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UH Lesson Plan Template [To be completed by Teacher Candidate]

Note: Instructional suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

First and Last Deana Simpson


Lesson Overview

Lesson Title Moving Westward

Lesson Description//Central Focus A concise overview of your lesson that would help a teacher to make decisions about teaching it.
of the Lesson Describe the important understandings and core concepts that you want students to develop
over the course of the learning segment/lesson. What are you going to learn?
Unit Title Statehood. Mexican-American War.
Real world applications or
connections Manifesting: Students are aware of the term manifest as it became popular through Tik Tok. To help
expound on the term Manifest Destiny.

Movement: Have you ever moved? Why? Do you plan to live in Pearland all your life? Or Do you want
to move to another place? Why?
Content Area TEKS (4) History. The student understands how individuals, events, and issues shaped the history of the
Standards Alignment Republic of Texas and early Texas statehood. The student is expected to:
(C) identify individuals, events, and issues during early Texas statehood

The event we will focus on during the lesson is Manifest Destiny as it is a vital issue that leads to the
Mexican-American War.

(20) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information
acquired through established research methodologies from a variety of valid sources, including
technology. The student is expected to:

(B) analyze information by applying absolute and relative chronology through sequencing, categorizing,
identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions;
Technology Standards Include all technology TEKS that your Lesson targets, if applicable.

ELPS (2) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening. (G) understand the general meaning, main
points, and important details of spoken language ranging from situations in which topics, language,
and contexts are familiar to unfamiliar; (Video)

(3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking.(D) speak using grade-level content area
vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency; (G)
express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single words and short phrases to
participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and grade-appropriate academic topics;

Lesson Objective I will identify and examine the issues of Manifest Destiny as it relates to Texas Statehood by applying
critical thinking skills to examine the painting “American Progress”.
Sub-Objectives 5 Themes of Geography: Movement
Louisiana Purchase
Republic of Texas
ELPS Objective, if applicable Use the format: “ I can…”

7th grade
Grade Level

Estimated Time Needed for

this Lesson One 50-minute class period

How will you summatively assess student
mastery? Students will analyze the “American Progress” painting and determine the different
NOTE: The summative assessment might reasons why the United States wanted to move west and implications of the move.
not be a part of this lesson.You can also Students will complete the “TACOS” chart and then discuss their findings with their
use this space to describe your post group.
How will you formatively assess student I will check for understanding throughout the lesson. Asking questions and scaffolding information. While
mastery? For formative assessment, just students are working independently and discussing with their group or partner, listening and monitoring.
generally describe what you will be doing.
Specific questions will be included later in
the lesson plan.
What are your plans for adjusting the pacing To adjust the pacing, if the students are struggling after the video's explanation of
of the unit for struggling learners? Manifest Destiny I will spend additional time scaffolding information before they begin
their assignment. I have visual maps that coincide with the different moments in history
when the United States expanded its territory.


Technology resources My powerpoint to help guide the lesson. Visual maps for students to see how the
(hardware, software, websites, United States has expanded over time. And how the states were beginning to
Technology- Enhanced divide based on the issue of slavery.
Lesson Supports), and
rationale for why each is vital Youtube video by Hip Hughs explaining Manifest Destiny, the expansion of the
for instruction: United States, and the issues that came from it.

Non-Technology resources
and rationale for why each Students will need the Manifest Destiny Video Notes to help check for
is vital for instruction: understanding with the information presented on Manifest Destiny.
Students will need their class notebook to take brief notes on the expansion of
the United States.
The “American Progress” painting, as it depicts Manifest destiny and the many
reason the United States expanded west.
Students will need the TACOS Chart to analyze the painting “American

Managing Student Behavior: You can’t teach them if you can’t reach them!!!
When and how will you establish rules for Behavior Expectations for the Lesson
learning and behavior during the lesson?
Students will be respectful throughout the lesson. When posed a question students
What will it look and sound like if students will raise their hand to answer. When I ask for their attention, students will stop what
are engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? they are doing and listen.

How will you allow for movement, How Engagement will look and sound
transitions or brain breaks to capitalize on When watching the video students will be watching and listening, and answering
engagement and performance the questions on their notes. As I review the maps on the powerpoint students will
take notes and answer questions when applicable. When students work on their
What will you do as an attention signal? assignment they will be fully engaged with their classmates and participating in
insightful discussion.

Plan for movement, transitions, or brain breaks, if applicable.

