S14 Ingles

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J: Good morning Nayhely, how are you?

N: Hello Josep. I'm fine thanks and you ?

J: I'm fine, thank you, what kind of music do you like?
N: I listen to a variety of music but I like rock more, and you?
J: I like a little of everything, I listen to rock, reggue, pop, etc.
N: how good joseph, do you like to go to the disco?
J: of course I do, I usually go on weekends when I don't have classes, and
N: good, I also go on weekends but I almost always stay at home
J: Do you like to drink beer?
N: no, I almost always go out alone to dance
J: good, it seems correct to me
N: Do you like to smoke?
J: only when I go out to parties, but I never do it very often
N: good joseph. What sports do you like to practice?
J: I play a little soccer in the morning, and you?
N: I play basketball on Thursdays and volleyball on Fridays.
J: What time do you like to get up?
N: my classes are in the morning and I get up at 8 am, and you?
J: my classes are in the afternoon so I get up at 10 am
N: Do you like to drink coffee?
J: Yes, I like it a lot when it's cold, and you?
N: I don't like it very much but I take the days when it's cold
J: perfect nayhely
N: Well I liked talking to you
J: equally nayheli
N: See you Josep.
J: See you too Nayhe.

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