RTU560 Remote Terminal Unit: Subdevice Communication Interface With Hitachi HDLC Protocol

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Remote Terminal Unit

Subdevice Communication Interface

with Hitachi HDLC Protocol

Contents: This manual describes the RTU560 Subdevice

Communication Interface with Hitachi HDLC Protocol
RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Revision

Document Identity: 1KGT 150 584 V001 1

Revision: 0 Date: 02/2006

Revision: 1 Date: 03/2006

- Table 2-1 updated
- Chapter 2.5 included

We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly

© Copyright 2006 ABB AG.

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 iii

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Contents



PROTOCOL................................................................................................ I

REVISION ................................................................................................. III

CONTENTS ...............................................................................................V


Preface ....................................................................................................................... ix
References.................................................................................................................. ix
Conventions ................................................................................................................ ix

1 PHYSICAL LAYER .......................................................................... 1-1

2 APPLICATION LAYER .................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Line Parameter.............................................................................................2-1
2.2 Telegram Frame...........................................................................................2-2
2.3 Addressing ...................................................................................................2-3
2.4 Function Codes ............................................................................................2-4
2.5 General Enquirer..........................................................................................2-6
2.6 Data Types ...................................................................................................2-6

3 DATA TYPES – MONITOR DIRECTION ......................................... 3-1

3.1 SPI – Single Point Information .....................................................................3-1
3.2 DPI – Double Point Information ...................................................................3-2
3.3 ITI – Integrated Total Information.................................................................3-3
3.4 STI – Step Position Information ...................................................................3-4
3.5 BSI – Bit String Information..........................................................................3-4
3.6 AMI – Analog Measured Information ...........................................................3-5
3.7 DMI – Digital Measured Information ............................................................3-6
3.8 MFI – Measured Floating Information ..........................................................3-6
3.9 EPI – Event of Protection Information..........................................................3-6

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 v

Contents RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

4 DATA TYPES – CONTROL DIRECTION ........................................ 4-1

4.1 SCO – Single Command Output ................................................................. 4-1
4.2 DCO – Double Command Output ............................................................... 4-2
4.3 RCO – Regulation Command Output.......................................................... 4-3
4.4 ASO – Analog Setpoint Output.................................................................... 4-3
4.5 DSO – Digital Setpoint Output..................................................................... 4-3
4.6 BSO – Bitstring Output ................................................................................ 4-3

5 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ................................................................. 5-1

5.1 Time Synchronization.................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Status Check ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 System Events............................................................................................. 5-1
5.4 Status Change............................................................................................. 5-2
5.4.1 Offline to Online ........................................................................... 5-2
5.4.2 Online to Offline ........................................................................... 5-2

6 INTEROPERABILITY LIST ............................................................. 6-1

6.1 Interoperability definitions............................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Supported and selectable parameter .......................................................... 6-1
6.3 Network configuration.................................................................................. 6-2
6.4 Physical layer .............................................................................................. 6-2
6.5 Link Layer .................................................................................................... 6-2
6.6 Basic application functions .......................................................................... 6-3

vi 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Abbreviations

AMI Analog Measured value Input

ASO Analog Setpoint command Output

BCU Bus Connection Unit

BSI Bit String Input (8, 16 bit)

CMU Communication and Data Processing Unit

CS Control System

CSC Command Supervision Channel

CS-Command Clock Synch Command

DCO Double Command Output

DMI Digital Measured value Input (8, 16 bit)

DPI Double Point Input

DSO Digital Setpoint command Output (8, 16 bit)

EPI Event of Protection equipment Input (1bit)

GCD General Configuration Data

HCI Host Communication Interface

IED Intelligent Electronic Device

IOC I/O Controller (Controller on I/O Board)

IOD Input Output Data

IOM I/O Bus Master (Function of SLC)

