ç Japan Nikkei 28110.39 +70.23 +0.25pc Glob Abs Ret 0% 115.84 +0.03 JPM Sterling Corp Bd A Grs Inc 3.00 *54.43 +0.08 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Acc – 347.81 -1.5292
È Russia RTS 852.64 -84.30 -9.00pc
Amer Gwth Acc – 1201 -20.00 Glob Multi-Strat 0% 131.19 +0.11 Asia Pac Cap Gwth A Acc 5.00 1201 -10 JPM Asia Growth A Acc 3.00 *265.9 -3 JPM UK Dynamic A Acc 3.00 *213.1 -0.6 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Inc – 142.66 -0.6272
Ç Singapore Straits Times 3399.70 +35.44 +1.05pc
È Spain Madrid SE 826.63 -2.59 -0.31pc
Biotech Acc – 222.8 -4.50 Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 114.38 +0.46 Asian Dividend Income Inc 5.00 *90.16 +0.15 JPM Asia Growth A Inc 3.00 *145.8 -1.7 JPM UK Dynamic A Inc 3.00 *154.5 -0.5 Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Inc – 380.33 -3.6273
Ç Switzerland SMI Index 12131.45 +31.95 +0.26pc
Ç USA Dow Jones 34707.94 +349.44 +1.02pc Clean Economy R Acc – 1089 -11.00 Long-Term Global Equity 0% 293.83 -4.54 Cautious Managed A Acc 5.00 *291.1 +0.3 JPM Div Gth A Net ACC 3.00 320 -2 JPM UK Equity Core E Acc – *426 -0.9 Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Acc – 380.31 -3.6272
Ç USA Nasdaq 14191.84 +269.24 +1.93pc
Emerg Mkts Acc – 287.4 -1.50 Asian Income 0% 135.72 +0.51 Cautious Managed A Inc 5.00 *147.8 +0.2 JPM Emg Euro Eq A Acc‡ 3.00 *155.7000 … JPM UK Equity Core E Inc – *63.71 -0.14 Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Acc – *141.26 +0.2068

Commodities summary FinTech R Acc – 854.5 -6.60 Continental European 0% 204.56 -1.15 China Opps A Acc 5.00 1340 -14 JPM Emg Euro Eq A Inc‡ 3.00 *29.91 … JPM UK Equity Gwth A Acc 3.00 *161 -0.5 Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Inc – *31.28 +0.0458

