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Quarter 1
(Week 1)

Name: _______________________ Date: _______________

Grade/Section: ______________ Score: ______________


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify homogeneous mixtures.

A mixture is a combination of two

or more substances that are not
chemically combined. The
substances are put together but no
new substance is formed.

Remember This
A mixture forms when two or more substances are combined such that each
substance retains its own chemical identity. A homogeneous mixture has a single
phase and a heterogeneous mixture has two or more phases. A homogenous mixture is
a mixture that has uniform composition throughout. Homogenous mixtures could be
in a liquid or solid form. Only one phase is seen or visible after mixing the different
Take a look at the following examples:
1. Rain water and tap water are examples of homogeneous mixtures since they
have the same composition.
2. Corn starch and flour are homogeneous mixture because you cannot identify
or distinguist the individual parts of the mixtures.

Let’s Warm Up
What comes into your mind when you hear the word MATTER? Write 5 words
related to matter.
“What Matters Most”


That’s a good start.
There’s more ahead _
for you.

Let’s Explore
Directions: Write the word YES on the line if the illustration in each number is a
homogeneous mixture and NO if not.

__________1. __________4.

__________2. __________5.

You’re brain works! _

Move forward to _____


Let’s Do This Task

Directions: Identify the homogeneous mixtures. Write your answer on the table
Buko juice Corn starch and flour Halo-halo Calamansi juice
Lemonade Buko salad Fruit salad Pansit
Milk Spaghetti


You are learning! _____
Keep it up. _

Let’s Learn More

Directions: Write the TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

__________1. Concrete is a homogeneous mixture of an aggregate, cement and

__________2. Sugar and sand form a heterogeneous mixture.
__________3. Ice cubes in cola form a homogeneous mixture.
__________4. Salt and pepper form a homogeneous mixture.
__________5. Chocolate chip cookies are a homogeneous mixture.

Fantastic! _____
You’re almost

Let’s Test Your Learning

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the space
before each number.

_________1. These materials are uniform in composition. Which of the following

are these?

A. white sugar and corn starch

B. flour and corn starch
C. flour and white sugar
D. iodized salt and corn starch

__________2. The following are homogeneous mixtures except one. Which of the
following are these?

A. Alcohol and water

B. Rain water and tap water
C. Cup of coffee and tea
D. Oil and water

__________3. Homogeneous mixtures are _________ and __________

A. uniform in composition and not easily identifiable

B. differ in composition and identifiable
C. uniform in composition and identifiable
D. differ in composition and not easily identifiable
__________4. Why is a cup of coffee considered as homogeneous mixtures?

A. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar is uniform throughout the cup.
B. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar differs throughout the cup.
C. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar can be identify throughout the cup.
D. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar cab be distinguish throughout the cup.

__________5. Is it important to be careful in handling mixtures? Why?

A. Yes, because we want to keep safe.
B. Yes, because we love accident.
C. No, because we can’t move freely.
D. No, because accident can happen anytime.
You’re a smart _
kid! Continue.

Let’s Do Further
Directions: Compose a three stanza poem about mixture.


Scoring Rubric

Points Description

5 Students understanding of the concept is clearly evident

Student uses effective strategies to get accurate results

Student uses logical thinking to arrive at conclusion.

4 Student understanding of the concept is evident.

Student uses appropriate strategies to arrive at conclusion.

Student shows thinking skills to arrive at conclusion.

3 Student has limited understanding of a concept.

Student uses strategies that are ineffective.

Student attempts to show thinking skills.

1 Student lacks understanding of the concept.

Student makes no attempt to use a strategy.

Student shows no understanding.

Congratulations! You have Score:

done it. _____
See you tomorrow

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify heterogenous mixtures (S6MT-Ia2-1)

Hello dear pupils! Yesterday, you

learned about identifying homogeneous
mixtures. Today, you will learn to
identify heterogeneous mixtures.
Happy learning!