ITI Integrated Totals Input

MCD Momentary Change Detect

MFI Analog Measured value Floating Input

MPU Main Processing Unit

NCC Network Control Center

PB Peripheral Bus

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 vii

Abbreviation RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

PBP Peripheral Bus Processor

PDP Process Data Processing

PLC Programmable Logic Control

PPP Point to Point Protocol

PSU Power Supply Unit

RCO Regulation step Command Output

RTC Real Time Clock

SBO Select before Operate

SCADA Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition

SCI Sub-Device Communication Interface

SCO Single Command Output

SEV System Events

SLC Serial Line Controller

SOC Strobe Output Channel

SPI Single Point Input

STI Step position Input (8 bit)

TSI Time Synch Input

TSO Time Synch Output

viii 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Introduction


This document describes the functions of the Subdevice interface with Hitachi protocol in
the RTU560

[1] Hitachi Protocol Description
Appendix 6

In this document function codes of data types according to Hitachi are marked with angel

<Function code>

Italic fonts with the heading Parameter are references to configuration parameter in
RTUtil560. The parameter is followed by definitions in round brackets where to find this
parameter in RTUtil560. Example:

Parameter: Group address (SPI – Address and Parameter)

In this document references to elements of the standard will be printed bold and in
brackets: [2, 7.4]

The tables in the next chapters include lists of the functions, options and message types
supported according to the structure of the protocol Hitachi

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ix

1 Physical Layer

The Hitachi protocol is a bit-oriented asynchronous protocol and can not run on a normal
UART. Possible communication interfaces are according to Table 1-1


560SLI02 R0002 N/A N/A RS232 RS232

560ETH02/03 -------------------- -------------------- N/A N/A

560CMU80 N/A N/A N/A ---------------------

Table 1-1: Communication interface, Hitachi protocol

The communication parameters (see Table 1-2) have to be set according to the physical

Option / Parameters Range of Values / Explanations Default

Communication Speed 150, 300, 600, 1.200 1.200
Modem Control by RTS Yes
Length of pre-transmission mark 1 … 10.000 ms 30 ms
Dial-up connection - Not supported -
Redundant communication lines - Not supported -

Table 1-2: Communication parameter, Hitachi protocol

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 1-1

2 Application Layer

2.1 Line Parameter

The Line Parameter may be configured according to Table 2-1.

Option / Parameters Range of Values / Explanations Default

Communication retry 0 ... 255 3
Maximum number of queries before a
subdevice is marked “Offline”
Time sync cycle 0 – 65535 sec 3600 sec
time distance between two time
synchronization commands
0 sec: no time synchronization
Counter freeze cycle 0 – 65535 sec 3600 sec
time distance between two counter freeze
commands and polling the counter specified
0 sec: no counter freeze
Background cycle indications 0 – 65535 sec 3600 sec
time distance between two group data
gathering commands for indications

Table 2-1: Line parameter for Hitachi protocol

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 2-1

Application Layer RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

2.2 Telegram Frame


possibly followed by next frame without gap



Picture 2-1: Telegram Frame, Hitachi protocol

SYC: 01111110 binary 1 byte

STA: Station address 1 byte
FUN: Function Code 1 byte
INFORMATION: Data bytes up to 75 bytes
CRC: Error detecting code 2 byte

Note: In polling mode (Hitachi) only one frame is possible

If an octet has a bit sequence of 01111110, but is not a flag field, HLDC uses a technique
called bit-stuffing to differentiate this bit sequence from a flag field.

Once the transmitter detects that it is sending 5 consecutive 1's, it inserts a 0 bit to
prevent a "phony" flag.

At the receiving end, the receiving station inspects the incoming frame. If it detects 5
consecutive 1's it looks at the next bit. If it is a 0, it pulls it out.

Bit Send Sequence: the low order bit of a byte is sent first

Byte Send Sequence: measurements: the high order byte of a word is sent first
otherwise: the low order byte of a word is sent first

2-2 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Application Layer

2.3 Addressing

Monitoring direction:

Every station of protocol Hitachi contains 16 groups. Every group can contain 16 words,
where every word consists of 16 bit.

