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Private School vs.

Public School

Are public schools negatively impacting students through
punitive disciplinary measures instead of using a program or
development-based approach?

-Public School vs. Private School Research Team

Progression of research
1. How are private and public schools
funded, and does a disparity in funding
have a direct impact on the quality of
2. How does a difference in funding of
Public and Private High Schools have a
direct impact on the amount and level of
disciplinary actions implemented?
3. Do Public Schools negatively affect
students with disciplinary actions rather
than program centered learning

Who We Are

Won Moon Bret


Class Participation

Q1 Q2
How many of you How many of you
have attended a have encountered a
public school? form of disciplinary
How many a action taken by the
private school?

Why this research is important

Types of schooling by millions

Source: U.S. Department of Education 7

● Major differences in education
Public v. Private
Importance ● Education is the foundation of
developing Important skills
● The level of education a student
receives will determine their
● Many different forms of disciplinary
actions and security measures seen in

Public schools are 1.
Police officers on campus
Bag Searches
shown on average to 3. Metal Detectors
have more reported 4. Random Drug tests
5. Highly invasive audio and video
cases of disciplinary surveillance.
actions taken 6. K9 dogs present
7. Locker and personal belonging

How does this affect the student?

“Just as schools are beginning to
resemble prisons, the youth
contained in these spaces are in
danger of fulfilling the
expectations that authorities
project onto them via negative
racial, gender, class, and
neighborhood stereotypes”

Source: U.S. Department of Education
Unequal City
“A guard sits at his elevated desk intently surveying the
six camera screens in front of him. To his right is an
orderly procession of teenage boys who are told to
place their belongings on the scanner while they step
up to be patted down for weapons and other prohibited
items before passing through metal detectors. Once
they are searched and scanned, the young men pick
up their belongings and proceed to the main

“This is neither an airport nor a prison; it is a

public school located on the South Side of

The Importance of Approach
and the role of nurturing in

Private schools promote student success

Private schools are program based

Instead of spending a large portion of
budget on various security measures ie Private schools tend to incorporate
metal directors, armed law enforcement, planning for the future to aid and
etc, private schools redirect funding to guide students
programs to help students succeed as well
as alternate forms of punishment or

Student Support
in Private School


“There is still more research that can be done in terms of the most effective
approach, but our research leads us to believe that many public school’s use of
disciplinary actions enforced on developing children has a negative impact on
their futures. Growth and program centered approaches allow for students to
be more productive and well rounded citizens in a constantly changing world”

Proposed Research Methodology
1. Document analysis of previous research on disciplinary actions in public/private
2. Survey
a. In public schools for a qualitative analysis of negative impacts of disciplinary actions
b. In private schools for a qualitative analysis of positive impacts of program based education
3. Observational visits of public and private high schools in a singular city or county
first before moving to state level.
4. Interview random students from each grade 9-12 for a quantitative analysis of their
experience with disciplinary actions
5. Compare interviews with qualitative data to examine the impact of said disciplinary

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(3), 616–636.

de Brey, C., Snyder, T. D., Zhang, A., Dillow, S. A., National Center for Education Statistics (ED), & American Institutes for Research (AIR).
(2021). Digest of Education Statistics 2019. 55th Edition. NCES 2021-009. National Center for Education Statistics.

Diliberti, M., Jackson, M., Correa, S., Padgett, Z., National Center for Education Statistics (ED), & American Institutes for Research (AIR).
(2019). Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools: Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety:
2017-18. First Look. NCES 2019-061. National Center for Education Statistics.

Edmund, D. S. (1999). Different Rules for Public and Private Schools. Education Digest, 65(3), 12.

Kremer, K. P., Maynard, B. R., Polanin, J. R., Vaughn, M. G., & Sarteschi, C. M. (2014). Effects of After-School Programs with At-Risk Youth
on Attendance and Externalizing Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(3), 616–636.

McKinney, Judith A. (2011). The Privatization of Special Education. The Privatization of Special Education, The Privatization of Special

lad, E. (2018). Schools Are Spending Millions on Safety. How Will They Know It’s Working? Education Week, 38(13), 19.

Zhan, C. (2018). School Choice Programs and Location Choices of Private Schools. Economic Inquiry, 56(3), 1622–1645.

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