Remember This
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that does not have uniform composition. The
composition of a heterogenous mixture does not blend throughout. The individual
substances or the components are recognizable or remain distinct. The phases or
substances are all visible.

Take a look at the following examples:

1. A freshly squeezed orange juice is an example of heterogeneous mixture of
juice and pulp. The pulp component floats in a juice component.
2. Another example is salad dressing. Salad dressings are not uniformly
distributed throughout.
3. Vinegar and oil salad dressing have two liquids layers present, as well as solids.
The substances have not blended smoothly but it remain distinct.

Let’s Warm Up
Directions: List down at list five examples of homogeneous mixtures. Write your
answer on the table below.
That’s a good Score:
start! _____
Continue. _
Let’s Get Involve
Directions: Write the word YES on the line if the illustration in each number is a
heterogeneous mixture and NO if not.

__________1. __________4.

__________2. __________5.


You’re brain works! _
Move forward. _____
Let’s Do This Task
Directions: Identify the heterogeneous mixtures. Write your answer on the table
Hot coffee Orange juice Halo-halo
Lemonade Buko salad Fruit salad
Milk Spaghetti Calamansi juice


You are learning! _____
Keep it up. _

Let’s Learn More

Directions: Put a check (√) mark on the blank if the statement shows example of
heterogeneous mixture and put an (X) if not.
_____1. Chocolate chip cookies
_____2. Salt and pepper
_____3. Hot coffee
_____4. Sand and gravel
_____5. Water

You learn well! _____
Test your _
Let’s Test Your Learning
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the space
before each number.
_____1. Heterogeneous mixtures do not have uniform composition. Which of the
following are these?
a. Oil and water
b. Calamansi juice
c. Sugar and water
d. Alloy
_____2. The following are examples of heterogeneous mixtures. Which does not
a. Buko salad
b. Buko juice
c. Pansit
d. Spaghetti
_____3. Salad dressings are example of heterogeneous mixtures. Why?
a. Salad dressings are not uniformly distributed throughout.
b. Salad dressings are mixed evenly.
c. Salad dressings are uniform in composition.
d. Salad dressings have one phase.
_____4. Are corn starch and flour belong to heterogeneous mixtures? Why?
a. Yes, because you can identify the individual parts of the mixtures.
b. Yes, because the mixture does not blend throughout.
c. No, because you cannot identify the individual parts of the mixture.
d. No, because the mixture does not blend throughout.
_____5. Which statement is true about heterogeneous mixture?
a. Heterogeneous mixture have uniform composition.
b. The phase or substances of heterogeneous mixture are all visible.
c. The individual components of heterogeneous mixture is not recognizable.
d. All of the above.

You’re a smart _____
kid! Continue.
Let’s Do Further
Directions: List down at least ten examples of heterogeneous mixtures. Write your
answer on the table below.

Congratulations! Score:
You’ve completed the _
activities for today.
See you next time.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe the appearance of homogeneous mixtures.

Last Monday, you learned

about identifying homogeneous
mixture. Now, let us deepen your
understanding about its
Good luck!
Remember This
Homogeneous refers to a substance that is consistent or uniform throughout
its volume. They consist of a single phase, be it liquid, gas, or solid, no matter where
you sample them or how closely you examine them.

Let’s Warm Up
Directions: Identify the kind of mixtures as to homogeneous or heterogeneous

__________1. Milk
__________2. Buko juice
__________3. Halo-halo
__________4. Lemonade
__________5. Fruit salad

That’s a good start. Score:

There’s more ahead _____
for you. _
Let Us Explore
What You Need:
 1 pc spoon
 4 pcs of mixing bowl/ any plastic container
 1 teaspoon of the following pairs of materials:
white sugar and iodized salt, cornstarch and creamer, iodized salt and vetsin, flour
and baby powder

What to Do:

1. Prepare one teaspoon of each of the materials listed in the table.

2. Using spoon, mix/combine the pairs of solid materials (listed in the table) in the
mixing bowl or any plastic container.
3. After mixing/combining the materials, observe what happens. Record your
observations on the table below by checking the proper column.

