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JUNE 2011

The gap


can be People skills affect the bottom line.



Tell a story.

Employers and SMART COLUMN

employees alike Financial effects of marrying late in life.
can lower medical Published by Elauwit Media

benefit costs while

not sacrificing
needed coverage Ready to tee-off
Business Trends
The rising cost of providing
health coverage is not a new story.
The last few years have seen a se-
rious uptick in the increased bur-
den of providing health care, and,
as a result, the cost of providing
medical benefits to employees has
risen as well.
Federal health-care reform has
yet to produce tangible results on
the bottom line. Nationwide,
health insurance premiums in-
creased 8.8 percent from 2010 to
2011, the highest increase in the
past five years, according to a
study completed by Hewitt Asso-
Instead of waiting for relief,
business owners have been forced
to make changes to the benefit
packages they offer to help man-
age health plan costs.
“With all the debate on health-
care reform, it has not yet damp-
ened the cost at all,” said Jeff
Brown, senior vice president and
chief marketing officer for Colo-
nial Life. “I’m hopeful that there to Business Trends
will be some positive changes The Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce held its annual golf outing on two beautiful days last month. For
from health-care reform, but I more photos from the event, see pages 12-13.
don’t think they’re foreseeable
enough for companies to plan for

It’s a jungle out there

An employer has three basic
responses to rising costs, Brown
said: Absorb the rate increase at
the time of renewal, directly im-
pacting the bottom line; shift
more contributions to employees,
directly impacting the employee’s
pocket book; or re-designing
House of Representatives reverses vote, approves Amazon deal; Senate up next
health benefit plans to introduce
more options, which could lead to By TIM RONALDSON the company a five-year exemption from col- Gov. Sanford, has not been met with support
an increase in an employee’s ex- Business Trends lecting sales taxes from state shoppers as an from current Gov. Haley. The vote moves onto
posure to health-care costs. incentive to building a warehouse center in the state Senate and, if passed, will need to
While none of these are per- What once was a dead deal was suddenly Lexington County. Following the mid-May be signed by Haley to make it official.
fectly ideal, Brown said he is see- revived: It looks, again, as if is vote, Amazon pledged to create at least 2,000 Debate has raged for the last month over
ing more and more companies coming to the Midlands. full-time jobs and invest at least $125 million, whether the Amazon deal is good for the Mid-
choosing the last option, re-de- After initially defeating the deal by a vote an increase from its original promise of 1,250 lands or whether too much was given in con-
of 71-47, the state House of Representatives jobs and $90 million investment.
please see BENEFITS, page 11 passed a bill on May 18 that would provide The original deal, agreed to under former please see AMAZON, page 3

US POSTAGE Name change West Metro Chamber . . . . . 3
Lexington Chamber . . . . . . 4
PAID The state’s CoEE program will now be Columbia Chamber . . . . . . 15
BELLMAWR, NJ known as the SmartState Program.
Fruit on a stick is FUN!
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And let us get things started…
Call Edible Arrangements today and
we'll set you up with a monthly/weekly
People skills affect bottom line
plan that includes deep discounts. First
arrangement, in fact, is on the house for By ANN ELLIOTT cause of poor people skills or in- strate measurable results.
the first five businesses to call. Making the numbers is a desir- terpersonal skills.” Leaders them- There are simple and cost-ef-
251-2544 (Harden Street) able trait of leaders. In grooming selves believe that the most re- fective solutions to building these
leaders for your company, pay at- spected trait of leadership is soft skills in your business.
781-2161 (Irmo) tention to their interpersonal bringing in the numbers. Which of these are appropriate
Make a presentation skills as well as their ability to Business rewards leaders for for you?
that’s sure to impress. make the numbers. making their financial and orga- 1.) Assess your own personal
Development Dimensions In- nizational goals. Developing peo- skills and interpersonal skills
$5 OFF ANY ORDER! ternational reported in their
Leadership Forecast 2005/2006
ple, building a team and creating
a collaborative culture do not
first. Ask someone you trust to
give you candid feedback about
Just mention coupon code MIBT2011. that “About one-third of internal- show up on the balance sheet. It your soft skills.
ly sourced leaders fail, usually be- can take a long time to demon- 2.) Lead by example. It starts at
the top.
3.) Expect everyone in your
business to behave respectfully
and courteously to everyone in-
side and outside. No exceptions.
4.) Provide feedback and train-
ing for your team to develop soft

