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It is the decree n ° 2519 of the Administrator of the

colonies, acting commissioner of the French Republic in

Cameroon, Mr. Blu, signed on November 24, 1931, which
creates and installs in Yaoundé, a medical post of general
service. The said post placed under the direction of the
deputy doctor to the head of Yaoundé's health service. But
the very first buildings of what will successively become
the indigenous hospital, then the mixed hospital of
Yaoundé and finally the central hospital of Yaoundé today,
emerged from the ground in 1933, with the construction in
particular of the Pasteur pavilion. This year therefore
marks the birth of the central hospital of Yaoundé.
Therefore, the newly created health facility will experience
many changes. Also, a decision of the Chief Administrator
of the colonies, signed on December 29, 1937,
incorporates the native hospital of Douala and the native
hospital of Yaoundé (HCY), in the central service of the
health service of the Cameroon. The two health facilities
are placed under the direct authority of the Director of the
health service. A year later and in order to allow the
indigenous hospital of Yaoundé to meet current expenses,
an advance fund was created at the said hospital by
decree of September 15, 1938 of the Commissioner of the
French Republic in Cameroon, MP Bcisson . At the end of
the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s, the mixed
hospital of Yaoundé was to grow and gradually modernize:
the electrical installation was effective from 1950, a two-
storey building housing the "surgery" department on the
ground floor. » and on the maternity floor, was built in
1952. The same year, the hospital acquired a sieur x-ray
trailer with all the accessories, as well as a generator. Over
the years, the hospital will acquire many new
infrastructures and undergo multiple transformations,
both legal and infrastructural. A medical post when it was
created in the early 1930s, the Yaoundé Central Hospital
has today become an internationally renowned reference
hospital, a second category hospital in the national health

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