Can you identify/ Did the resulting

distinguish the mixtures look the
Solid Materials
mixtures easily? same throughout?
Yes No Yes No
white sugar and iodized salt
cornstarch and creamer
iodized salt and vetsin
flour and baby powder
Cornstarch and flour
Alcohol and water
Cup of coffee and tea
Tap water and rain water
Coconut milk and water
Oil and water
Answer the following Questions:

1. What can you say about the appearance of the mixtures?

2. What do you call the mixtures that look the same throughout?
3. After mixing cornstarch and flour, can you easily identify/distinguish the individual
parts of the mixtures? Why?
4. What will you do in handling the mixtures?

You’re brain works!

Move forward to

Let’s Do This Task

Directions: Describe what will happen to the following if we combine it with water.
Write become cloudy, formed 2 or more layers or cannot be distinguished

________1. soy souce _________4. soft drinks

________2. gasoline _________5. used oil

________3. juice

You are learning! _____
Keep it up. _
Let’s Learn More
Directions: Make a poster about a homogeneous mixture. Use a separate sheet of
paper for a better work.

Scoring Rubric

Points Description

5 Students understanding of the concept is clearly evident

Student uses effective strategies to get accurate results

Student uses logical thinking to arrive at conclusion.

4 Student understanding of the concept is evident.

Student uses appropriate strategies to arrive at conclusion.

Student shows thinking skills to arrive at conclusion.

3 Student has limited understanding of a concept.

Student uses strategies that are ineffective.

Student attempts to show thinking skills.

1 Student lacks understanding of the concept.

Student makes no attempt to use a strategy.

Student shows no understanding.

Let’s Test Your Learning

Forming & Describing Mixtures

Let’s find out: How can you form mixtures?

Let’s use these materials: two glasses, tap water, teaspoon, salt, powdered milk,

Let’s do it this way:

1. Half-fill the four glasses with tap water.
2. Put a teaspoon of salt in one glass. Stir. Label it as “Mixture A.”
3. Put a teaspoon of powdered milk in another glass. Stir. Label it “Mixture B.”
4. Leave the set-ups for about 1 minute. Observe each set-up. Compare them.
5. Fill in the table below.

Mixture Components Phase after Can you still

(Before mixing) Combining the distinguish the
Substances components?

1. Can you distinguish the components?

Let’s share our knowledge:

What is a homogeneous mixtures


Phenomenal! You have

something to show. Score:
Let’s Do Further _
Directions: What kind of mixtures are the following. Describe each.
Calamansi juice
Rain water
Hot coffee

Congratulations! You have done the

lesson for today. See you tomorow. Score:

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe the appearance of heterogenous mixtures

Hello dear pupils! Yesterday, you

learned about the appearance of
homogeneous mixtures. Today, you will
learn about the appearance of
heterogeneous mixtures.
God bless!

Remember This
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture having a non-uniform composition. The
composition varies from one region to another, with at least two phases that remain
separate from each other, with clearly identifiable properties. If you examine a
sample of a heterogeneous mixture, you can see the separate components.
Mixed materials can be classified depending on the appearance of the
resulting mixture.
When solid material is mixed with other solid material, each of the
combined/mixed materials can be easily identified/distinguished from one another.
Such mixture is called heterogeneous mixture.

Let’s Warm Up
Directions: Give five examples of homogeneous mixtures and describe the
appearance of each.
That’s a good Score:
start! _____
Continue. _
Let’s Explore
I. Materials:
Water sand calamansi oil
nuts marbles plastic container
II. Procedure:
1. Prepare four plastic containers
2. Put water and nuts in one plastic container
3. Put unstrained calamansi in the second container.
4. Put sand and marbles in the third plastic container
5. Put water and oil in the fourth container.
6. Observed what will happen.

Let’s Do This Task

Water and nuts
Unstrained calamansi
Sand and marbles
Oil and water

You learn well! _____
Learn more _
Let’s Learn More
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the activity given.
1. From your activity what materials did you mix or combine?
2. What happened to this material? Did it change its appearance?
3. What do you call to this kind of mixtures?