'. +
skills as well as technical skills.
5.) Strengthen your giving mus-

cles with everyone you meet. Can
you express too much apprecia-
tion for good work?
6.) You have an unlimited re-
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church welcomes you and This year we are looking for you to participate in a way serve of good will and giving it
offers our hospitality for the 25th annual Greek Festival. you may never have considered. We are offering three away does not deplete your re-
Every year, more than 80,000 visitors attend Columbia's sponsorship levels to allow you and your Organization to sources.
7.) Courtesy, civility, good will,
Greek Festival. It provides entertainment, shopping with be highlighted to each one of our attendees. This is your
kindness and appreciation are
vendors from numerous states across the country, and chance to be Greek for a week!
powerful not forceful. They
unbelievable Greek food. This year we anticipate exceed- strengthen the individual and the
ing those attendance numbers once again. organization.
Have you packed your man-
"! " "!.22" ners? As my children headed off
to spend the night with a friend or
"2 "! " "!   "! " "! ! "! " "! to some other event, I asked if
   they had packed their manners.
What can you do in your business
Includes 8 free food vouchers. Includes 20 free food vouchers and Includes 30 free food vouchers and to equip your team to succeed not
your company's name printed on an your company's name printed on an only with technical skills but also
oversized banner throughout the oversized banner throughout the with interpersonal skills and peo-
indoor arena. indoor arena. ple skills?
Pack your manners for an im-
pact on your bottom line.
• A link to your website as an advertising tool for one year. Ann Elliott, leadership expert, is
• Six large, attractive, double-sided, free-standing displays that will be located at each entrance of the Multipurpose founder of The Berkana Company, a
Building and inside the building near the band. business coaching company. Contact
• Your businesses name to be mentioned by both indoor and outdoor bands several times during each day of the Festival. her at (803) 254-0193 or
• Your businesses name listed in the Festival Program given to each attendee.
• Your business acknowledged and thanked in a half page advertisement in The State Newspaper midweek of the Festival.
• An invitation to our "Thank You" reception.

Nexsen Pruet
ALL sponsors will earn an exclusive, FREE quarter page ad to run in an upcoming edition of Midlands Business Trends.
on national list
Our "Thank You" Reception is the highlight of our event. We invite all sponsors, church Parishioners, and the Directors Nexsen Pruet announced that
of each Charity that is sponsored to be honored and presented their checks. Charities are invited to announce how the firm remains on The National
the donations from the event will be used. Law Journal’s list of the 250
largest law firms in America.
+01 . /1)'(-.*0
$(# The numbers are based on a
Providence Home, Sister Care Services, American Red Cross, Harvest Hope, Family Shelter, January survey that showed 178
Camp Kemo, Oliver Gospel Mission, Cooperative Ministry, Federation Center of the Blind, Women's Shelter, attorneys in Nexsen Pruet’s eight
Washington St. United Methodist Soup Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, Make A Wish Foundation, offices. That makes it the 220th
Five Points Wheel Transportation, Harbison Wheel for Transportation, Christ Central Ministries and Glen Forest School. largest firm in the country. Since
then, the firm has grown signifi-
cantly in North Carolina. Five at-
torneys have joined the firm’s
Donate to a great cause, expose your business to tens of thousands of Raleigh office in the past three
attendees and get FREE business-to-business advertising to all of Each year, The National Law
Columbia's Business Community… what could be better? Journal surveys approximately
300 U.S. law firms. This year’s edi-
tion showed a continued decline
To learn more, contact in the number of attorneys at top
firms. Previously, Nexsen Pruet
Niki Stewart at (803) 260-5719 or (803) 407-1190 or made The National Law Journal
Mary Rickman at (803) 361-2905 or (803) 252-6758 ext. 0. list of largest U.S. law firms in
2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and

