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Sitting in the jetpack, she rested her head with the seatback. She was going to meet the person she loved most and the
person she didn't want to face. She closed her eyes trying to shut her thoughts.

Four of them were sitting in their hostel room. Ha Eun was reading a news on her tablet. "Mr. Browns Ling
announced his another big project of BigHit Entertainment." She read it loud.
"Oh my God! Just like his all other projects, his this project too will be a superhit." said Katara.
Browns Ling was the chairman of BigHit Entertainment agency. He was the most richest person of Korea. He wasthe
owner of two most famous music bands ; BTS and EXO. He too had produced many k-dramas and many international
"Do you know why I like him? Cuz he's tooooo rich." said Helena.
"Then I must have this shitty honour to inform you that he's a very corrupt man. He has no opposition because
anyone who opposes him gets killed. He's a real virus." said Ha Eun.
Amanda's face got dark on this. A color was coming and a color was fading from her face. It felt like someone has
pushed her in a dark well. Without even noticing her feelings, Helena was now defending Browns Ling.

Jetpack was now about to land. It wasn't headed towards Pakistan. When it landed, she came out there was a row of
bodyguards waiting for her. The old manager came out and lead her the way to Limousine. After sometime, the car
stopped and a guard opened the door for her. She moved out. In front of her was a tremendous villa. She was standing
in front of one of the World's Top ten villas. Two guards opened the main gate. She sat in a golf car which took her
inside the villa. At the inner door, two guards opened door and bent their backs. A woman looking like the
superintendent of house servants bent a little and said, "Welcome to KOREA Miss Everdeen! It's been a long period
this time." She went to a room, a servant opened the door for her. She stepped inside, the man on the bed saw her and
smiled. Amanda too smiled and said:
"How are you, DAD?"

When she was born, Mr. and Mrs. Browns felt like the whole universe has been gifted to them. They gave a feast to
whole Seoul. The bags of money were thrown from the helicopters. She was so loveable that she was named as
Amanda Browns. She was one of the richest children in the world. When she was eleven years old, her mother
Everdeen Browns was diagnosed with liver cancer. Mr. Brown's spent the money like water but couldn't save her.
After the six months of her diagnosis , she died. It was the first time when Amanda got her first big strike. Mr.
Browns's all money couldn't bring her mother back from the mortal world. Her mother was her best friend.
Since she was too rich, she always had two bodyguards with her even in the classroom for security. All other kids
were also richest kids of Korea but she was one of the richest kids of the world. So, all the children kept their distance
from her. After her mother, she began to feel loneliness utterly. She felt very lonely. She also had to take care of
manners in the public. She wanted to escape. The whole money couldn't bring her joy.
One day, she ran away from the house. After a whole day, when her father found her and hugged her tightly and
scolded her for misconduct. At this, she shouted at him, "Do you know how it feels to live without family even though
you have it, or without a mother. Have you ever beared any pain of not having friends to share your suffocation with. I
wish I wasn't your daughter but any fruit staller's." Mr. Browns was shocked and after a long pause asked her, "Then
what do you want me to do?".
" Send me abroad to any school without my real identity even you have to write me as an orphan from an orphanage.
Since mum was from Pakistan, make it my home country in bio." she said bitterly.
"But you're my daughter, my only inherent. You're my Queen ,ma child!" he said passionately.
"I'd rather be a happy butterfly than an unhappy queen." she scarred.
"Alright! I'll do so if it's your wish." he said lowering his arms. "But you've to promise me that you'll reveal your
identity and become chairman of BigHit after I retire or die. You'll study Business managing."
She agreed unwillingly. After that she went to England as an orphan from Pakistan and whenever she went to Korea in
holidays, her friends would thought that she had gone to Pakistan to her orphanage. When Ha Eun was accused to use
mobile in class because of Janette, Amanda called her father's manager and he called principle to let her go.
Otherwise, Ha Eun would have been detained from school for 3 months. Because of her father's condition, she studied
Business Management and Marketing, even though she wanted to go in engineering field.

Mr. Browns was lying on the bed and she was feeding her hot soup with her own hands. After some sips, he lifted his
hand, it wasa sign for her to stop. She insisted on having more but he wanted to talk to her.
"I have spent my whole life in keeping my integrity in the whole world. Many people respect me but some are very
stingy towards me ostensibly. They are happy that I'm about to die so they can perform a treason on my company.
They think you are just a little spongy girl who can't handle my business and BigHit will soon be doomed after me. I
want you to prove them wrong. I also want you to not become an evil like me who would kill anyone to save this
company. People around you will be hypocrite but trust Ingrid Bjorns. He's sincere to me. And the only thing I wanted
to say to you all the time was that " I love you! ma child."" Mr. Browns closed his eyes soon after this. He has died.
Instead of crying, Amanda got up, leveled his quill up to his face. She went to door, opened it and called the old
manager, "Father is dead. Make preparations for burial, Mr. Bjorns." Some servants started crying at this while old
Bjorns Ingrid moved out of hallway. But she was standing there with cold expressions, not even a single tear rolled
over her face, not even a single one.

" Hey! Mr. Browns is dead. He died today in morning." Ha Eun informed them screaming. Helena was deprived for
a moment then she said acting in a humorous manner, "Ahhh! I lost another chance to meet a richy man."
"You weren't going to meet him anyway even if he was alive." said Katara.
"Ugggh! Leave it. Do you know her daughter which only few people has seen yet is now going to take over his
company. She is going to do a press conference in meanwhile." Ha Eun said and turned on the TV.
"Eh! That's boring. I just can't watch a news conference." Helly said and went towards the door.
"Greetings to all the people, I'm Amanda Browns, the daughter of Browns Ling." Her hands froze on the handle
and then she suddenly turned around towards the TV at these words. Katara immediately looked up from her
cellphone. Eun was already shocked, remote fell from Ha's hands. Three of them saw the girl in the black mourning
skirt and low cut shirt with the sunglasses oh her eyes. She had coiled up her hairs on the back of her head. It couldn't
be her with such cold expressions. But it was her. They felt her stiff voice sifting through their freezing bones.
"I'm the only inheritor of Browns Ling. From today, I'm taking the charge of BigHit entertainment. I'm the head
who will bear the crown now. I would warmly welcome my supporters and I would also have a meeting with
opposition. The conference is dismissed." Her face was reflecting in the flashes of cameras. Reporters were asking her
different questions. But she had stood up and now was moving out of the hall in the superposition of bodyguards.
But three of them couldn't move a step. The shock they got was eating them inside out. They felt deceived.
"She wasn't any average orphan girl. She was THE BOSS LADY all the time." words murmured out of Katara's
End of Ep. 02

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