You are learning! _____
Keep it up. _

Let’s Test Your Learning

Activity 1
Forming & Describing Mixtures

Let’s find out: How can you form mixtures?

Let’s use these materials: two glasses, tap water, teaspoon, oil, gravel

Let’s do it this way:

1. Half-fill the two glasses with tap water.

2. Put a teaspoon of oil in the third glass. Stir. Label it as “Mixture A.”
3. Put a teaspoon of gravel in the fourth glass. Stir. Label it as “Mixture B.”
4. Leave the set-ups for about 1 minute. Observe each set-up. Compare them.
5. Fill in the table below.

Mixture Components Phase after Can you still

(Before mixing) Combining the distinguish the
Substances components?

1. Can you distinguish the components?

2. Describe non-uniform mixtures


You’re a smart _____
kid! Continue. _

Let’s Do Further
Directions: Collect pictures of some materials that has the appearance of
heterogeneous mixture. Paste it in your notebook.

Congratulations! Score:
You’ve completed the _
activities for today.
See you next time.
Answer Keys for Day 1

“What Matters Most”


Liquid Gas

Plasma Molecules

Let’s Explore
Directions: Write the word YES on the line if the illustration in each number is a
homogeneous mixture and NO if not.
1. NO
2. NO
3. YES
4. NO
5. YES
Let’s Do This Task
Buko juice
Calamansi juice
Corn starch and flour

Let’s Learn More

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False

Let’s Test Your Learning

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. A
Answer Keys for Day 2

Let’s Get Involve

1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

Let’s Do This Task

Orange juice
Buko salad
Fruit salad

Let’s Learn More

Directions: Put a check (√) mark on the blank if the statement shows example of
heterogeneous mixture and put an (X) if not.
1. √
2. √
3. X
4. √
5. X
Let’s Test Your Learning
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
Answer Keys for Day 3

Let’s Warm Up
Directions: Identify the kind of mixtures as to homogeneous or heterogeneous

1. Homogeneous
2. Homogeneous
3. Heterogeneous
4. Homogeneous
5. Heterogeneous

Let Us Explore

Can you identify/ Did the resulting

distinguish the mixtures look the
Solid Materials
mixtures easily? same throughout?
Yes No Yes No
white sugar and iodized salt √ √
cornstarch and creamer √ √
iodized salt and vetsin √ √
flour and baby powder √ √
Cornstarch and flour √ √
Alcohol and water √ √
Cup of coffee and tea √ √
Tap water and rain water √ √
Coconut milk and water √ √
Oil and water √ √
Answer the following Questions:

1. What can you say about the appearance of the mixtures?

Mixtures looked the same throughout.

2. What do you call the mixtures that look the same throughout?
They are called homogeneous mixtures.
3. After mixing cornstarch and flour, can you easily identify/distinguish the
individual parts of the mixtures? Why?
No, because they are uniform in composition
4. What will you do in handling the mixtures?
Be careful in handling the mixtures.

Let’s Do This Task

1. cloudy 4. Cannot be distinguished
2. Formed 2 layers 5. Formed 2 layers
3. Cannot be distinguished

Let’s Test Your Learning

Mixture Components Phase after Can you still
(Before mixing) Combining the distinguish the
Substances components?

Water and Salt Distinct Uniform No

A composition
Water and Distinct Uniform No
Powdered Milk composition

1. Can you still distinguish the components?

Let’s share our knowledge:
2. What is a homogeneous mixture?
A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that has a single phase or uniform

Let’s Do Further
Directions: What kind of mixtures are the following. Describe each.
Calamansi juice Homo Cloudy
Rain water Homo Cannot be distinguished
Hot coffee Homo Cloudy

Answer Keys for Day 4

Let’s Do This Task

Water and nuts Distinct or recognizable
Unstrained calamansi Distinct or recognizable
Sand and marbles Distinct or recognizable
Oil and water Formed two layers

Let’s Learn More

1. Water and nuts, unstrained calamansi, sand and marbles, oil and water.
2. The materials remain distinct. The appearance did not change.
3. These mixtures are called heterogeneous mixtures.
Let’s Test Your Learning
Mixture Components Phase after Can you still
(Before mixing) Combining the distinguish the
Substances components?