Leaders weigh in on Amazon deal

fore anything is announced to the it happen, I definitely will do it.” unheard of,” he said. “We attrib-
AMAZON public, much like what was done
with Boeing in the Lowcountry NIKKI HALEY
ute the turnaround to citizens
getting involved and educating
Continued from page 1 and BMW in the Upstate. Governor themselves about the project and
All angles of the deal need to be The governor has stated that letting their lawmakers know
worked out from all the involved she does not support the Amazon they want Amazon’s distribution
cession for a retail company. parties – the Assembly, the gover- deal, which was constructed center here, as well as the 2,000
Below are comments, input and nor, the Department of Com- under her predecessor’s term in jobs it would create.”
stances from some of the region’s merce and the company itself – so the State House. Her feelings co- Halfacre is keeping his sup-
business leaders and groups. that one entity is not holding an- incide with that of Rawl: She said porters on their toes about how
other to a standard it doesn’t she doesn’t believe in giving tax they can help persuade the Senate
Editor’s note: This article was agree with. breaks to retail operations be- that the Amazon deal is one that 803-781-7017
written following the House’s vote. “I don’t think that’s the posi- cause it would create an unfair needs to be approved.
The state Senate was prepared to tion we need to be putting our marketplace. “The Chamber thanks every-
discuss the issue as early as Tues- General Assembly in,” he said. Haley instead is behind deals one who participated in helping
day, May 24, while this paper was “We should not oversell South such as the one recently brokered us win this vote,” he said. “This
already in print. Carolina.” with Walmart, which will bring was a minimally funded, grass-
South Carolina 4,000 jobs over roots coalition of people who
OTIS RAWL, PRESIDENT/CEO RICH BOLEN, CHAIRMAN five years, 300 of which will be truly care about job growth and
South Carolina Lexington County Republican Party “management salaried.” No spe- economic prosperity, both locally
Chamber of Commerce Bolen helped organize a press cial tax breaks were offered to and statewide.
When initially polled before conference before the House’s Walmart, and the company was
the most recent vote, Rawl said he vote to rally the troops behind part of the effort that originally
didn’t believe that South Carolina bringing Amazon to the Mid- defeated the Amazon deal.
would be “harmed at all” by the lands. Haley said that she and other
disintegration of the Amazon Bolen said that many oppo- state leaders would like to work
deal. nents of the deal said that it with Amazon, however, and that
Rawl said the state Chamber’s would be hypocritical to bring in she wouldn’t stand in the way of a
position has always been to keep Amazon under the state’s current deal with the company should the
a balance between the types of tax code and then go fix any in- Assembly pass it.
businesses in the state, and has equities that they see down the
never supported incentivizing re- line. But he doesn’t see the two as RANDY HALFACRE,
tail businesses because of the related issues. PRESIDENT/CEO
volatility of the industry and the “The need for jobs is much Greater Lexington Chamber
unfair advantage it creates over stronger than any symbolic de- and Visitors Center
existing businesses. feat would be,” he said. “Keeping Halfacre has sat prominently
When you incentivize retailers, Amazon from coming here does at the forefront of the push to
you don’t have the spin-off and in- nothing to further any solutions bring Amazon to the Midlands
direct jobs of the suppliers that to the problems we have with the from the beginning, and called
come with manufacturers, he tax code.” the House’s vote a “victory of his-
said. Instead, you get more churn Bolen said he has been pleas- toric proportions.”
within the proximity of the econ- antly surprised by the bi-partisan “A reversal like that is almost
omy. support he’s received for his
“We want Amazon in the stance on Amazon. However, he
state,” he said. “They are a great isn’t sitting back and relaxing fol- 1006 12th Street • Cayce, SC 29033
business partner. But the Cham- lowing the House’s vote. (803) 794-6504
ber cannot create an unequal “We’re not out of the woods
playing field just to get them in yet. Unfortunately, the Senate is a
here.” different animal,” he said. “Hope-
Rawl believes that, at the very fully, the Senate will see the over-
least, incentive deals should be whelming support in the House. If
signed, sealed and delivered be- there’s anything I can do to make

Hood Construction Serving Cayce, Gaston, Pine Ridge, South Congaree,

Springdale, Swansea and West Columbia

works on restorations IT’S BACK!!

The 2011 CMC Steel Rhythm on the River Concert Series
Hood Construction recently Preservation Leadership Award. is FREE to the public and will once again be held at the West Columbia Riverwalk Amphitheater
served as construction partner Another Hood Construction (next to the Gervais Street bridge) every Saturday from 6:00-9:00pm.
for two highly visible historic project, located at the corner of
restoration/preservation proj- Gervais and Pulaski streets, re- June's lineup features many local & regional artists with a variety of musical styles:
ects, receiving outstanding ceived an award in the area of June 4th BARE KNUCKLE CHAMPIONS w/ Scottie Frier Band
Preservation Awards from the New Construction in a Historic June 11th BRIAN CONNER & HIS AMAZING FRIENDS w/ The Mobros
Historic Columbia Foundation. Context and Adaptive Use.
Of these projects is the long re- This highly-visible structure is Listen to The River 94.3 For a complete line-up of this
garded Historic Columbia land- located on one of Columbia’s year's artists, go to
mark, Trinity Episcopal Cathe- busiest downtown corridors, for rain out information.
dral. which spurred ongoing questions
Trinity received high praise for and much excitement around the ** New This Year **
the recent completion of its Bi- community. Rain location and official after party headquarters: JILLIAN’S - 800 Gervais Street
centennial Restoration Cam- The appealing and unique ar- These concerts are made possible by the following sponsors:
Agape Senior, AT&T, Hardee’s, Lexington Medical Center, SAFE Federal Credit Union,
paign, which resulted in bringing chitectural design was provided
Genesis Studios, The River 94.3, The State Newspaper, Waste Management
the remarkable beauty of its orig- by Studio2LR and included reno-
inal architecture and glasswork vation of an existing building,
back to life. coupled with the new construc-
June Breakfast June 28th at 7:30am
This extensive project was not tion of an adjacent building, to SC State Farmer's Market | Exhibition Kitchen
only acknowledged by a Preserva- create a new home for Ameri- Catering by Judy's at the Market Sponsored by SC Farm Bureau
tion/Restoration Award, but also trade, OCCO Skin Studio and
honored with the distinguished other local tenants.

