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 

130 
1 My grandfather was a strong ................ in the importance of girls’ education.
a pioneer b believer c customer d stylist
2 He was ................ on getting his money by tomorrow.
a insist b insistent c insistence d insistently
3 The noise outside has made me ................ so I couldn't concentrate.
a confusion b confusing c confused d confuse
4 I really admire Charles Dickens as a novelist as his writing................ is unique.
a behaviour b attitude c style d conduct
5 Young people like to wear ................ clothes to follow the latest fashion.
a old-fashioned b old c unfashionable d fashionable
6 “The Postman” was ................ into a successful film.
a spread b done c written d made
7 As well as ................ an important writer, he was an expert on Arab culture.
a being b to be c be d been
8 The astronauts went on ................ spacewalk to replace a broken part.
a a two-hour b two-hour c two-hours d two-hour's
9 His first novel................ him as one of the great short story writers of the Arab world.
a refreshed b published c established d furnished
10 Scientists have a great ................ on our life.
a affect b affective c effect d effective
11 Everyone ................ mistakes when they’re learning something new.
a make b makes c do d does
12 We should ................ people’s privacy and avoid interfering in their affairs.
a control b respect c defame d break
13 They made him ................ the house as a form of punishment.
a to tidy b tidy c tidying d be tidied
14 Toka has a bad ................ of biting her nail when she’s nervous.
a fashion b custom c habit d hobby
15 It ................ me three hours to reach Italy.
a spent b cost c took d worked 23
16 There was an ................ article on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday.
a excited b interested c interesting d interest
17 She was ................ a medal for showing supreme bravery.
a warded b rewarded c rewarding d awarded
18 They have to provide a contract by ................ .
a raw b war c low d law
19 The number of spectators at football matches was lower than................ last season.
a average b avenge c publisher d revenge
20 What do you think the ................ is getting at in these lines in the second verse?
a poet b playwright c journalist d novelist
21 The patient was made................ in bed for three days.
a stay b to stay c staying d stayed
22 An efficient teacher doesn’t silence the students but he ................ them.
a spoils b disciplines c honours d punishes
23 His parents do not let him ................ TV too much.
a watching b watch c watched d watches

Secondary Three 1 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

24 There was a thin ................ of oil on the surface of the water.
a lawyer b law c layer d low
25 He ..... at the university about writing for children and the importance of literature.
a studied b educated c lectured d learnt
26 What is the................ in meaning between where and wear?
a different b difference c differ d differentiate
27 A good teacher should................ his students in a friendly way.
a talk b silence c depress d speak
28 He always leaves ................ decisions to his wife.
a intelligence b importance c important d difference
29 He looked somewhat shamefaced when he ................ his mistake.
a invented b released c realized d recognised
30 Security checks have become really ................ at the airport.
a tractor b distract c strict d district
31 Ali is very ................ and all people always ask him for advice.
a sensible b sensitive c sensate d sensational
32 In nature, some animals show a great degree of ................ .
a intelligence b smart c intelligencer d intelligent
33 My father had a strong ................ on my early childhood.
a effective b influential c influence d affect
34 She felt a persistent ................ at the back of her head
a explain b plain c ache d lecture
35 The long hot summer has led to ................ water shortage.
a survey b serious c serial d series
36 His God gave him hope during difficult times.
a behave b belief c believe d believer
37 Mr Al Daifi is ............that the school is not to blame for the situation.
a insistent b insist c persist d assist
38 She's hired a ............who specializes in divorce cases. 25
a lawyer b law c diplomat d author
39 She's just had an article their weekend supplement.
a punished b established c believed d published
40 As I am concerned, this is the most interesting book I have ever read.
a long b soon c tall d far
41 Seif physics from Cambridge University.
a expert b translated c respected d graduated
42 On ............, I earn about one hundred pounds a day.
a average b beverage c merge d leverage
43 The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that ............serious damage.
a made b did c gave d took
44 My father played a ............role in my life.
a exciting b pioneer c pioneering d valueless
45 If you don’t ............traffic rules, you’ll be punished.
a obey b crash c break d disobey
46 She is a graduate ............Cairo University. 
a of b from c in d off 
47 The questions were ............because my teacher used mysterious words.
a confuses b confused c confusing d confusion
48 The city has eight ............, each with a representative on the City Council.
a distinctions b disruptions c districts d disputes

