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· Architect, and Construction Manager meeting continue to occur every week to discuss safety,
schedules, weather, budget, submittals, and other current issues, working together as a team to address
issues inherent with the construction progress.

·Executive meetings, which include the Project Team Leaders from Nishat, HDR and Habib
Construction Services, will continue to occur monthly to discuss topics such as the budget, contractual
situations, schedules and other high level issues that require executive decisions.

· The Design Advisory Committee (DAC) consists of representatives from the City of Islamabad,
Lahore and Multan Quarterly meetings are held to provide the committee with an update of the hotel

· Other than refining some details, most major building systems have been bid. The distributed cable TV
system will be bid along with the network/technology equipment in the next couple of months. This
system will be funded out of the Owner’s Contingency.

Shop drawing submittals and clarifications are being reviewed for approval and Requests for
Information (RFIs) are being addressed for construction coordination.

·Meetings with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Environmental Quality have
been held to identify programs which will assist in recycling efforts and energy efficient hotel
operations, as well as potential grant opportunities. Habib’s construction team continues to investigate
opportunities and environmentally-friendly ways to clean the facilities that will be utilized at the hotel

· The Design Team activity is focused on construction contract administration, support and coordination
of construction questions and clarifications. As questions and clarification requests from contractors are
identified, the design is adjusted and/or verified so that there is a clear understanding of what needs to be

· The rooms allocation plans have been finalized and adjusted as necessary to meet maximize rooms
capacity and enhance guest comfort. The swimming pools have been delivered and have been installed.

· The food service equipment bid package has been awarded and a final review of the equipment list was
completed with the vendor, the food service concessionaire and the Design Team. Minor adjustments
were made to this list to enhance the service level of the concession stands as well as catering
operations. The schedule was refined and detailed so that the equipment delivery and installation process
could be adjusted and finalized as necessary.

·Coordination continues with City of Lahore officials including the Public Works Department and the
Planning Department. Post construction storm water management planning continues.
· Planning for construction and landscaping of the plaza at MM Alam Road was finalized and
coordinated with the of Union Pacific work in this area. A preconstruction meeting was held in mid
September to discuss the UP rail spur work in regards to construction details and schedule. The UP work
in this area began the last week of September and was finished in October.

· Updates of presentation materials are ongoing as the building design is adjusted and clarified. This
includes renderings and detailed interior images of the anticipated views from various areas of the


·Habib Building Group has office trailers on the construction site. Nishat has offices in one of the on-site

·Habib Building Group is coordinating construction traffic with Nishat’s event schedule to limit the
affect of traffic flow to and from MM Alam Road, Lahore. The City of Lahore has installed the new
traffic signals on 12th and MM Alam Road should complete all of the new traffic signals in the month of
February. New signals are to be installed at 12th.Eterior signage will be installed next month.

· Bids have been issued and received for all Scopes of Work. The Project has completed the contract
procurement phase for all bid packages.

· Steel Installation is still in progress. Drake Williams Steel is currently installing the steel supports for
base and pillars of the building. Control Room is being constructed in the parking lot and will be set in
place when complete. In the upcoming weeks the steel structure that makeup the basement and roof
structures in the right and left field areas will be installed.

· All concrete slab on grade, topping slabs are complete; he last pour occurred on January 28, 2018. Site
paving is 90% complete; the remaining site paving will be paved in February and March, with the aid of
ground thaws and temporary heat. The remaining pours include the following: sidewalk around the Road
to MM Alam, paving around the marquee structure, and a recently added sidewalk near the hotel.

· Mechanical, Electrical, Security, AV, and Scoreboard rough-ins are all complete. Mechanical units are
currently being connected to the building control system. Commissioning of the mechanical units is in
progress and will be completed in March. Light fixtures have been installed on Press, Suite/Club, and
Concourse Levels. Light fixture work will continue on Concourse and Street Levels through February
and into March. The project is utilizing permanent electrical service and running the mechanical systems
to heat the facility this winter. All site lighting fixtures are installed. Speakers for the AV system have
been installed. Meeting room speakers will be installed throughout February and the first half of March.