Monthly Update
entrepreneurship. During the week, based commercial real estate broker-
Michelin investing $200M teams of students develop mock com- age firm for the eighth year in a row.
to expand Lexington facility panies, led by company advisors The ranking is based on the aggregate
loaned from some of South Carolina’s value of sales and leasing transac-
As demand for its passenger tires in most successful businesses. Students tions completed globally during 2010.
North America continues to grow, attend workshops to learn about all as- CB Richard Ellis was responsible HOW TO REACH US
Michelin is investing another $200 mil- pects of business and test their newly for $128.1 billion of global sales and 803-929-3563 fax: 803-771-0138
lion in its Lexington facility to further acquired knowledge in a business sim- leasing transactions in 2010. This total
expand its tire building capacity. The ulation designed to achieve a real com- was nearly twice the transaction value WHOM TO ASK FOR
tire maker has already invested more pany feel with challenging, real-world of the number-two firm, which reflect- Advertising: Lindsey Johns, Marketing Consultant
than $1 billion in the site since it was situations. Along with an emphasis on ed CB Richard Ellis’ lead over the sec- News/Editorial: Tim Ronaldson, Associate Publisher
first established in 1981. This latest teamwork and leadership skills, Busi- ond-place firm widening by $17.5 bil- ON THE WEB
project, for which all equipment will ness Week includes programs on the lion – or 10 percentage points – com-
be installed by the first half of 2013, stock market, ethics in business, lead- pared with 2009.
will create 270 new jobs, phased in ership profiling, the significance of di- newsroom:
over the next two years. Work will versity in business and entrepreneur- Collins & Lacy grows public advertising:
begin immediately. ship.
Michelin’s Lexington passenger Companies interested in providing policy, consulting practice publisher:

and light truck tire facility currently student sponsorships for Business Collins & Lacy P.C. announced the SUBSCRIPTIONS
Business Trends is mailed each month to the business and
employs 1,360 people in 1.2 million Week should visit the Web site growth of its new public policy and
community leaders of Lexington and Richland counties. If you
square feet. Michelin also operates an, or contact consulting practice. Jon Ozmint, for- would like to receive the paper, but are not currently on our
earthmover tire plant at the site, em- Robbie Barnett at 255-2625. mer director of the South Carolina De- mailing list, you can request to be added to the mailing list by
ploying 475 people in 825,000 square partment of Corrections, joined the emailing your name, title, company, address, phone, fax and
feet. CB Richard Ellis named No. 1 firm in February and is spearheading email address to
the firm’s efforts in this new practice
Student sponsorships commercial broker area. Ozmint brings broad and unique
Business Trends has limited resources to send photographers to
National Real Estate Investor, the perspective to clients, having also events, so the best way to seek coverage is by sending us your
needed for Business Week leading magazine for professional real served as deputy attorney general and news release and photos to the attention of Tim Ronaldson at
Student sponsorships are being ac- estate investors, has ranked CB chief prosecutor of the State Grand the below address, or to
cepted for the prestigious South Car- Richard Ellis Group Inc. the No. 1 U.S.- Jury, and as general counsel for the
olina Business Week, July 10-15. Each South Carolina Department of Labor, Business Trends is published monthly by Elauwit Media,
year, Business Week offers bright Licensing and Regulation. LLC, 3518 Medical Drive, Columbia, SC 29203
young adults the unique opportunity Committed to serving businesses on
to interact with business leaders and
Drop us a line a local, state and national level,
their peers to learn more about the ins Business Trends welcomes news tips Collins & Lacy has recently engaged
and outs of a successful career. for publication. two new clients, a national correction-
Business Week contributes to the Email: al health care provider and a large
preparation of young adults for the telecommunications company. Recent-
business environment by introducing Phone: 803-929-3563 ly, Ozmint assisted a client in making
them to the principles of leadership, a presentation to Dorchester County
Mail: 3518 Medical Drive,
teamwork and the American free en- Columbia, SC 29203 Council concerning the need for a new
terprise system while promoting self- and larger detention facility in that
reliance, individual responsibility and county.