Secondary Three 2 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

49 I love escapism so I have read many of the major works of ............
a literature b agriculture c trade d industry
50 Yesterday at five past seven, I ................ my application to the company website.
a was uploading b would upload c upload d have uploaded
51 There is no doubt that the religion has a great............on the Egyptian society.
a effectively b influence c affect d lucky
52 The referee ............a penalty kick.
a rewarding b awarded c rewarded d a ward
53 Aya ................ animals, but now she loves them!
a doesn’t like b will like c didn’t use to like d is used to liking
54 ................ he was a student, he was writing short stories.
a After b As soon as c While d On
55 There are always economic crises ................ wars.
a while b as c when d during
56 I worry about the ............that violent films may have on children.
a effectively b affect c effective d effect
57 By 2012, I ................ three novels. It was a great achievement for me.
a had written b will have c had been writingmd was writing
58 Having ................ the visa, I booked a flight to Canada.
a received b had received c to receive d receiving
59 He is punctual. He ................ to coming on time.
a used b is used c is using d was used
60 I as well as my friends ............English yesterday morning.
a studied b was studying c were studying d had studied
61 What did you do after................ school yesterday? 
a had left b left c leave d leaving
62 I met one of my old friends while ................ for the school bus.
a being waited b am waiting c was waiting d waiting
63 It's late. It's time we ............ home.
a go b gone c went d goes
64 ................ waiting hours, all of them felt bored.
a After b While c During d On
65 She used to be a clever student but now she................ .
a didn’t b hasn’t c isn’t d doesn’t
66 I’d rather Nada ................ her mother at the club.
a is meeting b meets c met d had met
67 Are you going to tell Toka what happened, or would you rather I ................ her?
a told b tell c tells d had told
68 Everybody................ a present.
a have been given b were given c has been given d has given
69 I …………. living here for ten years and I don't want to move.
a has been b were c have been d had been
70 Jana didn’t sleep until ................ English.
a studied b had studied c studying d was studying
71 I have ................ sent him an e-mail; I expect him to send me a Cheque soon.
a yet b ever c all ready d recently
72 After she ................ her homework, she will go to bed.
a have finished b had finished c was finishing d has finished
73 ................ repaired, the car looked a new one.
a On b Having been c Having d After

Secondary Three 3 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

74 He ........ to the bank to draw some money. He will be back in half an hour.
a has been b has gone c had been d was going
75 Ali was very unlucky. It ................ every day during his holidays.
a was raining b rained c had rained d rains
76 Aya first met her best friend when she primary school.
a has been b was being c was d is
77 While I was cooking, my husband ............the car.
a were washed b washed c was washing d had washed
78 I used to play tennis a lot, but I ................ very much now.
a wasn't playing b never played c didn't play d don't play
79 What ................ at 10 o'clock last night?
a did you do b have you done c had you done d were you doing
80 I got home late last night. I was very tired and ................ straight to bed.
a go b went c gone d goes
81 As soon as the police arrested the thief, he ................ to the police station.
a had been taken b was taken c had taken d took
82 No sooner ................ studied English, than she slept.
a Jana had b had Jana c Jana has d has Jana
83 When I work; I will visit my uncle tomorrow.
a does b had done c has done d have done
84 I’d rather you ............this car. It’s a bargain.
a bought b to buy c buy d will buy
85 It’s two weeks since we last ............
a met b have met c has met d meet
86 This is the most interesting book I have
a already b never c ever d yet 25
87 I turned off the light before ................ to bed. 
a go b going c went d to go
88 As soon as I ............there, I will call you.
a has arrived b had arrived c arrived d have arrived
89 He has been training hard ............the last Olympic games.
a for b since c because d ago
90 He as well as his family members Italy and Turkey.
a have gone b have been c has been d has gone
91 Mostafa has gone on holiday............the last two weeks.
a just b since c yet d for
92 Have you eaten all the food ............? You must have been very hungry.
a yet b since c recently d already
93 It was the first time we ............visited Beni Suef.
a have ever a have never c had ever d have just
94 I haven't slept well since ............her. 
a seen b saw c seeing d see
95 The plane ............I can see it in the sky!
a just left b just has left c has left just d has just left
96 I ............a cigarette for ten years.
a have smoked b haven't smoked c has smoke d hasn't smoked
97 Have you cleaned the flat .......? You' re so quick and efficient.
a ever b yesterday c already d never
98 I hurt my back while ................ in the garden.
a was working b working c is working d were working

Secondary Three 4 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

Read the following passage, then answer the questions
A good education is a system that makes student better. A good
education increases children's creativity, helps them enjoy studying and
helps them in their future career. Finland is believed by many to have the best
education system in the world, despite the fact that Finns spend little money
on education and have an average of nearly 30 students per class. What
makes their schools good? They consider education itself to be the most
important goal than a way to get a well-paid job. Learning is valued and
teachers are respected. In fact, teaching is the number one favourite
profession among Finnish teens. In a world where so many people want jobs
with status the Finnish example is quite extraordinary.
Teachers in Finland are paid no more than their colleagues in other
European countries, but they enjoy great job satisfaction. The main reason
for this is the freedom they have to teach the material in any way they wish.
Finnish students are pretty and happy too. There are no standardized
national tests, which means they’re not under the pressure as other
European students to get highest marks they can in all-important end-of-year
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 There are............students in each class in Finland.
a exactly 30 b more than 30 c about 30 d little than 30
2 The underlined word “They” refers to ........... .
a students b Finns c Finland d teachers
3 Finland doesn’t on education.
a many b much c few d little
4 The Finnish............learning.
a devalue b insult c neglected d appreciate
Answer the following questions:
5 Why do you think education is successful in Finland? (Give 2 reasons)
 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 Why do teachers in Finland enjoy great job satisfaction?

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 In your own words "What is a good education?"