Attention Signal
I will raise my hand to grab the students attention.
Lesson Procedures
Differentiation Formative Assessment
Stage of Lesson Step-by-Step Lesson Sequence

This template is built on A step-by-step description of the scope and Address the following for Address the following for each part
the traditional “Madeline sequence of lesson activities, with estimated each part of the lesson of the lesson plan:
Hunter” type of lesson time on task noted in parentheses for each step. plan”:
structure. The format can In other words, completely describe the flow of Questioning: What questions will
also be used with 5 E . . . or the lesson, the content to be presented, and the Grouping of students: What you ask? (Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or
opportunities do students
another lesson plan strategies to be used. The more detailed you Costa’s Levels of Thinking, plan some
have to work independently
scheme . . .this is where you make this description, the more likelihood you questions you will ask student)
or together? How are these
can customize to fit your will anticipate any challenges or teachable groups designed to increase
purpose. moments that might occur. Include actual words How will you make sure that you are
mastery of objective?
you will use and questions you will ask calling on volunteers,
students. Consider items such as: parts of the non-volunteers, and a balance of
Differentiation -
students based on ability and sex?
lesson that might be difficult, and how you will Enrichment and
know whether you can go on; how to ensure Remediation: What
Academic Feedback What type of
that students completely understand opportunities/strategies will
support or academic feedback do
directions before releasing them to work you use to strengthen their
they need to overcome such
independently; and what students will do if they understanding of the
finish their work early. strategy or skill presented?
Plan at least 2-3 academic feedback
stems that are aligned to the learning
Accommodations and
goal so that they can easily identify
Modifications: What
students who are meeting those goals.
accommodations and
modifications do you have to
make for ELL, SPED, 504, and
striving students? How will
these accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the objective?
● Differentiation (Enrichment and remediation): Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the content, process, and/or product.
Consider cultural diversity, gifted, etc.
● Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability); Remember, an accommodation is not lowering
expectations or teaching below grade level content/objectives. Informed by an IEP
● Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student) - Informed by an IEP

Helpful Links:
ESL Strategies Document
ESL Strategies Matrix
Opening 3 minutes
What will students be doing
Students will complete their STARR Starter.
immediately after the bell
rings to kickstart class? (if While I take attendance.

Focus/ Anticipatory
(motivational hook)
2minutes Students will use the Students who raise their
Ask the students, do you plan on living in Think, Pair, Share hand to share, will have the
Pearland forever? If not, what are some opportunity to share.
reasons why you would move?
Content Input /I Do 10 minutes The video by Hip I will primarily be thinking
During this part of the lesson,
the teacher will model the I will give a brief overview of Manifest Hughs will benefit aloud. I will pause the video
strategy or skill that students Destiny. Then students will watch Hip visual and auditory and ask questions pertaining
will learn. What content Hugh’s explanation of Manifest Destiny. learners. The video to the video to check for
knowledge are you teaching
students based on your own There are questions paired with the video, I also has a closed student understanding.
understanding? will model how students will answer the caption.
Should include both Tier 1 questions while watching the video. To do How does Hip Hughs explain
(examples) and Tier 2 (think
this as the video begins and he answers Manifest Destiny?
number one I will pause the video and write
the answer on the board. And students will Who coined the term
answer the rest of the questions Manifest Destiny?
What 5 Themes of
Geography does this

What consequences came

from Manifest destiny?

How does slavery fit into

Manifest Destiny?
Guided Practice / We Do 10 minutes Maps for visual Geographically thinking
During this part of the lesson, the
teacher and students are thinking We will discuss Manifest Destiny further by learners where did the United States
aloud together looking at maps and key events that begin?
expanded the United States. I and the
students will be taking notes. Who did the United States
first acquire more territory

Where are the free states

located? Where are the slave
states located? Why is this?

What is the issue between

the disputed land between
Texas and Mexico? How is
this a problem for the United

Who occupies the Oregon

Territory? Who occupies the
rest of the United States?
What do you think will
happen? What would you

Independent Practice/ You 20 minutes Students will use a As students are analyzing the
During this part of the lesson, the
Students will analyze the painting chart to analyze the painting, walk around and
teacher will monitor students’ “American Progress”. I will first model how painting. monitor students' responses.
understanding through they should analyze the painting by Students have to explain the
independent practice.
choosing something to analyze. Then the Students will discuss importance or why a
students will work independently for the their analysis within particular group is moving
first 10 minutes, and then discuss their their groups. west. I will be scaffolding to
analytical findings with their group. Towards help students process this
the end groups will have the opportunity to information.
share out.
Closure 5 minutes
Write your Closure using the
Planning a Discussion Framework

NOTE: This can be done after Launch Frame

the GP or after the IP.: Open with what we have learned about Manifest Destiny. Guide students to think about the
effects Manifest Destiny will have on the United States.
Launch Frame
Opening statement and Eliciting and Orienting Questions
question to get the discussion
Why do you think Polk will go to war with Mexico but negotiate with Great Britain?
started (Example, “We have
been learning how to add Discuss the Pros and Cons of Westward Expansion.
fractions in this activity. What What is your opinion of Manifest Destiny?
was an important key in Conclusion Frame
adding the fractions that
helped you? What have we We will continue to examine westward expansion in the United States and the consequences it
been learning about today?”) led to in the coming decade during that point in history.

Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask During the
What eliciting, probing, and
orienting questions will you
ask during the discussion?

Conclusion Frame
Closing statement about
what they learned in the
lesson, , a question about the
learning, and what they will
be working on next.
(Example - “We have been
adding fractions in this
lesson - What have you
learned about adding

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