ALAN BAUER General Manager & Editor

STEVE MILLER Executive Vice President
ED LYNES Vice President of Sales

Associate Publisher

in our opinion

We’re on our own

Reform isn’t helping anytime soon MARKETING MATTERS

ne thing is pretty clear: Health-care reform, whether it
is for the better or worse over the long term, won’t be
helping our bottom lines any time soon. If you dis-
agree with this statement, take a look at the cost you are incur-
Tell a story
By KEN GASQUE ed. The mind creates the story isn’t that the point of exaggera-
ring to provide your employees with health coverage, or what
If you want your advertising that creates the brand. tion? I don’t think you will have
it’s costing employees to receive the coverage. to work, tell a story. You don’t have to tell the com- an elephant stomping on your
The costs are staggering, especially considering that only a We buy with our eyes so how plete story. Clairol had a tremen- bags but if you do, Saddleback
does a story fit in? What does a dous campaign that asked, “Does will guarantee that it will not be
few years ago, businesses of all sizes could provide their em- story do? It creates a movie for she or doesn’t she?” It let the damaged or they will give you a
ployees with quality health benefits at a relatively reasonable your mind’s eye. A good story reader fantasize about changing new bag.
will be played and replayed in their own hair color at a time You will recall the story told
price. Those days are long gone, and who knows if they will the mind for days, weeks and when changing your hair color by Jesus in Mathew 25:14-30 of
ever return. months to come. was not looked upon favorably. the three servants that received
“You can say the right thing Before we can take action, we talents from their master. The
So while we sit back and wait, a chasm is developing between and nobody will listen,” said Bill have to be able to see ourselves one who received five talents in-
management and workers over the decrease in the quality of Bernbach (a very creative ad using the product. We have to vested and gained five more, the
man and one of the partners in fantasize, daydream and visual- second servant invested his two
benefits provided and the simultaneous increase in its cost. Dole Dane Bernbach). “But ize. If we can see it, we can buy talents and received two more
Before the issue boils over to a point of no return, employers you’ve got to say it in such a way it. but the third buried his talents
that people will feel it…because A well-told story reveals val- and received nothing. The third
need to open the lines of communication with their employees if they don’t feel it, nothing will ues without saying, “We’re hon- servant was lazy and did not in-
to educate them on why things are happening the way they are. happen.” est and reputable” or “We offer vest his talents and received no
Dole Dane Bernbach created great service.” And do you really return.
An employee’s total benefits package is a vital piece of the pie,
an ad campaign for Volkswagen, believe someone when they tell Rather than tell you to work
so if health benefits are being cut – or if an employee is being which became a classic – “Think you they are honest? Didn’t you hard and invest your talents, a
asked to pay for an increased share – that could have a profound small.” expect them to be honest, and if story is used that you will re-
They used good design and they have to tell you, don’t you member. It doesn’t matter how
impact on his or her total compensation. told a story that differentiated then question it? By sharing our old you are – you will remember.
Employers need to recognize this fact and be sympathetic to VW from the big cars made in stories, we define “who we are” When telling your story your
Detroit (often a brand will do the and “what we stand for.” audience should be able to visu-
it. How can they chip in if they can’t afford to fork over more opposite of the crowd). The ad- Saddleback Leather sells alize it. If not, then it is not con-
money on behalf of their workers, though? By educating them vertising was as different to car heavy leather bags (brands often crete enough.
advertising as the VW was to its go against the popular trend and Make it visual. We buy with
on all aspects of the benefits provided, by synching up with the competition. differentiate themselves). Every- our eyes and a story well told
benefits coordinator to learn of ways they can save more by liv- You can tell a story with a pho- body is going lightweight – not will create a vision that the mind
tograph or illustration. One pic- Saddleback Leather. Go to can see and remember.
ing healthier, and by directing them to additional supplemental ture of a cowboy is worth a thou- and Can you tell me a captivating
insurance options, if needed. sand words. The Marlboro Man see how Dave reveals a lot about story about your service? Does it
was a theme for more than four his product and company in his tell me how your company
Employees need to recognize that their employer is not the decades. There was little in the blog or his story “In memory of makes a difference? Can you do
reason for the increase in the health benefits cost. They need to ads except the image of the Blue.” it with a photo?
Marlboro Man on the open range A good story gets you emo-
be sympathetic to the delicate balance between costs and in- or riding a horse with a beautiful tionally involved (I have three Ken Gasque is president of Gasque
come. And they need to be flexible to change. mountain range behind him. Labs and I have to admit I am a Marketing and Advertising a brand
The rest was left up to the imagi- sucker for dog stories). development and marketing plan-
Like everything else in today’s world, providing health bene-
nation of the viewer. The cow- Saddleback also uses good vi- ning company in West Columbia. He
fits is now a team effort between employer and employee. boy was seen as independent, suals to tell the story. Some are can be reached via e-mail at
self-sufficient and uncomplicat- exaggerated to make a point but

RUSSELL CANN Chairman of the Board

DAN McDONOUGH, JR. Co-Chairman and Chief Executive
MICHAEL LaCOUNT, Ph.D. Vice Chairman Visit us on the Web at