Price Change Global Tech – 228.9 -3.90 Global Dynamic Bd 0% 90.18 +0.04 Emerg Mkts Opps A Acc 5.00 211.3 -2.1 JPM Emg Markets A Acc 3.00 *260.6 -2.2 JPM UK Equity Gwth A Inc 3.00 *135.1 -0.4 Jupiter Multi Asst Inc L Acc – *105.48 +0.0099
Ç Gold per troy oz $1957.17 +13.37 +0.69pc
Global Thematics R GBP Acc – 2177 -37.00 Global High Yield Bd 0% 84.87 +0.04 European Growth A Acc† 5.25 272.2 -1.6 JPM Emg Markets A Inc 3.00 *110.2 -1 JPM UK Equity Value A Acc 3.00 *203 -0.1 Jupiter Multi Asst Inc L Inc – *55.97 +0.0053
Ç Silver per troy oz £19.35 +0.36 +1.89pc
Ç Krugerrand £1505.92 +36.04 +2.45pc
Health Acc – 2791 -36.00 Global Opportunities 0% 274.08 -2.56 European Sel Opps A Acc 5.00 2059 -12 JPM Emg Mkts Inc A Acc 3.00 *94.8 -0.3 JPM UK Equity Value A Inc 3.00 *105 -0.1 Jupiter Multi Asst I & G L Inc – 100.29 -0.2382
Ç New Sovereign £344.36 +3.00 +0.88pc
Ç Maples £1501.70 +31.82 +2.17pc Japan R GBP Acc – 623.4 +7.20 International Bd 0% 106.54 -0.02 Fixed Int Mthly Inc A Inc 4.25 *20.78 +0.03 JPM Emg Mkts Inc A Inc 3.00 *65.72 -0.2 JPM UK Eq Inc A Acc – *59.66 -0.01 Jupiter N.American Inc L Acc – *201.46 -3.1022
Ç Platinum per oz £774.80 +1.26 +0.16pc
Managed Balanced Acc – 483.6 -3.10 Multi-Asset Bal 0% 159.26 -0.87 Global Care Growth A Inc 4.50 485.5 -7 JPM Eur Dyn (ex-UK) £ Hg A Acc3.00 *274.4 -1.4 JPM UK Eq Inc A Inc – *48.21 -0.01 Jupiter N.American Inc L Inc – *155.33 -2.3918
Ç Palladium per oz £1917.85 +10.12 +0.53pc
È Copper† grade A £7820.08 -70.47 -0.89pc Managed Income Acc – 188.1 +0.10 Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 138.45 +0.23 Global Equity Inc A Inc† 5.25 *63.68 -0.37 JPM Euro Dyn (ex-UK) A Acc 3.00 *268.9 -0.8 JPM UK Sm Cos A Acc 3.00 656.5 +0.6 Jupiter Responsible Inc L Acc – 128.55 -0.7053
È Tin† high grade £32016.08 -151.65 -0.47pc
È Lead† £1746.06 -53.07 -2.95pc Managed Income Inc – 102.7 +0.10 Mult-Asset Growth 0% 235.13 -0.43 Global Growth Acc 4.25 4469 -63 JPM Euro Dyn (ex-UK) A Inc 3.00 *116.9 -0.4 JPM UK Sm Cos A Inc 3.00 122.1 +0.1 Jupiter Responsible Inc L Inc – 71.82 -0.3940
È Zinc† special high grade £3042.32 -106.33 -3.38pc
Monthly Inc Inc – 248.9 +0.60 Oriental 0% 188.5 -1.33 Global Strategic Cap Acc† 5.00 315.7 -0.9 JPM Europe A Acc 3.00 *1744 -5 JPM Uncons Bond A Acc 3.00 *75.67 +0.05 Jupiter Strategic Bond L Acc – *104.15 +0.1422
È Aluminium† high grade £2707.83 -81.30 -2.92pc
Ç Nickel† £28242.57 +3734.54 +15.24pc Monthly Inc Acc – 725.5 +1.80 Real Return A 0% 109.94 … Global Technology A Acc 5.00 3110 -48 JPM Europe A Inc 3.00 *90.95 -0.27 JPM Uncons Bond A Inc 3.00 *54.06 +0.04 Jupiter Strategic Bond L Inc – *61.41 +0.0839
È Baltic Dry Index* 2567.00 -8.00 -0.31pc
Ç Wheat per tonne £310.40 +5.30 +1.74pc UK Growth Acc – 353.6 -1.00 UK Equity Fund 0% 145.65 -0.56 Inst UK IDX Opp Tr – *111.1774 -0.2075 JPM Euro Smaller Co A Acc 3.00 932.1 -7.2 JPM US Eq Inc £ Hdg A Inc 3.00 *155.4 -1.6 Jupiter UK Growth L Inc – 249.08 -1.5215
È Brent Crude May settlement $119.03 -2.57 -2.11pc