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 From the passage, give the same meaning: a target b officemate

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secondary Three 5 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

5. a. Translate into Arabic:
1) Youth are the backbone of the nation. On their shoulders rests the responsibility of
the reconstruction of their country.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

2) The freedom of doctrine and the right of citizenship, justice and equality are the pillars
of modern society.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3) Mothers are the cornerstone in any family. If they give up their role as housewives and
depend on others, there will be some unpleasant consequences.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

B- Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:
 .1
  
   .2
 .3

Write an essay of about 180 words on ONE only of the following:
- " Online Learning"
- " A character you admire"

     

       

Secondary Three 6 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills






























Secondary Three 7 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

 
130 
1 My grandfather was a strong ................ in the importance of girls’ education.
a pioneer b believer c customer d stylist
2 He was ................ on getting his money by tomorrow.
a insist b insistent c insistence d insistently
3 The noise outside has made me ................ so I couldn't concentrate.
a confusion b confusing c confused d confuse
4 I really admire Charles Dickens as a novelist as his writing................ is unique.
a behaviour b attitude c style d conduct
5 Young people like to wear ................ clothes to follow the latest fashion.
a old-fashioned b old c unfashionable d fashionable
6 “The Postman” was ................ into a successful film.
a spread b done c written d made
7 As well as ................ an important writer, he was an expert on Arab culture.
a being b to be c be d been
8 The astronauts went on ................ spacewalk to replace a broken part.
a a two-hour b two-hour c two-hours d two-hour's
9 His first novel................ him as one of the great short story writers of the Arab world.
a refreshed b published c established d furnished
10 Scientists have a great ................ on our life.
a affect b affective c effect d effective
11 Everyone ................ mistakes when they’re learning something new.
a make b makes c do d does
12 We should ................ people’s privacy and avoid interfering in their affairs.
a control b respect c defame d break
13 They made him ................ the house as a form of punishment.
a to tidy b tidy c tidying d be tidied
14 Toka has a bad ................ of biting her nail when she’s nervous.
a fashion b custom c habit d hobby
15 It ................ me three hours to reach Italy.
a spent b cost c took d worked 23
16 There was an ................ article on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday.
a excited b interested c interesting d interest
17 She was ................ a medal for showing supreme bravery.
a warded b rewarded c rewarding d awarded
18 They have to provide a contract by ................ .
a raw b war c low d law
19 The number of spectators at football matches was lower than................ last season.
a average b avenge c publisher d revenge
20 What do you think the ................ is getting at in these lines in the second verse?
a poet b playwright c journalist d novelist
21 The patient was made................ in bed for three days.
a stay b to stay c staying d stayed
22 An efficient teacher doesn’t silence the students but he ................ them.
a spoils b disciplines c honours d punishes
23 His parents do not let him ................ TV too much.
a watching b watch c watched d watches

Secondary Three 1 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

24 There was a thin ................ of oil on the surface of the water.
a lawyer b law c layer d low
25 He ..... at the university about writing for children and the importance of literature.
a studied b educated c lectured d learnt
26 What is the................ in meaning between where and wear?
a different b difference c differ d differentiate
27 A good teacher should................ his students in a friendly way.
a talk b silence c depress d speak
28 He always leaves ................ decisions to his wife.
a intelligence b importance c important d difference
29 He looked somewhat shamefaced when he ................ his mistake.
a invented b released c realized d recognised
30 Security checks have become really ................ at the airport.
a tractor b distract c strict d district
31 Ali is very ................ and all people always ask him for advice.
a sensible b sensitive c sensate d sensational
32 In nature, some animals show a great degree of ................ .
a intelligence b smart c intelligencer d intelligent
33 My father had a strong ................ on my early childhood.
a effective b influential c influence d affect
34 She felt a persistent ................ at the back of her head
a explain b plain c ache d lecture
35 The long hot summer has led to ................ water shortage.
a survey b serious c serial d series
36 His God gave him hope during difficult times.
a behave b belief c believe d believer
37 Mr Al Daifi is ............that the school is not to blame for the situation.
a insistent b insist c persist d assist
38 She's hired a ............who specializes in divorce cases. 25
a lawyer b law c diplomat d author
39 She's just had an article their weekend supplement.
a punished b established c believed d published
40 As I am concerned, this is the most interesting book I have ever read.
a long b soon c tall d far
41 Seif physics from Cambridge University.
a expert b translated c respected d graduated
42 On ............, I earn about one hundred pounds a day.
a average b beverage c merge d leverage
43 The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that ............serious damage.
a made b did c gave d took
44 My father played a ............role in my life.
a exciting b pioneer c pioneering d valueless
45 If you don’t ............traffic rules, you’ll be punished.
a obey b crash c break d disobey
46 She is a graduate ............Cairo University. 
a of b from c in d off 
47 The questions were ............because my teacher used mysterious words.
a confuses b confused c confusing d confusion
48 The city has eight ............, each with a representative on the City Council.
a distinctions b disruptions c districts d disputes