Command direction:

Every station of protocol Hitachi contains 7 groups. Every group can contain 8 words,
where every word consists of 8 bit.

Monitoring direction Command direction

Station Group Word Station Group Word

address Address address address Address address

0 (Broadcast) 0 (Broadcast)

1 0 0 1 0 0
: :
15 7
1 0 1 0
: :
15 7
2 0 2 0
: : : :
15 0 6 0
: :
15 7
2 0 0 2 0 0
: : : : : :
255 0 0 255 0 0
: : : :
15 0 6 0
: :
15 7

Table 2-2: Addressing

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 2-3

Application Layer RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

2.4 Function Codes

FUN Telegram from Answered by the substation


1 ST1 Logic initial This command is sent directly after restart and
communication breaks.
No answer is expected

2 ST2 Start data report This command is sent directly after a ‘Logic initial’
No answer is expected

3 TMS Relative timer set This command is sent cyclically according the time
given in the line parameter ‘Time sync cycle’.
The substation answers with the reflection of the
telegram received

4 FRZ Pulse data save This command is sent cyclically according the time
given in the line parameter ‘Counter freeze cycle’.
After sending this command the RTU560 will send a
‘Group data gathering’ command for reading the
counter values.
No answer is expected

5 RPT Pre-send data report This command is sent in case of communication

break down. The substation will repeat its last
command reply data

6 CON2 Regulation control This command is sent, if a regulation control

command is initiated. The substation executes the
regulation command on the given group, word
address and bit with the duration specified in the EX
successful execution:
the substation answers with the reflection of the
telegram received
the substation answers with the telegram received
and the EX-field changed to 1111

7 UNU Unused

8 CON1 ON/OFF Control This command is sent, if a ON/OFF control command

is initiated. The substation executes the specified
command on the given group, word address and bit;
successful execution:
answers with the reflection of the telegram received
answers with the telegram received and the EX-field
changed to 1111

2-4 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Application Layer

FUN Telegram from Answered by the substation


9 UNU Unused

10 UNU Unused

11 RDL Remote data load; Parameter download;

load DN words Sends the configuration made by RTUtil560 to the
starting at group DGN substation;
with the given Answered with the header (RDL,DN and DGN) of the
parameter words telegram received
DATA #1 to

12 RRB Remote data read Parameter read;

back; read DN answered with the configuration data specified by the
parameter words command ‘Remote data load’;
starting at group DGN Memory remote read not supported

13 UNU Unused

14 GE1 General Enquirer 1 Used for reading time stamped data;

answered by the substation with the words which
changed its value (max 10) since the last ‘General
Enquirer’ command;
the answer will include the group address, word
address, the data value and the actual value of the
10 ms counter

15 GE2 General Enquirer 2 Used for reading data without time stamp;
answered by the substation with the words which
changed its value (max 10) since the last ‘General
Enquirer’ command;
the answer will include the group address, word
address and the data value

16 – 255 Group Data Gathering This command is used for reading the actual value of
GDG data.


YYY: Gathering Number
GGGG: Group Number

The gathering number is the number of data words to

be sent divided by 8 so YYY=1 means 8 words of
data YYY=2 means 16 words of data and so on.

This request will be answered with the specified

number of words beginning at group number GGGG.
If the gathering number is greater than 2 (one group
contains 16 words) the data words sent belongs to
the following groups

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 2-5

Application Layer RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

2.5 General Enquirer

Measurements are polled by the group data gathering command. The answer includes a
flag field, which indicates any changes of indications. If this flag is set, the RTU560 sends
a GE1/GE2 command for collecting these indications.

Additionally a background cycle can be specified for gathering indications (see chapter
2.1). A group data gathering command is sent cyclically, to get the actual state of the

General Enquirer GE1 and GE2 are used according to the parameter ‘Time sync cycle’
(see chapter 2.1). If the time synchronization of subordinated devices is enabled, General
Enquirer GE1 is used for data gathering, if not General Enquirer GE2 is used.