UK Select Opps R Inc – 2064 -6.00 UK Income 0% 135.33 -0.28 Multi-Mgr Abs Ret A Acc 5.00 161.1 +0.5 JPM Euro Smaller Co A Inc 3.00 119.3 -0.9 JPM US Eq Inc A Acc 3.00 *270.6 -2.7 Jupiter UK Smaller Cos Eq L Acc – *409.04 +0.7979
*Copyright Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd. †Data provided by the London Metal Exchange.
UK Select Opps R Acc – 3919 -12.00 UK Opportunities 0% 165.46 -1.26 JPM US Eq Inc A Inc 3.00 *200.4 -2 Jupiter UK Special Sits L Inc – 196.8 -0.5037
Exchange rates *306.9
UK Smllr Cos Acc – 359.4 +1.90 US Opportunities 0% 325.46 -3.62 JPM US Select A Acc 3.00 -3.8 Jupiter US Sm&Md Inst I Acc – 80.99 …
£ > € Rate 1.1978 Change -0.32¢ £ > $ Rate 1.3184 Change -0.28¢
AXA IM Funds Emerging Income 0% 103.3 … JPM US Select A Inc 3.00 *299.7 -3.7 Jupiter US Sm&Md Cap Ret Acc – 74.46 …
Tourist £1= Sterling £1= 1 Euro = 1 Dollar =
Australia Aus $ 1.6714 1.7568 1.4668 1.3325 Global Dynamic Bd Inc 0% 0.9681 … JPM US Sm Cap Gwth Fd A Acc 3.00 957 -18.8 Marks & Spencer Unit Trust
Canada Can $ 1.5779 1.6524 1.3797 1.2533
Management Ltd
Denmark Krone 8.5014 8.9110 7.4399 6.7589 Global Emerging Mkts 0% 205.13 -1.49 JPM US Sm Cap Gwth Fd A Inc 3.00 250.6 -5
Kings Meadow, Chester, CH99 9UT
Euro € 1.1463 1.1978 … 0.9085
Global Equity Fund 0% 270.49 -2.49 0870 333 1835
Hong Kong HK $ 9.7866 10.3142 8.6114 7.8232
India Rupee 88.7100 100.6878 84.0657 76.3713 Multi Asset Inc 0% 124.12 … High Income Inc – *98.84 98.84 …
Israel Shekels 3.8292 4.2565 3.5539 3.2285
Blue Whale Capital *265.2
Japan Yen 152.6600 160.9239 134.3576 122.0600 Carvetian Capital High Income Acc – 265.2 …
Kuwait Dinar … 0.4010 0.3348 0.3041 0345 307 3439 Management Limited UK Select Port Inc – 332.5 332.5 …
New Zealand NZ $ 1.7659 1.8941 1.5814 1.4367 Admin: Stuart House, St John’s St,
Norway Krone 10.8800 11.4099 9.5262 8.6544 Blue Whale Growth R Acc – 180.58 -3.79 Peterborough PE1 5DD Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd UK Selection Port – 665.8 665.8 …
Pakistan Rupee 225.4300 239.4545 199.9238 181.6250 Dealing & Enquiries: 0345 850 0255 The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London,
Saudi Arabia Riyal 4.6218 4.9455 4.1291 3.7511 UK 100 Co’s Fund Inc – *219.2 219.2 …
Singapore $ 1.6691 1.7896 1.4942 1.3575 020 3817 1000
Generation Fd 5.00 914.7 … UK 100 Co’s Fund Acc – *432.7 432.7 …
South Africa Rand 18.3200 19.1729 16.0077 14.5425
Sweden Krona 11.8900 12.3905 10.3451 9.3982 Sand Aire FENIX Bal Inc 5.00 *190.4 … Jupiter Abslt Rtn L Acc – 38.16 -0.0013 W’wide Man Inc – 574.2 …
Switzerland Franc 1.1730 1.2273 1.0247 0.9310
Thailand Baht 39.6300 44.3213 37.0045 33.6175 Consistent Unit Trust Jupiter Asian Fd L Inc – 962.05 -0.4294 W’wide Man Acc – 968.6 …
UAE Dirham 4.5416 4.8426 4.0431 3.6730 Management Co Ltd
BNY Mellon Fund Managers Jupiter Asian Inc L Acc – 182.54 +0.6375
UK £ … … 0.8349 0.7585 Admin: Stuart House, St John’s St,
Investors: 0800 614330 Brokers: 08085 660000
USA $ 1.2585 1.3184 1.1007 … Peterborough PE1 5DD Jupiter Asian Inc L Inc – 146.15 +0.5101,
Tourist rates for indication use only. Dealing & Client Services 0345 850 8818
Jupiter China L Acc – 99.88 -0.7058

