Health Tips

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Tips to Improve Your Health!


 “Improve Yourself”: Health Tips"

 by Andrei Stoian, MD"

Dr. Stoian is board certified in Internal Medicine,

Cardiovascular Diseases, Nuclear Cardiology, and
Critical Care Medicine. He is the Medical Director
of Cardiology at Canton-Potsdam Hospital in
Northern New York State and Clinical Assistant
Professor of Cardiology at the University of
Vermont Medical College."
He is also a Long time Soccer Player and a Coerver
Coaching Coach."

“I found it essential in my profession as a medical

doctor and as a Coerver Coach that the patients,
players and friends understand the reasons behind
healthy lifestyle recommendations. Iʼll share with you
what I found is most beneficial to tell people in order to
improve their health.”"
Here are my Four Tips to you:"

1. What to Eat: What you put in your body is important!"

Eat Fruits And Vegetables"

Fruits and vegetables are essential for the good development of the body. They contain
phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that bring harmony to the function of the body. "
Phytochemicals are chemical components that come from plants. Over 4000 of them have been
discovered. Many of them help protect the body against cancer, heart disease, and toxins."
Eating fruits and vegetables also provide the body with fiber. Fiber is what makes the plants stand
up firm and it does the same thing for our bodies. It also cleans the stomach and helps they body
properly absorb healthy nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Probably my favorite vegetable is

So eat plenty of fruits and vegetable of different colors, several servings a day. "

Eat Breakfast"

In the morning the stomach is empty and ready to absorb the good components from the food.
Fruit in the morning is an excellent choice."

Stay away from sweets and sweetened drinks"

Eating sweets and sugary drinks can make people gain weight fast while also weakening the
bodyʼs defense against disease (the immune system gets weaker). "
Drinking soda and sugary drinks is considered a “junk food” that makes you sluggish and gain
weight, but does not provide anything healthy to the body."
 Drink Water" 82"
The best thing to drink when you are thirsty is water. "
The body is like the land; it needs water for its good health. Almost
every cell in the body needs water to function, two thirds of the weight
of the body is water. "
A person can lose 2-4 cups a day just by breathing. The harder you
breath and the more you exercise, the more water you need. Not
having enough water in the body can make a person tired, sluggish
and even hungry."
Some people drink soda and juices but these drinks add unnecessary
calories which can quickly increase the sugar concentration in the
blood and cause weight gain, and fatigue. "
As far as drinking juice it is much healthier to eat the fruit than to
drink juice. "

2. Exercise !

Our bodies can store energy for later use; a little bit is stored as sugar in the muscles,
mainly for quick action, and a lot as fat. If however, there is too much food in our bodies, the food
will be burned first, before fat burning takes over. Our bodies are not good at storing fat from too
much food and burning fat in the same time. It takes a while for the body to switch its energy
production. The most efficient way is to be able to use stored fat for energy. "
The body of an athlete who is in shape is able to burn its stored fat for energy. It is much like a tiger
that hasnʼt eaten for 3 days but is still able to have the energy and the power to catch its prey."

3. “Never”: Cigarettes, Smoking and Drugs"

Smoking cigarettes is horrible for the body. The carbon monoxide from any smoke but in
particular from cigarettes gets stuck to the breathing mechanisms of the cells and chokes the body
from the inside. "
The best thing one can do to live longer, improve their health, and save a lot of money on
cigarettes and medical bills is to quit smoking. "
The very best most intelligent and efficient way for young soccer players to do as far as smoking
cigarettes, taking drugs or drinking alcohol is not to start it to begin with. These vices are quickly
very addictive. "
Many drugs are extremely addictive and its best not to ever try them. There are drugs which,
tried once, have over a 95% chance to make a person completely addicted. Addicted means
that the person cannot feel happy or content without the drug; that is a very sad situation and a
very complicated and difficult to treat medical condition Stay away from drugs alcohol and

4. Get plenty of rest and enough sleep"

Children need 9-10 hours of sleep every night. Avoid eating late at night, avoid mental stress
before going to bed, and avoid caffeine, since they will interfere with the natural sleep. "
Playing videogames late in the evening causes the children not to be able to sleep properly due to
over stimulation."
Coerver Coaching is the number one soccer program in the world; please stay fit and healthy to
enjoy this wonderful program."

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