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MELISSA:Oh Hi Roxee, long time no see you, how are you?

ROXEE: Hi Melissa, I’m fine, actually, I was seeing a documentary about unusual energy

MELISSA: Really? Tell me about it, sounds very interesting

ROXEE: Well, the tidal energy source is produced when the kinetic energy from the natural rise
and fall of abundant tides are converted into electricity trough the barrages, fences or turbines
ubicated under the sea. I want to emphasize that the energy is caused by the gravitational
interaction between Earth, the sun, and the moon, which make it a renewable energy source.

MELISSA: Wow, I’ve never heard about tidal energy, but I do have heard about biomass energy

ROXEE: Oh nice, Explain me, what is that?

MELISSA: Biomass energy is energy generated or produced by living or once-living

organisms. The most common biomass materials used for energy are plants, such as
corn and soy, above. The energy from these organisms can be burned to create heat or
converted into electricity.

ROXEE: Got it, so both types of energy are renewable, that’s awesome, when tidal energy is
converted into electricity, people will have been able to use it for their daily tasks, also, I
would like to stress that it’s available only in places near to coastlines.

MELISSA: It makes sense, the Biomass contains energy first derived from the sun: Plants
absorb the sun’s energy through photosynthesis, and convert carbon dioxide and water into
nutrients (carbohydrates).
The energy from these organisms can be transformed into usable energy through direct and
indirect means. Biomass can be burned to create heat (direct), converted into electricity (direct),
or processed into biofuel.Most electricity generated from biomass is produced by direct
combustion. Biomass is burned in a boiler to produce high-pressure steam. This steam
flows over a series of turbine blades, causing them to rotate. The rotation of the turbine
drives a generator, producing electricity.

ROXEE: It sounds very rewarding, but there are always people who is in favor and against their

MELISSA: Yeah, everyone has different opinions, what do you think about the tidal energy use?

ROXEE: Well, I strongly approve of tidal energy use, because it is renewable, predictable and
reliable and has a Long-lasting Equipment , which means that after 20 years, the tidal energy
plants will have maintained as the beginning. And what are the advantages of Biomass

MELISSA: Biomass is always and widely available as a renewable source of energy. ...
● It is carbon neutral. ...
● It reduces the overreliance of fossil fuels. ...
● Is less expensive than fossil fuels. ...
● Biomass production adds a revenue source for manufacturers. ...
● Less garbage in landfills.

ROXEE: On the other hand, it’s not right for some people to approve it, mainly because
2 disadvantages, it is really expensive to construct a tidal power plant and also the
turbines can impact and react bad the surrounding ecosystem.

MELISSA: Mmm that sounds bad, in the case of biomass energy, the DISADVANTAGES are
It's Not Completely Clean.
● High Costs In Comparison To Other Alternatives.
● Possible Deforestation.
● Space.
● It Requires Water.
● It Has Inefficiencies.
● It's Under Development.

ROXEE: Well, I think that advantages are more than disadvantages

MELISSA: I also believe that, and talking about the future, do you know what are the
expectations for the next years?

ROXEE: Yeah, According to studies, By 2025, the tidal energy plants will have grown a
17% more than now. Also, the experts will have been working to expanded this energy
inland along its supply chains, which proves that this industry will have been reaching
with enthusiasm more countries along the time.

MELISSA: That’s pretty good, Biomass has many benefits, the primary one being that it cannot
be depleted like fossil fuels. With an abundance of plants on Earth, biomass could be a primary
source of renewable energy that’s used as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

Whereas sustainably managed biomass is considered carbon-neutral, the burning of fossil fuels
releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, trapping heat in the atmosphere. This
fuel source has been responsible for dangerous impacts on the environment, from air and water
pollution to global warming.
According to Kelley, the pulp and paper industry will still be thriving 20 to 30 years from now,
with more efficient uses and more considerable potential to make energy products and a wide
variety of sustainable materials from woody biomass.

ROXEE: Well, I think its important to give a chance to this new forms of renewable energy to
save the world

MELISSA: I think so too!, well, I have to go home, see you soon

ROXEE: See you soon Melissa


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