Rates BNY Mellon Investment Funds (ICVC)

Opportunities Unit Tst Inc 0% *67.89 70.14 +0.27 Jupiter China L Inc – 93.16 -0.6584
Sterling Income Shares
Inflation Change on month Year Opportunities Unit Tst Acc 0% *181.8 187.9 +0.7 Jupiter Corp Bond L Inc – *59.17 +0.0426 M&G Securities Ltd
RPI (1987=100) Feb 320.20 +0.8pc +8.2pc PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
Global Income 0% 245.48 -1.07 Practical Invest Inc 5.00 *246.5 264.3 … Mid Change Mid Change Jupiter Eco L Inc – 527.27 -4.7366
RPIX (Target 2.5pc) Feb 322.00 +2.5 +8.3pc Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Enq: 0800 390 390. UT Deal: 0800 328 3196
CPI (2015=100 target 2pc) Feb 115.80 +0.8pc +6.2pc *1508
Corporate Bond 0% 91.76 +0.14 Practical Invest Acc 5.00 1618 … Multi-Mgr Active A Acc† 5.00 264.4 -0.4 JPM Global Bd Opps A Grs Acc – *58.97 +0.08 Jupiter Emerg Euro Opps L Acc‡– 148.6 … Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Acc – 4128.69 +0.39
Halifax house price index Feb 479.60 +0.5pc +10.8pc
*133.3 *48.3
Equity Inc 0% 147.94 -0.22 Discretionary Unit Fund Multi-Mgr Distbn A Inc 5.25 -0.1 JPM Global Bd Opps A Grs Inc – +0.07 Jupiter European L Inc – 2846.25 -19.4763 Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Dis – 117.67 +0.01