Secondary Three 2 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

49 I love escapism so I have read many of the major works of ............
a literature b agriculture c trade d industry
50 Yesterday at five past seven, I ................ my application to the company website.
a was uploading b would upload c upload d have uploaded
51 There is no doubt that the religion has a great............on the Egyptian society.
a effectively b influence c affect d lucky
52 The referee ............a penalty kick.
a rewarding b awarded c rewarded d a ward
53 Aya ................ animals, but now she loves them!
a doesn’t like b will like c didn’t use to like d is used to liking
54 ................ he was a student, he was writing short stories.
a After b As soon as c While d On
55 There are always economic crises ................ wars.
a while b as c when d during
56 I worry about the ............that violent films may have on children.
a effectively b affect c effective d effect
57 By 2012, I ................ three novels. It was a great achievement for me.
a had written b will have c had been writingmd was writing
58 Having ................ the visa, I booked a flight to Canada.
a received b had received c to receive d receiving
59 He is punctual. He ................ to coming on time.
a used b is used c is using d was used
60 I as well as my friends ............English yesterday morning.
a studied b was studying c were studying d had studied
61 What did you do after................ school yesterday?20
a had left b left c leave d leaving
62 I met one of my old friends while ................ for the school bus.20
a being waited b am waiting c was waiting d waiting
63 It's late. It's time we ............ home.
a go b gone c went d goes
64 ................ waiting hours, all of them felt bored.
a After b While c During d On
65 She used to be a clever student but now she................ .
a didn’t b hasn’t c isn’t d doesn’t
66 I’d rather Nada ................ her mother at the club.
a is meeting b meets c met d had met
67 Are you going to tell Toka what happened, or would you rather I ................ her?
a told b tell c tells d had told
68 Everybody................ a present.
a have been given b were given c has been given d has given
69 I …………. living here for ten years and I don't want to move.
a has been b were c have been d had been
70 Jana didn’t sleep until ................ English.20
a studied b had studied c studying d was studying
71 I have ................ sent him an e-mail; I expect him to send me a Cheque soon.
a yet b ever c all ready d recently
72 After she ................ her homework, she will go to bed.
a have finished b had finished c was finishing d has finished
73 ................ repaired, the car looked a new one.
a On b Having been c Having d After

Secondary Three 3 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

74 He ........ to the bank to draw some money. He will be back in half an hour.
a has been b has gone c had been d was going
75 Ali was very unlucky. It ................ every day during his holidays.
a was raining b rained c had rained d rains
76 Aya first met her best friend when she primary school.
a has been b was being c was d is
77 While I was cooking, my husband ............the car.
a were washed b washed c was washing d had washed
78 I used to play tennis a lot, but I ................ very much now.
a wasn't playing b never played c didn't play d don't play
79 What ................ at 10 o'clock last night?
a did you do b have you done c had you done d were you doing
80 I got home late last night. I was very tired and ................ straight to bed.
a go b went c gone d goes
81 As soon as the police arrested the thief, he ................ to the police station.
a had been taken b was taken c had taken d took
82 No sooner ................ studied English, than she slept.
a Jana had b had Jana c Jana has d has Jana
83 When I work; I will visit my uncle tomorrow.
a does b had done c has done d have done
84 I’d rather you ............this car. It’s a bargain.
a bought b to buy c buy d will buy
85 It’s two weeks since we last ............
a met b have met c has met d meet
86 This is the most interesting book I have
a already b never c ever d yet 25
87 I turned off the light before ................ to bed. 20
a go b going c went d to go
88 As soon as I ............there, I will call you.
a has arrived b had arrived c arrived d have arrived
89 He has been training hard ............the last Olympic games.
a for b since c because d ago
90 He as well as his family members Italy and Turkey.
a have gone b have been c has been d has gone
91 Mostafa has gone on holiday............the last two weeks.
a just b since c yet d for
92 Have you eaten all the food ............? You must have been very hungry.
a yet b since c recently d already
93 It was the first time we ............visited Beni Suef.
a have ever a have never c had ever d have just
94 I haven't slept well since ............her. 20
a seen b saw c seeing d see
95 The plane ............I can see it in the sky!
a just left b just has left c has left just d has just left
96 I ............a cigarette for ten years.
a have smoked b haven't smoked c has smoke d hasn't smoked
97 Have you cleaned the flat .......? You' re so quick and efficient.
a ever b yesterday c already d never
98 I hurt my back while ................ in the garden.20
a was working b working c is working d were working

Secondary Three 4 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

Read the following passage, then answer the questions
A good education is a system that makes student better. A good
education increases children's creativity, helps them enjoy studying and
helps them in their future career. Finland is believed by many to have the best
education system in the world, despite the fact that Finns spend little money
on education and have an average of nearly 30 students per class. What
makes their schools good? They consider education itself to be the most
important goal than a way to get a well-paid job. Learning is valued and
teachers are respected. In fact, teaching is the number one favourite
profession among Finnish teens. In a world where so many people want jobs
with status the Finnish example is quite extraordinary.
Teachers in Finland are paid no more than their colleagues in other
European countries, but they enjoy great job satisfaction. The main reason
for this is the freedom they have to teach the material in any way they wish.
Finnish students are pretty and happy too. There are no standardized
national tests, which means they’re not under the pressure as other
European students to get highest marks they can in all-important end-of-year
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 There are............students in each class in Finland.
a exactly 30 b more than 30 c about 30 d little than 30
2 The underlined word “They” refers to ........... .
a students b Finns c Finland d teachers
3 Finland doesn’t on education.
a many b much c few d little
4 The Finnish............learning.
a devalue b insult c neglected d appreciate
Answer the following questions:
5 Why do you think education is successful in Finland? (Give 2 reasons)
 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 Why do teachers in Finland enjoy great job satisfaction?

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 In your own words "What is a good education?"