2.6 Data Types

The column RTU560 Type shows the type of data with must be configured in RTUtil560.

No. of addressable elements per RTU560 is the maximum number of elements of this
data type, if all groups are configured with this data type. Please note the general
limitations of the RTU560.

Data Type No. of addressable Description RTU560

Hitachi elements per RTU560 Type
Error response from RTU
SV 0 … 5952 Single point information SPI
SV 0 … 2976 Double-point information DPI
TM 0 … 496 Analog measured information AMI
PC 0 … 120/240 Integrated totals information ITI
SV 0 … 496 Digital measured information DMI8/16

Table 2-3: Data types in monitoring direction

Data Type No. of addressable Description RTU560

Hitachi elements per RTU560 Type
TC 0 … 192 Single command output SCO
TC 0 … 192 Double command output DCO
TC 0 … 48 Regulation step command RCO

Table 2-4: Data types control direction

2-6 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

3 Data Types – Monitor Direction

3.1 SPI – Single Point Information

Binary process information indicated by one bit:

Supported Data SV data
Parameter Bit 0 – 15
Word 0 – 15
Group 0 – 15
Additional None

Conversion of quality descriptors:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
BL Blocked N/A
SB Substituted N/A
NT Not Topical N/A
IV Invalid N/A

Conversion of cause of transmission:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test N/A
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous Group data gathering; general enquirer
Requested N/A
Interrogated N/A

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 3-1

Data Types – Monitor Direction RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

3.2 DPI – Double Point Information

Binary process information indicated by two bits.

Supported SV data
Data Types
Parameter Bit 0 – 15
Word 0 – 15
Group 0 – 15
Additional None

Conversion of quality descriptors:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
BL Blocked N/A
SB Substituted N/A
NT Not Topical N/A
IV Invalid N/A

Conversion of cause of transmission:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test N/A
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous Group data gathering; general enquirer
Requested N/A
Interrogated N/A

3-2 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Data Types – Monitor Direction

3.3 ITI – Integrated Total Information

Binary process information as a counter value.

Supported PC data
Data Types
Parameter Word 0 – 15
Group 0 – 15
Additional None

Conversion of value:
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Range min. 0 0
... ...
Range max. 65.535 65.535

Conversion of quality descriptors:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SEQ Sequence number N/A
CY Carry N/A
CA Adjusted N/A
IV Invalid N/A

Conversion of cause of transmission:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test N/A
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous N/A
Requested N/A
Interrogated N/A
Periodic Group data gathering

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 3-3

Data Types – Monitor Direction RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

3.4 STI – Step Position Information

Binary process information.

Supported SV data
Data Types
Parameter Bit 0 – 15
Word 0 – 15
Group 0 – 15
Additional None

Conversion of value:
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Range min. 0 0
... ...
Range max. +63 +63

Conversion of quality descriptors:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow N/A
BL Blocked N/A
SB Substituted N/A
NT Not Topical N/A
IV Invalid N/A

Conversion of cause of transmission:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test N/A
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Periodic / Cyclic N/A
Spontaneous Group data gathering
Requested N/A
Interrogated N/A

3.5 BSI – Bit String Information

Bit String Information is not supported in the Hitachi protocol implementation.

3-4 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Data Types – Monitor Direction

3.6 AMI – Analog Measured Information

Analog process information used as a measured value from analog inputs.

Supported Bipolar TM data (12 Bit)
Data Types
Parameter Word 0 – 15
Group 0 – 15
Additional None

Conversion of value:
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Range min. -100% -2048 (12 bit 2’s complement)
... ... …
Range max. +100% +2047

Conversion of quality descriptors:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow N/A
BL Blocked N/A
SB Substituted N/A
NT Not Topical N/A
IV Invalid N/A

Conversion of cause of transmission:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test N/A
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Periodic / Cyclic N/A
Spontaneous Group data gathering
Requested N/A
Interrogated N/A

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 3-5

Data Types – Monitor Direction RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

3.7 DMI – Digital Measured Information

Digital process information used as a measured value from analog inputs.