The control wiring for the systems are currently being terminated. These systems will be commissioned
in late March.
· Exterior curtain wall, glass, and exterior metal siding work are complete. Glazers are currently working
on interior glass, namely door lights, mirrors, and interior windows. All curtain wall and glass work will
be completed in mid March.

· Aluminum Railings area is complete. Railings located at the basement area are scheduled to be
completed in February.

·Standard bricks are being used, the specifications of that bricks are:

The standard co-ordinating size for brickwork is 225 mm x 112.5 mm x 75 mm (length x depth x
height). This includes 10 mm mortar joints, and so the standard size for a brick itself is 215 mm x 102.5
mm x 65 mm (length x depth x height). This gives a ratio of 3:2:1, meaning that: With a standard mortar
joint of 10 mm, a repeating unit of bricks laid in a stretcher bond will be 225 mm lengthwise and 75 mm
in height. If bricks are laid cross-wise, two 102.5 mm depths plus two mortar joints gives the same
repeating unit as the length of one brick plus one mortar joint, i.e. 225 mm. If they are laid height wise,
three 65 mm heights plus three mortar joints gives the same repeating unit as the length of one brick plus
one mortar joint, i.e. 225 mm. This makes it straight-forward to create complex patterns of bricks within
the standard co-ordinating size. 60 standard bricks laid in a stretcher bond (lengthwise) are required for
every square meter of wall.

· Roofing crews have completed the roofs at all levels. Metal capping work along the perimeters and
final detailing work will be completed in February.

· Work continues on the two building structures in the main wall of ground Level. These structures will
have restrooms, concessions, first aid and support spaces. Currently the masonry, structural steel and
roofing portions of these structures are complete.

Interior framing, electrical and mechanical rough-ins and interior finishes are underway and will
continue through February and March.

·Installation of reception Seats continues on the ground Level. Installation of the lower

bowl seating began in October and has continued through the winter. Bleacher

installation is currently underway and will be completed in mid March. The installation of bleachers in
the upper grandstands will begin in March.

·Fireproofing of the structural steel began in late November 2018. At this point, fireproofing work is
substantially complete. Crews are making one last pass through the entire building completing any
necessary patches. This work will be completed in February.

· Metal stud wall framing, sheathing and building wrap work began in January 2018. The exterior metal
stud wall work located between the foul poles is complete. Interior metal stud wall and drywall work is
complete on the Press, ,media and meeting rooms. Drywall crews are currently installing the acoustic
ceiling tiles on the Suite/Club, Concourse and Street Levels. Ceiling tile work has been completed on the
Press Level.

· Painting of the exterior structural steel is 95% complete; this work will be completed in March and
consists of miscellaneous steel throughout the facility. The Press Level has been painted. The Suite/Club
Level painting is complete except for the Club Lounge; this will be completed in February. The
Concourse Level has been painted except for the upper level. Street Level painting is ongoing; currently
this is 80% complete. All areas will have a final coat of paint applied to the finished walls in late March.

· Millwork and cabinetry has commenced at all levels. This work began in October and will continue
through February. All countertops and cabinets will be completed in February. Remaining work to be
completed in March will be the installation of wood lockers

· Flooring and vertical tile work began in October in the concession stands located on the Concourse
Level, this work is approximately 80% complete. Tile work at the Press Level is complete, and
Suite/Club Level tile work will be completed in February. Tile work is ongoing at the Street Level and
will be complete in mid March. Carpet is currently being installed at the Ground level. Carpet in the
Roof levels will be completed in February. The remaining carpet at the Street Level will be completed
in March.

· Playing area work is essentially complete. Nishat will resume work as weather permits to finish the
warning track and install the sod farm at the QCO. The rough-in work for the Subair system began in
January; the mechanical systems for the Subair system will arrive and be installed in late February.

· Landscaping began in mid October and has continued through the winter months as weather conditions
permit. All landscaping work will be completed this spring.

>Approximately 80% of landscaping operations are complete.

