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Sample Completed PERSIA Graphic Organizer

Intellectual Influences Religious Influences

• Founding Fathers of the EU, e.g. Winston Churchill, Jean Mon- • Peace as a religious ideal
net, Robert Schuman • Christian Democratic parties as early supporters of
• Idea that nationalism is the root of war; integration and EU, at the forefront pushing European integration
cooperation as only way to prevent future war
• Idea that countries who trade with each other be-
• Elite-led project with little popular participation

come economically interdependent and more


likely to avoid conflict

• Broad support for the European project across the political spec-
Community (Euratom)

• Coal and steel as instruments of war

nomic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy

and of reconstruction
• Treaties of Rome (1957) establish the European Eco-

• Idea to begin cooperation with low economic issues (e.g.

• Schuman Plan (1950): brainchild
the European project

coal and steel); over time, cooperation in certain economic

areas will necessitate cooperation in other areas (“spillover”)
European cooperation and fuels US advocacy of
of Monnet and Schuman;
• Cold War context heightens urgency for

• Desire to be united bloc for economic and trade purposes

leads to European Coal

→ to re-establish Europe as a healthy economic

European Coal and Steel Community
and Steel Community
• Treaty of Paris (1951) establishes
• World Wars I and II

• Marshall Plan (1947): US helps to

• Need for rapid economic

→ to prevent spread of Communism

Economic Influences

reconstruction post-World
Political Influences

The Formation
of the European

rebuild Europe
War II
• Physical post-war

trade partner
• Determination
to prevent war and devastation of Europe
destruction • Mass movements of
people in post-war period
• Location of coal (France, Benelux
countries) and steel (Germany)
• 6 founding members located on main-
land of Europe; share common boarders
• Idea of creating a regional power
• European Economic Community (EEC) creates a
common market in which goods, services, people, and
capital move freely across borders

Social Influences Area - Geographic Influences

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