Supported SV data
Data Types
Parameter Bit 0 – 15
Word 0 – 15
Group 0 – 15
Additional None

Conversion of value:
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Range min. 0 0
... ... …
Range max. 65.536 65.535

Conversion of quality descriptors:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow N/A
BL Blocked N/A
SB Substituted N/A
NT Not Topical N/A
IV Invalid N/A

Conversion of cause of transmission:

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test N/A
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Periodic / Cyclic N/A
Spontaneous Group data gathering
Requested N/A
Interrogated N/A

3.8 MFI – Measured Floating Information

Measured Floating Information is not supported in the Hitachi implementation.

3.9 EPI – Event of Protection Information

Event of Protection Information is not supported in the Hitachi implementation.

3-6 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

4 Data Types – Control Direction

4.1 SCO – Single Command Output

Binary process command (one bit)

Supported TC data
Data Types
Parameter Bit 0–7
Word 0–7
Group 0–6
Command None
Additional None

Conversion of value:
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Off EX: 0101
On EX: 1010

Conversion of quality descriptors

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Select: EX: 0000
SE Select / Execute
Execute: EX: 0101,1010

Conversion of cause of transmission

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test Ignored
P/N Positive/negative confirmation Relevant in monitor direction only
Cause Activation Execute (EX: 0101,1010)
Activation Confirmation N/A
Negative Confirmation EX: 1111
Deactivation N/A
Deactivation Confirmation N/A
Activation Termination EX: 0101,1010

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 4-1

Data Types – Control Direction RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

4.2 DCO – Double Command Output

Binary process command (two bits)

Supported TC data
Data Types
Parameter Bit 0–7
Word 0–7
Group 0–6
Command None
Additional None

Conversion of value
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Off EX: 0101
On EX: 1010

Conversion of quality descriptors

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Select: EX: 0000
SE Select / Execute
Execute: EX: 0101,1010

Conversion of cause of transmission

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test Ignored
P/N Positive/negative confirmation Relevant in monitor direction only
Cause Activation Execute (EX: 0101,1010)
Activation Confirmation N/A
Negative Confirmation EX: 1111
Deactivation N/A
Deactivation Confirmation N/A
Activation Termination EX: 0101,1010

4-2 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Data Types – Control Direction

4.3 RCO – Regulation Command Output

Regulation step command (two bits)

Supported TC data
Data Types
Parameter Bit 0–7
Word 0–7
Group 0–6
Command value if SLOWFLASH 1–6
Command value if FASTFLASH 1-6
Command None
Additional None

Conversion of quality descriptors

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
Execute (EX: 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101,
SE Select / Execute

Conversion of cause of transmission

RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test Ignored
P/N Positive/negative confirmation Relevant in monitor direction only
Execute (EX: 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101,
Cause Activation
Activation Confirmation N/A
Negative Confirmation EX: 1111
Deactivation N/A
Deactivation Confirmation N/A
Activation Termination EX: 0001,0010,0011,0100,0101,0110

4.4 ASO – Analog Setpoint Output

Analog Setpoint Output is not supported in the Hitachi implementation.

4.5 DSO – Digital Setpoint Output

Digital Setpoint Output is not supported in the Hitachi implementation.

4.6 BSO – Bitstring Output

Bitstring Output is not supported in the Hitachi implementation.

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 4-3

5 Internal Functions

5.1 Time Synchronization

If the RTU560 shall synchronize the subordinated devices, the node must be
synchronized. The time synchronization command is sent only to subordinated devices,
which are in state ONLINE, and only if the time tag of the own RTU is valid

The RTU560 sends ‘timer reset’ commands, which causes a reset of the internal ’10 ms
counter’ in the substation. The SOE messages received are time stamped with the value
of this counter. The RTU560 calculates its time stamp by adding the time stamp received
to the time of the last ‘timer reset’ command sent.