LICS: In case of emergency

Lexington Interfaith Community Serv- in the greater Lexington community as her rent. “Yes,” to the disabled veteran
ices, simply known as LICS, is a local not- this economy has left many more than ever whose lights are going to be turned off
for-profit that provides emergency in need of our help. without our help. And how can we not say,
assistance for those in need. With your help we can say, “yes we can “Yes,” to the family that lost their home
Founded in 1979, LICS has helped individ- help,” to the 86-year-old lady that needs her due to unemployment, but just got a job
uals and families get back on their feet by and needs help with deposits to move into
providing food, shelter, clothing, financial a home. Your help will go a long way in en-
assistance, counseling and so much more “At the end of the day, suring that we take care of these needs.
to those in need. In fact, last year alone, there are For more information on the tax
LICS helped more than 20,000 people and deductible sponsorship, call Jenny
provided over $600,000 in assistance to fam- 45 families requesting Kennedy, Executive Director (803) 957-6656
ilies and individuals in Lexington, Saluda, ext. 222 or Kevin Staggers, Director of
and parts of Calhoun counties struggling financial assistance Community Relations (803) 957-6656 ext.
to meet their basic needs. Whether it is un- that we’re unable to help 228,,
employment, an unexpected expense, or
due to lack of funds.”
family emergency, LICS is there for anyone
who needs it.
Each day at LICS…
YOU, the business community have Jenny Kennedy, 100 callers request assistance.
helped LICS provide for the needy since the
beginning. Your loyalty and generosity has
Executive Director 48 families walk in requesting
helped to build a better community. services.
Your Art in the Garden Sponsor-
And now, we ask you to, once again, in-
ship will allow us to serve more
17 families are provided with food.
vest in servicing our neighbors in crisis. 11 families are provided with
LICS invites you to join your colleagues by families each day.
becoming a sponsor of “Art in the Garden clothing.
VI.” Wingard’s Nursery is hosting this 8 families are provided with
event geared toward local art, music, and propane tank filled for heating and cook- financial assistance.
gardens. Our goal of $50,000 in operational ing. “Yes,” to the single mother whose son $3,000 total services provided daily.
funds will help us meet emergency needs just had surgery and she needs help with

McDaniels Golf Classic

to be held June 16
Palmetto Health Foundation’s Brantley/Aberdeen Catery and
21st annual McDaniels Golf Clas- live music from Heart ‘n Soul.
sic will be held Friday, June 17 at Also, for a donation of $100 or
Fort Jackson Golf Club. A VIP re- more, guests can be pho-
ception and auction will be held tographed with Spurrier and the
Thursday, June 16 at The Zone at Southeastern Conference Eastern
Williams-Brice Stadium. Pro- Division Champions trophy, as
ceeds from both the tournament well as the Hardee’s trophy com-
and auction will benefit Palmetto memorating USC’s win over
Health Cancer Centers. Clemson in 2010.
Bill McDaniels, president of The June 17 tournament will
McDaniels Automotive Group, begin at noon at Ft. Jackson Golf
has been the signature sponsor of Club and will include a catered
the McDaniels Golf Classic for lunch and dinner.
the past 20 years and has helped Foursome spots are available
raise more than $2.6 million for for the tournament, and there
Palmetto Health Cancer Centers. also is an opportunity to play on a
This year, Steve Spurrier, head team with Spurrier.
coach of The University of South Last year, proceeds from the
Carolina Gamecocks football McDaniels Golf Classic auction
team, is teaming up with Palmet- and tournament reached an all-
to Health Foundation and Mc- time high of more than $222,000,
Daniels. including in-kind donations.
The June 16 VIP reception and In the McDaniels Golf Classic’s
auction will feature one-of-a-kind 20-year history, more than $2.6
memorabilia Spurrier is donat- million has been raised for cancer
ing from his personal collection. research, programs and services
Tickets, $100 each, are available of the Palmetto Health Cancer
for purchase on the Web site Centers. or at For more information, connect
Palmetto Health Foundation, 1600 with Palmetto Health Foundation
Marion St. online at the Web site
The reception will feature or
heavy hors d’oeuvres by Jack call 434-7275.

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CoEE changes name

South Carolina’s State Lottery- within our state’s universities, Chairs are leading the cutting-
funded program that creates keeping the best and brightest in edge Centers of Economic Excel-
knowledge-based research cen- South Carolina, and creating lence and working to attract and
ters and enables the state to re- high-skill, higher-paying jobs.” retain top students in South Car-
cruit top scientists and engineers Since the program was created olina. The SmartState Program
is getting a new identity. by the S.C. General Assembly in has resulted in more than $400
The program, previously 2002, it has helped South Carolina million in non-state investment in
known as the “Centers of Eco- achieve “smart state” status in the state’s economy. The Smart-
nomic Excellence Program” and several ways. First, the Smart- State Program is also responsible
nicknamed by some as the “En- State Program has enabled the for the creation of more than Visit us on the Web at
dowed Chairs Program,” is now state to launch 49 university- 5,000 jobs.
the “SmartState Program.” The based research and development
new identity will better reflect the centers in industries ranging
program’s purpose. In essence, from bioscience to nanotechnolo-
the program exists to transform gy to automotive engineering.
South Carolina into a “smart These R&D centers, or Centers of
state” that can compete for high- Economic Excellence, are helping
paying jobs based on the value of attract new companies to the
its knowledge and innovation. state that want to tap into univer-
SmartState Review Board sity research.
Chair Pamela P. Lackey says that In addition, the program has
the new name perfectly encapsu- enabled the state to recruit 37 in-
lates what the program is accom- ternationally acclaimed scien-
plishing and how it is reshaping tists and engineers who serve as
South Carolina’s economy. SmartState Endowed Chairs at
“Today, we see the tangible re- South Carolina’s three major re-
sults of how this visionary pro- search universities, Clemson Uni-
gram is turning South Carolina versity, the Medical University of
into a ‘smart state,’” Lackey said. South Carolina, and the Universi-
“It has placed a powerful focus on ty of South Carolina.
developing new world-class R&D These SmartState Endowed