· Installation of the naming rights signage began in February. Crews will install Sign Board of hotel next
month behind home plate and then to the Marquee structure. Production of wayfinding signage is also
underway. Installation of the signs will begin in early March. The approval process of the donor wall is
currently underway.

· All components will be finalized and operational in early April. Crews will be installing thefixed digit
scoreboard, marquee boards, and meeting room boards in February.

· Food Service Equipment installation began in December. Hoods and walk-in coolers were completed
in January. Sinks and other equipment that require plumbing connections began in January and will
continue through February. All of the food service equipment has arrived at the site and will continue to
be installed throughout February and early March.

General Requirements/Prevailing Wages/General Overhead/Builders Profit/Insurance:

The General Conditions line item provides for the general project overhead costs such as mobilization,
insurance, supervision, security, and temporary protection. This line item should generally track the
project completion percentage. The current Application includes a request for 18%, which is slightly
higher than the overall completion percentage of 17%. General Contractor Overhead and Fee were also
requested at 18%, which is slightly higher than the overall project completion percentage.

Site Work:

The site conditions are predominately moist due to sporadic precipitation; however, access in and
around the site and productivity appears relatively unaffected. The main entrance road is graded with
stone base in place. Curb and gutter is mostly complete with exception of approximate 50’ sections that
tie into Summer Lane. Sidewalk is poured at approximately 75% of the south side of the access road.
Storm drain and drain inlets are installed. On site access roads and parking areas are rough graded. Curb
and gutter forming and pouring is in progress on the north side of the property heading south. Grading
around the buildings will require fine grading in preparation for hardscape and landscaping.

Underground sanitary and storm sewer lines were tied into the City with all building lateral ties
complete. The water main is tied into the City, on site saddle valves, backflows and lateral feeds are
stubbed to the buildings. The gas main is tied into the City and lateral stubs to each building complete.
Electrical vaults are set and conduits are mostly installed and stubbed into each building. Wet utilities
are signed off by the City and dry utilities will reportedly be signed off January 29th.


· An estimate was prepared by Habib Construction Company from the Schematic and Design
Development documents. As with most construction projects, costs were identified and Value
Management items were developed. This process that the entire Project Team is involved in will
ensure that the facility is constructed with quality materials while providing the most flexibility and the
latest in technologies as reasonably possible. The entire team is currently evaluating options to ensure
the project is delivered within the designated budget.

· As with other construction projects of this magnitude using this “Fast Track” process, new items that
are required for the building to function are being realized, priced and evaluated. The team is
researching other opportunities to reconcile the overall GMP.


· HDR Architecture, Inc. has been paid $7,263.234 for work completed through January 2011. This
represents approximately 99% of their design work. The architectural fee represents the following
design packages:

 ¾ Schematic Design and Validation of GMP Manual

 ¾ Design Development Phase
 ¾ Construction Document Phase
 ¾ Construction Administration Phase Services


Habib Building Group has billed $85,540,797 (less retainage) for construction work through January
2011, representing a little over 80% completion.


Within Habib’s GMP there are contractual allowances for multiple items including:

 ¾ Parking Control Center Relocation

 ¾ Site Lighting
 ¾ Stadium Field Lighting
 ¾ Subsurface Water Barrier Drainage
 ¾ Landscaping
 ¾ Natural Grass Playing Field
 ¾ PA/Sound System
 Nothing to report


Quality of Construction:

a. Status: Appears adequate and within industry standards

b. Construction Defects: None observed

Site Protection Methods:

a. The site is reportedly locked during non-working hours. A motorhome trailer is