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 From the passage, give the same meaning: a target b officemate

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secondary Three 5 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

5. a. Translate into Arabic:
1) Youth are the backbone of the nation. On their shoulders rests the responsibility of
the reconstruction of their country.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

2) The freedom of doctrine and the right of citizenship, justice and equality are the pillars
of modern society.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3) Mothers are the cornerstone in any family. If they give up their role as housewives and
depend on others, there will be some unpleasant consequences.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

B- Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:
 .1
  
   .2
 .3

Write an essay of about 180 words on ONE only of the following:
- " Online Learning"
- " A character you admire"

     

       

Secondary Three 6 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills






























Secondary Three 7 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

 
130 
1 There was an ................ article on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday.
a excited b interested c interesting d interest
2 She was ................ a medal for showing supreme bravery.
a warded b rewarded c rewarding d awarded
3 They have to provide a contract by ................ .
a raw b war c low d law
4 The number of spectators at football matches was lower than................ last season.
a average b avenge c publisher d revenge
5 What do you think the ................ is getting at in these lines in the second verse?
a poet b playwright c journalist d novelist
6 The patient was made................ in bed for three days.
a stay b to stay c staying d stayed
7 An efficient teacher doesn’t silence the students but he ................ them.
a spoils b disciplines c honours d punishes
8 His parents do not let him ................ TV too much.
a watching b watch c watched d watches
9 My grandfather was a strong ................ in the importance of girls’ education.
a pioneer b believer c customer d stylist
10 He was ................ on getting his money by tomorrow.
a insist b insistent c insistence d insistently
11 The noise outside has made me ................ so I couldn't concentrate.
a confusion b confusing c confused d confuse 23
12 I really admire Charles Dickens as a novelist as his writing................ is unique.
a behaviour b attitude c style d conduct
13 Young people like to wear ................ clothes to follow the latest fashion.
a old-fashioned b old c unfashionable d fashionable
14 “The Postman” was ................ into a successful film.
a spread b done c written d made
15 As well as ................ an important writer, he was an expert on Arab culture.
a being b to be c be d been
16 The astronauts went on ................ spacewalk to replace a broken part.
a a two-hour b two-hour c two-hours d two-hour's
17 His first novel................ him as one of the great short story writers of the Arab world.
a refreshed b published c established d furnished
18 Scientists have a great ................ on our life.
a affect b affective c effect d effective
19 Everyone ................ mistakes when they’re learning something new.
a make b makes c do d does
20 We should ................ people’s privacy and avoid interfering in their affairs.
a control b respect c defame d break
21 They made him ................ the house as a form of punishment.
a to tidy b tidy c tidying d be tidied
22 Toka has a bad ................ of biting her nail when she’s nervous.
a fashion b custom c habit d hobby
23 It ................ me three hours to reach Italy.
a spent b cost c took d worked

Secondary Three 1 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

24 Ali is very ................ and all people always ask him for advice.
a sensible b sensitive c sensate d sensational
25 In nature, some animals show a great degree of ................ .
a intelligence b smart c intelligencer d intelligent
26 My father had a strong ................ on my early childhood.
a effective b influential c influence d affect
27 She felt a persistent ................ at the back of her head
a explain b plain c ache d lecture
28 There was a thin ................ of oil on the surface of the water.
a lawyer b law c layer d low
29 He ..... at the university about writing for children and the importance of literature.
a studied b educated c lectured d learnt
30 What is the................ in meaning between where and wear?
a different b difference c differ d differentiate
31 A good teacher should................ his students in a friendly way.
a talk b silence c depress d speak
32 He always leaves ................ decisions to his wife.
a intelligence b importance c important d difference
33 He looked somewhat shamefaced when he ................ his mistake.
a invented b released c realized d recognised
34 Security checks have become really ................ at the airport.
a tractor b distract c strict d district
35 The long hot summer has led to ................ water shortage.
a survey b serious c serial d series
36 His God gave him hope during difficult times.
a behave b belief c believe d believer
37 Mr Al Daifi is ............that the school is not to blame for the situation.
a insistent b insist c persist d assist
38 She's hired a ............who specializes in divorce cases. 25
a lawyer b law c diplomat d author
39 She's just had an article their weekend supplement.
a punished b established c believed d published
40 The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that ............serious damage.
a made b did c gave d took
41 My father played a ............role in my life.
a exciting b pioneer c pioneering d valueless
42 If you don’t ............traffic rules, you’ll be punished.
a obey b crash c break d disobey
43 She is a graduate ............Cairo University. 
a of b from c in d off 
44 The questions were ............because my teacher used mysterious words.
a confuses b confused c confusing d confusion
45 The city has eight ............, each with a representative on the City Council.
a distinctions b disruptions c districts d disputes
46 As I am concerned, this is the most interesting book I have ever read.
a long b soon c tall d far
47 Seif physics from Cambridge University.
a expert b translated c respected d graduated
48 On ............, I earn about one hundred pounds a day.
a average b beverage c merge d leverage