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business Calendar
Contact: Gina at 359-7644, or visit
JUNE 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 See the full calendar online:
Contact: Matt Quinton at 260-7178
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or JUNE 9
Location: Grecian Gardens, 2312
Sunset Blvd., West Columbia
Contact: Tom Hooker at 960-2800 JUNE 7, 14, 21 & 28 TO YOUR BUSINESS
Like most people, you make sound investments Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Of all the every day regarding finances, your business,
Location: Chamber Conference
important and your future. But, something you may not Room, 321 South Lake Drive, Lexing-
have thought about is funeral prearrangements. Time: 1 p.m. ton
investments you This small investment of time and money, now, FORT JACKSON NIGHT Location: Brookland Baptist Conven- Contact: Tracy Fredrychowski at
make, be sure your will give you and your family peace of mind
AT THE BLOWFISH tion Center 359-6113
knowing they won't be making tough decisions Time: 6:15 p.m. Contact: Club President Carolyn
family is one.
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Call today to learn more about preplanning options with us. Contact: 733-1110 JUNE 9
The return on this investment will prove to be invaluable. WEST METRO CHAMBER


Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Wingate By Wyndham, 108
845 Leesburg Road Time: 6:30 p.m.
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Saluda Pointe Court, Lexington
Contact: 794-6504
Columbia, SC 29209 Location: Flight Deck Restaurant,
Lexington Location: O’Charley’s Restaurant


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The gap can be filled

go up,” Brown said. “I would cate- According to a recent Colonial
BENEFITS gorize it as the best of a bad situa- Life survey, less than 19 percent of "! 
Continued from page 1 tion.” employers think their employees ! 
Rather than offering pre-paid, have a very good understanding
first-dollar health care, this is of all their benefits, and nearly 5 !!!!
signing their plans. leading more to having coverage percent think their employees  

Employers can save a signifi- when you need it most, Brown know nothing at all about their
cant amount of money by re-de- said. benefits.
signing their health benefit plans, The first half of the balancing A recent Harvard Business Re-
incorporating a higher annual de- act is a higher-deductible base view survey of HR leaders also
ductible and higher co-insurance health plan, which lowers the cost found that 43 percent say their
amounts. of coverage for both the employer employees are satisfied with their
In the last five years, there has and employee; the second half is benefits, but only 30 percent say
been a doubling in the number of instituting supplemental protec- the same about their benefits
employers covered by a health tion to handle the new gap in cov- communication, with 23 percent
benefits plan with at least a $1,000 erage. saying their employees view this
deductible, according to a The gap protection is a sepa- communication as “weak.”
Kaiser/HRET survey. rate policy set up and paid for by Brown also said it’s important
As an example, Brown said the employee that pays cash bene- that employees are reminded of
that a company that switched fits in the event that the unfore- the cost burden of a benefit pack-
from a $250 deductible plan to one seen happens. age, which current estimates
with a $2,000 deductible could The gap coverage is intended to show comprise 30 percent to 40
save 25 percent on health benefit complement the “core needs” of percent of an employee’s total
costs. health coverage, Brown said. In compensation package.
At the same time, 60 percent of some cases, the savings a compa- What plan re-designs have ac-
Americans do not have the funds ny realizes in re-designing its complished, Brown said, is estab-
to cover unexpected costs, and a base coverage plan could allow it lishing a focus on the overall em-
good health benefits plan is “es- to pay for at least part of the gap ployee education on health cover-
sential” to attracting and retain- coverage and still positively affect age as well as allowing them to
ing quality employees. But a mid- the bottom line. understand how to take better
dle ground can be found, Brown “These two things actually care of themselves through well-
said – one that lowers a compa- make this palatable in a way of ness programs and tools.
ny’s cost and provides the em- making it financially doable for “It’s a lesson in making the
ployee with supplemental cover- everybody,” Brown said. best of a difficult situation,”
age to fill the gap. A side benefit, and renewed Brown said. “The positive side of
“I don’t think any employee is focus, of re-designed health plans the message is that employees are
out there asking for less health is an increase in the education of also having their costs managed
coverage, but they aren’t asking both employer and employee on in the process, because if the re-
for their paychecks to be eaten health coverage, and the commu- design doesn’t happen, then costs
away whenever health-care costs nication between the two groups. will get out of hand for everyone.”