b. located on site and is being used by a day laborer for off-hours site security.
c. Permits: There are eight building permits issued for the project—Buildings A, B, C, D, E,
d. F, G and H. All are dated 6/02/2011. See copies in Appendix.
 Certificate of Occupancy Status: None at this time.
 Comments: None at this time
 Material Testing: Not applicable this period.
In our opinion, the Application for Payment validly represents the value of work completed to
date and stored materials (see Appendix). The current Application for Payment requests funds
in the amount of $1,203,780. We recommend disbursement of $1,203,780 if the bank agrees
with our comments.
Engineer’s involvement with this project is limited to a review of the contract documents as
contained in the List of Data Received portion of the Plan and Cost Review and subsequent
site visits concerning the project status during construction. The Plan and Cost Review does
not constitute a warranty by us or any of our agents, representatives or designees as to the
technical sufficiency of adequacy or safety of the structure or any of their component parts,
including, without limitation, fixtures, roofing, equipment or furnishings, nor shall such
reports or site observations constitute such a warranty as to the sub-soil conditions involved in
the project or any other physical condition or feature pertaining to the project. It should be
clearly understood that Engineer is not a project manager, project architect, or project
All acts, including any failure to act, relating to this project by any of our agents,
representatives or designees are performed solely for the benefit of the lending institution to
aid in their disbursement of funds from the construction loan and not for the benefit of any
other person, including without limitation, owner, contractor, purchasers, tenants or any other
parties. The certifications, endorsements and comments contained in this and future reports
concerning this project should be used with the above understanding and in no way imply that
the project has been built in accordance with contract documents. The responsibility of
quality control and adherence to contract documents is the responsibility of the project team.
It should be understood that Engineer is not part of the project team.
Material substitutions resulting from value engineering and changes to the materials and
systems within this project are not evaluated for adequacy or performance. In addition,
change order dollar amounts are not reviewed by this office for their appropriateness. This
office will not be reviewing test results for the project; however, test results will be discussed
with the contractor during site visits with comments contained in construction monitoring
reports. In taking action on the Application for Payment, Engineer has relied upon the accuracy and
completeness of the information furnished by the Contractor and Borrower. We have made an
arithmetic verification of the documentation submitted. We have not made exhaustive
continuous onsite inspections. This report is addressed to CLIENT only. This report has no other
purpose and may not be relied upon by any other person or entity without the written consent of

1. Application for Payment No. 2 is attached within our report
Contractor's Application Consultant'sRecommendation
a. Contract Sum 7,790,160.00 7,790,160.00 (4b)
b. Change Orders 0.00 0.00 (7)
c. Revised Contract Amount 7,790,160.00 7,790,160.00
d. Total Completed to Date 1,337,533.00 1,337,533.00 (4e)
e. Value of Stored Materials this Period 0.00 0.00 (6)
f. Total Completed to Date and Stored Materials 1,337,533.00 1,337,533.00
g. Retainage to Date 133,753.00 133,753.00 (4a)
h. Total Completed to Date Less Retainage 1,203,780.00 1,203,780.00
i. Previous Certificates of Payment 0.00 0.00 (4c)
j. Current Payment Due 1,203,780.00 1,203,780.00
k. Balance to Complete (Including Retainage) 6,586,380.00 6,586,380.00
l. % Contract to Date 17.20% 17.20%

Contract Completion Date: September 16, 2019
Consultant's Estimated Completion Date: June-July 2019
Contractor's Estimated Completion Date: May-June 2019
Total Overall % of Work including this Application: 17.2%
Scheduled Overall % of Work for this Application: 6.0%
Reason for Delay: N/A
a. The Notice to Proceed, dated September 16, 2019, was provided. See copy in the
b. A schedule dated July 12, 2019 was submitted in preparation of the Plan and Cost
review. See copy in the Appendix.
c. A Progress Chart is provided that represents the percentage of completion as it relates
to the required, scheduled and actual completion dates. See chart in the Appendix.
d. Based on the progress observed, it appears that the project will be complete sooner than
originally represented. According to the site Superintendent, a projected completion
date of May-June is what they are targeting.
Manpower Adequacy by Trade:
Adequate work was observed on site. Trades present during the time of inspection include
concrete, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and roofing.
Standard bricks used

Main entrance
Structure completed

Ground floor work in progress

Sewerage pipes installation

Front View structure

Work Sighted:
 Invoices and authority letters
 Reports of Habib Pvt Ltd
 Recommendations of Nishat Pvt Ltd
 Surveys by the Project Heads
 Account documents of Habib Ltd and Nishat Ltd

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