Money Equity Inc Booster 0% 95.23 -0.04

No 1, Poultry, London EC2R 8JR. 020 7415 4130
Multi-Mgr Divrsfd A Acc – *91.38 +0.02 JPM Global Bond A Gross Acc 3.00 *273.4 +0.4 Jupiter Euro Inc L Acc – 84.17 -0.4805 Charity Multi Asset Acc – 10456.35 +0.21
Bank Rate 0.75pc Nationwide Base Mortgage Rate 2.50pc *193.9 *209.4
Glob Abs Ret 0% 115.23 +0.02 Maitland Discretionary Inc 3.00 2174.480211 … Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Acc 5.00 -0.1 JPM Global Bond A Gross Inc 3.00 +0.4 Jupiter Euro Inc L Inc – 50.78 -0.2899 Charity Multi Asset Dis – 90.23 …
Overnight 0.18pc US Fed Funds 0.25-0.50pc
7 day 0.18pc US Long Bonds Yld 2.51pc Glob Multi-Strat 0% 130.4 +0.11 Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Inc 5.25 *154.9 -0.1 JPM Global Eq Inc £ Hdg A Acc 3.00 *127.2 -1.4 Jupiter Euro Special Sits L Acc – *450.87 -2.9926 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Inc – 1545.71 +1.75
1 month 0.73pc European base rate 0.00pc
3 months 1.01pc Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 114.22 +0.46 Multi-Mgr Mangd A Acc† 5.00 321.6 -0.1 JPM Global Eq Inc £ Hdg A Inc 3.00 *77.63 -0.8 Jupiter Fin Opp L Inc – 769.25 -15.0409 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Acc – 29037.86 +33.01
6 months 1.45pc
Long-Term Global Equity 0% 389.51 -6.03 Multi-Mgr Mangd A Inc† 5.00 311.3 -0.1 JPM Global Eq Inc Fd A Acc 3.00 *155.6 -1.6 Jupiter Fund Of Inv Tsts L Inc – 331.56 -0.8421 †CAR - Net Income reinvested.
Fundsmith LLP
Major price changes FTSE 100 Asian Income 0% 222.21 … PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW. Sterling Bond Acc† 4.25 229.7 +0.3 JPM Global Eq Inc Fd A Inc 3.00 *115 -1.2 Jupiter Global Emg Mkts L Acc – 69.6 +0.1496 Natwest Investment Funds
0330 123 1815
(RBS Collective Investment Funds Ltd)
Risers 43 Volume Close Change Fallers 56 Volume Close Change European Opps 0% 308.8 -1.74 Sterling Bond Inc† 4.25 63.74 +0.09 JPM Global HiYld Bd A Grs Acc 3.00 *124.4 +0.1 Jupiter Global Eq Inc L Acc – *90.67 -0.6093
PO Box 249, York YO90 1ZY
Ç Fresnillo 1.22m 767⅝ 5.73pc È Next 0.97m 6176 -3.26pc
Global Dynamic Bd 0% 93.98 +0.04 Fundsmith Equity T Acc – 579.42 -0.1178 Strategic Bond A Inc 4.00 120.2 +0.2 JPM Global HiYld Bd A Grs Inc 3.00 *33.65 +0.01 Jupiter Global Eq Inc L Inc – *70.65 -0.4748 0117 940 3848
Ç Airtel Africa 2.16m 155½ 2.98pc È Ferguson 0.78m 10860 -3.25pc
Ç M&G 11.48m 221½ 2.45pc È Schroders 0.54m 3150 -3.14pc *33.54
Global High Yield Bd 0% 53.63 +0.02 Fundsmith Equity T Inc – 529 -10.76 UK Absolute Return A Acc 5.00 164.1 -0.5 JPM Global HiYldBdAGrsMthInc3.00 +0.01 Jupiter Global Finl Innov L Acc – 115.96 -3.2057 Global Bond Fund Inc – 93.99 …
Ç Brit Amer Tob 5.63m 3262 2.23pc È JD Sports Fash 11.62m 147⅝ -2.61pc
Ç Hikma Pharms 1.15m 2122 2.07pc È Melrose Ind 6.82m 125½ -2.45pc Global Opportunities 0% 417.43 -3.92 UK Alpha A Acc† 5.25 152.5 -0.7 JPM Global Macro Fund A Acc 3.00 *71.8 -0.35 Jupiter Global Managed L Acc – *350.69 -3.8978 Mangd Eqty Grwth Fnd Acc – 122.7 …
Ç Whitbread 1.20m 2742 1.97pc È Intl Cons Air 17.06m 135¾ -2.22pc
International Bd 0% 232.14 -0.05 UK Smaller Cos A ACC 5.00 941.8 -3.3 JPM Global Macro Fund A Inc 3.00 *62.51 -0.3 Jupiter Global Managed L Inc – *334.5 -3.7179 Mangd Grwth Fund Inc – 116.0 …
Ç Utd. Utilities 2.44m 1065½ 1.96pc È Coca-Cola HBC 1.83m 1595½ -2.21pc
Ç BAE Systems 6.96m 748¾ 1.88pc È Glencore 100.35m 500¼ -2.13pc
Multi-Asset Bal 0% 243.24 -1.35 UK Equity Income A Inc 5.00 532.7 -0.6 JPM Global Macro Opps A Acc 3.00 79.0400 -0.6700 Jupiter Growth & Inc L Inc – 93.06 -0.5167 Mangd Grwth Fund Acc – 119.3 …
Ç Royal Mail 5.53m 361⅛ 1.83pc È Howden Joinery Grp2.57m 784¾ -2.07pc
Ç Severn Trent 0.52m 2926 1.81pc È Barratt Dev 2.66m 525⅝ -2.05pc Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 178.71 … Guinness Global Investors UK Index Opps Tst A Acc – *110.7085 -0.2069 JPM Global Macro Opps A Inc 3.00 78.3400 -0.6600 Jupiter Income Trust L Inc – 495.84 -1.3856 UK Eqty Fund Acc – 113.2 …