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Photos courtesy

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ber of Commerce golf tournament, held at the Wildewood Country



A Leader’s First Responsibility
By Wayne Fields, President/CEO
Oliver Gospel Mission
The effects of marrying late
It was obvious in a recent en- I went on to propose to my friend
counter with a young professional where self-leadership should start. By SUSAN AMICK MCCANTS vidual’s income. For example, Legal documents should also
that he was eager to grow as a It begins with the development of At any age, marriage is an im- marriage could impact the re- be coordinated with your new cir-
leader. This was evidenced by sev- one’s relationship with the Creator portant decision that impacts al- ceipt of alimony, Medicare, Medi- cumstances to ensure that your
eral things. First, he was early for or one’s inner spiritual life, which most every aspect of life. For caid and Social Security benefits. estate plan accurately reflects
older individuals, marriage pres- Consulting a Social Security your wishes. Beneficiary designa-
our meeting, which was scheduled is at the root of true fulfillment and
ents even more unique challenges benefits counselor is advisable to tions on life insurance policies
for the purpose of discussing lead- growth in character. Depth of char-
and opportunities. One of these determine how a marriage will and retirement accounts may
ership development. Second, I dis- acter, in turn, is what enables those challenges deals with finances. impact current and future bene- need to be changed when you
covered that he had already in leadership to handle the chal- Since the financial impact of fits. Careful timing of a second marry to reflect your changing
initiated efforts with other young lenges that they encounter, and marrying later in life can be com- marriage can often protect needs. It is always smart to con-
leaders to glean wisdom from more such growth takes time. I empha- plicated, it is especially impor- widow’s benefits. Many people do sider a prenuptial agreement to
seasoned influencers in the com- sized to my friend that one of the tant for older couples to discuss not realize that they may qualify fairly address both spouses and to
munity. Even though he had al- worst things that can happen to their financial situations with for Social Security benefits under protect the family assets of each.
ready achieved much in his young leaders is instant success, each other and also with their fi- both a spouse and a former Creating a trust is another way to
profession at a young age, he still because they may not have devel- nancial advisors. Older individu- spouse as well as under their own offer protection for first families
possessed the humility to admit oped the inner resources needed to als bring more of a personal and record. Also, it could be beneficial as well as new spouses. Couples
that he still had much to learn in handle it wisely. financial history into a marriage. for one spouse to apply for and should work with their attorney
his own journey. Along these lines, Another related area where Potential pitfalls of marrying then suspend benefits. A benefits to update all legal documents.
he posed this question to me: self-leadership is important is giv- later in life can be avoided by un- counselor can help evaluate the Marriage at any age includes a
“Wayne, if you could give some ing attention to such habits as derstanding and planning for the application options and under marriage of finances. Open com-
words of advice to young leaders thinking and reflecting. In this financial consequences and by which record(s) it is best to apply munication about financial goals
like me, what would you say?” For- noisy world in which we live, peo- seeking professional financial ad- for maximum lifetime benefits. and circumstances can con-
tunately, I was somewhat prepared ple do not take much time to get vice. Although most people will not tribute to a higher quality of life
with an answer, as I had given some alone to reflect on what they are It is essential that older couples see a big income tax impact from for both spouses. When you
share their financial histories getting married, they should eval- marry or remarry later in life,
prior thought to this. My broad an- learning or where they are headed.
with each other. To protect finan- uate whether it makes more sense planning for the financial conse-
swer to this young leader was this: I like to say that we should learn
cial integrity, individuals may for them to file a joint tax return quences can help ease the transi-
“Learn to lead yourself. The great- from the past, live in the present, want to maintain separate credit or to file separately. Filing with a tion and ensure that your mar-
est preparation for influencing oth- and look ahead to the future. or file separate income tax re- married status may provide an riage will yield long-term divi-
ers is learning to manage your own Time alone provides us with the op- turns. Since there are some finan- opportunity to make additional dends.
life.” portunity to honestly assess where cial obligations that one spouse retirement account contribu-
Self-leadership enables us to be we have traveled in the past so that assumes for the other, like med- tions. Some retirement plans re- Susan Amick McCants is a native
examples to others in what we are we can make adjustments in the ical bills, it is important that cou- quire your spouse’s consent to of Columbia. She is a graduate of Er-
trying to get them to do. For in- present, and also to gain perspec- ples are candid about their finan- take plan distributions and loans skine College with a degree in eco-
stance, if we want people to be ser- tive for where we are headed in the cial obligations and address po- or to change beneficiary designa- nomics. Prior to joining Abacus Plan-
vants, we can provide an future. tential expenses such as long- tions. Plan documents should be ning Group in 2002, she spent 15
illustration of servanthood through I sensed from my young friend’s term care. Also, it may be impor- reviewed to ensure that they are years in banking where she was vice
our own practice in this area. Ex- response that we could have dis- tant to ascertain the impact that coordinated with your financial president and certified cash manag-
ample, in turn, instills us with con- cussed these matters at greater marriage could have on each indi- goals. er in the Treasury Services Division.
fidence, knowing that we are length, but we had to part company
practicing what we are preaching to face the leadership challenges of
to others. It also provides us with the day ahead. He assured me that
credibility before those whom we he would connect with me for fur-
lead because they see us living it out. ther interaction in the future.
Wayne Fields is the President/
CEO of Oliver Gospel Mission. As a
writer, his published work includes
the Reality Living Devotional Guide
series. He can be contacted to speak
to your group through Beth at

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