Secondary Three 2 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

49 There is no doubt that the religion has a great............on the Egyptian society.
a effectively b influence c affect d lucky
50 The referee ............a penalty kick.
a rewarding b awarded c rewarded d a ward
51 I love escapism so I have read many of the major works of ............
a literature b agriculture c trade d industry
52 Yesterday at five past seven, I ................ my application to the company website.
a was uploading b would upload c upload d have uploaded
53 Aya ................ animals, but now she loves them!
a doesn’t like b will like c didn’t use to like d is used to liking
54 ................ he was a student, he was writing short stories.
a After b As soon as c While d On
55 There are always economic crises ................ wars.
a while b as c when d during
56 I worry about the ............that violent films may have on children.
a effectively b affect c effective d effect
57 I as well as my friends ............English yesterday morning.
a studied b was studying c were studying d had studied
58 What did you do after................ school yesterday?
a had left b left c leave d leaving
59 I met one of my old friends while ................ for the school bus.
a being waited b am waiting c was waiting d waiting
60 By 2012, I ................ three novels. It was a great achievement for me.
a had written b will have c had been writingmd was writing
61 Having ................ the visa, I booked a flight to Canada.
a received b had received c to receive d receiving
62 He is punctual. He ................ to coming on time.
a used b is used c is using d was used
63 It's late. It's time we ............ home.
a go b gone c went d goes
64 ................ waiting hours, all of them felt bored.
a After b While c During d On
65 She used to be a clever student but now she................ .
a didn’t b hasn’t c isn’t d doesn’t
66 I’d rather Nada ................ her mother at the club.
a is meeting b meets c met d had met
67 I have ................ sent him an e-mail; I expect him to send me a Cheque soon.
a yet b ever c all ready d recently
68 After she ................ her homework, she will go to bed.
a have finished b had finished c was finishing d has finished
69 ................ repaired, the car looked a new one.
a On b Having been c Having d After
70 Are you going to tell Toka what happened, or would you rather I ................ her?
a told b tell c tells d had told
71 Everybody................ a present.
a have been given b were given c has been given d has given
72 I …………. living here for ten years and I don't want to move.
a has been b were c have been d had been
73 Jana didn’t sleep until ................ English.
a studied b had studied c studying d was studying

Secondary Three 3 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

74 While I was cooking, my husband ............the car.
a were washed b washed c was washing d had washed
75 I used to play tennis a lot, but I ................ very much now.
a wasn't playing b never played c didn't play d don't play
76 What ................ at 10 o'clock last night?
a did you do b have you done c had you done d were you doing
77 I got home late last night. I was very tired and ................ straight to bed.
a go b went c gone d goes
78 As soon as the police arrested the thief, he ................ to the police station.
a had been taken b was taken c had taken d took
79 He ........ to the bank to draw some money. He will be back in half an hour.
a has been b has gone c had been d was going
80 Ali was very unlucky. It ................ every day during his holidays.
a was raining b rained c had rained d rains
81 Aya first met her best friend when she primary school.
a has been b was being c was d is
82 No sooner ................ studied English, than she slept.
a Jana had b had Jana c Jana has d has Jana
83 When I work; I will visit my uncle tomorrow.
a does b had done c has done d have done
84 I’d rather you ............this car. It’s a bargain.
a bought b to buy c buy d will buy
85 It’s two weeks since we last ............
a met b have met c has met d meet
86 This is the most interesting book I have
a already b never c ever d yet 25
87 I turned off the light before ................ to bed. 
a go b going c went d to go
88 As soon as I ............there, I will call you.
a has arrived b had arrived c arrived d have arrived
89 He has been training hard ............the last Olympic games.
a for b since c because d ago
90 He as well as his family members Italy and Turkey.
a have gone b have been c has been d has gone
91 I ............a cigarette for ten years.
a have smoked b haven't smoked c has smoke d hasn't smoked
92 Have you cleaned the flat .......? You' re so quick and efficient.
a ever b yesterday c already d never
93 I hurt my back while ................ in the garden.
a was working b working c is working d were working
94 Mostafa has gone on holiday............the last two weeks.
a just b since c yet d for
95 Have you eaten all the food ............? You must have been very hungry.
a yet b since c recently d already
96 It was the first time we ............visited Beni Suef.
a have ever a have never c had ever d have just
97 I haven't slept well since ............her. 
a seen b saw c seeing d see
98 The plane ............I can see it in the sky!
a just left b just has left c has left just d has just left

Secondary Three 4 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

Read the following passage, then answer the questions
A good education is a system that makes student better. A good
education increases children's creativity, helps them enjoy studying and
helps them in their future career. Finland is believed by many to have the best
education system in the world, despite the fact that Finns spend little money
on education and have an average of nearly 30 students per class. What
makes their schools good? They consider education itself to be the most
important goal than a way to get a well-paid job. Learning is valued and
teachers are respected. In fact, teaching is the number one favourite
profession among Finnish teens. In a world where so many people want jobs
with status the Finnish example is quite extraordinary.
Teachers in Finland are paid no more than their colleagues in other
European countries, but they enjoy great job satisfaction. The main reason
for this is the freedom they have to teach the material in any way they wish.
Finnish students are pretty and happy too. There are no standardized
national tests, which means they’re not under the pressure as other
European students to get highest marks they can in all-important end-of-year
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Finland doesn’t on education.
a many b much c few d little 8
2 The Finnish............learning.
a devalue b insult c neglected d appreciate
3 There are............students in each class in Finland.
a exactly 30 b more than 30 c about 30 d little than 30
4 The underlined word “They” refers to ........... .
a students b Finns c Finland d teachers
Answer the following questions:
5 In your own words "What is a good education?"
 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 Why do teachers in Finland enjoy great job satisfaction?