Ç NatWest Group 35.40m 224¼ 1.77pc È Smurfit Kappa 0.58m 3375 -1.98pc 18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ
Mult-Asset Growth 0% 1173.03 -2.18 US Growth A Acc 5.00 1826 -28 JPM Global Uncons Eq A Acc 3.00 *2066 -28 Jupiter India L Acc – 135.37 +0.1915 UK Eqty Fund Inc – 102.9 …
Ç Auto Trader Grp 3.36m 653⅝ 1.68pc È Dechra Pharma 0.15m 4020 -1.95pc
Ç HSBC 37.95m 517⅝ 1.55pc È Ocado Group 1.20m 1103 -1.87pc +44(0)20 7222 5703 †Available as an ISA *152.7 *138.86
Oriental 0% 929.91 -6.59 JPM Global Uncons Eq A Inc 3.00 -2.1 Jupiter Japan Inc L Acc – +0.1465
Ç BT Group 15.23m 184¾ 1.54pc È Aveva Group 0.31m 2494 -1.85pc
Ç Rentokil Initial 4.54m 515 1.34pc È Standard Chart 5.80m 502⅝ -1.84pc Real Return A 0% 124.09 -0.32 Sustainable Energy Acc† – 21.3923 -0.2055 JPM Japan A Acc 3.00 *565.3 -1.5 Jupiter Japan Inc L Inc – *99.05 +0.1045
Ç B&MEurValRtl 2.42m 580⅝ 1.26pc È Scot Mort Inv Tst 2.25m 1008 -1.80pc
UK Equity Fund 0% 866.6 -3.34 Global Innovators Acc† – 27.1781 -0.4309 JPM Japan A Inc 3.00 *135.7 -0.3 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Acc – 226.87 -1.7086
Ç Antofagasta 1.12m 1781½ 1.16pc È Ashtead Group 1.24m 5200 -1.66pc
Ç AstraZeneca 3.16m 9836 1.09pc È Pearson 3.89m 767¼ -1.59pc UK Income 0% *68.39 -0.14 Global Equity Inc† – 18.0368 -0.1385 JPM Multi-Asset Income A Acc 3.00 *106 -0.2
Ç Pershing Square 0.22m 2795 1.09pc È Persimmon 1.98m 2192 -1.57pc Initial charge:
Ç Natl Grid 7.50m 1119¾ 1.07pc È Spirax-Sarco Eng 0.08m 12325 -1.52pc UK Opportunities 0% 330.71 -2.52 †Available as an ISA JPM Multi-Asset Income A Inc 3.00 *63.17 -0.13 This charge in percentage terms is included in the purchase
price of the units. It is levied by the unit trust manager to cover
Ç Endeavour Mining 0.21m 1920 1.05pc È Flutter Entrtmt 0.62m 8834 -1.38pc
US Opportunities 0% 355.77 -3.97 JPM Multi-Asset Inc A Mth Inc 3.00 *62.94 -0.12
administrative costs and commissions.
Ç Rio Tinto 3.62m 5857 0.98pc È Berkeley Gp Hdgs 0.26m 3936 -1.18pc
* Denotes Ex-dividend ‡ Denotes Suspended
8 *** Friday 25 March 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Apple mulls Phone hacking
monthly iPhone costs News UK
subscription another £49m
By James Titcomb By Ben Woods
APPLE is considering launching a THE phone hacking scandal has cost
monthly subscription for the iPhone Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper empire
and other gadgets, in a move that could another £49m despite the News of the
encourage users to pay regularly for World closing more than a decade ago.
access to the latest devices. News UK’s News Group Newspapers
The company is working on the ser- set aside £14.5m for damages and claim-
vice, which would mean consumers ants’ expenses in the year to June 27, as
paying for devices over time instead of well as almost £34m in legal expenses
up front, ahead of a potential launch linked to allegations of historical phone
later this year, Bloomberg reported. hacking at the defunct Sunday tabloid.
Apple has seen iPhone owners hold Pre-tax losses for the division that
on to their phones for longer, leading to includes the Sun and its Sunday coun-
uncertainty about when they will be terpart narrowed from £201m to £51m.
encouraged to upgrade. Times Newspapers, which includes
Launching a subscription service for The Times and Sunday Times, took an
hardware could mean consumers £8.3m hit from overhauling their news-
paying more over time and upgrading rooms after some editorial teams were
their phones more regularly, boosting combined to form a single, seven-day-a-
the company’s revenues. week operation.
The service could also be combined The financial information covers a
with Apple’s existing subscriptions period before Nadine Dorries, the Cul-
for music streaming, TV, iCloud, news ture Secretary, decided last month to
and fitness, which it has expanded in abolish undertakings requiring the