5.2 Status Check

The general interrogation of the subordinated devices is done directly after the
initialization of the RTU560 and on every change of the subordinated link from state

A general interrogation is done by polling all data configured for one subordinated device.
If this polling cycle is finished, the general interrogation is considered to be terminated.

5.3 System Events

The subdevice interface manages internal status messages for every device connected
to this line. These status messages are created by the subdevice interface itself for every
connected device.

In the subdevice interface only 2 system events are supported.

Description of system event Address offset
RTU is active 24
RTU inoperable 48

During initialization the system event RTU_IS_ACTIVE (24) as SPI with value1 is sent to
the internal communication. On a running system this system event does not change.

The system event RTU_INOPERABLE (48) is sent as SPI to the internal communication
as a function of the state of the subordinated device:
State of the subordinated device Value of system event 48

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 5-1

Internal Functions RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

5.4 Status Change

5.4.1 Offline to Online

If the status of a subordinated device or line changes from OFFLINE to ONLINE a

general interrogation command is sent to respective device(s)

The system event RTU_INOPERABLE (48) with value 0 is sent as SPI to the internal
communication for every device that changed the state.

5.4.2 Online to Offline

If the status of a subordinated device or line changes from ONLINE to OFFLINE all
configured data points connected to this device are sent to the internal communication
with the actual state, marked as INVALID and with the time stamp of its own RTU.

The system event RTU_INOPERABLE (48) with value 1 is sent as SPI to the internal
communication for every device that changed the state.

5-2 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

6 Interoperability List

6.1 Interoperability definitions

Following interoperability definitions are copied from IEC 60870-5-101, clause 8; the
original numbering and layout is maintained.

6.2 Supported and selectable parameter

This document defines by mark squares parameter settings and selections from the
Hitachi protocol that are supported by RTU560.

Functions and parameter with filled (black) squares are not supported by RTU560 !

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 6-1

Interoperability List RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol

6.3 Network configuration

(Network-specific parameter)

Point-to-point Multipoint-party line

Multiple point-to-point Multipoint-star

6.4 Physical layer

Transmission speed (control direction)

Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Standard
100 bit/s 1200 bit/s
150 bit/s 2400 bit/s
200 bit/s 4800 bit/s
300 bit/s 9600 bit/s
600 bit/s 19200 bit/s

Transmission speed (monitor direction)

Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Standard
100 bit/s 1200 bit/s
150 bit/s 2400 bit/s
200 bit/s 4800 bit/s
300 bit/s 9600 bit/s
600 bit/s 19200 bit/s

6.5 Link Layer

Link transmission procedure

Balanced transmission

Unbalanced transmission

Frame length

≤ 512 Bit

6-2 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 ABB AG

RTU560 Subdevice Communication Interface with Hitachi Protocol Interoperability List

Selection of standard functions

Process information in monitor direction

(Station-specific parameter)

:= SV data 1 bit SPI

:= SV data 2 bit DPI
:= TM data 12 bit AMI
:= 16 Bit Accumulator ITI
:= SV data 6/8/16 bit DMI8/16, STI

Process information in control direction

(station-specific parameter)
:= TC data 1 bit SCO
:= TC data 2 bit DCO

6.6 Basic application functions

Station initialization
(Station-specific parameter)

Remote initialization

Clock synchronization
(Station-specific parameter)

Clock synchronization

Command transmission
(Object-specific parameter)

Direct command transmission Select and execute command

Direct set point command transmission Select and execute set point command

No additional definition (pulse duration is defined within RTU 560 individually per command object)
Short pulse duration
Long pulse duration
Persistent output

ABB AG 1KGT 150 584 V001 1 6-3

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