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 Why do you think education is successful in Finland? (Give 2 reasons)

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 From the passage, give the same meaning: a target b officemate

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secondary Three 5 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

5. a. Translate into Arabic:
1) Mothers are the cornerstone in any family. If they give up their role as housewives
and depend on others, there will be some unpleasant consequences.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

2) The freedom of doctrine and the right of citizenship, justice and equality are the pillars
of modern society.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3) Youth are the backbone of the nation. On their shoulders rests the responsibility of
the reconstruction of their country.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

B- Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:
 .1
  
   .2
 .3

Write an essay of about 180 words on ONE only of the following:
- " A character you admire"
- " Online Learning"

     

       

Secondary Three 6 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills






























Secondary Three 7 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

 
130 
1 “The Postman” was ................ into a successful film.
a spread b done c written d made
2 As well as ................ an important writer, he was an expert on Arab culture.
a being b to be c be d been
3 The astronauts went on ................ spacewalk to replace a broken part.
a a two-hour b two-hour c two-hours d two-hour's
4 My grandfather was a strong ................ in the importance of girls’ education.
a pioneer b believer c customer d stylist
5 He was ................ on getting his money by tomorrow.
a insist b insistent c insistence d insistently
6 The noise outside has made me ................ so I couldn't concentrate.
a confusion b confusing c confused d confuse
7 I really admire Charles Dickens as a novelist as his writing................ is unique.
a behaviour b attitude c style d conduct
8 Young people like to wear ................ clothes to follow the latest fashion.
a old-fashioned b old c unfashionable d fashionable
9 His first novel................ him as one of the great short story writers of the Arab world.
a refreshed b published c established d furnished
10 Scientists have a great ................ on our life.
a affect b affective c effect d effective
11 Everyone ................ mistakes when they’re learning something new.
a make b makes c do d does
12 We should ................ people’s privacy and avoid interfering in their affairs.
a control b respect c defame d break
13 They made him ................ the house as a form of punishment.
a to tidy b tidy c tidying d be tidied
14 Toka has a bad ................ of biting her nail when she’s nervous.
a fashion b custom c habit d hobby
15 It ................ me three hours to reach Italy.
a spent b cost c took d worked 23
16 There was an ................ article on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday.
a excited b interested c interesting d interest
17 She was ................ a medal for showing supreme bravery.
a warded b rewarded c rewarding d awarded
18 The patient was made................ in bed for three days.
a stay b to stay c staying d stayed
19 An efficient teacher doesn’t silence the students but he ................ them.
a spoils b disciplines c honours d punishes
20 His parents do not let him ................ TV too much.
a watching b watch c watched d watches
21 They have to provide a contract by ................ .
a raw b war c low d law
22 The number of spectators at football matches was lower than................ last season.
a average b avenge c publisher d revenge
23 What do you think the ................ is getting at in these lines in the second verse?
a poet b playwright c journalist d novelist

Secondary Three 1 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

24 He always leaves ................ decisions to his wife.
a intelligence b importance c important d difference
25 He looked somewhat shamefaced when he ................ his mistake.
a invented b released c realized d recognised
26 Security checks have become really ................ at the airport.
a tractor b distract c strict d district
27 Ali is very ................ and all people always ask him for advice.
a sensible b sensitive c sensate d sensational
28 In nature, some animals show a great degree of ................ .
a intelligence b smart c intelligencer d intelligent
29 There was a thin ................ of oil on the surface of the water.
a lawyer b law c layer d low
30 He ..... at the university about writing for children and the importance of literature.
a studied b educated c lectured d learnt
31 What is the................ in meaning between where and wear?
a different b difference c differ d differentiate
32 A good teacher should................ his students in a friendly way.
a talk b silence c depress d speak
33 My father had a strong ................ on my early childhood.
a effective b influential c influence d affect
34 She felt a persistent ................ at the back of her head
a explain b plain c ache d lecture
35 The long hot summer has led to ................ water shortage.
a survey b serious c serial d series
36 His God gave him hope during difficult times.
a behave b belief c believe d believer
37 Mr Al Daifi is ............that the school is not to blame for the situation.
a insistent b insist c persist d assist
38 On ............, I earn about one hundred pounds a day. 25
a average b beverage c merge d leverage
39 The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that ............serious damage.
a made b did c gave d took
40 My father played a ............role in my life.
a exciting b pioneer c pioneering d valueless
41 She's hired a ............who specializes in divorce cases.
a lawyer b law c diplomat d author
42 She's just had an article their weekend supplement.
a punished b established c believed d published
43 As I am concerned, this is the most interesting book I have ever read.
a long b soon c tall d far
44 The questions were ............because my teacher used mysterious words.
a confuses b confused c confusing d confusion
45 The city has eight ............, each with a representative on the City Council.
a distinctions b disruptions c districts d disputes
46 Seif physics from Cambridge University.
a expert b translated c respected d graduated
47 If you don’t ............traffic rules, you’ll be punished.
a obey b crash c break d disobey
48 She is a graduate ............Cairo University. 
a of b from c in d off 

Secondary Three 2 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

49 ................ he was a student, he was writing short stories.
a After b As soon as c While d On
50 There are always economic crises ................ wars.
a while b as c when d during
51 I worry about the ............that violent films may have on children.
a effectively b affect c effective d effect
52 By 2012, I ................ three novels. It was a great achievement for me.
a had written b will have c had been writingmd was writing
53 I love escapism so I have read many of the major works of ............
a literature b agriculture c trade d industry
54 Yesterday at five past seven, I ................ my application to the company website.
a was uploading b would upload c upload d have uploaded
55 There is no doubt that the religion has a great............on the Egyptian society.
a effectively b influence c affect d lucky
56 The referee ............a penalty kick.
a rewarding b awarded c rewarded d a ward
57 Aya ................ animals, but now she loves them!
a doesn’t like b will like c didn’t use to like d is used to liking
58 Having ................ the visa, I booked a flight to Canada.
a received b had received c to receive d receiving
59 He is punctual. He ................ to coming on time.
a used b is used c is using d was used
60 I as well as my friends ............English yesterday morning.
a studied b was studying c were studying d had studied
61 What did you do after................ school yesterday? 
a had left b left c leave d leaving
62 I met one of my old friends while ................ for the school bus. 
a being waited b am waiting c was waiting d waiting
63 It's late. It's time we ............ home.
a go b gone c went d goes
64 ................ waiting hours, all of them felt bored.
a After b While c During d On 25
65 Everybody................ a present.
a have been given b were given c has been given d has given
66 I …………. living here for ten years and I don't want to move.
a has been b were c have been d had been
67 Jana didn’t sleep until ................ English. 
a studied b had studied c studying d was studying
68 I have ................ sent him an e-mail; I expect him to send me a Cheque soon.
a yet b ever c all ready d recently
69 She used to be a clever student but now she................ .
a didn’t b hasn’t c isn’t d doesn’t
70 I’d rather Nada ................ her mother at the club.
a is meeting b meets c met d had met
71 Are you going to tell Toka what happened, or would you rather I ................ her?
a told b tell c tells d had told
72 After she ................ her homework, she will go to bed.
a have finished b had finished c was finishing d has finished
73 ................ repaired, the car looked a new one.
a On b Having been c Having d After