recent years. titles to remain separate.

In 2020, the company launched News UK argued last year that rules
Apple One, which lets users sign up to imposed by the Thatcher government
multiple subscriptions for a discount. had hampered its ability to cut costs.
Apple already operates an iPhone It told ministers it would merge the
upgrade programme that lets users feature desks and its pictures, graphics,
spread the cost of a new device over subbing and production operations if
time and receive a new phone each the restrictions were lifted.
year. The credit card it has in the US also The group made the appeal in the
lets shoppers pay for devices over summer when the business was weigh-
several months. ing job cuts in response to a pandemic-
The price of new iPhones has relate d drop in newspap er and
increased in recent years, with the most advertising sales.
expensive model now costing £1,549, However, Times Newspapers’ latest
meaning consumers have a bigger accounts revealed pre-tax profits had
financial commitment when buying a more than tripled to £34m for the year
new device. Consumers that once to June 27, while turnover increased by
bought a new device every two years Out for the count Reindeer are seen in the Lovozero region of Murmansk, Russia, after a spring census was taken. The 5pc to £327m. Growth was driven by a
now take three or more years to animals, which have been brought to the barns for vaccination, health and horn care, were counted one by one. rebound in digital advertising sales and
upgrade. Apple did not comment. a rise in subscriptions.

Bank reveals plans to crack down on cryptocurrency

Threadneedle Street seeks
Street is seeking powers to regulate
online currencies such as Bitcoin in the
Russia by allowing individuals to evade
the banking system.
‘The possibility of crypto 17,000 different crypto asset tokens in
circulation, ranging from Bitcoin to
the claims. However, Mr Neal cautioned
that no claims had yet been made and
powers to regulate Bitcoin same way as shares and derivatives as The Bank of England’s Financial Pol- circumventing sanctions Dogecoin, an online token referencing the final bill could take years to estab-

amid fears that Russia will

part of a global scramble to prevent
their use by allies of Vladimir Putin.
icy Committee said: “While crypto
assets are unlikely to provide a feasible
underscores the importance a popular internet joke.
u  Lloyd’s of London is bracing for a
lish, adding that its exposure was
“within tolerable levels” and it did not
use it to bypass sanctions The Bank has also written to lenders way to circumvent sanctions at scale of effective public policy’ multibillion-pound hit from the war in expect the hit to be outside the
urging them to tread carefully in the currently, the possibility of such behav- Ukraine as it warned that the conflict scenarios it prepared for.
By Lucy Burton and Simon Foy industry because it is a “new and iour underscores the importance of “equivalent economic function to one would be a “major claim” event. There are concerns that the industry
untested” market. ensuring innovation in crypto assets is performed in the traditional financial John Neal, the chief executive of the could face steep losses following
THE Bank of England has set out plans Regulators have long warned that the accompanied by effective public policy sector, the [committee] judges this world’s largest insurance market, said Vladimir Putin’s threat to seize foreign-
to crack down on the $1.7 trillion crypto- growth of crypto assets has the poten- frameworks to mitigate risks.” should take place within existing regu- the cost would run into the “low bil- owned assets, including property and
currency market amid concerns that tial to rattle the wider financial system, It called for a type of equivalence to latory arrangements”. That may mean lions, rather than the tens of billions”, aircraft. Lloyd’s said it was “in close dia-
digital coins could be used to evade but concerns have spiked over fears be added to its rulebook, arguing that that regulators need new powers, it with aviation, marine, credit and politi- logue with market partners” to get a
sanctions on Russia. Threadneedle they could undermine sanctions on when crypto technology performs an said. There are currently more than cal risk insurance bearing the brunt of sense of the likely level of losses.

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