A Distinct Formed 2 layers Yes

B Distinct Solid phase Yes

1. Yes

2. Non-uniform mixtures have individual components which are recognizable or

remain distinct.

For your information and reference, you may access the following sources:

Curriculum Guide in Science Grade Six (K to 12 Curriculum)

Cruz, Juanita M. et al (2003) Into Future: Science and Health Six (TM) pp. 87-
Del Prado, Natividad A. et al (2009) Science and Health 6, Vicarish Publication,
Sta. Ana, Manila Philippines, pp. 206-207
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Dear Parent/Guardian,
Kindly evaluate honestly your child’s performance in accomplishing the
activities in this module. Please put a check on the line before the indicator that is
applicable. May God bless you always!

In the activities for this module, my child/ward...
_____ finished the activities entirely on his/her own;
_____ needed a little help from me;
_____ needed much help from me; or
_____ dependent on me the whole time.
Other remarks: ____________________________________________
(Parent’s/ Guardian’s Name and Signature)

Teacher’s Feedback...
Name: _____________________ Date: _______________

Grade/Section: ______________ Score: ______________


At the end of this weekly test, the pupils are expected to have
mastery in homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

TEST I. Multiple Choices

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the space
before each number.
_________1. These materials are uniform in composition. Which of the following
are these?
A. white sugar and corn starch
B. flour and corn starch
C. flour and white sugar
D. iodized salt and corn starch
__________2. The following are homogeneous mixtures except one. Which of the
following are these?
A. Alcohol and water
B. Rain water and tap water
C. Cup of coffee and tea
D. Oil and water
__________3. Homogeneous mixtures are _________ and __________
A. uniform in composition and not easily identifiable
B. differ in composition and identifiable
C. uniform in composition and identifiable
D. differ in composition and not easily identifiable
__________4. Why is a cup of coffee considered as homogeneous mixtures?
A. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar is uniform throughout the cup.
B. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar differs throughout the cup.
C. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar can be identify throughout the cup.
D. Because the mixture of coffee and sugar cab be distinguish throughout the cup.
__________5. Is it important to be careful in handling mixtures? Why?
A. Yes, because we want to keep safe.
B. Yes, because we love accident.
C. No, because we can’t move freely.
D. No, because accident can happen anytime.
TEST II. Identification
Directions: Identify the kind of mixtures as homogeneous or heterogeneous
mixture. Write your answer on the table below.

Buko juice Corn starch and flour Halo-halo Calamansi juice

Lemonade Buko salad Fruit salad Pansit
Milk Spaghetti

TEST III. True or False
Directions: Write the TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

__________11. Concrete is a homogeneous mixture of an aggregate, cement and

__________12. Sugar and sand form a heterogeneous mixture.
__________13. Ice cubes in cola form a homogeneous mixture.
__________14. Salt and pepper form a heterogeneous mixture.
__________15. Chocolate chip cookies are a heterogeneous mixture.
TEST IV. Classification
Directions: Write Homo if the following are homogeneous and Hetero if
heterogenous on the blank before each number.

__________16. __________19.
__________17. __________20.

False 1. Concrete is a homogeneous mixture of an aggregate, cement and water.
True 2. Sugar and sand form a heterogeneous mixture.
False 3. Ice cubes in cola form a homogeneous mixture.
True 4. Salt and pepper form a heterogeneous mixture.
True 5. Chocolate chip cookies are a heterogeneous mixture.
6. Lemonade Halo-halo
7. Milk Fruit salad
8. Buko juice Buko salad
9. Calamansi juice Pansit
10. Corn starch and flour Spaghetti
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. A
16. Hetero
17. Hetero
18. Homo
19. Hetero

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