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Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang ( X ) pada A,
B, C, D

1. (On the phone )

Patient : Hello, I would like to speak with nurse Yanti please.
Clinic : ……………………I will put you through.
A. You could have message
B. Tell me who is calling
C. Hold the line, please
D. Could please repeat ?
2. Receptionist : Hamzar Clinic good morning, may I help you
Client : Good morning, this is Brian James………………..?
Receptionist : Hold on, please Let me check his schedule.
A. Can I talk to doctor Ilham, please?
B. I would like to have a word with a doctor Ilham
C. Is doctor ilham around
D. I would like to make an appointment with doctor Ilham.
3. Haris : Robby , where are you?
Robby : I am in the house. What’s matter?
Haris : Oh……….
Robby : I would like to help you. for what?
The suitable expression to complete the above dialogue is’’’
A. Would you like some help?
B. Sorry, I can’t help you
C. Could I possibly ask you to help me
D. Let me help you
4. Yuli : may I help you?
Dinda : Hmmmm Don’t bother yourself, thanks
The underline sentence express…
A. Refusing an offer
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Asking help
5. Dinda : Will you help me to build a new tent?
Intan : Yes, of course…….
The above dialogue can be completed with ……
A. Shall I
B. Will I
C. I will
D. I will not
Mr. James : John, come here ,please
John : Yes sir. I am coming
Mr. James : (6)……….the goods to the shop, please
John : With pleasure, Sir
Mr.James : Don’t forget to put into the correct case!
John : (7)………,Sir,
Mr. James : Thanks
6. A. Can I bring
B. Can you bring
C. Don’t bring
D. May I bring

7. . A. Sorry I can’t
B. I wish I could help you

C. I am busy
D. Don’t worry

Dear Candra.
Receiving a opportunity as a nurse student of Hamzar STIKES is your biggest dream.
Now, your dream has come true.
You are the chosen one and we are proud of you.
8..Who is Candra?
A. A smart student
B. A Hamzar STIKES student
C. A Famous student
D. A good student
9. . Why does Sonia write the text?
A. To describe her feeling
B. To show deep sympathy
C. To congratulate a person
D. To amuse a person
10. My friend and……will be having a one day camp next week
A. I
B. Me
C. Him
D. Them
11. Erna and Jony are close friends …….have known each other since senior high school
A. They
B. She
C. He
D. Them
12. Don’t keep the bird in aq cage . Please set…….
A. us
B. It
C. You
D. Them
13. Agus look very happy……. Received the best mark at the English
A. She
B. They
C. He
D. You
14. Yudi and Elly meet at the alley……….they are going to the library
A. They
B. She
C. Them
D. We
15. we should use our ……lives for positive deeds and activities
A. Favorite
B. Teenage
C. Interest
D. Community
16. Anton : What is your …
Tio : I like dangdut
A. Interest
B. Favorite
C. Teenage
D. Exciting
17. The old man ………last week due to serious illness
A. Life
B. Live
C. Death
D. Passed away

Visiting a Patient in the Hospital

There are many different types of people who want to visit a patient who is staying
in the hospital. Some are permitted while others aren’t. As a good nurse, you must handle
this situation in good care. You must be able to provide good and brief explanation to the
visitors to prevent anger or argue between you and the visitors. Always remember to put
customer’s satisfaction at the first place, instead of your ago or saying emotional statements
who keeps them away from the hospital.
18.   Why should hospital limit the time to visit patient?
a.       To avoid stealing or robbing
b.      To make the hospital crowded by many people
c.       To make silent area inside the hospital
d.      To make sure that patients has many times to have rest

19.   What should a nurse do if visitor force to visit patients, although patients must have
many time to rest?
a.       Provided good and brief explanation to the visitors
b.      Chase away the visitor directly
c.       Ask much money to the visitors if they want to visit patient
d.      Angry to the visitor
20.  Why should a nurse provide good and brief explanation to the visitor?
a.       To make sure that the visitor go away from hospital
b.      To have much money
c.       To have break time to chat the visitor
d.      To prevent anger or argue between you and the visitor
21.  What suitable places do you suggest to the visitors who want to visit patients, but
patients must stile have to take rest?
a.       Parking area
b.      Surgical ward
c.       Lobby
d.      Patient room

22..  Here is perhaps some of the visitor, expect?

a.      Family
b.       Neighbor
c.      Robber
d.       Friend
23. Dr. Marley is very smart. He ….. four languages.
a.       speak                                
b.      Speaks
c.       Spoken
d.      Speaking

24This exercises was too….. for me. I got score 100.

A. Difficult
B. Easy
C. Expensive
D. High

25. Diana’s Barbie is broken. So Diana is very….. now

A. Confuse
B. Sad
C. Happy
D. Charm
26. Would you like to……a cup of coffee?

A. Drink
B. Drank
C. Drinking
D. Drunk

27. Would you mind ……this letter?

A. Give
B. Gave
C. Giving
D. Given

28. Would you mind……me aspirin?

A. To buy
B. Buy
C. Bought
D. Buying

29. Would you mind not… fast?

A. Driven
B. Drive
C. Driving
D. To drive

30.Would you mind if I …..your computer?

A. Used
B. To use
C. Use
D. Using

Find out the meaning ( cari artinya)

31. Blind
a. Melihat b. Melek c. Buta d. Buta Hurup
32. Bleeding
a. Darah b. Berdarah c. Melepuh d. Kena darah
33. Cough
a. Filek b. Demam c. Flu d. Batuk
34. Fiver
a. Batuk b. Filek c. Demam d. Flu
35. Fracture
a. Sakit Tulang b. Patah Tulang c. Nyeri tulang d. Keseleo
36. Heart attack
a. Serangan Jantung b. Sakit jantung c. Jantung d, Lemah Jantung
37. sore throat
a. Tenggorokan b. Gatal tenggorokan c.nyeri Tenggorokan d. Sakit Tenggorokan
38. Toothache
a. Sakit Gigi b. Gigi nyeri c. Gigi d. Gigi patah
39. Give birth
a. Lahir b. Di lahirkan c. Melahirkan d. Kelahiran
40. Injection
a. Jarum suntik b. Suntik c. alat suntik d. Suntikan






1.B 11. 21. 31. C

2. 12.B 22.C 32. B
3.C 13. 23.B 33.
4.A 14.A 24. 34. C
5. 15.B 25.B 35. A
6.B 16. 26. 36.
7.D 17.D 27. B 37. A
8. 18.B 28. 38.
9.C 19. 29. D 39. A
10. 20.C 30. 40 C

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