Secondary Three 3 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

74 He ........ to the bank to draw some money. He will be back in half an hour.
a has been b has gone c had been d was going
75 What ................ at 10 o'clock last night?
a did you do b have you done c had you done d were you doing
76 I got home late last night. I was very tired and ................ straight to bed.
a go b went c gone d goes
77 As soon as the police arrested the thief, he ................ to the police station.
a had been taken b was taken c had taken d took
78 No sooner ................ studied English, than she slept.
a Jana had b had Jana c Jana has d has Jana
79 When I work; I will visit my uncle tomorrow.
a does b had done c has done d have done
80 Ali was very unlucky. It ................ every day during his holidays.
a was raining b rained c had rained d rains
81 Aya first met her best friend when she primary school.
a has been b was being c was d is
82 While I was cooking, my husband ............the car.
a were washed b washed c was washing d had washed
83 I used to play tennis a lot, but I ................ very much now.
a wasn't playing b never played c didn't play d don't play
84 I’d rather you ............this car. It’s a bargain.
a bought b to buy c buy d will buy
85 It’s two weeks since we last ............
a met b have met c has met d meet
86 This is the most interesting book I have
a already b never c ever d yet 25
87 I turned off the light before ................ to bed. 
a go b going c went d to go
88 Mostafa has gone on holiday............the last two weeks.
a just b since c yet d for
89 Have you eaten all the food ............? You must have been very hungry.
a yet b since c recently d already
90 It was the first time we ............visited Beni Suef.
a have ever a have never c had ever d have just
91 I haven't slept well since ............her. 
a seen b saw c seeing d see
92 As soon as I ............there, I will call you.
a has arrived b had arrived c arrived d have arrived
93 He has been training hard ............the last Olympic games.
a for b since c because d ago
94 He as well as his family members Italy and Turkey.
a have gone b have been c has been d has gone
95 I hurt my back while ................ in the garden. 
a was working b working c is working d were working
96 The plane ............I can see it in the sky!
a just left b just has left c has left just d has just left
97 I ............a cigarette for ten years.
a have smoked b haven't smoked c has smoke d hasn't smoked
98 Have you cleaned the flat .......? You' re so quick and efficient.
a ever b yesterday c already d never

Secondary Three 4 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

Read the following passage, then answer the questions
A good education is a system that makes student better. A good
education increases children's creativity, helps them enjoy studying and
helps them in their future career. Finland is believed by many to have the best
education system in the world, despite the fact that Finns spend little money
on education and have an average of nearly 30 students per class. What
makes their schools good? They consider education itself to be the most
important goal than a way to get a well-paid job. Learning is valued and
teachers are respected. In fact, teaching is the number one favourite
profession among Finnish teens. In a world where so many people want jobs
with status the Finnish example is quite extraordinary.
Teachers in Finland are paid no more than their colleagues in other
European countries, but they enjoy great job satisfaction. The main reason
for this is the freedom they have to teach the material in any way they wish.
Finnish students are pretty and happy too. There are no standardized
national tests, which means they’re not under the pressure as other
European students to get highest marks they can in all-important end-of-year
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 The Finnish............learning.
a devalue b insult c neglected d appreciate
2 There are............students in each class in Finland.
a exactly 30 b more than 30 c about 30 d little than 30
3 The underlined word “They” refers to ........... .
a students b Finns c Finland d teachers
4 Finland doesn’t on education.
a many b much c few d little
Answer the following questions:
5 From the passage, give the same meaning: a target b officemate
 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 Why do you think education is successful in Finland? (Give 2 reasons)

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 Why do teachers in Finland enjoy great job satisfaction?

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 In your own words "What is a good education?"

 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secondary Three 5 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

5. a. Translate into Arabic:
1) The freedom of doctrine and the right of citizenship, justice and equality are the
pillars of modern society.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

2) Youth are the backbone of the nation. On their shoulders rests the responsibility of
the reconstruction of their country .
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3) Mothers are the cornerstone in any family. If they give up their role as housewives and
depend on others, there will be some unpleasant consequences.
................................................................................................................................................................................... 

B- Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:
   .1
 .2
  
 .3

Write an essay of about 180 words on ONE only of the following:
- " Online Learning"
- " A character you admire"

     

       

Secondary Three 6 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills






























Secondary Three 7 Test on units 1 - 2 & skills

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